trashghostt · 1 month
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New hyperfixation dropped. I've been thinking about this silly show way too much
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sunsetrules · 2 years
okay but how are the people that are so willing to crap on Damian for being the little tsundere stink he is able to take the entirety of their unbridled anger out onto this little man without having the self-awareness to actually sit with the fact that the dude is six years of age????
like, even if we were to set aside the fact that irl most young children have NO grasp on their feelings whatsoever and are only as emotionally mature as they've been taught to be/as their still growing, still developing (emphasis on STILL DEVELOPING!!!) brains will allow them to be... small Desmond is literally trying to work out why his mommy and daddy can't take a minute out of their lives to see him when his classmates' parents can afford to take HOURS, while also simultaneously trying to maintain the facade of the perfect independent self-sufficient son that doesn't need to rely on anyone or anything ever...???? like just????
preschoolers struggle to work through stupid shit like learning to share or dealing with getting their ipad taken away- can you imagine the toll this constant back and forth swing of contradictory emotion (oscillating between his Second Son "Scion" I-Can-Do-No-Wrong exterior and the flawed, imperfect, undeserving son he internalises himself to be in private, alongside having to battle and shame himself for the very legitimate and innate need for comfort, love, and security that a child his age REQUIRES for a healthy upbringing?????) will take over time on a person??
even ADULTS would struggle to juggle all that crap- how do you expect a literal PRESCHOOLER to be able to do so??? in a healthy way that doesn't impact his behaviour and personality and mental health, no less???
trauma fucks people up beyond repair; it eats at you until you are unrecognizable- a hollow shell of your former self... the consistent absence (and by extent, emotional neglect) of both of his parents to this end, is a kindof ongoing trauma that only serves to make what was bad worse.
like i get where people are trying to come from with the "don't excuse his circumstances for his mentality when HE chooses how to act" perspective, and in almost any other case I actually do take this side because yes, while trauma does not make nice people, it is ultimately up to the afflicted to decide whether they want to let this trauma impact them and assume agency over their person for the rest of their lives. however.
in this specific case... this just isn't applicable!!! again, as I've said earlier,,,,, Damian is a preschooler,,,,, he is an intelligent little fucker, that I don't deny, but scientifically speaking, his brain is simply not developed enough to process the complexities of what exactly is going on to him, and how the behaviour of those around him influences his own subconsciously. this isn't just a matter of flipping a switch, of actively making the choice to not let your trauma influence you and act on your own will- he legitimately is not actively conscious of the fact that he "chooses" to act in the way he does; he has no healthy role model to follow, no support system, no one to fall back on should he stumble.
man even Ewen and Emile, who i hesitate to call his friends, act more like his lackeys than they do genuine companions (and although these relationships are probably the healthiest he has at the moment), it ultimately means that in the eventuality he needs someone to confide in, he... doesn't really have anyone. i mean, he has his butler, but does that really count, considering Damian is most likely aware the man is paid to spend time with him (and as much as that shouldn't affect what seems to be a pleasant mutual relationship, it kindof does lol???? like how would you feel realising your only friend is literally forced to hangout with you?????)
i need some of y'all to wake the fuck up- try to picture going through every single day of your life wondering which flaw, which ineptitude; which FAILING of yours shamed your parents into recluse and (practically) had them decide that ZERO contact was the way to go???? WITH THEIR FUCKING SIX YEAR OLD???
bffr. be so fucking fr rn.
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deconstructthesoup · 6 months
Personal Ranking of the Fantasy High Moms, From Worst to Best:
Arianwen Abernant: -19999/10. She's not as bad as Angwyn, since she's convinced herself she's a good mother, but her "I just want the best for you" shtick isn't any better, and the fact that she's ignorant about how horrible she is doesn't make up for years of neglect. And she also attempted to rope her daughters into raising a being of pure nightmares because she lost her status, so.
Donna Applebees: 0/10. Conservative, racist, judgmental, only loves her kids conditionally... you get the gist. Also, she's absolutely a Karen.
Hallariel Seacaster: 3/10. Yes, I know, she's a MILF, she's got such an iconic vibe, she's a badass with a sword, but none of that excuses years of being emotionally absent from your son's life. She's not a bad person, but she unfortunately doesn't know how to be a mom. Sorry, Hallariel. I wish I could rank you higher.
The Last Phoenix: 5/10. Bird. She's a bird. We don't know enough about her except for the fact that she is the last phoenix, she started out as a "haha Arthur Aguefort is a crazy motherfucker" gag, and she gave us the incredible gift that is Ayda. I cannot rank her fairly, but given that she is Ayda's mom, she goes on the list.
Roz Last-Name-Unknown: 6/10. Same deal with Gorbag---we don't know enough about her for me to properly rank her, but we do know that she was a teen mom, and she's made the choice to reconnect with her son and be in his life. Props for that.
Sandralynn Faeth: 7.5/10. I am ranking her realistically, but let it be known that I love her so much. She is such a beautiful example of a flawed person who consistently tries to be better, and even though she does relapse into old behaviors, she's still growing---and outside of the serial cheating (that is a response to trauma, by the way) and occasional lapses in social skills, she's a pretty damn good mom, all things considered.
Cathilda Ceili: 8/10. She's the parent that Fabian needed, even if he didn't always realize it. She's sweet, she's caring, and if anybody hurts her boy, she will fucking rock your shit. (Also, the reveal of Cathilda being an incredibly fearsome and ruthless pirate outside of Solace was one of my favorites.)
Wilma Thistlespring: 9/10. She's a caring and supportive mom who writes songs, is sex-positive, and loves her son! Again, she does need to recognize when she's embarrassing Gorgug, and she needs to recognize that he's gotta learn how to be angry, but still! We all love her!
Lydia Barkrock: 9.6/10. While she doesn't quite get the full score due to the fact that her son was briefly an ass, it clearly was not her fault, and from what we've seen of her, she is a fantastic mom. She's a badass disabled powerhouse who cooks incredible spreads and cares about her son and his friends a lot. I love her a lot. She's amazing.
Sklonda Gukgak: 10/10. She took that spot in her very first scene, where she poured water in her cereal so Riz could have milk in his, and she's been holding it up ever since. Despite the fact that she's constantly swamped with work, Sklonda is literally one of the best moms you could ever ask for. She deserves the world and it's a constant injustice that she's not getting it.
Bonus: Garthy O'Brien, while having transcended gender and therefore not being able to fit into either of the "mom/dad" rankings, is an 11/10 parent---not just to Ayda, but to everyone younger than them who they've essentially adopted. Words cannot express my adoration for this person.
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ellecdc · 5 months
Hello dearest, how are you?
Congratulations for the exams🥳 hope you get better(because I know exams can get us mad LOL)
Do you think Draco would ever pull the “you are not even my real mother” to Vix, and if he did what would be the others reaction
hi sweets! thanks for your sweet words and also your request - I've not been spending much time in my CBBH universe but I know this is how most of you found me, so here's your request!!
Sirius Black x Vixen!reader who deal with a tempertantrum from Draco
CW: brief mention of the war, brief mention of character death, adopted child worries, parental struggles, fluff, hurt/comfort
Sirius barely had time to throw up a silencing charm down the hallway to the baby’s room before he heard the door slam and heavy foot falls head towards the kitchen. 
“Draco Malfoy!” He heard you call sternly; Sirius winced at the use of the full name. “Do not walk away from me when I am talking to you.”
“You’re not talking to me, you’re shouting at me.” The ten-year-old argued back.
“I would not have to shout if you would- I’m not arguing with you.” You corrected yourself, finally following Draco into the kitchen where Sirius could see his son’s red and frustrated face whilst yours looked frustrated and exhausted. “I have specifically told you again and again to not fly your brooms south of the manor!”
“I know!”
“Then tell me why I had to come chasing you lot all the way to the Jones’ farm  lest you be seen by muggles, or worse, hit the power lines! You know I don’t just tell you not to go there to be boring, right? To be bossy? It’s to keep you safe, Draco.” You insisted severely. 
Draco had the audacity to scoff at you for that. “Why are you only shouting at me about this? Why not yell at Harry, huh? He was there too!”
You stuck your tongue in your cheek as you raised your eyebrow at the boy. “Because Harry is not mine, Draco. It is my job as your mum to-”
“BUT YOU’RE NOT MY MUM!” Draco screamed, causing the room to fall painfully silent. 
You and Sirius had never tag-teamed in your parenting; there’d never really been a need to. Draco had always been a super easy child, and both of you trusted the other to handle it, or, to let the other know when you needed back up. 
But this, this was uncharted territory, and Sirius wasn’t completely proud of the fierce protectiveness he felt roar to life inside of him as you let out a disbelieving breath. After the war - your death disappearance, finally finding you again only to have you snatched out from under his nose, and then to finally be able to care for you the way you so deserved to be cared for - this felt like an assault on Sirius’ favourite person; son-or-not, Draco had crossed a line. 
“If Harry’s not your son, I’m not your son either! So sod off with your lecture!”
“Draco.” Sirius barked, causing you to hold out a hand in your direction.
