#I’m not trying to be mean to be clear!
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charliemwrites · 1 year ago
That @lilynotdilly ask made me think... Imagine Simon does give Kyle the green light to fullfil feral's spicy time requirements......
I don't think he does it enthusiasticly tbh, I think he mostly does it as an act of good faith -to show the both of you that he trusts you with the other- but then it's funny because literally none of you like the idea of this happening.
Simon would rather keep you to himself, is only allowing it to show you how good of a carer he is since he trusts you not to betray him with his friend AND priorizes your needs over his feelings; also he's doing it to show Kyle he's secure enough not to be jealous (he is tho) and that he trust him with his beloved, trust he won't surpass any limits Simon set for him. You don't wanna fuck Kyle, he's your friend. You always try to ignore the power imbalance between you and the boys for your own peace of mind, but it's honestly so much safer for you if Kyle is not attracted to you, if he doesn't have any incentive to force your limits -which you know you wouldn't be able to prevent if he decided that's what he wanted-. And poor sweet Kyle had been trying his very very hardest to treat you like an equal and make you feel safe and normal he does not feel comfortable or ok with being presented with the option of fucking you, feels wayyyy too much like being offered to fuck an intern.
It'd be kinda dark and fucked up and complicated, but it also I think objectively it would be hilarious to have Simon present the idea nonchalantly and kinda awkwardly, like a dad who had to give the bees and birds talk against his will and is trying to make light of the situation, while both you and Kyle feel your soul drop to your feet and your blood run cold at the remainder that ah, yes. This right here is actually a kidnapping situation. That right there is a kidnapper.
Hi!!!! That’s a really cool Thought(tm) and is absolutely rich for angst and comfort. If Simon was the main driver of the sex in his and Ferals… situation, I think that would absolutely happen 100% and in that way. But generally in this au, feral asks for things - including playtime with others and Simon makes it happen for her. So he would only agree to Gaz if she wanted him, and doesn’t have that relationship with Gaz.
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bitchslapblastoids · 7 months ago
Was thinking about how much of a normo I come across as irl, how I’ve felt a lil odd person out at their shows bc of being a bit older (29) and looking so aggressively normal, how generally confused people in my life would be if they knew about my d&p obsession, how thoroughly i mask weirder traits and essentially codeswitch to suit the mainstream, etc.
i feel kind of fish out of water when I imagine how all the people that populate my tumblr phandom ecosystem are likely presenting to the world irl (I.e. more visibly queer, counterculture, and so on). But then I think maybe the most visible phannies are the ones with the most curated, alt, deliberate daytoday lewks/style? So maybe what I’m picturing is off base? But then I’m also basing this off of what audiences look like in audience footage, m&gs, etc.
Sooooooo i would like to know… do you guys feel like you present as someone who may be Deeply Online and obsessed with two gay nerds from the internet? Or do you hide it and fly under the radar, masking as a total normy and living a double life?
(To clarify I don’t mean you’re like out and about wearing the fringes boob sweatshirt lol I more mean vibes and overall lewk yk?)
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heraldofcrow · 17 days ago
One thing about me is that if you shun or try to isolate a friend of mine (or just anyone who you’ve dubbed a “fault in the system” or harmful despite evidence to the contrary) after you misjudged them for being a bad or malicious or untrustworthy person, I am going to rabidly support them and be extra fucking loud about it and make sure their voices are heard from every corner and it will literally be my driving force to stay online and alive for years.
