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zexapher · 25 days ago
Looking forward to this, already starting on a fic for day one's "Beacon Bits."
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Hello & welcome to White Knight Week 2025! Due to this being the first “White Knight Week” proper in quite some time, we’ve kept the prompts to a simple overall theme:
“Missing Moments”
With this theme, we will explore the moments between moments. The actions that could’ve been done, the fights that may have sparked, and the words that went unspoken. Starting from the early days of Beacon and ending in the dunes of Vacuo, we will seek to fill the void or inspire a new reality altogether.
Let your passions burn and inspiration flow. Be it in written form, art, discussions, or memes! Do as much or as little as you please, but feel free to share on r/WaveOfWhiteKnights on Reddit or the Tumblr page!
White Knight Week will start on: Monday, May 12th, 2025 and go till Sunday, May 18th, 2025, and does cover two very important days in regards to our Knight and Queen: Weiss' birthday and the Canonization day of Jeanne d'Arc.
We are still in the early planning stages for the event and plan to have daily discussions and posts. Please see below for the prompts if you wish to participate! As a note, Fics and art may be featured on White Knight Wednesday!
[ Day 1 ] - “Beacon Bits” ( May 12th )
Have you ever wondered how Jaune got Weiss’ scroll number? Or maybe if they ever talked about the events of the dance? Have you ever thought about a world where Weiss Schnee & Jaune Arc end up as partners? Or maybe a time they team up to help some folks out in Vale during the break between V1 & V2? Explore all these possibilities & more on our first day of White Knight week “Beacon Bits”!
[ Day 2 ] - “Nightmare Nights” ( May 13th )
Day 2 of White Knight week checks into the ‘what if’ world of Ice Queendom. “Nightmare Nights!”. What happens after the Nightmare? Does Weiss simply recover, or do the events haunt her? Maybe a Kind Knight gives her someone to talk to. Or, maybe Jaune has questions of his own to give to her. Why did he have a sword that could kill the nightmares? Why did she give him such a big sword and heavy cape? Maybe while in the Nightmare, Nega Weiss has … problems fighting Jaune. Does Jaune still think about his Nightmare? Does she?
[ Day 3 ] - “Haven House” ( May 14th )
Day 3 of White Knight Week brings us to the Kingdom of Mistral and the wild events that come with it. What did Weiss & Jaune do at the forever house? Did they talk about the fall? Did they miss each other? Were there things left unsaid from Beacon they wanted to get off their chest? What about the time after Weiss’ near-death experience? Maybe there’s a chance they took a tour of the kingdom and ran into some bad guys? While volume 4&5 often get a lot of flack for the “Forever house” maybe we can make it better with some White Knight pizzaz!
[ Day 4 ] - “Argus Adventures” ( May 15th )
Happy Birthday Weiss! Welcome to day 4 of White Knight Week! Today's prompt will be ‘Argus Adventures’. While the group only spent a few days at the seaside city, the setting is ripe with opportunities for our goober duo. What interactions could you see them having? Why did Weiss gravitate towards Jaune when they reunited? Did they have a wild and crazy grocery adventure while Ruby had her chat with Maria? Or did something 100% off the rails happen in a fun little AU side story?
[ Day 5 ] - “Atlas Ambling” ( May 16th )
What happened at the movies!? A common question by many, but - there were so many other things our heroes could have done. Weiss could have brought everyone around to explore Atlas proper. Did Jaune find a place he’d want to bring Weiss to? Or maybe Weiss thought of a place to bring Jaune to? If Volume 7 gave us anything, it gave us the endless possibilities of our heroes hanging out as they would have back in Beacon. Maybe Jaune and Weiss will find themselves alone at the school and decide to watch movies together. Perhaps they train in the Hardlight Training room until banter starts turning into flirting. With the nearly endless possibilities of Atlas & Mantle ( As well as the other villages nearby), what can you see the two of them doing?
[ Day 6 ] - “Everafter Evenings” ( May 17th )
With RWBY reuniting with Jaune in the Everafter, there was so little time to talk. But what if Weiss and Jaune did get to talking in the EA? They could spend some time together in the Paper Village. Or, maybe they will go out to look for Ruby as a duo? Perhaps you should explore an AU where the two fall together and how they come to deal with everything they’ve been through. Do they go back in time? Or do they find a way to find the others? In “Everafter Evenings” please feel free to dive into the ‘what if’s’ of the Ever After and White Knight!
