#I'm just love star trek
space-morningstar · 7 months
One of the things I love about Star Trek is how some of the characters use their free time, to name a few: ● Kirk spent his free time playing chess with Spock, reading books or collecting antiquities. ● Picard spent his free time reading poetry, "ancient" literature, looking at archaeological items or on the holodeck playing detective. ● Janeway tended to spend it playing mystery novels on the holodeck or playing an extreme version of tennis with Seven. ● Data would spend it with Geordi, either in engineering helping out or playing Sherlock Holmes mysteries, he would also play with his cat or practise drawing ● Seven watched the stars, studied anything that caught her attention. ● Beverly practised yoga and prepared plays. ● Riker practises the trombone ● Sulu spends time with her family or practises fencing ● Uhura practices with musical instruments Everyone has time to dedicate to themselves, in things they really like, beyond their ranks and their important positions they dedicate to enjoy their lives, they don't leave their responsibilities but they also don't forget about themselves and their "humanity" to dedicate themselves to the arts or "silly" moments that are just for fun It is the message that "Being professionals or adults should not stop us from enjoying our lives and being ourselves".
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spirk-trek · 5 months
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captain kirk was allowed out of his enclosure today for some much needed enrichment!!! look at him go!
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BBC Merlin & Text Posts (18/?)
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
People honestly portray Tuvok as far too "rolling his eyes, reluctantly going along with Janeway's silly little shenanigans" - he's literally so serious about being right there with her on every decision she makes. Janeway's like "I'm going to stay behind if the ship blows up" and Tuvok's like "I'm staying with you." Janeway's like "I'm going to deliver every member of the Equinox crew into the jaws of death via an alien revenge massacre" and Tuvok protests a grand total of one time before being fully on the bridge assisting her. He was the only one with her when she made the decision to honor the caretaker's wishes and save the Ocampa, dooming them all. He was willing to get court marshalled in order to fulfill a wish she couldn't grant by her own hand: Get them home [no matter what happens to me] <- wherein 'me' is Tuvok. This was the same wish that spurred him forward when he had to leave her on that planet and everyone left thought him cold for trying to fulfill it without her when in his mind it was akin to a dying wish, the last thing she'd ever express to him: Get them home [no matter what happens to me.] <- wherein 'me' is Janeway. He told Seven that the golden rule to follow is that the captain is "ALWAYS RIGHT" <- (His ACTUAL words) and when Seven asks if the captain should be followed even if someone KNOWS she's wrong he says "Perhaps." This man is perhaps the most ride or die dude in the universe about Janeway. Despite her labeling him her 'moral compass' he is by NO means impartial or unbiased. He'd defend her to his last breath. He canonically makes detailed psychological observations about her and has for years. He accounts for her luck when calculating the success of certain plans. It's implied in 'Twisted' that Janeway typically listens to Tuvok's suggestions and follows them nearly without fail - to the point that he's surprised and obviously irritated when Chakotay doesn't. Despite this they've been inside one another's quarters so infrequently that Tuvok can remember each instance. They call each other "Captain" and "Mr. Tuvok" even though they've known each other for twenty years. There's something wrong with them.
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#selfie bee#me telling a coworker who I have been working with for 4 months and whose name I do not know about my toenails#i'm sorry Tobias (?? Paul ??) it was the only topic I could come up with after I already told you about the big bird I saw in 8th grade#FRIENDS how are you!! :) how has the new year been so far!!#did you have a lot of snow on christmas!#we did and it was really fun! I had a very bad cold so I just watched the snow from inside but that was good too c:#do you have any plans for the new year?#i always have lot and most of the time I do not do any of them but planning is fun#this year I REALLY want to watch all of Star Trek ヽ(´∇`)ノ#I would also love to learn how to make a handstand#imagine if you could just make yourself upside down#but it is a far away dream because honestly I am not very good at being usual side up most of the time either#but I will try probably at least 2 times to learn it ( ᐛ )#maybe I'll finally finish that website!#new years are good and fun#it's wild to think about how much daily life has changed since last year but I feel just the same :)#who knows what this year will bring!#I hope I don't hit a pheasant with my car#I almost hit a pheasant with my car last year and the pheasant made direct eye contact#I wonder how he is doing today#since that moment I think about pheasants a lot#I knew they were real but I had never seen one#just to know they are out there is a mystical feeling#right know it is raining so all the pheasants might be wet#get dry soon pheasants!!#I don't think I've ever seen a wet bird either#I don't know what do do with all these birds thoughts#also thank you for the person who asked about my skirt!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅#I've finished it and its really really bad#but I love it
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thymelessink · 24 days
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Quick doodle of McSpirk's best outfits (as voted by the crew)
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hvezdnastreka · 5 months
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WIP i'm probably never going to finish, because IT'S ANOTHER KLAUZURA SEASON BABYYYYY!!!!
