#Negotiation Tips
bitchesgetriches · 1 month
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Read more: When It Comes to Salary Negotiations, Are You Asking for Enough? 
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miamibeachbroker · 10 days
Negotiating Home Purchases
The Art of Negotiating Home Purchases Here are some pointers to craft a proper offer without breaking the bank.
Expert Tips to Craft the Perfect Offer Without Breaking the Bank Buying a home is one of the most significant investments you’ll make, and crafting the right offer is key to securing your dream home without going over budget. Here are some expert tips on negotiating home purchases to help you navigate the process with confidence and success. 1. Know Your Budget Before You Make an Offer Before…
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jobsbuster · 5 months
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ahb-writes · 1 year
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions (Policy and Diplomacy)
Policy and Diplomacy Worldbuilding Questions:
What kinds of political systems exist in this world?
What unique laws or political customs shape public and private life in this world?
Who are the primary figures who influence (or manipulate) public opinion?
Who are behind-the-scenes figures in politics who have influence the average Joe might not know about?
Where are the centers of power or law (and why are they located here)?
Where do key political negotiations, summits, meetings take place?
When did the current political dispensation take power?
When will leadership change (if ever) in this world, and why?
Why do alliances form or sever in this world?
Why do people in this world support (or rebel against) its political structures?
❯ ❯ ❯ Read other writing masterposts in this series: Worldbuilding Questions for Deeper Settings
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It's perfectly okay to take a day off and simply relax without worrying about productivity. There's no harm in occasionally not meeting your productivity expectations. Remember, you're a human, not a machine, and it's natural to experience fatigue. I often find myself in a constant hustle to achieve and be productive, but it's essential to recognize that it's completely normal and acceptable to have a few unproductive days. In fact, it's something you deserve.
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homosubtext · 1 month
i actually have The Interview Of A Lifetime Ever tomorrow. wish me luck. i am so afraid.
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wordshaveteeth · 1 month
Perhaps… writing has to do with darkness, and a desire or perhaps a compulsion to enter it, and, with luck, to illuminate it, and to bring something back out to the light.
- Margaret Atwood, Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
We all desperately need brilliant sales professionals far more than ever before – to help us, guide us, keep us informed and stop us from making diabolically stupid buying decisions.
Chris Murray, Selling with EASE: The Four Step Sales Cycle Found in Every Successful Business Transaction
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Real Life Scenario That Just Happened: My lease is about to end, I reached out to find out about renewal options, and my landlord told me he was raising my rent by $400 (~10%).
Now first off, where I live that's an illegally high rent increase (always know your rights!). If he wants to raise it more than 5%, he needs to give me 3 months notice (he did not). But I knew that if I replied with that information, he would probably adjust the rent increase to exactly 5%, which would be over $200 more a month.
So instead, I started even lower. I said look I've been in this apartment for over 3 years, it's not as nice as it was when I moved in, a lot of the appliances don't work as well anymore, etc and comparable apartments in the area are going for less. So I don't think my rent should increase AT ALL. (Quite honestly none of the "comparable" apartments were quite as nice as mine, but that didn't stop me).
Now I admit, I didn't actually think that would work. My plan was to start low, figuring we would compromise somewhere in the middle, but hopefully less than the full 5%. And worst case, if he wouldn't budge from $400, then I would start quoting legal code at him and force him down to 5%.
But you know what happened??? He just said "fine" and now my rent is staying the same for another year! That's $4800 saved because I gave him (what I thought was) a lowball offer to start and he caved.
Now some important context: I knew I had some power in this situation. I live in a 3-apartment building and the other two apartments are both currently empty, so I knew the landlord would be scared to lose more rent. I'm a good tenant who always pays rent on time, so I knew the landlord would have to weigh losing me (and all the costs associated with flipping the apartment, hiring a realtor to show it, etc) vs. the extra bucks he might be able to make on the free market. And as I predicted, keeping me around was more important than the $400/month!
