#kerry shawcross
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set-wingedwarrior · 11 months ago
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Great news for who couldn't afford the FIRST subscription!
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matt0044 · 4 months ago
Honestly, I feel like "It's a web series, not some Disney spectacle" is the best mentality for RWBY Volume 1. It's rough, it's rugged, it goes it with a lot of heart.
A lot of the critical side of the FNDM seem to have some complaints be about RWBY's ambition in a, "if you can't do it or do it right right away, don't do it at all." It's such a non-risk taking, non-experimental mentality that clashes with how art often is.
Real art, be it one person or collaborative. It can be messy, mistakes are inevitable. But that's what attracts me to stuff like RWBY: the human element. The "low on budget, high on heart" vibe oozing from it.
So long as they're not being a jerk about it, artists should be allowed to get too big for their britches. We mock them but it takes a lot of nerve to essentially tear out a piece of your soul for all to see.
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onceuponalegendbg-rwby · 9 months ago
The way my fight or flight response is triggered when I read a bad take or someone just blatantly misreads RWBY or it’s characters is so insane. I don’t think I’ve ever been this defensive of a show before.
I think part of it is just the amount of absolute vitriol this show gets for no reason. If you don’t like the show that’s fine. There are plenty of shows other people love that I have zero interest in or just don’t care for. Sometimes a show just isn’t made for you. And that’s FINE.
But there’s just so much purposefully bad takes and bad faith criticism, and it feels so relentless sometimes. You can’t post something positive about it without at least one troll deciding that you liking and celebrating something you love is an insult directed at them as a person.
It can just be a lot when it feels like something you love is just constantly getting crapped on.
So let me say this again, with nothing but love and conviction:
I love RWBY. I love this show so freakin much. This show, even with all its flaws and stumbles, is my favorite show. Possibly ever. Most certainly of the last decade.
I love its themes and its message. I love the characters. I love the music. I love the animation, was even endeared by the Poser era. I love that it feels like the people behind the show love and care about it just as much. I love how each volume is another milestone, another mark to look back and go ‘see how far we’ve come?’
And not to be so melodramatic, but none of the trolls can ever take that away from me.
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asm5129 · 8 months ago
RWBY has always been a scrappy indie production that beat the odds and hit the mainstream despite everything going against it.
Looks like it still is <3
what I’m being told is that Viz is primarily a licensing and distribution company. They’ve done some stuff in house but not much. I rewatched the announcement video, they said Viz will be the home for production as well but that’s a wide term so since details aren’t available yet obviously so I’m not 100% clear what the approach to production will be.
However, I’m being told Viz have lots of money, lots of experience, lots of respect and lots of connections.
This seems like objectively good news in every way
The petty part of me also adores how thoroughly this announcement *destroys* HTDM narratives 😅
Not only is RWBY valuable enough for a company like Viz to both want it and have such faith in it, but they *also* guaranteed they had Kerry—one of the people who supposedly “ruined” it
I mean just
Hot damn I would not want to be the people who celebrated RWBY dying right now
They must be absolutely scrambling to figure out how to spin this
How humiliating
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yangfanbb · 2 years ago
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Everyone got a Twitter? If you do tag them to let them know you want V10
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howlingday · 1 month ago
1. DO NOT harass the real Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross. This is just something meant to be silly.
2. Insert less important point 2
Yang: Excuse me Kerry. Miles.
Kerry: Oh, hey, Yang!
Miles: What's up?
Yang: Listen, I'm going to cut to the chase. When do I get my own story?
Kerry: What are you talking about?
Yang: I have been on every cover for the past 9 volumes, but so far my only storyline is either about Ruby or Blake. Pretty much sidelined for someone else's story.
Miles: ...Yeah?
Yang: Don't "Yeah?" me! I'm feeling kind of ducked around here!
Kerry: Well, I'm sorry, but we need to make room for our knew idea.
Yang: And that is...?
Kerry: So, you know that guy with the monkey tail and he always has his shirt open?
Miles: No, no, no!
Kerry: ...To his cousin.
Miles: Yeah, her name is Starr, and she has a dojo, and, oh, she's so cool!
Yang: You're going to sideline me, the girl on the box, in the name of RWBY Cousins?
Kerry: ...Could we ask you to word that differently? You made it sound really stupid.