“Sirius, don’t.”
“Love, he-” He started.
“Go to your room, Draco.” You ordered; a determination in your eyes Sirius wasn’t sure he’d ever seen from you before.
It didn’t appear Draco had either, if the slight wavering in his glare was any indication. But it appeared his frustration and stubbornness won out as he continued to stare at you defiantly.
“Go to your room, now.” You repeated quietly.
The boy finally turned and stomped his way down the hall before slamming his bedroom door behind him; Sirius wanted to smack him upside the head for that alone, let alone what he’d just said to you. 
“What the hells has gotten into him?” Sirius asked in disbelief, seeming to startle you out of your shock as you moved to grab a glass of juice from the cool storage.
“He’s just frustrated.” You muttered quietly.
“We don’t talk to each other like that.” Sirius argued, earning him a tired sigh from you.
“Well, apparently we do now.” You said as you sat at the table across from him. 
Now that you were stationary, Sirius could clearly see the reflection of the manor grounds from your glassy eyes as you stared unseeingly out the window.
“You okay, my love?” He asked quietly, reaching a hand out across the table to yours. You sniffled and took his hand quickly; your muscles relaxing slightly as he rubbed soothing circles across your wrist with his thumb. 
“I’m fine.” 
And there may have been a period of time where Sirius would have believed that, but the two of you were nine years into your parenting game, and fourteen years into your relationship, so Sirius liked to think he knew better.  “I’m going to go talk to him.”
“Don’t.” You spat; your hand creating a death grip around Sirius’ hand forcing him to return his arse to the seat. “He’s upset, Pads.” You offered more gently. “Let him cool down.”
“How many times have you told James the same of me?” Sirius teased, eliciting a sad smile from you, though it was a smile nonetheless. 
“He’s just like his dad.” You whispered, looking close to tears again. 
“He didn’t mean it, my love.” He implored, causing you to shake your head. 
“Doesn’t make it not true.”
“She would be doing such a better job than me, Siri.” You let out through a choked sob. “She should be here with him; he deserves his mother.”
“He has his mother.” Sirius argued; feeling the protective anger bubbling up again in his oesophagus. 
“He deserves his mother, but he was gifted with you, Vix; we all were.” Sirius pressed severely. “He is unbelievably lucky to have a mum like you.”
You took a shuddering breath and let it out with a sigh. “I just wish I knew I was doing a good job with him.”
“You are.” Regulus said in a bored tone, causing the two of you to jump nearly a foot in the air.
“Buggering fuck- how long have you been there!?” Sirius shrilled.
“We were literally mid-conversation before your wife and child stormed in, Sirius.” Regulus drawled. 
“Fucking hells.” 
“Children are bastards.” Regulus continued as if the two of you weren’t currently trying to restart your hearts. “And just because you’re doing a great job with him doesn’t mean Draco’s any less of a bastard.”
“Okay, well, I don’t know that you should be calling my son a bastard?” You argued in the form of a question.
“Well he’s sort of acting like one.” Sirius muttered petulantly, earning him a kick in the shin under the table.
“Narcissa trusted you with him, Y/N.” Regulus pressed; grey eyes boring into yours as memories of the final months of the war that only the two of you were privy to passed through your understanding. “And she was right to.”
And like the creepy fuck he is, Regulus turned and silently left the room; floating like a victorian ghost haunting the halls of Potter Manor.
“He’s a weird bloke.” Sirius proclaimed, earning him another kick in the shin. Luckily for Sirius, he knew the kick was coming and caught your ankle with his hand, holding your foot hostage under the table. “But he’s right, my love. You’re the best mum.”
“As good as Effie?” You asked quietly.
Sirius felt his left eye twitch; he wanted to say yes, because you’re you and you’re his and you’re perfect, but he also felt he couldn’t because…well…Effie was the greatest mother in the whole wide world?
Thankfully, you simply chuckled and reached a hand across the table to caress Sirius’ face. “Thank you, my love.”
He quickly turned his face to kiss the palm of your hand before he stood up.
“Okay, I’m going to go talk to our bastard of a child.”
“Sirius!” You scolded, but he was already half way down the hall. 
Sirius knocked twice before he propped the door to Draco’s bedroom open, where he saw the little squirt laying face down on his bed with his face shoved into his pillow.
Sirius took a steadying breath as he closed the door behind him and moved into his oldest child’s room.
Patience didn’t always come easily to Sirius; that is to say, patience and grace was not his automatic response. 
But he refused to be like his parents; he wanted to be better.
So, he thought of Effie, and Monty, and Hope Lupin, and you, and he sat on the edge of his little boy's bed and placed a gentle hand on his back.
“Hey buddy.” He said quietly, rubbing circles onto his back. The only sign Sirius got that Draco had heard him was a small sob into the boy’s pillow. “What was that about? Hm?” He continued gently.
Draco let in a (quite disgusting, if you asked Sirius) sniffle and sat up on his bed; face wet and red, littered with tear track stains.
It always felt like everytime Sirius blinked, his children were bigger than he remembered them. But right now, Draco seemed so small; sitting in front of Sirius was the sad and scared one and a half year old boy who had just watched his birth mother die whilst protecting him as his adopted mum shielded him with her body. 
And in that sad, scared, distraught little boy's face - with eyes so much like his own - Sirius saw himself, too. 
“What’s the matter, Draco?”
“Does she hate me now?” The boy let out in a sob. 
“Does who hate you now?” Sirius asked disbelievingly. 
“Oh, buddy, no.” Sirius replied emphatically, pulling his son into his lap and cradling his head to his chest. “Mum could never hate you, my love; she adores you.”
“I don’t know why I said what I said.” Draco admitted.
Sirius let out a sigh as he rocked the two of them back and forth. “It’s because you’re a Black, buddy; our words cut deep. But we have to be better than that, Draco. We need to say what we mean and mean what we say; we never know what tomorrow brings.”
“I love mum, I really do.” He insisted. “I was just so mad at being scolded and…”
“And maybe a little embarrassed being caught doing something you weren’t supposed to?” Sirius offered.
Draco let out a shuddering breath and nodded his head.
“Your mum loves you so much, and it scares her when she thinks you might get hurt. She made a very important promise nearly nine years ago that she would protect you with her life, buddy. She takes that promise very seriously.”
“I’m sorry.” Draco whispered as he sat up in Sirius’ lap. The boy wiped at his face and looked at his father imploringly. 
“I’m not the one who needs an apology, buddy.” Sirius whispered back, pushing a lock of blond hair away from his son’s face and making a mental note that Draco was due for a haircut. 
“What if she doesn’t forgive me?” He asked timidly. 
Sirius leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead. “Your mother has forgiven me for far worse, my love. Come on, let’s go talk to her, hm?” He offered. 
And Draco quickly nodded and slid from his dad’s lap, reaching a hand behind him to grasp Sirius’ before they made their way back to the kitchen to make amends with Draco’s mum.
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nolanhattrick · 5 months
imagine you are in your mid twenties. you were always out of place - the eldest, uglier daughter of a bookstore owner that never said he loved you and was always disappointed in the decisions you made. you read science fiction and 40s detective novels and quite literally studied the blade because it was better than being at home or getting rejected by boys.
you've just been reassigned all the way across the country after the married coworker you were sleeping with was shot in the line of duty - on YOUR watch. everyone was looking at you because YOU let him die. so they sent you away. and now that you're here, it almost happens again.
something weird happens and they send you... all the way across the country again, with someone new in some weird location doing god knows what. and you get to do wonderful beautiful amazing scary life altering things. and you build a life there. you adopt a ferret and you move all of your belongings and you make friends and you save lives.
and then. oh, and then.
you grew up reading the novels. you fell in love with the writing and the fantasy of it all - science we could never dream of having and concepts we could never think of exploring. and then you got this job, and it all... it was all possible.
and then you met her. you found out she was actually a woman. and you met her. sure it was at the hot end of a gun, but. she saved your life. she gave you one of her inventions. she took you on wild adventures. you became partners.
you fell in love.
and then you met at the hot end of a gun again. she betrayed you, everyone you worked with, everyone you worked to make trust the both of you. she fell apart. you fell apart.
you gave it all up. they made her disappear.
she comes back one day. it's not really her. they trapped her mind and released her body off into the world. and just as you get her back she's gone again. she's gone and you're gone and she looks at you and says how dare you come back, how dare you interrupt my life, the life i'm building, the life i have away from you what are you doing here myka
"you called us"
myka bering you deserved so much more. you deserved more than bury your gays you deserved more than silent and implied bisexuality you deserved more than longing looks and lingering stares myka bering you deserved to be happy and to be emotional and to love helena wells with every part of your being and i am so sorry you didn't get that babe
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Hey I was thinking of something really cute and I couldn't get it out of my head 😅 what if slashers ( Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Freddy Krueger.) Reaction to child! Reader putting a bandaid on them and kissing it when they get like a scratch or something. My little niece does that to me and I think it's so cute 🥹
AHH MY REQUEST IS SUCH A MESS RN BUT THIS IS TOO CUTE sorry if this was choppy, it's 10 pm rn and I have no energy.
