#No need for a petsitter
snowfea · 10 months
Yesterday my gf and I adopted a cat. An adorable little boy, three years old according to the refuge, and they said he was sociable ++ but DAMN that is one CUDDLY cat.
I'm writing this with him on my lap. He's there because his previous resting spot, my gf's lap, is now occupied by her laptop because she has to work.
He's purring. He purred all night. He has the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I love him with all my heart.
We named him Mr Darcy
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threnodians · 5 months
operation do not cry at my irl bestie’s wedding: FAILED
#kayleigh.txt#if the pets didn’t need to be watched i would’ve been one of the bridesmaids#she gave me the same giftbag she gave them and so we’re wearing the same jewelry but alas#but yeah uh. i cried. a lot. struggled hiding it lmao#my bestie looks so fucking beautiful and perfect and her now husband immediately started crying when he saw her#honestly same lmfaooo#she made direct eye contact with me when the officiant mentioned that this wouldn’t have been possible without their loving friends and fam#which. didn’t help stop my crying lmfaooo#i’m fine this is fine; the only other wedding i’ve been to was my sister’s and i was one of the bridesmaids so 🤷🏼‍♀️#i was not emotional at all during that because idgaf about my sister tbqh#she and i stay civil and tolerate each other for the sake of our father but that is it 🤷🏼‍♀️#good thing i didn’t wear any fucking makeup because it would be ruined 😂#i am going to hang out eat dinner drink wine socialize and dance a bit#hug my bestie and her husband and cry some more probably#and thej hopefully head home before 10pm 😬🤞🏻#the pets need their pm medications and also just like. attention and all that lmao#because i am their petsitter until tomorrow afternoon/evening#also i am chronically ill and mentally ill and tired and in pain from helping set up the venue yesterday#also also i desperately wanna just. vc with friends and play genshin impact/honkai: star rail/fallout 4 🥲👍🏻#my social battery had been drained dry meeting everyone yesterday so today is. difficult
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yardsards · 1 year
,,,i miss Her (the ocean)
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thel1ghtningthief · 3 months
i have my posts scheduled for when im away, every other day at 2pm!!
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pascal-oswell · 2 years
also moses should get a cat.
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maretriarch · 2 years
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oh my god she looks just like shakira no no she looks like catherine zeta actually-
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reinemichele · 29 days
Man whose fucking idea was it to adjust my medication 2 days before I petsit for 2 weeks (slash sarcastic)
It wasn't working before, I was sleeping 14 hrs a day on what I was previously on, but this is day 4 of weaning myself off and day 2 of petsitting and I feel like cuh-rying . I could go into detail, but I don't want to bc I know it's mainly the adjustment and I just need to weather it 🥲
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hyperlexichypatia · 1 month
This is a semi spinoff of this post, but really its own thought.
When a job pays less than a living wage, it generally attracts one of two types of employees:
Desperate people (usually poor and/or otherwise marginalized or with barriers to employment), who will take any job, no matter how bad, because they need the money, or
Independently wealthy people (usually well-off retirees, students being supported by their families, or women with well-off husbands*), who don't care about the pay scale because they don't need the money anyway.**
And sometimes, organizations will intentionally keep a job low-paying or non-paying with the deliberate intent of narrowing their pool to that second category.
People sometimes bring this up when discussing the salaries of elected officials -- yes, most politicians are paid more than most "regular people," but they're not paid enough to sustain the expensive lifestyle politicians have to maintain, and that's on purpose. It's not an oversight, and it's not primarily about cost-cutting. It's a deliberate barrier to ensure that only rich people can run for office.
The same is true, albeit to less severe effect, of unpaid internships -- the benefit of "hiring" an unpaid intern isn't (just) that you don't have to pay them; it's also that you can ensure that all your workers are rich, or at least middle-class.
