#nick schnee
rwac96 · 6 months
Baby's First Words (Ancient Snow)
Weiss: "Shallot, no more profanity around Nick!"
Shallot: "Oh, c'mon! When have I ever--?"
Weiss: *annoyed* "May I remind you of the 'repeat game'?"
*Shallot holds 9mo-Old Nick/Ruccollo, who happily gurgles & babbles*
Shallot: "Okay, Ruccollo, who's Daddy's enemies?"
Nick: *giggles* "Fuck Twuntee-Un! Fuck Zahha!"
Shallot: *chuckles* "That's right!" *brings him closer* "That's my boy!"
Nick: "Fuck Freezah! Fuck Cindah!"
Shallot: *clears his throat* "In my defense, I'm teaching him the difference between friend and foe."
Pyrrha: *comes in, holding her 9mo-Old son, JayJay* "Hello again."
JayJay: *waves his baby hand* "Babah!"
Nick: *crawls up behind Weiss* "Fuck Peerah!"
Pyrrha: *shock* "WHAT?!"
Weiss: "Nicholas, no!" *kneels down and picks up her son* "That is an uncouth thing to say." *turns her glare to Shallot*
Shallot: *gulps* "Uh, slip of the tongue."
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Von Habsburg
Jaune: So you get it?
Adrian: ...No.
Jaune: Okay, then we'll do the song to explain it then.
Adrian: The song?
*Music starts playing from nowhere*
Jaune: *Singing* Now, many many years ago when I was twenty three. I was married to a widow, who was pretty as could be.
Willow: Hello Adrian.
Jaune: This widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of white.
Winter: We all do.
Jaune: My father fell in love with her and soon the two were wed.
Nick: It can be lonely being a widower.
Jaune: This made my dad my son-in-law, and changed my very life My daughter was my mother. 'Cause she was my father's wife.
Adrian: ...
Jaune: To complicate the matter, even though it brought me joy, I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy.
Jaune: My little baby then became a brother-in-law to dad. And so became my uncle. Though it made me very sad.
Nick: It's not that bad.
Jaune: For if he was my uncle, that also made him the brother of the widow's grown-up daughter. Who, of course, was my step-mother.
Jaune: My father's wife then had a son, that kept them on the run, and he became my grandchild. For he was my daughter's son.
Winter: It is a bit strange.
Jaune: My wife is now my mother's mother. And it makes me blue, because, she is my wife. She's my grandmother too.
Jaune: Now, if my wife is my grandmother then, I am her grandchild. And every time I think of it, it nearly drives me wild.
Weiss: As it should.
Jaune: For now I have become the strangest case you ever saw. As husband of my grandmother, I am my own grandpa.
*Music ends*
Jaune: So does that explain it?
Adrian: ...The fact that you've done this without any actual incest is a testament to the fact that the universe either loves you or hates you.
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howlingday · 10 months
Oh god....I just had another revelation on the mentor Au
Jaune: Ardyn Izunia
Ruby: Nick Ramos (Dead rising)
Winter: neuvillette (Genshin)
Ooh, those are pretty good selections. Maybe this could've been a redemption arc (no pun intended) for the villainous usurper of FFXV.
And an ingenuitive everyman (but not really because plot) as Ruby's creative mentor would also have been an interesting choice.
And as for Neuvillette... I wish I had an answer to this one, because along with my ABYSMAL KNOWLEDGE LEVEL of Geshin Impact, they also look very similar to Winter, though the increased power scale as a dragon would also be interesting.
Feel free to use these ideas for your own mentor AUs!
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cseni-bean · 9 months
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This year was experimenting and trying new things thanks to my wonderful friends support and imputs ^^
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ein-schnee-sturm · 6 days
((A less serious hc for Winter, after the last one. Instead of coffee, Winter starts her day with honigessig wasser (honey, apple cider vinegar, and hot water), the same way Nicholas did.))
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bobauthorman · 2 years
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
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northforwinter · 2 years
Movie night
Weiss: We could watch a romcom?
Winter: If I wanted to watch two people with no chemistry kiss in a gazebo I'd watch our parents wedding video
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It was supposed to be one last score one last hurray before retiring and focusing on raising her daughter. Of course our last hurray needs a challenge so she picked the biggest Target in the world the schnee family. It was easy enough to break in but what she saw sent a chill down her spine a man shooting a woman dead a baby crying and a gun pointed out a baby.
