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chuckbbirdsjunk · 8 months ago
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ds-90210 · 5 months ago
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Jadzia: The team-building missions will continue until morale improves.
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gumy-shark · 8 months ago
mp100 pokemon au teams- the teens
mob doesn’t like battling, and avoids it whenever possible. he can understand, heal, and empower pokemon, like yellow from the manga.
Gengar (technically wild. this is Dimple)
thats it, that’s his team!
definitely no secret legendaries he accidentally caught as a kid, that he never uses because the last time it came out of its pokeball it caused a terrible accident. that would be absurd!
yeah no OBVIOUSLY this kid has a mew that he never uses for trauma reasons.
ritsu has the largest pc box out of the characters i’ve built teams for so far, and switches out his pokemon often. his starting/main team is:
psyduck (evolves into golduck at some point idk)
eevee (evolves into umbreon in big cleanup arc)
bagon (evolves into shelgon in world domination arc, and then into salamence in confession arc)
kadabra (will evolve at some point)
riolu (evolves in 7th division arc)
in the box: shuppet, cacturne, beedrill, scyther, venomoth
teru’s fighting style involves copying his opponent’s techniques and improving them, making him a very versatile fighter. so i gave him a bunch of form changing pokemon. and wobbuffet
in the box: roserade (just plain cool also teru swag)
shou is a very protagonist guy and as such he only has the most protagonist of pokemon (aka every one of his pokemon is one that ash ketchum used at some point). i’m not sure if i should give him viridian forest powers (aka what mob and yellow have going on) too- it fits thematically but also takes away from what mob has going on
greninja (battle bond)
rockruff (own tempo rockruff, will evolve into dusk form)
gabite (might evo into garchomp? not sure)
charmeleon (evolves into charizard between world domination and confession arc)
shou is a very “power of friendship” and “there are no strong or weak pokemon- you can win with any team!” kind of guy. which is awesome but also ends with him going up against his dad (the champion or strongest elite 4 member, haven’t decided) with a half-evolved team with their levels in the thirties. at some point numbers DO matter.
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luceafarul-de-dimineata · 11 months ago
I'm obsessed with this movie and I had to make an edit of this scene
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literallys-illiteracy · 7 months ago
A Pedantic Overview of Bleed: Limbus Company:
Within Limbus Company, Bleed is the lust affinity status effect which is why it does not deal lust damage, rather true damage, or fixed damage.
Bleed is one of three status effects in the game able to deal true damage, alongside burn, which was covered last overview, and rupture, which will be in overview 4.
Bleed is one of the more supported status effects, having a decent few Ayin (000) ID’s in the game, almost every sinner having a bleed ID.
This being said, there is somewhat of a bar to entry regarding bleed, at least outside of Mirror Dungeon where you have access to wound clerid, as there are somewhat few ID’s able to apply count - The most notable of the ID’s that can, other than the new Ring ID’s, Is N corp Faust, alongside the other N corp Inquisitors, due to their nails status effect applying bleed count.
Finally, i want to preface that i consider there two categories of Bleed ID’s in this game: There are ID’s which consistently apply, and aim to support bleed as a status effect, these are the body of ID’s which i consider to be real “Bleed ID’s”
And there are ID’s which happen to apply Bleed, in some way shape or form. I consider these ID’s “Bloody Mist” ID’s, as they, though technically counting as applying Bleed, have no constructive purpose for bleed as a status.
A History of Bleed:
Once again this is not definitive, nor am I guaranteeing this is 100% accurate, just the most notable parts.
Launch//Season 1:
On launch, Bleed was more supported than other status effects, having 2 000 Bleed ID’s, and 3 000 which technically applied bleed.
Kurodion, was bad, is bad. I'll get to why poise was bad on launch in overview 6, but in general she was not effective as an ID; She wasn't able to apply any bleed count, which we will hear a lot, but she wasn’t terrible in terms of applying potency. 