BUT here's the kicker, if you try to negotiate and it doesn't work?? It is highly unlikely that the landlord won't accept the original offer. If he says $400 and you say $0 and he says "no way", in 99.9% of cases, he'll still accept $400! So there is literally zero harm in trying.
Quick Lease Renewal Negotiation Guide, for Recap:
Before you enter the conversation
Know your rights as a renter
Look up what similar apartments are going for in the area
Decide what your final # is (that you won't go above)
Consider if there are other things you'd be willing to offer that would sweeten the deal for the landlord (longer lease term, higher gross rent in exchange for some free months / lower net rent**, etc)
**This will likely screw you over for the following renewal, so only do this if you are planning not to renew again
During the Negotiation
Start Low! Don't start by offering your final number
Don't throw everything out all at once! Have some things in your back pocket
Don't Panic! I know this can be scary, but there's a good chance it will work and a very low chance it will make anything worse (landlords expect this!) so it's worth trying
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3416 · 1 year
was thinkin about how... when mitch’s contract stuff was happening last time... there was the possibility of him going to play for the zurich lions aka the team auston played for pre-nhl.... i wonder who reached out to who on that....like if mitch was asking for advice about what to do should his contract not pan out... keeping options open and talking through future possibilities with someone he trusts... auston knew about it in that zoom interview w patty and mitch too like........ that’s sweet. 
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Bitches, I have a potentially odd question. I accepted a job at roughly 10% below market rate because a) it was my first interview back at the job hunt and I chickened out, and b) I don't have my degree in my field yet, and the job definitely requires one!
I'm set to graduate early next year, and they knew that going in. I took it as a discount for them taking a chance on someone who hasn't graduated and ate my negotiating mistake when I accepted the offer.
Once I graduate though... I want to ask for a raise, at least up to the 10% market. I know not to make my argument based on that alone, but, (bear with me) what if I haven't done anything notable? How do I advocate for the raise based solely on "I fucked up when negotiating and you got a cheap year, now pay me what I'm actually worth"?
It's a fairly well defined entry level role, there's no real process improvement or exceptional milestones to hit. At my last job, there were easy things to point at cause the place was a shitshow. Here everything functions pretty well... so... how do I do this?
(Hopefully, by the time I'm actually asking for the raise, I will have done some notable things. If that doesn't happen though... I'd love some pointers.)
Thank you my glorious hearts of the ecosystem, sisters to Pando, you are the parent aspen from which the rest of the forest grows!
Oh my stars, you sure came armed with the kind of over-the-top compliment we LIVE FOR.
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Anyway, this is a good question! We always recommend focusing on your own accomplishments rather than outside factors, as you already know. And your employer DEFINITELY knows they got you at 10% below market rate. So they're probably anticipating you're going to ask for a raise after graduation. Which means they've likely already considered their answer.
In a way, this makes your job easier. They're expecting the ask, they know how they'll answer... so there's less pressure on you to make your case.
But you should still make it by showing how you've met expectations. If you haven't exceeded them (and I think you're probably selling yourself short, pudding), at LEAST showing you've met all your benchmarks while being underpaid will imply that at a higher compensation level, you could start exceeding those expectations.
Here's more on getting a raise, pudding:
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Getting a Job, Raise, or Promotion 
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mysticdragon3md3 · 6 months
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I'll never forget that scene in Slayers, when Zel wanted to negotiate for Lina's treasure. But instead of risking turning him down, she just set her prices so ridiculously high that he couldn't pay. 🤣
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augustusaugustus · 8 months
Donna Picspam
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Damn did that red wig suit her.
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deadhorse77 · 1 year
I fucking HAAAATE my job my boss has just gone on about how good of an employee I am and how the store relies on me (not in as many words but yeah) and I'm just here like okay. why am I only making $14 an hour. why did it take you months to get my disability accommodations. why were you stealing my fucking tips
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hints-and-hacks · 2 years
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funsimplethings · 2 years
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