[ Day 7 ] - “Vivid Vacuo” ( May 18th )
They did it; they’ve finally made it to Vacuo! Yet, things feel so … off? With Jaune still dealing with the experience of the Everafter, trying to acclimate himself to Remnant, & Weiss now dealing with the fall of Atlas, her home, and the people of Vacuo who are less-than-kind towards her in particular, the White Knight Duo has quite a hefty load on their plate. Will Weiss be the one to step up and support Jaune? Will Jaune be the one to protect Weiss from the people? Do they simply find time to have somber chats at night and, maybe, grow closer? On this 7th and final day of White Knight Week we look to the future for our Knight & Queen. What do you see happening for them in Vacuo?
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zexapher · 1 month ago
Stupid Cupid
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Started this edit almost an entire year ago, right when RWBY Beyond dropped the boba episode. I immediately caught onto the idea of chibi Ruby being a little cherub to use for shipping characters. Of course, I immediately distracted myself with other creative projects and the Ship Wars 8 (which White Knight won in spectacular fashion btw) and life got in the way. But I came back around to it this past month. Perfect timing really, since it means I got it out for Valentine’s Day.
I just think it’s lovely how CRWBY have nurtured this ship subtly in the background, until they finally decided to get right up in our faces about it with Volume 9. That’s kind of what I wanted to portray here, with Cruby on a mission to make White Knight a reality, but Jaune and Weiss had already grown close without that final brazen intervention.
It’s really something special to start this meme essentially right as Rooster Teeth and RWBY closed down, only to come back and finish it with the news that Rooster Teeth was bought by Burnie and RWBY’s now moved on to VIZ. Both of them continuing on in their way. Kind of heartwarming to be honest, like a message of perseverance, keep on trying even if circumstances bring you down.
I can still see a few influences from my early work on the edit, was playing a little Republic Commando at the time, so we get Ruby’s comment about her skills with a bow confusing and frightening CRWBY. Speaking of, I think we can all see why I chose Cruby as Ruby’s cherub name. Perfect for someone tasked with building up White Knight. And, come on, the shipping rock is a perfect replacement for a bow. You may have noticed me sneak in the Golden Oreos or Rooster Teeth’s logo to celebrate the recent news (Jaune’s put a little sticker on the pummel of his sword).
With editing, I still run into trouble every now and then as I learn and familiarize myself with my software. Even now after a year of practicing it, and a decent chunk on gimp in particular. On this edit I ran into a weird issue with the color picker tool, where when I sampled a color, the brush would only apply a pastel or grayer version of that color. Wasn’t sure how I enabled that, if it was a glitch or I accidentally enabled some key shortcut or something. I worked my way around it though, in the most obtuse manner.
Pretty cool to be learning something new as I go through these edits. Like all the color correcting for my Vacuan Nights meme. Or even small quality of life things like how I decided to start making thicker outlines for the text about halfway through. That’s something that helps making the words pop, the outlines were a bit too thin before. And at the end I can really pump out some of the more complicated edits that used to take me a long time a year ago.
Redrawing Jaune for panel 9 was a ton of tedious busywork. The screenshot I pulled that from had bad lighting from the portal behind Jaune, so I needed to fill in colors for proper lighting. I think it came out pretty spectacularly.
And I just really like the premise for this meme. CRWBY helping push White Knight along, but the relationship was already well on its way in the background. That little bag of ‘cupid’ rocks just seems really cute to me, too. Fun, cheap little drawing.
Chibi Ruby is cute as can be; so happy they gave us this version of her in Beyond. Especially like that devious look I gave her. Yang looks great too, really enjoy Beyond’s style, and the exasperated palm to the face. And, of course, I loved writing and drawing up the cute interaction between Jaune and Weiss. She needs to see those shark pups! :)
Anyway, hope you all enjoy your Valentine’s Day, and this fun little meme I drew up.
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zexapher · 2 months ago
Just thought I'd reblog this now that Rooster Teeth is back, and under Burnie Burns no less!
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Homecoming video
Rooster Teeth website is back
And the Morning Somewhere Podcast discussing it
A Fond Farewell
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With Rooster Teeth beginning its draw down, an era has truly passed. The company has lasted more than two decades. 18 (soon 19) seasons, five mini-series, and cameos and references in Halo itself for Red vs Blue. 9 volumes alongside two movies, a chibi series, Ice Queendom, and its own games for RWBY. And so much more beyond that, RT Shorts, podcasts, Achievement Hunter, The Slow Mo Guys, and on and on. That’s a lot, especially for a little startup launching off a web series. I was listening to “This Isn’t Goodbye, It’s See You Later” by Richie Branson while I was making this little memorial post. It’s a song made for another Rooster Teeth show, Camp Camp, and I have to say it’s some very appropriate music for this moment.
