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dinych · 1 month ago
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Just my son
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spazesspace · 7 days ago
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Midnight swim
Another take on my Avatar self insert, but this time as a forest Na'vi!
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lord-eden · 6 months ago
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Trudy’s Avatar
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snugglebug-mj-blog · 6 months ago
The eldest daughter who wasn't wanted
The sully family x oldest daughter reader
Chapter 3 ~ family ~
(I am rewriting this story)
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(Y/n and her adopted family
Grandmother Leyra
Mother zo'ile
Father nawmrui
Older brother At'ok
Younger brothers Tayätsi and Tsu'ti (15 years old twins)
And baby brother kä'ey (8 years old)
Plus Mo'at
They will be introduced in this part ))
The sun has risen starting a new day and y/n had just slowly gotten out of bed when a small force rammed into her making her fall back into her bed. Y/n groaned in surprise before looking down to see a young na'vi boy smiling up at her
"Tsìltsan rewon tsawl tsmuke! (Good morning big sister!)" The young one said excitedly
Y/n smiled before hugging the young na'vi
"Kä'ey ma Hì'i tsmukan tsìltsan rewon! (my little brother good morning!)" Y/n said with a smile.
"Sa'nok (mother) said you were sad last night, so I've come this morning to see if you're feeling better!" Kä'ey said as he got out of his sister's arms and sat beside her.
Y/n gently patted her baby brothers head " thank you kä'ey. I feel a little better now" y/n said as she stood up making kä'ey follow beside her.
"Come let's go get breakfast with Sa'nok (mother) and grandmother" y/n said as her baby brother grabbed her hand.
"Today is the day that Sempul ulte tsawl tsmukan (father and big brothers) come back from training with the Elsweyr clan!" Kä'ey said excitedly y/n nodded
"Yes it is! I can't wait to see Sempul ulte tsmukans (father and brothers)! But we won't be able to celebrate much because we have visitors waiting to talk to Sempul (father)" y/n said as they got closer to their Sa'noks tent
Kä'ey nodded before running in.
"Tsìltsan rewon my prrnens (Good morning my babies)" zo'ile said with a smile as she sat with Leyra , making the elder chuckle
"Tsìltsan rewon Sa'nok(good morning mother), grandmother Leyra" y/n said as kä'ey dragged her to sit beside him.
"Grandmother Leyra, where is grandmother Mo'at?" Y/n asked looking up at her grandmother who was drinking.
Leyra sighed before putting her cup down
"She is speaking to our guest, hopefully she can knock some sense into them before your Sempul (father) gets here. That Jake Sully is a really stubborn Skxawng (idiot). He kept asking for you to come stay in their hut last night, tried to fight a guard to get into your hut, then tried again this morning before Mo'at smacked him" Leyra said rubbing her forehead.
Y/n reached over and gently grabbed her grandmothers hand "I am sorry for bringing them grandmother-" before y/n could finish speaking Leyra chuckled
"My granddaughter you've done nothing wrong. They needed help and you brought them here to be helped" Leyra said with a proud smile.
~After eating~
Kä'ey had ran off with Leyra as y/n stayed to help zo'ile clean up
"So your Sempul ulte tsmukans (father and brothers) should be back sometime today, listen out for the horns ok" zo'ile said as her and y/n got done putting everything away y/n nodded
"Oh I will I'm excited! I get to tell Sempul ulte tsmukans (father and brothers) what they missed, the past few weeks!" Y/n said excitedly making Zo'ile smile
"Do you think your mate will be with them?" Zo'ile asked with a teasing smile as they stepped out of the hut y/ns ears turned pink a few elders walking past aldo have a teasing smile and chuckles
"SA'NOK! We're just friends!" Y/n yelled in embarrassment
As the few elders and zo'ile laughed lightly to the flushed girl as she hid her face from everyone neytiri watched from a far, jealousy filled her chest.
She was your mother not zo'ile,
she should have a close bond with you not zo'ile,
She should be called Sa'nok not zo'ile
*Great mother what did we do to deserve this? My own daughter doesn't see me as her mother, she doesn't like me or my Jake. What did we do to deserve this?* Neytiri thought to herself.
Mo'at walked up beside her daughter to see her glaring at zo'ile teasing a very pink y/n.
"You and Jake made your decision by giving her up, don't be upset that she doesn't see you as her mother" Mo'at said shaking her head and walking away from her daughter.
Neytiri sighed they will prove that you belong with them not here.
~a little while later~
The sully children and spider where sitting together under a tree talking to each other, when y/n and kä'ey walked past them.
"Hi Tsawl tsmuke (big sister) y/n!" Tuk yelled making the sullys and spider look to where Tuk yelled, to see the tan na'vi with a little na'vi boy standing beside her.
Y/n and kä'ey walked towards the Sully's "hello" y/n said with a small smile. Kä'ey tugged on y/ns arm making her lean down and pick him up.
"Who is that?" Lo'ak asked pointing at the child who glared at the group from his older sisters shoulder.
"This is my Prrnen tsmukan (baby brother) Kä'ey" y/n said with a smile everyone froze
"Prrnen tsmukan? (Baby brother?)" The group asked before looking at each other.
"But y/n we're your siblings Sa'nok and Sempul (mother and father) are your parents" tuk said, y/n shock her head
"Yes we share blood but after Jake and neytiri gave birth to me they gave me away. They didn't want me because I was not normal. My parents took me in just like how neytiri and Jake took in kiri, I do not consider Jake and neytiri my family. I will try to have a relationship with you all but that will be all. Am I clear?" Y/n said bluntly making the group nodded.
