jvlianbashir · 1 year
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This is my best girl Jiji, she's nearly 18 but still sprightly! She's a little grumpo and I love her more than anything. The last picture is her offended face when I took a picture of her getting a mat removed.
omg 18 years!! that's a very distinguished lady! 💕 i'm sure you guys have a lot of fond memories together <3 (and yes she does look heinously offended at having her mat removed haha)
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jewreallythinkthat · 1 month
Hey! I saw your BEAUTIFUL chopping board, and I was wondering if you take commissions? (I'm also in the UK). My friend is 6'4 and we were once at another friend's house, and he had a raised chopping board! It made a huge difference to his back issues, but I haven't been able to find out where to find one.
Absolutely no worries if not! Your work is just so stunning, I had to ask!
Aww thank you! Sadly I don't do commissions as I just don't have the capacity or an actual workshop (I'm fully beholden to the weather as I have to do everything outside and I hire in a bunch of the equipment or have to drive like 2 hours round trip to get to people I know who lend me things like olanars and band saws). I'd love to do commissions one day though.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by a raised chopping board? Do you mean one with legs/extra thick? I've seen a couple online which looks like a chopping board on top of a piece of acetate or even just another chunk of wood! If your friend got a nicely milled block of wood (parallel faces, perpendicular sides) he may be able to order it to size and then place it under the boards he's using to act as a raising support for the time being?
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prideprejudce · 1 year
I saw the asks and responses you were getting and was like, omg what the FUCK was this post?? Eventually didn't even realise I'd found it because it was so clear what you meant, and the take itself seemed so inoffensive to me? I honestly have to assume it's "tactical misunderstanding" on the part of the anons just to shit on you, and I'm really sorry people are treating you like this
And by my obvious misjudgment I honestly thought that adding the tags was going to be helpful because it showed a more nuanced take than "hahaha kids are so wimpy nowadays" and gave a further discussion about both alcohol consumption with family vs friends as well as black and white thinking in the modern online world - AND even after all was said and done it ALSO gave a good discussion on how out of context tweets can be misinterpreted because all you see is a tweet with no background to the person behind it
but yeah overall it was a trainwreck post lmao ill definitely be much more conscious of what I reblog and add tags to in the future lolol
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jjesperr · 11 months
ao3 tag game
Got tagged by @tragedyposting !! I don't read as much fanfic these days but thought it would be fun anyway.
Tags generated here! Basically tldr; generate ten and rate them according to... with bonus points if you explain why. How much do these tags affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded 0 - don’t care either way +10 -> very enticed nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Ancient Greek Religion & Lore: +3- Dying over getting something so niche to start. Not necessarily something I'd specifically seek out, but sounds fun, so sure.
Idiots to Lovers: +100- I am literally going to find a fic ASAP with this tag to see exactly what this entails. Sounds hilarious.
Bad Ideas: +10- Assuming this is in the sense of shenanigans, yes, I love me some shenanigans. Also good if it means "bad ideas leading to angsty situations."
Suggestive Themes: -3- Not to expose myself but like... Just give me actual porn.
Enemies to Lovers: +10- Hell fucking yes lets goooooooo.
Implied/Referenced Character Death: -4- I know I just said I like angst but I want the angst to resolve and everything to end happy in the end! Not as bad as major character death though so I might still click.
Neglect: +4- Now there's some of that angsty shit I like! Probably not enough to go on, but hell yeah, now someone come give him all the attention he's been missing.
Whump: +9- I do want to see it fixed in the end but yes this is my main thing if I'm reading fanfic. -1 point cuz sometimes it can get a lil too dark but usually that stuff is tagged.
Promises: +8- Can immediately envision promises being broken and the drama that ensues. So much sighing... sign me the fuck up!
Awkwardness: +10- When I'm reading fluffy stuff, love me some bumbling romance. 10/10.
I'm going to tag @dullpickle13 who I believe has never read fanfic which is why I think their response would be hilarious.
I'll tag some moots @jazz-eyes @yongbvks @amourphousblob @themathomhouse @oh-huney @scalpho @zizygy @planetquest but no pressure at all!! You have free will!!!