Kali doesn't hesitate for a moment attacking the man beating him with an inch of his life however he did get a shot off that permanently nicked her ear.
On her escape she grabbed the baby and ran never looking back.
*After everything Kali felt a wave of all kind of emotions crushing abound her. Has she stared at the baby. No older than her own daughter. A baby girl with white hair and fair skin. She stop crying after a while. Now a sleeping close to her. Unknowing that she was taken from her home her biological mother most likely dead. She cant just give the infant away. For many reasons one of which the person who was going to kill her could come back. Well she did wanted to give Blake a sister.*
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kitkatopinions · 10 months
"Blake's TRUE color is purple, the black was only ever because of Adam" Friend, if that was the case her name wouldn't literally mean black. You guys were watching the color show originally centered around color where the color oriented team rwby who had names with the first initial of their color made by someone who was so particular about color that he almost made all dust red just so he didn’t throw off Weiss's color scheme. You really think that if Blake's TRUE color was always meant to be purple, she'd be named Blake?
Also, people only ever offer Blake 'breaking away from Adam' and 'getting healthy and confident' as reasons why the writers are acting like she's purple now, but like... Blake hasn't been with Adam at all during the course of the main show. She was completely disillusioned with him, she was against the things he did, she was standing up to him, she was calmly articulating the way she felt about him, she was making friends, learning to trust, went on a date for God's sake, all within the first three seasons. And the backsliding that happened because of the fall of beacon was dealt with and left her more confident than ever, reunited with her parents and Ilia, 'reclaiming the White Fang' from him even though that was a badly done mess, etc, all prior to reuniting with Team RWBY by the way. Killing Adam in volume six was completely unnecessary to Blake's journey of healing and actually logically would've made her backslide again, and as I've said before, Blake turning into a meek flinching passive person trying to manage her partner's temper and hiding behind said partner when her seventeen year old teammate raises her voice makes it seem like Blake is actively LESS healthy than ever before.
People literally only say that about "purple is really Blake's color, the black is just Adam" because they're unable to see Blake outside of Bumbleby and use Adam as a fallback hatesink for anything she once was that contradicts it. Also I want these people to stop calling their ship bumbleby and find something purple and yellow to call their ship, like LarryBoy or something. Also Also I want them to stop singing Red Like Roses, because "Black the beast descends from shadow-" Oh ADAM that must mean ADAM because Blake's color isn't black! /s
Also the same can be said for Weiss. "White was the Jacques color, blue is really what Weiss's color really is" A. Her name means white. B. You’re telling me that in V4 at the height of when the writers want you to think Jacques is so cruelly controlling her, she's wearing that dull gray-ish blue dress and absolutely no white, and that wasn’t meant to be symbolic at all? And when she leaves she puts on the wide white belt, and you thought that... What, meant that Jacques still had a hold on her or something? Also, C. I could be wrong, but doesn't Nicholas Schnee who the writers are billionaire simps for and Weiss admires and calls a hero ALSO wear tons of white? If Weiss is shedding Jacques (represented by white) and embracing the True Blueblooded GOOD Billionaire Schnee name (blue) then wouldn't old Nick Schnee be decked out in blue?
And legitimately, the writers might've randomly decided while writing V6 that Weiss's color should be blue and Blake's color should be purple and THEY might have come up with those same dumb excuses, but they're not good excuses and I absolutely DO NOT believe that Blake's color being black and Weiss's color being white was originally meant to 'show us they weren't being their true selves' or that they were 'getting held back' and so on and so forth. Every time I see people say that, I roll my eyes so hard.
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aspoonofsugar · 9 months
Merry Schnees-Mas!
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It's Christmas, so here comes a short meta on the Schnees' secondary allusion, which is rooted in the founder of the SDC: Nicholas Schnee.
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Nicholas alludes to Santa Claus:
He is called "Old Nick"
He has a white beard and wears a red cape with white fur
He lives in the Kingdom of Winter and is the Head of the Schnee (snow) family
He is famous for being fair and generous
He is the founder of a company who produces the equivalent of magic (Dust) and is known all around the world
Under his leadership the SDC is small, but famous for its quality, fairness and genuine values.
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Jacques alludes to Jack Frost:
His name Jacques is similar to Jack and his surname Gelè means frost in French
He is associated with cold, as he makes his family's life cold and lonely through his abuse
Jack Frost is often depicted positively and is even considered Santa Claus's helper. For example, he makes snow fall, so that Santa can camouflage himself in the sky. Obviously, Jacques is an inversion, as he tricks Willow and Nicholas in trusting him with the SDC. In short, he is a false friend to them: he acts as the embodyment of winter, only to reveal himself as a cruel goblin. Like the one who builds the evil mirror in The Snow Queen. Or like Santa Claus's most famous enemies.
