#Light the Darkness
its-chelisey-stuff · 1 year
i almost had a heart attack (shout out to @dangermousie for giving me the news) because the drama adaptation of my favorite chinese novel (a BL) dropped OUT OF FREAKING NOWHERE. I had five minutes of full incoherent thoughts and a whole conversation with my mother that i have no recollection of. Now I’m just waiting for it to actually be on a site I can watch (not on my region on my youku app yet, sadly. guess they didn’t want my money...)
I’m gonna drop everything I’m watching and give this my full attention. Don’t care if it’s a bad show. Prepare to be spammed about a show you all have probably never heard of before. Apologies in advance.
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staydandy · 1 year
Justice in the Dark (2023) - 光·渊 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : The story set in a sci-fi-esque Xinyuan Civilization Year 253 where the rising crime rate and its relation to "zero-degree empathy" have become a hot topic of interest. A murder case leads to the discovery of a criminal organization, and the culprit turns out to be someone with "zero-degree empathy". Police officer Luo Wei Zhao finds that things are not as simple as they seem. And wealthy playboy Pei Su seems to be caught up in the middle of everything. There is someone pulling the strings behind these cases. In the end, the public realizes that genes cannot determine whether a person is good or bad. People can overcome genes; people can choose freely. As long as there is hope in their hearts, even in the dark abyss, there will be a day they'll be back in the sun. (MDL) AKA : Light Abyss | Light the Darkness | The Light in the Night | Silent Reading | Mo Du
Whumpee : Pei Shu played by Zhang Xin Cheng (right) • Luo Wei Zhao played by Fu Xin Bo (left)
Country : 🇨🇳 China Genres : Action, Thriller, Mystery, Psychological, Censored Adaption, BL / Boys Love
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the novel MoDu (Silent Reading) (默读) by Priest • Went on hold after only 8 of 30 episodes aired in February 2023. • Word is it has been Canceled & removed from it's official streaming platform, Youku. Though it's been reported on twitter it's because of legal issues; copyright and unfair competition lawsuits that Youku is wrapped up in. Supposedly they're trying to work on it & hopefully make a comeback.. idk, I wouldn't hold your breath. • If the day ever comes I'll of course update this list - but for now, this is a complete list. • If you want to read the novel that the show is based on you can find it here. (I'm currently on bk 4) • TW : Suicide, Animal Cruelty
Episodes on List : 7 Total Episodes : 8
*Spoilers below*
01 : (near end) Pei Shu is shocked by crime scene photos, blood phobia, dizzy
02 : Nightmare (TW : animal cruelty) … (TW : suicide)
03 : Nightmare, wakes gasping, holding his neck … Luo Wei Zhao is in a fight, back cut with an axe.. jumps out a 3rd story window
04 : … continued from previous ep. ... While driving the getaway car Pei Shu see's blood, ears ringing, nauseous, dizzy, unresponsive.. retches/pukes … checked by paramedics … Wei Zhao passes out
05 : Hospitalized
06 : (near end) Pei Shu's arm is wrenched & forced to sit, pulse checked
07 : Nightmare (apparently it's a form of self-hypnosis) … arm in a sling … [flashback] car crash, passes out, wheeled on gurney
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deathbyfiction · 1 year
If its actually true and we get Mo Du live I'll need to be institutionalised
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Shared scars-
Shared scars are the light house
For others who will hit the same rock i have
The iceberg sank the titanic was a warning
To all boats who travel so they too do not sink
For boats only sink from water within
And water is not always a healing 'friend'
Lighthouses don't wonder if they are right
They don't force you to listen
They shed light on the hidden
So you can maintain corse in the dark.
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aceoflames · 1 year
"When the World is Dark, Light it Ablaze"
"In an ideal world, all its leaders would come together peacefully to make the world as best and fair a place as possible for everyone in it. In an ideal world, nobody would have to die at the hands of another human being. In an ideal world, nobody would have to kill another human being. In an ideal world, those with food would simply feed the hungry, and those with water would supply it to the thirsty. Nobody would have to fight, and everyone would interact with others with the best of intentions. Parents would neither coddle their children nor' force them into a harsh world unprepared. They would nurture them and help them grow into healthy, successful adults. They would encourage their children to pursue their dreams and help them become the best, strongest version of who they want to be. It would no longer be common for children and adolescents to go through a depressed stage, and if they did, they would receive help without judgment. Medicine and healthcare would be free for all regardless of who they were, what issue they had, or where they lived. Nobody would have to pay to find out what ails them, and everyone would have sympathy for those who are ill, rather they are sick in the head, heart, or mind. What a shame it is that we do not live in an ideal world, and we likely never will. However, we can always both remember and be thankful for the fact that we were not born into the darkest of worlds. We do, nonetheless, live in a world with darkness, and we should not accept that fact. Even if only you realize what in the world is wrong, you must always stand up for what you believe is right. So even if you only have one match, strike it. Strike it with pride. The flame may be small, it may only light up a small area, but light always stands out the most in the darkest places. Hold it up, let the world around you see it; then walk. Walk with pride, light every candle you see, and let the world know you are doing it. Do not be discouraged by those who blow out the flames you lit. Simply light the same candle again, and again, and again. No matter how many times it takes, keep lighting it until they simply cannot be bothered to waste their breath being rid of it. Remember that when you are the closest to changing the world, there will be countless people who disagree with you. Find them, fight them, and win. You will have to face your enemies to make them turn away."
-A little something I wrote about changing the world to be a better place, and how impossible it will always feel to do so. I hope you enjoy :)
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daily-spooky · 4 months
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inside-my-gay-mind · 4 months
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ur-daily-inspiration · 2 months
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poetryforall · 3 months
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letsbelonelytogetherr · 3 months
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– Audrey Hepburn
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joytri · 7 months
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shisasan · 2 months
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Anaïs Nin, Delta of Venus, originally published: 1977
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the-purvashadha · 6 months
"Would you peel an orange for me?"
I would peel a pomegranate for you.
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catchymemes · 5 months
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moodyacademic · 3 months
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I need more fairy teacups in my life
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daily-spooky · 2 months
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