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thebibliosphere · 6 years
Hi Joy - I was hoping that I might get some advice. I keep talking to my housemate about my myriad medical problems, and he keeps lecturing me on why I need to see my GP (for symptoms my GP already knows I have and for which I’ve already been referred to a specialist). He feels I’m being ridiculous for not going to my doctor every time I get the same (or similar) symptoms, but whenever I do go they say “yeah that’s a thing you will get” - am I wrong for not going or right to feel lectured to?
What you’re describing is not uncommon of able bodied people who are healthy and for whom the idea of ongoing illness with persistent symptoms is a foreign and frightening concept that they like to think is just not being treated properly and if only you persist in bugging the doctor, a magic cure will be find.
There’s some members of ETD’s family (and my own) who will hear that I am still dealing with X symptom from something, and they will either say “can’t you just take a pill for that?”, and when you tell them there is no pill for that, their usual response is “well you need to see another doctor then, cause there’s probably a pill for that.”
It genuinely feels like I could go up to Jesus Christ himself and have him tell me “sorry fam, there’s nothing I can do for you” and some folks would go “well you just need to find another messiah.”
So while his lecturing is coming from a place of concern, it sounds like you are already doing what you can (seeing specialists and hopefully getting some treatment and symptom management from them) and he is dismissing this. Meaning that his concern is coming from a place of not quite understanding exactly what is happening and why there’s no magic pill for something.
Typically those of us with chronic or ongoing illnesses, know when we need to bring up new symptoms to our doctors. My chronic pain for instance, when Magic Physio Man asks me if it has decreased or increased, and I can shrug and say “it’s persistent but not getting any worse”, we consider that a minor victory, because at least it’s not getting worse. Worse would imply something else is going on, other than the things we already know about. Worse would send me to another doctor for more tests.
Of course if you yourself feel like your doctors are not being helpful, or that you are not getting adequate care, then that’s another matter entirely. But yea, I’d be feeling lectured at too in your shoes. Sometimes people have good intentions, but the reality of their actions is unwitting.
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finnglas · 6 years
Yo, so I don’t know about the US but you can now get vegan pumpkin spice in the UK, so ~go wild~
Oh cool! They haven’t announced anything at the US Starbucks so I don’t know about that.  Smoothie King, however, DOES have a vegan pumpkin pie smoothie that my mother highly endorses :)
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learninglinguist · 7 years
Glad I thought to ask you this because I discovered that tumblr had unfollowed you for me? So unhelpful. Anyway! My fiancé (Portuguese) and I (English) are planning to move to Spain (probably permanently), but we’re not sure what to do w/r/t language. Ideally we would speak English and Portuguese at home and then Spanish when we’re out, but I have heard that three languages is too many for a young child. I literally don’t know how to go about this!
Tumblrs unfollowing glitch is a really big problem. I hope they sort it out soon!!
About your language problem, I don’t think it’s a problem at all!! I started learning French in school when I was about four and have been learning it ever since. A friend of mine grew up speaking FOUR languages as a child. She has strong language skills in all of them and excels academically. I’ve learned about first language acquisition in school and spoken to a speech therapist and several professors about it, all of whom agree that learning multiple languages could confuse children initially, but helps them in the long run.
Children have been described as “language sponges”. They have much less trouble absorbing languages than we think they will. Three languages is absolutely not too many for a child. It’s understandable to worry about overwhelming or confusing your child, but speaking multiple languages has been proven to set children up for academic success the same way learning an instrument does. Teaching your child English, Portuguese, and Spanish sounds like you’d be giving them great opportunities!!
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valtharr · 7 years
@themathomhouse hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: @themathomhouse hat auf deinen Eintrag...
Smash Up sounds amazing! I’ll have to look into it - do we buy a deck each or is it more like buy one set and divide?
As I said, the base set contains 8 decks, each expansion has 4. Except for the Munchkin expansion (also 8), the "It's Your Fault!" expansion (5) and the "Big Geeky Box" (mostly for storage, but comes with the Geek deck)
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stilesisbiles · 7 years
themathomhouse replied to your post: I could post you some food colouring 
What is it you’re allergic to? I have a collection of food colouring so I can check it for you :) I’d also in general recommend gel food colouring because it’s more intense so you use less of it
Red 40. Though it has different names in different places. And it’s in everything. Stuff that isn’t red or that you’d expect would contain red. Clear stuff. It makes me wonder what the hell color it was before.
