#Medium Size Water Balls
waterbeads1993 · 10 months
Unveiling Alconic Magic: 15 Mesmerizing Secrets of Medium Size Water Balls for Kids and Creative Decor!
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Explore the captivating realm of Alconic Medium Size Water Balls! Learn 15 fascinating secrets, ranging from color-changing miracles to advantages for relieving stress. These magical crystal water jelly balls are ideal for children, plants, and imaginative décor. The options are virtually limitless. Investigate the magic right now!"
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If You Want Know More Details About Medium Size Water Balls for Kids and Creative Decor
FAQS about Medium Size Water Balls for Kids and Creative Decor
Q: What makes Medium Size Water Balls suitable for kids and creative decor?
A: Dimensions in the Middle Kids love water balls because of their jelly-like texture, which makes for an interesting and fun sensory play experience. These water balls are versatile for imaginative design; they may be worked into attractive centerpieces that provide a bit of magic to any area, or they can be used as vase fillers in floral arrangements.
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airyairyaucontraire · 6 months
Tonight I made myself a pizza with red onions and mushrooms and it was tasty and nice
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kissitbttr · 6 months
a/n: a simple first date of frat!miguel and cheerleader!reader after the party
warnings; tiny angst but then turned to comfort<3
miguel sometimes think it would be good if he occasionally pinches himself in the arm. or glen could do it if he wanted to since he’s got quite a grip. enough to make sure he’s not living the dream.
for example, finally scoring a chance to take you out after months of pining on you? not getting rejected by his long time crush?! scratch pinching, somebody slap the dog shit out of him and tell him that this is real,
he had texted beck prior the date that he needed his right hand man to keep tabs on everything at the party. and being the good best friend that he is, beck congratulated him for finally having the balls to actually do it,
beck: so i guess that means we don’t have to hear about you moaning her name again during sleep?
miguel: shut the fuck up, kingsley. do as what you’re told.
beck: aye aye buddy
“so uh.. are you hungry? we could grab something to eat if you want to” he asked you while looking over to the passengers seat
“starving, actually” you replied with a giggle, and he felt his heart skip a beat at the sound. “got any recommendations, o’hara?”
but for a guy who knows his ways around women, he sure is nervous when it comes to you. and fuck, he cursed himself for being like this. he wanted to look cool in front of you, not stupid. what is wrong with him?!
“well we can have something off the diner on 13th street. that’s twenty minutes from campus, though. sushi stop, i know one where they serve the best sashimi. and kebab food truck but i don’t think you-“
“a kebab?!” a gasp fell from your mouth, eyes widening at the sound of middle eastern delicacy. “yes. no doubt. i want it. let’s punch it!”
he swore he’s not the type who falls in love quickly. but the way your eyes twinkle in excitement when he mentioned about kebabs,
he might just have,
he smiled at you before putting his focus back on the road. “kebab food truck it is”
one thing that miguel had forgotten to mention, is that food trucks don’t have tables and chairs. so people either eat them while standing up or inside their cars,
he didn’t want to trouble you at all, because looking at you right now, in a very pretty dress and heels, he doubt. that you actually wanted to eat while standing up,
“i’m so sorry, muñeca. i forgot to say something about this” he scratched the back of his head. eyes looking through the window where the kebab truck is at,
with a shrug you shot him a reassuring smile. “i don’t mind standing up while eating if that’s what you worried about”
he shook his head. “i mind actually. can’t let you eat and get tired while standing. how about we’ll eat in my car and i’ll go order something for you, si? what do you prefer? i swear if it you say vegan, i will leave you”
you laughed at that comment, “no of course not. i’ll get the chicken one, medium sized. and a cold water”
he pulled out his cash from the back pocket, smiling at you. “be right back”
there was definitely something different about him. a good different. one of them was how miguel is not how the people at campus had painted him to be. could be too soon for that conclusion but throughout the car ride, you were extremely sure that miguel is not a jackass.
instead, he had asked about which songs you wanted him to play in his car. whether or not if you’re comfortable and constantly saying sorry if he overstepped. it all seemed so sweet to you,
your friends would probably give you a weird look praising such simple things. the bare minimum. but these days, those ‘bare minimums’ are hard to pluck from a decent person, correct? nothing’s wrong with praising them anyway.
he knocked on the window, pulling you out of the train thoughts, in which you then rolled it down. “here you go, muñeca. the man assumed that it was for me so he put a lot of chicken there, so-“
“it’s fine. i said i was starving anyway” you took it from his hand, the smell of the delicious meal was making your mouth water.
miguel had himself crouched down to your eye level, thumb pointing over his shoulder. “so. standing up? or my car?”
you thought for a while, then an idea came into your mind with a pretty smile. “got a better one”
miguel frowned in confusion at that, watching you opening the door before walking out of the vehicle. and that’s when you and him standing almost chest to chest, unintentionally.
the moment he looked at you, his mind immediately went blank. in that exact moment, he thought that if it was possible to put charges on someone for how they stare with their eyes, yours would be number one.
because it felt like he was getting hypnotized by your beautiful irises and that there’s no turning back for him. he would volunteer to drown himself in them if it means he gets to see those eyes forever,
“—way nicer”
he blinked. mentally slapping himself in the forehead because he had just realized he wasn’t listening to you at all, too busy day dreaming about your gaze.
“i’m sorry, w-what were you saying?”
an amused smile made it towards your lips, “i said, we could sit by the pavement here. it’s way nicer. we could act like one of those drunk people after night out.”
“but we’re not drunk, muñeca”
“i said act, miguel” you reply in a duh tone, closing the door behind before guiding him to one of the empty ones where it’s not taken, “see? this one’s good spot”
one thing he noticed, you were wearing a pretty dress. “wait!” miguel then rushed towards the back of his car to grab a jacket before going back to you and laying it down on the asphalt. “there. now you can sit”
that one made your heart flutter, eyes moved up to him. “miguel you can’t just do that. your jacket will get dirty”
“I don’t mind. they made washing machine for a reason. i wasn’t going to let your dress get dirty anyway. the color is too pretty” he smiled, finally taking a seat on the rough surface with you following his actions after,
it was quite a cold night, and you regret not bringing a jacket along with you. what even was this weather? sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s rainy and sometimes you couldn’t even fucking predict it,
you tried not to let the chills get to you, because it seemed like miguel wasn’t really bothered by it. this man had his whole arms out in a muscle tank and he sat still like it was nothing,
“this is the best kebab i have ever tasted” you moaned with your eyes close on you had the first bite, chewing on the sweet delish,
miguel tried not to let his mind wander when he saw you doing that. “you like it?”
“like?! i love it! miguel this is amazing!” eyes turning into hearts when you gaze the food upon your hands, “how did you find this perfect place?”
“me and the guys often tried to find new places to eat other than burgers and hot dogs after parties and football practice” he settled his legs down, crossing them. “saw this truck while passing by and decided to give it a go”
you hummed. “do you do that a lot?”
“do what a lot?”
“partying” you took another bite, looking over at him as he raised his brows at the question,
“w-well” he chuckled nervously, thinking of a better way to answer. “if i’m being honest, i don’t enjoy it… as much as i did before”
“yeah. it was fun at first. partying, getting shit faced… feels lame now. also, probably because now i think of alcohol are just empty calories”
“is that why you wanted to take me out? so you didn’t have a reason to stay there?”
his eyes turned wide, shaking his head in panic mode. “what? no! no of course not! i wanted to! i mean—it just felt like it was the perfect timing! and i— I—so—didn’t i tell you i have a crush on you?!”
with that, you laughed. placing a hand over his knee. “just joking, miguel”
oh fuck you’re touching him.
‘keep it cool, miguel’ he thought,
“oh-oh right, right. sorry” he replied, clearing his throat. still feeling nervous. “you know, i rarely see you at our weekly parties. only gloria and some of your friends.” he pointed out. wiping some of the sauce from the corner of his lips,
you answered. “not really my scene”
“you don’t like parties?”
“not really. i prefer when it’s just a few people that i know. not a whole campus. i like it better when it’s intimate”
“why is that?” he couldn’t help but ask,
“so i can hear people better when they talk. i love having a conversation”. it’s simple really. and it’s true.
you haven’t gone out to wild parties or clubs in a while, and it was safe to say that your life is truly at peace now. not saying that you would turn down any offer to go to one, but you just don’t do it as often,
waste of money and energy. simple things like sleeping before eleven, waking up early, getting your work done and having walks or working out regularly have been your main priorities now,
“ah, i see” he nodded at that, a smile appeared on his face. “intimate party yeah? i keep that in mind”
you raised one of your brows. “you don’t have to just because i said so, miguel”
he shrugged, taking another bite of his food “if that’s what i have to do just so i could see you around more often”
his response completely took you by surprise. and you had no clue what to say to that. fluttered? sure, that’s why you tried to suppress the smile on your face by looking away. you were quite thankful that it was dark out. that way, he wouldn’t be able to see the blush prominent on your cheeks.
the two of you sat there in comfortable silence for a while. devouring the perfect late night meal while watching the cars go by, accompanied by mindless chatters from left to right,
it did come to a surprise that you and miguel have a lot more in common than you think. something that you didn’t see coming. hell, you didn’t even think that you would actually converse with the head of a fraternity and captain of a football team.
a person whom you always try to avoid ever since freshmen year.
