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corneille-moisie · 7 months ago
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ya-no-la-quiero · 9 months ago
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Idea Vilariño
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viejospellejos · 6 months ago
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membraneshock · 2 years ago
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hora & közi for zoisite’s “eye agate” photobook
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technicontrastron · 2 months ago
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Vkei ist saved
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mouldymp3rotations · 3 months ago
This year, I decided that from now on, the january rotations are going to be for the previous year's recapitulation :)
As usual : Song titles link to individual mp3 file download
All 5 songs can also be downloaded together in a zip file from the link at the bottom
Let's take a look at what my 2024 looked like, musically !
Ad Infinitum - See You In Hell
Ad Infinitum was a new discovery, for me, this year. I had downloaded the album this is on without being informed about the band, and I found it catching me. A little trip on youtube confirmed that this was right up my alley lol. This song in particular doesn't show it, but she also has a pretty neat growl on top of her top notch clean vocals ♥
See You In Hell was a single off of Chapter I - Monarchy, released in 2020
Aural Vampire - ICONOCLASM
gosh that song has to be annoying as fuck for untrained hear lmao.
My uploading of this song to tumblr was one of my most popular music posts of 2024 though :3
And yes, it IS a Buck-Tick cover :)
ICONOCLASM was on the Mimic Your Hair mini-album, released in 2015
Blackbriar - Arms of the Ocean
I had already heard of Blackbriar prior to this year, but 2024 is when I actually looked into them. To me, they feel a bit as if Within Temptation was led by a weird girl (affectionate) instead of a fairy princess (also affectionate :)).
Arms of the Ocean is on the We'd Rather Burn EP, from 2018
Collide - Ocean
I didnt plan to have two songs about disappearing in the ocean back to back but i guess here we are lol
I was introduced to Collide through a post about how darkwave moved from sounding like a bunch of bands including them, to all the darkwave bands sounding the same lol. Now, considering the name of the band, I didn't expect to find much, but I did find this album that they had mentionned ! And I liked it ! So I'm gonna dig further, eventually :3
Ocean is on Chasing the Ghost, from 2000.
Dalida - Monday, Tuesday... (Laissez-Moi Danser)
Oh, I set myself up with this one lmao. This is how my 2024 started :) Yes, yes, Dalida again, yes, deal with it hahaha.
Laissez-Moi Danser was on Dédié à Toi, released in 1979
(this is delightful lmao)
Exit Eden - Femme Fatale
Another new discovery ! Not gonna lie, I got into Exit Eden cause their first album was all cover, and I'm a sucker for covers !!!!! And then I stayed because I really did enjoy the fact that they have/had 4 vocalists, each with their own strength !! I almost went with their cover of Mylène Farmer's Désenchantée, but in the end I settled on this one cause not only does it get stuck in my head, once in a while, but they also pronouce "femme" properly LOL (one of them is French, so of course they pronounce it properly x) ). It's also very catchy :).
Femme Fatale is on the Femmes Fatales album released in 2024
(this post wasnt sponsored by napalm records lmao)
This year, I finally got to listen to most of Hora's post 2010 releases ! I chose this song cause I see it as the demo for Schwarz Stein's Ever After :3
PART OF YOUR WORLD is found on the the DESOLATION BEAUTY album, from 2014
(Look all I can find is the little mermaid, on youtube, so here's an upload, i guess. don't worry, the mp3 file is 320kbps, unlike this upload :) )
Nakamori Akina - 禁区 (kinku)
This song accompanied me through my therapy, last spring/summer and it's one of the last song i just had to listen on repeat again and again aaaaah
Kinku was a single released in 1983.