Considering that Bleed was not a team on launch, none of the status effects were, barring one, her passive on her skill 3, though very interesting, doubling crit chance against targets with 10+ Bleed, was virtually non existent. Kurodion was somewhat ahead of her time, having a variable counter, and the first ID to interact with poise in any meaningful way. Its a shame that there are much better options in both teams*
Kuryoshu was the only true "Bleed ID" on launch. Rodion is close, as she interacts with bleed in more ways than just applying it for no reason. Ryoshu surpasses this, rather than interacting with bleed, actively supporting it as a status, being the only launch ID to apply bleed count, making her the virtual backbone of the status until canto 3.
The Following 3 ID's aren't Bleed enough to have their own paragraphs: Boy Love Sinclair: Skill 3 applies 5 Bleed. Rabid Heathcliff: Skill 2 applies Bleed. Ting Tong Lu: skill 1 applies Bleed.
Now we get to the final launch-Bleed ID: Kurokumo clan Hong Lu: this ID is fundamentally flawed. not because its numbers are too poor to function, not because it cant apply any Bleed. No. its because of its skill 2, Cloud cutter: Cloud cutter is KKong Lu's primary source of damage, being able to reuse both coins of the skill for 4 total coins.... if*. KKong Lu can only reuse coins if the target has 4- Bleed count. This is the only ID which actively makes itself worse when used in its status team. (also its kinda weird how the 2/3 of the ID's who could reuse coins on launch were Hong Lu Huh?)
Following launch ID's we finally get to Nquisitors, the first major batch of status ID's.
N corp Meursault is not a bleed ID, he has the technicality of applying bleed though Nails. I would like to mention that not all of the N corp ID's are good in terms of bleed (or i general on second though), rather these ID's are able to apply many, many, debuffs. N corp Heathcliff was, and still is, the only ID able to apply multiple stacks of +coin drop. N corp Meursault inflicts bind and attack power down (against targets with nails, which means that primarily this only occurs when ran with other N corp ID's) Gripping Faust inflicts Paralyze and a unique effect, Gaze, which acts as 2 Fragile for Blunt/Pierce. N Corp. Rodion applies Paralyze. Gripped Sinclair. N corp Donqi inflicts paralyze and attack power down, with the same conditionals as Meursault, once again rewarding running these ID's together. running an N corp team together, though not terrible, is somewhat dysfunctional. Nclair wants to be on Low SP, and is also a burn unit. Meursault wants to be low HP and spamming counters, which are wrath affinity, while Kraust wants to have Lust Resonance Kraust stops Nclair from being low SP, yet her passive buffs the rest of the team by giving them fanatic, which is final power against targets with nails; The problem is that because he will always be the lowest SP, Nclair will always be gaining sanity from the passive, meaning he remains at neutral to positive. N corp Don is a tremor ID for some reason, no clue about that. Heathcliff struggles outside a N corp team due to lackluster rolls before UT4 passive. and N Rodion, while not a bad ID in her own right, is slightly lackluster compared to other Bleed ID's in the modern day (though, make a note of this)
Nearing the end of the season, we got chimkens. Chef Gregor got nerfed recently, which is quite frankly hilarious because he wasn't good to begin with. Chef Ryoshu however: applied paralyze, applied Healing down (which I'm pretty sure is still unique to her?), and bleed count, while being one of the strongest damage ID's of the time, and the only one not limited by a resource (WDon, Charge. Reathcliff, bullets.). While, due to UT4 fucking this ID over, KK Ryoshu is theoretically better for Bleed, this ID is, and likely always will be, a viable option for bleed teams.
Season 2 - Reminiscence:
welcome to likely the shortest section. We got no bleed EGO, because there's no such thing as a bleed EGO until the third Walpurisnacht.
there were 2 Bleed ID's this season. Rhino Pack Meursault, who, is not only a slash ID, but the highest source of slash damage in a bleed team, excluding EGO. I want to note that both ID's this season were actual "Bleed ID's", being able to apply large amounts of count and potency; Back on Rsault, one of two charge ID's im willing to discuss, and the primary source of, slash damage, bleed count, Gloom resources, and damage tanking in a bleed team
Hook Lu, the first Walpurgis ID, is a better bleed ID than both of Hong Lu's launch ones, for the simple fact that 1: he does not screw himself over when used with bleed, and 2: is able to apply bleed count.