“another thing—why haven’t i seen you in lots of my games?”
“miguel, i come to your games. i’m the cheerleader for crying out loud”
“what i meant was why have you never stick around? you do your part and then poof! you’re gone”
raising an eyebrow, you eye him. “are you stalking me now?” he laughs at the accusation, but it’s not entirely false. “i have no reason to stay, why would i stick around?”
“not even for me?” he fakes a dramatic gasp, hand over his chest as if he’s actually hurt. “that pains me, muñeca”
“you’re getting way ahead of yourself, o’hara” you reply with an eye roll but smile anyway,
miguel then looks at the road, shaking his head. “unbelievable. and here i thought about handing you my jersey for you to wear next at our championship game”
and man, did your heart somehow stop for a second there.
because miguel o’hara do not give away his jersey numbers. not the real one nor the merch ones.
“you’re joking?”
“why would i be?” miguel turned his head at you, finding it is much better to look at you rather than the busy road ahead of him,
shrugging, you looked down at your open kebab. “people talk about how your jerseys are off limits. you don’t give away those numbers for anyone”
“well” he breathed out, chewing his lower lip while fiddling with his fingers. “you’re not just anyone to me”
a breath hitched on your throat when his ruby eyes met with your pretty ones once more. and he made a mental note on how your smile deflated in seconds after he said that,
and fuck fuck fuck, he didn’t mean to make you feel weird or uncomfortable. it was the last thing he wanted to do. because he did feel like he was confessing too much to you that night.
but what could he have done?! he likes you and you make him nervous. put the two and two together, and miguel would sputter bunch of shit from his mouth without actually thinking,
“shit” he shook his head, looking away from embarrassment. “i didn’t—I didn’t mean to say that— i mean, i did but—sorry if it made you feel weird. that was too straight forward”
you couldn’t lie, it was rather entertaining to see the captain of a football team and the so called ‘player of campus’ stumble upon his words like that. usually, you would simply roll your eyes and brushed every single guy who had said that to you. because you knew all they wanted to do was to get into your pants,
however miguel looked genuine. and by how fast his cheeks were warming to the color of crimson red or how he scratched the tip of his ears was pretty explanatory,
he wasn’t trying to get into your pants,
instead of giving him a dirty look, you just smiled shyly at him who looked down on his lap. probably re-thinking about his life choices.
“that’s cute” you managed to mumble, scooting a bit closer to his body. putting the half of kebab down beside you. “you actually like me, huh?”
he scoffed at the silly thought, as if the answer to that question had already been written well enough. “i really like you” he confessed, craning his head towards you and he almost passed out on how close you were to him. “makes me go crazy every time i see you, muñeca—i counted the times that you looked at me for just one split second and i died on days that you didn’t”
the way he spoke so carefully and lovingly with you was truly something you had longed from someone. took you by surprise just how much it meant to him for something so simple like wanting you to look at him for once,
one that you didn’t expect miguel o’hara would have said,
“yeah?” and this time, your voice wavered a little. almost like he made his mission accomplished by making you nervous too. “have you been gawking at me then?”
“god you made it sound like i’m a creep” he shook his head out of embarrassment making you laugh. “not gawk—just simply admiring you from afar—during class and your cheerleading practice. but it’s not a weird ass admiring or something like that. hope that’s okay”
it was. indeed it was.
because before this happened, you always assumed that miguel was the typical jock that romcoms have always shown. heartless, player, annoying, screw ups, and the list goes on.
but fuck was he different.
“more than okay” you responded rather quietly, letting your shoulder touched with his and it made miguel’s eyebrows quirk upwards,
and the moment miguel let his eyes looked into yours for more than twenty seconds, he knew for the second time that night—he was in. hooked line and sinker.
you pulled him in deeper than anyone had ever did without you even realizing. he hadn’t even shared a three hour conversation with you. this is the longest he had spoken with the girl he had a crush on,
miguel gulped by the sight of your pretty lips and doe eyes looking up at him. the innocence twinkled within your gaze and he had to refrain himself from kissing you out in the street,
it was one of the hardest thing he had to do that night,
“i just wanted you to give me a chance” he admitted, resting his arms on his knees as he stared at you. “to look at me as me—not as someone who people had spread rumors about on campus—because i’m not that— i don’t sleep around, i promise I don’t”
it was a weird feeling on how your heart broke a little by how defeated he sounded at the moment. his eyes were soften, voice turned small. he was begging silently for you to look past the ‘playboy miguel’ talk from the people that barely even knows him,
he didn’t care if others don’t believe him but he cared if you did.
that’s the only approval he needed,
“i want you to see me” he shyly continued when you chose not to say anything, only looking at him with your widening eyes. “that’s all”
trust has always been something you struggle with from time to time. because it’s easier said than done.
relationships are indeed not your strongest virtue. you shared some in the past but not all of it were pretty except for one. and you haven’t even heard about that person in a long time but you did wish he was okay.
it is unbelievably difficult to put your heart upon someone else’s hands and asking them to take care of it knowing how easy it would be for them to break it along the way,
which was the reason why you avoided miguel in the first place,
to say you hate him with all of your guts and soul would probably be too much. you wouldn’t go that far. you hardly know the man.
but you were persuaded by the gossips and girl talk scattered throughout campus. how he used girls for sex, only to dump them the next day. despite gloria telling you the opposite, you refused to believe her. you were solemnly only trying to protect yourself.
yet only now the guilt was eating you alive. why didn’t you even try to find out for yourself instead of listening to a gang of plastics who love to start off disgusting rumors about others?
looking at him now just made your heart clenched and for your head tilt to the side, just so you can look at him a bit better. you wanted to look at his eyes. you wanted him to not avoid your gaze because you understood now,
more clearer than ever.
“i do. i see you, miguel” you placed a hand on top of his, gently rubbing the skin until his ruby eyes turned to you at the sudden affection,
miguel’s heart almost did a somersault at your smile. even more to the words you had chosen to say next,
“i see you, baby”
reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! it would make my day:)
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najia-cooks · 9 months
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[ID: First image is of a golden brown boule studded with blueberries and covered with seeds; second image shows the boule cut in half to show a holely bread with blueberries throughout. End ID]
Rustic no-knead blueberry bread
This is a crusty, no-knead, sweet-savory bread that pairs blueberries with spices and herbs inspired by West Asian cooking. Fennel, anise, sesame, and mahlab powder are reminiscent of the دُقَّة كَعْك ("duqqa ka'k"; cake powder) used in pastries, while za'tar and caraway skew more savory.
The long rise yields a well-fermented dough with a robust flavor that stands up well against the sweetness and pungency of the fennel and aniseed. The result is a jammy, complex, aromatic boule.
This bread has an open, irregular crumb, great for slicing, toasting, dipping, or spreading. Try it with labna and honey, olive oil and za'tar, or a spreadable cheese. I've also made sandwiches with thick slices of this bread and fried, glazed tofu drizzled with tarator and topped with Iraqi mango pickles, to excellent effect.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes one medium-sized boule.
3 cups (360g) bread flour
2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp dry active yeast
2 tsp mahlab powder (optional)
1 tsp fennel seed + 1 tsp aniseed, coarsely ground
About 1 2/3 cup water (room temperature)
1/2 cup firm fresh blueberries
1 Tbsp za’tar (wild thyme), crumbled
Additional fennel seeds, aniseed, caraway, and sesame, to top
Mahlab (محلب) powder is the ground-up pits of Mahleb cherries. It can be purchased at a halal or specialty spice store.
Za'tar (wild thyme) can be found in dried form at a halal grocery store. Note that the spice blend, which includes wild thyme, sumac, sesame seeds, and other spices, will also be labelled "za'tar." If you don't have or can't locate any of the herb itself, use any dried woody herb of your choice (e.g. rosemary, thyme, sage), chopped.