My gm asked me where the bandaids were while I was writing this woah.
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Michael 🔪
Michael always got hurt during his killings. Of course he did it was consequnces for his actions it was no biggie.
But one little person didn't think so.
You secretly got a bandaid from the bathroom the night before since you knew when Michael would attack and get hurt.
Your parents were sure that they weren't gonna get hurt this night since they never did. But still didn't allow you to go out.
But that didn't stop you, you waited till it was 12 or 1 am and climbed down from your window (pretend you live in the ground floor if you don't) and worked your tiny legs away to your waiting friend.
You saw your massive friend behind a tree and you ran up to him with the bandaid in your hand and you saw that he had a small cut on his bicep.
And you immediately went to the rescue.
Michael had spotted you as per usual but what he didn't understand was why did you have a bandaid in your hand. Did you get hurt?
His question was soon answered as you took out the seal and gently placed it on his wound. Michael, confused but felt something warm inside him at this interaction.
But made him look like my profile picture was when you placed a small kiss on the bandaid. Omg.
"I hope you get better Michael." baby you said with a cute small and he thought he was having a seizure because his body shook from the wholesomeness and wanted to go pounce on someone so it'd go away.
Every now and then he purposely gets small scratches or wounds, just small enough not to freak you out but big enough to alert you. He loves likes them get better kisses from his illegally adopted kid.
Jason 🪓
Jason in the winter, sometimes gets scratched by carrying big logs of trees and although it was nothing compared to the injuries he gets from victims, you still wanted your dad to be unscathed nonetheless. There wasn't much visitors in the the camp in winter anyway.
He placed the fire wood inside the fireplace but he was careless and small little red lines on his forearm appeared after dropping them near his arm. You were watching him while it happened, he brushed it off and turned to you but saw you nowhere.
After 3 minutes of searching you around the house, with a non pleasant feeling coiling in his stomach, he saw you coming out of the bathroom.
He was about to mutely scold you but you held something in your hands.
He waited for you to reveal what you were holding but you pointed to the chair in the room and he figured you wanted him to sit down. And so he did.
You went over to his side and bought his arm out and carefully placed the bandaid on his lined arm. Jason was a bit shocked but slowly melted as he giggled at the thought of his child caring for him.
And he almost died when you kissed it. He placed his huge arms around you and almost cried thinking about what he did to deserve such an angel baby like you.
He had been so lonely without his momma, he was so lucky to have you by his side. Besides his anger, you were one of the many reasons he still wants to live.
Pamela just adores his baby boy with his grandchild bonding.
"don't be so clumsy next time dad :)"
He was one lucky daddy.
Thomas 🩸 ⛓️
Thomas didn't get love nor cared for, that was for sure. And he thought you wouldn't be any different but he still loved you regardless.
You heard your dad rear his chainsaw as your family had found yet another bodies of food. One victim was persistent and your dad almost cut his leg off! It was unfortunate he couldn't see how on edge you were.
But you made sure today, you were show him how much you cared for him. And so that he should be more careful from now on.
Though he wasn't hunting, but he got burned by accidentally brushing the palm of his hand against the hot pan luda was cooking on.
Now he sat on the couch looking at his now red palm. Seeing this, you rushed to the garage and found a med kit, now looking through the med kit you finally found a bandaid.
Now walking back the living room you saw hoyt yelling at Thomas for whatever reason and went back to his car. Thomas getting ready to get up, was pushed back down by a small, weak, body.
He looked over and saw you, showing him a bandaid and quickly ripping off the seal and placing it cautious on his palm. This was a surprise to Thomas but he didn't budge, scared that he might mess u somehow and make you angry.
He was so happy to have received something so pure and lovely from his little kid. He was smiling so big. And he made sure to always protect and be with you when he realised you had kiss on where the aid was placed.
"be careful papa"
Freddy 💤
Such things as scratches or wounds never bothered Freddy, as he could always just regenerate them back in an instant.
And he was always in the dream world anyways. But his intentions weren't harmful when it was towards you. But didn't really think you would patch him up if he got hurt, if anything you probably think he's a scary high ranked dream demon who is unbeatable.
After messing with some poor people, he had a deep cut on his shoulder and he thought what your reaction would be of you saw it. Would you freak out? Would you cry? Would you scream?
Fun was all about freddy's life so why not test it out. He brought himself into the outside world and found you in your couch.
He surprised you by yelling boo in your face and it worked, now the shocked expression on your face was even wider when you saw the leceration on his shoulder. He was laughing at your face but shut up and looked at you as you ran somewhere.
Well... He had his answer now. How boring though. As he was about to mess with you more, you appeared with a bandaid in your hand as you climbed on the couch and placed it on his shoulder. It was now Freddy's turn to get shocked.
Now he couldn't believe what he saw when you kissed on the yellow thin piece of paper. "I don't like seeing you get hurt."
He was shocked but he couldn't help the smile creeping on his face, out of nothing but pure happiness. Damn you reminded him of his mom... So angelic like.
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lovecanyon · 2 years
Would you create a stepdad!harry trope? 😵😵
stepdad!harry x y/n
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liked by florencepugh, tchalamet and 2,205,814 others
yourinstagram little kids talk about the strangest things ever
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user11 y/n is such a good mom 😫
alexademie i love you guys so much 🤍
yourinstagram and we love you more!
user15 can she adopt me…i am begging
emmalouisecorrin the sweetest little family ever
user19 i’m glad she looks so happy, jacob never deserved her
user13 y/n is literally thriving now
zendaya cuties 🥰
user18 her children are going to grow up with the world’s most loving mother
gisele yes they do!
user14 jacob is missing out so bad 😭
glenne_azoff can’t wait to see you three soon! 💖
yourinstagram concert time 🕺
user12 the most adorable family
alessandro_michele ❤️ 🍓 ❤️
user20 jacob lost the baddest woman ever
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yourinstagram via stories
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 420 others
glenne_azoff it’s luca’s birthday tomorrow, let the whole world know!
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harry_lambert awe how cute 🥰
jefezoff luca is going to have the best birthday party ever
harrystyles Can’t wait to attend!
yourinstagram can’t wait to see you h ❤️
glenne_azoff i have my eyes on you two
pillowpersonpp me too!!!
kidharpoon you gotta love children’s birthday parties
alessandro_michele happy early birthday little darling luca 🎉
annetwist so adorable!
mitchrowland luca, my best bud
_basselin cutest little boy ever 🥰
gemmastyles harry said y/n was beautiful but not this beautiful
harrystyles Gemma.
yourinstagram i appreciate it harry!!!
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liked by harryfan28, harryfan24 and 620,813 others
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harryfan20 his outfit 🙏
harryfan29 it’s giving stepdad harry
harryfan22 we need stepdadrry…it’s a must
harryfan30 omg omg omg
harryfan21 y/n went to harry’s show the other day and then he is at her son’s birthday party…what is happening
harryfan23 jacob was probably in the corner shaking
harryfan27 harry is the cutest ever 😭
harryfan31 his fit is literally dad harry
harryfan34 i thank god everyday for letting me live the same time as harry styles
harryfan36 didn’t y/n just break up with jacob?
harryfan32 they broke up last year but didn’t announce it until last week…
harryfan35 jacob: 👁 👄 👁
harryfan37 leave y/n and her kids alone…you guys are weird
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liked by harrystyles, jefezoff and 4,202,711 others
yourinstagram happy birthday to my best friend! you are truly the best company ever, every single minute i spend with you makes me a better person. i love you bubba!
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harryfan40 THIS IS SO CUTE
harryfan43 i just noticed luca looks like jacob so much… it’s insane
harrystyles Happy birthday bubba!
yourinstagram lu said thank you 🥰
harryfan48 i dropped down onto my knees after i read his comment
glenne_azoff it’s luca’s day!!!
harryfan41 he’s so adorable
pillowpersonpp HOW SWEET ❤️
harryfan44 this is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen
harry_lambert plain cuties
harryfan49 y/n constantly proves everyone that she’s a better parent than jacob
alessandro_michele luca has the best mother, he’s so blessed
harryfan42 mother of the year award goes to…y/n!
gemmastyles have the best day luca 💖
harryfan45 she parents so well
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liked by kaiagerber, karliekloss and 908,613 others
jacobelordi Please read.
(comments have been disabled)
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yourinstagram via stories
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 886,510 others
ayaeyamamoto pre harry show!