Alongside Nails unit's, we have the ability to run an entire team of units which can apply Bleed and bleed count, neat. this is the end of the season.
Season 3 - Bon Voyage:
Season 3 was somewhat of a bleed season, and a poise season, giving us 5 more units to match Kurodion back in season 1 as "Bloise" units (i prefer saying Red Poise but IDK, people seem to say Bloise)
First off is Twinhooks Pirate Gregor, which is his first bleed ID since Chef Gregor. this ID functions through, and interacts with, bleed as a status effect, gaining a special effect when hitting heads against a bleeding target. Pirate Gregor himself is technically able to apply bleed and bleed count however he must critically strike to do so, meaning that he isnt the most consistent ID for dealing damage through Bleed, however that does not mean he doesn't deal damage.
[Natural Segue here]
Around this time, mirror dungeon was changed somewhat, notably you were able to start a run with gifts of a specific status effect, you were able to upgrade different EGO gifts, and, most notably, each status effect gained a special tier 4 gift, obtained by fusing a specific tier 3 and tier 1 of the same status effect; The fusion gift for bleed is named "Bloody Mist" which im sure that many people are more than aware of.
Bloody mist grants, +2 coin power up, and +100% damage on ALL bleed skills. This EGO gift is the namesake of the "Bloody Mist ID's", as, though not useful in terms of dealing damage with bleed, my god can they do damage through skills now.
Notably of the "Bloody Mist" ID's, Middle Don and Meursault, who are... interesting. from a design perspective, i actually really like this ID; Through envy resonance, she is able to A: Gain offence level for her skills, and B: use her skill 3, as envy affinity, instead of her counter. With the obvious Bloody Mist synergy of these ID's, with their skills arbitrarily applying bleed, they are quite useful in bleed teams, as Don's skill 3 has 4 coins. but the reason that i like these ID's, or more specifically Don, is the emphasis on her counter; When a counter is activated, it gains power based on offence level in the same way that you gain clashing power for the same reason. As her skill 3 gains offence level based on resonance, and as she is able to use her skill 3 instead of her counter, she is the third best counter based-ID in the game. i mostly like this ID due to the cleverness of the design, gaining large amounts of power for gaining resonance.
Queequeg Heathcliff is another Red Poise unit, gaining poise count s1, poise s2, and getting bonus crit power on skill 3. QueeCliff, like Pirate Gregor, relies on the presence of Bleed in order to be used optimally; Gaining Poise based on the bleed on target. that being said, queecliff is able to apply bleed more reliably than Gregor, as Gregor relies on critting to inflict bleed, while Heathcliff only relies on Critting to apply Bleed Count based on the targets bleed potency (He gains poise from the poise potency, which then allows him to crit, applying bleed count more reliably against targets with bleed potency. this is also clever design that i like.) Heathcliff's skill 3, alongside his passive, increases in value as he decreases in health. At UT4, he deals more damage at 1% for every 1% HP he is missing. at -50%HP, he inflicts 6 bleed across his skill 3. This ID is the third and final of the envy resonance ID's released this season, and inarguably the best of them for one main reason; He has 2 envy skills. This ID was the first to have 2 skills of the same affinity, allowing him to fulfil both his conditional on S3 (Coin power +3), but the conditional of the Middle ID's. The synergy goes further, as all three Middle ID's are Counter based tanks, with the enemy who dealt the most damage being marked for extra effects; Don gaining blunt damage up when allies are hit for damage; Heathcliff gaining offence level up and defense level up whenever an ally (including himself) is hit. the only downside to this, at least theoretically, is the fact that Heathcliff's counter is wrath affinity. While not technically bad, as he has more than enough envy as it is, it means that he is unable to counter, whilst also gaining aggro for enemies to target him, meaning that Don is less likely to proc a counter.
