thechamberofcanon · 6 months
How We Bloom
[[I want this to be the start of something longer...but this is my first toe-dip attempt at fanfic bravery...]]
Hannah Longbottom stands in front of the massive mahogany doors of the Hogwarts infirmary as Headmistress McGonagall sets the wing’s iron ring of ancient keys into her palm. Her former teacher meets Hannah’s eyes and gives a crisp nod and says, “I leave it in your care.” 
Their hands press together for a moment, and McGonagall’s face warms into an expression more lovely than a smile as she gazes at Hannah. “And I am very grateful.”
There is a snap. McGonagall whips her head to Neville and his camera. “You’ve taken two rolls of film. That’s quite enough.” 
“Oh, but--just one more, Minerva, hold on, I need to wind the dialy-thing--wait--the flash just went off, bugger…” 
McGonagall squints at him; she lets out a loud exhale as she turns on her heel and strides away down the hall. Over her shoulder, she calls back, “I will see you both at the Minister’s luncheon.”
Hannah had attended the luncheon in the past as Neville’s guest, but now, this is hers, too. She is an integral part of the Ministry’s new approach to British wizarding education. She is trusted to do all of this. 
She trusts herself. 
She looks at Neville who is tapping at the camera with a slightly baffled expression on his face before shrugging and tucking it back in his leather rucksack. His eyes find her, and he smiles, so effervescent that it fills her belly with a happy fizz. When he smiles like that, he’s so handsome that it’s hard to look at him, the dazzling bright light of him, and process that he’s real (and hers). He is so different from the boy she met over two decades before. He grew into his body; he grew into everything. 
Neville didn’t like the term “late bloomer,” however. He had first told her when they were twenty, eating another dinner together in the post-midnight gloom of the Leaky Cauldron after one of his long auror shifts, in the shadowed heart of one of Hannah’s turns as the night manager. (Oh, but why did she start staffing those late night stretches herself, was it really to spare her employees? Why did they start after Neville volunteered for the 16:00-24:00, hmm?) She couldn’t remember how the conversation started, but it eventually meandered to that phrase, late bloomer, and Neville said that every plant blooms in its own time. It’s the folks around it, whinging about how its timeline is wrong. 
“And it’s not,” he had said, finishing the last of his sandwich and picking up his soup spoon again. “We’re just impatient. We’re being so unfair, imposing what we want to happen versus just--letting it be in its own time.” He pressed forward against the bar. “A mimbus only blooms after a minimum of ten years, and that’s only when it feels the need. Which could be fifty years later, or it could be never, you don’t know. That’s what makes it so special, when its time arrives. The time it chooses.”
Hannah tried to fight the grin spreading on her face. “Or he.”
Neville blushed. “I wasn’t speaking metaphorically.”
She bit her lips together to smother that smile.
“It’s not a metaphor! C’mon, I wasn’t talking about me! I was talking about plants.”
“Wait, you’re not a plant?” she said, finally succumbing to the giggles. “Oh, no, you’re just obsessed with plants, huge difference.”
He began laughing, too, picking up his napkin and covering his crimson face for a moment before tossing it at Hannah. “Maybe I was talking about you! Yeah? It could be about you, too!”
She caught it and tossed it back. “You’re a nut. All of that running after bad guys made you goofy tonight.”
He grabbed it in mid-air, growing serious in the time it took to lay it back in his lap. “I feel like…it’s important to say that I also hate the idea of a ‘late bloomer’ because it kinda makes us forget that, like…that blossoming isn't a singular, solitary thing. That quote-unquote 'late' blossom wasn’t alone, yeah, say, that gardenia or rose you’re holding, it came from a bush or a tree with loads of other blossoms which are different and in different places and--just--different. It’s not just one way you get to bloom.”
