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profeminist · 3 days ago
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"I didn't grow up saying 'with liberty and justice for all' every fucking day to accept anything less."
Art by TJDPoetry
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lg-everything-else · 23 hours ago
Transcription of tweets by patriciadeanna posted 10/03/2025:
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"The fantasy: Guillotines and revolution.
The reality: You don't even have a community defense fund.
You're not waiting for a revolution. You're waiting for a movie.
Some dramatic moment where the people finally "rise up" and the villains cower in fear. You think
you're playing Les Mis. Meanwhile, the people actually in power are playing chess, not storming castles.
Let's break it down.
1 - The war already started. You just didn't notice.
• Roe v. Wade was overturned. That was a declaration of war on women.
• Voter suppression laws exploded. That was a power grab.
• Social media platforms were bought, gutted, and weaponized. That's a psy-op.
• The courts are being stacked with lifetime appointees. That's regime-building.
But you're still waiting for a moment-when the strategy is unfolding in plain sight."
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"2 - They don't need to outnumber you. They just need to outmaneuver you.
You think you're stronger because "most people don't support them." Cute. Power isn't about who's right. It's about who's in control.
• They control the courts.
• They control key media narratives.
• They control local elections where the real power shifts.
And yet, people still think tweeting "rise up" does something.
3 - Cambridge Analytica never stopped. It just changed platforms.
You thought misinformation was bad in 2016? Welcome to Cambridge Analytica 2.0, but this time, it's embedded directly into your favorite social media. Twitter? Compromised. Facebook? Still a mess. Reddit? Being shifted right under your nose. Meanwhile, influencers are being bribed, bought, or manipulated into pushing right-wing narratives."
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"4 - The French Revolution? That's your power fantasy, not a game plan.
You want a revolution where the people rise up, the ruling class trembles, and justice is served. But here's what actually happened:
• The French Revolution descended into chaos and was followed by Napoleon's dictatorship.
• The Russian Revolution replaced one autocrat with another.
• Most violent revolutions end in more authoritarianism, not freedom.
But y'all think a storm-the-palace moment is coming.
5 - You need power, not protest cosplay.
The left loves "resistance" but fears power.
• You want justice, but you refuse to play the same ruthless game your enemies do.
• You want fairness, but you let bad actors manipulate "morality" to disarm you.
• You want democracy, but you refuse to use power strategically to enforce it.
You're afraid of power, but your enemies aren't. That's why they win."
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"Final Drag: Wake Up.
• The battlefield is narrative, infrastructure, and influence.
• The tools are soft power, coordinated strategy, and economic leverage.
• The war isn't coming. It already started.
If you actually want to change things, you need to understand the battlefield.
READ. Learn how power operates, historically and in real-time.
STUDY. Stop reacting to headlines- analyze the systems at play.
ORGANIZE. Build coalitions, control resources, and move in silence.
STRATEGIZE. Every move should be calculated, not just cathartic.
Stop waiting for the people to rise up and start learning how power actually works.
Or keep LARPing the French Revolution. The choice is yours."
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"Where to Start: Studying Power, Strategy & Influence
•The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon (Decolonization, revolutionary theory)
•Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire (How oppression is sustained through education)
• The Color of Law - Richard Rothstein (How racial segregation was engineered by policy)
• Black Marxism - Cedric Robinson (The history of racial capitalism)
• The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein (How the elite exploit crises to reshape us)"
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• A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn (The history they don't teach in school)
• The Jakarta Method - Vincent Bevins (How the U.S. engineered mass killings of leftists worldwide)
• They Can't Kill Us All - Wesley Lowery (The modern Black liberation movement)
• The Sword and the Shield - Peniel Joseph (Malcolm X vs. MLK: Two sides of revolutionary strategy)
• Blood in My Eye - George Jackson (A firsthand account of prison abolition)
• The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene (Read critically, as it's often used unethically)
• Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky (Community organizing 101)
•The Prince - Machiavelli (Understanding realpolitik and power moves)
• The Art of War - Sun Tzu (How to think like a strategist, not just a fighter)
• The Dictator's Handbook - Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith (How power actually works in governments)"
Image 7:
• The Medium is the Message - Marshall McLuhan (How media shapes thought, not just delivers content)
• Contagious - Jonah Berger (How ideas spread and influence culture)
• The Persuaders - Anand Giridharadas (How movements win hearts and minds)
• Caste - Isabel Wilkerson (How racial hierarchies sustain themselves over time)
•Weapons of Math Destruction - Cathy O'Neil (How Al & data reinforce oppression)
• 13th (Netflix) - How the prison-industrial complex is modern-day slavery
• Century of the Self (YouTube) - How public relations manipulates the masses
• Manufacturing Consent (YouTube) - Noam Chomsky on media as a tool of power
• The Great Hack (Netflix) - How data and social media are used to control populations
•MLK/FBI (Amazon Prime) - How the U.S. covertly sabotages Black leadership"
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melachoir · 2 days ago
Not sorry...
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nando161mando · 13 days ago
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wegotfanfictionathome · 2 months ago
Well at least I get to use this meme now
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flinnirthefruityfiend · 23 minutes ago
yes and no! i don't consider myself a person in the human centric use of the word. however as a vegan, i consider all life that is sapient, sentient, and/or conscious to be considered people (not all vegans might agree with that, however my animal rights philosophy/abolitionism does influence this perspective). yes this includes insects!
i think it's worth mentioning that personhood and the state of being a person are not the same thing. similarly, you can experience or be connected to womanhood without being a woman: i've met a handful of trans people who feel this way. so i do not think having personhood makes me a person by default.
but i agree with everyone saying it's important to acknowledge the personhood of the nonhuman community. this is why i reject the human definition of personhood; taking personhood away from any creature has always been used as a form of oppression.