Moving on is coffee (Starbuck) Yi Sang, yet another Red Poise unit: this unit is more poise than Bleed, only applying count on a singular skill (Crit s3 coin 2, this means that he needs to not crit on his first coin, as he gains 5 (25%) poise before attack). This ID is another who, while definitely not terrible in terms of bleed, shines when paired with Bloody mist due to his s2 being able to reuse coins... the third bleed id so far to reuse coins on s2, and there are 2 more to come... weird. Yi Sang's skill 2 being envy affinity assists Heathcliff in terms of envy resonance, as this is his main source of damage. with that being said, there is an argument to be made for using his skill 1, as the third of the trio much prefers Pride resonance
Captain Ishmael is technically a triple status effect identity, acting as a burn ID, Bleed ID, and a Poise ID. Poise is on the technicality that she has a crit multiplier on her skill 3, which is good enough apparently for lucky pouch to count her as a poise ID. While not a good bleed id in terms of applying bleed, my god this ID does damage. her s3 deals more damage based on their missing HP, higher coin power based on bleed potency, and 4 coins of high offense level. her S2 is a pride affinity skill, which has the unique trait of being able to call in the next unit to use a their s1 against the same target, while gaining pride power, damage up and offence level up. It just so happened that the s1's of Yi Sang and Heathcliff are both pride affinity, and both skills that give poise count. once again, not the best in terms of bleed and bleed count, however bleed cant damage a dead enemy.
following the main canto was good old bones claiming time:
There were 2 and a half bleed ID's released this event. the second unique bleed in the form of red plum blossom was created, with Boy love Faust acting as yet another red poise unit; Like all other Red poise units, she isnt good in terms of bleed, but can still count for bloody mist.
The second ID was Kurokumo Clan Gregor, who exposed the glaring problems of literally every other Kurokumo ID, at least in terms of this event's unique gifts: KK Ryoshu is a mono pierce unit, when the KK EGO gifts buff slash KK Hong Lu KK Rodion is a poise unit for some reason. - the KK Clan, at least with the identities we have now, make no sense together as a team, especially with the context of the KK EGO gift unique to this event.
The half bleed unit, bones McGee himself, is an odd case. he does not have bleed in his skills 1,2, or 3. he does not count as a bleed unit for the purposes of bloody mist. his special counter, to claim their bones, does however benefit from bloody mist, if you have 5 other Bleed units to activate it, as it has bleed on the end of it. I just think this is weird, and i wanted to talk about it here
Season 4 - Clear All Cathy:
this season introduced a strange and foreign concept to limbus company: Bleed EGO skills.
In Walpugisnacht we received Sanguine desire Rodion, an EGO able to deal lust damage equal to multiple times the bleed potency on target, as long as you have enough Lust resonance of course; This was the first notable Bleed EGO in the Game, and the first method of dealing damage through bleed without the enemy using a coin, also it rolls like 40~ something which is neat
Wingbeat technically applies bleed.
Following these came the Ring ID's who broke the game quite frankly, and who I'm going to mention in every status effect overview because i can get away with the technicality. bleed is the actual status to which these ID's belong, both being able to heal SP and reuse coins on their S2, for quite frankly absurd damage. When i do status effect overviews I'm running the team in mirror dungeon at the same time because why not, and as i was typing the above sentence i saw one coin of Yi Sang's s2 hit for 200 damage, without bloody mist...
Contempt, Awe Ryoshu, other than having the hottest costume of any EGO in the game, is another Lust resonance ID, dealing more damage and gaining attack weight when in resonance. alongside Whistles passive, and Sanguine desire, Lust resonance is quite effective now as a strategy for bleed.