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^^(a black and white walk cycle animation of a girl, who's legs aren't drawn yet ) GET CONCEPT ARTED LOSER (This time we're making concepts for our own video game! :) )
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Kinda want to write a Spock POV post-fal-tor-pan fic where Spock sees Jim and is instantly whammed with the fact that he's in love with him, but still has no idea why or what that means, so he just goes around with a knot of love tangled in his mind, utterly baffled as to why it's there or how to figure it out. He can't ask the kolinahr adepts, because it feels un-vulcan, so instead he's just. confusedly pining the entire time.
Jim smiles sappily at him and Spock's like "My Heart Is Beating Faster. Why Is My Heart Beating Faster. There Is No Cause For My Heart To Be Beating Faster. Do I Have Tachycardia."
Spock, to McCoy: Doctor, is there history of heart disease in my family?
Bones, suspicious: Yes? Why? (already surreptitiously scanning Spock w/ a tricorder)
Spock: I have noticed concerning irregularities in my heart beat. They occur primarily around Admiral Kirk.
Bones, freezing: Repeat that for me, Spock?
Spock: I have noti-
Bones: No, not that, the next bit! Where they happen!
Spock: Ah. Around Admiral Kirk.
Spock, annoyed: Doctor, cease laughing. I fail to understand what part of my medical condition you find so amusing.
Bones, still wheezing with laughter: Don't - don't you worry your little head about it, Spock. You're not sick, that's the important thing. (interrupts himself by laughing again) You'll (wheeze) figure it out eventually.
(Spock, disgruntled, gives up on him and leaves.)
(McCoy keeps laughing for another ten minutes.)
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spocks-kaathyra · 7 months
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garak at stsf :))
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frogayyyy · 6 months
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to love, is to turn back and look
star trek: the motion picture novelisation - gene roddenberry // orpheus and eurydice - frederic leighton (1864) // first love / late spring - mitski // star trek: the motion picture // talk - hozier // orpheus mourning the death of eurydice - ary scheffer (1814) // metamorphoses - ovid (translated by sir samuel garth)
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misasuns · 4 months
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obessivedork · 2 years
I know liking Spirk is the basic bitch of Star Trek but she’s like a sister to me. Intuitive. 7 year old me who knew nothing about Star Trek knew those men were in love. In every possible Star Trek universe across time and space they find each other, reach for each other. She’s basic bitch Trekkie for a reason and it’s because Kirk and Spock Just ARE in love and anyone with eyes can see it.
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spirk-trek · 4 months
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really love that for the metron design they went with "androgynous angel dressed head to toe in glitter"
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urghblergh · 7 months
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"Every man needs a hobby." - by Leonard H. McCoy
inspired by this picture and this picture only
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Here's the full comic.
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It's the McSpirk brainrot, guys. I had to draw some silly old married gays. ✨🌈
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hollis-art · 5 days
just found out that a person in my art class that i really admire and look up to a lot is ALSO a star trek fan??? and it's literally the best feeling ever???
we nerded out about it together for like fifteen minutes afterwards and gosh i want to be their friend so bad. i didn't realize they could become even cooler but here we are
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bardicious · 1 month
Honestly tired of the criticism SNW gets from specifically Tumblr (cause when I check reddit, they love it lots). Like, there are some nitpicky ass people here.
Imo, the Gorn are awesome (you saw them once in TOS, get over it!), Spock/Chapel make sense and were always plausible (Also Spock had his fair share of female love interests in TOS that he knew less than Christine), regarding the silly episodes where Spock gets turned "human" or the new one where the crew turns "vulcan" (In quotes because a. I don't think the intention is for them to be accurate representation of either race b. we all just gonna ignore all the silly ass episodes in TOS like they're not part of the series' bread and butter), the musical episode was literally the best musical episode in the entirety of the genre of rando show doing a musical episode.
Spock this Spock that, there's so many complaints about Spock as if the Menagerie didn't have ooc Spock. The complaints about not having enough screen time for this character or that, like, again, let's be real, this show is for people who specifically loved TOS, of course you're going to have lots of Spock, Chapel, Uhura and yes, Jim also (because he's beyond crucial to Star Trek's legacy), and yes, maybe there should be more Ortega and idk whoever that other pilot is, but you still have focus on Pike, Una, and La'an, which is pretty damn good for a show that only has 10 episodes a season.
Lovely to see that the show has a 98% from Rotten Tomatoes, and a 93% from Google Users, which imo, despite the wackos I've seen on this site, is what really matters and means the show is going to keep trucking along despite a minority of negativity.
My long winded way to say, I can't wait for season 3! ❤️
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