The day the news dropped, I wrote up a little comment in response to Rooster Teeth beginning its closing down, and I thought I’d share some of it here. I grew up with Rooster Teeth, a bit of a cheesy line I know, but it’s true for a lot of us. I was just a little kid way back in the early 2000’s, a kid that liked Halo (a game I didn’t even own for a long time, but played at a friend’s house), and was just getting curious about what I could find about it on YouTube. And that brought me into the world of music videos and skits and montages made for that little game I liked.
From there, I discovered a small web series called Red vs. Blue. I’d sneak onto my folk’s computer to watch it since they didn’t appreciate the language, and in doing so I dipped my toes into the wide world of the internet for the first time. As I got older, I eventually hopped onto Reddit for its discussion threads of Rooster Teeth’s latest show, RWBY. I began my first in-depth fandom interactions, speculating about the show, enjoying the flood of fanart, even got into fanfics about RWBY (those fics have had their own amazing evolution alongside the show) and to this day it’s the fandom I’ve followed and bookmarked the most fics from. All the while I was making friends and bonding with people through the community this company and its shows have created.
Watching the shows and people grow over time was, looking back on it, just like watching myself grow. I was never really a social media/internet kind of guy, until it came to Rooster Teeth. The shows, shorts, podcasts, it all opened up a whole new world for me. It’s sad to see it coming to a close, and I hope it gets picked up in the future. But I’m happy, too, that it’s left so much behind, and had such an impact on me. It’s left me with so many good memories. Rooster Teeth, its shows, those that created and worked on it, and above all the community around it will always have a special place in my heart.
So, I bid a fond farewell to Rooster Teeth and its crew, and anyone who may drift away from the fandom in time. I wish you all the best.
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zexapher · 2 months ago
Indiana Jaune(s)
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He’s not lost in the jungle, shut up Weiss
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zexapher · 3 months ago
I Wish Schnee a Merry Christmas
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Of course, I wish thee a merry Christmas, too. Happy holidays, everyone! I thought I’d put together something new and festive to celebrate with you all, and I’m quite happy with how it turned out.
A nice, gripping story to pull at the heart strings; Weiss’s once cheerful home with Old Nick, the sad times with her family under Jacques, then finding a welcoming new home among her friends, and going on to build happy holiday memories with her new family. Of course, given a little more time, I think I’d have added a few moments of Klein and Winter sneaking a few gifts in during Weiss’s childhood. I definitely see them breaking Jacques’s rules a little to give Weiss a few more happy moments.
This is pretty much how I headcanon holiday celebrations for the Schnees. Nicholas was a big ol’ Santa Claus, Jacques doesn’t care about family celebrations and leaves it all to corporate events, and then a big welcoming friend’s party from the teams that Weiss isn’t used to, only for Weiss to then fully embrace it and be super into the holiday spirit and very involved with her new family’s celebrations.
As for editing, I had a good bit of fun recreating Jacques’s and Willow’s legs, adding in a reflection for them, and pulling all the color out of the Christmas tree to make it a very Schnee blue. Feels good to see the progress in my editing skills since I started brushing up on them last year. I can do a lot more and a lot faster now, this whole thing was just some on and off work over the past week. Like changing Zwei’s black fur to that rusty red-brown, that’s something quick and easy to do now, and looks good.
Anyway, happy holidays again, hope you enjoy the season and this edit as much as I do! It’s my present to all of you!
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zexapher · 4 months ago
It's been stolen!
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Jaune: (In bed, Angry)
Jaune: (Via scroll) fuck you
Scroll: Ok when?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Smiles)
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zexapher · 4 months ago
This is so cute! Little Weiss sharing a moment with her grandpa.
Thought I'd share something of our own Old Nick to celebrate Saint Nicholas day. Nice work, weisscoldglare!
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a brightly coloured Grampa Schnee
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zexapher · 4 months ago
I also think Jaune being the one to best Cinder in the end would just be far more meaningful for Cinder's character as well. Because of how hyper focused she is on battling Ruby, and how beneath her Cinder feels about Jaune, how outraged she was when Jaune almost killed her at Haven. But I also think a necessary component is to have some allies with him, Weiss perhaps, or the rest of JNPR.
That ties in with Cinder's arc (heh) of casting aside and losing her allies, needing to take control for herself, and that ultimately leading to her failures. Which gets visualized with her losing her humanity, and gaining more Grimm features. Her drive for power and control eating away at her, leaving her alone and weaker for it.
