in the land of the brainless, the half-brained is king
17K posts
A feral gremlin that mostly posts about finnish grammar, having ADHD, and random story ideas that I have floating around which I won't get around to writing because of my ADHD. Grown-ass man who is still on tumblr.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
homunculus-argument · 8 hours ago
Damn, it is! Sadly looks like they don't have the tarot deck available anymore :/
holy shit wait that tarot deck sounds AMAZING
It's by TransformARTive, but I can't figure out how to find it online with just the name.
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homunculus-argument · 9 hours ago
holy shit wait that tarot deck sounds AMAZING
It's by TransformARTive, but I can't figure out how to find it online with just the name.
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homunculus-argument · 17 hours ago
From now on I'm calling it my Furry Devil's Sacrament deck.
I own a cursed tarot deck. It was given to me as a gift. I know it can't do anything to me but while I keep thinking I should try using it more, I continuously and constantly forget that it exists. That has nothing to do with the whole being cursed thing. The thing is, I was gifted this deck by the artist who designed it, as we had a brief chat when I was manning a table at a furry convention. I have nothing against them, a cheery and charming person in all.
However, an ambiguous amount of the tarot card illustrations contain subtle references to specific furry fetish genres that one would know nothing about if you were unfamiliar with those corners of the internet. The entire deck is 100% safe for work, unless you know why that pool toy is blushing.
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homunculus-argument · 17 hours ago
I own a cursed tarot deck. It was given to me as a gift. I know it can't do anything to me but while I keep thinking I should try using it more, I continuously and constantly forget that it exists. That has nothing to do with the whole being cursed thing. The thing is, I was gifted this deck by the artist who designed it, as we had a brief chat when I was manning a table at a furry convention. I have nothing against them, a cheery and charming person in all.
However, an ambiguous amount of the tarot card illustrations contain subtle references to specific furry fetish genres that one would know nothing about if you were unfamiliar with those corners of the internet. The entire deck is 100% safe for work, unless you know why that pool toy is blushing.
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homunculus-argument · 19 hours ago
People don't understand how I can prefer plain black instant coffee to any other type. I'll drink it black even if milk is available, and I got rid of my coffee maker because instant coffee powder is just more convenient. I prefer it over any overpriced fancy coffee shop coffee, hands down.
Yes, we do have coffee at home, but it is also true that the coffee just tastes better when it's been personally made right there for you by a tattooed faggot with a septum ring. I save so much money by just being one myself.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
"Missä sä elät?" "Hengenvaarassa."
Miks "hengenvaara" kuulostaa paikannimeltä
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
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Tried to do alternating light source shifting animation. First attempt was so stark it looked like she was in cop lights, so I toned it down until it's barely noticeable. Also this was supposed to be the "cyan/teal/orange/yellow palette" painting that I meant to do some time ago, but it turned into beige/champagne shades instead.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
Internet vernacular has completely altered what some words and expressions mean to me. Forevermore, I will hear the words "hear me out" will only and exclusively as "before you cast your judgements prematurely, please pause and allow me to explain how and why I should be allowed to fuck this thing".
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
The best compliments and insults are both just describing the person. Just describe whatever you can clearly observe about them. The distinction of whether that's an insult or a compliment is whether you're saying it with a pleasant tone, or if you're saying that like it's a bad thing.
Children, who make their observations in an utterly deadpan voice as neutral remarks, are capable of obliviously roasting people because they haven't noticed this.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
How did you get to the point where you can imagine smoking a cigarette without going straight to the corner for a real one?
I don't think I'm good for asking for quitting advice - I used to quit smoking every autumn when it started being too cold to be outside comfortably, and start again in the spring when days got warmer, until one spring I just realised that wait a minute, this is stupid, and didn't pick it back up.
I was also a heavy drinker on and off for several years, and then one day I just realised that I feel just as bad drunk as I do sober, so essentially I'm just wasting money, and quit. Gradually stopped feeling like shit 24/7, but I didn't need any more motivation to quit than just realising that it was pointless.
So I have no idea how to quit a habit that's an actual addicition. I'm aware that it's not as easy as "wait a minute, this is fucking stupid" and then not doing it anymore.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
I've never learned to meditate properly, but sometimes when things are frustrating for reasons beyond my control, I'll smoke a mental cigarette. Not menthol, but mental, but it can be menthol too if I want it to be special.
But anyway, when shit gets too much I can just sit down, calmly imagine the feeling of a firm but yielding cigarette filter between the mid- and forefingers of my left hand, feel how the texture of the smooth paper and spongy filter feel against my lips, draw a deep breath and remember the sensation of warm, heavy smoke filling my lungs, and then slowly blow it out, vividly feeling the greasy smell and taste of the smoke as it flows out of my mouth and my nostrils. And then take another drag if I need one, until I'm calm again and ready to go back to what I was doing.
The one cig can last exactly as long as I need it to, be done exactly when I'm done, costs me absolutely nothing and has no negative consequences to my health. I haven't smoked an actual cigarette for years now and don't have cravings of any sort, but every once in a while things just suck ass so bad that I need a fucking cigarette.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
fuck that's awesome too.
Perhaps having both and an underground tunnel between them, the entrance hidden in both apartments behind a bookshelf. Even the people who know about one secret apartment won't know about the other.
New dream house plan: An underground home in the middle of a city, with the aboveground part set up as a public park where people are free to be and spend time as they please.
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There would naturally be more than one escape route from the residence (only illustrating one tunnel here to simplify the diagram for clarity), but the lid at each entrance (protedted by a discreet locking mechanism, naturally) would be disguised as a manhole cover. So instead of being aware of there being a little comfy underground apartment beneath the park, people would only know me as the guy who is sometimes seen climbing in/out of the sewer systems.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
New dream house plan: An underground home in the middle of a city, with the aboveground part set up as a public park where people are free to be and spend time as they please.
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There would naturally be more than one escape route from the residence (only illustrating one tunnel here to simplify the diagram for clarity), but the lid at each entrance (protedted by a discreet locking mechanism, naturally) would be disguised as a manhole cover. So instead of being aware of there being a little comfy underground apartment beneath the park, people would only know me as the guy who is sometimes seen climbing in/out of the sewer systems.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
That was the initial plan but the surgeon was too confident in her own ideas of how to do that. So instead of two big ones I now have one no boob and one small boob.
I have so much mental health that they didn't know what to do with me, so they just renewed all my prescriptions and released me back into the wild.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
what is straight up the worst bird in Finland, if you can name one as such?
None, they're all beautiful, splendid and perfect.
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
halusin vaan sanoo että nuo housut ois jotain mitä mun mutsi pitäis
mä oon sun mutsis
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