#“woah crow that was random”#ik but i’ve been dealing with this exact issue for about 4 years now with different people since i got more into fandoms#i am NOT tired of being the loud supporter but i AM tired of the bullies in these places that are supposed to be safe from irl stress#also it goes beyond fandom and into past experiences with literal cult shunning irl and you’d be shocked how similar it feels#i don’t believe in returning the shunning or attacking but i do believe in working against both#entirely through support#i mean sheesh…if i’m honest i don’t believe in this weird ass catholicesque shunning nonsense PERiod#if someone is actively harmful then you band together with others to stop them and deliver consequences#or blocking someone is fine#removing them if they’re a dangerous threat…yeah duh there are stalkers n shit#but the majority of people in fandoms are NOT at this level#i will talk to anyone with any type of perspective and try to reason with them first before withdrawing#people have changed their minds when i did this and it was incredible#that’s halfway because they aren’t all unhinged or dangerous people right off the bat#some can just have warped views while others can be thinking in a way you haven’t considered or that you misunderstood#and the rest of this shit….90% of the time is high school drama over nothing and people acting like it’s life or death when it’s literally#just miscommunication…and QUITE OFTEN just that#it’s so clear that we could all be friends sometimes but people choose to avoid talking stuff out and resort to shunning or whatever#anyway#there’s not much to be done as much as i’d love to change this….but the loud support is how i counter it#now you all know….if this were combat i would be in a support role…handing out food and drinks to the troops lol#CrowRant#fandom bs
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year ago
god i cannot express how impressed in general i am with the storytelling that cr is doing with candela obscura but what really strikes me is how evident it is that the storytelling they do is defined by the hearts of those who are putting it together rather than adhering to a specific idea or image of a given story that they want to uphold. there is such a stark difference between the tones of chapter one and chapter two (to the fault of neither, i’ve enjoyed them both immensely because they both happen to hit parts of the supernatural-horror genre that I am so deeply fond of and so happy to see in a real play medium).
there’s the obvious difference in gming styles, matt has fantasy running through his veins and that’s evident in the way that chapter one ends up having a tone akin to something like the scarier episodes of buffy the vampire slayer. spenser outright references mike flanagan in his pre-interview thing and good grief is that so so evident in his narration and the way he emphasizes the themes emerging in the story in the environment of the world they journey through and choices like the letter from sean’s mother that subvert the audiences ability to rely on a character’s perception.
but the energy the groups of players bring to the storytelling is obviously also so important, too. like, even just looking at the groups prior to watching each I probably could’ve guessed which might’ve had a more lighthearted tone. the combination of ashley, anjali, and robbie already would be one i’d guess a more warm/goofy vibe for (not to say they can’t be serious and dramatic, but the tone of the seriousness is still warm and the world that prompts them towards drama likewise feels warm) and laura, despite her propensity for goofs, does tend to be a chameleon with group make ups. likewise i think we all had a certain (affectionate) fear™ when it was revealed that marisha, brennan, luis, and travis would be reuniting in another short form story and that has certainly held up and been incredibly bolstered by zehra’s absolute commitment and immersion into the story (constantly fucking blown away that this is her first real play she’s incredible).
this is all just to say as someone deeply interested in digital storytelling, i am so so enamoured by cr’s commitment to following their own desires as humans telling stories to one another while adhering to the requirements they have as a company. and also if you haven’t you should watch candela obscura, especially now that spooky season is here.
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bleue-flora · 8 months ago
Random thought - what if the Revival Book video posted on the DreamXD channel is from DreamXD’s pov. I mean look at the angles of him peeking in…
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age-of-moonknight · 12 days ago
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“Shame,” Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu, (Vol. 2/2024), #6.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Domenico Carbone; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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capricioussun · 24 days ago
If you are still taking requests... any papyrus with a stuffed animal? (my first thought was Edge, or Dusk, because both deserve soft comfy things)
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I have the biggest soft spot for fell papyri w/ plush you are SO correct
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mars-ipan · 4 months ago
Hi, it's me again. I decided to follow your advice and try to seek out your 'actually serious' analysis, which led me to your komahina bible, the most easy to find compilation of this supposed analysis. Here are my thoughts-
1) Overview
- Most of this 'analysis' isn't analysis but a summary/overview of the game. It's not so much a 'bible' as a children's book summary of the bible, which at that point it would be better to play the actual game itself. It's clear it was made for a presentation on the 'uninitiated' if you will, but if that's the case, you shouldn't be advertising it as the literal bible on the subject.