And that arc is reversed in Jaune, with Jaune opening up to his friends, trusting them, working with them, seeking their help, and that strengthening his character and allowing him to triumph over his obstacles.
That's a big theme of the show, tied into Ironwood's fall, Yang and Blake's fight with Adam, Ozpin's secrets, and so on.
So, I think Jaune alongside a friend or three, pulling something like Adam's final fight makes for the most narratively satisfying resolution to Cinder's arc. And Jaune being there for his friends (and they for him), where not being there while they risked their lives had been his great fear that he confessed to and then lived through with Pyrrha going alone to fight.
Like Ruby's story of realizing she doesn't have to take everything on herself. It's all about the group effort!
And bonus points if Cinder dies thinking of Ruby, and that gives Ruby the Maiden power boost she needs to overcome Salem.
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zexapher · 7 months ago
Apple is Unhinged!
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Been playing a little Animal Crossing lately, building new ramps and bridges mostly, haven’t developed my island too much. But then I get the event where Gulliver washes up on shore. I think no biggie, I’ll go around and talk to some of my villagers first. But lo and behold this new side to Apple that she reveals when she talks about him!
I can’t believe Apple, this cute little hamster gal tried waking up Gulliver by hitting him with a stick! I love imagining that scene.
And she tried to get me to hit him, too! “Gently,” but does she really mean that, after asking me while I was holding another big stick?!
Turns out she’s a real mischievous little gremlin.
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zexapher · 7 months ago
The Queen's Destiny
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Here’s a fun new meme comic! This one was inspired by a comment that Akumu_Oukoku put up on the ol' Discord the other day, where they wished to see the Pyrrha/Cinder destiny exchange brought back up in a climactic showdown with Weiss/Jaune about to die only for the other to come to the rescue and save the day.
I’m pretty happy with this one, especially that flashback panel. Drew Winter a sweater for her little sleep over and story time with Weiss, and I based that sweater off of the sweater TheWestphalianGwent gave to Weiss in his meme. It was a lot of fun editing that panel, giving Winter her smirk knowing Weiss is enamored with the Rusted Knight, shifted those eyes over for that side-eye, set the eyelids down to emphasize that smug look, drew up the book and some minimalist cover art of the best scene in the show, edited out Weiss sitting in her chair in the background as well as the reflection in the floor, replaced Weiss with her adoring Adrian version. It all turned out really good.
Some of you may have caught my early reference to my own Taking Out the Trash meme to start things off. Threw in the ol’ chibi Ghost Pyrrha, for those with a discerning eye. Added another reference to one of my own Therapist Ozpin memes, Cindere is always a good source of fun. Panel 5 reuses a really beautiful thinking Weiss asset that I used in my Culmination in a Kiss meme. And we cap things off with a Fist of the North Star reference. Honestly feels like I’m building up my own cinematic meme universe with all the references and the interconnected plots. I need to get around to my Agent Zwei continuation of that Taking Out the Trash meme, feels a little funny that I skipped forward past that one’s conclusion.
Anyway, hope you all enjoy!
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zexapher · 9 months ago
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zexapher · 9 months ago
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zexapher · 9 months ago
The Last of the Dragons
"Was Robert Baratheon a bad man?"
"I did not know the man, your Grace. Not well, anyway."
"Why did he start the war?"
"It was Jon Arryn that truly started the war."
"Then why was Jon Arryn spared, but not Robert?"
"Jon Arryn never proclaimed himself king... and he bent the knee. Besides, Robert was slain in battle. Though whether Rhaegar would have pardoned the man? I know not."
"Everybody says he hated my father; was my father a bad man?"
"No." The grizzled old knight started before settling into a frown. "Rhaegar Targaryen was the finest man I ever had the pleasure of knowing. Robert was furious; he loved Lyanna Stark, and yet she did not love him. She ran away with another man."
"But my father... he had my mother; didn't he love her? Why did he leave her?" The young boy said, with a quiver to his voice. "Why did he leave u-us?!" The tears started flowing. "He left m-"
"Come here," he pulled the boy into a tight embrace, muffling the boy’s sobs, "shh, quiet now."
After a pause, the old knight pushed him away to stare into the lad's eyes. "Always know that your father loved you; he cared for you and your sister deeply. I know it."
As he pulled the boy into another hug, he thought for a moment, not for the first time, of that damned prophecy. "He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders."
"Ser Barristan?"
"Why did he have to die?"
"The Seven only know, Aegon."