Under him, the Company grows and starts exporting in the whole world. Still, the workers are exploited and more and more unethical methods are used. The SDC and the Schnee Family both lose their identity.
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Let's review:
Nicholas founds a company built on mutual help, fairness and quality
Jacques comes and makes it bigger and more successful, but sacrifices its people for it
Doesn't it sound similar to what capitalism does to Santa Claus and Christmas itself?
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Then the point may very well be that the Schnee Family needs to rediscover the "true meaning of Christmas" and Nicholas's original ideals.
Luckily, a certain snowflake is on it:
Weiss: I don’t know who you think you are, but let me tell you who I am: I am the granddaughter of a hero and a child of a villain. I am a citizen of a fallen Kingdom and an heir to nothing. I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it. I am Weiss Schnee, and I am a Huntress!
Weiss is bound to rebuild the Schnee Family legacy and to define what her surname stands for.
Interestingly, our Snowhite is also tied to resurrection (as per her fairy tale) and to religious symbolism:
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And what is Christmas, if not the celebration of Jesus's birthday? The child who will die and be reborn to save humanity?
I would say our Snow Angel's chances to succeed are pretty high!
Merry Christmas to whoever celebrates! And Happy Holidays to everybody!
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, https://www.tumblr.com/princess-of-the-corner/754856715983421440/chloe-is-the-mlb-version-of-rwbys-weiss-except?source=share
While I get the comparison it also doesn't really work.
Weiss is, like all the major characters, a subversion of the archetype she's introduced to the audience with.
IE, Weiss is the "Ice queen", cold, aloof, haughty, from a powerful family in a place that doesn't encourage emotions, with a very pale color pallet and such. Plus a bit of tsundere for a spice, who wishes to live up to the incredibly high expectations of her name an social rank.
That's the archetype. I'm sure you can pick that which is familiar trope wise out.
Weiss the actual character on the other is very different.
For one she does not give two flying shits about her cold and emotionally abusive father, she expressly went to college on another continent to get out of his influence & wants to undo the ruination his corruption brought to her idea of the Schnee family's honor. Something explicitly endorsed by her older sister.
Secondly her tsundere and cold aspects are very much a mixture of trauma responses and cultural conditioning. Both f which ease right the hell off once she's in a safe environment with people she trusts. She can still be a bit regal sounding but she's actually one of the overall gentler characters, whose irritation manifest more in a "Done with this" vibe than anger.
Thirdly she didn't really require a redemption arc, not exactly.
I have a whole essay the subject of redemption arcs elsewhere but broadly speaking one needs todo like, a notable amount wrong and go through a fairly heavy degree of change for something to be an arc.
Weiss was one of the heroes right from the start, she was just temperamental and prideful but again once in a none toxic environment was able to scale that back relatively easily. Her other notable issue was defaulting to derogatory language in regards to Faunus she expressly associated with crimes.
However, this was not something she did in regards to Faunus in general. & its also made clear from the framing that the only time during the episodes dealing with this. That we were meant to be sympathetic to her was when she tethered her anger at the White Fang (Who represent criminal Faunus in her brain cos she grew up very isolated from regular people) which can spill over into other 'rule/law breaking' Faunus is specifically rooted in how much her father fury and anger impacted her as a child.
IE, she was working around those negative feelings by pushing them onto a socially acceptable scapegoat so her father could just be like, a scummy businessman and not someone who scared or hurt her. This is especially obvious seeing as Weiss references his anger from when she was a small child, despite the fact the very next episode establishes that the White Fang had only been committing crimes/evolutionary actions for five years. Meaning the anger she saw as a child was just him being pissed off about human rights protests and taking it out on those around him.
But regardless, while rather, clumsily handled at the time, in large part cos of a show string budget and like 9 minute episodes during the first volume. She was able to resolve her main conflict with Blake and broadly chill out on the subject before the first volume wrapped up and barring some untoward language in one conversation had never done anything that'd require like, an arc, is my point,
Beyond that, om other area they are very distinct characters in is that Chloe was taught or learned from example to imitate her parents, cheating, cruel words and all.