Hannah realized she had been holding her breath. “Ar-are you talking about me? Because I--I dunno. Exactly…what…”
Neville hesitated as he held her eyes in his gaze. “Well. If you think you see yourself in that…wouldn’t it make sense? Think about your journey, just here at the Leaky, yeah? You started here as a server, right, for a while during that year you came home. That and help Tom as a hostess. You thought you were going to be doing that forever, and here you are, after less than two years full-time, and you’re now the owner, you're bloody managing the place. Think of how many flowers those are, how much you’ve done...” His face had started to lose its flush, but it erupted again in crimson splotches on either cheek. He seemed to stammer silently before he added, “I’m so grateful we’ve gotten--closer, so I’ve been able to see some of them, and I’m jus’ so excited to wait and see how you bloom—blossom, uh, flower-um--sorry,” he said, closing his eyes. “‘Flowering’ sounds rude and maybe a little pervy, blast—“
He huffed out a breath; his face was now nearly maroon. “See, this is why I hate the metaphor! It’s--it’s--clunky, you probably h--” 
“I loved it.” Her cheeks were so warm, her skin was uncomfortable with the burn of heat. Hannah couldn’t bear to look up at him; she investigated the nicks in the bar with her thumbnail. “I want to think…I have more seasons in me, still.”
Neville’s smile was loose with awe. “See, you just changed the metaphor’s meaning, that’s--it’s beautiful, Han. You’re...” He stared at her, slightly unfocused as his gaze fluttered down from her eyes--once, twice. Where was he looking— The little nudge of the tip of his tongue became visible as darted it out to moisten his lips as he took in a deep, sharp suck of an exhale. His hands tightened on the bar as if to prepare for bracing himself into a stand--no, to start a lean far over the bar to meet her. 
She held her breath again as he incrementally closed the distance between them. 
She wondered if this is how it felt to be a rose bud right before the moment it opened to the world. 
Then his face rippled in a wave of panic as he darted his eyes from her face down to the large bowl that sat directly between them on the bar counter, where his tie was currently drooping into the potato soup, and he froze, looking dazed and horrified, staring at the tie in disbelief.
He thunked into his seat, quietly cursing as he frantically tried to clean the thick coat of soup from his tie with his napkin. She stood, lingering in a horrible, skin-prickling silence until a drunk couple tumbled into the pub, slurring a loud request for nightcaps before heading up to their room. 
Hannah was so relieved they had come in, she gave them their drinks for free. 
This was the third time she was certain Neville was about to kiss her, and the third time it had imploded. The first happened a year ago on the roof of the Leaky over countless shots of Vampire Vodka where they had talked about--well, their bodies, how much their bodies had changed over the past few years to become, ug, fit and handling the strange-sour taste that lingered in their mouths with every kiss they received from admirers who would have been blind--at best--to them before. The way he had been staring at her…
Then six months before, in the midst of a giggle fit that left them both gasping (over what? Was it about…maybe mandrakes, their teenage phase and the acne! How was that not hilarious!), he had tucked back her hair--but the crash of Hagrid and Mundungus and a few of their unsavory friends entering the pub making them spring back like anxious coils, and then--yes, then, Hagrid mentioned Tom, wanted to drink to her great-grandfather Tom, boomed about how lovely Tom’s funeral had been the week before...and…well. That ended that.
Third time, it was in the dawn hours following one of the Grimmauld Place  bashes that Seamus and Ron continually cajoled into existence, this particular excuse being a birthday to-do for the Patil twins in early March, two months before. Hannah, booze headache splitting open her temples, rolling over in a giant bed--Neville’s bed, he had put her in his bed--to take in the solid and expectant expanse of him drinking her in, and the long stretch of time staring at each other in the dappled light of the sunrise, of shifting closer to each other, looking, shifting, looking, shifting--
And startling back at the clumsy noise of the Gryffindor roommates and a few unknown others in the corridor, moaning about the hot water going out again. Bringing Neville back to a reality where he didn't reach for her but instead dutifully sat up and went to solve the problem.
Now tonight, with the soup--
At what point, does it move from bad timing to out of time? Third time is a charm, the saying goes. What’s a fourth spoiled chance? 
Just over, she reckoned. 
She went to bed that night, both convinced things would never happen with Neville…but as her brain ordered her to kill off that dream (he’s not interested, it’s over), it just couldn’t make quiet that voice in her that was starting to whisper, a bit louder every time: I have more than one season in me. I am just beginning to bloom.