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harryfan50 @harrystyles don’t fumble the bag…
harrystyles Such a beautiful woman.
yourinstagram i adore you sue! ❤️
harryfan57 did he just…
harryfan52 i can’t blame harry at all, y/n is so beautiful
pillowpersonpp she took my breath away
harryfan54 MILF MILF MILF 😫
harry_lambert the most prettiest
harryfan58 you just know jacob is punching the wall right now 😭
harryfan51 he fumbled the bag so bad
annetwist so gorgeous darling 💖
harryfan56 how can you break up with this woman…
glenne_azoff that’s my beautiful best friend!
harryfan59 y/n’s beauty is unmatched
_basselin she is really stunning
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia @b-reads-things
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snugglebug-mj-blog · 21 days
The eldest daughter who wasn't wanted
The sully family x oldest daughter reader
Chapter 3 ~ family ~
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(Y/n and her adopted family
Grandmother Leyra
Mother zo'ile
Father nawmrui
Older brother At'ok
Younger brothers Tayätsi and Tsu'ti (15 years old twins)
And baby brother kä'ey (8 years old)
Plus Mo'at
They will be introduced in this part ))
The sun has risen starting a new day and y/n had just slowly gotten out of bed when a small force rammed into her making her fall back into her bed. Y/n groaned in surprise before looking down to see a young na'vi boy smiling up at her
"Tsìltsan rewon tsawl tsmuke! (Good morning big sister!)" The young one said excitedly
Y/n smiled before hugging the young na'vi
"Kä'ey ma Hì'i tsmukan tsìltsan rewon! (my little brother good morning!)" Y/n said with a smile.
"Sa'nok (mother) said you were sad last night, so I've come this morning to see if you're feeling better!" Kä'ey said as he got out of his sister's arms and sat beside her.
Y/n gently patted her baby brothers head " thank you kä'ey. I feel a little better now" y/n said as she stood up making kä'ey follow beside her.
"Come let's go get breakfast with Sa'nok (mother) and grandmother" y/n said as her baby brother grabbed her hand.
"Today is the day that Sempul ulte tsawl tsmukan (father and big brothers) come back from training with the Elsweyr clan!" Kä'ey said excitedly y/n nodded
"Yes it is! I can't wait to see Sempul ulte tsmukans (father and brothers)! But we won't be able to celebrate much because we have visitors waiting to talk to Sempul (father)" y/n said as they got closer to their Sa'noks tent
Kä'ey nodded before running in.
"Tsìltsan rewon my prrnens (Good morning my babies)" zo'ile said with a smile as she sat with Leyra , making the elder chuckle
"Tsìltsan rewon Sa'nok(good morning mother), grandmother Leyra" y/n said as kä'ey dragged her to sit beside him.
"Grandmother Leyra, where is grandmother Mo'at?" Y/n asked looking up at her grandmother who was drinking.
Leyra sighed before putting her cup down
"She is speaking to our guest, hopefully she can knock some sense into them before your Sempul (father) gets here. That Jake Sully is a really stubborn Skxawng (idiot). He kept asking for you to come stay in their hut last night, tried to fight a guard to get into your hut, then tried again this morning before Mo'at smacked him" Leyra said rubbing her forehead.
Y/n reached over and gently grabbed her grandmothers hand "I am sorry for bringing them grandmother-" before y/n could finish speaking Leyra chuckled
"My granddaughter you've done nothing wrong. They needed help and you brought them here to be helped" Leyra said with a proud smile.
~After eating~
Kä'ey had ran off with Leyra as y/n stayed to help zo'ile clean up
"So your Sempul ulte tsmukans (father and brothers) should be back sometime today, listen out for the horns ok" zo'ile said as her and y/n got done putting everything away y/n nodded
"Oh I will I'm excited! I get to tell Sempul ulte tsmukans (father and brothers) what they missed, the past few weeks!" Y/n said excitedly making Zo'ile smile
"Do you think your mate will be with them?" Zo'ile asked with a teasing smile as they stepped out of the hut y/ns ears turned pink a few elders walking past aldo have a teasing smile and chuckles
"SA'NOK! We're just friends!" Y/n yelled in embarrassment
As the few elders and zo'ile laughed lightly to the flushed girl as she hid her face from everyone neytiri watched from a far, jealousy filled her chest.
She was your mother not zo'ile,
she should have a close bond with you not zo'ile,
She should be called Sa'nok not zo'ile
*Great mother what did we do to deserve this? My own daughter doesn't see me as her mother, she doesn't like me or my Jake. What did we do to deserve this?* Neytiri thought to herself.
Mo'at walked up beside her daughter to see her glaring at zo'ile teasing a very pink y/n.
"You and Jake made your decision by giving her up, don't be upset that she doesn't see you as her mother" Mo'at said shaking her head and walking away from her daughter.
Neytiri sighed they will prove that you belong with them not here.
~a little while later~
The sully children and spider where sitting together under a tree talking to each other, when y/n and kä'ey walked past them.
"Hi Tsawl tsmuke (big sister) y/n!" Tuk yelled making the sullys and spider look to where Tuk yelled, to see the tan na'vi with a little na'vi boy standing beside her.
Y/n and kä'ey walked towards the Sully's "hello" y/n said with a small smile. Kä'ey tugged on y/ns arm making her lean down and pick him up.
"Who is that?" Lo'ak asked pointing at the child who glared at the group from his older sisters shoulder.
"This is my Prrnen tsmukan (baby brother) Kä'ey" y/n said with a smile everyone froze
"Prrnen tsmukan? (Baby brother?)" The group asked before looking at each other.
"But y/n we're your siblings Sa'nok and Sempul (mother and father) are your parents" tuk said, y/n shock her head
"Yes we share blood but after Jake and neytiri gave birth to me they gave me away. They didn't want me because I was not normal. My parents took me in just like how neytiri and Jake took in kiri, I do not consider Jake and neytiri my family. I will try to have a relationship with you all but that will be all. Am I clear?" Y/n said bluntly making the group nodded.
Jake and Norm had walked over to the group "Ahh it's nice to see my family finally together." Jake said as he placed a hand on y/ns shoulder,
Making y/n, Kä'ey and a few guards hiss at him making him quickly retract his hand and put them up in defense as the guards raised their spears at him, Kä'ey hugged y/n tighter
"Again I am not YOUR daughter! You may have helped give me life but you are nothing to me" y/n hissed making Jakes ears flatten.
"Now listen here little lady-" Jake was cut off by a loud horn.
Y/n turned around to see a ship slowly docking at the end of the docs by by the swamp water area
"Sempul ulte tsmukans (Father and brothers!) are home!" Y/n and kä'ey said excitedly. Kä'ey jumped out of y/ns arms before taking off y/n following behind him.
As the two ran to the ship they saw everyone unloading before seeing a larger figure talking to some hunters
"SEMPUL!!!!" Y/N and kä'ey yelled making the larger Na'vis ears perk up, before turning towards the voices
"HAHA! Ma youngest itan ulte ma 'ite!!! (My youngest son and my daughter!!!)" Nawmrui yelled before getting down on one knee and opening his arms wide.
Kä'ey and y/n crashed full force into their father's awaiting arms, knocking him down onto his back.
The Eyktan (leader/Chief) laughed as he held two of his five children with a huge smile on his face.
"Aw we don't get a hug Tsawl tsmuke (big sister) Prrnen tsmukan (baby brother)?" A voice asked y/n looked up from her father to see her younger brothers Tsu'ti and Tayätsi crouching looking down at them
"Tsu'ti, Tayätsi!!" Y/n said happily as she got out of her father's grip and hugged the twins making them laugh and hugged their older sister back.
A thud was heard behind the group and when y/n turned around she saw her oldest brother At'ok who had placed a box down and helped their father back to his feet.
Y/n smiled before letting the twins go and turning towards her older brother they smiled and hugged each other.
"I see your here and well. How was your trip into the woods" At'ok asked y/n sighed but before she could speak kä'ey spoke
"Sempul ulte tsmukans (father and brothers brothers) the Sully's are here and they made Tsawl tsmuke upset. They also said they are her family" kä'ey said as he looked down at his father from his shoulders.
Everyone around the family froze before looking at y/n. Nawmrui eyes widden before looking down at his small daughter whos ears flattened a little
"Sempul they came for help and they were hurt, I just wanted to help. Sa'nok let them stay the night and heal, and she left judgement for you" y/n said rubbing her arm.
Nawmrui took a breath before gently patting his daughter's head
"It's ok ma daughter." He said with a smile before telling everyone to continue unloading everything before he made his way to the healers tent.
The sullys and their human friends sat in the Eyktan hut in front of the large leader. Nawmrui glared at Jake with hatred. Nawmrui children and Mo'at sat beside him, as the sully children sat beside their parents.
"Tell me why have you come here," nawmrui growled but calmed down when his mate Zo'ile gently pat his leg.
"Eyktan Nawmrui we've come seeking help, shelter, and to be near our daughter." Jake said said with a bow neytiri bow beside him
At'ok laughed before standing up glaring at the Sully's
"Your daughter? YOUR DAUGHTER?! you and your mate gave her up a week after birth because she was different! My parents, my grandmother, Mo'at, and our clan raised her! Not you!" At'ok hissed.
"We had no choice boy." Jake hissed
"Silence!" Nawmrui yelled making everyone freeze.
"Sullys we will help you but you will realize that y/n and Mo'at are part of our family and clan. Y/n will not answer to you" Nawmrui said calmly. Before standing up
"Everyone but Jake out" nawmrui said dismissing everyone for the night.
Everyone left and went to their own huts, leaving nawmrui towering over the Sully's.