Schwarz Stein - Wachtraum
This was the last song i listened to, this year :)
Wachtraum was the last track of the Immortal Verses mini-album, released in 2018
Тату (Tatu) - Робот (Robot)
I got a weird hair up my ass, at some point, and went and downloaded the russian/original version of 200km/h In The Wrong Lane, as I hadn't heard it before, despite being pretty familiar with the english version. This song is perfect to wash dishes to XD
Robot was on 200 по встречной (200 Po Vstrechnoy, forgive any mistake, i'm not reading russian/cyrillic at all, i'm just copy/pasting 😬), released in 2001
Clickety click for the zippety .zip ♥
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barn-anon · 11 months ago
At first you had been surprised and delighted when your Hora, as you've named him after numerous failed attempts at saying his name, first showed up. You had dreamed of having a Space Marine of your own, what child never did? Then he shows up suddenly, you don't even know if you had seen him before. A little alarming but the allure of having a Space Marine to call your own, outshone any alarm bells you should've had.
He moved in so quickly and it didn't take long before Nakir and Hakael joined as well. You were far from prepared to have more than one but the more the merrier you figured. All three are good housemates too, your home had never been cleaner and they constantly made sure you had the best of everything.
Food was the first, your usual cereal replaced with some healthier choice brand that you always wanted to try but decided against because you didn't feel like spending that much on just cereal. Slowly more of your food or kitchen appliance would get replaced while you were at work.
You had confronted the three of them about it once, trying to tell them that it's too much, only to get sad looks in return. Seemingly on edge and going over the top to ensure your happiness. It got suffocating enough for you to finally tell them that they can continue what they were doing since it made them so happy.
Your house is completely different now, everything had been replaced by them, not even your pens you use were the same. How they got all these things you do not know but these gifts never stopped coming. Then one day you offhandedly mentioned about getting a dog, left for work and came back to find numerous puppies in your house for you to pick the one that caught your eye. Your Word Bearers looked on expectantly, seemingly not thinking that it was odd to do.
You made the mistake of choosing one. An open invitation to them at that moment, that no gift was too great to give to you. No offering too much for their little Goddess. They had to do better, each day one of them would go out to find something worth your attention. Your happiness, your affection is the golden light they chase.
Tagged: @kit-williams • @egrets-not-regrets • @bleedingichorhearts
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bambinamoon · 8 months ago
Ya amaneció, ya es hora de dormir.
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corneille-moisie · 3 months ago
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memorizarr · 9 months ago
a hora mais bela é quando a gente não sabe que é amor ainda
é quando a cabeça está nas nuvens
e o coração viaja entre elas
é quando a gente decide entrar em queda livre
mesmo que não tenhamos certeza se aquela pessoa vai estar lá para nos segurar
é quando sabemos que é alguma coisa, mas que temos medo de dizer em voz alta
porque a pronúncia causa estranhamento e o sentir é apavorante
porque a hora mais bela pode se tornar em segundos a mais lesiva
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kneipe · 6 months ago
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neapel 2024
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sayitalianolearns · 2 years ago
Multilingual vocabulary about time
time - (il) tempo/(l')ora - (l')heure - (la) hora - 시간
morning - (il) mattino/(la) mattina - (le) matin - (la) mañana - 아침
afternoon - (il) pomeriggio - (l')après-midi - (la) tarde - 점심
evening - (la) sera - (le) soir - (la) tarde/(la) noche - 저녁
night - (la) notte - (la) nuit - (la) noche - 밤
noon/midday - (il) mezzogiorno - (le) midi - (el) mediodía - 정오
midnight - (la) mezzanotte - (le) minuit - (la) medianoche - 자정
early - presto - de bonne heure - temprano - 일찍
late - tardi - tard - tarde - 늦게
soon - presto - bientôt - pronto - 곧
later - dopo/più tardi - plus tard - más tarde - 나중에
now - adesso/ora - maintenant - ahora - 지금/이제
when...? - quando...? - quand...? - cuando...? - 언제…?
what time is it? - che ore sono? - quelle heure est-il? - qué hora es? - 몇 시예요?