Bleed EGO:
As mentioned above, the only two truly good Bleed EGO released season 4, Sanguine desire Rodion and Contempt, Awe Ryoshu.
Though there are technically other EGO that apply, or interact with, bleed, almost none of them were good from the standpoint of a bleed team, leading to me not considering them a good "Bleed" EGO. Keep in mind that some EGO, despite not being good Bleed EGO, are still good in general, like ebony stem for example.
The Good ones:
Sanguine desire Rodion:
This EGO acts as the primary Bleed EGO in the game, being as Contempt does not interact with bleed to the same extent which this EGO does. This EGO is a waw, which means that there is no competition for its spot as of right now, the same of which can be said about Contempt, Awe.
because of the lack of competition, theres really no reason to not slot this EGO if you have it, that being said, Bleed made it through four seasons of Limbus without needing EGO skills, the same of which cant be said about some other status effects, notably number 3 and 5, meaning that this EGO isnt as necessary to pull for as the EGO of those other status effects. At the same time, that being said, using a bleed team outside of mirror dungeon requires a high bar of entry due to the fact that most of the units that work well are 000.
If you already plan on running a bleed team, prioritize getting the requisite units before saving you lunacy or shards for this EGO.
Contempt, Awe Ryoshu
This EGO, while not bad by any means, is definitively the lesser of these two, specifically when looked at through the lens of Bleed.
Both of these EGO require Resonance to function properly, however considering the fact that just about every single bleed ID in the game has a lust skill (and most of the ones that don't aren't great as bleed units), this isn't too hard to achieve.
This EGO is more about dealing damage to enemies through the coins, rather than through the bleed itself, in fact, by maximizing the amount of damage the EGO can do, you minimize the amount of bleed that it inflicts, as it spreads the same amount of bleed across all targets evenly, and gains attack weight based on resonance.
I would prioritize Sanguine Desire over this EGO from the perspective on Bleed, however, if one already has a full team of bleed, especially one that does not use Rodion, then this EGO is quite appealing as an option, especially as Rodion does not have too many options for bleed ID, especially Compared to Ryoshu.
Other Bleed EGO:
Hex Nail Faust
This EGO inflicts nails, it is the only non N corp source of nails, however the alternative option for this slot is 9:2, which, whilst not a great EGO on its own, is a lust resonance EGO, synergizing with the prior 2 mentioned
The Blood of Sancho
Base Don EGO is useful. Moreso as a healing tool than a Bleed application tool, but then again, none of the EGO in this section are great at that. The Passive is very useful for sustain, especially if you are using Middle don which requires her to get hurt in order to maximize damage,
Wishing Cairn Don:
Wishing Cairn Don is one of the few EGO in the game which counts as three different status effects, Bleed, Tremor and Poise. Its bad at all three of these unfortunately. As Don lacks a Red Poise ID, she cant make too much use out of the crit conditional, nor the bleed conditional on passive. Her best tremor ID is extremely good at clashing and, as this EGO does not apply as much tremor as others, it has no purpose in general, other than to collect all three infinity stones in the mirror dungeon for fun.
Though this EGO is one of the few which is able to apply bleed count, its generally not the most useful. that being said, this remains Don's only method of applying Bleed count in general, as she lacks it in both of her Bleed ID's (base don and Midon)
Wingbeat Ishmael:
we just jumped from sinner 3 to sinner 8. this is what i mean when i said that bleed EGO dont exist.
This EGO was the first multi coin EGO, it has the lowest base power of any EGO in the game, the highest coin count of any skill in the game, and the highest non MD roll of any EGO I'm fairly sure. This EGO also marks the point in time which PM remembered that the tilde exists.
This EGO, though hard to fuel, as there is extremely little gluttony in a bleed team, is still wingbeat, and still the most potent EGO skill in the game.
What is Cast:
This EGO has no competition, if you need to win a clash on rodion, who you presumably are bringing for Sanguine Desire, but dont want to waste the EGO resources in using it to clash, then just use this, it works as a perfectly fine clash winner.