1. Making the dough. Measure flour into a large mixing bowl. Add salt, yeast, seeds, and thyme and stir to combine.
2. Gradually add water until a soft, sticky dough forms. You may need more or less than 1 2/3 cup.
3. Flatten dough in the bowl and top with some of the blueberries. Fold the dough to enclose the blueberries, add more blueberries on top, and fold again. Repeat until all blueberries are incorporated.
4. First rise. Shape dough into a ball and place in the bowl seam-side down. Pat the top of the dough with some olive oil and cover the bowl with a kitchen towel. Allow to rest at room temperature for 16-20 hours.
5. Shaping. Gently remove the dough from the bowl and allow it to deflate. Shape the boule by folding an edge in over the center, rotating the dough slightly, and repeating until you have gone all the way around.
6. Flip the ball over so the seam side is down. Place your hands on either side of the dough and then move them down towards the base of the boule, tucking some of the dough under and towards the seam, to tighten the top of the ball. Rotate the ball slightly and do this again, repeating until you've gone all the way around a couple times.
This is the basic method for shaping a boule, lightly adapted to avoid breaking any blueberries. If any of the blueberries start to pop out of the surface of the dough, just press them back in.
7. Second rise. Place your boule on a piece of parchment paper and cover with a kitchen towel. Allow to rise for 1-2 hours, until noticeably puffy.
8. Baking. Place a Dutch oven in your oven and preheat to 450 °F (230 °C). Remove the Dutch oven and place the boule, along with the parchment paper, inside. Put the lid on the Dutch oven and return it to the oven. Bake for 30 minutes.
9. Remove the Dutch oven's lid and bake bread for another 20 minutes, or until the crust is deeply golden brown.
To bake the bread without a Dutch oven, preheat a baking tray in the center of the oven, while preheating a skillet (rated to at least 450 °F) in the bottom; once preheated, transfer the bread and parchment paper to the tray, and pour a few cups of water in the skillet; bake for 30 minutes. Remove the skillet and bake another 20 minutes until golden brown.
Allow the bread to cool completely before cutting into it to avoid creating a mushy texture.
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hachama · 2 years
Matzo Ball Soup
Start with the broth.
In a cheesecloth, add whatever herbs and seasonings you like.  I’ve used ground nutmeg, herbs de Provence, cracked black pepper, and peeled ginger.
In a large stock pot, combine about a pound of carrots, one bunch of celery, and several onions. Halve the onions, cut the carrots in half, break apart the celery and cut the stalks in half.
To the vegetables, add chicken. I used leg quarters, because I like a lot of good yellow schmaltz, but a whole chicken or split breasts also work. The key is to get bone-in and skin-on.
Fill the pot with enough water to just cover the ingredients. Add salt. More salt. You’re seasoning everything that comes after this.
Tie off the herbs in the cheesecloth, toss the sachet in the pot, and put a lid on.
Over medium high heat, bring the water to a boil, then turn down to low and simmer forever. When you can’t stand it anymore, get a mug to taste test. Adjust your salt. Once you’re satisfied, strain out your chicken and veggies. Discard the veggies, bones, and skin. Shred the chicken and add it back to the pot. Cut and peel carrots into bite size pieces, drop them in the pot to soften up over low heat.
Matzo balls are dead simple.
Combine eggs and vegetable oil. Add matzo meal. Stir until well combined. Add some of your broth and stir until smooth again. Refrigerate the mixture for at least 30 minutes to allow the matzo meal time to absorb the moisture. Once the mix is chilled, get a pot of water boiling. Form the mix into balls, about ping pong ball sized. Add your balls to the boiling water, cover the pot with a lid, and cook for 20 minutes. Move the balls to the pot with the broth. Give them at least another 20 minutes to really soak in the flavors.
Now you should have a good size batch of matzo ball soup. It keeps decently in the fridge, but it tastes best shared.
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prairiefirewitch · 3 months
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Trying to stay ahead of the next Deipnon on July 5th, so I made some Greek flatbreads to freeze that I’ll defrost the day of. I’m not sure if I’ll make a full meal, but I knew I wanted to make bread. It’s still hotter than Hades here so I needed a bread that didn’t require a hot oven, and these are made on a griddle or pan on the stove top. I’m the laziest baker in the world so these are really easy to make and quick too. Here’s the recipe if you want to make them too:
1.5 tsp dry instant yeast
2 cups lukewarm water
2 tablespoons olive oil plus a little more to oil skillet
1 tsp sugar
3.5 cups all purpose flour plus more for dusting
1 tsp salt
In your mixer add yeast, water and sugar. Stir and let it sit until yeast blooms, about 5 minutes.
Add olive oil, flour, and salt. Mix on medium low speed for 10 minutes until dough is soft, smooth, and pliant. Shape into a ball and coat with a tsp of olive oil. Cover and let double in size, about an hour.
Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and cut into 9 pieces. Shape each piece into a taut ball and cover with a towel. Let rest about 10 minutes.
Roll into circles, about 1/8 inch thick. Heat your griddle or skillet and brush the surface with olive oil. Put your rolled dough on the hot skillet and brush top side with oil. If bubbles form, poke them with a fork. When the bottom is light golden, flip and cook the other side. Repeat with your other dough balls. Cool on a cooling rack.
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averyfromzero · 2 years
Who’s The Better C*ck?
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pairing: male reader x jeno, mark, lucas, jaehyun & johnny
summary: after having kissed all of them, you have to take care of each of their *eggplant emoji*
notes: smut, bl*wjob, a whole lotta c*ck
words: 2,089
part 1: “who’s the better kisser?”
"Want me to help you guys with that?" You asked, gesturing at their bulges.
The guys looked down and saw that their cocks had formed obvious tents on each of their tents.
The guys looked at each other, implicitly seeking any disapproval in any of the others' faces. So as Johnny shrugged, so did everyone else.
You watched as the 5 hot men around you got up on their feet and pulled down their pants, letting their dicks out.
You were about to have an overdose of cock. And you couldn't wait for it.
Following the same line as before, you went to Jeno first. He had only the zipper of his jeans open so just his member and balls were visible. As it was so hard that it was pointing upwards, he pushed it down with his thumb and waited as you approached.
Kneeling in front of him, you wrapped your fingers around his shaft. Jeno had always been known for being hung as his bulge could never be hidden. So it was no surprise when you took it in your hand and saw how massive he was.
Jeno's cock looked to be around 8 inches (20.3cm) long and had a medium girth, with a few veins visible along the shaft.
His skin was pale there but the bulbous head was a pretty pink color, intensified by how hard he was, shining from precum.
A patch of black hair also adorned the base, making him look even hotter. Meanwhile, his medium-sized balls lacked hair.
You stroked him a couple times before wrapping your lips around the head. Weirdly enough, Jeno tasted soft and delightful, matching the visual of his cock. He was literally delicious.
As your mouth watered the more you sucked him, Jeno's cock was soon thoroughly wet with spit and precum. The sound of your mouth on his dick reverberated in the room but you could still hear the faint noise of the other guys' slowly jerking themselves off.
Bobbing your head up and down nonstop, you couldn't get enough of how well Jeno tasted and how well he filled your mouth, its thickness filling you up just right.
You felt the spit smear around your lips as you kept slurping on that cock.
Soon, Jeno bent his head back and started puffing, signaling you that he was close to his climax.
After a few more seconds, Jeno shot his huge load inside your mouth. His cum wasn't very thick and it tasted just as soft as the skin of his cock did. Almost like the lightest of milks.
You swallowed it all as it oozed out of Jeno's cock like it was a pacifier. After being done, you let his member slide out of your mouth and exhaled loudly, expressing your content.
You caught your breath for a couple seconds before moving towards Mark, who was patiently waiting while slowly caressing his cock.
Mark had his hoodie on, looking all kinds of soft, but the lust on his face made him look just as hot.
Still on your knees, you took his cock in your hands and examined it, wanting to taking in every detail of it.
Mark wasn't as long as Jeno, but was still packing a big one. His cock was about 7 inches (17.8cm) long and just as thick as the younger's. While Jeno's looked a bit too big for his body, Mark's cock seemed to fit him perfectly, being just the right size for him, which was something that made Mark look even more attractive.
He was slightly more tan than Jeno and the head was a bit more red than pink. The shaft was mostly smooth and gave Mark a very clean appearance, the perfectly brushed patch of dark hair at the base complimenting him even more. Like Jeno, Mark's balls were smooth.
After fully examining Mark's member, you took him in your mouth, swallowing half of his cock in one go.
Mark's cock had a bit more flavor to it when compared to Jeno's but he still tasted pretty clean and soft altogether. It was an addicting taste, and it made you suck him faster.
You bobbed your head up and down and was soon taking all of his 7 inches in your mouth, coating it thoroughly with your spit while you mixed it with his precum.