When nonprofits brag about how little of their budget goes to "overhead" and "salaries", as if those terms were synonymous with "waste," what they're really saying is "All our employees are financially comfortable enough that they don't worry about being underpaid. Our staff has no socioeconomic diversity, and probably very little ethnic or cultural diversity." ***
This isn't a secret. I'm not blowing anything wide open here. People very openly admit that they think underpaid workers are better, because they're "not in it for the money." This is frequently cited as a reason, for example, that private school teachers are "better" than public school teachers -- they're paid less, so they're not "in it for the money," so they must be working out of the goodness of their hearts. I keep seeing these cursed ads for a pet-sitting service where the petsitters aren't paid, which is a selling point, because they're "not in it for the money."
"In it for the money" is the worst thing a worker could be, of course. Heaven forbid they be so greedy and entitled and selfish as to expect their full-time labor to enable them to pay for basic living expenses. I get this all the time as a public library worker, when I point out how underfunded and underpaid we are. "But... you're not doing it for the money, right?" And I'm supposed to laugh and say "No, no, I'd do it for free, of course!"
Except, see, I have these pesky little human needs, like food. And I can't get a cart full of groceries and explain to the cashier that I don't have any money, but I have just so much job satisfaction!
And it's gendered, of course it's gendered. The subtext of "But you're not doing it for the money, of course" is "But how much pin money do you really need, little lady? Doesn't your husband give you a proper allowance?"
Conceptually, it's just an extension of the upper-class cultural norm that "polite" (rich) people "don't talk about money" (because if you have to think about how much money you have or how much you need, you're insufficiently rich).
*Gendered language very much intentional.
**Disabled people are more likely to be in the first category (most disabled people are poor, and being disabled is expensive), but are usually talked about as if they're in the second category. We're told that disabled people sorting clothing for $1.03 an hour are "So happy to be here" and "Just want to be included," and it's not like they need the money, since, as we all know, disability benefits are ample and generous [heavy sarcasm].
***Unless, of course, they're a nonprofit whose "mission" involves "job placement," in which case what they're saying is "We exploit the poor and desperate people we're purporting to help." Either way, "We pay our employees like crap" is nothing to brag about.
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wnobin · 9 months
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petsitter! wonbin x fem! reader
series synopsis: your friends refuse to look after your bunnies, tokki and dokki, while you’re on an overseas programme for a week. luckily, winter knows the right person for the job.
series masterlist
part seven: jealous
wonbin still couldn’t believe how far he made it. he was now standing outside your classroom, waiting for your lesson to end so you and him could get dinner together. just another 5 minutes and you would be out, the text from you read. wonbin turned his phone off after sending you the thumbs up emoji, nervously biting his lower lip as sungchan scrolled through tiktok next to him, having been forced to come wait with wonbin for emotional support. the nervous male switched to pick at his hangnails, looking up every time he heard someone’s feet shuffling, hoping that it would be you.
“jesus, did you bring me here to hold your hand? stop doing that.”
sungchan grabbed wonbin’s wrist in order to force him to stop picking at his skin which would eventually turn into small wounds that he would whine all night about. “of course i didn’t bring you here for that, i don’t need you to hold my hand,” wonbin scoffed, pulling his wrist away and rolling his eyes at sungchan. this only made sungchan laugh harder, intertwining his fingers with the other who cringed and tried to pull away. “aww, little wonbin needs me to hold his hand before his first date ever!”
the two of them continued their bickering, wonbin still trying to separate their hands, not even noticing you had already left the classroom and was now watching them argue with intertwined hands. you cleared your throat to get their attention and they immediately dropped their hands, wonbin bringing his hand behind his back as sungchan sheepishly scratched his head, turning to greet you. “hey, y/n! didn’t see you there…” he could once again feel wonbin’s glares at the side of his head and he couldn’t help but to awkwardly laugh, backing away as he patted wonbin’s shoulder. “you don’t need me here anymore. take care of him y/n! it’s his first date ever!”
before wonbin could tell sungchan to shut up, he was already giggling and sprinting back to the dorms. “fuckin’ hate that guy, i swear…”
“really? seemed like you must love him if you were holding hands with him,” you teased, giggling at the situation you caught them in. you caught the way wonbin’s cheeks flushed and he tried to avoid your gaze. he was cute. really cute. “if you keep making fun of me you can get dinner by yourself,” wonbin tried to sound assertive but you could hear the nervousness in his voice. you didn’t think sungchan was lying about this being wonbin’s first date so you decided to take the lead, tugging on his sleeve and beginning your walk to the nearby ramen place off-campus. you weren’t that brave though, still hesitant to hold wonbin’s hand despite the back of your hands touching due to the close proximity.
