barn-anon · 3 months
Nakir is a little odd. Though if you're honest, all three of your Word Bearers are odd. But he just seems even more so in the way he acts around you.
There's nothing harmful or threatening. He just seems to be constantly struggling whenever he touches you. Whether it's a small pat or you grabbing his hand to pull him along, he would always get so stiff. You're not sure why.
Hora and Hakael on the other hand seem almost desperate for any interaction with you. They would cling onto you if you hugged them, give you those sad eyes when you pull away or come back from work and don't hug them straight away.
It's not that Nakir hates you. He goes out of his way to find you things he hopes you would like, hell most of the things in your house were gifts from him. He himself does show you some small signs of affection. Mainly through small pats or nudges that would nearly knock you over.
It's just when it's touches that you initiate that seems to stun him. Why? You're not sure and he certainly has refused to tell you.
Tagged: @kit-williams • @egrets-not-regrets • @bleedingichorhearts
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choclodox · 1 year
Can we get more lore on Nakir Txska Urlä’itx, Tsa’hik of the Night Na’vi of the Alyara Clan?
Yis you may 💙 (although I won’t be able to say much since I don’t want to spoil the future fic once I finish the next comic short two posts)
So Nakir is Tsa’hik of her clan (as we all know), and since it’s the Alyara clan, she has more authority than the Olo’eyktan. The Olo’eyktan (clan duty wise) is supposed to be her general so to speak. She’s the one with a plan, he’s the one who executes it.
The current Olo’eyktan is her son. Her husband left his position not long after the humans returned, and he left his son in his place until he came back. No one knows why he left except for Nakir, and there isn’t a soul on Pandora who would be stupid enough to ask her about her marital affairs…
I’ve also mentioned that she HATES Jake, for reasons I’ll touch on with those comic shorts I have planned.
If Jake tried to seek uturu with the Night Na’vi to keep his family safe, Nakir would’ve taken his kids from him and he and Neytiri would’ve NEVER seen them again.
This is because Nakir would call his BS logic that running away from the Sky People will keep his family safe in reality the only to save them is by fighting (which Nikea would agree with). Then she’d call Jake and Neytiri a poor excuse for parents and rip their kids away from him because she’d argue they’re much safer worth her clan than with two “cowards” who should be fighting the good fight (which Nikea would NOT agree with). And even if Jake won the war, Nakir still wouldn’t give his kids back.
She’s NOT to be confused with someone like Cersei who make enemies where not necessary purely out of vanity and narcissism. Nakir still knows when respect is due.
She is the type of person who always has a good point, she just always puts it in the harshest way possible. But at the end of the day, she always has her clan’s best interest at heart. Even to a fault.
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lazycrocodile · 2 months
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A revenge for @wanderingavians ! 💫
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tobathebat · 2 years
Alhamdulillah Rahmat Alloh Di Alam Barzah. Umat Rosululloh & Malaikat Mungkar Nakir Selalu Dirahmati Alloh Dan Dijauhkan Dari Fitnah Kubur & Adzab Neraka. #Dakwah #Islam
Alhamdulillah Rahmat Alloh Di Alam Barzah. Umat Rosululloh & Malaikat Mungkar Nakir Selalu Dirahmati Alloh Dan Dijauhkan Dari Fitnah Kubur & Adzab Neraka. #Dakwah #Islam
Saat para pengiring mayit meninggalkan kuburan, maka datanglah dua orang malaikat yang akan bertanya kepadanya tentang beberapa hal; Siapa tuhanmu, apa agamamu, siapa rasulmu, siapa saudaramu dan apa pedoman hidupmu. Hanya orang-orang yang beriman dan melakukan perintah-Nya serta menjauhi larangan-Nya yang akan bisa menjawabnya. Bagi mereka akan dianugerahkan kenikmatan kubur yang dianugerahkan Allah untuk orang beriman
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julymarte · 10 months
I didn't expect the twins to have the least votes across platforms
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tsururoach · 2 years
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Zine Piece I did for Twisted Wonderland: New Faces