Jake and Norm had walked over to the group "Ahh it's nice to see my family finally together." Jake said as he placed a hand on y/ns shoulder,
Making y/n, Kä'ey and a few guards hiss at him making him quickly retract his hand and put them up in defense as the guards raised their spears at him, Kä'ey hugged y/n tighter
"Again I am not YOUR daughter! You may have helped give me life but you are nothing to me" y/n hissed making Jakes ears flatten.
"Now listen here little lady-" Jake was cut off by a loud horn.
Y/n turned around to see a ship slowly docking at the end of the docs by by the swamp water area
"Sempul ulte tsmukans (Father and brothers!) are home!" Y/n and kä'ey said excitedly. Kä'ey jumped out of y/ns arms before taking off y/n following behind him.
As the two ran to the ship they saw everyone unloading before seeing a larger figure talking to some hunters
"SEMPUL!!!!" Y/N and kä'ey yelled making the larger Na'vis ears perk up, before turning towards the voices
"HAHA! Ma youngest itan ulte ma 'ite!!! (My youngest son and my daughter!!!)" Nawmrui yelled before getting down on one knee and opening his arms wide.
Kä'ey and y/n crashed full force into their father's awaiting arms, knocking him down onto his back.
The Eyktan (leader/Chief) laughed as he held two of his five children with a huge smile on his face.
"Aw we don't get a hug Tsawl tsmuke (big sister) Prrnen tsmukan (baby brother)?" A voice asked y/n looked up from her father to see her younger brothers Tsu'ti and Tayätsi crouching looking down at them
"Tsu'ti, Tayätsi!!" Y/n said happily as she got out of her father's grip and hugged the twins making them laugh and hugged their older sister back.
A thud was heard behind the group and when y/n turned around she saw her oldest brother At'ok who had placed a box down and helped their father back to his feet.
Y/n smiled before letting the twins go and turning towards her older brother they smiled and hugged each other.
"I see your here and well. How was your trip into the woods" At'ok asked y/n sighed but before she could speak kä'ey spoke
"Sempul ulte tsmukans (father and brothers brothers) the Sully's are here and they made Tsawl tsmuke upset. They also said they are her family" kä'ey said as he looked down at his father from his shoulders.
Everyone around the family froze before looking at y/n. Nawmrui eyes widden before looking down at his small daughter whos ears flattened a little
"Sempul they came for help and they were hurt, I just wanted to help. Sa'nok let them stay the night and heal, and she left judgement for you" y/n said rubbing her arm.
Nawmrui took a breath before gently patting his daughter's head
"It's ok ma daughter." He said with a smile before telling everyone to continue unloading everything before he made his way to the healers tent.
The sullys and their human friends sat in the Eyktan hut in front of the large leader. Nawmrui glared at Jake with hatred. Nawmrui children and Mo'at sat beside him, as the sully children sat beside their parents.
"Tell me why have you come here," nawmrui growled but calmed down when his mate Zo'ile gently pat his leg.
"Eyktan Nawmrui we've come seeking help, shelter, and to be near our daughter." Jake said said with a bow neytiri bow beside him
At'ok laughed before standing up glaring at the Sully's
"Your daughter? YOUR DAUGHTER?! you and your mate gave her up a week after birth because she was different! My parents, my grandmother, Mo'at, and our clan raised her! Not you!" At'ok hissed.
"We had no choice boy." Jake hissed
"Silence!" Nawmrui yelled making everyone freeze.
"Sullys we will help you but you will realize that y/n and Mo'at are part of our family and clan. Y/n will not answer to you" Nawmrui said calmly. Before standing up
"Everyone but Jake out" nawmrui said dismissing everyone for the night.
Everyone left and went to their own huts, leaving nawmrui towering over the Sully's.
(Brought to you by princess diaries)
"We will help your family and friends but
If you hurt my girl, you will answer directly to me, and whatever crimes I commit against you, remember, I have diplomatic immunity in 46 clans, including the fire and ash clan." Nawmrui growled,
Jake stood up straighter " Sir, you will find that the word "fear" is not in my vocabulary!" Jake tried to look unfazed.
Nawmrui chuckled "Perhaps... but it's in your eyes. Now get out" nawmrui pointed towards the door.
Jake quickly left, and nawmrui sighed before going to find his family. When he walked into his daughter's huts he sees y/n being hugged protectively by Leyra, zo'ile, At'ok, Tsu'ti, Tayätsi, and Kä'ey. Nawmrui smiled "make room for Sempul" nawmrui said walking into the hut.
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isoliawrites · 1 year ago
I'm here
Sully Family × Son!Reader
Word count: a lot
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{Just a filler. I don't know what to change much in this part.}
"What?" Y/n asked Tuk in disbelief. "Mom and dad are talking about it right now" Tuk says as she runs out of the tent again and Y/n follows out as Mo'at allows him to. Both of the ran to one of the hut, Kiri was already there, listening. Y/n quietly does the same while Tuk takes a peek inside.
"This thing, this Quartich.. whatever he is.."
"What's going on?" Neteyam asks and Kiri quickly signals them to be quiet. They came and joined in to listen to their parents.
"He can walk right under Eywa's nose"
Y/n watched as Jake and Neytiri argued, he didn't fully understand yet why they had to leave. Neytiri argued "This is about our little ones. I cannot, you cannot ask of this" she walked away from Jake "I cannot leave my people. I will not" She stated once again. Jake looks at her, "He's hunting us. He's targeting our family-" "You cannot ask this!" Neytiri cuts him off "The children, everything they've ever known. The forest, this is our home!"