(Brought to you by princess diaries)
"We will help your family and friends but
If you hurt my girl, you will answer directly to me, and whatever crimes I commit against you, remember, I have diplomatic immunity in 46 clans, including the fire and ash clan." Nawmrui growled,
Jake stood up straighter " Sir, you will find that the word "fear" is not in my vocabulary!" Jake tried to look unfazed.
Nawmrui chuckled "Perhaps... but it's in your eyes. Now get out" nawmrui pointed towards the door.
Jake quickly left, and nawmrui sighed before going to find his family. When he walked into his daughter's huts he sees y/n being hugged protectively by Leyra, zo'ile, At'ok, Tsu'ti, Tayätsi, and Kä'ey. Nawmrui smiled "make room for Sempul" nawmrui said walking into the hut.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
" You...Adopted...6 siblings?"
Diana nods, sunstream smile bright and golden on her lips. She proudly shows off pictures, too.
Three boys playing video games, one of them using his crutches to push the others away. " Freddy and Eugene love bothering Billy."
Another is Diana helping an adorable little cherub of a girl with outfits for her doll's world domination meeting. " Darla has such a rich imagination!"
Then there's her, helping a teenager with what looks to be her book report, as another boy serves them snacks. " Mary is a dedicated leader for her projects. Pedro enjoys cooking!"
" But...6?"
" I wasn't going to split them up! Families are strongest together! Billy wouldn't have accepted otherwise. He's a loyal, exceptional big brother. I couldn't ask for a better son."
Shazam blushes, to their confusion.
" And do they know about... You know. Mega hot Goddess guarding Earth thing, or are you just a regular milf?"
" Hal!"
" You all know what I'm about!"
" Not yet! I figure It'll come out at some point. But I enjoy being a parent. They've been a delight to have around. Parenthood is not the beast I expected."
Bruce laughs. Batman laughs. It's like watching something eerie and unnatural. Barry squints. " Am I...High? Did someone buy that brew that makes me spinny again?"
" You, - you think. This will be EASY."
Diana frowns, tilts her head like a confused puppy. " Well, yes. They've been very pleasant thus far. We haven't even argued, and they follow rules well, - "
Batman full on cackles now. Holding onto Superman's cape for support.
" I think they're very special! I'm sure they'll stay like this for longer than we all expect. They're very mature!"
They have to carry Batman away because he physically can't stand up. Diana doesn't particularly appreciate being laughed at, but the man's face deserves some happiness on it, so she'll take it.
Shazam approaches her after. " So, uh... Did you mean it? About - you know, those kids being..Good kids? Or something?"
" Of course! They're all unique and special in their own way. In fact, I have many examples of it. Billy allowed Darla to put him in a sparkly dress for the premiere of her movie and it is the sweetest act-"
" I got it! I got it," Shazam shuffles his fingers, looking younger than his massive height, asking for something that Diana recognizes but can't name,
" And... Just... You know - they're grateful for you. Even if they're going to be brats, or if they'll be angry and break rules and not listen to you...They appreciate you. A lot. I guess I just don't want you to regret them."
" I could never!" Diana is offended by the mere mention. " Children are people, and people will disappoint, and hurt. But they're so much more. I'll make mistakes, too. Hopefully I'll be mother enough to fix them."
" You are," Shazam tries to smile on his wobbly lips, before coughing around the emotion lumping his neck. " You're a great warrior. So you'll be a great mother."
" What's the difference?"
She doesn't know how Shazam figured out her favorite coffee mix, but she's grateful.
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jobean12-blog · 11 months
Could I please ask for a fluffy Javi Pena one shot. Javi and reader have recently adopted Twins (Boy and a girl) and they are going on their first trick or treating as a family 😘😘😘😘😘
Thank you
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Love you loads and loads 🫂🫂🫂🫂💞💞💞💞💞
Trick and Treat
Pairing: Javier Pena x reader
Word Count: 849
Summary: You and Javi take the kids trick or treating but Javi's all about the treats and so are you.
Author's Note: Thank you for this sweet request love, I hope you enjoy it! And thank you for your patience, I know it's a few days after Halloween! I had the kids be a little older for this so they could interact, hope that's ok! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thankyou Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: soft and sweet fluff and fun and some flirtiness too
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“We’re ready!”
You sing the words from the doorway of the living room and search for Javi.
“I’m coming honey.”
He rounds the corner and stops in his tracks, his eyes lighting up and crinkling at the sides when he sees the three of you.
“Daddy, we’re ready!”
The twins, a girl and boy, run toward him. He kneels down and takes them in, commenting on how perfect they look in their matching costumes.
Once they are satisfied with their pre trick or treating cuddles they rush toward the door, calling for you both.
“You look gorgeous,” he whispers when he steps into your space.
“Javi,” you sigh playfully as you adjust your costume…the same one the twins are wearing. “I wish you would have dressed up.”
“I am dressed up!” he says, looking offended. “I’m a sexy undercover DEA agent.”
You try to control your smile but fail when he waggles his eyebrows suggestively. His attempts to steal some kisses are unsuccessful when the twins start grabbing at his jeans and pleading to leave.
“Come on,” you say. “We better go.”
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The four of you walk slowly down the sidewalk, enjoying all the decorations that adorn the houses. The twins already have two buckets full of candy and are getting tired.
“Think these two are just about done,” Javi whispers as he drapes his arm over your shoulders. “And I can’t wait to get my hands on some of this candy…and you.”
You kiss his cheek and slide your hand into the back pocket of his jeans, giving his butt a squeeze.
“You just want all the treats don’t you?”
“Damn right I do,” he answers. “And I deserve ‘em.”
He pulls you closer and takes your chin between his fingers, tilting your head back and dipping his head to brush his lips to yours.
Just before his kiss the twins let out a cry and each of them grab onto one of Javi’s legs.
You break apart and look up, spotting a teenager in a scary costume approaching.
Javi leans down and gathers your son and daughter between his arms and talks to them quietly. They cling to him with wide and watery eyes.
“Can you carry me Daddy?” your daughter asks.
“ME TOO!” your son chimes in.
Javi smiles and scoops them up. They lay their heads on his shoulders and snuggle close.
“Come on, let’s get you home.”
He starts to walk back to the house and when you don’t follow he turns around and catches you taking a picture.
“You just wanted a shot of my ass didn’t you baby,” he teases.
“Obviously,” you say with a smirk.
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Once the twins are home and bathed you tuck them into bed, each with a goodnight kiss.
“Is Daddy going to read us a story?” your son asks.
“He’ll be right in,” you assure them.
Javie appears in the doorway with a book. “You and that bowl of candy are mine when I’m done,” he promises quietly.
Ten minutes later he walks downstairs and finds you lounging on the couch.  
“You started without me!?” he asks incredulously.
You pause with the Twix halfway to your mouth, side eyeing him before you pop it and then give him a chocolatey smile.
“I can’t resist anything with caramel,” you say with a shrug.
He raises his eyebrows and tugs the bowl out of your lap when he sits next to you with a plop. With quick hands he unwraps a Twix and eats in whole.
“Did you even chew that?” you ask as you reach for another one.
He pulls the bowl out of your reach and your eyes narrow dangerously.
“Javi…give me the candy!”
His expression is full of challenge and you sit up, inching closer. He holds the bowl higher out of your reach.
“I can’t believe you!” you whisper shout. “Don’t make me fight you!”
He laughs, throwing his head back against the couch. You use the opportunity to lunge after the bowl but right at the last second he lifts it just out of reach. You land in his lap and he smiles victoriously.
“It worked,” he says with a smirk.
You give him an exasperated look. “Now can I have my candy?”
“It’s the kid’s candy,” he corrects.
“It’ll cost you kisses,” he simpers.
“That’s fair,” you purr as you lean into him.
Your fingers dip inside his open shirt and tease his skin just as your lips brush. “You’re gonna have to put the candy down Javi. I want your hands on me.”
He drops the whole bowl to the rug with a crash and the loud thud resonates through the quiet house.
“Fuck,” he grits out, squeezing his eyes shut and waiting.
You grab the front of his shirt and do the same but you’re also trying to suppress your laughter.
“Think we’re ok,” he whispers, popping one eye open.
“What’s so funny?” he asks when he sees your eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Didn’t know it would be so easy to get you to drop the candy,” you giggle.
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matan4il · 6 months
911 ep 705 first watch reactions
Of course 911 would "punish" the "You are the boss of you!" guy with an alien hand that attacks him, and does what it wants. Pooor Buck and Eddie paying the price for that...
Okay, love the storyline with Hen and Karen possibly eventually adopting an older girl. Too many shows just find easy, unrealistic ways to give their same sex couples kids, and I am really glad that 911 shows the reality of it, and that it is a more complex struggle for many, that it's an act of continuously choosing to be parents. That's actually an amazing, difficult thing, and it should be faithfully depicted and respected, for all of its heartache, and the little moments of triumph.
Buck and Tommy on a date, and Eddie comes along with Marisol? Love how Buck's bisexual awakening and coming out continues to involve Eddie so much. Tell me they're end game, even if they're not gonna get together right now, without telling me they're...