While Jeno was quieter, Mark couldn't help but moan as you went down on him. His soft voice coming out of him in arousing puffs of air as he looked at the way your wet lips smoothly slid up and down his cock.
Mark's dick fit your mouth perfectly, even more so than Jeno's.
Soon, Mark's moans became louder and more shaky, so you got ready to swallow down yet another load of cum.
After a few seconds, you felt Mark's cock twitch inside your mouth and his overflowing milk started to fill you up.
Mark's cum was less thick than Jeno's, but he easily oozed out double the amount than the other. Its taste was similar to the younger's but a bit more sour.
Because of how much Mark had cum, some of it leaked through the corners of your mouth and ran down your chin. Still, you managed to swallow most of his semen. It felt great.
You didn't bother cleaning up your face before you moved to the third cock of the night: Lucas'.
The young man had his pants pulled down to the knees and his enlarged member hung low as it was too massive to stand up.
Not wasting any time, you wrapped your hand around Lucas' cock and, for the third time, you examined it.
Lucas' cock was the biggest one so far, longer than Jeno's and thicker than both his and Mark's. It was easily 10 inches (25.4cm) long and it gave Lucas the stereotypical image of a tall slim guy with a horse cock.
His puppy face and expression of a horny teenager just helped in building that image up.
Lucas had darker skin than Mark and the head of his cock took a purple tone rather than a red one. A drop of precum hung from the tip and a messy bush of dark hair at the base finished off the look, with his balls being the biggest ones so far, but still lacking any kind of hair.
You gave his shaft a lick from the bottom until the very tip, where you caught the drop of precum that was about to fall.
With that alone, you could feel Lucas' more salty and sour taste compared to the previous two.
You wrapped your lips around his fat head and managed to take in half his cock. His thickness didn't help so you weren't able to fit as much as you did Mark and Jeno.
Keeping your mouth still, you used your hand to stroke the other half of his cock that couldn't fit inside.
You started moving your head up and down at a slow pace as you kept masturbating him.
Soon, you picked up your pace stroked him faster, making Lucas moan out loud. He was louder than Mark.
With a mouthful of cock, you felt your spit drip from your lips as you kept sucking.
After a while, Lucas dragged out a deeper moan as he let out a big load of cum inside your mouth.
His semen was the thickest one so far and the volume was almost the same as Mark's. His taste was salty but still delicious, so you swallowed it all.
You took a few seconds to rest before you moved on to Jaehyun.
Jaehyun was holding his pants open for you as his cock waited to be sucked on.
Kneeling in front of him, you wrapped your right hand around his hanging shaft and, once again, examined it.
Jaehyun was bigger than Jeno but smaller than Lucas, with a length of 9 inches (22.8cm) and as thick as the first one.
His cock was as pale as Jeno's but more veiny, the bulbous head being painted with a deep salmon pink color and shining with precum.
While Jaehyun was the hairiest overall, his pubes were more modest than Lucas' and they took a brighter hair color than expected, looking almost dark blonde.
His balls hung low and had that same dark blonde hair on them, being hairiest sack of all the boys.
You wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock and slurped on it, sucking on his precum.
Jaehyun tasted salty like Lucas but not as sour, while the skin of his member had a slightly musky scent and flavor. He had the richest taste so far.
You went down on his shaft until you couldn't fit any more of it in your mouth. Like you did with Lucas, you started masturbating what was rest of it, taking the chance to brush your hand on the bushy hair at the base.
The rich taste and smell of Jaehyun made your mouth water even more and soon his cock was all lathered up with your saliva.
Taking a break to breathe, you removed your mouth from his cock and stroked it, feeling a rush of arousal as you saw the string of spit connect the tip of his dick with your lips.
Going back at it, you started sucking him off again, this time picking up the pace.
It took Jaehyun a few minutes until his cock twitched and his thick cum started filling up your mouth.
His milk was as thick as Lucas' but it tasted even better. You just wanted more and more. And Jaehyun kept giving it to you.
His orgasm felt almost eternal until he finally stopped cumming. You managed to swallow most of it but some of it had leaked, dripping down your chin like Mark's cum had just minutes before.
You started feeling full and your jaw was a little tired from all the sucking. But you still had one more cock to go.
Johnny took notice of your state as you approached him. "Don't worry, I'm so horned up I'm not gonna take long to cum."
You nodded and then looked down to take in the size of Johnny's cock.
His dick was as long as Lucas' but it seemed even thicker than his. Somehow, it didn't hang as low as the latter one did.
Johnny's cock was as hard as a rock, pointing directly at your face with a purply bulbous head dripping precum.
His shaft was almost as smooth as Mark's, but a single thick vein that traced its underside from the base to the tip gave it some extra texture.
His pubes weren't as bushy as Lucas' but his hairs were longer and his balls, while not as hairy as Jaehyun's, had some of it too.
Tired of using your hands, you rested them on your knees while you got closer to that thick cock with your mouth open.
You felt as Johnny placed one of his hands on your head and started to buck his hips slowly. You let him do the work this time.
His enlarged member filled your mouth quickly but Johnny didn't force it all the way down your throat, not wanting to hurt you.
He started to quicken his thrusts and grunts starting leaving his mouth.
You looked up and took in the erotic sight before you. Johnny had a lustful expression on his face and strands of his hair kept moving as he thrusted inside your mouth.
You two stayed in that position for a few minutes and, when you thought you were about to chug down another load of cum, Johnny's cock left your mouth.
It took you a couple seconds to register that the oldest of them had decided to cum on your face instead. That thought sent chills down your spine.
You watched as Johnny masturbated his cock frantically for a few seconds before milk started to shoot out of him and landing on your face.
He oozed out enough cum to paint your face with his thick semen. You loved all of it.
When he was done, you licked around your mouth to try and taste some of his liquid. His flavor wasn't as musky as Jaehyun but he tasted just as salty. Delicious.
"Oof," Johnny let out, breathless. "That was...good." He said while buttoning up his pants.
"We should that more often," Jaehyun suggested.
You watched as the other boys nodded.
You smirked, loving that idea.
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homunculus-argument · 11 months
2 tbsp yeast
2.5 cups warm water
2tbsp brown sugar
1tbsp salt
5.5 cups flour (measure flour by spooning into measuring cup them scraping off excess so it ain't as packed as putting scoop right into flour u will get more uniform and tru 2 recipe scoops this way)
Enough olive oil to fully coat the bowl ur leaving dough in 2 rise and 2 brush on later
2.5 tbsp mixed rosemary/ oregano/ thyme (or whatever herb mix ur feelin)
1/4 cup grated parm
1/2 cup grated havilah
(Cheese optional but nice feel free to sub out or for preferred cheeses)
(This recipe makes 2 good sized loaves so u can half it if u want less bread)
-Add yeast to warm water and mix till dissolved and let rest covered 5min(it should b frothy when uncovered)
-Add dark brown sugar and salt, mix together thoroughly(still frothy)
-Slowly add flour half cup at a time till fully incorporated in the bowl
- remove from bowl and knead a few min while adding in optional cheese n seasonings (I'm worse at deceiving this part but knead with medium force until it becomes shiney n strechy, it could take 3-10 min honestly this part is vibes but also the dough is v forgiving if u accidentally over knead)
-Put in oiled bowl and cover, let rest 20-30 min in a warm place(if u want u can leave it overnight in the fridge)
-Take out and shape into loaves(like gently cut dough ball into half or thirds n put em on greased baking trays)
Cover and let rest 5min
Preheat oven to 450
-Cut bread tops& brush on oily herb mixture
-Bake 15-30min till brown and crusty
Lmk if i left any gaps but also with all the yeast this bread has it kinda does its own thing lol
Sounds intriguing. Gonna save this for the time I'll try baking next time.
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ayeforscotland · 4 months
I've made pita really susccessfully with a recipe from the blog Love & Lemons, their recipe is super easy to follow even if you've never dabbled in bread-making, can be doubled easily if you're feeding a lot of people, works both on oven and stove top, and turns out tender and delicious. I'll copy it down below, but If you go to the blog they have really helpful pictures detailing the process. Hope this helps!
3/4 cup warm water
1 package (2 1/4 teaspoons), active dry yeast
1 teaspoon plus 1 tablespoon sugar
3 3/4 cups bread flour (469 grams), plus more for dusting
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for the bowl
3/4 cup whole-milk Greek yogurt, (we use Stonyfield)
In a medium bowl, combine the water, yeast, and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Let the mixture sit until it’s foamy on top, about 5 minutes.