"He had our children. He had 'em under his knife, look at Y/n!" Jake argued back. Neytiri went silent, torn between her people and her children's safety. She went and grabbed her bow "My father gave me this bow as he lay dying! And he said protect the people.. You're Toruk Makto!" She pleaded but Jake insisted "This will protect the people!"
Y/n hated seeing his parents argue like this, he can't stand the screaming and arguing. He stands up and leaves, he knows they're leaving because what his dad says is final.
Y/n's POV
I felt mixed emotions as I left. I think I'm going to cry or something. I don't want to leave..this is our home, our place. I don't want to leave Mo'at, why does this happen to us... and why am I getting so emotional while the others seem to hold it together better.
I went inside our tent and sat down on my bed... Everything is happening so fast I can't seem to process it well. I heard someone come in and I turned to look, it's Neteyam. "Y/n" he called and sat next to me. "Everything is going to be alright" he said as he stroked my head. I push his hand away "No it's not Nete. We're leaving. I won't have another chance to see the forest and everything I knew" I say to him. "We won't know that for sure, we might return here and meet other new people along the way-" "They won't accept us!" I argued back and he was stunned. Great. Now I feel bad. "....sorry" I said to him and I lay down facing away from him. My eyes felt like they're going to burst at this point.
"What is it-?!" Suddenly Nete flipped me over so I was on top of him. "Nete! What are you-!" I shouted. Nete cupped my face and said "Listen to me, it's us against the world, Y/n. Like what dad says, this family is our fortress" He said to me, looking very seriously at me. "I know, I know, stop talking like him" I answered quickly, not in the mood for arguing. He let's go of me and lay next to me. "Your taking all the spaceee! it's my bed!" I told him, and how dare he..this is my bed. I'm fine sharing but he's pushing me out of the bed slowly. "No I'm not, come on baby bro don't be selfish-ow!!" I hit him square in the face "Don't call me that, skxawng!!" Seriously, my dear brother needs to grow out of his nickname calling phase. Oh and yes, I pushed him out of my bed.
"oh your going to get it" Nete said as he layed on top of me and practically trying to kill me cuz he is heavy! I tried to get him off but he won't budge. All of the sudden we both heard dad calling for Nete. He quickly got up and left as I sighed in relief. My mind drifts back to the current situation, imagining us going back after everything is over and how we can all live like before where we don't need to be so vigilant and careful... and Dad wouldn't need to be so worked up all the time. But a part of me knew it was impossible since we aren't going to fight back.. they will keep hunting us one way or another. The worst case scenario is if we were ever caught again.. they will surely take us away.. it could be any of us or maybe even Dad since they seemed to know him.
After Neteyam was finished helping Jake pack their things, he went back to their tent. "Y/n?" Neteyam called to him but got no replies. He looked at Y/n who is asleep. "Must be tired.." Neteyam mumbled as he went to start helping packing other things. He let's Y/n sleep then after he was done he slowly got up and went outside.
When he went outside, Jake was about to get in. "Father.." Neteyam greeted, "Is your brother inside?" Jake asked him. "Yeah he is inside, sleeping," Neteyam answered his father. Jake was silent for a while before nodding, Neteyam looked at his father and noticed that he looked like he wanted to say something but he dismissed that thought.
"...Y/n is not happy about leaving" Neteyam told him, Jake looks at him "I know, none of us is happy about this decision but this is for the best. Help Tuk pack up her things we're leaving as soon as possible. Get the ikrans ready"
Y/n's POV
When I woke up everyone was already finishing packing their things, Mom came in the tent "Y/n.. I was about to wake you up, let's go, the others are waiting" I stood up quietly and followed her "I've already packed your things" she added and I only nodded.
A ceremony was held as I saw the new chief rise and Dad was demoted from the clan leader. Many people saw us off and Mom cried on the way out, we had to leave our home. I managed to see Mo'at for the last time and as we said our goodbye she gave me a hairpin. "Take care of your brothers and sisters, I trust you most" was what she said as I left.
We all got on our ikran...expect Tuk and I. Tuk went with mom and I went with Dad. I look at Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kiri who went on their own, oh how nice it must be. All of us then took off as we headed far away from the forest. I looked back behind me and the forest was getting smaller and smaller as we flew across the ocean. My hand slipped as I tried to keep a glance of the forest and almost fell but Dad quickly grabbed me. "Y/n that's enough" He said to me. Dad tightened his grip around me as we flew faster to lead to others.
As we pushed foward the forest finally disappeared. My heart became heavy by the the fact that we are going away from everything we ever known. And the fact that I and Tuk will never have our rite of passage.. I feel like I was leaving behind and missing a lot of things back at home. I can't understand how the others waa strong enough to not even cry while I'm here trying my best not to... again. Why am I like this? There's always an uneasiness feeling in my heart. It also doesn't help that the fact Spider was still back there and we aren't helping him.
Jake was wondering why Y/n was so quiet since they left. He tried to take a peak at Y/n and what he saw broke his heart. His son was quietly crying and tears were running down his face. The last time he saw his son crying was that incident. Jake knows that Y/n was a strong child and he never cried or complained about anything even when Jake was being hard on him. But sometimes Jake forgot that he was just a child just like the rest. The night they escaped from Quartich, Jake almost went insane when he saw his injuries... he almost lost one of his children and it's the same one years ago. His point was proven right when he doesn't allow Y/n to go out without him or Neytiri but on the other hand he also blames himself for keeping Y/n inside with no knowledge of even self defense because he too was too focused on Netyam and Lo'ak.
