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yardsards · 2 days ago
with odile i'm torn between "it's neat to see an alloromantic character decide that romance just isn't a priority for her" and "but she COULD be aromantic allosexual. as a treat. for me."
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yardsards · 10 months ago
but i stay silly! *←said in the most world-weary voice you ever did hear*
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yardsards · 3 months ago
everything in this life is temporary. except that fandom hyperfixation from when you were 14. that thang will be with you forever there's no escaping.
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yardsards · 2 months ago
it's so fun when trans people have multiple names that they use interchangeably. like pronouns weren't enough you needed synonyms too
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yardsards · 1 year ago
you start watching dungeon meshi and you see how marcille acts and it's like "great... another show where the girl character is fussy and dramatic and easily grossed out compared to her male counterparts :///" and then you continue watching and meet other female characters who are not at all like that and it's like "ah, she's not like that because she's a girl, she's like that because she's italian"
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yardsards · 11 months ago
also. it's just a gag but i find this bit of laios putting a bib on marcille oddly adorable
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like that's his friend and he knows she normally hates getting messy (even if her shirt is already stained with her own blood) and that she's likely to drop/spill something on herself in her current state. so he does what he can to care for her, even if it is silly
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yardsards · 1 year ago
i saw generic horny anime girl art of marcille and it was so fucking jarring. i'm used to any thirsty art of her involving her being like, covered in blood and kissing girls with tongue. seeing that elf posed seductively in lingerie is like seeing a polar bear in oklahoma. she doesn't belong there!
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yardsards · 2 years ago
how the fuck am i supposed to act like a normal functional human being when The Character exists
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yardsards · 2 years ago
just remembered the other day a teen approached me holding a rapidly melting chunk of ice in his hand and asked if i wanted to buy a "limited edition pet rock"
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yardsards · 1 year ago
those funny tumblr comics weren't lying, senshi dungeonmeshi DOES materialize in your brain to encourage you to practice basic self care
me (tired, walking back to car from airport): i'm kinda hungry but ehhh, i'll just wait til i get home. no need spending money when i have food at home i can cook. besides, i ate well this past week, i can afford to skip just one meal.
the senshi that lives in the shared singular brain cell of every dungeon meshi fan: it's been nearly 6 hours since you last ate, and it'll take at least another hour and a half for you to get home. if you wait that long to eat, you'll get sick with hunger!
me: hmmm, yeah. i think i've got a baggie with like a handful of crisps at the bottom of my backpack. and a few pieces of candy in my purse. i could probably eat those to tide me over?
self care senshi: that's no good, you need way more than that. you can afford to pay for a restaurant; you CAN'T afford to risk putting yourself and everyone else out there in danger by driving while distracted by hunger.
me: you're right... i'll find a diner nearby to stop at.
(also the diner food was good + when i sat down to eat i realized i was starting to get a hunger headache that could have progressed into a migraine if i left it unmanaged. thank you imaginary senshi.)
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yardsards · 3 months ago
the problem with taz balance is you first listen to it as a naive high schooler like "oh, funny dnd podcast made by those mcelroy guys i see in tumblr memes all the time! and they apparently have gay characters too! let me check this out! haha his name is taco that's so random XD" and nobody could have warned you that a decade later you'll still periodically think about lucretia and her martyr complex and be stricken with the urge to start gnawing your own limbs off
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yardsards · 2 years ago
this site has learned to accept men's tits into their hearts. now i need you all to embrace women's flat chests.
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yardsards · 11 months ago
"falin isn't fat in canon (so stop unduly giving this series credit for fat representation in her case)": a very fair point! it *is* honestly a bit concerning that people are so conditioned by media to think stick-thin is the norm that they think medium-sized bodies are fat. and i've seen some very good points about how almost every character we see that has a heavier build is just like that because their race is naturally more stocky, and that almost no characters in this story are "overweight" by their race's standards. so while this story is much better than a lot of others with its body diversity, there are still some things that it could do better.
"falin isn't fat in canon (so stop drawing her fat)": your ignorance astounds me and your foolishness knows no bounds. i could fill libraries with the things you don't know on this subject. every time you bitch about this i give her another roll.
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yardsards · 11 months ago
the anime cut some of kabru's internal monologue, and i need you anime only people to Witness this guy's bizarro thought patterns in social interactions. all this man knows is eat hot chip and lie.
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yardsards · 2 years ago
surrounding myself with a bubble of diversity and self love and body positivity online and then being exposed to normies who actually care about conventional beauty standards feels so fucking bizarre. like you people just live like this??? are you not tired???
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yardsards · 1 year ago
been toying with the concept of vampirism as like, needing something that you inherently can't provide for yourself. vampirism as dependency- especially in cases of vampires who refuse to (or straightup *cannot* for whatever reason) feed on anyone without consent, who must rely on blood freely given by living humans.
an independent young adult, so eager to move out on her own and see the world by herself, is turned into a vampire. her human parents are willing to feed her, but now she'll be dependent on them. she can't move away, can't stray too far from the family farm by herself, because she can't be too far from her source of blood for too long. she's afraid of what will happen when her parents are too old to give blood to her, if she'll be able to find someone else to depend on. she'll outlive them all eventually, if she's not left to starve.
a sociable vampire with a wide network of human friends who are willing to offer up their blood to her. they're happy to help her, but she still feels like a monster for having to take their blood all the time. she tries to take as little as possible while they beg her please take more, we hate seeing you so hungry all the time, please let us help. 
a vampire trapped in an abusive marriage because he relies on his wife for blood. if he leaves her without an alternate support system to feed him, he'd starve. she isolated him from all his other loved ones who might've been willing to feed him years ago. she holds the fact that she gives him her blood over his head anytime he tries to defend himself.
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