Miles: Aw, c'mon, don't be like that...
Yang: You are giving me second-billing to a character vaguely referenced and then revealed at the end of the worst RWBY novel ever written. So, yeah, I'm a little pissed.
Kerry: That's a really good point. I'm gonna reboot everything.
Yang: WHAT?! WHY?!
Miles: Yeah, we really wanna!
Kerry: You're really entitled. Y'know that?
Miles: And delete~! Okay, first things first; Jaune watches another red-head die because of him.
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bobauthorman · 19 days ago
(Talking with Raven about Ironwood's fall to the dark side)
Raven: ...Yeah, well, he was always like that.
Ruby: He was always EVIL?
Raven: Not evil, just...egotistical.
Yang: What do you mean?
Raven: I mean, you could give the man the most straightforward objective, and he would still louse it up with his lust for grandeur and spectacle.
Ruby: Grandeur and spectacle?
Raven: I remember back when we were students, Team STRQ and his team got paired up for a mission. Just a simple Grimm slaying job. Except Ironwood hired a film crew to videotape us. Just so he could show everyone back home how superior he was to Team STRQ. He spent more time giving boasting than working, and we spent more time protecting them than fighting Grimm. The closest 'Jolly Jimmy' got to actually fighting was when your father picked him and used him as a blunt object. That part was fun.
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2gether-4ever · 6 months ago
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Monty was not the creator , he was the animator. but he was asian, and his co-creators were not. so people decided that's all the excuse they needed to hate on rwby and deny the writers credit.
Out of all the things canonseeker has said for the past 2-3 years, this will forever be the most insane.
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wonderbatpanels · 7 months ago
Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part Two (2023)
"But Batman should know about Gotham--"
"No. He needs sleep. Let's check in with everyone else."
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marcmarcmomarc · 6 months ago
Open starter
RWBY blooper reel for the actor AU, anyone?
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From 7x5
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ROBYN: Clover, I’m so glad you’re here. Maybe you can help me understand why this truck that’s supposed to be taking construction materials to fi- (flutters tongue, clears throat) Sorry.
(Another take.)
ROBYN: Maybe you can help me understand why this truck that’s supposed to be taking- Ugh, damn it!
(Yet another take.)
ROBYN: Maybe you can help me understand why this truck that’s supposed to- Ugh! (to Kerry) What number take is this?
ROBYN: Alright, I’ll be in my trailer.
From 4x6
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(During the fight at the ruins, Tyrian climbs onto Jaune’s shield and his weight brings both of them to the ground, sending the cast and crew into hysterics.)
TYRIAN: (to Jaune, laughing) I’m so sorry. Are you okay?
JAUNE: (also laughing) I’m fine.
From 4x1
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SALEM: Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She’s become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower, and most importantly, killed dear Ozpin.
(A piece of the set behind them falls, startling all of them.)
SALEM: Oh, my Gods, that scared me.
(The villains and crew break into hysterical laughter.)
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set-wingedwarrior · 11 months ago
I wasn't sure about writing this post.
Even right now, as I am writing, I still don't know if I will actually post this or just add it to my drafts as nothing more than a personal vent. Regardless, I guess that if I am here I just need to talk about this.
So let's talk.
The way the FNDM has been acting all defeated all month long has really grown to annoy me, and I am tired.
RWBY's future is unsure right now, and all this uncertainty is painful. My feelings are all over the place, swinging from terror and sadness to hope, all the time. I constantly check Kerry's and RWBY's Twitter page in hope to find any kind of news.
I can't give you a certain answer because, again, this is all uncertain. But that also means that there's still hope.
My point is, acting as if we have already lost isn't going to help anyone. Not RWBY, not CRWBY, and not ourselves, the fans who love this show so dearly.
I don't know what is going to happen, but I know that I refuse to stand around and do nothing. It's why I keep checking for news, why I am playing the show both on rooster teeth and crunchyroll all the time for views (I think that on CR I already replayed the whole series at least twice). It's why I am spamming tags, and being loud about my love, and looking and sharing all RWBY and CRWBY posts to give engagement, why I am watching every rwby_vt live on twitch.
I want to know what is going to happen more than anything, not knowing is killing me, but at same time I am terrified of the answer. Despite that, and despite my feelings swinging all around, I am still choosing to have hope.
