#Kurenai no Dress
shuubah · 1 year
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"Flowers are flowers. Even if the sky should fall, it blooms as they desire."
— Flower's "Kurenai no Dress" music video monologue
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xbuster · 2 years
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kankuroplease · 1 year
i know its not request time officially, but may i drop off this humble question? what would your re-design of kurenai be for the last for both civilian and active ninja duty wear? shes my queen and i thought whoever designed her character concept post shippuden is a travesty considering how amazing her design was pre. hope youre recovering well!!
This woman lost the love of her life and is mothering in the snow, leave her alone 😭💀
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But in all seriousness, personally I don’t dislike what she’s wearing and redesigns aren’t some simple task.
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lxikoniko · 2 years
Ik Halloween has passed, but Team Kurenai Halloween thoughts ok.
Kurenai would dress little genin Team 8 up for Halloween. At least once she's dressed them up as the cast of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Kiba and Akamaru as Jack and Zero, Hinata as Sally, and Shino as Oogie Boogie.
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teatitty · 2 months
Woke up from my nap and first thing on my mind is Kurenai dressing exclusively like an early 2000's girlie
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devdas5z · 2 years
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Kurenai SaDiablo 
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avengernomore · 6 months
Again, it's an anime. Sexy fighting clothes are the norm and don't have to make sense all the time. You're getting upset that Ino's too sexy like come on.
Go look back at the first ask, and look at the other main girl's clothing, then come back and say 'sexy fighting clothes are the norm' again.
I’m not getting upset that Ino is 'too sexy', I’m pointing out that her clothing choice is impractical for her job, and that people wearing as little clothing as her aren’t actually as common as you seem to think.
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venerawrites · 4 months
Thanks for the headcanons of Itachi and the s/o who has illness🥰. Oh my god your writings are just awesome keep it up❤️💪
Can I request some headcanons of itachi,kakashi,naruto when their s/o is pregnant?🤭
author's note: oh my god, this has been sitting in my drafts forever! I have only one assessment left, so I finally have the chance to catch up with my requests! Thank you so, so much for your patience and for requesting! Hope you enjoy!
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➤ Itachi
I think I am going to disappoint a lot of you, but Itachi was definitely not happy when he first learned that his s/o was pregnant.
It is not that he is not loving his partner, but given everything that has happened to him and all the decisions he had to make throughout his life, he has promised himself that he would never have children. He didn't want to put them at risk, or worse, make them suffer because of his own mistakes.
The initial reaction was shock.
He was always so careful and they always used protection, so how did that happen??
I imagine he would leave for a few days just so he can clear his head and gather his thoughts.
Itachi is naturally a carer and also loves kids, so it doesn't take him long to come around. After a few days, he is already back to his s/o and they better believe he would not leave them for ANYTHING.
Very overprotective, sometimes quite unreasonable - even in the early stage of the pregnancy, he would insist on taking care of his s/o, cook for them, clean the house etc.
Does not like the idea of his lover leaving the house by themselves, mainly because he is paranoid that either Sasuke or any of his enemies would target them. He always accompanies them when they want to go out, and when he does, he keeps his arm wrapped around their back or shoulders.
As the pregnancy progresses, so do his worries, and if his s/o doesn't want to be overwhelmed by him, they have to set clear boundaries and let him know they need some space to breathe.
Totally a man who would deliver his baby at home!
The moment he heard his baby's cry, he started trembling. No one loves like the Uchiha after all, especially when it comes to their love for their children!
➤ Kakashi
Just like Itachi, for most of his life he was of the firm opinion he DOES NOT want kids.
His s/o, however, was the one that brought up the question at some point in their relationship, and since then he couldn't stop thinking about it.
When his lover told him they were pregnant he was surprised, but not shocked. With the amount of "practice" they were doing, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
I think internally he would be worried and stressing about his s/o, but he would try and act cool about it.
He would purchase dozens of books about pregnancy and would read them all the time. (including during missions and night outs with friends!) Guy and Kurenai would find it cute and would often discuss their own tips with him, while Genma and Anko would roll their eyes at their antics.
Knowing how important is for him to give space to his s/o, he would subtly help around the house, but would still let them go out on their own, do chores or if they are a ninja, even go to low-rank missions.
The more their belly grows, the more fascinated he becomes!
Very touchy - his hands are constantly on his s/o's belly, caressing it or sometimes just holding it.
Kakashi would do that only when his lover is asleep, but he is totally talking to his s/o's stomach and telling his baby random stories.
During the last months, he would also become quite overprotective.
He won't bother his s/o that much, but he won't allow anyone to get close to them, touch their stomach, or bother them for longer than few minutes.
Overall, very supportive and sweet partner, who is going to make his s/o's pregnancy as easy as possible, despite his own fear of failure.
➤ Naruto
0 clue about what's going on! 0!
At first he thinks it is exciting - having a baby is fun, right? You get to dress it, feed it, take it out... it is like playing with a doll!
Buys tons of clothes and toys literally a week after he found out his s/o is pregnant, despite not even knowing the gender yet. (yes, they had to return most of them!)
Comes with a ton of weird names for their little one, because he wants them to be 'unique'. Oinks, Huggy, and Nemar (which is just 'ramen' spelled backward!) were on the top of his list.
The first months are pretty nice and fun! When the hormones start to kick in, however...
I love Naruto, he is one of my fav boys, but I bet my soul that he is so annoying during his s/o's pregnancy!
He would not understand when he needs to give his s/o space and instead will be in their face 24/7. I imagine that he would also (try to) do some housework, but because he put only like 10% effort, his lover would have to constantly go after him and re-do it!
Lots of small petty fights!
Which would always end in Naruto bringing his s/o their favourite snack or takeaway, so it works out!
Very proud to be a future dad - he would go around the whole village, telling everyone how excited he is and how he can't wait to see the baby!
Not scared or nervous at all - he knows that in the end, everything is going to work out! Plus, he and his s/o are going to have each other, so why fear?
His s/o better be prepared to take care of TWO babies, because it would take a long time for this man to become serious and laid back!
cc artwork: Clement Tingry
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mrsbakashi · 1 year
Hi. I hope you're still taking request. Can I request 😤 headcanons for kakashi and fem!reader from the emoji prompt? I hope you have a nice day 😘
hi, chii! bet you didn't remember you had requested this, but i finally wrote it! and i hope you like it 💕
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😤: a jealousy headcanon - kakashi
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kakashi takes pride in not being jealous. he’s usually rational and never lets his emotions get the best of him – even when and if he feels jealous, for whatever reason, he’s strong enough not to do anything about it;
there are a few times he can’t be much rational, though, and of course, they all involve you;
it was ridiculous, because you two weren’t dating, and you were nothing but friends — no, not even that; you were simple colleagues, acquaintances or whatever. and that was the reason you were so damn angry all the time. because you had all that energy, all that longing for him and nowhere to put it. your whole body aching to be close to him, and you having to deal with seeing him every day without throwing yourself at him, and it's been like that for years now;
you felt like a teenager to be honest, with the stares from across the room, the lingering touches, the racy heart when his name was mentioned — and he had to know. he had to. and he did. and that’s where the problem lived.
kakashi liked you. he cared deeply about you, you were his first thought in the morning and last thought at night, and he wasn’t stupid or oblivious, he had noticed how you blushed whenever you two talked, how you laughed harder trying to get his attention when you were in the same room, and the way your eyes were always on him when you thought he couldn’t see you – he knew, and he wished he could do something about it, but he couldn’t.
you see, kakashi had lost everyone he had ever cared for, and he knew that the destiny of the people that he let in wasn’t good – they either ended up dead or hurt, and it was unfair to put someone through that when he could easily prevent that from happening.
kakashi knew you deserved better – you were too lovely to be stuck with someone like him. you lit up any room you entered, lightened up the mood, made everyone feel at ease, no matter what they were going through, and he was no exception to that power of yours. he cherished you, loved being around you. you were like this giant ball of sunshine, warmth and happiness, and it was impossible to feel unhappy around you. but he knew you deserved better. you deserved an actual chance at being happy, so he’d keep the distance and only enjoy your presence by far.
what he didn’t know, of course, was that you had no interest in anyone else whatsoever – and who was to blame you? who was better than the freaking copynin? no one. that’s why you had your mind set on proving he was the one you wanted.
you knew why he was reluctant; it was obvious, and it broke your heart to know that he felt this way, but that only made you feel more determined. you weren’t lucky, but you sure was fierce, and you knew he had to like you, at least a little tiny tiny bit, you felt it! and yes, you could be wrong, but sometimes life is about taking risks.
it was at a party that it all went down. anko’s birthday party.
people drinking, singing, dancing, loud music, colorful lights and probably more people than the place could and should fit. it seemed like everyone was there; not a single soul was missing – even kakashi was there. you knew he probably came with gai and he would stay for about ten minutes and then leave when he thought no one else was paying attention, as usual. but maybe tonight could go a little different;
you were wearing a little tiny red dress you had bought with kurenai two weeks ago for this exact party, your head straight into the mission of making it impossible for kakashi to take his eyes off of you — and from the way you saw him looking at you the second you walked through the door, mission accomplished;
you wanted to talk to him, but didn’t want to seem too desperate, and you didn’t know how long you were supposed to wait before approaching him casually and ask about his day and if he was enjoying the party, but you figured a few minutes should do.
so you would see who was around, drink something, recognize which song was playing, maybe watch him from the corner where you were pretty sure he couldn’t see you... and then someone popped into your field of vision and touched your arm. “hey, beautiful”.
you replied with a polite smile and the man invited you to dance – you figured there was no harm in dancing a little, in fact it would be better, giving you a little more time to stay away from kakashi and then act like you didn’t come to the party because of him only. i mean, happy birthday anko and all, sure, but let’s be real.
so you followed the man to the dance floor with a careful smile never leaving your face, then it all happened at once, but in slow motion at the same time – the man placed his hands on your hips and pulled you close, almost too close in your opinion, but he was harmless, you thought. you moved your hips to the beat of the song when you felt his left hand snaking through your body, and then there was another hand circling your wrist and pulling you away from that man’s grip. “sorry, i need to talk to her, it’s urgent” kakashi excused himself while the man nodded;
kakashi held your hand firmly as you walked through the sea of people and headed to the back of the club, away from the noise, ending up in the parking lot.
“is everything okay?” you asked, alarmed by his unusual acting
“yeah, just... give me a second.”
you remained silent, even though there were a million questions bubbling on your mind – and about half of them started with “will you please kiss me?”.
kakashi’s eyes wandered through the whole parking lot before stopping on you, and he watched you carefully as he said “i’m sorry”.
you had no idea why he was apologizing, but you started to say your automatic response to the words ‘i’m sorry’, which were “no, it’s okay, don’t worry about it.” you regretted the words the second they left your lips, because now you missed the chance to ask what he was sorry for.
but none of you moved. instead, you stayed there, staring at each other, in that awkward silence filled by the distant sounds that came from the club.
“a-are you okay?” you asked again, finally breaking the unbearable silence.
“i should be, right?”
“oh, kashi, what’s wrong?” there was authentic concern in your voice, enough to make kakashi feel even worse.
he shook his head. “i pulled you away from him, and i was filled with this urge, as if i had any right to- and i didn’t. i don’t. i’m sorry.”
“no, it’s okay, don’t worry ab... wait, i’m sorry, what?”
“you see, i can handle a lot, but seeing someone else’s hands all over your body isn’t on the list. and the way he was looking at you, and this damn dress, and i just..." he took a deep breath before continuing, "i’m sorry, ok? let’s just go back inside. i didn’t mean to ruin the party for you”
“wait” you open a smile at the sudden realization. “you were jealous.”
kakashi snorted, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
“you were, weren’t you?”
“yes. now let’s go back inside.”
“why? so i can dance with other men and have their hands all over my body until you pull me back to this parking lot?”
“that’s not happening again, i already said i’m sorry.”