Weiss very expressly modelled herself after her grander, even weaving bright reds into the interior of her white clothes as that color was tied to Nicholas (Yes Saint Nick) Who was comparatively extremely noble type. So she was a stickler for rules and intensely workaholic about it.
Basically, barring being rich and having shitty parents whose abuse or neglect led to them being a varying degrees of sharp with people there's not much to compare I feel.
Also the parental dynamics are very different, but that's a whole other post.
I do think Weiss's personal experience and wisdom gained across the series would make her an ideal person to easily handle Chloe at her more prickly though.
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rwac96 · 1 year
If They Had a Kid Meme - Ancient Snow (Weiss Schnee x Shallot)
Name: Nicholas Klein "Nick" Schnee
Gender: Male
General appearance: Pale complexion, silver spiky hair, blue eyes, and sports some of Shallot's facial features.
Personality: Prideful, Determined, and Abrasive.
Special Talents: Adept Hand-to-Hand Combat, Novice Swordsmanship, budding knowledge of Dust.
Who they like better: Both, but leans toward Shallot at times
Who they take after more: A mixture of both
Personal headcanon: When Nick was born, Shallot wanted to give him a Saiyan name, but remembered how Weiss looked up to her grandfather, so he agreed to their son having the name.
Face Claim: N/A
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razorblade180 · 9 months
I don't remember if you did or not, but do you have a post where there's like a family tree or something for all your RWBY things?
I want to be able to follow along, but it's a bit confusing.
If you do, could you give the link, please?
Funny enough, I don’t. If anyone has a good website for those family tree diagrams I’d love to know.
Until then, I’ll just make a simple list right now because asking about my ocs will always give be boundless energy. I’ll try being brief. If I write a name that has the last name of the main ship in the au, I trust I don’t have to explain who the parents are.
Lasting Embers AU (Dragonslayer)
Jacquelyn Frost
Parents aren’t important aside from being deceased and her mom being the former Winter Maiden (Vol7 didn’t exist yet)
Jael Frost
Biological daughter of Jacquelyn and Adam. The younger sister of Sienna Frost
Sienna Fost
Adopted daughter of Jacquelyn and Adam. Older sister to Jael
Biological parents and older brother are deceased. Happened when she was very young.
Sienna is not her real name. She doesn’t remember. (It’s Jasmine)
Yujin Xiao Long
Only daughter
Lie Tenzen
Ren and Nora’s only son.
Canary Branwen
Daughter of Qrow and Winter.
Qrow passed away when she was like nine. (Don’t quote that age I don’t have my notes with me. She was a kid)
Not a fan of Ruby (Her Cousin)
A fan of Yujin (Also her Cousin)
Twin Snowflakes AU (White Knight)
Nick and Summer Schnee
Fraternal Twins. Brother and Sister
Sparrow Branwen
Winter and Qrows adopted son
Eliza Marigold
Only daughter of Henry Marigold
Mom took hush money and left after birth.
Henry was not the one who gave her hush money.
Valerie Valkyrie
Nora and Ren’s only daughter
Veronica Belladonna
Blake and Yang’s only daughter.
Blake was the one with the bun in the oven.
Miscellaneous (not a OC name)
This Au has a child for Robyn, Cardin, and a couple others. They don’t really matter too that much but they exist. Most notable is Max (Cardin’s kid) and a little girl named Ruth
Premonition AU (Knightshade)
Lucas Belladonna
Peach Rose
Daughter of Ruby and Weiss
Not related to Lucas in any way but they’re close.
Serendipity Karuma
Also goes by Serenity
Parents are alive but not around
Older sibling but doesn’t see the younger one
Rosebud AU (Lancaster)
Dustin Arc Rose
The oldest of three siblings
Raised by Cinder and Neo
Not a fan of his biological parents or siblings
Has silver eyes
(I probably should’ve called him Dustin Fall but oh well. I’m not changing the tags)
Carmine Arc Rose
Middle child technically, but she doesn’t acknowledge Dustin as an older brother.
Has silver eyes but wears red contacts
Only the grownups in her family’s circle know her real eye color
Cousin of Kovu
Garnet Arc Rose
Youngest of the three siblings
He’s just a lil fella
Kovu Belladonna
Son of Blake and Yang
Older cousin to Carmine
Yang had the bun in the oven
Aero Amitola
Son of Ilia and Sun. (I refuse to explain myself here)
Bird Boy
Mona Paulo Furem
All you really gotta know about her parents are that they’re horrible and her mother is reason Mona is the way she is
Has a younger sister. Barely talked about.