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rysingsun-art · 1 year
I went from deciding “If I do any art tonight it will be the Queer Canyon title screen” to oh i wanna sketch
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to “i wanna work on those vertigo and roga character sketches on my computer from months ago” (i added very little tonight)
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to “oh i should remake that old unfinished pride ocs thing from 2016(?) using the above drawing file since i’m already doing two characters per layer as sort of dress up dolls for references and drawing different clothes” (the mentioned old thing:)
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to “wait i never revamped pluto and nakir’s hair like i’ve been meaning to for years” (pluto is half-spotted hyena, half italian wolf and nakir is a lion— funny enough the first time i made human versions of the trio, laki was black and the other two were white. then i decided not long after to make appearance as humans match up with where each animal species is initially from so it swapped… it took a long time to slowly change hair textures since i was so attached to my old designs. especially for major characters. honestly thanks @chromaticroses for all the posts about drawing black characters. it was a push i needed to do this small thing that felt daunting. i definitely still need to practice but it’s a start)
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to “oh hey i might as well start that redraw of pluto & co since i realized it’s been four years since last time and the first one was four years before that”
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and now it’s 4:30 am and i’m tired so i’m done for the night but i just wanted to share because i think things turned out good and i realized i hardly post on this blog (though tbf i’ve hardly drawn in the last year)
i’ve had the trio as characters for almost a decade now. thanks for all the ocs, young teen me. many have changed over the years, but at their core, most of them are the same people they used to be and have very similar designs to back then as well.
let your characters evolve as you learn and experience new things, and let what you want them to be push you to learn and experience even more new things whether it’s falling down a research rabbit hole on a period in history or on a gender identity, or learning to draw a new body type
anyways the melatonin is kicking in. good night
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reviverofislam · 3 months
The Power of Surah Mulk ❤️
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Imagine, you are dead! Your funeral prayer is over! You are placed in the grave! You are waiting for the angels of Munkar Nakir! But, they are not coming! But you are beginning to smell the fragrance of Paradise! After a while, a tunnel to Paradise is formed with the grave. ! You thought, what is this? Question - Where is the answer!? Then you remembered - ' If you recite the Surah Mulk every night, there is no problem answering questions in the grave! There is no chance of torment in the grave! Then, lying down on the soft bed of silk sheets, you said - Alhamdulillah!
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sadmages · 2 months
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A batch of Artfight revenges!
Ciera for Hush-art on AF
Nakir for SugarInferno on AF
and Rowan Hawke for @proserpiiart !
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 6 months
-I'm genderfluid and audhd, borderline too (undiagnosed because the system sucks) and diagnosed schizophrenic
-godspoused! if you're anti fuck off
-I'm an age regressor but i curse a lot on this blog so age regressors feel free to follow my agere side blog @there-are-sharks-in-my-milk
-i don't discriminate anyone this is a safe space for minorities, poc, microlabels, systems, lgbt people, therians, everyone who is not a hateful jerk
-this blog is a mix of me posting about my deities, stray kids and other stuff i find interesting
-sometimes i vent make sure you're okay with it
blog rules are:
-if my practice looks different than yours and you don't like it you're free to unfollow
-if my vents annoy you and you feel the urge to tell me its my fault you're free to unfollow this is my shadow work free from censor space
-if you feel the need to tell me i seem psychotic you're free to fuck off