In a large mixing bowl or stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the flour, salt, and remaining tablespoon sugar. Add the yeast mixture, oil, and yogurt, and mix to combine. Knead the dough, either in the stand mixer on medium speed or by hand on a clean work surface, adding more flour if needed, until it’s soft and slightly sticky, 7 to 10 minutes. Transfer the dough to an oiled bowl, cover with a towel or plastic wrap, and let rise until it’s doubled in size, about 2 hours.
Preheat the oven to 500°F and line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and divide it into 12 equal balls. Cover and let rise an additional 20 minutes.
Roll the balls out into circles that are 1/4 to 1/2-inch thick. Place them onto the baking sheets an inch apart, then bake, one sheet at a time, until they’re puffy and lightly browned on top. Begin checking at 5 minutes. We bake them for about 8 minutes, rotating the pan after the 5 minute mark if one side of the sheet is puffing up more than the other. Transfer the pitas to a wire rack to cool.
Note: These freeze really well. Molly recommends pulling them out of the oven just before they’re brown if you plan to store and reheat them. To thaw, pop them in the toaster - they’ll brown up a bit as they toast.
Thanks for taking the time to write all that out, will hopefully have a chance to try it at some point!
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matchadobo · 1 year
SHANKS; bathing with the emperor on a hot summer day
summary: in the burning afternoon at the red force, name stumbles upon her captain/husband in the bath. 🔞 tw: NSFW, sm/ut, seggs is mentioned and told here read at your own discretion, p0rn w/o plot, bath seggs, unprotected seggs, no angst, little fluff?, fem reader
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it was one of those god-forbid, humid days where you could feel your skin burning under the scorching ball of heat in the sky. your clothes uncomfortably sticking in your skin. even with a tank top and short shorts you felt yourself melting beneath the searing sun.
the floor under your feet was like a pan above an open stove. each crevice of your body damp with excruciating sweat. your vision wobbly from the intense heat as you felt a migraine coming in. sweat trickling down the sides of your face, down to your neck, glistening under the sun.
you panted incessantly, desperately trying to look for a hint of anything remotely cold to soothe the pain of summer. you glanced around the red force, each crew member in the same predicament as you. no one dares to step on the portion of the deck where there was no shade, one might say that it can fry you to death immediately. all men on deck had their shirts off, still in one place, fanning themselves, restlessly trying to survive the grave heat.
"hey, benn." you called to the group of men, cooped up in the bar. each have a tall glass of icy water. "where's captain?"
"haven't seen the lad. try his quarters?" he looked at you with tired eyes, feet propped up in the table, the sleeves of his shirts rolled up, his hair tied in a high bun; seemingly not handling the heat like everyone else.
"right." you smiled as you bid farewell. carrying your heavy body as you entered your captain's quarters.
met with the dark mahogany walls, fairly decorated with ornaments he has collected along his journey through his life. you don't miss the medium sized photo of him and luffy, smiling ear to ear while holding beetles. you can't help but smile as your heart twitched in endearment.
his gray-colored oak bedside tables decorated with trinkets settled beside his black pencil-postered bed accessorized with red, velvety sheets and an ample amount of raven and crimson pillows. the fluffy carpet beneath your feet welcomed your drowsiness amidst the hot weather. lateral from the bed was his three-mirrored vanity, also in gray-colored oak, where his coat was lazily hung on of the mirrors. you glanced at the door beside it and saw it ajar as the quiet sound of water splashes emanated from the small gap.
there he is.
you sauntered to where he was, slowly opening the door, careful not to disturb anything. you met with his raspberry eyes, sultrily holding your gaze as a smirk crept on his pink lips at your company. he was holding a glass of wine, hair graciously slicked back, and skin glistening from staying in the water for too long. "need something, love?"
"why didn't you say so that you've got the bath all to yourself?" you irritably gritted your teeth, blowing air in dismay, rolling your eyes, and simultaneously taking your clothes off.
"slow down, sweetheart. the weather's already hot as it is, don't go making it hotter for me, aye?" he placed the glass down, fixing up his position in order to make room for you. "don't be so angry with me now, doll. let me make it up you, come." he suavely called out, voice as smooth as the velvet sheets in his bed where you always find yourself ending up naked beside him.
"you better be." you retorted, finally taking off the last article of clothing—your panties. you saw how his eyes trailed down to your plush thighs, to your enticing bundle if nerves, to the curve of your hips and ratio of your waist, to the round mounds of flesh on your chest, up to your alluring face. you never miss how his eyes always mirrored that lustful yet genuine look he gives you whenever you stand bare before him like this. he slowly licks his lips and opens his thighs for you to sit in the space between, not breaking eye contact before your back faces him.
you finally sat down, moaning at the relief of the cold water soothing your body and his breath hot against your neck. "care for a wine, darling?"
he softly uttered beside you, his hand with a wine glass extended to you before placing subtle kisses on the smooth skin that connects your shoulders and neck. your skin tingled at the sensation of his wet lips, your thighs shivered slightly in response. "a rum'd be better but this'll do." you returned, taking the glass of wine.
he suddenly started getting suggestive, placing sloppy kisses on your neck, sucking on the sensitive flesh just at the tip of your jaw. "i thought the weather was the only thing in heat, seems you are too." you reached over the mini wooden table on the bathroom to place the glass down.
you felt him chuckle and grin on your skin, nibbling on the flesh as his stubble poked on you. you cringe at the pain but you love it, how his wet, hot lips feel against your cold skin, how his stubble graze and contrasted with the softness of your skin, how his hums and silent growls grow loud each time he elicits a moan from you. his arm snaked around your waist, feeling your chest up. you threw your head back, trying to swallow all the sounds of pleasure the redhead is evoking off of you. "holding it will only make it louder, angel." he whispered against your ear, voice gruff and heavy on lust. "i know it feels good baby, come on i wanna hear how good i make you feel." he played with your skin between his teeth, licking your ears afterwards.
"f-fucking prick," you weakly muttered, biting your lips as you refuse giving him the satisfaction. the grip on the mounds on your chest grew hungrier, kneading and playing with the sensitive bit between his thumb and index finger as his knees started maneuvering your thighs to get under your bundle of nerves.
for a disabled man like shanks, he's irritably skilled in manipulating you and your body under his spell. until your eyes mirror hearts, your mouth starts drooling, your words become mumbles and gibberish, and all you could utter and beg for is him. for the short amount of time that you two are together, he has memorized what gets you screaming, which positions and maneuvers drives you insane, which spots sends you into climax, and where you'd exactly want him to be. he knows everything about you by heart. that's why now, you're a complete mess under him.
"can you blame me, sweet stuff? i can't get enough of you." he continued, gravelly voice reaching your rabbiting chest. leaving scattered splotches of blues and purples in the span of your neck at his wake, all the while rubbing his knees on your core as he dug deeper within you. your body twisted in pleasure as you try gripping the sides of his ceramic, stygian tub to somehow get a hold of your fucking self. little whimpers escape your parted lips as your eyes rolled at the back of your head. his fiery, rose-colored eyes not missing each twinge of elation in your face—growing hard at each noise and spasm you make under his grasp.
"s-stop teasing..!" you tried to mumble out words from your cloudy head, all you could focus on was the combined pleasure if his touch in your chest and your core that sent your mind in a flurry.
"but you love it so much, don't you my angel?" his voice was soft, yet demonic. alluring you into his sins, his aura so dark yet so gentle. his movements growing rougher and faster as you neared your high. "you crave for how i drive you fucking crazy, don't you my love?" he growled through gritted teeth, voice deeply hungry for you.
"my my, look at you. doing all the work for me."he praised you, letting you rub yourself on his thighs. the sound of water splashing with each other with your lips squelching underwater sent him even harder you could feel him throbbing against your back. you could feel your stomach bubbling in pleasure as it approaches your core. you weren't even trying to be quiet anymore, you were begging for your sweet release.
"go on darling, reach your high." and with that, your first climax came. yes, first. you know full well that this is just the beginning. your captain hasn't even used his member yet and you're already a wet mess. you settled down as you tried calming yourself down, leaning back and resting your head on his shoulders. your damp locks sticking to your skin with sweat and the wet bath.
as soon as the emperor heard your pants becoming more regulated, he immediately uttered an order. "face me." you found yourself immediately spinning around and settling yourself on his lap, straddling him. he raised your chin with his index finger, trying to meet your eyes. "let me see you, sweetheart." your cheeks had that flushed tint of red from arousal and the heat of his gaze that he adored so much. you see how his face softened with one look at you as he reached over and caressed your cheek, rubbing circles on it with his thumb. "it still baffles me how someone as enchanting as you is sitting in front me."