- When you are not regurgitating points from the game beat by beat, the screen is halfway filled with either manga panels or fanart. My gripes with manga panels are, that even though they do depict the events of the game, the way they can be depicted by the artist can be pretty subjective due to the freedom of the medium in comparison to sprites, and that the role of one character can differ depending on whose pov manga it is (chiaki vs nagito). Fan art therefore should be scrutinized even more since it fully depicts abstracted and even the fandomified version of events, leading to situations where it's either unclear what is actually happening or betrays your more shallow view of the characters (i talk abt this later.)
- When you do use pictures directly from the game it's either a possible screenshot from a memorable moment or dialog from the wiki, limited almost exclusively to the freetime events. This leads me to believe that you haven't actually played the game(there are other factors hinting towards this) or watched a Let's Play of it, but going off of merely information that's already widely known and circulating within the fandom, and easy to search on the wiki.
2) Incorrect/Questionable information
Here I'll compile a lot of information that's either plainly wrong or baffling to having come to that conclusion , leading more credence to the theory that you either haven't actually played the game or your memory of it isnt as good as you think.
-"if Nagito's plan went off of without a hitch, he would have killed anyone that was closes to him at the time" plainly wrong. Komaeda's goal from the start was to make himself the victim, so by dying this way his death could have meaning and help the others. For somebody that keeps talking about Komaeda's "Martyr complex" this is truly a weird take to have.
-"Nagito...got the nurse for sure sick" is there any proof that specifically points to Komaeda for this? I believe the takeaway should've been that Mikan got sick because she was around all of them AND she overworked herself trying to take care of them. Is this just an awkwardly phrased attempt to make more of a connection between Tsumiki and Komaeda? I don't think you needed more than the ones that already existed.
- "he helps Junko brainwash a bunch of students" Kamukura at neither point in the anime or Danganronpa 0 was ever specifically implicated in the brainwashing. He never 'helps' Junko, especially in that way. If you meant, participates in the student council killing game, you should've said that, but even then his agency and influence is limited.
-"they found the Remnants and captured them!"...no, they didn't. The Remnants presented themselves as survivors and the Foundation took them in. They handed themselves over willingly. It was a pretty big piece of the final part of the game...
3) Komaeda and Komahina
- "Nagito's habit of putting people on pedestals" Where. Sure, he certainly parrots the belief that the "Ultimates" as a unit are at the top of the food chain and should be prioritised, but its clear that doesn't exactly carry over to his classmates like teruteru, Kuzuryu and even Souda sometimes. Just because of a few positive comments refering to them as Ultimates and the trial which he literally breaks down in, this is a hard position to support.
-"Nagito manipulates Hajime into playing the game" How. He literally just told him to play it. How is that manipulation. Also, isn't it a bit unfair to put the blame on Koizumi's death to him as well? I think they were multiple factors playing into this, but sure, how else are you gonna convince people that Komaeda is a twisted fucking cyclepath that loves leading people to their deaths.
-The way that you say the Kuzuryu/Pekoyama relationship mirrors Komahina as 'I will give up my agency for you/ I just want you' is also confusing. Unless of course you mirror Peko's struggle with her agency and harmful beliefs the clan enforced on her with Komaeda's own belief system, in which case, idk man, i feel like you are giving a bit too much credit to the supposed severity of Komaeda's views and trying too hard to make Hinata the 'rational' and 'grounding' one in the relationship.
- Again, the amount of times you refer to Komaeda as a freak for doing something 'weird' or even being drawn weirdly doing it , mostly in the manga, makes me belief this isn't just an affectionate tongue in cheek joke as you claim, but an actual way in which your interpretation of Komaeda is colored.