-don't fuckin curse me??? some of yall are not behaving and it's pissing me off
-other than that be kind and respectful to me and my friends
to interact with my blog make sure that you aren't:
racist, homophobic, terf, pedo, ableist, anti agere, a nsfw blog (it makes me uncomfortable), generally a hateful human
now the best part:
-Holy Mary
-Baba Jaga
working with:
Marzanna, Apollo, Dionysus, Hecate, Persephone, Asclepius, Hel, Anat, Death, Satan, Leszy, Cernunnos, Horned God, Helios, Venus, Freyja, Asmodeus, Baphomet archangel Jophiel, Thoth, Fenrir, Dantalion, Buer, Beelzebub, Mut, Bes, Bacchus, Kogkipr (an unknown deity), Proserpina, Cnabetius Mars, Tegid Foel, angel Sariel, Hermanubis, Amun, Deimos and Phobos, Kvasir, Wepwawet, The Dagda, Swarożyc, Lucifer, Begotho (unknown deity), Aphrodite Areia, Stracchus (unknown deity), Ruadan, Somnia, Kek, Cerberus, Hestia, Nyx, Cerridwen, the Morrigan, Parvati, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, RadhaRani, Lakshmi, archangel Gabriel, archangel Azrael, Nakir and Munkar, archangel Michael, archangel Israphil, Kiram and Katibun, Somnus, Loki, Mokosz, Allah, Brigid, Hermes, Shakti, Anubis, Weles, Baldur, Khnum, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Astaroth, Neith, Wenut, Ganesha, Perun, Khepri, Inanna, Dola/Niedola, Ariadne, Jaryło, Chors, Sleipnir, Zorza, Jormungandr, Odin, Czarnobóg, Blodeuwedd, Set, Mafdet, Idunn, Seshat, Dziewanna, Artemis, Arioch, Eros, Vesna, Selene, Luna, Leviathan, Behemoth, Nox, Mammon, Abaddon, Azazel, Kathos, Vesta, Sun, Moon, Minerva, Athena, Eosphorus, Stolas
spirits that i work with:
-Pahiri (a white dragon spirit)
-Nkfofa (the mermaid spirit guide)
-a fae
-Fienon (a rusałka)
-Mo Xasii (familiar nr 1)
-Hilkog (spirit guide)
-Kalina (a harpy)
-Zanota (a mermaid spirit guide nr 2)
-Gawoż (hydra, familiar nr 2)
- Kiityk (upiór spirit guide)
-Xyo (a red fire dragon)
-Bemamo (a dragon shark)
devoting to:
-King Hades
I'm not really a hellenic polytheist, nor a kemetic one, not really a slavic one as well although i am hyperfixated on slavic paganism, yes, and i do wanna work with more slavic deities in the future but I don't label myself as anything I'm just a witch and a pagan i celebrate the slavic holidays and my deities holidays because they're the closest to me. if i were to label myself i would use "rodzimowierca"? but I'm just a witch, and well apparently a medium now too so 😀 fun uhh
i do free readings too! 5 a day to not burn out so quick but i wanna get more skilled since divination is my favourite skill to get one just dm me tp ask if im open!
I'm planning to master:
-moon magic
-blood magic
-a crystal ball
-reading more books...
-my fuckin research motivation...
i can do:
-spells and shit
-tea blends i guess
-runes (both nordic and witch's runes)
sława! :]
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garadinervi · 8 months
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Gastone Novelli, Munkar e Nakir, (oil and mixed media on canvas), 1963 [ML Fine Art – Matteo Lampertico, Milano. © Archivio Gastone Novelli, Roma]
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barn-anon · 5 months
At first you had been surprised and delighted when your Hora, as you've named him after numerous failed attempts at saying his name, first showed up. You had dreamed of having a Space Marine of your own, what child never did? Then he shows up suddenly, you don't even know if you had seen him before. A little alarming but the allure of having a Space Marine to call your own, outshone any alarm bells you should've had.
He moved in so quickly and it didn't take long before Nakir and Hakael joined as well. You were far from prepared to have more than one but the more the merrier you figured. All three are good housemates too, your home had never been cleaner and they constantly made sure you had the best of everything.
Food was the first, your usual cereal replaced with some healthier choice brand that you always wanted to try but decided against because you didn't feel like spending that much on just cereal. Slowly more of your food or kitchen appliance would get replaced while you were at work.
You had confronted the three of them about it once, trying to tell them that it's too much, only to get sad looks in return. Seemingly on edge and going over the top to ensure your happiness. It got suffocating enough for you to finally tell them that they can continue what they were doing since it made them so happy.