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firesighn · 7 years
Films: King Kong (dealer’s choice as to which one); the Lord of the Rings series; and please rank your top 3 and bottom 3 superhero movies (marvel, DC - any!!)
film ask
King Kong (original, have never seen any others):
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece | this movie came in a box that fucking ROARED and I used to roar it so much that the rule became I had to watch the movie if I wanted to roar it but I was like 4 so I remember nothing but the film has had a tremendous cultural impact so 8/10 for importance if nothing else and 11/10 for awesome box concept
Lord of the Rings:
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing (oops, sorry) | good | great | favorite | masterpiece | I honestly don’t remember these movies very well but they have actors that are nice to look at
superhero flicks:
*sweats nervously*
UM. I feel like I’m disadvantaged for having not seen the newer Marvel stuff...
MCU up until Doctor Strange. I never got a chance to see that one and I have yet to watch it on Netflix. The Spiderman movies. The Batman Beyond movie. The Incredibles. Deadpool.
Films I know I’ve seen but remember nearly 0 of:
Those camp-ey Batman movies, you know the ones, the suits had nipples. Darknight Rises or whatever. Sky High. Most X-Men movies.
So I guess...
the good:
1. Deadpool2. Batman Beyond movie (this show is criminally underrated imo I LOVE Terry and you’re all welcome to fight me)3. Guardians of the Galaxy
the bad:
honorable mention: the shitty Catwoman movie. It was shitty but it had approximately a jillion cats, which is a lot more than most movies. 11/10 for every cat actor. “actor”.
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irisbleufic · 7 years
I didn’t know you used to live in London!my student halls of residence were literally next to gay’s the word so I used to go in all the time :)
I lived in the UK from late 2005 through late 2011 - early 2012 (the faff of moving back to the US had me back and forth for those final few months).  I lived up north in York and Leeds for most of my time in the UK, but I was in London for about the last year and a half to two years of my time there.  Those largely residential streets down across from King’s Cross and the British Library were full of establishments that I haunted all the time.  Gay’s the Word, that bistro called Number Twelve, a few curry places, gallery shops, etc.
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linnpuzzle · 7 years
themathomhouse replied to your post: I can totally get why a lot of people were...
And even though they’re white dudes, they’re really brilliant actors :) hopefully the rest of it will be a bit more diverse though
Agreed! Plus I feel like the choice may have been a last homage to Pratchett, at least if Aziraphale keeps the beard. 
I am really hoping the rest of the cast will be as diverse and delightful as the book makes them out to be
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ginys · 7 years
@themathomhouse replied to your post “rich youtubers going on about getting content from the right place is...”
And even some of us who do want to access something but we're not in America so we can't??
YES some books i’ve looked for in my country and i could never find it anywhere, and if i imported it i would have to pay 3x times what it was worth, or buy the ebook paying in dollars, which would be even more expansive. Like yeah my dude i get you’re advocating for “the right thing” when you’re agains piracy, but man there’s so much priviledge behind it and they don’t even realize 
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fanonical · 7 years
Mod R, I feel like I may have known you IRL several years ago - did you grow up in sheffield?
hahaha no, ‘fraid not budderoo! you’re far more likely to have met Mod H tbh, i’m a filthy southerner
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jjesperr · 7 years
I have spent ten minutes trying to understand the door thing. It's some sort of reference to all star (I have gleaned from the notes) but I DO NOT UNDERSTAND
They open the door and scream the lyric out on “BODY”
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thebibliosphere · 6 years
On the whooping cough rage train - I’m also immunocompromised and went into a new workplace only to be told that someone there had it...AND WAS IN WORK. HAD TURNED UP. INFECTED HALF THE STAFF. If it’s just a cold, fine, but non-immunocompromised people need to know to stay home to protect the rest of us.
It’s become such an issue in our local area the doctor’s office I go to asks it as routine now. “Have you been exposed to measles of whooping cough that you are aware of” at every visit. And if you can’t for certain say yes they hand your a mask. Which is basically anyone with kids or someone exposed to kids. It’s unreal.
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