“no, it’s okay, don’t worry abo- damn it!!”
you heard Kakashi chuckle and that put a big smile on your face.
“i don’t want to go back inside.”
kakashi closed his eyes, realizing he now would have to deal with the consequences of his own actions. if he could go back in time, he would have left the party the second you passed through the front door with that ridiculously sexy dress. there would be no trouble. he wouldn’t have seen that man’s hands on your body, he wouldn’t have pulled you away, he wouldn’t be with you in this parking lot now, admitting to you he was jealous while you had too much fun with the fact and he fought the urge to have his own hands all over your body. now he had to convince you to go back to the party and completely avoid you for the rest of his life because now you knew he had feelings for you. fuck.
“it’s your call, but i think anko might be missing your presence.” he tried.
“uh, i highly doubt that. but even if it were true, i’d rather be here with you.”
kakashi sighed.
“look,” you touched his hand to get his attention “i know you’re probably struggling internally right now because you want me to go away and i don’t want to go away – also, i will not go away -, and i know you feel guilty and cursed because of what happened in the past, but-"
“i was there!" you interrupted him before he could start his 'go away' speech. "i was there and i saw you! it was impossible to get to you. it still is! i’ve been trying for forever to reach you! and you can’t tell me to get lost or that i don’t know anything, because i. was. there. and i’m not just some random girl. i saw you. i see you.”
he tried to say something, but there was nothing in his mind that fit the situation. he spent years pushing people away, to the point everyone developed a new dynamic to interact with him, and they were all used to it. kakashi was never around much; kakashi was always on missions; kakashi was always reading something instead of talking to people. and no one ever said anything about it, not even gai. and it wasn’t because they didn’t care, but it was because kakashi vanished at the slightest mention of his past. but when you said it, it wasn’t like that. it made him feel cared for, a feeling he thought he’d never feel again.
“it wasn’t your fault. and you deserve love. you deserve it, damn it!”
you were looking into his eye, and for the first time in forever, kakashi felt seen. it was like you could see everything that was in his soul and more. and you had never looked so beautiful. so, before he had time to think and regret, he pulled his mask down and kissed you with all the yearning and aching he had been holding, like you were the answer to all of his problems, the light he didn’t know he had been longing for. and he didn’t stop, not when you smiled and unwillingly broke the kiss, and definitely not when you let out a little moan and ran your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer while you stood on your tiptoes.
“wow!” you blurted, the biggest smile on your face when he finally broke the kiss, only so you two could get some air.
kakashi didn’t let go of you; his hands were still holding you in place by the waist, forehead resting against yours, his breath mixing with yours. he wouldn’t let you go. now that he finally had you, he wouldn’t let you go.
“i hadn’t seen this handsome face in a long time…” you cupped his face, and he leaned in at the touch. “hi.”
“hi.” he smiled, like he was greeting a very old friend, which he was in fact. it had been easy to forget how close you two were in the past, before it all happened, before he shut down.
you kissed him again, just to make sure he was really there, and he was – there, kissing you back. it was like a dream, like one of the many you’ve had before. you’d be so pissed if you’d wake up in half an hour alone in bed, with only the memory of the dream to get you through the day.
“so, um, i guess we should go back inside now. i think someone probably noticed we both have disappeared...” you said as you reached his hand with yours, intertwining your fingers, ready to walk back to the club.
“i don’t know how to put this in a polite way, but i don’t give a shit.”
his words caught you off guard and you laughed harder than you should’ve.
“no, you don’t understand, mr. hatake” you continued, “i still have to dance with at least three other men.”
his grip on your waist got tighter.
“i don’t want to be this kind of guy, but i don’t care if you promised to dance with three other men or with the hokage himself, you’re not going.”
“oh, no, but it’s very important!” you pleaded, trying to hold a laugh. “please!”
“y/n, what’s going on?”
“nothing, it’s just that since you were jealous and we’ve established that you now have, in fact, the right to do whatever you feel like… i was just wondering what would your jealous self do to me this time, if you caught me in another man's arms...” you bit your lower lip, looking up at him from behind your lashes.
kakashi let out a crooked smile as he pulled you even closer. "i have a pretty good idea how that would go."
guess you were about to find out.
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kakashi's taglist: @smutteedreams @justmyownreality @nightingaleflow @allyallygator @thetimelesschild @jyotsna-d @rocknrollsoul76 @crimsonxuchiha @hellogec @savsxz @slut-4sasuke
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xxstormyprincessxx · 4 months
“If you choose him don’t expect me to come rescue you.” You heard him say anger evident in his voice.
“You’re not my fucking dad Kakashi. I’m 17 I can do as I like. Who are you to tell me what to do?! You’re not my boyfriend OR my lover. You’re a friend. Well. WERE.” You screamed back tears spilling down your cheeks as rage flooded your eyes.
“Were? What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked not missing what you’d said.
“Get out.” You said through ragged breaths.
“Fine. But I’m not coming back. I’ve watched time and time again you being hurt. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Good luck.” Kakashi turned on his heels and slammed the door as he left. Your eyes stared after the man who had just walked out of your life. He’d been your best friend forever. You’d met him when your older brother Asuma had introduced you to him when you were younger.
“Fucking bastard” you screamed at the door launching a cup at it. You watched the porcelain shatter. You felt like you’d been punched in the chest. It hurt losing your best friend but you weren’t about to dump your boyfriend all because Kakashi had heard rumors. Rumors that Sasuke was a serial cheater, pathological liar, and master manipulator. Sinking down the wall you hugged your thighs as your chubby frame prevented you from holding your knees without your chest being shoved into your face.
A knock landed on your front door. Looking up from the floor you snarled “go away Kakashi! I want nothing to do with you.” The door opened revealing your boyfriend.
“What happened babe?” Sasuke asked concern lacing his voice.
“Doesn’t matter.” You mumbled anger still searing your veins.
“Well get up and get ready we are going out tonight. My brothers in town.” He said nonchalantly. “Make sure you
look good.” He said off hand. You looked up staring at his back. “Don’t I always look good?” You thought.
“Of course baby. I’m gonna shower can you pick out an outfit for me?” You asked softly.
“Yeah. I got you.” He said as he headed for you room shuffling through your closet. Pulling out a black dress and black heels he left them on the bathroom counter.
That night you’d gone out with his brother, he was a decent man kinda gloomy but cool none the less. Sasuke dropped you back at your place telling you he had work in the morning.
“Love you babe. Sleep well.” You said
“You too.” Was all you got as a response watching him pull off.
~time skip~
3 years had passed. They had been a bit rocky. Okay a lot rocky it sucked. It started small back handed compliments, small jabs at your body, style, weight, career, and other things. Then it was bigger things going through your phone and computer claiming it was safety, him watching other girls thinner girls, prettier girls, better girls. Before long it was outright “well if you were better I wouldn’t have to look at other woman”, and constant gaslighting to make you think it was your fault. It all came to a head when you had decided to surprise him.
“Oh Sasuke, feels so good, fuck you’re huge!” You heard a woman’s voice call out from behind the closed door.
“Fuck you’re so damn tight so much better than the used toy I have to put up with.” You heard him groan back. Your hand hovered above the door knob. You’re heart hurt. You felt sick. Memories of you and him flooded your mind, the hugs, kisses, sex, fights, comments, the lies. You’d known, known the whole fucking time. Slowly you slid your key into the lock. Turning it slowly so as not to be heard you slammed the door open. Both people stared at you. Sakura on top of Sasuke both completely naked. You looked at both of them before dropping your key on the floor turning and running.
“Well at least I don’t have to put up with her now.” We’re the last words you heard him say.
“Hey wanna go out tonight? I need a girls night or something.” You typed out to the group chat. Tamari, hinata, ino, tenten, and your brothers wife kurenai in it.
Temari: I’m down shikamaru and choji are going for drinks with Naruto and kankuro they both just got back from uni.
Hinata: sure what time are you thinking? 😊
Ino: absolutely where should we go? Isn’t there a new club in town that opened like 3 weeks ago?
Kurenai: y/n you don’t often ask to go out, what’s going on? I’m absolutely available Atsumas working late want me to see if he can meet us?
You: he was right. He was no good for me. He… he was cheating.
Your phone immediately rang Kurenais caller id flashing.
“Hi sis.” You said your voice quiet, broken, hurt.
“What happened?!” She said but before you could answer the other girls were calling. You decided jumping on Skype would be easier.
“I. I went to surprise him after work. But he was balls deep in Sakura.” You said.
“Are you fucking serious?! YOU SAW THEM?!” Ino said anger dripping from her voice
“Oh y/n I’m so sorry! That’s horrible.” Hinatas soft voice said.
Tenten and temari were both beside themselves ranting and raging on about filthy pigs.
“I vote we meet at y/ns place in an hour and we all get ready together” kurenai suggested everyone agreed. Hanging up you went to eat something real quick and grab a shower. Stepping back into the living room you heard multiple knocks and voices at your front door. Pulling it open you saw the girls holding snacks and candy and Ino had brought flowers from her floral shop.
“These are for you hun.” She said hugging you.
“Asuma said he will meet us there he’s also bringing one of his friends not sure who just said a buddy from work” Kurenai said hugging you and dropping the snacks on the couch
“Let’s get this party started!” Temari said turning on the speaker and playing some music as everyone began unloading bags, eating snacks and getting ready. It still hurt. It had been a couple days since you walked in on what happened. You however weren’t going to let that bastard get the best of you.
“Group photo girls! Get over here!” You shouted over the music laughing as everyone gathered around for the photo. All of you were in short dresses, heels, make up, and hair done.
“Mind if I post this?” You asked the room everyone said go for it! Smiling you uploaded it to Instagram with the caption “girls night with these ladies can’t wait!” You smiled as it posted.
“Ubers here!” Hinata said as she looked at her phone screen. Everyone began heading down stares to the suv. Climbing in you all chatted happily. You couldn’t wait, you needed this, a night out drinking, dancing, hell maybe you’d find something fun for the weekend. The drive took about 30 minutes everyone slid out of the suv and headed for the door showing ids. The bass hit you like a hammer it pounded beyond loud, the strobe lights flashed on the dance floor as people danced on the floor.
“I’m heading for the bar!” You said grabbing kurenai and tamari’s hands knowing they like to drink before hitting the floor the other girls head straight for the floor and began dancing. 4 shots of tequila later you found yourself on the floor dancing with some guy. You had to admit he was pretty damn hot. His hands rested on your hips as your ass ground against him. Swaying to the music you slowly began to relax.
“I’ll be right back!” You yelled to the guy, he nodded showing he’d heard you. You headed to the bar ordering a couple Jell-O shots and 2 shots of Jose Cuervo. Downing all of it you turned around only to find the guy dancing with someone else. You felt a pang in your chest. Suddenly you felt an arm sling across your shoulders
“I heard what happened.” You heard your brothers voice by your ear. You let out a mhm nodding that you understood.
“Is kurenai on the floor?” He asked you nodded and watched Asuma head for the dance floor. You looked around wondering who your brother had brought. You didn’t see anyone you recognized. Shrugging it off you headed back to the dance floor swinging your hips back and forth hands in the air just letting the music and lights wash over you and take control. Suddenly you felt two arms snake around your waist and pull you back into a solid body. You didn’t turn around, didn’t check to see who was touching you cause honestly you just didn’t fucking care. You were drunk and hurting all you wanted was to feel something. Anything. Half an hour you spent dancing with the mystery man. You called over your shoulder saying you needed to use the restroom. You felt the arms loosen but not release as they helped you get through the crowd. Smiling, you entered the bathroom. You quickly pee and wash your hands.
“Hopefully this guy still wants to dance.” You whispered as you fixed your hair and applied lip gloss. Heading for the exit you realized something too late. You had no fucking clue who it was you were dancing with. You hadn’t caught his name or even seen his face. Deflating you left the bathroom. Suddenly you looked up scanning the crowd when you saw a sight that absolutely stopped your heart. There he stood in all his glory. The man you hadn’t seen or heard from after that huge fight 3 years prior.