Impending Day Sinclair:
Self-Bleed on corrosion. just covering my non Holiday bases.
Ebony Stem Outis:
This EGO applies bleed on heads hits. This EGO, while certainly good, and synergizing with Outis's bleed ID of the Ring, is hard to fuel for the same reasons as Wingbeat. That being said, this is still, arguably, the best piercing AOE EGO in the game, and if you need
Suddenly One Day:
Legerdemain Gregor:
you can apply maggots at a gluttony resonance change, there are almost no gluttony skills in a bleed team.
Other useful EGO:
Garden of thorns Gregor
This EGO is useful because its a lust affinity, absolute resonance based EGO skill. Its kind of Weird how the three best EGO for the Bleed team are all Lust affinity Slash Type Waw level skills.
My Form Empties Outis:
Wow, what a surprise, another lust-slash EGO skill for the resonance. as an additional note for Garden of Thorns, overclocking it while using it alongside this EGO makes for i think 5 Lust Fragility. If both of these come before Sanguine desire then that adds up to a lot of damage.
Bleed Teams:
There are a few options for a bleed team. there are bloody mist teams, where you simply use different ID's to fill the quota in a mirror dungeon, and then deal damage almost entirely through your skills.
The ID's for this would be the middle IDs and KK Hong Lu, however any and all bleed ID's work excellently for this strategy, go wild with any Bleed you can find, I've seen people run rabbit Heathcliff in this kind of team before and it truly cannot get worse than that (until overview 6)
there are Red Poise teams. where you aim to get both lucky pouch and Bloody mist, in order to make Ishmael's skill 3 roll higher than ABS or Wingbeat.
The Following are all the ID's that count as Red poise IDs:
The Pequod ID's. Ishmael, Yi Sang, and Heathcliff
Boy Love Faust and Sinclair
KK rodion
Twinhook Pirates Gregor
though not counted as one of the five Bleed ID's, Boy Love Meursault's counter 2, To claim their Bones, is effected by Bloody mist, and is treated as part of his skill 3, meaning that it is effected by Lucky Pouch.
And finally there are the true, non Mirror Dungeon, Bleed based teams.
for these teams you want to have a majority of the Core ID's for the team: In order of priority:
Ring Yi Sang: this ID is able to deal absurd damage, apply bleed count, apply bleed potency, and has a skill 2 which is lust affinity, meaning that it is more available for lust resonance.
Rhino Meursault: additional source of Gloom resources, main source of slash damage, good application of Bleed count.
Harpooner Heathcliff: Though he doesn't seem like a great unit on his own, he becomes incredibly consistent when paired with a bleed team, allowing him to reliably stack Poise and, through that, apply bleed count. Its because of him primarily that the next option is on the list.
Captain Ishmael: Though not herself a great unit, through the absolute destruction caused by her S3, and through Pride resonance, she is able to enable not only Heathcliff, but also Rhino Meursault as it allows him to theoretically get charge quicker.
If you for some reason made it all the way to the bottom... thank you? I don't expect people to read what i write often and I'm not a confident writer overall so from the bottom of my heart thank you for reading all the way through this.
Me below:
literally's literal illiteracy in literature
If you enjoyed reading this you can find more things I have written above. Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for things that i could improve on or that i should write about, be sure to ask.
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mons-immortalium-if · 1 year ago
any updates for mons immortalium?
I have the layout of the chapter done and all the variations and stuff I want to include. Now to start the actual witting. I'mma try to bring Chapter 2 out before the year ends, but these 2 months are usually kinda hectic for me irl 😵‍💫 I keep saying I'll do a little monthly update or something, but it keeps slipping my mind 😅 But yeah, I'm focusing on Chapter 2 for this IF now ✨
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cityquester · 24 days ago
📸 Prague Photo Scavenger Hunt: Strengthen Your Team Through Adventure! 🎭
🚀 Exciting. 🤝 Interactive. 📷 Engaging. 🍷 Memorable. Looking for a unique team-building activity in Prague? CityQuester’s Photo Hunt is a fun way to bond with colleagues, explore hidden gems, and capture unforgettable moments!