Jake knew that he hadn't been tending to Y/n a lot but it's just hard for him to show affection to his sons. Every time he looked at Y/n he was reminded of how he failed to protect him. It was easy to overcome that fear long ago but since the humans invaded back it was hard, nearly impossible for him. Y/n sobs became quite louder and he coughs from trying to keep it in, Jake snapped back to reality and slowly wiped Y/n's tears away. Y/n flinched at the contact but Jake hugged him close with one of his arm and told him
"It's alright Y/n, you can let it out. You can cry, I got you"
As Jake said that Y/n began to cry quietly as he doesn't want others to know. Jake hugged him close and Y/n buried his face in his father's embrace. It felt good to Y/n that he was able to let go of the tears he was trying to hold and it calmed him down better and faster. After Y/n calmed down, the sky went gray and rain began to pour down. The water wipes away the stain on Y/n's cheeks making it impossible to tell that he cried before, the thunder follows as soon as the Sully's make their way towards the new sanctuary.
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After a long time of traveling Y/n finally a glimpse of civilization. The waters were getting clearer and he could see the animals and plants inside the ocean. They went through the reefs and flew across huts and the people.
All of them looked at the Sully's as they landed. "Dad I don't think they're friendly" Y/n said to Jake. "We gotta try" Jake replied as he got Y/n off his ikran. All of them walked together to greet the chief, Y/n alongside Kiri at the back. The Metkayina immediately surround them and Jake puts his hands up to tell them they're here not to cause trouble.
Y/n's POV
We were surrounded by the people and honestly I was mesmerized by their appearance. They have different colored eyes and bodies, with tails like fins unlike us. Two boys came forward to take a look at us. Nete and Lo'ak tried to greet them but they didn't greet back... are they really going to welcome us? It doesn't look really promising. They looked kinda scary too. "Easy, just be cool" Dad said. Yeah Dad.. very helpful.
"Look! What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail?" One of them commented. They started to make fun of Lo'ak and Nete before going to me and Kiri. One of them looked stunned and I immediately held on to Kiri, not daring to make eye contact. A girl then came over and scolded the boys. I learned that their names are Rotxo and Aonung.
"Y/n.." Kiri called as she held me close. I then heard something coming and I looked up to see three people but they were riding something like a flying fish, I guess they must be the leaders judging from their outfit. I remember Dad saying they are Tonowari and Ronal..
Dad and Mom greeted them "Why do you come to us, Jake Sully?" Tonowari asked and Dad replied "We seek Uturu"
"Uturu?" Ronal immediately replied, her tone was not happy. "Yes, sanctuary for my family" Dad added but she did not reply. She came and inspected us one by one as Tonowari tried to explain what her wife meant and how it is not possible… and she was right. They are reef people and we are forest people. She went to Mom and Tuk "Their arms are thin" she continued to me and Kiri. She grabbed Kiri's tail "Their tails are weak. You will be slow in the water"
Ronal then went to Y/n but he stepped back, looking down. She was shocked to see Y/n's hair and skin. Ronal was persuasive and grabbed Y/n's hair looking at the color, she had never seen them before. Y/n looked at her and she could tell that Y/n was afraid, his eyes turned into a shade of chartreuse as the sun shone on them. Ronal's frown disappeared a little and turned into a curiosity. She trailed her hand down to Y/n's shoulder and grabbed his hands, suddenly shocked she announced "These childrens... are not even true Na'vi"
Y/n looked back at his family as Ronal let him go and everyone was shocked. Kiri pulled Y/n close to her as she said "Yes we are!"
Ronal inspects Lo'ak and found the same result too. "They have demon blood!" She shouted and the people began to become uneasy. Jake immediately jumped in the situation "Look, look" he raised his hand, showing five fingers. "Look, I was born of the sky people and now I am Na'vi. All right? You can adapt, We will adapt, okay?" he makes his voice heard and clear. Neytiri on the other hand was not pleased with Ronal's attitude as she chimed in "My husband was Toruk Makto" she said as she walks toward Ronal.
"He led clans to victory against the Sky People" she added. "This you call victory?" Ronal shot back "Hiding among strangers?" She went to Neytiri "It seems that Eywa has turned her back on you.. choosen one" she said to Jake. Neytiri hissed at Ronal and she hissed back, challenging. Jake stepped in between them and said "I apologize for my mate, she's.." "Do not apologize for me" Neytiri said but Jake continued "... has flown a long away, and she's exhausted." "Jake." Neytiri said but Jake looked at her and told her to back down and Neytiri obliged. Tonowari also tried to ease the tension "Toruk Makto is a great war leader. All Na'vi prople know his story... But we Metkayina are not at war.." he turned to Jake and added "We cannot let you bring your war here" Jake responded "I'm done with war. Okay? I just want to keep my family safe"
Neytiri was done going back and forth as she repeated "Uturu has been asked". Tonowari turned to discuss with Ronal and suddenly Tuk, in Jake's arms asked "Do we have to go?". Jake answerd "We'll be okay"
Ronal looked at this interaction before looking at her husband. Her fierce eyes met his soft eyes and after a moment she agree. Tonowari was relieved and announce it to the people.
"Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. Now they do not know the sea, so they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways, so they do not suffer the shame of being... useless" Jake was relieved as he said thank you and the others followed.
"My son, Aonung, our daughter, Tsireya, will show your children what to do"
Aonung was not happy about this decision "Father, why do-" Tonowari cuts him off "It is decided." Y/n looked at the other sibling, Tsireya who was much the polar opposite as she speak happily "Come, I will show you our village"
Y/n's POV
Tsireya showed us around the village and the last place to our new house. The road was built above the water with some kind of weaving and it was bouncy. Tuk hopped along the way and it was relieving to see her laugh and smile. Mom and Kiri were definitely not too happy about everything, their faces were telling that enough. So when the other went out to explore I stayed with Mom.