And in a sigh under that: Why can’t I bloom with him tending to my garden, too?
  It didn’t start with him, how she got here with the keys to the castle in her hand, but the path changed when it went from hers alone to theirs. Starting that night with the whispering in her head; exploding into reality the night his lips finally met hers. See, she figures that if third time's a charm and fourth time's a failure, then the fifth is a leap of faith. Into faith, into his arms. They make their journey one step at a time, together. 
He slips his hand in with hers, fingers lacing, his forefinger and thumb meeting in a circle, pulsing a little squeeze before rubbing his thumb up and down hers a few times. She nods a few times, presses a kiss against the hard frame of his cheekbone, and looks from him to--ahead.
Hannah and Neville walk inside.
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Very loosely based on the Reptilia28 Don't Fear the Reaper Death Challenge, whereby Harry gets to relive his life. As do a couple of other people. What effect does this have on Harry's life and the Voldemort Blood wars? Not a Discworld crossover, but some guest appearances by Death's granddaughter. Some character bashing. No Cursed Child or Fantastic Beasts. COMPLETE.
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knowthatiloveyou · 9 months
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Hannah Waddingham getting ready for the 81st Golden Globes January 7, 2024
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darklinaforever · 9 months
Sorry, but for me J.K didn't write good romances. We don't know Astoria, Rolf and Hannah. Lupin and Tonks appeared out of nowhere. Jily is undrinkable. Hinny has little or no development over 7 books even though they have really known each other since volume 2. Romione is really not great from my point of view. Don't even get me started on Dumbledor and Grindelwald...
Bill & Fleur are the only ones, among the young characters, that I find cute and even then it's a very secondary couple. Honestly, Molly and Arthur are the only real Harry Potter goal couple in my eyes. And yet, they also haven't seen them much !
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greenhouse-seven · 4 months
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Summertime is full of long, hot, sultry days, and at Greenhouse Seven we plan to take full advantage by celebrating with our first ever fest!
Behind the Greenhouse: A Sexy Summer Fest
How it Works @starlingflight and @merlinsbudgiesmugglers have chosen thirty of their favourite spicy tropes to inspire you. Perhaps your favourite canon couple enjoys a bit of roleplay, or find themselves with only one bed available. Whichever prompt you choose, make it as spicy as you like. 
To Participate Select your favourite tropes and submit this form. 
Important Dates ☀️Claiming opens: Today!
☀️Claiming Closes: July 15th
☀️Submission Deadline: July 22nd
☀️Fest Begins: July 31st
Rules 1. Submissions must focus on Canon Couples (See FAQs for what counts as Canon Compliant) but can be in both Canon and AU settings
2. Tropes can be claimed by more than one person
3. Fics and Fanart are both encouraged!
4. Fic submissions should be at least 200 Words - there is no maximum on word count
5. This sexy fest is strictly adults only - no content featuring minors
6. Beta’s are highly encouraged! If you don’t have anyone to beta for you, feel free to come join Greenhouse Seven on Discord! There are plenty of people who can help out.
🌶️What is a Canon Compliant Couple? For the purposes of this fest, any couple that does not break-up couples featured as together at the end of the 7 Harry Potter books counts as canon. So ships such as Deamus & Hannah x Neville are more than welcome!
🌶️How should I submit? The AO3 Collection is OPEN and fics can be submitted here.
🌶️How long will the fest run for? That depends on how many fics we get! Once all fics have been submitted, we will create a plan for posting and let authors know what their post date will be.
🌶️I have another question! Not a problem! Feel free to ask us on Tumblr or you can come and join us over on Discord!
And for the most important part...The Tropes 👀
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eastwindmlk · 1 month
Pls and thxs - Neville & Hannah
57 “Look at your reflection. Look at how gorgeous you are. So fucking gorgeous when I’m fucking you like this. So pretty for me, and only for me.”
Oh! Yes! I've never actually written this pairing but I love it!