wonbin wanted desperately to interlock hands with yours but he was still too shy to initiate any sort of physical contact with you. what do people usually do on first dates? is holding hands a first date or second date thing? his head was full of thoughts like this and he zoned out, not even realising that your hand was holding his stiff and unresponsive hand, too busy thinking of what conversation topics he should bring up during the dinner. he didn’t even notice the way his hand suddenly felt warmer until you squeezed it gently, bringing him back to reality, the both of you now standing in front of the ramen restaurant. it was surprisingly quiet for a weekday evening, the place usually brimming with groups of students who had just finished their lectures.
you guys didn’t have to wait long until you were seated in a booth, a male with a notepad and menus quickly heading over to your table. “oh, y/n? i didn’t expect to see you here!” you lifted your head to look at the waiter, who was also your classmate in one of your biology classes. or your communications class. you didn’t know, you didn’t pay attention to other guys anyways. you greeted him back, not engaging in further conversation when you had the guy of your dreams right in front of you. for some reason, wonbin no longer had a small smile on his face, now replaced by a tight lipped expression. he was wearing a nametag with the name niki. he didn’t miss the way niki’s fingers lingered on yours a little longer than normal when he handed the menus over to you, or the way he gave wonbin a sidelong glance. wonbin wasn’t the type to let his jealousy show easily, but couldn’t he tell that you were on a date? maybe he should’ve sat next to you instead of opposite you. thankfully, niki left after taking your orders without attempting to make small talk with you.
while waiting for your food, you slumped over and sighed, beginning to rant to wonbin about your long day of lessons and how your group mates were being useless as always. wonbin always listened so intently, staring at you with those attentive wide eyes of his and chiming in with his own opinions. it was easy to talk to him, conversations with him never felt forced and you felt like you could be yourself around him. you just hoped he felt the same. the two of you continued talking about random topics of conversation, school, the bunnies, your friends and even the latest episode of the netflix series you were both watching until you were done with your meals. wonbin had his eyes on you the entire time, noticing how you had a slight blush on your cheeks and the littlest of eyeshadow on your lids, and the necklace that adorned your neck. he never noticed that it was a silver moon, matching his gold star necklace that he always wore. it’s like you two were made for each other.
after finishing your foods, you and wonbin stayed behind for awhile to try and fight off the food coma you were both slipping into. eventually, you both made your way to the counter, putting your card out to pay. wonbin pushed your card away, putting out his own and insisting that he would pay for it, resulting in you two playfully bickering in front of niki, who scoffed and made a side comment about how he would never make a girl pay on a date. wonbin gave the male a death stare as he held your wrist, preventing you from tapping your card as he paid for the meals, looking niki dead in the eyes as he pressed the ‘no tip’ button on the ipad before leaving. he continued to hold your hand as you made your ways back to the dorms, whining about how you were supposed to be the one treating him.
“that’s too bad, i guess you’ll have to go on another date with me.”
“i wouldn’t complain about that,” you both stopped in front of your door, you were slightly sad that the date was already over so fast and you didn’t want to let go of wonbin’s hand. you saw a different side of him today, how attractive it was when he got jealous and how adorable his nervousness was, he almost looked like a lost puppy. although, he did manage to find his confidence throughout the date and now he no longer felt unsure about about holding your hand, which fit just right with his. no matter how annoyed he got from niki flirting with you, he still treated you gently and looked at you with soft eyes instead of the glares which were directed to niki.
“i guess this is goodnight?”
you didn’t want wonbin to leave already but you knew it was getting late and you two would probably end up calling each other late at night again, so you reluctantly let go of his hands, looking up to stare into his eyes. wonbin swear he had hearts in his eyes as he looked back at you, slightly leaning in to you with a hand cupping your cheek. you shut your eyes, expecting to feel a pair of lips on your forehead. instead, you feel a breeze of wind next to your ear, wonbin blowing at something on your door. “sorry, there was a bug on your door.”