I was laying my head on her lap as she brushed my hair "Your hair has grown, Y/n. Do you want to cut it?" I always keep it short because I was inspired by Kiri and I asked her to make my hair the same style as her.
"No need Mom" I answered her.. It is better if I keep it long, that way I can hide it better. "You have such a beautiful hair, like your father" Mom said as she brushed my hair "Doesn't dad has the same hair as the others?" Mom chuckled at my question "When I first met him his hair was smooth, like a baby. And his braids was messy, like a child" I chuckled along with her at her remark
"It's nice to see your hair grow out, it's healthy and beautiful" She said as she divided my hair into sections to braid it. She divide the section of my white hair alone and I tuck my hair in instinctively "No need to braid it Mom, it's fine"
Mom immediately noticed my plan of not cutting my hair and I tried to argue with her but it's no use. In the end she braided only my white hair and gave it some beads.... Why did I even stay here? Oh yeah I wanted to make her feel better but this is what I got. I looked at her and she was silently laughing! How mean! "Not funny Mom. I'll be laughed at!" I argued. "You should be proud of it Y/n, it's beautiful.. If someone makes fun of it you tell me immediately"
The others suddenly came back as Dad called us for a family meeting.
"Kiri" Neytiri called as she ask Kiri to sit down. "Okay" Jake started "I need you kids on your best behavior. I mean it." He said as he looked at his kids one by one. "Learn fast, pull your weight. Don't cause trouble, you got it?" Lo'ak knew it was directed at him so he answered "Yes, sir." "I want to go home" Tuk who was quiet the whole time suddenly speaks and she was crying. Y/n pulls Tuk close to him and rubs her back "Oh Tuk.." Neytiri was saddened at Tuk's state. Jake holds Tuk gand and said "Tuk, this is our home now" Jake sighs before he continued "Now we're gonna get through this if we have each other's backs all right?" He tried to assure his childrens and Neytiri also helped "What does your Father always say?" Neteyam, Lo'ak and Y/n answered "Sully's stick together"
"That's right. Sully's stick together" Jake repeats but Kiri stays quiet. "Now with some feelings yeah?" Jake tried again and this time Tuk and Kiri joined in.
"Sully's stick together"
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The next day they started with their lessons to learn how to live like a Metkayina. This time Jake cannot ask Y/n to stay back because he had to learn, and the place isn't as dangerous as the forest because Sky people aren't present.
Aonung, Tsireya and Rotxo jumped into the water followed by Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk. Y/n stayed behind for a while as he observed the others especially on how they swim, he didn't jump in like the others. Instead he slowly went in the water after he tied his hair and hold his breath as he sinked down.
Y/n opened his eyes to see thousands of sea creatures inside the ocean. The water was clear and there are many corals with different colors and shapes. The animals noticed him and suddenly swims towards him, circling and pecking him. Y/n get ticklish and breaks free. He saw his siblings in front of him and tried to swim to them, he slowly tries to swim like how Tsireya and Aonung does it. Y/n slowly pushed through the water, as he kicked his legs to move suddenly he felt a strong current from behind and resulted in him swimming faster and further forward. Y/n looked back thinking it was an animal pushed or something but nothing was behind him. He tested it again and pushed forward but this time stronger and resulted in him losing control.
Y/n panicked as he tried to stop but he can't as the flow of the water kept pushing him. Y/n looks infront and he was about to crash into Tuk so he immediately turned. He was relieved for a moment and saw that his siblings was going up so he made a turn while still being pushed by the flow but that resulted in him crashing into someone else. Aonung.
Tsireya and the others were looking at the Sully's as they had to take their breaths for the second time. Aonung and Rotxo were making fun of them when suddenly Y/n crashed into Aonung.
Aonung was shoved forward. Only after that did the flow stopped behind Y/n and oh boy did he crash into the chief's son. Flustered and panicked Y/n quickly swims up to the surface as the other followed, Aonung had no time to shout at him. Y/n reaches the surface as he gasps for air "Y/n! Are you alright?! You crashed!" Neteyam quickly swims to him with Lo'ak and Tuk following. Y/n was still catching his breath "I-I don't-" "Catch your breath Y/n" Lo'ak said to him as he pats Y/n's back.
The others went up and Aonung looked pissed. "Did you swim with your eyes closed? It hurts you know!" "Sorry.." Y/n quietly apologized. Aonung heard what Y/n said but he wasn't pleased "I can't hear you, frea-" "Hey! He said sorry alright? Did swimming makes your hearing a problem?" Lo'ak cuts him off. Aonung was about to talk back when Tsireya halted him "That's enough. It was an accident and Y/n already apologized"
She turned back to the others "It's alright Y/n, he isn't hurt. Are you all right?"
Tuk chipped in "Your too fast! Wait for us". Tsireya chuckles and assured them "Just breath, breath" "You are not good divers- ow!" Aonung jumped in and immediately earned a smack on head. "Come on, bro" Lo'ak said and Neteyam also added "We don't speak this.. finger talk, guys. We don't know what you're saying". Tsireya calmly replied "I will teach you"
"Where is Kiri?" Rotxo suddenly asked. "Kiri?" "Who?" "Kiri. Where is Kiri?" Y/n looked at Rotxo who took notice of Kiri's absent. "Did you see her?" Tsireya asked and Y/n replied calmly "I think she is still swimming. She's really good at it". Y/n saw Kiri along the way and saw how she quickly adapts and got busy exploring the new world.
Next day
"These are ilu" Aonung said as he introduced the animal to the Sully's. "If you want to live here.. you have to ride."