hour - ora - heure - hora - 시
minute - minuto - minute - minuto - 분
second - secondo - seconde - segundo - 초
it's seven o'clock - sono le sette (in punto) - il est sept heures - son las siete (en punto) - 일곱시예요
it's seven fifteen/it's a quarter past seven - sono le sette e un quarto - il est sept heures et quart - son las siete y cuarto/y quince - 일곱시 십오분이에요
it's half past seven/it's seven thirty - sono le sette e mezza/sono le sette e trenta - il est sept heures trente/il est sept heures et demie - son las siete y media - 일곱시 반이에요 / 일곱시 삼십분이에요
it's a quarter to seven - manca un quarto alle sette/sono le sette meno un quarto - il est sept heures moins le quart - son las siete meno cuarto - 일곱시 십오분 전이에요
it's seven a.m. - sono le sette di mattina - il est sept heures du matin - son las siete de la mañana - 오전 일곱시에요
it's seven p.m. - sono le sette di sera - il est sept heures du soir - son las siete de la tarde/noche - 오후 일곱시에요
in 30 seconds - in 30 secondi - en/dans 30 secondes - en/dentro de treinta segundos - 삼십초 안에
in two minutes - in due minuti - en/dans deux minutes - en/dentro de dos minutos - 이분 안에
in one hour - in un'ora - en/dans une heure - en/dentro de una hora - 한시간 안에
in fifteen minutes/in a quarter of an hour - in quandici minuti/in un quarto d'ora - en/dans quinze minutes/dans un quart d'heure - en/dentro de quince minutos - 십오분 안에
in half an hour/in thirthy minutes - in mezz'ora/in trenta minuti - en/dans trente minutes/dans une demie-heure - en/dentro de treinta minutos - 삼십분 안에
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michael-svetbird · 10 months ago
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MAENAD or ARTEMIS | The So-called Hora Statue: Roman replica of a Greek model from the late Hellenistic period [2-1 BC], Pentelic Marble 1 AD [From Rome-?] "The fawn skin [nebris] on the long chiton identifies the subject as a maenad or Artemis, but a more recent interpretation of the fruit wreath has suggested that it is Hora [personification of the seasons]…" [txt ©MRT]
Musei Reali Torino, Turin | MRT [Museum of Antiquities, Archaeological Gallery, Main Corridor]
Web: https://museireali.beniculturali.it/en/archaeological-museum
FB: https://www.facebook.com/museirealitorino
IG: @ museirealitorino
MRT | Michael Svetbird phs©msp 18|02|24 6300X4200 600 [I.-III.] The photographed object is collection item of MRT, photos are copyrighted [Non-commercial use | Fair use | No AI | Copyright and Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks]
📸 Part of the "Reliefs-Friezes-Slabs-Sculpture" MSP Online Photo-gallery:
👉 D-ART: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/72510770/reliefs-friezes-slabs-sculpture
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cosmoshikiu · 1 year ago
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Kaya & Hora - SchwarzStein in Santiago, Chile
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mouldymp3rotations · 1 year ago
I'm not sure where this is gonna end up, I just had a Hora song stuck in my head, and i thought I would start with that :3
Song titles link to individual mp3 file download
All 5 songs can also be downloaded together in a zip file from the link at the bottom
So this ended up very Hora centric lmao, get a load of this :
another cell - FROZEN PAST -raze-
I realize i should probably have put the other version first, but oh well
another cell - funerary dream
aaaaah that "doko ni iru no?" still gets to me (so you're getting this one twice too :D)
both funerary dream and FROZEN PAST -raze- were on the, i suppose, eponymous album released in 2006
ngl i do think prefer the experiment 0513 over the kaya version (i do like both inner universe equally though)
FROZEN PAST was on the INNER UNIVERSE i guess mini (?) album, released in 2005
Hora - Inner Elements ~Flood~
That's the song i had stuck in my head, and i thought it should be stuck in yours too ^^
This version of Inner Elements was found on VENOM (my favourite Hora album !), released in 2007
Kaya - funerary dream
there you go, here's the second time lol. I think I prefer the another cell version, in the long run, but this one's good too :D
This version of funerary dream was found on the boy version of GLITTER, released in 2008 (that's most likely my rip too as that song was the reason why i picked the boy version over the girl one lol)
Can you tell i still listen to nearly exclusively them, lately ? lol (but hey, no schwarz stein lmao)
zip file HERE :)
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