“oh, thanks…!” you cleared your throat as you pulled away, flustered that you were expecting a kiss from him. wonbin patted your head, smiling at you softly as he urged you to go in because it was getting cold out, only leaving once he made sure you were in.
“i’ll call you!”
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taglist: @istphanie @snowyseungs @nyuoqi @myizhous @jhskluv @babigriin @revehosh @acidwon @fourthirtyone-am @bunni @annswwa @luvvsnae
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tokillamockingbird427 · 4 months
Overheard conversations
Logan: Do we need wine?
Keegan: No, I need wine. You need to put your pants back on.
Logan: But life is so freeing without them.
Keegan: Pants. On. Now
I imagine Logan is clothed from the hips up in this scenario... but maybe he has leg warmers on.
Also Keegan telling Logan to put his pants ON is surprising. They must have company coming over.
Hesh, texting Keegan: "Hey! Here for movie+wine night w/ you 2! :3 Brought Riley. Petsitter fell through. And dad, with his nun friend." Keegan, desperately trying to wrangle a pantless but not leg-warmerless Logan into some clothes: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."
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starsfic · 3 months
AU where famous model Sun Wukong, most known for his work with lingerie designer (and secret crush) Ao Lie, is secretly a superhero. Now, if his villains would stop tearing his outfit, it's tearing the stuff he's modelling in civilian mode!
Political drama au where to reduce the offers for his hand, Sun Wukong marries Azure Lion. This backfires because now eyes are turning to Qi Xiaotian, his successor. Now Wukong has to juggle Azure’s feelings for him and arranging a match for Xiaotian.
The TLT decide to play together for Long Xiaojiao’s stream and choose a ghost-hunting game.
The TLT struggle with FNAF Security Breach.
AU of Let’s Get Shadowy where, in the haze of surprise, T.K.O is given control and Venomous is forced to team up with the bodega heroes to both deal with the turbo version of his son and figure out what Shadowy Figure wants.
No magic au where Red is the proud daddy to a few baby foxes but also a businessman. Unfortunately, him having foxes also mean that petsitters refuse to petsit when he needs to go on trips. Until, on a hope and a prayer, he hires Qi Xiaotian.
Marinette is happily planning her wedding to Luka Couffaine after a nasty break-up with Adrien. Which is why she’s confused about Lila texting her about “stealing Adrien.”
Mirabel Runs Away AU where, five years after Mirabel disappears from Antonio’s party, word come through via wedding invites…except for Abuela and Isabela. Turns out Mirabel’s new family also has issues.
AU fic where billionaire Sun Wukong gets the idea to make a game show to both draw attention to charities and burn some money. (And also get his successor the guy of his dreams.) Azure is his (slightly obsessed) assistant who has to work through the idea with him.
Spicynoodles have recently married and come from their honeymoon! Unfortunately, they’re still in their honeymoon phase. Bits of smut here and there.
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wangxianficrecs · 10 months
💙 The Bunnysitter: a Post-it Romance by theLoyalRoyalGuard
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💙 The Bunnysitter: a Post-it Romance
by theLoyalRoyalGuard
G, 9k, Wangxian
Summary: Busy grad student Lan Wangji adopts rabbits over the summer, and then finds himself in need of a rabbit sitter. Enter, out of work drop out Wei Wuxian. Kay's comments: This story is so somft. I'm so weak for it. It gives me so much comfort. It's so cute. In which modern Lan Wangji adopts rabbits from a shelter without having planned to do it, but he's committed. Still, he needs to find himself someone who can care for his rabbits while he's working. Enter: Wei Wuxian. He takes good care of the rabbits and leaves cute post-its for Lan Wangji and the rest is history, as they say, if only there wasn't Wei Wuxian's other maybe illegal activities entering the mix. Excerpt: “My students named them,” Lan Wangji says stiffly. He’s not sure what to do when faced with a stranger being so familiar and… genuinely friendly. “Ah, you have students! What do you teach?” Wei Wuxian bounces to his feet, roving around the small room, picking up rabbit toys to look at them. The room feels darker somehow, now that he's not looking at Lan Wangji. “Cello and music theory.” “Is that what you go to school for?” “No.” The answer is too brusque, he knows, but he doesn't like talking about himself. Wei Wuxian is here for the rabbits, not for him. And that's that. He gives Wei Wuxian the spare key and the schedule he typed out last night, and tells him to help himself to drinks when he's here. He hopes this scruffy young man isn't going to rob him while he’s at school, but the rabbits liked him, so he can't be that bad.