Y/n's POV
The next lesson we are having are riding an ilu. Kiri didn't want to come with us because she wanted some alone time. I was actually pretty excited about this one because it's similar like iknimaya which I always wanted to do but can't due to Dad being a douchebag.
One problem is that I think Aonung is still pissed about yesterday as his tone was very different when talking to me. I carried Tuk with me as an ilu approach us. "Is this yours?" I asked him and he looks at me "Of course not, this one is for you guys to use. They're quite tamed already so it easier for you" he said. "When did you first make a bond with an ilu?" Nete ask him this time and he shortly answered "When I was young" Tuk wanted to pet the ilu so I set her down Nete joined along to interact with the ilu with her.
As I turned, Aonung approached me "Anyways, white hair, been wanted to ask this but how is your hair white?" I tensed up at the question and answered him "My name is Y/n and my hair is not white...only some of it." "Is it because of your demon blood?" He looked at me and smirked. I ignore him and went to Nete but he grabbed my arm "Why are you running away? I asked you a question". I yanked my arms out from him "I don't know, alright? Please stop pointing it out. I don't feel comfortable about it" He became quiet. Guess that works... it was awkward afterwards so I went back to my siblings.
I went to my siblings and they were playing with the ilu. "What’s wrong Y/n" Nete asked me "It's nothing.." I answered and just then I saw Lo'ak and Tsireya. Lo'ak was first to try and make a bond with the ilu. Tsireya guides him as the others watched and I can tell he was nervous... or trying to act smart or something? He wasn't really listening to what Tsireya said. He makes the bond quite fast and the others were commenting about his position but he just took off.
Aonung and Tsireya dives down to see Lo'ak and I followed... not long after he fell off or should I say failed quite harshly. I chuckled a bit before going up "He fell off didn't he?" Nete asked. "Yeah, but it's a good thing we're in the water. Falling off from an ikran is a much more ouch isn't it?" "Yeah it is" Neteyam and I laughed quietly together as Lo'ak looked embarrassed in front of his crush, Tsireya.
"White hair! Your next" Aonung called me and everyone else snicker at that nickname. I instantly felt worse as I felt everyone's eye look at me. I look at Nete "Come on now, or are you afraid?" Aonung said to me as he gestured. Nete was about to kill Aonung but I held him back. "Y/n-" "It's fine, don't make it a big deal" I told him. I try to ignore the stares but it's making me nervous..
Y/n went to the ilu and as his hand came in contact with it, the ilu's eye widen and it screech. Before Y/n could react the ilu rebels and pushed him back. The others tried to calm it down but in the end the ilu ran away. "Well, there goes the ilu" "He did way worse than his brother" the others laughed. Y/n was clearly embarrassed and mentally prepares himself for another insult like from Aonung but it never came. Y/n was surprised when he just shushed the other kids and looked at the sully's "You guys have a lot to learn, and a long way."
In the end Tsireya decided to split up the group as she took Tuk with her, while Aonung and Roxto got the boys. Needless to say, the session was quite a hellish moment for the boys because they were continuously tortured by Aonung and Rotxo. Although they were constantly laughed at, Aonung and Rotxo still gave them some helpful advice and corrections on how to ride, resulting in Lo'ak and Neteyam learning faster. On the other hand, Y/n scared away almost all of the ilu's and was not able to bond with any of them.
"You do know that ilu's can sense your emotions and feelings, have a little faith in yourself and you'll make my job easier by not scaring away all the ilus" Aonung told Y/n. It was silent between the both of them and Y/n was baffled "....How did you-" "Your face is like an open book" Aonung said. Y/n was quite embarrassed by his statement but he well he gets that a lot. Neytiri also told him that he needs to learn to have a little faith in himself, especially if he wants to catch up to his siblings.
"Thanks for telling me" Y/n smiled and Aonung looked away and quickly changes the topic "A-Anyways, go on have a try. You better not scare it away again"
He brought another ilu and held it in place. By this time Y/n was feeling a lot better. He looked at the ilu and accidentally made eye contact with it. However this time, the ilu did not run away, instead the ilu approached him. Aonung tried to hold it back but when he knew that the ilu was trying to get to Y/n, he let go of it. Y/n smiled again as the ilu made his way to him. Y/n offers his hand and the ilu gladly complies. He looks at Aonung, trying to show him and Aonung tells Y/n to make the bond.
Y/n's POV
I hold my tsaheylu and slowly make the bond, a huge wave of emotionos flows through me. I can see fragments of memories that doesn't belong to mine. I learn that the ilu is a female, after that I got on the ilu as Aonung guided me "You are doing it wrong, you and your brothers are all the same" he huffs in annoyance, and well I just say sorry. He helped me fix my posture while grumbling to himself. After he was done, he told me "You are the one who will lead her, not the other way around. Got it?"
"Okay" I answered back. I took a deep breath and told her to go underwater. She happily oblige and we were moving under the water. I couldn't believe it! We moved slowly at first and then she started to accelerate, I held on to her more securely as she took me to explore the waters.
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It felt so magical..there was a lot of sea creatures and plants. We moved fastly in the water, just like how I usually see when my siblings were riding their ikran. We swim for a while before going up to the surface again.
"I did it!" Y/n happily said when he came up to the surface. "Did you see that?!" He aprroached Aonung excitedly. "Yeah, nice-" Aonung was abtuptly cut off when Neteyam and Lo'ak stepped in the middle of them both "You did it Y/n!" They said, congratulating him. "Even I couldn't do it as fast as you! you're a fast learner" Lo'ak added. Aonung face sours a bit "it's not that he is a fast learner. He listend to my instructions well. Tomorrow we'll work on your breathing" he said while walking away.