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unsolicitedadvicecatlady · 4 months ago
Part II of Negotiating with a terrorist
***If you haven't read part one, go to my blog, scroll down a bit, and read it. You're almost guaranteed to get an undesirable outcome if you fail to use these concepts in concert with one another.***
The ultimate goal in any negotiation should be to establish a solid foundation and foster a cooperative, long-term, and mutually beneficial relationship of collaboration.
A good collaboration involves a combined effort in the acquisition of a mutual desire, as well as the joint aim of expanding the understanding of what that desire might evolve to be across time.
When negotiating, you're faced with two different aspects of the same problem, and if you collaborate you might come to a better outcome. It's not possible to know the best outcome because you don't have all the facts. Go in with an open mind and do it in a way that this person wants to talk with you again.
When negotiating, you're aiming to understand the other person's desires and being transparent about your own. The goal is to create a shared vision and plan a mutually satisfying path forward that both parties will willingly follow. Ideally, this leads to a lasting, reciprocal relationship. It's also important to recognize if the other person is not interested in achieving this outcome.
There are no foes, only friends waiting to happen. It doesn't matter if you think the guy on the other side of the table is the worst human being that every crawled on the face of the earth. They're a human being, and you must realize this. If you think about it as "us vs. them" you might as well hang up and call it a day, because you're not going to make a deal here.
If your biggest fear is "no," you can't negotiate. If you're dead set on what you want and you're not willing to be open to other possibilities, you've already turned this into a lose-lose scenario.
Listen to your gut, not your amygdala. When dealing with a high-conflict or overly aggressive counterpart it's easy to get swept up in emotion and start thinking with your limbic brain. Our whole body thinks. Gut feelings are important to listen to. If something feels off, there's a good chance it's not just your coffee talking back to you, something might actually require further inquisition and clarification.
Stay emotionally unattached and unavailable for manipulation. When you're letting your emotions call the shots, all kinds of problems can occur. Detach emotionally and stay in your logical brain. If you're caught up in emotions, you need to take a step back because you're about to make a big mistake.
Principles before personalities. Separate the people from the problems. Avoid falling into the trap of putting your counterpart into a box labeled "problem." If you think of this person as part of the problem, there is no solution to this problem because you're not going to fix, manage, or control other people's behavior.
Remain clinical, analytical, and pragmatic. Stay detached from the outcome and the emotionality of the circumstances and treat this like you're an analyst discussing hypotheticals with a colleague. This will help you remove your own emotional hang-ups and keep you from making any decisions based solely on feelings.
Unconditional positive regard. Become resolute in your intention to treat your counterpart with respect under any conditions. See their humanity, even if you have to dig through a lot of layers of ego to get to it. When in doubt, go back to the Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated.
Before going in guns blazing, ask:
What is their vision of the future?
How does it affect their identity?
What kind of losses are they looking at?
What is important to them?
"Do you see what I see?" Your counterpart is only interested in what you have to say if you actually understand where they're coming from first, and you articulate that without a shadow of a doubt. If you don't see what they see the way they see it, then you don't understand where they're coming from and anything you have to say is irrelevant to them.
"How are you going to help me?" Your counterpart is only interested in how you're going to help them. If you can see the problem from their perspective and get creative about how you're going to help them with your mutual problem, you've got a much better shot at reaching a solution you can both live with.
Series of "no" questions. Ask them questions you want a "no" answer to that reflects their perspective. This lets them know you've been listening and are here to help. People are more willing to give a "no" than a "yes," so, utilize this and get them thinking about the possibility of working with you instead of against you.
Summarize why they're doing what they are doing using empathy and respect; validate their experience. When you've got a pretty good understanding of what they're after and why they're doing what they're doing, let them know that by empathetically reiterating the points they've made. Use deference and tact but avoid condoning or excusing their methods.