pov lan wangji, modern setting, modern no powers, teacher lan wangji, autistic lan wangji, neurodiversity, wei wuixan has adhd, petsitter wei wuxian, hacker wei wuxian, cellist lan wangji, asexual lan wangji, podfic available
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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cnidarianrui · 7 months
i don't think i've,,, ever? posted about petre... but i need to make my stance known.,,
- In leo/need i only really see shiho as a pet regressor, specifically a bunny regressor.
- all of leo/need + shizuku are her caregivers, petsitters if you will.
-when she's slipped into that space, she's so much more cuddly and affectionate, cuddling up to anyone near her that she trusts.
-leo/need has a little space set up in the school SEKAI with some rabbit toys, a pet bed, and anything a little bunny would need to feel loved and cared for!
-petnames are used more than generously, specifically "little bunny", "baby rabbit", or "bunbun" ;;
(they love her so much)
-In MMJ, i headcanon airi and shizuku as pet regressors, airi as a kitty regressor, shizuku also as a bunny.
-like shiho, airi becomes quite the ball of affection, pouncing on her friends in hopes of petting!!
-shizuku becomes a bit more energetic, hopping around the SEKAI, being the curious little rabbit she is!
-minori and haruka, due to their stamina built up from idol training, have no issue keeping up with their little pets!! airi and shizuku get so playful in this headspace, and haruka and minori are so excited to play with their friends!
-hamster kohane, bunny toya. need i say more?
-hampster kohane,,, well you know how the street sekai has the cafe? and the cafe probably has snacks right?... imagine hamster koha stuffing her cheeks with treats,,..
-toya is just a sleepy little bunny guy, content to just curl up in someone's lap, getting his ears and head gently pet (mainly by akito SHHHH)
-an is just.. so excited to take care of koha and toya.. she's so happy to take care of her friends and know that they trust her enough to share this with her!!! she takes them on little walks around the sekai, holding each of their hands.... uuuu
-toya changing his usual gait to little hops,,, help me..
-puppy regressor tsukasa, puppy regressor emu, kitty regressor rui!!!!! (in my heart i WANTED to say platypus regressor rui.. i'll save that idea for another time :3)
-emu and tsukasa play together,, so much... so much fetch... so much tug of war,,, they get the zoomies so MUCH!!
-similarly to what i mentioned about an, nene takes all three of them on walks, using a specially designed leash, made by rui of course.
-emu tugs the leash. nene falls down. she makes it better with kisses though!!
-tsukasa is the biggest lapdog ever. sit down? now you have a puppy in your lap and he wants pets... hehe
-emu's gymnastics abilities carry into her regression, she's always excited to learn new tricks to impress her caregivers, and get treats!!
-rui has the ability to purr and meow realistically. he does it. a lot. also he's tall so he always has to bend down to get pets.. makes him feel so small.. hehe.
-rui designed little collars for him, emu, and tsukasa!! they are purple, pink, and orange respectively, with little charms representing them! they love them!
-kitty mizuki. i rest my case.
-oooh,,, they're so kitty... all that hanging out they do with rui has lead to them also being able to realistically purr and meow!! they meow incessantly whenever they're in need of attention!
-he also made them a cute baby pink collar with a ribbon ;;
-stylish kitty!! whenever ena is watching over them, they have a whole grooming session for mizu! ena brushes their hair, paints their nails, and gives them a little kitty spa day!
-kanade doesn't have the most energy, but that's okay! she can still watch mizuki just as well.,, they take cat naps together... mizuki keeps her nice and warm and purrs to her!
