#I sent a dry
heythered3lilahsblog · 4 months
I finally did it. Wrote 3 long pages for this friend who's practically family (or at least that's what I like to think) but now that it's their birthday, im freaking out. Took a lot of guts for a scaredy-cat like me to spill my heart out like this. And now, im too nervous to actually hand it over. What if they read it in front of everyone? (or even just in front of me? shoot, pls im not ready for that kind of stuff) ive poured out stuff ive never even said out loud. Holding those pages, my palms are sweaty, and my vision's blurry from the tears. I can't even breathe right. How am I supposed to face them after giving this? im tempted to just rip it all up, but part of me wants them to know, even if it terrifies me.
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itsonlypolite · 2 months
I keep looking at your design for cheated and just cooing over him like how you do with a cat i love him so much
Thank you so much!!! I hope you don't mind if I use this ask to point out some fun details in my Cheated's design :)
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Drawings w/out the text over them + my first design for Cheated ever under the cut!
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cupiidzbow · 5 months
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sorry for this being like the fourth time you seen me post this lina @linaharutaka but my heart is happy and warm and im crazy and you made him so gorgeous thank you soso much . AUUGHUHHHHGH
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novadragoness · 1 month
A builder who totally understands where X is coming from, collecting all those shinies for Coco, because she also likes shiny things, and has been secretly leaving pretty rocks on Unsuur's porch for weeks now.
#my time#my time at sandrock#sandrock#X#X and Fang#Unsuur#Builder#each of my builders I HC to be a little bit different#Rave loves dancing and is a total extravert - she may be book smart; but doesn't tend to act like it#Zurika likes shiny things and wants to fight. She's not angry; she just really wants to fight.#Sparring; monster fighting; whatever lets her improve those skills.#Rave learned to fight because it became important to know how in Sandrock.#She enjoys sparring now; and takes pride in the skill; but it didn't start that way for Rave.#Zurika learned how to fight because her parents weren't there to stop her anymore#Zurika is a good sport; just as happy to lose a fight as to win one; as long as she can learn something from it#Rave likes relics and books. Zurika likes sparklies and daggers.#Zurika and Rave both like parkour though. Parkour; and Going Fast 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️#Zurika is plenty smart too - she just doesn't like books that much. She likes listening to stories or lectures; or watching old videos.#Rave has books and diagrams to look back on as needed; and does write some notes. Zurika just Remembers. Everything.#Sidenote; I really like X.#X is awesome 👌 Solid bro; silly little guy; I love the bird. Take some glass; my man. Have a scorpion on the house.#Love his cute relationship with Coco. 'X is on a date' is one of my favorite dialog options of all time. It sent me to outer space.#Unsuur caught me off guard with paint drying. I hadn't really noticed him much before that;#but that was the moment I realized he was gonna be a favorite of mine#Unsuur is the funniest guy in Sandrock; hands down. You just gotta give him a chance; you wouldn't expect it off first impressions.#Ily my dude; keep it weird#I will also be keeping it weird.#mtas#fandom#rambles
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adorabledrugl0rd · 1 year
just try to calm down, Lee. Maybe call one of your brothers?
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(I’m turning my emotional breakdown through her into plot development/ a character introduction. It’s how I cope)
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unlikelyjapan · 11 months
Finales for Michael + Claire
Yo - someone has already broken down that the last/second-last images in each season finale were basically the same, right?
At any rate, I'm going do it again, because my tiny brain only mashed these two things together today. Apologies for the lack of stills.
We have flashback Mikey looking at Carmen reverently in sunlight-sepia hues at the close of season 1, then a big smile, hot on the heels of Carmy genuinely connecting with everyone at family meal - it lets Mikey's belief in his brother linger over the finale, a sense of continuation and partial closure.
The quixotic part of Radiohead's Letdown blasts us off to the credits. IMO, it was one of the most hopeful and tenderhearted moments in TV history.
In the season 2 finale we have flashback Claire, sepia-hued with her coy smile immediately cutting to a dejected Carmy in the walk-in as the welder creates "fireworks" akin to what we see behind them in Pop. There's a sense of continuation, but no closure - it just tells the audience to settle in for more regression in S3, just as we thought we were out of the woods with that experiment.
Michael Stipe walks us out with "Go it alone and haul it along" before it cuts to Syd, proud and abandoned, the song progressing into the credits.
I always felt like that last, longing look from Claire was the biggest crotch-kick from the Storer universe - it felt like an erasure of all the progress and connecting-of-dots that Carmy was working out throughout the latter half of the season, and I guess that's the material point of it all.
Maybe we have to watch this man chase familial myths and phantoms for another season, to the detriment of The Bear, his happiness, his earnest relationship with Syd, and everyone else around him. I'm not sure if he'll actually try to repair things with Claire in a fit of desperation/self-doubt, but it seems like she'll haunt him through his inevitable breakdown at a minimum.
I'm curious about how the writers engineer this without the audience feeling perpetually flogged. I also wonder how they will manage to empower Syd until Carmy starts putting shit together again.
I wish I had more endearing sydcarmy parallels to offer here tonight, but this was eating at me and now someone in the fandom needs to talk me off a ledge.