Does not live at home or keep in contact
Ren and Nora run an orphanage
Oscar is Ozcar and has been for decades.
Side note, there’s a a child named Levi Belladonna that’s Ruby and Blake’s kid. He has no au. I just thought he was neat. Maybe one day.
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howlingday · 2 months
Rusted knight au winter lands in everafter time travels and by time team rwby finds them winter and weiss have a kid.
???: HALT!
???: Intruder! Identify yourself!
Jaune: (Sighs) It's me, Nick.
Nick: I said, "Identify yourself!"
Jaune: Girls, this is Nicholas Schnee-Arc, my son.
Nick: F-Father! Don't reveal top secret information!
Weiss: Wait, so this is... my nephew?
Nick: N-No! Incorrect! I have aunts or uncles left alive!
Jaune: That's not what we told you. We said we don't know if they're still alive. And, as you can see, your auntie Weiss is still alive.
Weiss: Please don't call me Auntie Weiss, Arc.
Nick: ...Auntie?
Winter: Nicholas, what's the commotion out... here...
Weiss: P-Put me down, you brute!
Nick: (Hugging with armor on) Oh, Auntie, I'm so happy to finally meet you~!
Winter: W... Weiss?
Weiss: Winter? (Set down) You... You're o-KAY!
Winter: (Squeezing her sister) Oh, Weiss, I... I'm so sorry! I couldn't protect you, and after I fell, I thought...
Jaune: Hey, hey, let's take this conversation inside, okay? Wouldn't want our guests to catch a cold, right?
Yang: Aw... Looks like Vomit Boy managed to build himself a life here
Blake: Mhm. I wonder how long they've been down here.
Ruby: ...
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Gedanken zu Heartstopper
Obligatorisches "Ich war schon Fan von Alice Oseman bevor es cool war!" Ich hab Radio Silence/Nothing Left For Us schon 2017 auf Englisch gelesen und das war das erste mal, dass ich irgendwo einen asexuellen Charakter gesehen habe. Alice hat damals sogar einen Edit gerebloggt, den ich zu dem Buch gemacht hatte.
Ich hab mich zwar nicht so für den Heartstopper Webcomic interessiert, aber nach dem Nolin-Debakel brauch ich das jetzt. Außerdem: Trans und aroace rep? Euros Lyn, der Regisseur von Doctor Who? Alice Oseman hat selbst die Drehbücher geschrieben? Count me in!
Das hat so "Serien, die man sehen kann, wen man an einem regnerischen Herbstabend in einer Decke eingekuschelt Tee trinkt" Vibes
Fellas, ist es gay zigtausend Fotos mit jemandem in Schnee zu machen?
Colin hat bestimmt auch irgendwann in Staffel 26 "bin ich schwul test" gegoogelt, wir haben es nur nicht gesehen.
Die Macher von Feelings bei Tara und Darcys Kuss auf der Party "Kann ich deine Hausaufgaben abschreiben?" "Ja, aber änder es ein bisschen, damit es nicht so offensichtlich wirkt."
Der erste Kuss AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Fuck Harry, all my homies hate Harry
Warum konnten Noah und Colin nicht so ne Szene haben, wo Colin sich für den Kuss entschuldigt und Noah ihn dann küsst und ihm alles erklärt?? Alles muss man selbermachen.
Ach ja "Zusammen in einem Raum eingesperrt sein" - Der Klassiker!
Ja Nick, schlag dem homophoben Arschloch in die Fresse!
Ja Tao, schlag ihm auch in die Fresse!
Yay, das homophobe Arschloch hat nen Schulverweis gekriegt!
"Wie süß soll der Anfang von Staffel 2 sein?" "Ja!"
Tao und Elle sind so süß <3
Ich hab parallel dazu den Comic gelesen und das ist eines der wenigen Male wo ich von meinem "Das Buch war besser" Credo abweiche. Im Comic kommen die anderen Charaktere einfach viel zu kurz.
Ich bin so froh, dass Isaac existiert. Wir brauchen mehr Aroace-Charaktere in Medien! Hoffentlich kriegt er in der nächsten Staffel mehr Fokus.
Oh Nein, Darcy 😭
Der Preis für das beschissenste Elternteil in dieser Serie geht an Darcys Mutter
Kika, take notes
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sir-adamus · 1 year
i think fanon interpretations of Nicholas Schnee should play into more than just the "lol he's Santa" angle
old Saint Nick had a wide patronage
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