Your house is completely different now, everything had been replaced by them, not even your pens you use were the same. How they got all these things you do not know but these gifts never stopped coming. Then one day you offhandedly mentioned about getting a dog, left for work and came back to find numerous puppies in your house for you to pick the one that caught your eye. Your Word Bearers looked on expectantly, seemingly not thinking that it was odd to do.
You made the mistake of choosing one. An open invitation to them at that moment, that no gift was too great to give to you. No offering too much for their little Goddess. They had to do better, each day one of them would go out to find something worth your attention. Your happiness, your affection is the golden light they chase.
Tagged: @kit-williams • @egrets-not-regrets • @bleedingichorhearts
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choclodox · 1 year
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To say the least, Nakir is a force to be reckoned with.⁣⁣
It was a BIG deal when the Alyara ceased contact because the Omatikaya are one of the main reasons why the Night Na’vi survived near extinction. On top that, the Alyara clan consider them the most important stop because they have to borrow the Tree of Souls to allow their kids to go through the first communion with Eywa. They can’t do that back in their homelands since their Spirit Tree got destroyed centuries ago.⁣⁣
And Nakir wasn’t lying when she said that Nikea got off easy. She only got her fingernail pulled off.⁣⁣
They even let her choose which one. ⁣⁣
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thatuselesshuman · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire Tag
Thank you for the tag @wyked-ao3
It's always fun to do one of these lol
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I've had a Tumblr account for about 6 months or so but I've only been a 'writeblr' for a couple months.
What led you to create it?
Idk tbh. I kinda just decided that I wanted to share my writing and it led me here.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
All of the creativity is amazing. I'm a whore for lore and world building, and the worlds that y'all come up with are immaculate. I could only hope to think of a world that vast and interesting.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Please ddon't take me seriously. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I'm not just a clown, I'm the entire circus. The day you take me too seriously (especially as an author) is the death of my whimsy.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Nothing I can really think of. I'm pretty happy with how it is rn lol
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Bloody Hands are Kind and None of Us Heroes are always floating around. They're never not beating my ass with ideas and scenes.
How long have you been working on them?
I've been working of the series component of Bloody Hands are Kind since February, and None of Us Heroes for about 1 and a half months.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
None of Us Heroes started from the Honkai Star Rail brainworms known as Adventurine and Dr Ratio. Their designs and story inspired the two main characters of None of Us Heroes. The series component of Bloody Hands are Kind was basically me shoving a long-standing OC of mine into the Hunger Games universe and praying it would work.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
At least a few hours a day, usually when I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep. My array of illnesses make falling asleep hard and I find that thinking about my stories makes it easier to forget that I'm not asleep (and therefore hopefully fall asleep).
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"Whatever the voices command."
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
Meh I say that because I find it funny so idk if I'd change it.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created. Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
OHH LORD THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG LIST. So we got Adrian, Nova, Amarantha, Jack, Cora Beth, Ben Al-Badawi (x3), Jack Collins, William Talt, Blue, Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Azrael (aka Amane), Lucifer, Achlys, Quinn Amsel, Atlas Selic, Michael, Adena, Nakir, Evangeline, Celeste, Saeko, Gabriel, Kaz Anderson, Caspian, Jyn Osaka, Nikolai Sevigny, Cyril, Kylan Whitlock, Kestrel, Leo Valandi, Anaïs, Delph, Laz (short for Lazarus), Neo, Roland, Tobias, Will, Mirwais, Simon Cruz, Conrad, James Blackthorn, Alessandra Snow, Max Foster, Benyamin Safi, Haeyun Sin, and Dante Silvestre. There are more, but I either don't care enough to write them down or I've forgotten their names.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Blue 100%. He's not human and it is not uncommon for his species to be cannibalistic. He's not, but he's still unhinged asf
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Max Foster. He's easy to write because me and him share a lot if similarities.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Oh definitely. A lot of my old characters are cringy.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
Dude idk what to tell you, whenever I try and force my characters to do something I hit the biggest writer's block wall I've ever seen.