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doubledyke · 6 months
Once I head someone say Sarah is the only really necessary or meaningful female character, and that Nazz and the Kankers are pretty much disposable; ''Nazz has no personality, and the Kankers are absent from 50% of episodes and are just a Diabolous ex-machina ending when they appear. The could work very well without any of them.''
What do you think of this?
are they implying that she's only "meaningful" because she's related to ed? because...yikes dog. sarah serves a pretty similar role to the kankers in that she foils the scams and pranks and acts as an obstacle and/or deterrent. an antagonist. but the way they fulfill the role and the reaction they get from the eds are different in ways that i'm too lazy to get into at the moment.
now i could genuinely be missing something because i've never taken a class on media analysis or whatever the fuck, but i truly don't get what people mean when they say nazz is uniquely lacking in personality. i'm not saying eene has excellent, fleshed out female characters, but some people act as if 1) any of the non-eds have highly complex personalities that are explored canonically 2) being kind, outgoing, flirtatious, sporty, etc. aren't personality traits. just because someone doesn't like her personality doesn't mean it doesn't exist. and we know just as much, if not more about nazz's interests than we do the kankers. or jonny: he likes wood, is laid back and seems to enjoy superheroes. or kevin: he likes bmx. he's a bully. he has a crush on nazz. he's buds with rolf, whose backstory we probably know the most about after the eds (maybe even more?). then there's jimmy who lowkey has a great, complex personality.
seems like since nazz is pretty, is into stereotypically "girly" things and is nice, people consider her a "bad" (female) character. which to me is hilarious and ironic. these are the same people who call the kankers "evil". like okay... 😂
this idea that all female characters are supposed to be virtuous geniuses... it's a show about 3 dumbass preteen boys. there are tons of female-led shows available out there, and female main characters galore. these people should go watch em. seriously. im tired of hearing about it frankly.
oh and if edd was canonically a girl, people would hate her and call her a mary sue 👍
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akko-kagori · 1 month
want a drink ? .-.
yes TT
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littlespoonevan · 3 months
you know how sometimes you’re like, I just need to have a cry and then I’ll be okay?? that has decidedly Not been the case for me the past few days lmao
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expatesque · 4 months
Ladies I'm so hungover I went to the bubble tea place bc it was the only place by the bus stop and the woman there saw my suffering and gave me my drink in a large cup so I could have extra ice. Women.
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altschmerzes · 6 months
For the word game: style and/or happen and/or down
style, from the aro buck 911 fic, "never been in love"
It’s a basic information page, kind of a 101-style set of definitions from a website about different orientations. The top of the page informs the reader that it is explaining to them what ‘aromantic’ means. Buck swallows hard and scrolls a little, taking in a few words at a time. It’s a little difficult to process, because his vision seems to be fuzzing a little, static building in his ears and his heart pounding in his chest.
happen, also from "never been in love" but a little earlier on
“She keeps getting on me about my girlfriend.” He makes a face, then amends the statement. “Well, getting on me about the fact that I don’t have one. She thinks I should be dating somebody, and keeps bringing it up, just over and over. What happened last time I saw Taylor came up, and she just- I don’t know why it’s so important to her that I have a damn girlfriend, you know? And I don’t know how to tell her, at least not in any way that she’s ever going to listen to and leave me alone about, that I just- I don’t want one.”
down, from chapter 10 of "wriggle up on dry land" the baby jamie ted lasso fic
She raises an eyebrow at him, and she shifts in a moment from paging through the paper while sipping her tea and meandering around the table – more fidgety in her down time than just about anyone else Roy has ever known – and then all of her attention is focused on him. It’s amazing how she does that - it’s like in a single moment Roy’s sister switches off and Dr. Kent switches on.
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raspberrysmoon · 4 months
holy shit. i thought i was healing
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pinkeoni · 1 year
I did post initially during the thick of scriptgate that I believed Nick’s scripts were fake, but I’ve now held the opinion for awhile that they were probably real, the Duffers are just very unserious writers
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Every time someone knocks on my door I experience a moment of pure dread where I worry it's someone trying to demand immediate entry who is either mad at me, or able to kick me out of my home if they see the wrong thing, or someone I used to know, and my whole body shakes just slightly while I get my phone and try to get it to load the security cam footage, which it NEVER does quickly when I actually need it to for some stupid reason, despite working fast as shit 100% of the rest of the time... While I try to calmly tell myself it's probably a package... And then I get to the door just while the guy is in the middle of writing a note to go to the post office for my package and he gives it to me, and I feel bad for taking so long...
But it's the same guy every time now, like he knows it takes me a hot minute, I am in the middle of keeping myself from spiraling into a panic attack and making sure my mom or sister wasn't stupid enough to let on where I live to anyone... Like he doesn't need to know why, but he knows it takes me a fucking minute to get to the door. He knows this. Like I feel bad for making you wait, but also... You know this by now?
And seriously, checking the camera because I am curious or heard a bird? Immediate. Trying to load the footage because someone is knocking on my fucking door "14% trying to connect :("... "Failed to connect :(" Fuck my stupid door camera. Turns out it's an apple product I think and I hate it.
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eristheanarchist · 1 year
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juney-blues · 8 months
woman fucks up cookie recipe so bad she has to commit ritual suicide
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