"fuck off with the compliments, ojisan." you rolled your eyes, despite the race of heat from your neck to your cheeks. "get into it, yeah?" you smugly challenged him, putting both of your arms beside his figure while his large one was settled on your hips, keeping you in place.
his once soft smiled turned into a sharp grin as he pulled you into his lips. your arms wrapped around his neck, tilting your head to the side to kiss him deeper. he hummed through your lips, exploring every edge of your mouth to elicit another pleasurable sound from you. his hand traversed across the span of your back, taking delight in the softness of your skin in his touch as he manipulates your tongue with his. his hand roaming down your rear, kneading the voluptous flesh in his palm as he spreads you, prepping you for his entrance.
as he had successfully aroused every sexual desire within you, you started to induce friction and grind yourself back and forth. your lips spreading ever so often as his pulsating member slides within your crevice from your incessant back and forth motion. he threw his head back after gutturally moaning in your open mouth at the fervent stimulation. you reached over to plant splotches of red and purple on his neck as he bucked his hips upward. his girth throwing you off guard, making you lose your balance at his sudden movement. "i got you, love." he chuckled lightly, supporting you from the small of your back.
as the first stretch came, you two let out a big breath of ecstasy; high on each other. you tightened around him as he tried moving, for a man of two meters his size is not a joking matter. no matter how much you grow accustomed to it, it still catches you off guard. as you two went at it, you rested your head on his shoulder as the squirmy feeling started bubbling in your stomach. shanks kept whispering filthy nothings in your ear, biting it ever so often, mumbling about how good and tight you clench around him with each thrust, his hot pants and breaths echoing like a melody on your ear.
the plashing of the bathwater and the sticky slapping of skin wet with liquid unbeknowst to the both of you whether it is come, soap, or the water echoed throughout the room. the floor getting wet with the amount of water leaving the tub from your carnal movements with him. endless, hungry moans of sinful desire, each with the utter of one another's names. as your bodies get closer to each other, so was your climaxes. his hips stuttering, your thighs wobbling, your and his' minds clouded with lust and amor.
reaching your climaxes with the chorus of moans of pleasure and pants of weariness, the redhead aroused. "up for another, angel?"
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FIRST TIME WRITING SMUT UM??? SORRY??? just had this idea in one sitting and wrote it immediately bcoz philippines is like a fucking oven rn, NOT EVEN JOKING MY SKIN FEELS LIKE IT'S ACTUALLY BURNING EACH TIME I GO OUT. omg cha writing for another charac other than kidd?????????? yes i find shanks hot too, what do we expect
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Hi I’m gonna be busy today , would it be alright if I send in my request now please if that’s ok with you
Please , please I am on my knees ! Can I please request yandere pet like Sand wraith concept /hcs please (their my fave dragon from the httyd game🥰) 💗🙏
Sure! Hope you like my interpretation :)
Yandere! Sand Wraith Concept
Pairing: Pet/Animal-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Abduction/Kidnapping, Jealousy, Isolation, Clingy behavior mentioned, Forced companionship.
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There isn't much on the Sand Wraith from what I can find.
They are depicted as a feisty medium sized Tidal class dragon that hides in the sand.
Due to its class we can assume these dragons are semi-aquatic and hide in the sand to ambush their prey.
They are said to be intelligent and agile, similar to the Fury line of dragons.
Due to their similar appearance and characteristics to the Fury line, I'd imagine they'd be similar to them… Sort of like Woolly Howls are.
These dragons, like Woolly Howls, blend in with their environment.
While the Woolly Howl blends in with snow… the Sand Wraith blends in with sand.
As a result these dragons are perfect with stealth.
Their eggs can be given to new dragon riders to train, or they can be found in the wild despite being considered elusive due to their stealth.
I'd imagine a Sand Wraith would be loyal to their rider, although they'd have a feisty and sassy nature.
For example, you'll be training them and they'll playfully disobey.
That or they'd do a command in return for something.
If you raised one from a hatchling, your Sand Wraith expresses some clingy behavior despite their sass.
If you denied them affection you'd see the sassy Sand Wraith quickly growl and whine for you to pay attention.
At the same time I feel Sand Wraiths are more isolated at times.
If they want to be away they'll find some sand to hide under.
Maybe they'll even jump out of it to spook you for fun.
Personally I can see a Sand Wraith dragging their rider into the sand to play.
They'll nuzzle you into the sand in an attempt to hide under it with you, all while growling playfully.
These dragons can be protective like most other dragons, Sand Wraiths seem like they'd have an advantage while protecting you.
They use stealth to their advantage to watch over their rider.
They also use said stealth to attack threats.
You're never really alone with them.
They are armed with not only teeth and claws, but their unique fire type.
Their fire type is small hardened balls of sand covered in fire.
Getting pelted by that would burn holes in the skin.
I feel Sand Wraiths live in underground dens surrounded by sand.
They're loyal to their riders and I imagine if they were overprotective, they'd take you there.
A trained Sand Wraith would still live in their dragon stable, but imagine this…
Maybe they've been making a hidden underground den to hide their rider?
Most dragons will do whatever they can to defend their rider.
Sand Wraiths are no different.
Being a stealthy dragon I feel they'd want to hide their darling more than outright attack others.
Just like how they hide in the sand, they want to hide you in the sand.
Imagine your Sand Wraith going rogue, shoving you onto their back before flying off.
When they land it looks like they've taken you to a hole in the ground.
You try to ask them what's wrong, only for them to shove you into the hole/den.
I have a feeling Sand Wraiths won't attack until threatened.
They know you'd hate it if they vented their jealousy through violence.
So instead they decide simply removing you from other dragons and humans will fix the issue.
You're essentially kidnapped by your own dragon and kept in a warm sand den.
They often bring back food they think you'd like and curl around you in the den.
You can hear the water of the waves from the beach they've chosen to live with you in.
They often bring back fish they've collected, scales freshly wet from the ocean.
Your Sand Wraith feels like they can take care of you themselves.
Even if you try to leave the den, where will you go?
They most likely took you to a more tropical island and you can't leave without another dragon or a boat.
Even if you tried to get such things, the Sand Wraith will just remove such a way of transportation.
They've claimed you as theirs, just like you chose them.
So they'll take care of you alone to return the favor.
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pokemonshelterstories · 2 months
Pelipper mail: a gift bag, from Team Wave! It contains: -two medium sized cooling cloths -an insulated water bottle that reads -a silicone ice cube tray that makes long, thin ice cubes, perfect for inserting into water bottles with narrow necks -a cooling mat for your pokemon to lie on -a collapsible water dish for your pokemon -an informational pamphlet about the warning signs of heat sickness
We at Team Wave are dedicated to a single goal: fuck the stupid fucking heat wave! It sucks! We're not going to kill any gods about it, but we think everyone deserves to bitch about it and to have some protection against heatstroke this season.
are you like....roleplaying leaving something in my mailbox? that's a bit of an odd way to spread information, but you do you.
but while we're on the topic, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are unfortunately a common cause of death for pokemon in the summer. all trainers should know how to recognize signs of heat sickness in their pokemon, but especially traveling trainers who may not be able to immediately get their pokemon treatment. at the first sign of heat-based distress, it's important to ball your pokemon and get them to a pokemon center for immediate treatment. make sure to limit any outdoor training in high temps.
another important note is that it's a myth that fire types can't get heat sicknesses! while they tend to be more tolerant of higher temperatures, not every fire type has the same temperature range. a fuecoco is not going to be able to handle the same temperatures as a slugma. humidity plays a role in this as well, as high humidity can inhibit their ability to dispell heat properly. they need to be monitored closely during training to ensure that they don't get too hot, as it will take longer for their bodies to return to their baseline temperature after using fire type moves when it's hot out.
common signs of heat-based distress in fire types are involuntary flame release, excessively high body temperature (you may notice heat mirage or steam around them), and oversized flames on pokemon that have open flames on their bodies.
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followthebluebell · 1 year
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In-distress baby bun found by a former coworker earlier today. It was about the size of a medium hamster--- a little smaller than a tennis ball, so maybe 3 weeks old? Old enough to be weaned and on its own.
Thankfully, the little guy was just dehydrated and overheated. We're having a pretty severe heat wave right now. All this bun needed was a quiet space to recover, water, and a break. He was released successfully, following a check up by the wildlife rescue.
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rachelscookierecipe · 5 months
Vegan & Gluten Free Brownie Cookies
by Rachel (sort of)
Adapted myself from the ingredients of my favourite vegan & gluten free brownies, and my favourite brownie cookies. Credits at the end.