Hope is a conscious choice, and a brave one. Because I know that being pessimistic is easier, it avoids setting us up for disappointment... but if we rob ourselves of the chance that things could turn out alright then all we're doing is decrease the chance that it will happen, and just anticipate our pain and disappointment.
As Yang said, no hope means we have already lost, and that's not the case. CRWBY, Kerry, is working really hard to save RWBY. Acting defeated already isn't just a disservice to us, but to them specifically and to everything they are currently doing. It's like telling them that it's all useless, that they've already lost, and I find that insulting. I refuse to. They deserve to see that we care and believe in them.
RWBY is THE show about hope. Shouldn't we follow the example?
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matt0044 · 8 months ago
Regarding the "Does RWBY like women?" poll (yes, yes it does BTW).
You know... the whole poll debacle reminded me of something.
RWBY helped me expand my media diet by telling me that just because people hate something enmass, it could just all be bullshit coupled with mob mentality.
Instead of hatedoms getting me to think:
"Damn, I don't even wanna be associated with that show based on the rage it inspires."
My more skeptical brain is like:
"Okay, so why is it reeeeeeeally hated? Is it reeeeeeeally bad or are people going along with the crowd because critical thinking is too much of a burden in this capitalist hellscape?"
Because bad media literacy is in part a result of the fact that most geeks and normies alike aren't out to be legit critics but rather just want to enjoy the thing, gush about the thing and so forth. They can't exactly articulate their reasonings why like they're trying to get an A+ in Therapy Studies.
And THAT is how the YouTube Video Essay and Angry Critic scene takes off.
We dunk on the Nostalgia Critic (often for VERY real IRL grievances) but his catchphrase: "I remember it so you don't have to" is something many who'd come after would take to heart. These video maker people are taking about a thing you like and are explaining it in a way you not only agree with but makes you feel vindicated.
Be it for love... or for hate.
Because hatedom circles like the RWDE looks to video essays that reassure them, keep them from doubting their stance on the thing and how they enforce it.
With the burden of actually seeing the thing and thinking hard taken off of them, people can confidently say things like "RWBY prioritizes Jaune" despite not looking at any potential evidence in the show that might contridice it.
Which is why this is a call for everyone to question the popular opinions.
Does Jaune Arc reeeeeeally get that much narrative importance at the expense of the main girls?
Was Jaune reeeeeeeally a self-insert?
Was Ironwood reaaaaaally derailed in his character arc?
Was Adam reeeeeeeeally representative of the Faunus?
Was the Faunus reaaaaaally offensive?
And of course...
Was Monty Oum reeeeeeeeally the only one who's vision matter to the show above all else?
Ask yourself these questions and do the work to back them up. If people are giving you responses that contridict you, responses that take evidence from the work itself more often than not, then try to do the same in turn.
Think about that show or movie being panned? What if... you actually like it?
Not everybody is a critic... but we can at least try to.
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onceuponalegendbg-rwby · 1 year ago
I want to clarify that I’m not giving up hope that things will work out in some capacity. I still want to believe that the little web show that could will find a place that will let it finish its story.
This show is so freakin popular, not only in the states but also in Japan, who not only dubbed the series but even made their own anime for it.
This show is so popular that it got a two movie crossover with the Justice League.
WB may not care about legacy or passion or creativity but they do care about money. And while I’m just some faceless voice on the internet I’d like to think WB are at least smart enough to see that RWBY is profitable. It can make them money.
My preference would be for them to also keep the writers, VAs, and music team the same. That would realistically be my most ideal scenario.
Will we get it? I don’t know. But I’m not about to doom and gloom a situation when there’s still a shot, you know.
“Blind optimism isn’t great, but no optimism means we’ve already lost. We need hope. We need to take risks.”
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hmvw2015 · 4 months ago
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I realized that I never drew Ruby in her Beacon/Vale outfit.
One of her most iconic outfits.
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yangfanbb · 1 year ago
Love this!!!
Also Yssa? Lol
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violentlyscreaming · 2 years ago
Some highlights from the RWBY 9 c1-3 watch party!
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Barbara said anytime Yang did anything that made anyone remotely horny she was going to put the single player emoji as a response. It quickly became a running gag.
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