I did not need to learn Marisol is moving in with Eddie like this, with any build up, or even any sort of insight into the relationship, and nope, that does not bode well for them. IDK how 911 managed to do it, but they have somehow managed to give Eddie a love interest the show is even less invested in than Ana.
And the funniest bit, is that Marisol and Eddie's big development is only there to further Buck's journey anyway.
"You can never have too much closet space" LMAO the way 911 both made me laugh, and feel sorry for poor, baby bi Buck. XD
Hmmm. Were parts of this scene cut out? We don't get to see Eddie on his own date with Marisol, but constantly looking over at Tommy and Buck? Boo. I'm glad we at least got the BTS photos, then. But seriously, why!? That was gonna be so delicious.
Oh, Tommy's breaking up with Buck. I mean, good for him, and he ain't wrong after Buck's "after this, we're gonna go out looking for chicks" reaction, but man do I feel sorry for Buck. Him and Tommy might not be my end game (Buddie forever will be), but I do think this relationship could be good for our baby bi. Tommy being in the same profession, knowing what it's like to have this gap between who you are and the image of guys in your line of work, plus he's got more experience than Buck, is sure of himself, can help our boy figure himself out, and also Buck obviously does like his vibe. He deserves to be with someone he actually likes, not just the first woman willing to be with him that the plot pushed in his way.
Oh, baby Buck. :( You didn't even tell Maddie about Tommy. You really aren't ready it. But also (and as a Buddie shipper, more importantly), Tommy broke things off with Buck, but what is eating him up, is that he lied to Eddie. XD Yeah, this gonna end with wedding bells, sooner or later. On screen, off screen after the show ends with canon Buddie, or only in my head if 911 never dares make Buddie canon, I don't care. That kind of emotional devotion is not something that my hopelessly romantic heart can ignore.
OMG, this is how Buck comes out to Maddie? XD Via random pronoun mention, and as a by product of trying to figure out how to tell Eddie the truth? This is hilarious. lol It really makes it clear that, after all, the issue for Buck really isn't people knowing he is also dating guys (or checking their asses), even when it's the other closest person in the world for him, it's Eddie. Specifically. Buck's ready, even if he doesn't have the exact clear words yet, he's just not ready to tell Eddie. Can't imagine why. XDDD
What was that awkward post-sex scene with Eddie and Marisol? And the issues with her moving in are popping up a second after she has. But yeah, we have no idea who this woman is as a person, she's been a cardboard cut out so far, and then one of the first things we do learn about her, is that she would call her stuff better than Eddie's? Once again, this is not the stuff great romance is made of. Or... even just the stuff any kind of romance is made of.
Wait, Marisol was a nun, and Eddie didn't even know!? This whole ep is telegraphing in the news of how weird and awkward and underdeveloped this r/s is, not just for us as viewers who know nothing about Marisol, but apparently for Eddie as well.
And of course his Catholic guilt is gonna kick in now. I'd care, except 911 has given me absolutely no reason to. Seriously, I care more about Buck and Tommy after just 2 eps, than Eddie and Marisol, even though this is technically her 2nd season on the show.
Of course Buck went to find Eddie, and spotted him at the gym. Forever 201 vibes, with Eddie being the focus of Buck's attention. ^u^
I couldn't care less about Eddie's Catholic guilt crisis, and how it's actually a projection of what his real issues are with Marisol, but it's nice to see that as always, Buck's the one who can tell when something's off, and offer Eddie exactly what he needs (even when that's to talk to someone else, but Buck figures out immediately who the right person to address is), and then they just very naturally switch, because Eddie can also tell when something's off with Buck, and he wants to tell him something. Soulmates. THAT is the stuff that great romance IS made of.
:/ The imagery of Catholic nuns has not been around for over 2,000 years, please stop being ignorant about your own religion, and the very different way it looked in its early days.
Bobby is forgiven, he does give good advice, and his "her ex, the Lord" bit, which prompted that reaction from Eddie, is hilarious. XD
So... when Eddie is having issues with Marisol, he already knows he has to figure out how he feels about her, but instead of doing so, he goes to his safe place... Buck's loft.
Man, Eddie being into Tommy's choice of avoidning relationships with women, and hanging out with boys, after in the past, Eddie had dealt with his Shannon issues by running away from her, and re-enlisting in the army, where he gets to hang out with boys, when we all (Buck included) know why Tommy's "hanging out with boys"... I do like that if they want to (and hopefully they do), this further lays the groundwork for Eddie's own queer realization.
Buck and Eddie helping each other with their respective romantic problems, without realizing they are each other's respective romantic solution is gonna make me chew on my own fists. Again. But I'm not even a little bit surprised that Eddie was totally fine and accepting of Buck being bi, or that the first thing he thought of is how this reflects on them. Because their friendship IS way deeper and closer than normal for platonic friends, and Eddie's little reassurance is also an admission of that.
Man, for a second I was worried they also cut out Eddie in the loft, once more putting his thumb on Buck's pulse point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 303. I would have sued for emotional damages. But yeah, it says so much that the peak of emotional meaningfulness for Buck when coming out is in relation to Eddie, and that the scene itself peaks with Eddie, instead of finishing rushing out to take care of his own romantic business, hurries back to Buck first, to hug him, place his hand on Buck and give him orders. "Sure, you're gonna be dating this guy, but I'm still your real husband."
Well, at least Eddie amitted to himself and Marisol that he doesn't actually know her. But... I have never seen two people being both being so happy about not moving in together, and I'm supposed to think this r/s has a chance? Okay. Suuuure.
The scene with Buck going to Tommy to set things straight ready for something was lovely, it was nice seeing him excited, and get to choose, and hear he's wanted. But since the note Tommy and Buck's storyline in this ep should have ended on, is Buck showing Tommy he's ready enough to let others know he's dating a guy by inviting Tommy to come with Buck to Madney's wedding, then why is the very next scene playing the romantic switch again, making us think Buck's car just arrived at the wedding with him and Tommy, only for Buck and Eddie to walk in together? I see what you did there, 911.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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sophsicle · 1 month
Sopphhhh, what is Masters of fate about?? Can you give us a tiny bit of plot?
Oof yeah okay I need to get better at pitching this story
But basically there are three pov characters
Genevieve (whose name I am potentially going to change again … but for now it’s Gee)
Ram is a god, his father is the creator of all, Thesiis, and he has five siblings who are also gods and a mom who was created for Thesiis by Thesiis SO you know, lots to unpack, many complicated family dynamics as all of them come to terms with how much power they have over everything else and how little power they have when it comes to their father, who is currently trying to figure out whether or not his newest creations, humans, are deserving of immortality or if they should be wiped out and replaced by a new species, so he sends ram down to observe,
Edward’s father, a beloved and respected king, has just died, and Edward is not really beloved or respected, seen as weak and soft and a bit of a party boy, he is not taken seriously, he also has to deal with a kingdom that is not doing well money wise, with l a North that is currently attempting to annex itself and a neighbour who is potentially interested in stepping in and making everything worse, what he does have on his side is a group of ridiculous friends who, despite being ridiculous, would kill and die for him (I’m sure that doesn’t sound familiar)
Genevieve is a newly arrived princess, brought over to marry Edward, she comes with her closest companion Rémy, escaping a very controlling brother and with a mind to carve out a space for herself as a strong ruler and warrior in her new home, and somehow finds herself adopting the aforementioned group of ridiculous friends (if I’m being honest she is also insane and it’s really Rémy who’s there like, guys pls. Pls I beg. Someone make a reasonable decision. Just one)
There are political plots and tragic romances and battles and conversations about right and wrong and who deserves what end and the painful ness of mortality and loving things that die and found family and everyone is gay obviously
Yeah okay that’s it 😊
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bibellebibuck · 4 months
7x09 THOUGHTS???
I have no thoughts. I am in shock. Actually no I do have thoughts.
- Tommy pisses me off SO SO BAD. His negative attitude brings down the mood in literally every scene I do not understand why he’s like this if we’re meant to be rooting for him as bucks love interest? (Spoiler: we’re not).
- Athena approaching Amir as a way to help Bobby feel better about himself is/was wrong and she could have gone to a whole number of other people instead. I love mother Athena but Bobby/Amir had every right to react the ways that they did. I also firmly do not believe that Amir started the house fire, it’s gotta be the cartel (the old guy from the car) or a plot twist other character.
- I’ve rambled enough on here already about my thoughts on the batshit Kim/Eddie situation so I won’t repeat myself too much but. Good lord. Kim matches that man’s freak and takes it ten steps further. I saw a theory that Kim is going to become a bit psycho obsessed with Eddie and not know how to let him go. I don’t really think this is likely (though who tf knows what to expect the minute) but I do like the idea. It sounds fun, crazy Kim is a wild ride and I wouldn’t mind more yaknow?
However, I was heart BROKEN when Chris came in, that poor boy does not deserve the feelings he’s about to feel. I sincerely hope this whole drama doesn’t badly damage his and Eddies relationship :(
Also as much hatred as I have for Marisols actress, her actual character is harmless and I do feel bad for her too- I will defend Eddie with my LIFE but his actions reaaallly are having some serious consequences on those around him. I hope he sorts himself out soon and can somehow make amends.