In celebration of House of the Dragon's new season, I thought I'd post a little excerpt from one of my fanfics.
"The Last of the Dragons" is a fic based in an alternate history diverging at the Battle of the Trident, where Rhaegar defeated Robert in their duel and manages to win the battle.
Aerys dies shortly after, a victim of his own madness. Rhaegar becomes king, and issues a general pardon for the rebels. However, Rhaegar later succumbs to an infection setting into his wounds, leaving his son Aegon under a regency headed by Elia Martell.
The story picks up some years into Aegon's reign, where the child king bears witness to some of the aftershocks of the rebellion.
Factions are growing around the Crown, a fight between Dorne and the West, opportunists seeking to carve something out of Westeros for themselves.
All with the Targaryen children stuck in the middle of it all. They try to find themselves, gain confidence and independence, in order to no longer be ruled by others. They must survive, and find their purpose, as the realm begins to tear itself apart around them.
I've recently updated and will continue to do so, though at a slow pace. We're at 7 chapters atm, with an 8th soon to follow. +31,000 words. Currently rated T, for your usual ASOIAF shenanigans, but I have no plans to make things overly graphic atm.
If anyone's interested, here are the links:
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zexapher · 10 months ago
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Rediscovering D.N.Angel and binging its content on tumblr, specifically fugitivehues's wonderful art, pushed me through this little milestone.
D.N.Angel's a fun show, I got into it a long time ago, must have been way back when I was still in high school. Would recommend if you're interested in a high school romance story with the backdrop of flying cat burglar.
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zexapher · 10 months ago
Cindere Is on the Hunt
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I’m hoping I don’t get too repetitive by putting out a second meme with the template I made last week. But I figure it’s a unique enough change having Cindere as the theme. Also crafted Jaune’s foot so we can use his and Weiss’ cutout in various other backgrounds, if folks are interested, so that felt like a nice little thing for me share.
Poor Cinder, doesn’t she understand that she’s approaching this pursuit of power (and Jaune) all wrong? She’s literally being consumed by it, losing parts of herself, becoming a husk, replaced by the Grimm.
She noted that relying on others is where her great successes came from, right? But she hasn’t seemed to have truly accepted that idea. Trust and cooperation conquering one’s troubles, while keeping others at a distance and carrying the burden alone is self-destructive, that’s one of the great themes of the show. That’s the way to Jaune’s heart! Get that harem fic started, Cinder!
Anyway, here's the cutout
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zexapher · 10 months ago
Beacon Hauntings
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I would like to first apologize to the Arkos folks for subjecting them to the Haunted Pyrrha Plush. That said, I quite like this Haunted Beacon idea, Evil Ghost Pyrrha trying to possess people/objects. maybe I’ll have to write a little short story for it.
Made this little edit last night as part of another project, thought there was a good template in it so I put together this little spinoff. The original made me think of that floating meme, so I added in the Pyrrha Plush and here we are. Rebuilding the tops of Weiss and Jaune’s heads took a bit of busy work, but was actually a lot easier than I expected.
It came out pretty good, imo. Hope you all get as much a kick out of it as I have. Thanks to u/TheWestphalianGwent for a little help with the Pyrrha Plush!
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The template, for anyone interested in playing around with it.
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zexapher · 10 months ago
Weiss: You know… I’ve been thinking back to when you asked me to the dance.
Jaune: You – ah, you have? I’m sorry if I was a bit… much, back then.
Weiss: Don’t worry, you weren’t so bad. It certainly frustrated me to no end back then, but now it seems cute. Something personal, and heartfelt. I had all these ideas in my head and, well…
Jaune: I shouldn’t have kept at it like that.
Weiss: No, but now things are different. Things have changed – we have changed. And I wouldn’t mind you trying your hand at another serenade.
Jaune: Really?
Weiss: You know I like music. And I have a collection of instruments back home. Perhaps we could put on our own little duet. You can… you can grab one of the guitars, finger a few of my strings.
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Thought I'd share a little excerpt from the fanfic I published today, titled "Pastry Pandemonium." I threw a chunk of innuendo in, but that last line is about the most risqué it's gonna get. But I know what the people want, so I added a little arm in arm hand-holding action. You animals!
It's really all fluff and humor for a White Knight date night set in Mantle. 2k+ words, so it's a quick read. I figured it rates K+ on FF.net, so PG if you want to be careful. Originally planned to just make it as another edit, but then I got rather taken with the idea and turned it into a nice little story. I'll come back around to make that edit eventually.
Anyway, here are the links if you're interested in reading:
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