“K-Kakashi.” You breathed out suddenly much more sober. Before you could stop it your eyes brimmed with tears, a hurricane of emotions swirling in your head and heart. Your stomach fell through the floor. You felt like you were gonna be sick.
“You ready to return to dancing?” He asked staring at you. Your face drained of color. You’d been grinding against Kakashi. The entire time. Turning on your heels you re-entered the bathroom entering a stall you collapsed and proceeded to vomit the contents of your stomach into the toilet. Breathing hard you stood flushing the toilet and rinsing your mouth with water from the sink. Staring into the mirror you couldn’t help but wonder what the probability was that he was here by accident. Suddenly Kurenai entered.
“Are you okay? Kakashi said you had come to use the restroom and when you came out and saw him you quickly came back in. What’s wrong?” She asked concern, lacing her voice as she stared at you brushing hair from your face.
“I. I just spent half an hour grinding on him. In his arms. Running my hands through his hair. I. I didn’t turn to look at his face. I didn’t realize. I only realized when he asked me if I was ready to dance again.” You said staring at your feet. “I had to come back in here because I ended up vomiting from the shock of it. I haven’t talked to him for three years and suddenly here he is holding me to him as if we were best friends or…. Lovers.” You finished whispering the word ‘lovers’. You continued to stare at your feet.
Little did you know Kurenai wore a very guilty expression. Placing her hand on your shoulder and watching you look up finally she admitted “I knew. I knew who Asuma was bringing. I knew it was Kakashi dancing with you because I helped him find you. He’ll never admit it but that day you fought was really hard for him. Losing you was hard on him. And we both know you went through hell.”
“You WHAT?!” You said indignation crossing your face. “Why didn’t you tell me?! I never would have come. WHY?!” You said pain seeping out of your voice. You could lie to the world, your friends, even your own big brother but the truth was you loved Kakashi. Always had. You loved the way his hair was always spiked up, the way he made you laugh, his face as he read one of those erotic novels, his voice every time he called your name, the way his muscles flexed as he worked out or moved. Staring down you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of arousal bloom.
“Because. We both know you need him.” She said. “Don’t give me that look you may be able to lie to others but I see the way you look at him.” She continued “now. Get out there to him.” She finished pushing you back out of the restroom. You stumbled some and looked up.
“I’m right here beautiful.” You heard Kakashi say from the left. Spinning you stared at him. You took in his face. Always so beautiful. Swallowing hard you turned and walked out the back door. The cool air hit your face making you sigh. It felt good as it was quiet hot in the club. You didn’t know if Kakashi had followed but soon got the answer when he leaned on the wall next to you.
“I’m sorry.” Was all that came out of your mouth.
“Don’t be. I shouldn’t have been so rude.” He said back
“So. What’s new?” You asked staring at the wall to the side of his face. You couldn’t look him in the face.
“Was promoted to manager. Other than that not much.” He said shrugging. “How about you?” He asked
“Nothing really.” You responded looking down.
“Heard what happened. Are you okay?” He stared at you eyes fixed on your beautiful face.
“M’fine.” You grumbled you really didn’t want to talk about this. “But honestly I may just catch an Uber home I just. I don’t know don’t really feel like being here.” You mumbled out pulling your phone out to book an Uber.
“I can take you home. I’m sure Asuma would feel safer if I did. I’m sober so don’t worry.” He said as he pulled his phone out to let Asuma know he had you and was taking you home.
“Come on y/n/n” he said leading you to his car helping you in as you still were very uncoordinated from all the alcohol.
“No problem.”
“Will you stay with me tonight? Just in case something happens.” You asked meekly.
“I was lying when I said I’d never come back.” He said rubbing the back of your head like he did when you were younger.
“Thank you.” About 30 later you were being helped out of Kakashi's car and guided into your apartment.
“Bed or couch? And what do you want to eat? You’ll feel better if you have food in your stomach to absorb the alcohol.” Kakashi said looking you in the eyes as he held onto your waist to keep you up right.
“I want you.” You mumbled before trying to pull him into a kiss only to be met with his palm against your lips.
“Couch or bed Y/n?” He asked again removing his hand some.
“I said you.” You said again, annoyance evident.
“You’re drunk. I’m not kissing you y/n. You’re to far gone to be in your right mind. If you still want to kiss me hell if you want to fuck me in the morning when you’re sober that’s fine. But right now your judgement is skewed and I’m not gonna be your one night stand or way to feel better about yourself I refuse to be your emotional support fuck toy.” He said calmly. Pouting you pushed away and collapsed on the couch.
“Take the bed.” You grumbled before falling into a deep sleep the emotional exhaustion mixing with the alcohol to lull you into a deep sleep. Kakashi watched your sleeping form wishing more than anything you were sober. Wishing you were pinned to the wall in a heated make out session with him but you weren’t sober. Letting out a soft sigh he made his way into your bedroom only to be met with a sight he didn’t expect there on your dresser was a photo of the two of you, your arms wrapped around his neck as he sat eating. Your brother had snapped the photo claiming it was “just to cute to pass up taking a photo”. He picked the photo up sitting on the edge of your bed.
“If only I’d followed your advice Asuma. If only I’d listened. Maybe she wouldn’t be hurting so much right now.” As if on cue Asumas ring tone blared through the room.
“Hey you got y/n right? Is she okay?” Asumas worried voice asked through the receiver.
“Yes I have her, she’s fine, asleep on the couch I’m sitting on her bed currently.” Kakashi replied, setting the photo next to him with an edge of defeat in his voice.
“Are you okay?” Kurenais voice could be heard.
“Yeah. I’m fine just told her I won’t be her emotional support fuck toy after she tried to kiss me. Told her in the morning when she’s sober if she wants to kiss hell if she wants me to fuck her I absolutely will but only if she’s completely sober and in a state of mind to make the judgment.” Kakashi replied. “Asuma. I’m sorry. I doubt you wanted to hear any of that about your sister. But I’m also sorry I didn’t take your advice.” Kakashi said laying back on your bed staring at the ceiling willing the twinge of pain in his chest away.
“Thank you for refusing her while she’s drunk instead of taking advantage of it.” Asuma said in a rather impressed and proud voice. “Now. If you follow through I’d rather not hear about that.” Asuma quipped.
“I won’t tell you. Honest.” Kakashi huffed out a laugh before saying good bye and hanging up. But, would you still want him tomorrow? Once you were sober would you be happy to see him? Would you still want that kiss? All these painful thoughts ran through his head. He finally had you back; he didn't want to lose you.
~following morning~
Groaning you toppled off the couch and landed splayed on the floor.
“Never drinkin again” you groaned into the soft carpet. Yawning you reached for your phone that was set on the coffee table.
5 missed calls 5 voicemails and 20 texts. Everything was similar where are you? Are you okay? Who did you leave with? Are you alive? At least your friends cared. You text everyone saying you’re okay and alive but aren’t sure what happened.
Y/n: did any one take photos last night?
Ino: ya all of us did. You want the ones of you and the guy you were with?
Y/n: I was with someone? Everythings really blurry. I’m not to hungover so that’s a plus.
Suddenly you had a dozen photos flooding your phone. A couple from ino, tenten, temari and even kuranai.
Ino: so who’s the hottie you were with?
Opening a photo you saw a man standing behind you, his hands gripping your plush hips as you ground your ass against him. Suddenly a sick feeling hit you as you looked at the other photos one of which showed part of the guys face. “It. It can’t be.” You muttered hastily you rang kurenai.
“Kurenai is that who I think it is in the photos?!” You shrieked.
“Ya. It is. You threw up after seeing him because you went into shock. He took you home.” She explained. Suddenly you hung up on her. Pushing yourself up off the floor noticing a note on the coffee table.
“Grabbing breakfast and coffee. We will talk about what happened last night when I get back. -K”
You knew the hand writing. Sure enough Kakashi had brought you home. But what had happened? Slowly you made your way to your room to grab some shorts and tank top and clean under garments. Hurrying you took the quickest shower of your life, brushed your teeth, and tossed your hair up into a messy bun. What had happened last night.
“Dear god I hope I didn’t make a fool of myself. Oh god did we do it?!” You thought allowed.
“No. We didn’t have sex. You did try to Kiss me though. I did however tell you ‘You’re drunk. I’m not kissing you y/n. You’re to far gone to be in your right mind. If you still want to kiss me hell if you want to fuck me in the morning when you’re sober that’s fine. But right now your judgement is skewed and I’m not gonna be your one night stand or way to feel better about yourself I refuse to be your emotional support fuck toy.’ You got upset collapsed on the couch and fell asleep.” Spinning around and nearly knocking yourself off balance.
“Jesus Christ Kakashi! Warning next time.” You said trying to soothe your racing heart beat.
“Sorry. I got your favorite breakfast and coffee.” He held up the cup of coffee and breakfast.
“Thanks. So uhm. What exactly happened last night? Like…. I saw the photos of us uhm dancin.” You said your voice much quieter now as you took the coffee and food and sat on the couch. You watched as kakashi sat on the opposite end of the couch keeping a good distance between you too.
“Well Asuma told me what happened. He than asked if I’d come with him to meet up with you all to kind of surprise you, I decided to agree because if I’m being honest with ya the last 3 years have been pretty shitty without you in my life.” Kakashi finished staring at his hands his normal cool collected composure gone replaced with clear emotional turmoil.
“Did I really try to kiss you?” You meekly asked.
“Ya. You ended up kissing my palm because I wouldn’t let you kiss me while drunk didn’t feel right because you weren’t in your right mind. I didn’t want to do something and than you hate me. I just got you back in my life I mean if you want.” He said looking over at you only to find you standing in front of him.
“Wha-“ Kakashi started but you planted yourself on his lap straddling him.
“I’m sober now. Can I have that kiss?” You asked staring at him. “Can I have you? I remember clearly saying ‘you’ when you asked bed or couch. So can I have you now?” You asked shyly. Expecting him to push you away and get upset he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you into a breath taking kiss. A small whine left your throat as you braced yourself on the back of the couch.
“When I saw you in the club dancing and I grabbed you and held you close I was beyond hard. When you kissed my palm last night I wanted so desperately to kiss you but it wasn’t right.” He whispered against your lips.
“I’ve missed you Kakashi.” You mumbled against his lips. His hands held your plush waist as you leaned back in to kiss him. A jolt of pleasure immediately ran through your body as his tongue swiped across your bottom lip. Parting your lips you were met with his tongue and a moan escaped your mouth. You could feel yourself grow wet deciding it was time to finally take what you’ve wanted since you were barely 15 you ground your clothed cunt against Kakashis ever hardening cock.
“Fuck. I want you so bad. I want all of your beautiful body” Kakashi groaned loudly as you continued to roll your hips against him. Standing up you removed your shirt as you walked towards your bedroom. Reaching back you unhooked your bra letting it hit the floor.
“Then come get it.” You said sheer lust oozing from your voice. Kakashi was up and following you riding himself of his coat and shirt and undoing his jeans as he entered the room to find you sitting on your bed completely naked. He froze staring at you.
“So. Fuck so fucking beautiful.” He quickly crawled onto the bed. “You ready baby?” He asked as he rubbed your thick thighs.
“Please touch me. Need you so bad.” You whimpered. Squeaking Kakashi pulled you so you laid flat on your back your legs wide open every inch of your dripping pussy on display.
“I’m gonna make you cum so fucking hard.” He said before diving between your thighs. The sound you made wasn’t human. Your hands tangled in his hair twisting the soft white hair around your fingers as he lapped at your absolutely drenched pussy.
“So good. Fuck so so so so so good Kaaaakashi” you moaned loudly as he slipped two fingers into your clenching pussy curling them and twisting them as he fucked you with his fingers. You’d dreamed of this so many times craved this thought of him when another touched you.