I have a question for other Alterhumans/nonhumans. Do you consider yourself a person? I saw a post saying they think of animals as people and It made me curious.
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pilloclock · 1 year ago
Donate to Congo:
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Help Congo 🇨🇩 you do not need the latest iPhone yours works absolutely fine.
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bostoncreamdonut · 2 months ago
Y’all are very strange creatures to show more empathy toward Caitlyn than the workers in the Lanes she gassed, just because they’re labeled as ‘criminals.’ It should be common sense that, given the state of Zaun, this might be the only way they can sustain themselves— a situation created by Piltover’s neglect and oppression. And let’s not forget, even kids were [forced to] work for the Chembarons. Gas is not going to go “minor detected, must swerve!!!”
But somehow, we gotta have this endless empathy for Caitlyn, as if her mom wasn’t also part of the problem. “The people of the underground deserve to breathe”— wow that’s like the bare minimum, thanks Cassandra.
All of the councilors (except maybe Mel? not sure) were against an independent Zaun. People were still living in horrible conditions. She’s in a position of power and is still complicit with all the other issues Zaunites face. Cassandra Kiramman was NOT a good person and she could’ve done so much more for Zaun than improve the air quality.
Do we even know what areas of Zaun were ventilated? Was it ever stated? /genq
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schizosupport · 9 months ago
I think there's a terrible catch 22 existing for mentally ill people, especially for those of us with psychosis, where diagnosis is necessary for many accommodations, treatment and resources - but diagnosis also puts you at serious risk of systemic oppression and loss of autonomy.
And while it should be considered a privilege not to have had a diagnosis forced on you, it's also pretty fucking wild to have to forego resources that could genuinely improve your life, because it puts you at risk of having your autonomy compromised.
People with diagnoses of the psychotic and schizo spec variety (especially schizophrenia and schizoaffective) are regularly denied things like transition-related healthcare and fertility related healthcare, not to mention we are at a much increased risk of having our children wrongfully removed. We regularly have our health-related concerns dismissed as delusional, which is thought to be a contributing factor to the lower life expectancy of schizophrenics. There's a number of jobs that you're not allowed to take if you have this type of a diagnosis, and in many places, you have to jump through extra hoops for things like keeping a driver's license.
I'm not intending to fear-monger: I think many people affected by these symptoms/disorders are already well aware of the risks in their specific area of the world. But I think that people who are so quick to judge self-identified psychotic individuals for not seeking out professional help and validation, need to consider the serious cost-benefit analysis that goes into this.
And I also think that bright-eyed individuals who seek out professional diagnosis mostly for the sake of validation need to stop and take some time to research whether this diagnosis is liable to come back to haunt them later in life, first. Because if it's just about the validation, I'm here to tell you that you do NOT need a psychiatrist's stamp of approval for your experiences to be real and worthy of support. You are welcome in this community, and I'm never going to judge anyone for choosing not to disclose their symptoms to a psychiatric authority.
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cavalierzee · 6 months ago
Zionists Morphing Into Nazis
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During the Holocaust, Nazis would paint the Star of David on the homes of Jewish people – marking them for forced eviction.
Zionists do the same to Palestinians. The Star of David marks a Palestinian home for eviction, and then destruction.
Ousman Noor
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soundlessdragon · 2 months ago
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nando161mando · 11 months ago
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There are now over 15 million empty homes in the US, and 650,000 homeless per the very bias official numbers, or 23 houses per person
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headshotters · 3 months ago
small reminder to everyone who is treated poorly for standing up for themselves,
your reactions to oppression, disrespect, or discrimination are not irrational,
you are not in the wrong for standing up for yourself and setting boundaries,
you are not bad for being angry at those who hurt you,
it is not rude to set boundaries,
you do not have to forgive,
it is okay to fight, resist, and rebel,
you do not owe kindness to those who do not treat you as human,
you do not have to kiss the boots that kick you.
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adropofhumanity · 7 months ago
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codthefishgod · 1 year ago
To all the people who think aspec people aren't LGBTQIA+ because we aren't "discriminated against enough", here's a lovely list of reasons why you need to educate yourself:
- We suffer from dehumanisation, people actively devaluing or even erasing our humanity because of our identities (The voidpunk community is heavily supported by aspec people because of this)
- We suffer from self hatred due to feeling as if and being told we are broken, that no one can be happy unless they're in a romantic/sexual relationship, because of allonormativity and amatonormativity that actively damages our mental health
- Amatonormativity shapes laws that put us at an active disadvantage, such as giving married people financial and legal benefits
- Aspec people have been victims of conversion therapy, correctional rape, a lower quality of life, and other effects of being a marginalised and oppressed group
- We suffer from our identities being pathologised and deal with medical stigma because of this, causing many of us to feel unwelcome in and even avoid health care settings
- We suffer from our identities being erased, which can range from people completely denying our existence and people equating it to celibacy, to an almost complete absence of aspec representation in the media (It's been getting better lately, especially for alloaces and aroaces, but I have yet to ever see a canon aroallo character, and representation for those on the spectrum rather than in the extremes is often ignored)
- YOU are creating a hateful, exclusionary space in a community meant to be about inclusion. The same thing that happens to us happens to bisexual people, to polyamorous people, and other identities that are "disputed." In a community meant to be about rejecting the norm, YOU are shoving us out because we don't fit the norm of being LGBTQIA+. Because we're not enough like you.
These are only a few examples of aphobia that people like me deal with. Discrimination and oppression against aspec people stretches far beyond this.
But even if it didn't, it is disrespectful and harmful to everyone involved to gatekeep membership in the community based on oppression and discrimination.
We aren't LGBTQIA+ because we experience oppression. We are LGBTQIA+ because our existence alone goes against heteronormativity and other societal norms forced upon us.
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