-"it doesn't excuse his nonchalance towards tragedy and murder but explains it" what needs to be excused here exactly? Komaeda doesn't need to immediately bawl his eyes out when someone gets killed or else he's suspicious and...bad? I am confused with what you mean by this. If you mean that Komeada shouldn't be so nonchalant about murder because he's constantly trying to kill someone else, that is plainly incorrect and i explained above why.
-Posturing about Komaeda's 'black and white thinking' while in the next exact slide you show fanart of him smugly explaining he has Borderline. First, i want you to explain to me the black and white thinking in a way that isn't "oh, the friends and classmates i previously liked turned out to be fucking terrorists". I think that's a pretty justifiable situation for your thinking to go from white to black. Also, if that is enough credence to assign Komaeda BPD, you really don't know how BPD works, especially since you assigned it to the one character you constantly talk about being a freak (and also lust...pseudo lust? after).
- The insistence with Hinata not really understanding Komaeda and running away, even if he wants to understands him is pretty suspect, especially when compared to the game. Hinata is confused and overwhelmed yes, but it's not just that he wants to understand Komaeda but that he still feels fondness for him, he still follows his advice and puts his faith in him and the way he mourns him in Chapter 5 is also pretty indicative of this. It's just another part in the pattern in you making Hinata the confused, rational, 'morally pure' man that's 'tempted' by 'corrupted' manic pixie mentally ill demon Komaeda. Something tells me your priest AU isn't so much playing with dolls as much as...what you actually believe these characters dynamic is.
- The whole page where Servant is basically made into a joke about how hot and sexy and freaky he is doesn't help your point either.
-The most damning evidence of course is a drawing in the second to last slide, wherein Komaeda is supposed to be analogous to 'guy who has something wrong with him' (distorted, freak, mentally ill) and Hinata is analogous to the guy that 'is the only one that understands them' (the rational one, the relationship of understanding doesn't go both ways).
- Your slide with sources is pretty vague and unclear. Also the way that you credit "Your superior mind" before the game itself when all you've been doing is repeating and misinterpreting the plot of the game is ...ironic
So yeah, that's all I got. Feel free to 'debunk' my observations as much as you please, I just want to know if there's actual basis behind everything you just said or I should go digging for 'the actual serious analysis' yet again.
i think you forgot that fandom is meant to be fun
#ask#anon#tw anon hate#i’m not gonna go through each individual point here bc frankly that’d be a waste of my time#so i’m just going to say this:#i am someone who makes jokes. funny haha jokes. i Laugh. i Shitpost. Common Fandom Behavior#‘freak’ is a word i use to refer to myself more often than anyone else#i view it with a positive connotation. and also kmda is objectively weird!! that is part of what makes his character good#i use 2 definitions of ‘freak’: the first is Related To Sex and the second is Strange Or Bizarre#komaeda is a strange and bizarre person who is regularly used for fanservice#you could for sure say maybe i have some sort of bias with calling people ‘freaks’ but for you to assume ill intent is nasty#that presentation was made to give my irl friends an understanding of what i mean when i talk abt kmhn#‘kmhn bible’ is a JOKE title. it’s a BIT. i don’t know if you’ve noticed but i try to have fun around here#anywho. i’m not going to argue semantics with someone who is clearly convinced that i couldn’t possibly know what i’m talking about#that’s not worth my time or energy.#i’m going to continue to have fun on the internet with my friends. i am going to continue making my funny jokes#i am going to continue to make weird bad not-quite-horny art. and i’m going to be happy#you can either block me like an adult and move on with your life. or you can send me another anon#if you do send me that ask know that i will block you. this is a conversation i am done having#because i will not have these conversations with people who refuse fo respect me#it’s clear that you have it in your head that you’re smarter than me. which sure whatever believe what you want idgaf#but regardless of how you view me i am not obligated to prove myself to you. ever#thanks for downloading my funny little powerpoint though ^_^
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cruel-hiraeth · 12 days ago
soooooo with you and nagi, how does reo fit in there? 🌝
…………….to be determined. i don’t think i meet him until nagi and i are officially dating, and he already hates me (i stole his treasure away, after all). he probably considers taking a hit out on me, but once we start seeing each other more, he starts to Get why nagi likes me so much. and from there…who’s to say?