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Ingredients (makes 35-40 21g cookies)
262g gluten free flour (I use Doves Farm/Freee brand, #notspon)
187g golden or light brown sugar
32g cocoa powder
¾ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt (a small pinch)
150g dark chocolate (I use dark cooking chocolate from Tesco that is soy based and dairy-free)
112ml vegetable oil
112ml vegan “buttermilk” (15 parts soy milk + 1 part lemon juice, details below)
Coarse/flaky salt for sprinkling (optional, so damn good)
Tools (and I don’t mean the one writing this)
Large mixing bowl
Medium bowl for dry ingredients
Smaller bowl for melting chocolate
A saucepan of similar size to your small bowl if melting chocolate on the hob
Wooden spoon (or if you have one of those fancy silicone spatulas, they’re perfect)
Dinner plate
Baking tray + baking paper
A few teaspoons for scoopin’
Measuring spoons (optional but very helpful for accuracy)
So when I was a lad… just kidding. I do have stories about how I learned to bake, but this is my own recipe, so those stories are pretty irrelevant here.
Step 0: Don’t preheat your oven.
I usually don’t preheat my oven until shortly before I’m ready to bake, I don’t know why recipes always start with that.
We will not be baking anything for at least an hour, as the cookie dough requires chilling for at least 45 minutes once mixed, ideally longer. This helps prevent spread on the baking tray, and makes it easier to form into dough balls.
Step 1: Measure your dry ingredients.
I am very inclined to forget one as I go, so here’s a checklist:
Flour: 262g
Cocoa: 32g
Sugar: 187g
Salt: ¼ teaspoon
Baking powder: ¾ teaspoon
Add all the dry ingredients, except the sugar, to the medium bowl. Pop the sugar into the large bowl.
Step 2: Vegan buttermilk. Wait, that’s not an instruction!
We’re going to curdle some ‘milk’, for chemistry reasons I don’t really understand. Add 105ml of soy milk to the large bowl, then add 7ml (approx. 1 teaspoon) of lemon juice. I know, these measurements are pants. Don’t stress too much over the precision. The milk should ‘split’, and look gross! If it doesn’t, that’s fine too.
Add the vegetable oil, and observe hydrophobicity in action.
Step 3: Melt the chocolate.
I like to do this in a ‘double boiler’, which is a fancy way to say melting it in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Feel free to do this in a microwave. If you do, be careful not to overheat it, do it in bursts until the chocolate has a silky consistency.
It’s harder to get wrong with the double boiler, for physics reasons, but it should only take a few minutes with a steady simmer. Once a knife can be pushed through the chocolate with no resistance, turn the heat off and stir the chocolate to ensure it has melted all the way through. Add the melted chocolate to the large bowl, and stir until combined.
Note: This is the one time before baking that we are adding heat to the mix. Before baking, I highly recommend the dough is cooled completely, so the hotter the chocolate is at this stage, the longer the mixture will need to cool.
Step 4: Add the dry ingredients and mix.
Shake or spoon in the dry ingredients gradually, stirring a couple times between each addition to avoid making a dust cloud. Once you’ve added them in, stir to combine, taking pains to scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl and incorporate large lumps of flour/cocoa powder. Small lumps (smaller than a pea) will bake out, so don’t worry about those. Your dough should be smooth, firm, and probably looking the way the cookies will look a day after you eat them. Sorry.
Step 5: Chill out.
Cover the bowl and stick it in the fridge. 45 minutes is the absolute minimum I would suggest, but if you can give it an hour or two, or overnight, even better. The next step is to scoop the dough into little balls, and that will be less messy and less of a f***ing nightmare if you just chill it for a while. Pro tip: Put your dinner plate in the fridge with the bowl. I wished I had done this every single time.
Step 6: Okay, I lied to you. The next step is actually to preheat the oven.
180°C conventional, 160°C fan. I don’t know what that is for gas ovens, sorry.
Step 7: Balls.
Using a spoon, maybe two, and your hands (unless you’re a magic space wizard who can do this with just the spoons), scoop a lump of the cookie dough out of the bowl and weigh it. My control weight for this recipe is 21g, but you could go larger if you wanted to. This makes a cookie of approximately- where’s my ruler? 5.5 cm diameter. I weighed each ball, because I’m a really fun person, but you can just weigh one and make the rest about the same size. Or weigh none of them, and guess the baking time adjustment! You feeling lucky, punk? If it’s taking you a while to get through this, and it probably will, I suggest covering the balls and returning them to the fridge for a few minutes before baking, as they’ve probably warmed considerably from being handled. Tee-hee.
Step 8: Prepare for baking.
Cover your baking tray with parchment. Put your balls on the tray, spaced 3-4 cm apart to avoid creating a colossal, all-consuming cookie mon- uh, beast. Unless you want that. I did this by mistake once, and don’t recommend it. Squish the balls down slightly into pucks, maybe 1.5 cm tall but I didn’t measure, this just makes it easier to sprinkle some coarse, crunchy salt flakes on top. Yum yum! I don’t know if I need to say this, but don’t overcrowd your tray. If you have more balls than you can fit on the tray, use another tray or wait until the first batch are baked and reuse this one.
Step 9: Bake.
Stick that mofo in the oven, for 8 minutes if you made them 21g like I said, or longer if you made them bigger. They’re done when they’ve spread out and the tops have dried up and cracked, revealing a darker, cakey interior. I’m drooling right now. If you poke them at this stage (careful, they’re hot, duh), they should give with little to no resistance. This is good! If they’re completely solid straight out of the oven they’re overcooked, and will be rocks by the time they have cooled down. I’m sorry if this happened to you! Take the next batch out just a little bit sooner. Let the cookies cool on the tray until the tray is cool enough to touch. This will take longer if your tray is thicker, but I promise you it’s worth the wait. Once the tray is warm but not hot, the cookies should be solid enough to transfer to a cooling rack. If you’re nervous, use a metal fish slice or a fork, slid underneath each cookie to avoid breaking them up.
Step 10: There were no more steps. This is the end.
You can eat them now! Alternatively, allow to cool and eat within… okay I don’t know what the shelf life is, but they’re cookies, they shouldn’t last very long. Anecdotally, when I did my last batch, I had some in the tin from three months ago, and they tasted fine, but I don’t recommend eating three-month-old baked goods!
And now: pictures.
Captions (and alt text) in the alt text.
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Do recipes have credits? Not in my experience. This recipe however borrows heavily from:
Alison Andrews at Loving It Vegan: https://lovingitvegan.com/vegan-gluten-free-brownies
Janine Ratcliffe at Olive Magazine: https://www.olivemagazine.com/recipes/baking-and-desserts/classic-chocolate-brownies
/u/dundundah at reddit dot com: https://reddit.com/r/Baking/comments/97ag96/brownie_cookies/e46zinq
I’m Rachel. That’s as much detail as you’re going to get about me. K bye!
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Beyond this is the things they added to the 4.2.3 upd of DoL
Please send me an ask if you want me to add something or I missed one
Images/stories I still need
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Masc., Fem., and Andro.