On Writeblr Engagement
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
YES YES PLEASE ASK ME!! Anyways, I don't really care how you ask (I just want you to ask lol), but if I had to pick it'd either be asks or comments on Ao3. Though ofc I still love questions in any and all forms, even if it's something like making a separate post and tagging me loll.
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
I mostly follow people if I think their cool or if I find myself consistently liking their posts as they come across my dash. I don't follow people often tho lol. I only follow abt 20 people I think.
What makes you decide against following?
If their vibes are too negative, if they're super political, if their content doesn't align with something I care about, or if they're super anti something I am. Any combination of those could be the reason I don't follow.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yes. I think about other people's WIPs and such all of the time. I love stories, what can I say?
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Of course! As I said, I don't follow many people so I don't have many mutuals. I love interacting with different people though, so I'm happy to strike up conversations with random people I find cool!
@moltenwrites @willtheweaver @the-golden-comet @katenewmanwrites @agirlandherquill +open tag
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valarhalla · 1 year
The LOTR prologue translated into Akkadian/Ancient Babylonian:
Kibrātum arba’um ikker. Ina mê annītam anaṭṭal. Ina eperī annītam ešemme. Ina šārī annītam eṣṣin. Awātum ikbitā iḫalliqā, aššum mamman ul iballuṭū u inanna iḫassasūšināti.
The four corners of the earth have changed. I see this in the waters. I hear this in the earth. I smell this in the air. Things which were of great importance, they are lost, because no one  lives and now remembers them.
Annītam ištu naḫarmuṭum kamkammātim rapshatim ūtallid. Šalāsh kamkammātim ina elpātim innadnā, šina ana dāriātim iballuṭā, šina itti nemēqim, u damqut nishī. Ana bēlī ṣeḫrūtim sebûm kamkammātim innadnū. U tiše kamkammātim ana awīlī innadnū, šunu kīma imaqqutū, šunu kīma emūqī irrišū.
The matter was born from the smelting of the great rings. Three rings were given to the elves, they who live forever, they who have wisdom, and the most beautiful of all peoples. To the lords of the Small Ones, seven rings were given. And nine rings to men were given, those who will fall, and those who desire power. 
Anumma annītum balum kīttam, aššum-ma kamkammatam šanûm iwwalid. Ina mātātim ša Murdur , ina išātim ša šad šīmātim, ullikīam bēlum da’ummum šī iḫḫarmiṭ. Ina kamkammatam šiāti erištašu u emūqšu iškun. Ištet kamkammatam mimma šumšu ana belûm.
Now this matter was without truth, because another ring was born. In the land of mordor, in the fires of the mountain of fate, there the dark lord forged her. In this ring he placed his desire and his strength. One ring to rule over everything.
Ina Mišil-Erṣetim, mātātim zakiātina uštamriṣā. Ina emūq kamkammatim mātātim ištēt imqutū. Awīlū ayyū uštamaḫḫarūšu. Ina bīrīšunu elpātim u awīlī akhkhūtum labirtum innepiš. Eli ṣābī ša Mordor illikū. Eli pāṣ šad šīmātim ana andurārim ša Mišil Erṣetim imtaḫṣū. Irnittam ukaššidū, u emūq kamkammatim batāqum la ilte’û. Inūma Isildur, mār šarrim, kakki abišu inašši. Sa’urun, nakir awīlim ša Mišil-Erṣetim, ikkašid. 
In Middle Earth, the lands which were untainted became ill. To the power of the ring, each of the lands of fell. Some men resisted. Between them men and elves a lasting alliance made. Against the armies of mount fate they marched. On the boundaries of mount fate for the freedom of Middle Earth they fought. Victory they pursued, but the strength of the ring they were unable to cut through. It was then that Isildur, the son of the King, took up his father’s weapon. Sauron, the enemy of the free men of Middle Earth, was defeated.