- HenRen and their kids… my HEART ACHES for them so bad. I can’t help but feel like this storyline is a little bit forced? Like the councilwoman so easily getting their adoption/foster case halted and the judge doesn’t see a conflict of interest there? All her “evidence” that she present against Hen can be debunked so easily. I do feel confident that HenRen will win their appeal and Mara will come home safe and sound. But I hope there are real consequences for the councilwoman acting like this over her druggy son who REFUSED GODDAMN TREATMENT AND GOT PEOPLE KILLED (or was that just almost?) ugh.
- in terms of buddie/bt. I want BT bones like.. last week. But I do think it’s coming, that stale ass interview, their lack of scenes, Tommys complete void of any character/kindness and Buck prioritising Eddie as he goes through his struggle, all point to BT bones either next episode, in between S7/8 or early S8 at the latest. I cannot wait.
Buddie needs more time to cook. I KNOW we’re desperate for it and have already been waiting a long long time, but it needs time. It would be too rushed and out of place and kinda risks being tone deaf if it were to happen right now/too soon. Eddie needs to get through this and be in a better place before their relationship can develop healthily.
That isn’t to say they can’t feed us more Eddie/Buck or BuckleyDiaz family scenes in the meantime though… really bring this simmer to a boil 🥰
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bitbybitwrites · 1 month
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It's been awhile again since I've done any of these - lately computer issues have kept me from writing, but here's a few snippets ( one Klaine and one FirstPrince WIP) that I was working on before my computer decided to be a pain in my ass.
Thanks to the following people for tagging me for WIP Wednesday and Six/Seven/Several Sentence Sunday in the past few weeks ( if I forgot anyone in this list below I'm sorry!):
@taste-thewaste @thighzp @porcelainmortal @getmehighonmagic @littlemisskittentoes
@thesleepyskipper @alasse9 @stratocumulusperlucidus @softboynick @sophie1973
@sheepywritesfics @onthewaytosomewhere
Snippets are under the cut.
1.) From If I Can Make Your Heart My Home ( Klaine fic) cc @datshitrandom
“But you never came by when I was awake.”
“I . . I was too afraid to hear what you’d say if you saw me.”
The blood began to pulse in Blaine’s ears.  “What did you think I would have said?”
Kurt sighed.  Now he was the one averting his eyes.
“That you never wanted to see me again.  That you hated me. . .” he murmured.  “I . . I hurt you, Blaine.  I can’t change how badly I fucked up.  I know I did.  I know I did big time.  And . . it was . . it was horrible of me to do everything that I did. Because you are right.  You deserved so much better than that.”
Kurt stood up and began to pace nervously.  “Look.  I was afraid. Hell, I still am a bit.  Afraid that maybe Sebastian was right.”
Blaine sat up straighter at the mention of the younger Smythe’s name. “’What?  What did Sebastian say to you?”
 Kurt flinched at the sharpness in Blaine’s tone.  “He . . he said . .” Kurt wrapped his arms around himself, sinking back into the other end of the couch.  “Sebastian said that . . I was nothing but a novelty to you. A joke . . basically some sort of low brow entertainment for you on the side.  I wasn’t anything that was worth your time. And there was no way I could be able to keep up with your . . lifestyle . . .”
Blaine paled.  “Kurt . . I would never . . you. . .you don’t really believe I felt that way . . .”
Kurt let out a wet laugh.  He shrugged his shoulders.  “No . . but . . Blaine, come on.  What could I possibly give to you?  I can’t take you to fancy restaurants or trips out to the Hamptons. I don’t own a penthouse or a limo.  I don’t even own a restaurant.  I’m just this  . .  this nobody from a rural town in Ohio. . . You’re . .”
“Don’t.  Don’t say it.”
“You’re an Anderson, Blaine.  And there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I might have to disagree.” Blaine muttered
Kurt shook his head, his expression sofenting.  “Look, if you take your father out of the picture, the Andersons are pretty amazing.  They are caring and selfless. They are philanthropic and so loving and open-hearted.  You. . . your brother. . . your grandmother.  You’re all the same.  And it's wonderful.”
2.) From Puppy Love (FirstPrince fic) - cc @omgbarbiegurl
“Now do you have all of your stuff?  Remember you’re at Tia Nora’s tonight.”
Raf nodded.  “I packed everything.  Even a ball so I can play with Tia Nora’s next door neighbor.”
“That’s nice.” Alex said as he hustled around his apartment, shutting off lights.
“He’s adopted and he’s really nice. Sometimes he’s allowed to come over and play with me if I stay over.”
“You finish your homework first, right?” Alex asked
Raf sighed and rolled his eyes.  “Yes.  Tia Nora won’t let me do ANYTHING until I finish my homework first.”
“That’s good.  Glad you made a friend over at Nora’s.”
Alex  hummed as he started flicking through his phone , partly to see if there were any new work messages from Liam or June, partially to see if Henry had texted him. “Yeah, mijo?”
“Are you sure we can’t have a dog?”
“Raf . .”
“I’d take care of it really well, I promise . .  .” the little boy pleaded.
Alex knelt down as he could be more at eye level.  “Hey, I know you want one.  But it wouldn’t be fair to a puppy to be left alone so much - with my work schedule and then you not even being home at at Tia Nora’s place.”
“But we could bring it there.”
“Tia Nora is doing me a HUGE favor by watching you when she can.  It wouldn’t be fair if I gave her 2 kids to look after - a human one  AND a furry one.”
Raf pouted, crossing his arms.  “I don’t think she’d mind.”
Alex pulled his son into a tight hug.  “Once everything kind of slows down and we can get things settled so we’re home more, we’ll look into it.  Until then, you always can come with me to the rescue and help out playing with the animals who don’t have homes yet.  They get pretty lonely there sometimes.”
A small dramatic sigh erupted from the small frame in Alex’s arms.   He had to bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. 
“OK . . but can I do it soon?” Raf asked.
“I’ll check the schedule with Tia June and we’ll see what we can do.”
“¿Prometes? (You promise)” Raf asked as he held out his pinky to his dad eagerly.
“Si.  Lo prometo, mijo.(Yes, I promise, son.)” Alex said with a smile.
And for anyone who may want to play . . a BIG OPEN TAG . . but also:
@myheartalivewrites, @gleefulpoppet @wowbright @14carrotghoul @iboatedhere
@itsmaybitheway @little-escapist @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @sarkyblueeyes @tailsbeth-writes
@rmd-writes @cha-melodius @madas-ahatters-world @kirakiwiwrites @shegoestoeleven
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thegreengnome · 1 year
Helaena targaryen x male uncle targaryen reader. Instead of marrying Aegon she marries the reader and they have children jaehaerys, jaehaera and maelor (let's imagine they are not from Aegon)
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Fandom – House of the Dragon
Word Count -1080
Pairing – Helaena Targaryen X Taelor Targaryen (OC)
Warnings – N/A
Taelor Targaryen is the surprise third child of Prince Baelon. After the death of his first and only true wife, Baelon fell into a depression – his true love was dead – how was he meant to continue without her? He needed comfort and who better to comfort the distraught prince than a Lannister. A cunning and seductive Lannister, who now had a seed planted in her belly.
Honor demanded the two wed much to the satisfaction of the Lannister house. Not eight moons later a son was born to the pair. The smug lady Lannister had succumbed to the birthing bed like so many before her, this left a newborn baby in the arms of an emotionless prince.
The most humane thing the gods had ever done for the young prince was to kill his father. While a great parent and role model to his older sons, to Taelor he was cruel and often expressed disgust at the child that had not come from Alyssa. Perhaps he felt guilt over fathering him.
This passing left the young boy in the care of his eldest brother and his family. Raised alongside his much younger niece and nephews.
Due to being several years older then said nephews and niece Taelor adopted a leadership role. He was their protector and he took this job very seriously.
Which is why she was finding it difficult to remain still as the maester stitched up the open wound that once held Aemonds vibrant purple eye. The grip on the back of Taelor’s tunic kept him stable and grounded. Reaching back, Taelor made sure that Helaena was hidden from the view of the crowd around them.
They were Targaryen’s- the greatest power in all of Westeros – a family. So why were they constantly fighting.
His half-brothers only cared for Rhaenyra, all the love they possessed in there boy was given to one instead of spread out too many. Viserys younger children left behind in the wake of their much-loved older sister. Taelor knew from experience how hurtful parental neglect was, so he vowed to be everything his brothers were not. He would show his younger family members the loved that they deserved.
When the inevitable search for a spouse for Taelor began, he sat through countless small council meetings his brother and eldest niece throwing potential brides at him.
He was a Targaryen; he would not settle for someone beneath him. So, he went to the queen.
The solar was quiet as both waited for the other to talk. The two had a complicated relationship – still a child herself Alicent was given the task of raising not only her own children but Taelor as well.
“We both know your father wants Aegon on the phone”
Alicent remained calm, sipping her warming tea, her ringed fingers clutching the delicate porcelain.