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roots-symphony · 30 days ago
what if natalie is an affair eagan?
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slasherflicks999 · 2 months ago
……………..who was gonna tell me the BEN drowned arg was gonna make me weirdly emotional huh
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relaxxattack · 2 years ago
im getting really tired of all the most random bullshit bills being brought to the forefront of american politics… book bans, drag bans, and now tiktok bans? why are we letting people debate this shit when children are actively being shot up in schools? when the housing-cost-to-minimum-wage ratio is completely unlivable? what the fuck? why does this feel like we’re being toyed with and distracted? why is this suddenly happening now more than ever? i’m tired of it. i’m tired of the circus show that is american politics and i’m tired of living through historical events.
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pepperpixel · 7 months ago
Art challenge: color a characters hair without making the parts that should be in shadow / shaded / darker than the rest of the hair a lighter color instead.
Difficulty level: IMPOSSIBLE
#idk. when I started doing this. but once I started I never stopped. I can’t stop#I cannot shade hair normally I CANNOT make the behind the neck under ear area a darker color I CANT#I USED TO BE ABLE TO BUT NOW I CANT#even acknowledging it as a thing I do I still.. can’t#it’s always gotta be lighter#there is always some mysterious bounce light or spotlight shining upwards on the character or thru there hair iDK#there is no physical sense behind it I think I just saw other ppl do it thought it looked pretty and started doing it myself#and. I still think it looks pretty ! but also! I think it’s probably holding me back!#like surely there is a time and a place for this pretty thing and maybe that time isn’t ALWAYS#at myself… ghghg my refusal to think hard about lighting is one of the things I get disappointed about w my art a bit#like… I can sit there like. wow.. almost all my pictures have nebulous unclear lighting. maybe I should work on that#and then I do not ever work on that#I used to do lighting pretty well when I was younger but know a days I typically dont…#le sigh. it’s whatever tho#either I’ll eventually buckle down and get out of my comfort zone and try doing good clear lighting that makes sense#or I won’t! I’m not a professional artist me not being the best lighting doesn’t actually matter lol#pepper words#I mean. I think sometimes I have managed to color hair with the underside shaded recently. but it rlly is not the norm for my art#typically it mostly only happens if the character has a light base hair color. if they have a darker base hair color.#9 times out of 10 that shit is getting under lighting / nebulous highlights from nowhere lol
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velvetjune · 10 months ago
technically alan wake 2 final draft (spoilers ahead) is a Happy ending for the characters, but the spiral writers room video calling his enlightened self a possible demiurge or demon unsettled me far more than the original ending. that version, by his nature, already existing and overlapping with past loops, influencing and manipulating things without known reasons (to us and the Alan we play). it really makes that Alan out to be something else entirely through ascension and that this is inevitable. this could partially be because I kept seeing people say that the final draft was the happy end with a happy resolution for everyone, but I can’t stop thinking about what this means for Alan—and Alice!—going forward. That, along with the direct parallels to Yötön Yö playing out. It’s SO much to unpack
#final draft spoilers#alan wake 2 spoilers#alan wake 2#I’m repeating myself in my aw2 posts about the ending but I reeeeaally love the first ending#and I’ve come around to liking the final draft but trying to wrap my head around it#and would love to know if anyone has specific thoughts on the yötön yö callbacks or master of worlds/demon thing#I’ve seen some interpretations that alice literally is the bullet of light coexisting with alan. or that maybe he’ll become an antagonist#but idk if I agree with those. but there’s a lot that the final draft opens up#and it is a Little funny to me that it’s considered the more positive or conclusive ends#apart from Logan answering the call—everything else leaves far more to question#the first end is very ‘Alan is stuck in a spiral and needs to ascend w the help of saga and Alice’#but the final draft. all the worlds are Alan’s oyster. who is he and what will he do. i have no idea#and all the ascension and becoming something else while playing the roles of yötön yö still make the entire thing feel slightly off#in a way that’s good btw. i like that the final draft is less clear and not a generic happy end than I assumed from all the buzz around it#like maybe aw3 or control 2 will roll around and he’ll just be like Mr Door and he’s just more aware of his powers#but for now I enjoy the questionable aspects of this happy end for alan and alice#😃 <- me after discussing the endings of aw2 extensively over multiple posts#also feel like i should say that I don’t think alan will be. evil or anything#it’s just the aw2 of identity and change that fascinates me with what ascension means for alan :’)
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kaninchen-reblogs · 17 days ago
One thing I can’t really wrap my head around is when furry artists just. Don’t draw fur.