Send me a prompt and a ship
NSFW under the cut! Mild content warning for some negative body image
Hannah could tell what was going to happen, or what Neville was hoping would happen the moment she felt him hard against the small of her back. His arms wrapped around her waist, pressing into her soft stomach. Her first instinct was to cringe.
Almost immediately, Neville moved away from her. His retreat pulling a disappointed whine from her lips. She shifted and turned, meeting his confused look with her own apologetic one.
“Everything alright?” he asks, his eyes searching her face for a clue as to what he did wrong, the furrow between his brows deepening when she shook her head. “Are you sure?”
At his pressing Hannah sighed and pulled up a shoulder, her eyes not quite meeting his. “Yeah, I’m sure,” Hannah sighed, her arms wrapping around her stomach as her knees pulled up slightly. “I just don’t… It’s one of those days, you know.”
Neville’s hand reached out to cradle her face, his thumb brushing along her cheekbone as he coaxed her eyes back up to his. “Can I show you something?”
Now, Hannah decided, it was her turn to frown in confusion. “Do I need to leave the bed for it?” she asked, watching Neville climb out of his side, adjusting his erection to… She did not dare to look and get ideas.
“For just a little bit, but I will make it worth your while,” he promised, his voice moving closer and when she turned, his hand was right there for her to take. Her feet slipping into the fluffy purple bunny slippers before letting her be led through the hallway.
She stopped dead in the tracks when Neville pushed open the bathroom door and flicked on the light. “Sweetheart, what are we doing here?” Hannah demanded tiredly, peering into the yellow light and reluctantly stepping in knowing that she would be met with a large mirror above their counter. Something she had liked when they picked it, but on days like these she questioned her judgement.
Hannah met his eyes in the reflection, a tired look on her face which did nothing to whither the bold determination his face. “Neville please, this is ridiculous,” she chided, her eyes gliding down her own reflection. Her gaze zeroing in on her plump cheeks, her fleshy arms and the way her stomach bulged over the edge.
“Come here.” He invited her with a beckoning motion of his hand, pulling her close to him the moment she was within reach. Listening to the door click shut behind her. With gentle determination, Neville pressed her against the bathroom counter.
If this was supposed to help her feel better than it did not succeed. Quite the opposite, the yellow light of the bulb made her looked washed out and cast a strange shadow, reminding her how big her nose was. “I don’t need to be reminded of what I look like, Nev. I am well aware,” she told him, her tone harsh.
“But are you?” Neville retorted simply and his hand slipped under the hem of her shirt. His fingers skimmed along one of the too many curves on his way up to brush his fingertips along the underside of her breasts. “You’re breathtaking,” he told her quietly. Lips by her ear, making her shiver. Her nipples stiff when he lazily rolled one between his fingers.
Despite the way she felt about herself, this man seemed to look at her like she was Aphrodite incarnate. His hard cock pressing into her hip, like he did not care about the cellulite that no tonic seemed to cure. Maybe if he could ignore the pimple she could feel starting on her chin than maybe she could too. Just long enough to give into her want for him.
Hannah reached her hand up, curving around his neck, pulling his lips to hers. “Oh, just shut up and have me,” she sighed into his mouth. Feeling his lips curve into a smile.
By now they knew each other’s bodies, their needs and wants. Both of them were half undressed, knickers caught on ankles and knees. Shirts half off, too preoccupied with finding a way to bend her comfortably over the sink to bother.
His cock sank into her slowly, a satisfied groan on his lips. There was something about the way he could make her feel without saying a word. He sounded so relieved, like quenching a burning thirst just by filling her. And he filled her so well.
Hannah reached for the cord next to the door, giving it a tug and hearing the light click off. She found comfort in the darkness, and for just a moment it was just their sounds mingling with the wet sounds of his hips connecting with hers.
And then there was another click.
Neville pulled her up, flush against his chest and the changing angle made her gasp. Hand already moving to turn the light off again when his fingers laced with her. “Don’t,” he told her, his tone unyielding.
“Please, I…” Her plea was cut short by a squeeze of her hand. Not painful or punishing, but hard enough to give her pause.