Keep the person separate from the problem. Get them out of that box you've labeled "problem" and get them thinking about working with you on solving your mutual problem with teamwork. There's a good chance this person just wants to be understood, validated, and respected. If you've already laid the groundwork for this, you're in a much better position to get a positive outcome.
Negotiate not position-focused but interest-oriented. You've gained their respect by respecting them. You've let them know that you see the problem from their perspective. You've expressed interest in helping them solve the problem by working together. Now focus on your interests and avoid digging your heels in and being stubborn on a point.
This is not an all-inclusive step-by-step guide. Use your neocortex and do your research before attempting to enter a high-stakes negotiation. You need tools, tactics, and techniques. The same level of understanding it took to get to the problem will not aid in solving the problem.
Remember, this isn't about a temporary fix, but a way of interacting with people, regardless of circumstances, that ensures you are doing the best you can with what you have to maintain a peaceful and cooperative environment for getting things done.
A tool is only as ethical as the one who wields it. You can use information to help or hurt. Don't be an asshole and do what you can for others.
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jrtstories · 1 month ago
Join the Team
This is the year jrtstories writes more and faster. To do that, it’s also the year JRTstories on Substack and Patreon makes more money. The more paying subscribers and members I get, we become a team, making these stories happen. Join the team so we can write up a storm of fiction, fantasy, and more.
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artjourneysg · 3 months ago
Unleash your child's creativity at our Kids Art Jamming Workshop! A fun, hands-on experience where young artists can explore colors and techniques while making unique creations. Perfect for sparking imagination and building confidence!
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Don't miss out – book now for an unforgettable bonding session!
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tungcauho · 4 months ago
Quay phim Team Building: Ghi lai khoanh khac đoan ket va sang tao
Quay phim Team Building là một phần quan trọng trong các sự kiện doanh nghiệp, giúp ghi lại những khoảnh khắc vui vẻ, gắn kết và sáng tạo của các thành viên trong nhóm. Dưới đây là lý do tại sao bạn nên quay phim trong các chương trình Team Building:
Ghi lại kỷ niệm đáng nhớ Quay phim không chỉ giúp lưu giữ những khoảnh khắc vui nhộn, mà còn là cách tuyệt vời để các thành viên nhìn lại và cảm nhận sự thay đổi, cải thiện trong tinh thần làm việc nhóm và khả năng phối hợp.
Tăng cường tinh thần đoàn kết Những video Team Building giúp các thành viên trong nhóm cảm thấy tự hào về thành tích chung và thúc đẩy sự đoàn kết. Khi xem lại video, họ sẽ cảm thấy gần gũi và gắn bó hơn với đồng nghiệp.
Chia sẻ kết quả và cảm hứng Video Team Building có thể được chia sẻ nội bộ trong công ty hoặc dùng để truyền tải thông điệp đến khách hàng, đối tác. Đây là cách hiệu quả để thể hiện văn hóa doanh nghiệp, tinh thần đoàn kết và sự sáng tạo của đội ngũ.
Nguồn chia sẻ: https://viet-power.vn/quay-phim-team-building/
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cambridgedesignvector3 · 1 year ago
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luceafarul-de-dimineata · 10 months ago
În Teambuilding
Marbas holding a card that says Jesus: A murit pentru pacatele noastre
Buer: Vadim. Vadim Tudor. Corneliu Vadim Tudor!
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anonymousfog101 · 7 months ago
And now, a lesson in Pokémon Teambuilding, with AnonymousFog
It is unwise to make your entire team use the same attacking stat. Doing so could result in a single Pokémon on the opponent's side successfully stalling out your entire team, or worse...
In this example, we see the opponent bring an entire team of Physical attackers. As a result of this blunder, all six of their Pokemon are swept by Stakataka, who has a base Defense stat of 211.
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ririddleroom · 10 months ago
Barkbeard ASMR for the April showers
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