Like art styles are obviously gonna be varied, duh, and plenty of art styles will be simplistic or cartoony or abstract or just won’t have a style that lends well to rendering detailed fur, or maybe someone’s starting out and they’re still figuring out anatomy or whatever, and that’s totally 10000% okay.
But I’ll see some artists who are very clearly going for a incredibly detailed render style, with phenomenally drawn backgrounds and a masterful grasp of light and shadow, and their posing is expressive and realistic despite the fantastical subject matter, with a digital painted style that clearly takes dozens and dozens of hours to complete …
And the characters look like humans with body paint with animal heads.
Like, the excessive shine of the light on their body is something that you’d only see on (sweaty) skin, not fur or hide (or even scales!), with wrinkles and folds you would never see if they had even an inch of fur on their body, and the only hint of fur is portrayed on the tail and head (which might still be rendered fairly sleek). I’ve seen at least two artists in the past 48 hours who straight up rendered skin pores on the furries in their art.
And these are big popular artists that I see doing this, charging upwards of what I make in a month for some of their pieces, and clearly still finding the clientele as they post commission after commission which means people want this.
And I’m just here like. Why tho. Like I’ll find the commissioned character being portrayed and find their refsheet and it’s the fluffiest damn dog you’ve ever seen and then you go back to the $800 high-res digital painted render of the character and they look like a person wearing a skin-tight painted body suit and a fursuit head. Why would you do that to yourself. Why deny yourself the joy of being fukcign fluffie.
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floorpancakes · 18 days ago
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a banshee prima ballerina themed outfit i just freshly cooked for spectra demonica’s outfit contest!! the skirt really draws the eye, doesn’t it? it’s my favourite part.
#I’ve been a bit less online lately cause I#need to speedrun a bunch of deadlines for contests and zines and stuff#I had to push stuff I was working on aside to prioritise yk how it is#I feel a little guilty abt it but I don’t think anyone’s going to give me a hard time abt it I’m just stubborn#anyway this was an awful lot of fun despite trying to speedrun finishing it deep into the night#I wanted to work with this vtubers original outfit colours to an extent and was happy to find out she likes green so I went with a melty#jade accent on the skin#lore wise in context of the outfit it’s a spectacular performance where the more she spins the more her skin fades to ghostly pastel green#but practically speaking it’s a good way to break up and mix up the palette with limited colours and a little more of a minimalist approach#while still being exciting and having a lore reason for me to get melty stuff in there fnfjfnfjfj#it’s a similar colour scheme by coincidence to a design I made a year or two ago and the improvement is wild even tho I like both designs#anyway it’s cute right#I think it’s cute!!!#I’ll try to get back to uploading more memey content once my plate is a bit more cleared haha#being extra sick half the month means I have to shuffle arnd a lot yk the usual#art jumpscare#fashion design#balletcore#en vtuber#vtuber design#gothic#hopefully I place in the winners but if I don’t it’s ok! I did good work here#made several points. got a bit of my jam back after burnout
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