“You taste like heaven princess look at your pretty cunt taking my fingers you like that baby girl? Tell me how long have you thought of me? How long have you touched yourself thinking of me?” He asked his voice dropping several octaves.
“Since I was 15…. When I first saw you shirtless when we all went swimming. When I got home I tried taking an ice cold shower. But it didn’t help. I had to cum 3 times before I felt relief.” You admitted looking over your breasts and belly.
“Well now I don’t feel like such a dirty pervert. Getting off to you after you turned 17.” He admitted before returning to sucking on your clit. Your back arched off the bed as he continued fingering you, suddenly you screeched as he nailed your gspot.
“KAKASHI RIGHT THERE FUCK RIGHT THERE FUCK FUCK FUCK” you damn near screamed as he assaulted that spot.
“Cum for me my sweet girl” he said and watched as you arched your back and did exactly as you were told. Your thighs locked around his head as he continues to fuck you on his fingers. “Look at you pretty girl.” He moaned before pulling his fingers out as you laid panting.
“Switch. Me. Want. To. Taste.” You said through your pants. You moved and let Kakashi take your place before laying flat on your plush stomach. Staring you released him from his jeans and underwear. The sheer size shocked you. It wasn’t huge but it wasn’t small it was just perfect. Your face flushed crimson as you took it in your mouth. Breathing slowly through your nose as you forced his dick down your throat.
“Fuck so pretty with your mouth stuffed with my cock pretty girl. You take me so good.” He moaned as he grabbed your hair controlling your tempo.
Whining you continued to suck him off desperate to see him cum. Looking up through your lashes you watched as he slowly lost the calm. Suddenly you were pulled up, flipped and felt Kakashis dick right at your entrance.
“Can’t wait are you ready?” He whispered in your ear. You nodded and in one swift movement he was sheathed fully inside you your walls clenching around his dick. “Fuck you’re so fucking tight.” He moaned as he began pounding into you as he gripped your hair pulling your head back.
“So big. So fucking good I’m so fucking full baby.” You moaned loudly as he gripped your hips and absolutely plundered your cunt. The only sounds was moans, grunts, and skin on skin. You didn’t know how long he was fucking you, alls you knew was you were dripping wet, your hips were bruised in his crushing grip, your eyes were watering drool dripping down your chin. You were an absolutely fucked out mess under him.
“Baby do you want to ride my dick?” He asked as he slowed down. Alls you could do was nod. You watched as he leaned back against the headboard beckoning you forward as you crawled into his lap sinking down onto him. “I’m gonna fill that pretty little cunt with my cum. You hear me? Tell me my sweet y/n who do you belong to?” He asked, that cool demeanor mixing with a sultry edge.
“You. I belong to you.” You whined out as he lifted and slammed you back down on him. Collapsing forward you felt another orgasm wash over your overstimulated body. Suddenly you felt his thighs tensing under you and with one last hard slam down he held you still painting your insides white with his seed a loud moan leaving his lips as he buried his face in your neck. Whining at the feeling you both took a minute to breathe and let your heart rate settle.
“That was incredible.” Kakashi mumbled against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your plush body holding you to him one of his hands tangling in your hair to keep you in place. “Please. Please don’t walk out of my life again.” Looking down you saw a Kakashi you’d never seen. You saw a broken man who’d suffered without you.
“I’ll never leave you again.”
~4 years later~
“Kurenai, where are we going? Can’t I take this damn blind fold off?” You asked, annoyance obvious in your voice.
“Absolutely not. Sorry!” She chirped clearly enjoying your annoyance. “We’re almost there anyways!” About 10 minutes later you felt the car stop.
“Hold still I’ll help you once we get to the area I’ll remove your blind fold okay?” She said, guiding you out of the suv. You could hear gravel beneath your feet. After about 3ish minutes she stops you. You feel her let go and hear her move away.
“Take it off.” She says. Removing your blind fold you see a long path lit by lanterns. Looking towards kuranai you let out a soft gasp. There she stood in a simple red dress holding 4 red roses with a small poster that read ‘one for each year we’ve been as one’. Taking them you feel a warmth spread through your chest.
“Come on” she says taking your hand and leading you on. Soon you meet up the ino. She has 7 more roses with a note saying ‘one for all the years I’ve loved you.”
Continuing on being led by both ladies you meet your brother about 100 feet from a clearing he’s holding a single rose.
“A rose for you from the man who will always love you.” Asuma says as he gently takes your hand pulling you into the clearing. Your heart absolutely burst. There stood Shikamaru, kankuro, temari, choji, naruto, hinata, tenten, lee, sai, and even gai. You watched as ino, kuranai, and Asuma all joined the line half circle of people. Slowly you approached the line to find one person missing.
“Where’s Kakashi? And what’s going on?” You asked peering at everyone’s faces.
“I’m right here y/n” you heard his voice call from behind you. Spinning around you were met with a sight that made your heart leap into your throat right there down on one knee was Kakashi holding a small box open that contained a beautiful ring.
“Y/n l/n, will you marry me?” He asked looking into your tear filled eyes.
“YES OH MY GOODNESS YES!!” You yelled in a matter of minutes you could hear cheers erupt behind you as Kakashi lifted your plush body up kissing you.
“I love you beautiful.” Kakashi breathed out as he slid the ring onto your finger.
“I love you more.” You said as you kissed him.
~5 years later~
The wedding had been incredible. Everyone had come. Asuma stood in as your father given your guys father had passed when you were fairly young. To everyone’s shock Gai had been Kakashis best man. Hinata, ino, temari, and tenten all served as bridesmaids. Kuranai served as your maid of honor. Naruto, shikamaru, sai, and lee served as groomsmen. It had been and absolutely beautiful affair.
“Mom. Minato took my car.” You heard your son obito yell.
“Minato you give the car back to your brother!” You snipped at your older son.
“Now boys. Play nice your poor mama doesn’t need any extra stress.” You heard your husband say. Smiling you took in the sight of Kakashi with the boys. Your life was complete.
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turtleations · 8 days
KUMA: Never Ending Bond, Chapter 6 & 7 (Translation)
Preface & Prologue Chapter 1, Part 1 & 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 Chapter 2, Part 1 & 2, Part 3 & 4, Part 5
Slur warning: The word "gypsy" being used to describe a homeless person.
A place full of surprise and joy, a place to learn about life
That was me, a high school student, who had entered a terrifying world.
I continued to be shocked and amazed, but thinking about it now, those were lessons for life.
The people around X, including the staff, were all professionals, and having an ordinary high school student with no experience in his teens right in front of them all the time, they must have thought, “Don’t make such a fuss about something like that, I don’t have time for that right now,” whenever there was a little trouble at school.
Because – I can say it now – being made to drink, to stop fights, to have to bring the members home while exhausted, and then early the next morning…
Even in that situation, I have no memory of feeling that it was hard.
It’s strange, isn’t it?
Again, this is probably because I was happy just to be able to be with the members of X, starting with HIDE-san.
On the contrary, it was terrible for me when X had a concert on a day when I had to go to school.
There were quite a lot of concerts I couldn’t be around for, but I went to all the places I could.
When I remember the time I followed them on tour, there was also this one occasion.
On 22 August 1989, there was another concert at a venue called Kyoto Sports Valley.
Getting there ahead of time, I waited for the members in front of the hotel.
Then the members and the manager came, later than the appointed time.
At that point, HIDE-san asked with concern, “Kumamoto, sorry, did you wait? You don’t have a room (to stay in) again, do you?” and let me sleep on the floor of the room he and PATA-san were staying in.
As a high school student, I had no money for a hotel, and always rushed to X without bringing anything with me…
Homeless as I was, I was often called “Gypsy, gypsy” by HIDE-san.
In the end, the Sporty Valley concert was interrupted due to a Typhoon and postponed to 17 September, and the next day, on 28 August, the members transferred to Osaka, where a secret live was to be held at a.m. Hotel. Naturally, I was with them.
This secret took place at a livehouse they hadn’t visited in a long time, and they didn’t perform as X but held the concert as the Daimajin (“Five Devils”) five-man-group.
Everyone switched roles, with HIDE-san singing and so on.
Their songs focused on pieces from their indies era, and they also did some covers.
Around this time, “Kurenai” was performed at tv Asahi’s “Music Station”, the concert at Kyoto Sports Valley that had been moved from 27 August to 17 September went as planned…
That time, in the dressing room after the performance, HIDE-san suddenly pushed an envelope into my hands. When I asked, “Eh, what’s this?”, he replied, “Never mind, it’s to thank you for everything.”… When I looked into the envelope, I found 3000 yen inside.
Surprised, I said, “No, I can’t accept that. That’s not what I came for,” and tried to decline, but HIDE-san said, “What are you saying, Kumamoto? Thanks for everything!” and handed it over.
Getting money came as a surprise, but more than anything I was enormously happy about the consideration HIDE-san was showing me.
Honestly, I still remember the feeling at that time intensely.
After that, in September, another event that made me happy occurred.
On 29 September, the “ROSE & BLOOD TOUR” started at the Uruwa City Cultural Center.
With the tickets for the Kumamoto Postal Savings Hall sold out, it seemed unthinkable that half a year earlier, during the “BUEL BLOOD TOUR”, the same venue had been deserted.
At that time, the members told me that it was about time they invited my mother to a concert. On that day, I brought my mother to the dressing room before the live, and in that small room, all five of them were in the middle of getting their make-up, going, “Eh? Kumamoto-kun’s mother?”… Even though they were all in the middle of make-up, they stopped what they were doing and YOSHIKI-san introduced them with a smile: “Nice to meet you. We’re X. Apologies for meeting you like this.”
Whenever I return to my mother’s house, I find the backstage pass she got then prominently displayed on her cabinet even now.
The day I considered dropping out of high school and the death of my grandfather, the kindness of my mother and HIDE
After the “ROSE & BLOOD TOUR” something terrible happened.
It happened at the time of the live at Mamochi Palace (Fukuoka), four days after the live in Kumamoto my mother got invited to.
YOSHIKI-san’s condition turned bad, his asthma got terrible, all the other members and the staff fluttered around with worry, asking “What do we do? What do we do?”… In the afternoon, the information got passed around, “It doesn’t look like he’s in a condition to perform today, we’re cancelling today’s concert.”
In the end, the concert was postponed, this being, as far as I remember, the first time a live performance was cancelled due to a band member collapsing.
HIDE-san, in any case, worried about YOSHIKI-san’s health and fretted about his situation, asking over and over, “Is YOSHIKI okay?”, “How is YOSHIKI doing?”
I think I met TOSHI-san at the venue, but I don’t know if PATA-san and TAIJI-san ever even made it there or not. I guess they probably learned about the cancellation of the concert at the hotel.
HIDE-san was already at the venue with his hair put up, but since he was worried about YOSHIKI-san, he said, “Let’s go back to the hotel.”
So done, the staff let us know us that “YOSHIKI went to the hospital and then moved right on to Hiroshima.” With the concert in Fukuoka cancelled and another concert planned in Hiroshima Postal Savings Hall on the following day, 31 October, it seems that he decided to move to Hiroshima ahead of schedule.
Afterward, when we were informed that YOSHIKI-san had quietly arrived at the hotel in Hiroshima, HIDE-san said, “Anyway, YOSHIKI needs to rest.” But I couldn’t go to Hiroshima because I really needed to go to school.
On my own, I rode the slow train back to Kumamoto, while everyone else with X went to Hiroshima…
In Hiroshima, YOSHIKI-san’s condition improved just enough, so the concert in Hiroshima could happen, but then he collapsed again after a drum solo at Mito Civic Hall on 8 November.
Despite everyone worrying “How do we continue the tour?”, the concerts continued, but after that day he kept going down several times in several places.
Finally, when YOSHIKI-san collapsed once again on the first of the two days at Shibuya Public Hall on 22 November, all concerts from 23 November onwards were postponed.