<Couple hours later>
At night, while everyone was alseep, Y/n was wide awake because of a nightmare he just had. He didn't want to talk about it or remember it. Yet there was something bothering him. Like a feeling of uncertainty. It didn't help much by the fact Spider was still kidnapped. He steps outside the marui and went to a nearby shore to clear his mind. He sat down and takes a look at the ocean, the sounds of the waves does help. Y/n looked at the vast ocean longingly, he missed their home, their forest. The green lush paradise with never-ending adventures, the flying mountains, and the animals.. they don't have it here. As Y/n stared emptily he suddenly felt something wet poking him. When he look beside him he yelped in surprise when a strange creature like animal was staring at him. There was something wrong with the creature, it was made out of water.
"What in the name of science..." Y/n looked at the creature slowly, trying to figure out what it is. The creature just stood still and kept looking at him. It looks really harmless though. No sharp teeth or claws....just water. As he take a closer look, he realized that the creature looked liked a fan lizard. Y/n's eyes widen and he immediately tried to touch it. "Hey-! Wait!" Y/n shouted as the water creature ran back to the ocean and perished before he could even touch it. Y/n went inside of the water as he tried to look for it but since the creature was literally made of water so it's pointless. "Aw man!" Y/n punched the water surface out of frustration. He walks further but then he suddenly heard a voice.
"Y/n! There you are-! Why are you there?! Get back to land!"
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navitsamsiyuu · 2 months ago
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The Spires are so beautiful ❤️
tiktok: tsamsiyuu_ instagram - tsamsiyuu_
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kiorcel · 1 month ago
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do yall fw avatar... (my fixation is so high right now it came back)
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unyor-payn · 11 months ago
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the many beautiful colors, hues, and shades of the aranahe hometree
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unusualgrimm · 3 months ago
Been seeing people's various takes on accurate Na'vi following Pandorian evolution (or from what we can gather through media)
My lil take on it, it could be more detailed but I love evolution and wanted to get my concept across
Comparing various Avatar Fauna i've composed my interpretation following the average pandorian features;-
-No hair/Tiny ammount of hair (hexapede + prolemuris feature tiny hair like bristles)
-2 sets of eyes;- 1 set to see in twilight, 1 set to see in daylight
-Predator have black/dark teeth
- Typically 2 kuru (queue)
-6 limbs
-Not mammals (no breasts)
I added eye markings following the ruling of lions where lighter under eye markings actually help in seeing in the dark/dim light
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recomskxawng · 6 months ago
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Just Avatar Things
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zaddyneteyamlovergirl · 2 years ago
Part Three: Toruk’älek - The People of Fire
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Pairings: Neteyam x Ash! Navi (Y/N Te Euwìayt Toltoew’ite)
Warnings: ANGST FROM THE HEART, Mentions of child abuse, Neytiri crying (A warning in itself), ANGSTTTTT 
A/N: This chapter made me cry when I was writing it so you're all welcome for that and I apologise in advance. Enjoy!!! :)
Summary: Quaritch is back to get the Sully family once again, using the forces of the Ash Navi tribe, a tribe known for their disbelief of Eywa, the pandorian mother. Among them sits a princess, one who knows in her heart that while her parents engage with the Sky Demon she will never be safe. So she escapes, managing to seek refuge amongst the Metkayina clan hoping desperately to find the mate she has been looking for since she was young. Only for her to discover that she may be a few months too late. 
Previous ||| Next
Säkoä wails into the darkness and you sigh and hold the back of her head while your feet dangle in the ocean of Awa’atlu and you tiredly hush her humming. It does nothing but cause her to scream harder. 
You had taken your baby sister outside and away from the kids, knowing how exhausted they had been from travelling for the past few days and with Saymki still being unwell you knew that she would need as much rest as possible. 
“Mawey my darling.” You coo helplessly at the girl who coughs and cries harder, and your ears fall flat against your skull. 
You were such a failure, unable to help your siblings. 
“You must cradle her with your hands on her stomach.” A voice in the darkness speaks out and you turn to see Neytiri staring at you with a look of pity.
You hated that. 
“I have tried, she does not tire easily.” You chuckle darkly, grumpily adjusting your sister so you are rubbing her stomach, but her yells continue to go on.
“May I?” Neytiri sits next to you and holds out her hands to which you pass over Säkoä, willing to let another try their best. Neytiri positions your sister so she rests with her stomach pressed to the older woman's thighs and supports her head with her right hand, her left moving up to her back. Säkoä manages to calm down and you stare in disbelief at the girl and Neytiri chuckles. 
“My children were similar to Säkoä. Lo’ak had been the worst of the bunch.” She smirks, shaking her head before her smile drops and she stares out to the ocean. 
“My oldest, Neteyam. He was the perfect son. Never cried or screamed, always a smile on his face. Since he was my first I worried that there was something wrong with him. I had taken him to my mother, the Tsahik and she told me that I was similar to him as a child. That we were of the same tree that Eywa had blessed us with.” Neytiri fails to notice the grimace on your face at the mention of the higher figure that your people had hated throughout the years. 
“You remind me of him Y/N. Something tells me you would have been good friends.” Neytiri turns to you with a sad smile and tears welling in her eyes. The emotion made you anxious, you had been raised to never show any emotion besides rage. 
Hot burning rage. 
You look down at your baby sister and sigh seeing her finally asleep, due to this woman's tender touches and you look back at Neytiri.
“To my people, we have no friends. We are acquaintances at best. Our parents-” You swallow at the mention of them and a ragged breath escapes your throat. 