Kamkammatam ana Isildur innadin. Kīma libbi awīli ṣalmū, u kamkammatam ša emūqim erištaša īšu. Šī Isildur ana mūtašu utīršu. Kīnātum sartī īwiā. Sartū zamārI īwû. U ištu šalāšat līmi šanātim, kamkammatam immaši. Adi šī nāšam eššam ibār.
The ring came to Isildur. But the hearts of men are black, and the ring of power she hath her desires. She returned Isildur to his death. Truth became falsehood. Falsehoods became song. And for three thousand years, the ring was forgotten. Until she ensnared a new bearer.
Nasīqtī! Nasīqtī! 
My precious! My precious!
Kamkammatum ina rabisam Qallûm innamer. Qallûm kamkammatam ina ḫarrānam ša šadī išriq. U ullikīam, īkulšu. Kamkammatum ina Qallûm balāṣam darītam iddinšu. Ištu nērum šanātim išqīšu. U ina eklēt ḫurrāt Qallûm, inīl. Ekletum ina qišāt erṭētim itūr. Mutū aššum ṭillam ina ṣītiš iqbû. Kamkammatum ša emūqim šiāti Ilmad. Qallûm īzib. 
The ring by the demon Qallûm was found. Qallûm stole the ring away into the paths of the mountains. And there, she consumed him. The ring to Qallûm everlasting life gave. For five hundred years she poisoned him. And so in the darkness of the cave of Qallûm, she slept. Darkness returned to the forests of the world. Men spoke concerning a shadow in the east. The ring of power knew this. She abandoned gollum.
Nasīqtī! Nasīqtī iḫalliq! ištu nīašim Išriqūši!
My precious! They stole my precious! They stole her from us! 
Ḫabbatum Bilba Narūqum innabi īmurši.
A hobbit named Bilbo Baggins found her.
Ana mīnim šiāti? 
What's this? 
Nasīqtī! Nasīqtī iḫalliq! ištu nīašim Išriqūši! - 
My precious! They stole my precious! They stole her from us!
Inanna ḫabbātim šīmāt mimmāmim igammarū. 
For now Hobbits will control the fate of everything.
Translation notes under the cut:
This is a slightly simplified version of the prologue as it appears in the extended edition of the Fellowship of the Ring. A few lines were cut for being grammatically too strange to fit within the surviving grammar and vocabulary of Akkadian, such as “Isildur had this one chance to have had evil destroyed forever” and “the most unlikely person imaginable.”
The word for ring, Kamkammatum, was found in the Chicago Press Glossary of Old Akkadian by I. J Gelb.
The phrase “Kibrātum arba’um”, or “the four shores” is the standard Akkadian way of denoting the whole earth.
Obviously, there is no word in Akkadian for elf. I have akkadianized the term as the feminine noun Elpam, Elpātim, as “eleppum” already means ship.
For dwarves, I have used the term ṣeḫrūtim, a substantivized form of the word meaning “small”, which can also be used as a term for children or servants.
Akkadian has no letter “o”, so in some names, the letter o has been replaced with u, resulting in Murdur for Mordor, Sa’urun for Sauron, and Qallûm for Gollum.
Mount Doom is rendered as Mountain of Fate, the same as in the German translation and some other languages.
Middle Earth is translated quite literally as Mišil-Erṣetim, which is coincidentally oddly similar to the original, even though Akkadian is not even an Indo-European language.
The word for ring is feminine, so the ring is referred to as “she.”
Gollum is described as a “rabisu”, a Babylonian class of spirits or demons.
For Hobbit, I also invented a word, Ḫabbatum.
Bilbo’s surname, NarUqum, is the Akkadian word for a leather bag or sack.
The line "history became legend, legend became myth" was a particular challenge, as none of those words have strict equivalents. "Truth became falsehood, falsehood became song" was the closest option I eventually landed on.
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julymarte · 10 months
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since the votes seem to have stopped coming from all platforms the results are in! Pravaal featured first mostly thanks to tumblr, Taru got more votes from IG and Ameera equally from tumblr and the server…nakir was saved by tumblr cause he would have gotten 0 votes otherwise between instagram and the server
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