“Look at your reflection,” he commanded, her eyes following his instructions. Her gaze turning to her flushed body, pressed against him. Her breasts bouncing with his every thrust. “Look how gorgeous you are. So fucking pretty.”
The curse sounded almost foreign on his tongue, flooding her with a rush of excitement and the siren in her reflection parted her lips in a perfect little ‘o’.
“So, fucking gorgeous when I am fucking you like this.” His tongue trailed along her ear, hot and wet. The sensation making her clench around him, the words sinking in. She fluttered around him, the tightness building low in her stomach, coiling behind her navel and sending her head into a spin.
The hot breaths against her neck, his hips speeding, eager to race her to a finish. But it was his words that did her in, his voice low and dark and so hot. “So pretty for me, and only me.” His teeth pinched her earlobe and she shattered for him.
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t1oui · 5 months
no voldemort au where jegulus raises harry and marpanlily raises luna. sirius, remus, peter, barty, and evan are the cool uncles while dorcas and marlene are the cool aunts. there's nobleflower who got together later in life and who are currently living in one of the black family's ancestral homes in france with neville and draco. (frank is around frequently and lucius isn't around at all.)
neville and draco being brothers. neville telling alice about draco's crush on blaise and draco chasing him around the school, landing them both in detention.
luna and harry being siblings. while neville and draco, their cousins, are fighting, they simply sit back and watch. they adore each other and, if they can help it, are almost never seen apart.
harry being a slytherin. he rooms with draco and blaise, is best friends with pansy, and still frequently visits hermione, ron, and neville up in gryffindor tower.
pansy and harry (and vincent and greg) have been losing their minds for years over draco and blaise's pining. the two of them finally get together when harry tells them to shag and spends the rest of the night in ron and neville's room. the next morning, it takes a glance at draco and blaise and him wiggling his eyebrows to get a detention from snape.
harry and luna firecalling lily from the hearth in ravenclaw tower at least two or three times a week. the two of them talking to her about homework, crushes, and their latest exploits in teasing draco.
their parents showing them how to become animagi, which leads to narcissa and alice wanting to learn how, too. mcgonagall giving her students a fond eyeroll when their words are slurred in class because, really, it is quite obvious when you're hiding a leaf underneath your tongue.
harry being best friends with the patil twins, some of the few people outside of his dad's family that he shares a culture with. him spending hours in the library studying with padma, even longer out on the quidditch pitch flying with parvati.
harry, who's been dating cedric since his fourth year (where he watched the tournament instead of competing), and padma, who isn't interested in romance, being the cause of at least 90% of hogwarts's couples: dean and seamus, draco and blaise, luna and ginny, neville and hannah, hermione and pansy, and - of course - parvati and lavender.
remus being the d.a.d.a. professor from harry's first year through to his seventh, and retiring soon after when harry decides he wants the position himself. neville becoming the herbology professor, pansy and blaise going to potions and charms, but draco deciding to become a healer. ("what the hell are we meant to talk about if we're all bloody teachers?" he asked them once, much to his friends' amusement.)
cedric becomes the transfiguration professor when dumbledore finally agrees to retire and promote mcgonagall, and cho spends three years playing for puddlemere united before becoming the school's newest, coolest flying instructor. hermione surprises no one by rising through the ranks to minister for magic, and pansy quickly finds herself the chief editor of the daily prophet. rita skeeter quickly finds herself without a job. ron becomes an auror, a job he excels at, and during a mission in bulgaria he finds himself running into viktor krum. harry and padma see an opportunity.
every summer without fail, harry finds himself curled up on regulus and james's couch with a book, legs tangled with luna's or draco's or nev's or sometimes cedric's. he spends hours flying above the burrow's fields with the weasleys, spends long summer days taking lessons from krum because even in regulus's increasing age, he's the best seeker harry's ever seen.
harry spends his evenings sitting on the porch of his late grandparents' farmhouse, braiding hermione's hair the way pandora and mary taught him when he was young. the adults are inside. pansy is curled into hermione, flipping through a copy of witch weekly while luna sits on harry's other side and flips through her own copy of the quibbler.
neville is showing hannah and blaise some sort of frog by the creek that lavender is swimming in with seamus, dean, and the patil twins. up high in the sky, ron, draco, and cedric are flying with viktor, ginny, and cho in a two-vs-two match that is most definitely in the latter team's favor.
here, harry thinks, is home.