When that decision was announced, I was in Kumamoto for school.
It was frustrating. I wanted to be with X no matter what, so I frankly told my mother, “I’m quitting school.” At first, my mother was baffled, but then she told me, “It’s your life, so in the end it’d your choice to make.” Then I told HIDE-san.
When I did, this is what he told me:
“KUMA, I graduated from high school as well, you don’t need to rush and should graduate properly. It’s not too late to come to Tokyo after that should you decide to,” he persuaded me earnestly.
Having ultimately decided to stay in school due to HIDE-san’s words, December, too, had me live a life of scrambling for contact with the members of X while attending high school.
In order to apologize for the cancellation of the tour, the members of the time went to every place where a concert had been cancelled, went on various programs to apologize and announce the schedule of the postponed concerts. All the while asking the fans, “Please don’t worry.”
It was just a little before Christmas. At that time, thankfully, YOSHIKI-san’s condition also improved… I told HIDE-san, “Once school’s out, I’ll get to you again,” but on 25 December, the day I said I would come, my grandfather died.
“Oh, now I can’t go to Tokyo,” I thought.
Of course, I really wanted to go. I really wanted to be with the members of X. But I gave up on it, thinking it would be impossible… Then my mother said to me, “Aren’ HIDE-san and the others waiting for you? Please go. Your grandpa is going to be more at ease that way, too.”
That was kind, wasn’t it? And so, two or three days later, I was on my way to Tokyo.
Even though I was sad that my grandfather had passed on, I was happy to be able to meet X. I remember my feelings being complicated like that.
Even though I didn’t have a lot of money at that time, I brought HIDE-san, who collected earrings, a pair of earrings as a Christmas present.
Thinking of it now, they were cheap things chosen by a high school student… But HIDE-san was delighted. He cherished them.
The new year of 1990 started, and HIDE-san continued to take care of me. Through that, something happened that left a massive impression on me.
The postponed tour was resumed on 4 February at Budokan, and I had come to Tokyo a few days earlier at the end of January.
This happened the day before the Budokan-live, when I was moving around with the manager to deliver that day’s documents to the member’s homes.
As always, HIDE-san was calling out to me out of concern for the gypsy with no place to stay. At times, when it was okay to stay over, I imposed on him, but of course, since it was the day before Budokan, I asked the manager of X if I could stay at his place.
It was pretty late… when we arrived at HIDE-san’s home at 22 or 23 o’clock. HIDE-san looked at my face and said, “Hey, KUMA, what are you doing?”
“I’m helping out,” I said.
“KUMA, do you have a place to stay? You can stay here,” he invited me.
“Wouldn’t that be bad, with Budokan being tomorrow?” I declined and he said, “What are you saying? Don’t be stupid,” and I ended up staying the night after all.
Naturally, I was exhausted, and even HIDE-san said, “Let’s go to be early,” and retired not all that late, without even drinking anything.
HIDE-san’s place at the time had one room and was not very big.
As always, I got to sleep in the space in front of the bathroom… That night, for some reason, I woke up to the sound of a guitar.
Looking at the clock, wasn’t it around five to six in the morning?
Wondering what was going on, I looked around the room, and there was HIDE-san, looking at the tv in the pitch-black room, rewinding a video over and over again.
When I was looking, there was “Kurenai” on the screen, and HIDE-san, sitting on the bed with his guitar, replayed the same part several times, matching his own guitar solo while looking at the screen.
Even as a high school student who didn’t understand everything, I thought, “I wonder if HIDE-san is nervous about Budokan and preparing for it so he doesn’t make any mistakes.”
That image of HIDE-san, practicing while repeating the same part over and over again, left a strong impression with me even now.
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konohagakurekakashi · 14 days
Kakashi's thoughts (as per our HC's) on seeing Tsunade not only back in the village but finding out she's the Godaime?!
|| In all honesty Kakashi was a listless, emotional eddy at the time, very evocative of the Uzushiogakure emblem stitched onto the standard issue blues he dresses in. With that said, I made this more about feelings than thoughts. Though in his case, I suppose it's the same thing. Accept it.
Initially he felt confused, red miasma evaporating from the recesses of his mind with every pulse of her mystical palm technique. Why was he in bed? Was this the hospital? Why and for how long has he been out? Then he became aware of the throb in his left eye-socket, the raw, burning ache of the Sharingan bringing with it the memories of a pair of cloaks adorned in red clouds and the crimson haze of Tsukuyomi. Red. Red.
The second feeling that followed was panic. If he was here, did that mean that Itachi and his pet fish managed to capture Naruto? Was Sasuke alright? What about Kurenai, Asuma and Gai? He pushed himself onto his elbows, then into a seated position, despite every muscle and joint screaming its protest. There was movement on his right, words being spoken, but he managed to ward of the poking, glowing digits with a grunt and a wince. He noticed that the tips of the receding fingernails were stained red. Red, more red.
What followed after was pain, just pain. The hand reaching for his being cuffed to the side in favour of him hunching forward so he could press the heel of his palm against his closed lid. He took a few shallow breaths, finally taking stock of the dim chakra flickers surrounding his bed. He noted Gai and Naruto’s first, the signatures that were so distinctly them, answering at least two of the questions which he had swirling through his mind. They seemed eager, impatient even, not at all aggrieved, which left the end results of their fight with the Akatsuki up in the air.
He paused when his sluggish mind finally processed the other two chakra imprints in the room, the instant recognition causing his shallow breaths to stutter and cease and then there was just…disbelief…because Uchiha Itachi appearing in the Hidden Leaf Village for round two was more believable than his present. Against his better judgement the Jōnin angled his head to the side to take in the two kunoichi, a twinge of pain ensuing the movement. Senju Tsunade looked more or less the same as he remembered, her hands on her hips and a rue, annoyed smile twisting the corners of her mouth – no doubt a consequence of him slapping her hands away. Her hair was longer and a diamond seal found its way across her temple, but in all other aspects; she seemed...unchanged. He also noted that her nails were red. Always red.
When asked, Kakashi would aver that he stopped looking at the large, village gates years ago. Not even when he passed through Konoha’s gates himself did he spare them a blink. He didn’t need to, not since that day. The guard post and its two occupants became his end point- his “I’m here” and his “I’m going” but not those gates.  It was a bitter nexus to observe, even through all of the aches and the brain fog; that the haori she was wearing was the exact same colour as those towering egresses. She was speaking then, tone still very much annoyed, reprimanding him for allowing a measly two insurgents to get the better of him, before allowing Gai and Naruto to whisk her away. The silence that followed brought the shame and the guilt.
It was Asuma that eventually informed him that Tsunade would be the Godaime Hokage, leaning against his open window, whilst recalling the way the woman had to dispel academy grade traps courtesy of his nephew. The boy’s antics seemed to please him, plumes of smoke exuding from grinning lips and coiling out of the window like wispy snakes, before a screeching nurse appeared to kick him and his cigarettes out of the room, complaining all the while as she shadowed Asuma to the exit: ‘smoke was detrimental to one’s health and absolutely forbidden within the hospital. How dare he!’ Kakashi watched a sheepish Sarutobi go, unsure how he felt about the news. On one hand he understood the stratagem that the Elders followed. It made sense to appoint a student of the Third as his replacement, and with Orochimaru labeled a rogue and Jiraiya frolicking across the Elemental Nations to sustain his spy network, Tsunade was the only viable option. Even though logical Kakashi still couldn’t fully fathom it. She didn’t strike him as the type to sit behind a desk all day, signing off on paperwork. In all the years that he has known her, she has never once showed an interest in the hat despite it practically being an 'heirloom' and then there was also the fact that she was never, ever supposed to return; his mind having reconciled that datum when he eventually stopped peering at those towering gates. Accepting the position of 'Fire Shadow' was like chaining oneself to the village - and like him, she was already chained to something else, the specters of her past.
Despite his misgivings, the Sannin’s healing increased his recovery greatly and he soon found himself slumped amongst the rest of the villagers, peering up at the Hokage Tower as Tsunade formally accepted the hat and the shackles associated therewith. Even bearing witness to the whole thing, a gentle breeze anointing the moment to memory, he still could not accede the juncture for what it was, expecting the Iryō-nin to disappear through those green posterns the moment the Elders let their guard down. He wouldn’t blame her and Shizune for the withdrawal; the narrow, winding paths, crowded markets and booming village populace likely more alien now than the tōro lanterns of the Fire Capital.
Still, he happened to glimpse her at an Izakaya the day after the ceremony, sake cup slanted in her grip as she paged through a file. He saw her a few days after that, growling at an academy instructor for not including basic first aid in the current curriculum and again some days thereafter with a few rumpled scrolls tucked underneath an arm, whilst she decreed for all to hear how tired she was of fixing her sensei’s 'messes'. Days turned into a week and one week evolved into two and before he knew it, he was meandering his way passed the two guards stationed outside of the Kage’s door with a full ten minutes to spare. Their shocked splutters and quacks of indignation went ignored, which he supposed only added to their ire (but really, despite the Konoha grapevine spewing the contrary he did own an alarm clock). Once stood in the confines of the office, Kakashi didn’t feel a jolt of surprise as he noted the Godaime behind the desk. He didn’t hesitate when he stepped up to accept his first A-rank since being discharged from the hospital and he made no interruptions as the Kage expanded on the mission rudiments, red-tipped fingers folded deftly underneath her chin. The copy-nin only hummed his response, feeling acceptance.
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uchihagods · 1 year
for your requests!! could you do one with obito for the prompts 103, 94, and 33 where him and reader are in a public situation (ofc), like let's say they're in a shared room in an airbnb or something on a trip with friends, obito had been whispering to reader, teasing her of all the things he wants to do,,, but they have to be quiet cause everyone else around is sleeping,, (doesn't have to be exactly that but something along those lines) thank you💕
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synopsis: after some deep thought, you and your closest friends (and, of course, your beautiful boyfriend) decided to camp in the woods for your upcoming birthday since it was something you always wanted to try for years now; what you didn’t expect at all, was the filthy things the dark-haired was planning to do with you during your first night…
-> #103/94/33: “Look at you, coming undone before I’ve even started touching you.”; Whispered praises against the other’s lips, which are met with soft whimpers and moans.; “Beg and maybe I’ll think about it.”
warnings: public sex, exhibitionism, teasing, best friends to lovers, established relationship, missionary, oral sex (fem!receiving), face-riding, daddy kink, caught in the act.
beta’d by: @rookie98writes <33 !!
IMPORTANT!… please, feel free to ignore if any of these topics trigger you; read at your own risk!
the stars, as if they were aware of the approaching important date, were shining beautifully in the dark sky of tonight’s view. you were cuddled up with your handsome boyfriend, whose eyes were also enjoying the show above you, seated on one of the logs around the warmth the bonfire was emitting and all wrapped up with a thick blanket your mother told you to bring with you just in case.
as you nuzzled your face into obito’s neck in search of his natural scent, the thought of your birthday being in a few hours made you kick your feet mentally due to the excitement. it was perfect, honestly; your closest friends laughing loudly at asuma’s story about the horrible first time he met kakashi and how he hated him for it while rin and guy prepared little snacks for everyone to eat before the six pizza boxes you brought for dinner.
all of you were going to wait until midnight to celebrate your special day first thing. then, they were going to give you the tasty cake kurenai baked for you last night, and finally, you’d go to sleep in your respective tents. since kurenai didn’t want to leave rin alone, she offered to share one with the brunette girl; leaving asuma, kakashi and guy together, and, needless to say, you and obito alone in another tent.
“i love you so much, y/n… you’re aware of that, aren’t you?” the dark-haired whispered against your reddened cheek, nuzzling the tip of his nose on the skin there. “my pretty girlfriend.”