“I am also aware of your plans to marry him to Helaena” the tea made its way down. The queen’s sole attention on her charge.
“I think it is a foolish decision. To marry two possible heirs to the throne to one another instead of gaining outside alliances”
Humming Alicent seems amused. Of course, she had no desire to wed her children together but her father always got what he wanted. “And who do you suggest?”
“Me” not many things can surprise the queen but it had seemed her ward had achieved this great feat.
“You?” Taelor had always been good to her children and as much as it pained the queen to admit her eldest son was not the ideal candidate to marry her sweet and dream like daughter.
“Why? What would you gain?” everyone had their own plan to win the game- what was Taelor’s?
“A loving wife. No one knows Hel like I do. Aegon would not treat her with the respect she deserves. We both know this to be true”
“Marrying us would guarantee the loyalty of the Lannister’s who have historically been fickle”
Mulling the offer over Alicent asks the question that her father would be desperate to know “and what of your stance to the throne?”
“The throne is of no consequence to me. Whoever sists the throne, it is all the same. I will support Helaena in everything that she does and if that includes helping her brother then so be it”
They wed two moons after Helaena turns sixteen, enough time for the couple to prepare for the union. The wedding itself was a small affair, much to the chagrin of the Queen. Knowing how uncomfortable his lady could get around crowds, he insisted on a small ceremony. An idea which gifted him the reward of a shy smile from his soon to be wife.
Helaena looked radiant as she walked towards Taelor to be cloaked. Her dress a hightower green, with white glittering gems encrusted through the bodice. Her hair braided intricately with a silver butterfly pin bringing the look together. The maiden’s cloak was a work of art, well in Taelor’s humble opinion. It perfectly showed who Helaena was. Dreamfyre imagery throughout with a scattering of spiders for good measure. The cloak made as her wedded one held much the same art as the maiden one but with the added image of Taelor’s dragon curled around dreamfyre.
Not even three moons later the couple were blessed with good news. A babe was in the princess’s stomach.
That one babe turned out to be two and Prince Jaehaerys and Princesses Jaehaera was born. Throughout the labour Taelor remained at Helaena side. Ignoring the disapproving looks from the maester and the Queen. He swept sweety hair from her face and whispered words of love and encouragement into her ears. Because that was what their relationship was now- love
The babes were only hours old yet they already had their parents wrapped around their tiny fingers.
The twins grew fast – too fast for there fathers liking. They brought joy to everyone in the keep, even their uncle Aemond was seen to crack a smile in their presence.
And soon the twins were joined by a younger brother Maelor. The spitting image of his mother, with wide eyes and that curious expression.
The family of five was happy and content. The married couple were often found in the company of one another with their kids following like small ducklings.
Despite this happiness, Taelor was always ready. He knew that when his eldest brother finally passes the dance would begin.
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ashleyeveerson · 21 days
CHECK OUT PART 2: https://www.tumblr.com/ashleyeveerson/760707933651746816?source=share
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Phil ALSO comes out! (yeah no i'm not crying what? not them feeling comfortable enough to be themselves yeah). 2019 also brings us the adoption of a fish named Norman (a cutie) AND they also post pictures about their recent trip to Japan [the photo of Phil looking up to Dan behind the camera? yeah i am so normal about it, i swear]. There is hope in the horizon still for a Dan and Phil comeback...
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BAM! A certain virus runs wild and forces everyone to stay at home. Phil continues to upload solo videos which distracted so many of us during these dark times. Dan, however is AWOL and the only pic we have of him is a shitty screenshot of him in glasses and a mask helping Phil rescue an injured pigeon (lockdown was WILD).
Also, my boy Dan post a cryptic tweet that leads to the announcement of a self-help book named YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS NIGHT (because you will <3). Nah but I can't count how many times I've sobbed reading it, just him trying to help out others who have also struggled with mental health... istg i love this man
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Hey so THEY BUY THEIR FOREVER PHOUSE TOGETHER they're gonna kill me one day istg. "Dan and Phil just decided to pay a mortgage together", top 10 sentences that would kill a 2016 phan. They are slaying, they are glowing... also rip Norman the fish you will not be forgotten
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So during 2014 the fates (aka a random youtuber) foretold that Dan and Phil would be married in 2022. Since that clearly didn't happen the meme PHIVORCE united the phandom once more. ALSO Dan is out there shitting on youtube (as he should) and going on his solo tour WE'RE ALL DOOMED! Which i love with all my heart and also Phil being there for him every step of the way... AHHHHHHHH
Anyways a certain video called Dan and Phil finally tell the truth hits the internet and let's just say GOD DAMN. This also starts a wonderful trend amongst Dan and Phil in which they make fun of their audience (we deserve it ngl) and absolutley SHOCK US with new information about bonkers shit from their past [apparently they were offered a threesome MULTIPLE TIMES???]
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It's the end. They've decided to give up their channel "Dan and Phil Games" forever... let's take a moment and silent and mourn with a compilation of Heart eyes Howell
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SIKE! We're back baby and we're better than ever!!! The goodbye video turned out the be an ANNOUNCEMENT of their comeback. They are back, Dil Howlter is here and Phil confesses to having dyed everything green in the house when Dan went on tour bc he missed him (OH GOD). Also, the Halloween baking video introduced us to the icon that is.... *drumroll please*
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SISTER DANIEL, the queen of making everyone reconsider their sexuality... she is the moment, she is an icon and she is serving astronomical levels of cunt at all time [jokes aside, Dan being comfortable enough to do drag in public, fuck they've come so far i'm so proud of them <3].
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And here we are in the future, it's present day and they are queerer and happier than ever. THE PICTURES I CAN'T ISTG. Also Dan's Birthday stream is beyond iconic. First of all my unproblematic kings make it a charity stream to donate to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (using their public influence for good hell yeah)... And how did they raise the money you ask? WELL BY HITTING IS WHERE WE'RE WEAKEST. Sister Daniel makes a spectacular comeback, FATHER PHIL is introduced and Dan even dyes his hair red to be more Good Omens coded... which timeline are we living in again? like how is any of this real?
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Also them drawing the PINOF whiskers on their faces again... they're literally growing old together I'm gonna go sob in a corner. Also the fake apology video bc they have no fashion sense in the Sims 4 is hilarious as fuck. HOW CAN THEY POSSIBLY BE SO MUCH HOTTER ON THEIR THIRTIES EXPLAIN??
anyways the phandom is still speculating wether they're erasing "i love you's" at the end of their text when they show them on videos... guess some things never change. Nah but the vibes are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NOW, they are more open than they've ever been and participate on the phan culture FULLY to the point that they're the ones terrorizing us now.
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QUICK DETOUR TO TALK ABOUT PHIL'S FAMOUS BAD LUCK (and then they wonder why he's always dying in the fanfics). Nah but my poor man has had his fair share of medical problems, the most recent being...
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OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU ANNOUNCE SOMETHING LIKE THAT THIS WAY?? nah like using humor as a coping mechanism and all but do they wanna gives a heart attack?! iconic i fear however
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So yeah the video where they talk about it is WILD (funniest shit about the whole ordeal is that a nurse mistook Dan as Phil's son). Also I saw a tweet speculating about Phil having a hickey like... first of all what is it? 2009? Second of all IT'S MOST LIKELY A POPPED VESSEL FROM LOSING ALL THAT BLOOD YOU KNOW
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They still were able to go on their vacation (aka the rodent boy summer) which gifted us with this iconic pics... ALSO they dropped a new Dan and Phil beats for summer go check out the names of the tracks istg they wanna kill their fans.
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Nothing is sacred anymore, they've infiltrated twtphan, they're actively reposting memes and writing fanfiction about themselves. It's the wild west, everytime you get a notification is like playing Russian Rulet. Cringe is dead and Dan and Phil ARE COMING NEAR YOUR CITY on a tour named "Terrible Influence" where Phil's spent 300€ on silicone. It's a wonderful time to be a phan.
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OKAY SO here's some stuff that didn't make the cut but that i find too hilarious to not mention. In no apparent order: DAN DRESSING UP AS A CATBOY, Dan and Phil playing technicians 1 and 2 on Big Hero 6 and two brothers on the Lion King (wtf was that also they gave the gorilas matching fringes), Dan dressing up as a golden pig (my boy has RANGE) and finally Dan being too embarassed to admit he stalked Phil and telling a reporter he was only asking for "editing tips" if you know what i mean
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Also a short compilation of Dan and Phil losing the idgaf war against eachother THEY ARE SO THOUGHTFUL ABOUT EVERYTHING. Special mention to Daniel's 🧡 when Phil praised "We're all doomed!" and Dan's ranch metaphor to describe their relationship (just go watch the mukkbang video OH LORD)
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SO, in conclusion... Dan and Phil's refusal to belittle their past and instead embrace it as part of their story while actively moving into the future alongside the phandom YEAH THAT SHIT MEANS SOMETHING. They're simultaneously healing our inner child while embracing us as the adults we've become i have many feelings about them
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So what are they?
They're just Dan and Phil.
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