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tedwardremus · 21 days
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Completed Fics
This Town Is Fake But You're The Real Thing
Teen radio star Lily Evans works for a show on the wizarding wireless network called, The Marauders. The teen soap drama stars James Potter as an arrogant school jock and centers on the secret adventures of his friends in the forbidden forest as illegal animagus and a werewolf. The show's antagonist, played by Severus Snape, left after a scandal, and now Lily has a romantic storyline with James in the final season of the show. Basically, her life is a disaster.
Harry shaves his head after the battle.
Only Ginny understands why.
Secret Garden 
Neville plants Hannah a secret garden on the roof of the Leaky Cauldron. She wants to show him how grateful she is for the gift.
Acting Professional
Teddy wants to see Victoire's new office while at a work event.
Works In Progress
Snuffles & Son
(Chapter 5)
Sirius raises Harry and opens a shop that specializes in repairing cursed artifacts and places protection wards on family heirlooms. One day, an Unspeakable from the Department of Mysteries walks in with a cursed artifact from his cousin’s confiscated Gringotts vault, requesting Sirius’s assistance.
Be Not Afraid Of Greatness
(Not updated this month)
A collection of Frank Longbottom stories
Rage Against The Dying Of The Light
(Chapter 12)
In a universe where James and Lily Potter survive Voldemort’s attack on Halloween night. Most of wizarding society is enjoying newfound peace after a decade of war, except the young heroes who fought the war learn you can never really go back to the way things were before.
Without A Trace
(Not updated this month)
Babies don’t just disappear without a trace
View past monthly round-ups here
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zeherili-ankhein · 7 months
I suddenly have this idea of a Mohabbatein retailing or rather inspired fanfiction of the Golden trio but slightly (A LOT) different.
Ofcourse we have good old Dumbledore as headmaster Narayan Shankar.
Ms. Monica? No, Ms. Mcgonagall.
Then we can have Harry as Karan, Ron as Vicky and our boy Neville as Sameer.
For the girls – Ginny as Sanjana, Hermione as Ishika and Hannah as Kiran.
— The idea of Neville and Hannah being childhood friend and him being in love with her is just so sweet.
— Whoever was Kiran's boyfriend (Deepak ig forgot his name) can be Draco. Because that guy was shitty and I don't like Draco.
— And Ron and Hermione just gave those same rivals to lovers vibes ngl.
— Harry falling in love with Gin not knowing who she was is top tier for me. (Her dead husband is Dean. Yeah...)
Also James Potter as Raj Aryan Malhotra and Lily Evans as Megha. (Don't ask me how Harry doesn't know him cuz this is an AU)
— James and Lily as Vicky and Ishika. Don't ask me why because we all know it.
— Sirius and Marlene? Sameer and Kiran? YES! (Shitty bf is Barty or Severus maybe. Bcz can't stand them)
— Remus is Karan and Tonks is Sanjana. Ahaha yess. (Then her ex husband would be Bill. Sorry Bill I love you but sorry)
Yeah.... Neville as Raj Aryan and Hannah as Megha. (AU fic so he can be older!!)
Once again this is an AU fic so don't come at me how their personalities doesn't match and blah blah blah.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
This is part 3 of my Bollywood x Harry Potter ideas
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breaniebree · 10 months
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Chapter 41 -- The One With the Final Epilogue
Well, this is it!  THE FINAL LAST EPILOGUE AND LAST CHAPTER of my world of Kismet.  It started back in 2018 with some random Marauder snippets that I put aside to write about Sirius and Remus raising Harry which turned from a 25 chapter story idea to 360 chapters of A Second Chance and led me to write a prequel with my original Marauder snippets in The First Time Around.  It ended with Third Times the Charm.