-mafuyu was a bit hesitant to try and care for them, a bit scared from how sensitive and close to mizuki's heart this was. however, he gives them so much attention.. they go to empty sekai, they play fetch too!! kitties can play fetch!!!
-the empty sekai is perfect for an energetic little kitty!! its just a big wide open space, but calm at the same time! when energetic, they run around and skitter everywhere!! when they're a little sleepy, they curl up with a virtual singer and nap to their little kitty heart's content!
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AITA for not bringing in 7 packages while housesitting which led to them getting destroyed in the rain?
A month ago I (20) did petsitting for a woman while she went on vacation. I have never done this before but I have experience with medical needs of animals as many of hers needed special care. She would be gone for 7 days, but the plan was that I would fill in the first 2 days when the other petsitter couldn’t come. Then that sitter would watch the pets the next 5 days.
Anyway I arrived in the morning and got straight to familiarizing myself with the routine (there’s 20 cats and 2 dogs.) I thought for sure I would have time to sit around and relax but it ended up being on my feet the entire day, having to wake up at 5am for the dog and after every other chore and medications multiple times a day + feeding myself I couldn’t wind down for the night until at least midnight. I was extremely exhausted running on almost no sleep for 3 nights. If I had known it was this much work I wouldn’t have agreed
When I finally got home the woman gave me a big tip which I was very happy about because since the second sitter couldnt arrive until evening I was doing 3 days of work instead of 2 that I had agreed to be payed for
Fast forward to 5 days later when the family arrived home. I got a text asking why I didn’t bring in the packages that had arrived by the door. There was a stack of 7 packages delivered that contained cat litter and all of them got destroyed in the rain. This completely shocked me because it wasn’t out of my mind to check for packages, I brought in mail from the box. Important info is that the back door of the house can be mistaken for the front door since it’s by the driveway. By this door there is a storage shed with tools outside. I went in and out this way many times. I figured since I’m not familiar with the house, if I saw any boxes they must’ve just processed as storage boxes in my brain. I would be expecting 1 or 2 packages if something was delivered not 7.
The pet sitter who came after me said she thought they were trash since they were wet so it must have been me who left them, even though I do not have any memory of boxes. I apologized for my mistake and loss of money but honestly, I don’t feel bad. Should I have checked more thoroughly instead of assuming I would see any boxes if they were in that obvious of a spot?
What are these acronyms?
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crowdsourcing advice again. does anyone around here have an anxious cat?
my poor baby Castille has had a rough month! I was in the hospital four times, three of them multi-day affairs, and then I went to convalesce at my parents house for six more days until I was well enough to be home again. all this time, she was cared for by friends and petsitters, but left alone a lot.
I am home now, but she is experiencing a lot of anxiety. about five or six times a day she decides it is Time For Cat and climbs onto my shoulder or my chest if I'm laying down/sitting up in bed. (I'm usually sitting up in bed, because that's how I manage fatigue).
she's not interested in sitting in a way that allows me to keep using my laptop, and I have work to do. (I work from home most days, and I'm also trying to write a novel). also, once or twice a night she wakes me up climbing on me, or else wakes me up crying and then climbs on me when she sees I'm awake.
I understand that all of this has been traumatic for her. I am trying to be very patient and allow her to have 2-3 Times For Cat per day, ideally when I'm not on the clock or sleeping.
she doesn't want to play or cuddle on my schedule, and if I try to call her over when she's doing her own thing, she just looks at me like, no, it's not Time For Cat.
she does not know any words other than her name. my main way of communicating to her that I need her to stop doing something is to physically move her away, but 50% of the time she just jumps back up onto me ten seconds after I have moved her away like, no, sorry, you don't understand, it's Time For Cat.
I know she's stressed and anxious! I feel very bad about it! bur I need to do my job to keep her in fancy prescription kidney kibble and I need to sleep to keep myself out of the hospital again. the writing is easier to schedule around her, but I do still need to do it.
tagging @diebrarian because she's the first person I can think of on here who knows a lot about cats.
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vellichor-rising · 2 months
if you need to level 625 pets to make a single rainbow pet, the petsitter pro shouldn't have any cooldown whatsoever.
i said what i said.
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