Chest/breast sprites
Made the breasts have better visibility
Flattest chest size looks flatter on combat sprite
Added breast sprites to lace nightgown, virgin killer, ball gown, evening gown, open shoulder sweater, pink nurse, plastic nurse, skimpy lolita outfits, open shoulder crop top
Tattoo Parlour
Any unlocked bodywriting can be turned into a tattoo, even if it's not on the PC
New Triangle, Square, and Circle tattoos [look at the Island page for more info]
All down
Fishtail braid (left, right, twins)
Ribbon tail sides
Low tail
Thick ponytail
Short air vents
Side pinned
Dreadlocks bun
Emo/Emo Left/Emo Right
Traditional Maid Dress
Victorian Maid Dress
Shrine Maiden Robes
Virgin Killer Dress
Halter Sundress
Leather Dress
Cat hoodie
Ao dai Top
School cardigan
School blouse
Polo shirt
Color block crop top
Band t-shirt
Boxy t-shirt
Remade Serafuku
Classic Serafuku
Ao dai trousers
Plaid school skirt
Plaid school trousers
Plaid school shorts
School pinafore
Plaid school pinafore
Wide leg trousers
Straight leg trousers
Yoga pants
Jean miniskirt
Dolphin shorts
Under outfits
Turtleneck Leotard
Under upper
None 😔
Under lower
Tie Side Bikini Bottoms
Highwaisted microkini bottoms
Sheer Leggings
Stripped kneesocks
Patterned dress socks
Polka dot socks
Sports socks
Rib-knit socks
Rib-knit ankle socks
Canvas Loafers
Hairpins (butterfly + star)
Conical hat
Raccoon cap
Fur cap
Bat beanie
Mini pumpkin
Gas Mask
Doggy Muzzle
Medical Eyepatch
Love Locket
Fur boa
Work gloves
Temple garden, moor, farmlands, temp office, altar, secret path, the churchyard, the dilapidated shop, Eden's cabin, brothel stage [pt1]
Garden plots, stream, gloryhole, park fountain, asylum, sea rocks, waterfall, thicket, Great Hawk's nest, and perch [pt 2]
Rainwater pool, Eden's bed, lake campsite, fishing rock, archaeological field office, Remy's Estate, Great Hawk's tower, Ruins,
Black Dog
Riding a horse, question mark for inquires, searching for pots in lake, excersizing/hobbling in heels, gliding, entering town, searching for a mark, praying, and renting a stall [pt 1]
Getting in/out/refusing rides, trick or treating, sitting on the school stump, diving, descending/ascending in water, leaving water, and fixing Eden's cabin [pt 2]
Digging, showering, practise shooting, undo bindings, daydreaming, tilling, watching TV, chatting, singing, and plundering [pt 3]
Making tops/bottoms out of seaweed, meditating, relaxing
Trial of purity
Patient gown
Milk, breast milk, chicken eggs, truffles, temple pew, dog treat, bronze key, library desk, soap [pt1]
Lichen, cosmetics, small/medium/large/huge exotic/huge decor fish tanks, auto feeder, tank decor, and sewer safe [pt 2]
Antique watch, grass, antique crystal, scrap, stimulants, torch, fertiliser, antique candlestick, rubble, and mud [pt 3]
Spiderwebs [pt 4]
Salves, sink, computer, rug, broom, dustpan, gift boxes, wolf chew toy, padlock [pt 1]
Cash register, Eden's valentine's day gift, Eden's coatstand, condom vending machine [pt 2]
Breast milk
Chicken eggs
"Take all"
Fetish collar icon is updated
Pirate ship
Old Church
Dilapidated Shop
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"Split by Gender Apperance" changed to "Set/Ignore Sexual Orientation
Split into 10 categories; Assault, Coercion, Destruction of Property, Indecent Exposure, Obstruction of Justice, Prostitution, Resisting Arrest, Thievery, Petty Thievery, and Trespassing.
Crimes the PC has commited would be read out before punishment
Can adjust each crime in the cheat menu
Can view the crime stats in the stat menu
Ear Slime
Added an event that prevents PC to wear under lower garments, unless given directly to them
Sleeping event at Alex's farm
Sleeping event if you study at school naked
Alternate abduction event at the dog pound
At Remy's Farm, it would attempt to force you on all fours and eat grass
May force you to have sex with dolphins
Ear slime tasks are now in the Journal menu
Clit Parasite
Alternative masturbation options if PC has a clit parasite
Skip Button
Added a skip button that brings you to the next orgasm
Alex the Farmer
Avaliable pregnancy candidate [+more]
Crossdressing Fame
Can lower fame more if seen as a female are pregnant
Paternity Test
Option to do it at the Hospital
Hide Option
Can now choose to hide unavailable items in the shop
Gilded Spear
Lost World
Face of a Guardian
Wild Monarch
Prehistoric Landscape
The Island
How to enter, how to escape [+more]
Sensitivity values can be viewed in the "Extra Stats" tab under "Characteristics"
Confirmation dialouge appears when you try to exit/refresh the page [is on by default in ironman mode]. Can toggle it in the Advanced tab
Destroy, repair, dry, and drench clothes at once is added
Breast and Cum Values have been replaced with sliders
More additional options for pregnancy cheats
Farmland tp is added
Double Penetration
Unique cum images is added
Improved xray sprites
Lower Underwear
Able to pull it to the side during encounters
"Driving Lesson"
Rimming and Watersports outcomes
Whipping and buttplug outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Car Sex
NPCs will ask if PC needs to be dropped off anywhere after
Prostitution opt. added
Wardrobe Outfit Editor
Added a random color option
Warmth filter is added
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Whitney can upgrade the Loft
Repeatable scene where he unlocks the chastity belt Winter put on you
Untying your bonds before swim class generates slightly random dialouge
Changing Rooms
PCs thoughts of being in the wrong changing room are more diverse, changes based on Crossdressing Rep
PC is no longer rejected immediately when looking like the opposite gender and is given weird stares and comments
Crossdressing Fame/Rep
Chance to lower crossdressing fame after not
Dog Happiness
Added a description of the dogs happiness on the main screen
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Wolf Pack
PC is more comfortable naked around the wolves in the wolf pack
Wolf Cave
You can submit to wolves that advance towards you in the cave
Will now deliver PC to the tutorial person if PC stays at the orphanage for the first whole week
Named NPC that is found during the Disguised Escape option
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Fleshy color option is added to sex toys and strap ons
Fleshy color sidebar renderer is added [no idea what that means]
Plumeria, tendable [view the Island page for more info]
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Can tie cardigan around waist
Able to lower suspenders
42 notes · View notes
9firefly9 · 27 days
Snow Day//Jlaire
Claire and Jim hang out for a day and play in the snow because of a snow day. They goof around and it’s cute.
Claire laughed as she watched Jim struggle to lift the medium sized ball of snow onto the base of the snowman.
Today the roads had been to icy for the buses to take the kids to school, and so it was declared that today was a snow day. Toby’s Grandmother insisted he stayed and helped with the cat (that isn’t even there, but she doesn’t know that) and so he was unfortunately stuck at home, but Claire had no plans and her parents were busy at work so she came over to Jim’s house to hang out.
When she had looked out of his window and saw the blinding white snow an idea struck her as she turned to face Jim with a large smile.
“We should go outside and build a snowman!” She announced excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Jim looked at her with fond eyes and laughed.
“Alright. Let’s go.” He sighed rolling his eyes with a smile tugging at his lips.
Suddenly Claire was tugging at his arm and dragging him outside. He barely had enough time to change into his coat before he was shoved out the door.
They began rolling up the snow to make the snowman’s body, and quickly this turned into a competition of who can make the biggest snow ball.
The answer was Claire.
Claire rolled the snowball next to Jim and giggled as he struggled to lift his snow ball off the ground. He was crouched down and grunting as he tried to lift with his legs.
He managed to lift his snowball and was about to place it on top of Claire’s snowball when it started to slip out of his hands.
It hit the ground with a smack but thankfully didn’t break.
Claire laughed as Jim looked at his snowball with a pout.
Taking pity on him she helped him lift the snowball and place it on the base.
About fifteen minutes later Jim was satisfied with the way their snowman turned out and was ready to go back inside. He turned to Claire and was about to voice his thoughts when suddenly a snowball hit him in the face.
Claire laughed so hard that she fell to her knees as Jim shouted at the cold snow going down his shirt.
After a minute of him dancing around, trying to get the melting snow out of his shirt he couldn’t help but start laughing too. He was sure he must have looked ridiculous judging by the way Claire was now wheezing and practically in tears on the ground.
As she was distracted by her own laughing, Jim quickly picked up some snow and chucked it at her.
She gasped as the snow hit her shoulder and exploded onto her neck.
“Ohhh~ It’s on!” She said competitively and ran at him, pushing him into the snow. They screamed as cold snow touched their warm skin soaking them to the bone.
After a while their lips had turns purple and both were shivering so much they could barely move. They considered trying to stay outside a little longer but felt the cold wind pick up and quickly decided to go back inside the nice warm house.
Jim was quick to grab a blanket for Claire and give it to her so she could warm up, then he immediately went to the kitchen to make them cups of hot chocolate. He hummed Christmas tunes as he waited for the water to boil and put his hands near the steaming kettle to try to warm his hands faster.
When the hot chocolate was finished he found two matching mugs in the cupboard and went back into the living room with two steaming cups in his hands and passed one to Claire as she shivered on the couch.
When she saw him she smiled and asked “What do you want to watch?”
He thought carefully about his answer as he sipped on his cup of hot chocolate. He didn’t want to accidentally say something stupid, and he wanted to choose a movie that she would like too. He knows that they’ve known each other for a while now, but he still gets nervous about embarrassing himself when he’s around her.
“Uhhh.” He said oh so intelligently, before clearing his throat and quickly deciding “Home Alone.”
Claire’s smile widened as she agreed with his choice.
“I like that movie too.” She told him and reached for the remote on the coffee table then turned it on.
Jim sat down beside her as the movie started to play.
Claire scooted closer to him and draped half of her blanket over Jim so they could share it.
He smiled at her warmly and thanked her as he made himself more comfortable with the blanket.
As the movie went on the two teens began to lean closer and closer together, and before they knew it, they had started resting against each other.
Jim couldn’t be happier with how the day had turned out. It’s a shame Toby couldn’t come over, but for once in a long time they had gotten a day with no monsters. A day where they could be normal teenage kids and not have to worry about the weight of the world on their shoulders.
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