As I always say, I write this story for myself first and this is the final chapter of what I wanted to write and how I wanted to end my world of Kismet.  I’m very excited to share it with you and I hope you’re excited to read it.  I hope those of you who have been reading this story have been enjoying it even half as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it and that you like the ending as much as I do.  And for those of you who don’t, I thank you for reading as long as you have and hope you find a story some day that pleases you more.  There are a lot of amazing writers in the world and I hope someone gives you the ending you want.
As for me I am very proud of my final scene and of this trilogy.  
I would like to firstly thank @thedistantdusk, who even though only was my Beta from chapters 200-360 of ASC and for all of The First Time Around, her patience and guidance were greatly appreciated.  Thank you to SilverStarwolfe who was my first Beta from about chapter 120-190 before life got in the way and she had to stop, her patience and guidance was also greatly appreciated.  Thank you to @seriouslysam8 who was an amazing sounding board and helped me work out the kinks in the final idea of Sirius and Zee and helped me come up with the story titles for The First Time Around and Third Times the Charm.  I really appreciate all of the help she gave me and hope one day she might even read it too.  LOL.  Thank you to @ellieoryan7447 for being such an amazing reader who went out of her way to attempt to make character art all about my characters.  It’s surreal to me that people even want to do that and is more appreciated than I can possibly put into words.  And lastly, thank you to @celtics534 for putting up with my random asks about reading over scenes, giving great writing advice, and not being afraid to tell me when something is crap and how to fix it.  You’re more appreciated than you know.  PS — Sorry for bothering the crap out of you with final reviews of this last chapter LOL.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading from the beginning, to those jumped in somewhere in the middle, and to anyone new who stumbled across this world when the final story was ending.  THANK YOU!
Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to follow me in this story-writing journey for the last six years.  It means so much to me.
I have no plans of writing anything else in the near future, as I do very much need a break, but who knows what the future will bring.  These epilogues, while being very much a conclusion, still leave lots of holes for me to jump back in if I ever want to (old and next generation).  It leaves the world of Kismet open to me in the future while still showing you that that there was a happily ever after for these characters (which is very much deserved).
Thank you again for all of the continuous support and love I have received.
Please remember to drop a review — I love to read to them.
Love always, 😘
A 🇨🇦Canadian🇨🇦 girl who loves writing HP fanfiction
~ Breanie aka Bree ~
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samtallchester · 6 months
Whenever I am listening to Hall of Fame, I just see my favorite characters as the lyrics pass by. It makes me emotional because even if they aren't real – or may be a pain in the backside sometimes – it reminds me of how much I love them for who they are.
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knowthatiloveyou · 11 months
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Hannah Waddingham at the 2023 Earthshot Awards November 7th in Singapore
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 2 years
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greenhouse-seven · 5 months
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Welcome to Greenhouse Seven!
(The Room of Requirement and the broom cupboard were already occupied)
This is a space to discuss and celebrate HP canon-compliant couples in both canon and AU situations.
We will run events and fests to celebrate and highlight these couples and will have an announcement soon about our first fest!
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whinlatter · 7 months
niche but Neville and Hannah! I love the little snippets of them we get in Beasts <3
thank you for asking about neville and hannah for this ask game anon and being so nice about how i have tried to include them in beasts :) :) :) the lovely @mimisays8 asked about them too!