“i love you too, ‘bito… mhm!” you gasped, feeling embarrassed about the high-pitched noise that had left your mouth the moment obito decided to start peppering wet kisses along the extension of your neck; doing it just the way he knew would drive you absolutely crazy, almost attempting to reach something you didn’t quite comprehend right now. “baby, please…”
“what is it, my love?” he asked innocently, grinning all high and mighty as if he wasn’t squeezing the flesh of your waist with unspoken wanton. your friends were not that far from where you were having trouble to not give in at his obvious intentions. after all, you were still impressed of how much this man liked to show public affection; fortunately, the flowery blanket around you both were preventing the prying eyes from investigating further details about your ‘cuddling session’. “you shouldn’t have dressed in such a tempting little dress unless you wanted me to fuck you in front of our friends on this very log.” obito stated hotly, his knuckles brushing the smooth skin of your bare thighs.
you caught his wandering hand between yours before it could make it to your clothed core. shaking his head no he simply clarified; —“do not worry, princess. the one begging me for my cock at the end of the night, it’ll be you.” he placed one last kiss on your somehow sweaty neck and headed towards your group of friends without looking back at your trembling figure…
“here,” rin offered you a very hot and tasty s’more sandwich she just finished preparing, smiling tenderly and taking a seat on the log. “is something the matter? you seem distracted.” the brown-haired followed your gaze towards obito, who was laughing loudly next to asuma and with a bottle of beer in his hand. “did you two have a fight?”
“w-what? no, not at all!” she broke you out of your reverie, making you realize the amount of time you must’ve been lost in your own fantasies.
rin didn’t answer. instead, she kept looking at you with knowing eyes and slightly blushed cheeks. “uhm, why don’t you go there? kurenai and i are heading to the convenience store real quick.” at your furrowed eyebrows she added; “we ran out of marshmallows. guy couldn’t resist eating some of them while we were preparing the s’mores, and asuma wanted more, so…”
“oh! sure, sure.” you stood up slowly, caring not to drop the blanket around your shoulders as to prevent the cold breeze to brush your warm skin uncomfortably. “i’ll go with the boys, then.”
“great! we’re leaving now, it won’t take long!” rin stated sweetly, not entering kurenai’s car until you were with them.
“hey, pretty.” obito greeted you again, patting his thighs for you to sit on and leaving the bottle on the grass. “we were talking about the first time you’d rejected me, actually.”
you tilted your head to the side, confused. “and why’s that?” you accommodated yourself on your boyfriend’s lap comfortably once your blanket was nicely folded next to you.
he shrugged. “you know, just telling them the way you used to say the ‘we’re best friends and that’s all’ shit but now you’re bouncing on my cock almost every night.”
“obito!” your face was turning red at his unexpected words, not that you weren’t used to his bluntness, but you didn’t even dare to look your friends in the eyes. you felt a pair of hands stabilizing your playful hips; it wasn’t fast enough to hide his growing erection inside his gray joggers. “i’m sorry, guys…”
“it’s okay, really.” asuma blurted out, “that was probably the most innocent comment i’ve heard from him.”
“are you done provoking me, birthday girl?” obito whispered against the shell of your ear, ignoring kakashi’s rambling in the background. “i bet that sweet pussy of yours is dripping wet just for me to enjoy, hm?”
instinctively, your legs spread wider along with your hips swaying back and forth on his clothed hardness. “please…”
“beg and maybe i’ll think about it.” he murmured not so discreetly.
“fuck, obi.” the fact that you were surrounded by your intimate friends were long forgotten in your mind, replaced with the thought of your boyfriend’s huge member abusing your tight yet wet core. “i-i’m begging you, please.”
“you’ll have to be more specific about what you’re asking over there, sweetheart.” he pressed you more against his hot body.
“i need your tongue taking care of my pussy, please.” you angled your face up and to the side for your lips to find his rapidly, initiating a long kiss while your hand cupped his cheeks.
the position you were currently in wasn’t the most comfortable one but you couldn’t care less when you had obito’s skilled tongue trying to get into your mouth; you accepted it, of course. you greeted his wet muscle eagerly. a curious hand reached for your mound to knead at it while the other one slipped under your dress to caress the piece of fabric separating your cunt from his fingers.
“get a room you two!” kakashi’s bored eyes were locked on what could be seen of your lower half. “obito, i’m being serious.” he interrupted when your pussy lips were barely visible due to your panties placed to the side, obito’s fingers spreading them apart, some of your wetness pooling into your underwear.
you tried to close your legs the moment you realized where you were, being stopped by his hands immediately. “don’t be shy, show them how prepared you are for my cock.”
you couldn’t let your boyfriend fuck you in front of them despite his evident desire to do exactly that, it wasn’t what you wanted right now. “i could do that…” you started, “or… i can ride your face in our comfy tent.” you knew damn well he couldn’t reject the latter offer even though having guests around sounded just as tempting to his ears.
pinching your clit playfully, he grinned; “what a smart little thing you are…” he gave a slap to your aching core. “let’s go, then.” as you both walked towards your shared tent holding hands, you turned your head back to where your friends were to articulate a soft ‘sorry’ with your lips, who dismissed you calmly and gestured you to have fun.
“look at you, coming undone before i’ve even started touching you.” obito praised you, mesmerized from under you by your dripping white release. your thighs were at each side of his head, your sweet hole almost brushing his parted lips, with his arms enclosing them to keep you in place. “do you want me this much, my love?”
“i do, ‘bito.” you nodded, pulling your wetness closer teasingly. “shit, shit!” you panted when his tongue reached your core.
“delicious…” he squeezed your thighs, encouraging you to lean towards his mouth to continue his ministrations. the dark-haired began to lap at your pussy furiously once you seated on his face, causing your body to tremble and search for more by each grind of it.
he greeted your swollen clit tenderly, sucking the bud between his lips multiple times and grunting when your tiny fingers gripped his black strands as to keep him steady while you were using him for your own pleasure; your hips moving at a rapid pace with each passing second.
“my! fuck, obito!” you were dragged forward ‘till your dripping hole was above his eager tongue; he tasted your entrance, the tip of his muscle moving in and out repeatedly, creating a steady rhythm with each lick.
he couldn’t deny it, his favorite part was the beautiful sounds he could make from your body. if he could, he would record them to later listen to them at night before going to sleep; the perfect lullaby for him.
lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t even notice you already came very hard on his tongue, he still had this marvelous grip around your trembling thighs that prevented you from moving away. “h-honey!” you complained, feeling the overstimulation running through your veins and the butterflies going wild inside your tummy. “too much, mhm!” your attempts to separate your core from his mouth were in vain, obito kept latched at it to life.
you were thrown on your back in a blink of an eye, your boyfriend’s shaft was now between your pussy lips coated with his saliva, teasing your hungry entrance; he wrapped your legs around his waist before thrusting into you harshly. “perfect pussy…” he slammed his bulbous head into the spot that made you see stars in a matter of of seconds.
the sounds of skin slapping together filled the light fabric of your shared tent, you could swear your thighs were currently full of bruises due to obito’s hard grip on them; you didn’t mind.
the squelching melody composed by his huge cock abusing your wet cunt was the only thing in your minds, that much that neither of you had heard your tent being unzipped. “y/n! time for din-… oh, my god!”
“magnificent…” the dark-haired complained without stopping the movements of his hips, not in the mood to face a now traumatized kurenai who just caught one of her best friends being fucked stupid; and who also shouldn’t opened your tent in the first place. “don’t mean to be rude but we’re kinda busy over here, you know?” he moaned at the sudden tightness around his member.
“i-i’m sorry, kurenai!” you apologized aloud the moment she left the place with an embarrassed expression written on her face. the red-eyed girl zipped your tent once again and laughed with asuma when he told her something like; ‘there’s one rule when it comes to these two for a reason, baby.’
“do not apologize for enjoying yourself on my cock, am i being clear?” obito’s eyebrows were furrowed in the way they did when he was mad at you for behaving badly.
“yes, daddy.” you used the term you knew he was looking forward to, sobbing loudly at its effect in the form of increasing his pace considerably.
“tight, little and perfect hole. you’ve got everything, don’t you?” you whispered praises against the other’s lips, which were met with soft whimpers and moans. “whose pussy is this, hm?”
“yours!” at this rate, your second release wouldn’t last long to explode. “only yours!”
“say that again.” his hips bucked upwards purposely.
“your pussy!”
“that’s right, baby.” he emptied himself inside you, coating your walls with his hot cum, which triggered your own high and caused your core to tighten around his spurting shaft.
your breaths were fast while your movements relented momentarily ‘till you both were only warming the other one up. “i love feeling your dick soften…”
“never would’ve imagined…” obito joked smugly, peppering kisses along your face and finishing with a sweet peck on your abused lips.
“happy birthday, y/n!” your friends screamed outside your tent, making you laugh in each other’s mouths.
“cake’s ready…” rin hummed, offering the most convincing sentence she could think of.
“happy birthday, sweetheart.”
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allthingskakashi · 2 years
• Another Time, Another Chance •
[Kakashi x Reader] || 5k
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Based on the Fluff prompt: "You have something in your hair... Do you want me to get it out?"
A/n: i received the request for this in 2020,started writing it in 2021 and finished it now at the end of 2022 so this fic has made a very long arduous journey before appearing on your feed today. This is needlessly long (5??? K??? Words???) bc im physically incapable of writing shorter fics. Been super out of touch so i hope this doesn't read like a drag, ending seems a bit rushed to me but i needed to be stopped from adding any more words. thanks so much for reading!!<3
You had been dreading this day all week.
Ever since the invitation arrived in your mail, you’d been wrecking your mind, trying to think of excuses— something, anything, to get out of the dreadful misery this day was about to present. Any possibilities of a sudden ankle fracture or an unexpected call to duty, however, were put to rest when you ran into your dear friend, the childhood bosom bud you’d recently reunited with after ten years, on your run to the grocery store this morning— who demanded—well, warned, really— that you “better fucking show up” to what was going to be one of the most important nights of her life.
So there you were now, standing in front of your closet which was filled mostly in hues of blue or black, and rolls of what people refer to as “practical clothing”, looking for that one peach-colored dress you had stuffed at the back somewhere after the last time you wore it— the one that your mother had given you many moons ago on your birthday.
If you had known that you would be coerced into attending an engagement party not five days after your return to your village, you’d have delayed your return. But fact of the matter remained that Kurenai was indeed your best friend, and if your being there mattered to her that much, then perhaps you could push your own feelings—and by that you meant your general detest towards weddings and anything involving matters of the heart (Shinobi don’t show their emotions, that’s rule one) aside.  Well, that and the fact that she threatened to hunt you down if you deigned to not show up.
But it’ll be fine, you told yourself. You would go, congratulate the happy couple, smile and nod at the people who approach you, have a round of drinks and appetizers, and slip out as soon as the crowd thickens. All in all, it shouldn’t take more than one, one and a half hours tops. You could do one and a half hours. It’d be fine.
 Forty minutes and heaps of wrinkled clothes scattered all over your floor later, you finally managed to find the dress you were looking for. It’d need ironing and there was a stain in the front, but it could be covered up with the silver butterfly pendant you had. A quick glance at the mirror informed you that the load of laundry you were about to do would have to wait until tomorrow. Your hair was greasy, and you needed to do something about the bags under your eyes.
And of course, a present. You needed to get a present. This truly was turning out to be a massive pain in the ass.
 With the towel wrapped around your hair, you laid your dress out on the ironing board. You must have been eighteen when you last wore it but thankfully, it still fit. It was a beautiful piece— the fanciest piece of clothing you owned, no doubt, with a sweetheart neckline and lace detailing at the back.
Seeing the dress after so long did open a floodgate of memories…
It had been one week since your sixteenth birthday.
You had just passed your jounin exams.
You could still recall how the air felt that day, grain to grain in your mind. You were elated, you’d worked so, so hard for months. And finally, it had paid off. Anything seemed possible that day. The sky was the colour of water, the sun had never shone brighter. Everything was possible.