hannah and neville are such a lovely fun couple to imagine and think about. i do realise this sounds ridiculous because they canonically interact very briefly once, when neville says harry saved the 'philogical' stone :) and hannah is like wow :) (...) still, though, there are these very small little nods to them having certain things in common and to being cutie patooties in their cores that gives fic writers so much to play with. obviously, neville from day dot is a dweeby nervous deeply unconfident little sweetie pie. in hannah's opening scene, too, she '[stumbles] out of line, [puts] on the hat, which [falls] right down over her eyes', establishing her, too, as a cute nervous flop. when hannah worries about azkaban escapee sirius black, she tells everyone black is disguising himself by turning into a flowering shrub. she's got plants on the brain your honour! it's meant to be. i think it's nice to imagine their dynamic as a couple as being too smiley lovely beans taking it in turns to squeeze the other person's hand reassuringly while pulling each other out of the way of passing buses/puddles etc. (more waffle below the cut)
of course, the slightly sad thing about hannah and neville is that they both spend most of canon feeling awful about themselves. neville, obviously, is neville (he thinks he's good as a squib! baby!). but hannah, for an exceptionally minor character, gets all these wee moments where the reader is told she has very low self-confidence. in ootp, hannah abbott vs owls gets its own tiny subplot. ('All the fifth years were suffering from stress to some degree, but Hannah Abbott became the first to receive a Calming Draught from Madam Pomfrey after she burst into tears during Herbology and sobbed that she was too stupid to take exams and wanted to leave school now.') then she has an absolute meltdown during her owls and causes a flamingo stampede in the middle of an exam, which makes everything neville has ever done look slick. losers! soulmate losers. i love the idea of the two of them really knowing what it's like to gravely doubt yourself and feel very very rubbish about your self worth, and channelling that experience into being very supportive partners and parents, one day (and a teacher and friend to a future generation of hogwarts students, later in life!)
one of the other elements to hannah and neville is that they also both know something about grief and loss. hannah loses her mum when she's sixteen: neville grieves what his parents could have been every time he visits them. i don't think shared experiences of loss are necessarily a stable basis for a ship in all instances, but with hannah and neville, i really like it being part of what they are to each other and other people, as something that informs their capacity for great empathy and compassion and a real emotional maturity that comes with having gone through familial experiences that are so momentous and life-changing.
in my headcanon in beasts, i imagine that the period when hannah and neville became closer, and also when they both began to change and grow up as people and gain some self confidence, was during the war in the DA. neville, we know, grows hugely in confidence in that year. but hannah, too, seems to have changed a lot from her 15 to 17 year old self - she's gone from calling herself too stupid to be a witch to fighting in a huge great big battle (nearly getting personally bumped off by voldemort himself, huge slay). obviously i play with the idea that her and ginny became friends through the DA the year before, just because i think it makes a lot of sense as a way to draw hannah in to the wider group of golden and silver trios in a way that she isn't, really, in canon. but in general just think it's lovely to imagine hannah finally getting a bit of belief and self esteem in a growth arc that parallels neville's (and to give another female character an arc in general, in a series that underserves its female characters at every single bloody turn)
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t1oui · 4 months
since nuna (neville x luna) are and have been one of my otps since i first became part of the hp fandom, whenever i write next gen lorcan and lysander scamander are actually lorcan and lysander longbottom and they're neville and luna's kids. but recently i had an idea for the twins that i love even more
so whenever i write next gen, lorcan and lysander also have a younger sister named alice who's 6 years younger than them. in my head, alice looks a lot like neville and the twins both look mostly like luna. i also have an oc named ivan scamander who is rolf and hannah abbott's, and he's 3 years younger than the twins.
so what if, instead of the twins being neville's from the start, they're from luna's first marriage to rolf?
luna and rolf meet and become friends when rolf returns to hogwarts for his eighth year. they get married soon after graduation, even though they're mostly just good friends. they have the twins together and when the twins are a year old, they end up divorcing.
pretty soon after rolf and hannah meet at the leaky cauldron and start talking. to be honest, hannah getting pregnant is sort of a surprise, and rolf definitely shows up at luna's in a panic when he finds out. he and hannah end up deciding to keep the kid though, aka ivan scamander.
around the same time that ivan is born, luna and neville run into each other at some event or something and start talking again. they write letters back and forth about plants and theories and the latest edition of the quibbler before neville finally works up the courage to ask her out (with a lot, and i mean a lot, of encouragement from harry and ginny) and they start dating. they get married after 2 years and alice is born another year later.
all of that is to say, lorcan and lysander are ivan's half siblings and also have a younger half-sister named alice, and i think that's great
honestly i see rolf as sort of a mess, especially with this au, so he may or may not also get divorced from hannah at some point. idk who he'd date after that - i'm thinking one of the background hufflepuff boys (justin, ernie, or zacharias)
anyway this was very random but yeah here are some headcanons ig
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