Even confessing your emotions of deep adoration to the boy you’d admired all through your young years.
It’s now or never, you’d told yourself. You’d never feel as courageous as you did that day. It was the perfect time.
And so, you’d put on your best dress, picked some daisies from your backyard, and strode off to where you knew you’d find him—the boy whose name cluttered the last pages of every notebook of yours, the one who starred in each of your daydreams— Kakashi Hatake.
You’d found him climbing a tree in the forest, a piece of cloth tied over his eyes and another tying his hands to his back. Chakra control practice.
You still remembered the tremor of your voice and the gigantic gulp you’d taken before uttering the next words. “Kakashi, would you mind coming down for a minute?”
The words were set on your tongue and your little heart banged within your ribs. You’d watched as he climbed down the branches with his eyes and hands redundant with the same meticulousness of a cat.
The moments he had taken to take off the blindfold and free his hands may have been the longest moments of your life.
And then, he’d fixed his dark eye on you, the frown on his face making his annoyance at being interrupted painfully clear. “What is it?”
Now usually, this is the part where you stopped reminiscing and yanked yourself out of the memory. If only you could go back in time, grab your younger self’s wrist, and yank her out of that very situation itself. But alas, that’s not how things work.
Back when the wound was still fresh, you’d replayed the next few moments time and time again in your mind but with the years, you’d mostly succeeded in blocking that part out entirely, as if you could just ignore it out of existence.
You hated to admit it now, but it truly had broken your naive heart into pieces. After all, being met with an impudent “That’s stupid, you shouldn’t” after confessing your admiration to the guy you’d written poems about in your journal isn’t exactly every sixteen-year-old’s dream.
But these were all in the past. Now when you thought of that moment, you just felt pity for your young, foolish self.
If only you could go back in time and…
Regrets aside, you were proud of how far you’d come. There was very little that could faze you now and things like juvenile crushes and fantasies about romance were things of the distant past. You’d burnt your journal not long after that incident—the one filled with poems about how Kakashi’s hair reminded you of the moon.
Eurgh. The thoughts made you cringe now.
It’s not that you didn’t find chances at romance past that one unfortunate incident. You’d left the village at seventeen, and in your ten years of voyage around the world learning about medicine, you’d come across many a man who had shown interest in you. But none had piqued yours.
But now, finally, you were home. Truth be told, you’d missed Konoha. The village, at least. The people…were another question. Once you’d left, you were almost completely out of touch with your friends back here and it had partly been intentional.
Which was another reason why the evening’s ceremony was turning out to be a particularly dreadful affair for you. You hadn’t seen these people in a decade and now to see them all together, at one place, in an engagement ceremony of two of your old classmates…it was all a bit overwhelming. You never were much of a socializer and after that incident, your self-esteem had taken a huge blow, leading you to mostly isolate yourself from your peers. It also hadn’t helped that Kotetsu and Izumo had been sparring that hapless day not far from where Kakashi was and had watched the entire situation unfold in front of themselves, and had then taken the liberty to do a dramatic retelling of the events to each of your comrades, with embellishments and exaggerations added for flair. You had been mercilessly teased, mocked, and ridiculed for weeks.
Was there really no way you could get out of this?
You stood in front of the big stretch of lush green grass, known as the Konoha Public Park. Yellow lights twinkled in the distance where chairs and tables had been set up in close circles. Rows of cherry blossoms stood swaying along the edges of the park, their feathery pink petals swirling about and settling on the grass under your feet.
Soft music and cackles of laughter flowed into your ears from where you stood now. Right ahead of you was a small arched bridge, hovering over a stream of water. The way the lights danced on the water made it look like little stars were floating along the currents.
The place really did look beautiful.
They must have spent thousands on this thing, you couldn’t help but think. It made sense. Asuma was the third Hokage’s son after all.
All around you, more and more people started to come in—mostly in pairs of two. You still didn’t see anybody you knew yet, and you couldn’t decide whether that was good or bad.
Far in the distance, your eye caught Kurenai, arm in arm with Asuma, throwing her head back and laughing at something he must have said.
You took a deep breath.  
Here we go.
Once inside, the sea of faces—some familiar, some unfamiliar was making your mind dizzy. Wherever you looked, it seemed like the throngs of happy couples never ended. Was everybody on some kind of love potion in this town?
Your mind was telling you make a run for it, but it had only been— you checked, twenty minutes. You had already met Asuma and Kurenai and congratulated them, and exchanged niceties with a few other old friends who had come to ask you about your journey.
You had yet to pass forty more minutes somehow and there was only one thing to do—hit the bar.
The bar was a few feet long counter on one corner of the park, stocked with all sorts of premium brands and manned by three people dressed in black and white.
If this was the engagement party, what in the hell were they gonna do for the wedding?
“Hi, can I have a vodka cranberry, please?” you said, sitting down on a stool. This spot provided almost an entire view of the venue and you could see two very familiar-looking guys making their way towards the bar, and judging by the way they were vehemently waving their hands, it looked like they—Kotetsu and Izumo recognized you too.
You had NOT prepared for this.
Thankfully at that very moment, the bartender slid a glass of crimson liquid across to you. The ice cubes bumped around on the surface as you grabbed the glass in one hand and your purse in another, took a quick sip, and made a dash for the farthest end of the park, completely cut off from all the merriness.
Clutching the glass close to you, you took quick, hasty steps–stumbling and tripping your way along the sprawling field, all the while keeping an eye behind you to make sure you weren’t being pursued. The grass was uneven in some parts, and your heels weren’t helping.
With a lurch of your heart, you felt your toe hit what must have been a rock. In seconds, your glass was flying from your hand as you attempted to steady yourself, only to feel your body crashing into someone else’s with a thump.
“JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, I’M SO SORRY,”, you screamed out, before looking up to glance at the unfortunate bystander whom you had no doubt doused in your drink. “Please let me-”, you started, but your words dissolved in your throat.
Your drink was fine.
The glass was intact.
And holding it was none other than Kakashi Hatake– the last man you ever wanted to see, let alone crash into.
Okay, deep breaths. Maybe he won’t even recogn–
 “Hello, y/n.”
 Ah, perfect.
Words, words, words. What are some words?
 “Kakashi”, you heard yourself respond. Thank God.
Within the walls of your brain rang a thousand different sirens.
“I heard you were back in town, you look well”, said the man in front of you, whose figure towered several inches over your head.
You didn’t remember Kakashi being quite so tall. But then again, the last time you’d seen him, he’d only been a boy. His gangly limbs had grown into muscled arms, his once gaunt torso, now broad and firm–even beneath the dark grey suit that he was clad in right now.
You hoped you didn’t look too floored.
“Yes. You too”, you managed, looking back at him, ensuring to not look too surprised, or more accurately, awestruck with him.
In the absence of the headband, Kakashi’s silver hair– free and silken, caressed his eyebrows. His face, though covered in its majority by a mask, had sharpened along the edges, in contrast to the boyish softness it once held.
With most of his face covered, you couldn’t help but look him in the eyes.
Surely you were immune to him by now? He was handsome, yes. But so, what? You’d seen handsome men before. Been in their company, spent time with them, studied with them, lived alongside them.
Kakashi was no exception.
If he had any similar feelings of astonishment in seeing you after all this time, he didn’t let it show.
“Anyway, I better…”, you muttered, proceeding to reclaim your glass from him, and stepping aside to move past his still surprisingly tall figure. “It was good to see you”, you said, without looking back.
Barely had you taken a step when the voice behind you called out.
“Not even a thank you for saving you from public humiliation?”
And there it was. The cockiness.
Perhaps he hadn’t changed that much after all.
Sighing to yourself, you turned on your heel to face Kakashi, fixing him with a glare.
“Thank you so very much”, you drawled, flashing him your phoniest smile.
Kakashi sniggered, speaking through a smirk as he bridged the gap between you. “Now, now, y/n. That didn’t sound very sincere”.
He was clearly enjoying this. Embarrassing you once in this lifetime must not have been enough.
And could he stop saying your name?
But you were no longer an infatuated doe-eyed little girl who blushed and fawned upon him. And you wanted that fact known.
“Don’t you have something better to do rather than being a pain in the ass?”
An impish glint peeked through Kakashi’s dark eyes.
“Pardon me, I didn’t realize I was being,” he paused before adding, “a pain in your ass”.
You didn’t enjoy the way his enunciation of the last two words made you squirm. You needed to get away from him. Fast.
But fleeing would be cowardly. And more importantly, why would you? He no longer had an impact on you. No, you were going to stay right here, look him in the eye and face him.
“What are you doing here anyway, Hatake?”
“Same thing as you are, rejoicing in the union of my closest friends.”
You scoffed, repeating his words back to him, “rejoicing in the union of your closest friends?”. “I’d have thought these things are beneath you.”
The smirk was unrelenting on Kakashi’s face. “You must not know me very well then, Y/n.”
There it was, your fucking name again.
“Y/N! Kakashi! There you both are, I have been looking all over for you!” shrieked Gai, coming towards you with hurried steps. You had already exchanged pleasantries with him earlier in the evening, and unlike some others you had encountered, Gai remained exactly the same as he had been when you last met—warm, generous, and very, very spirited.
“Yes”, you retorted, “and I’d like to keep it that way. Now if you’ll excuse me”, you said, turning around to walk towards the centre of the park, where a buffet table had been stationed, with sweet and savory items laid out across its stretch.
Once again, however, your attempt for departure was interrupted.
“Is everything okay?” you asked, as Kakashi stepped up beside you.
“Yes, yes, everything is fantastic! Don’t you worry, Y/N. I was only looking for you to ask you to join us. All of us back there have been playing some very fun games, and you are missing out on all the fun!”, Gai said, pointing behind him to a gathering of people.
“Oh um, I actually…” you started, ravaging your brain for an excuse, but you knew it would be as fruitless as telling Gai that a thousand push-ups a day was way too many push-ups.  
“No excuses, Y/n!”, “You too, Rival!” Gai added, cutting Kakashi off in the middle of an unoriginal excuse about requiring to use the washroom. “Come on now, over here”, Gai ushered, leading you towards the gathering as you and Kakashi followed with thwarted faces.
Taking a large plentiful sip of your drink, you kept your glass aside, hoping it would be enough to fuel you for whatever lunacy lay ahead.  
If only you could go back to the moment in time when you made the decision of coming here and smack yourself in the head.
“Well, what are we playing?” Kakashi asked without fervour, standing beside you with his hands in his pocket as he soaked in the sight in front of him. Multiple pieces of paper had been cut into squares and piled up on the grass.
“I’m glad you asked, Rival! Everybody, gather around please!”, Gai called, as each pair of eyes fell upon him. “For our next game, we’ll be playing Paper Dance! Please form yourselves into groups of two, pick up a piece of paper from the ground, and position yourselves on it. Please remember that both partners must be standing on the paper at all times! When I say start, the music will begin and you will have to dance, maintaining your balance. Once the music stops, the paper will be folded into half and both partners will stand on the halved paper. The music will begin again and when it stops the next time, the paper will be folded into a quarter, and the same will keep repeating until there is only one remaining couple on the floor! As the paper keeps getting smaller, one partner is allowed to pick another up to make space, however, the minute either partner falls off the square, the team will be disqualified! Is everyone clear on the rules?”
A booming roar answered Gai as everyone around you hooted and scrambled to pick up papers for their teams.
You hesitantly picked one up yourself, but there remained one simple problem. Everyone around you had already found a partner, barring only…Kakashi.
Without sparing him a glance, you approached Gai, but before you could get a word out, Gai spoke.
“So sorry, y/n, but I will be the coordinator for this game, to make sure nobody is cheating. Kakashi there seems to be without a partner as well, so you can pair up with him, over here Kakashi!”
“Wait, but–”, you interjected, but Gai had already pushed you and Kakashi together, signaling the DJ to start the music.
“Everybody in their places…and start!”
An upbeat lyric-less melody engulfed the expanse of the park.
As if being shanghaied into attending a wedding and bumping into Kakashi in a less than graceful encounter wasn’t enough, you were now being made to DANCE with him, smack in the middle of the Konoha park, in the audience of hundreds of people.
This evening was truly shaping up to be the stuff of nightmares.
The only advantage in all of this—if you had to choose one, was the fact that in front of you, Kakashi looked quite uncomfortable himself, try as he did to shroud it.
Every pair around you had their arms linked—chiming to the tune, swaying and spinning, throwing their heads back in laughter. The contrast of your partnership as compared to every other team on the floor was like fire and ice.
Tapping your toes in reluctance, you put as much space as possible between you and Kakashi on the small scrap of paper, looking everywhere but ahead.  
“Kakashi! Y/N! That’s not dancing”, Gai interjected, coming around to you. “Put some enthusiasm into those youthful bodies of yours and shake it out!” he added, belting out a serpentine body roll for demonstration.
Flashing him a thumbs up, you pretended to pick up the pace, only to revert to your designated foot taps the moment Gai turned to the pair next to you. Your eyes fell upon Kakashi in a reflexive glance, and you found your dance partner staring right at you, his face an expression of curious amusement.
“Killer moves”, he jibed, but before you could retaliate, Gai’s voice interrupted the music. “And…stop! Amazing everyone! No couples have been disqualified yet, so before we start the next round, everybody please step down from your papers, fold them in half, and retake your positions on them.”
You and Kakashi stepped down from the paper at the same time, each bending down to fold the paper. Your head bumped against his and you jumped back, going back a few steps and letting him do the task as you tucked a loose strand of hair back in place.
Having folded the paper in half, Kakashi stood with his hands clasped in front of him, waiting—almost daring, you to step over first. Looking him in the eye, you stepped onto the paper, the space on which had significantly reduced now.
You felt yourself gulp as Kakashi came forward.
“Ready everyone?”, Gai’s voice rang in the background.
Your feet were touching, your face inches from Kakashi’s chest.
“Start!” called Gai, as a different, less upbeat melody spilled from the speakers.
The scarcity of space made it impossible for you now to look past Kakashi’s figure. With your face mere inches from his chest, you could make out the distinct cliffs of Kakashi’s collarbones peeking through the open top of his shirt. A silver chain peeked through, glinting under the canopy of lights overhead.
Kakashi swayed lightly to the tune, his movement so minuscule as to be missed by anyone not standing centimeters away from him.  
The song playing was familiar to you. It was the instrumental version of your favourite song from your teenage days. There had been many a night you spent writing poetry, this very song playing in the background as you scribbled away.
Droplets of sweat had begun to trickle over your back. The air felt thickened with the smell of chrysanthemums and nostalgia.
You persisted, focusing your eyes on a singular button of Kakashi’s suit, counting the seconds in your mind and waiting for the welcome interjection of Gai’s voice.
A soft warm breeze jostled through the crowd, leaving Kakashi’s hair ruffled. He reached up to pat it back into place, nimble fingers brushing past your forearm as he did.
Explosions like fireworks erupted through your pores where his fingers had trailed.
Your throat seemed to be getting narrower and narrower.
Without a thought or a moment’s realization, you felt your feet trampling away from the muddy piece of paper underneath and over the grass, sprinting, carrying you away. Away from the insufferable melody, the sickening smell of flowers, the disgusting exhibit of affection displayed by couples in each corner, the wretched black mole on Kakashi’s chest under his right collarbone where your eyes kept dragging.
Heaving as you caught your breath, you seated yourself on a wooden bench at the edge of the park. Your heart hammered in your throat as you tried to make sense of what had transpired. Somewhere in the distance, you could hear a faint voice, “Y/N! That is against the rules! Sorry, Rival, I am afraid I will have to disqualify you too.”
Multiple pairs of eyes had turned to look in your direction. You must have looked insane. Running across the field like that, matted hair sticking all over your face. You really had a penchant for embarrassing yourself, it would appear.
This was all too much, all of it. The wedding, Kakashi, your stupid fucking heels that made your soles ache.
Much to your relief and fortune, a woman’s voice replaced the maddening sound of the song blasting through the speakers at that precise moment. It was time for toasts.
Undoing the straps of your shoes, you laid your bare feet on the grass, leaning back to rest your head on the bench.
It was a clear night, the stars shining with all their might, as if in celebration of your friends.
You closed your eyes. The cool grass was soothing underneath your aching feet.
“Are you okay?”
You opened your eyes to see Kakashi standing over you, looking down with an expression almost resembling… was it concern?
You didn’t think he was capable.
“What now?”, you sniped.
Your patience was running thin, you needed to be away from here.
“You left this”, Kakashi said, holding out your glass of vodka cranberry that you’d kept aside earlier.  
“You seem awfully attached to my drink”, you jabbed again, but Kakashi ignored it, coming around to take the vacant spot beside you.
“What happened back there?” he inquired, turning his eyes on you as you looked down at your feet.
What DID happen back there?
“Nothing, I just…felt dizzy. Didn’t get time to have lunch today”, you lied, although only partly. You had, indeed, not gotten time to have lunch that afternoon, you were too busy scouring the market for an appropriate gift, all to ultimately settle on the quaint night lamp that had caught your eye in the very first shop you had visited.
“Hm, then this may not be such a good idea”, Kakashi responded, keeping the crimson-filled glass beside him on the bench.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Kakashi gesture to a server standing a few feet away, holding a tray filled with what appeared to be dumplings.
“Wait, are those dumplings?” the sight of your favourite snack provided the ideal distraction from the less-than-savory thoughts that were beginning to nestle inside your head.
Your stomach growled in agreement, as you realized how hungry you had been.
You piled six onto a small plate and watched Kakashi carefully place two into one of his own.
“God, I missed these”, you exclaimed through a mouthful as Kakashi thanked the tux-clad server, before turning to his plate.
“They do NOT make dumplings like this outside of Konoha”, you added, smacking your lips and digging into the next one. “I need to make up for all the time I lost not eating these.”
Kakashi let a smile slip, watching you in silent amusement. “Well, it looks like you need these more than I do,” he said, offering you his plate.
You couldn’t help but gape.
Was Kakashi Hatake being nice?
“Uhh…”, you hesitated, but Kakashi’s eyes looked entirely genuine, much to your shock…and despair.
He was making this rather hard.
“Is there any reason why you’re going out of your way to be nice to me and following me around like a puppy dog the entire evening?”, you blurted, expecting Kakashi to retort with a brazen remark, an insult to match the ones you had been hurling at him all evening.
Instead, he shrugged. “Got some making up to do my own”.
The words made you turn. The air between you had shifted. “What does that mean?”
But just as easily, the tide had rolled over. “Nothing”, Kakashi said airily, piling his dumplings onto your plate.
You studied his face once more to make sure this was not some juvenile prank. In his eyes, you read only kindness.
“Well um…thanks”, you said, putting your seventh dumpling in your mouth.
Kakashi gave a wave of his hand. “I owed you one.”
Still ruminating about his earlier comment about having things to make up for, you asked, “For what?”
“For freeing me from the torment of dancing for another second.”
The mole under his collarbone made a flashing appearance in your mind and you looked away, coughing on your last bite.
“Right, uh yeah, no biggie”, you said, clearing your throat. “Anyway, I uh, am gonna take a lap around the park, the toasts are over, and Gai looks like he’s about to start up another game again. I’d rather not be in the vicinity while he’s recruiting participants”, you added, slipping back into your shoes.
You wanted to get away from him, you needed to get away from him.
You had spent the last ten years of your life keeping Kakashi Hatake from your mind, and your last ten minutes had been spent studying his hands as they rested on his lap.
And recalling how his fingers had felt against your skin.
You stood up, looking back to take his leave, but something in his eyes rendered you powerless over yourself. Because the next words you uttered were, “Do you wanna come with?”
With his tone the embodiment of nonchalance, Kakashi accepted your gracious offer, yet something in his demeanor made you glad that you’d asked.
Once on your way, however, you found yourself at a loss of words. The scent of Kakashi’s perfume clouded your mind—an aquatic smell, subtle yet lingering.
In an attempt to avoid any further unwanted invitations, the two of you kept to the edge of the park, seeking concealment underneath the shadows of the cherry trees that lined the perimeter.
“Pretty night tonight”, you commented without thought. The silence had become too dense.
“Yes”, Kakashi nodded in agreement, looking up at the sky, “Lot of stars.”
“Mmhmm” you mused in response. “Very starry.”
Petals of cherry blossom had littered the ground, carving a pink, velvety path of their own.
You spent a few minutes walking in quietude again, before Kakashi broke the silence. “You know, if you look close enough, you can make out the Six Paths constellation in the sky tonight.”
“The Six Paths constellation?” you asked eagerly, grateful for his intervention.
“Yeah, up there”, Kakashi pointed at the bejewled satin sky. “The brightest star there in the middle is supposed to mark his Third Eye, the smaller, dimmer stars on each side his eyes, and the one at the bottom the tip of his beard”
You halted to look, glancing in the direction of his finger before glaring back at him.
“You just made that up.”
Kakashi looked back at you, the thinly veiled smirk on his mouth giving way to a hearty chuckle, “I did”, he admitted sheepishly.
You couldn’t help but laugh along.
“You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” you chided through a chortle.
When Kakashi laughed again, the stars dimmed.
“I missed it, you know?” you confessed absent-mindedly, “The village. The…people.”
“The dumplings”, Kakashi appended.
You laughed again. “Most of all the dumplings, yes.”
A long subdued, familiar sensation crept up your neck like the arms of an old friend.
A breeze passed through.
Petals from the blossom branches rained upon you in a tender, pink shower.
Kakashi’s gaze was soft on yours.
“You have something in your hair,” he said, nodding towards your right. “Do you want me to get it out?”
“Oh um…” you fumbled, reaching up for your hair, but stopping midway. “Sure.”
Kakashi stepped closer, reaching across to touch a pink petal lodged over your ear.
Inside your chest, your heart hammered. It had been for a long time, you realized—growing louder with each thrum.
His fingers whisked past your cheek.
Kakashi smiled down, silver hair gleaming like moonlight.
Your eyes widened.
You had been wishing to go back in time all evening, but you failed to realize until now that you had done just that.
Kakashi held the petal out to you, the flower blushing a pristine pink in his palm.
And with the next thrum of your heart, you were sixteen again.
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teatitty · 3 months
Honestly I think if a shinobi gets a job where the mission is simply "dress up and pretend to be X worker to get information go nuts with your cover story and fake name" they'd all put their entire heart and soul into the performance, I'm talking people doing fake marriage except having fake yelling divorce in the street, coming up with a whole family owned business with your "siblings" but all of you are secretly vying for your dying father's inheritence etc etc like they do not need to go that hard on the performance and backstories but come on man when are we gonna get such a sweet deal next huh? All our regular jobs are either boring as shit, vastly uncomfortable bc of weather conditions or just straight up murderous with no time for fun lets live a little ~~~
[Kakashi and Kurenai take to these roles with the most enthusiasm possible they are living for these opportunities. Being skilled with genjutsu makes it so much easier to sell and have fun with it]
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canonsinthehead · 2 months
(Repost) Naruto/Boruto Headcanon: Chocolate Flavored Potato Chips, The Marriage of Karui & Chouji pt.3 - OUTFITS
this is a special extra chapter where we will go over what our friend are wearing for this occasion. a lots of images hehehe
Remember the theme is satin.
there is particular color scheme for the bridesmaid & groomsmen team and the colours are red and black
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(the color scheme.)
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bridesmaids dress and regular black suit for the groomsmens.
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As for Chouji, because the event is taking place in Kumo his outfit are less “japanese oriented” at least when we compared it to Naruto Wedding’s but chouji found a way to still remain authentic in this different setting which give us more the outfit of the man on the left
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Rock Lee
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