“-They raised me to be a warrior. To take over the title of Tsahik and rule my people the way they do. I never wished for that.” You swallow before looking out into the ocean.
“Mating in our culture is prominent. A single mate, who you grow a spiritual connection with before you may ever meet. Those who lose their person are punished with death. It is what our Iknimaya initiation includes.” 
Screaming pierces the air, followed by the thunk. 
Neytiri looks at you, noting the glaze of grief which is quickly covered by an emotionless stare into nothing. Her hand reaches down to grab your own and you flinch, scolding yourself internally and she gently places her hand over yours. The warmth of a mother's touch causes you to look at her. 
“You have lost him haven’t you.” Neytiri’s eyes pierce your soul and your ears tilt downward, your tail flicking out against your will. 
You had just left training, your bow gripped tightly in your hand. Passing through the Valley of Death, you felt a sudden feeling rock through your body causing you to hiss and fall to your knees panting. 
The pain was unimaginable, and you desperately searched for the wound on your body knowing that you must have been pierced with an arrow that was flung so fast it went through your whole body. 
You groan and move to support yourself against a rock that would normally burn your body but all you could focus on was the raging pain in your chest. You move a shaking hand towards your chest, barely able to open your eyes but fail to see any blood. You wince and shift slightly before the wheels in your brain start to turn.
Your mate.
“No, no, no, no, no.” You whimper and clutch your chest tighter, feeling tears swell in your eyes for the first time in years. 
“Keep going ma’tìyawn (my love). I cannot do this without you.” You beg and plead, closing your eyes. 
Please let this be a dream. 
You shift again uncomfortably, desperately hoping that he would be okay, that it was only a scratch. 
The fading of pain brings a sense of dread to fill your stomach making you immediately throw up the little amount of food you had consumed before training. 
You feel your mate’s death, a quick brutal death that causes the tears to stream quickly down your face and you twist yourself into a ball on the ground and sob into your own arms howls of pain leaving you. 
“And he died. He died painfully, yet all I could feel was the love he had for who he was with. The peacefulness and bliss of being able to return-” 
“-Home.” Neytiri finishes clearing her throat. Tears fall from her eyes in cascades and she shifts your sister so her head is pressed into her neck. 
You exhale sharply and close your eyes, unable to get the image of him from your mind. Being unable to move and just laying helplessly. A single tear falls to your cheekbone and it is wiped away just as quickly as it comes. 
Neytiri brings you into her arms slowly, giving you enough space to pull away if you need to but you sink into her arms and keep your head pressed to her chest. 
“You will not stay in the Marui by yourself, you will stay with my family and I.” She moves a braid from your face and you look up at her with a watery gaze that sends stakes through her heart. 
Oh Neteyam, we will take care of her. Neytiri’s eyes flick upward as she makes the promise to her oldest son. 
“Neytiri, I cannot ask that-” You start but are interrupted by a tsk the woman sends effectively cutting off anything you may have to say. 
“You do not need to ask. I am also not asking you but telling you.” She deadpans and you sigh before nodding your head allowing Neytiri to smile before she rubs her hand onto your face. 
“Now head to bed, we will be there in the morning to collect your things.” She releases you and passes Säkoä to you before watching you head into the Marui, which you still hadn’t unpacked thankfully. 
The sobs escape Neytiri the minute she knows you are out of hearing range and she brings her hand up to her lips to muffle them feeling the steps of her mate approach her. 
Jake brings her into his lap and wraps his arms around her numbly staring into the direction of your Marui and consoles his mate.
“Oh, Ma’Jake…” Neytiri crumbles and leans into him heavily and he rests his chin on the top of her head.
“Neteyam’s mate. She is his mate.” He states blankly and his wife whimpers clutching her heart and staring upward into the sky.
“Eywa please, spare her heart.” 
“Y/N, Y/N. Ma’Txeptsyìp (flame), I see you.” 
“Y/N!” Saymki screeches in your ear desperately trying to pry your eyes open and you groan rolling over to which she just jumps on your back with a yell and you grumble grabbing the kid by her ankles and dragging her so she’s pinned under you and attack her with kisses, blowing raspberries on her exposed belly making Saymki squeak and giggle. 
“Y/N! “Y/N!” She squeals but you ignore her grinning and pressing kisses to her cheeks. 
“Good morning Ma’Syulang (flower).” She points at the entrance and you see Neytiri and Jake standing there with smiles on their faces. 
“Y/N! Jake and Neytiri are here!” To’Loa calls out stuffing his face with food making you roll your eyes and sit up bringing Saymki with you. Neytiri holds Säkoä who babbles at you, giving you a gummy smile. 
“Morning,” Neytiri says brightly and you nod your head at both her and Jake who pokes Säkoä’s leg making her laugh. 
Tuk runs in startling everyone and makes her way over to Loa practically bouncing with every step. 
“Loa! Guess what! Mama and Dada said you’re coming to live with us!” Tuk claps and you grimace watching your baby brother's head spin to meet your eyes. His face is panicked as he drops his fruit and quickly sprints to you crying. You nearly drop Saymki at the force the boy sends himself at and you can hear Jake sternly talking to Tuk.
“Tsumuke, please don’t leave me, I'll be good I promise!” He cries out and you freeze staring at the boy. 
“Sempul (Father) please! I didn't mean to do it! I’ll do better Sempul please don’t hurt me!” 
“To’loa we are all going to stay with Tuk and her family. It is okay, breath.” You inhale and exhale showing him how to, patting his back and staring at him before bringing him in for a tight hug. 
He settles down and wipes his face staring up at you for a second before spinning up around to Tuk and jumping up and down with a squeal making your heart sing.
You had never seen him this happy, ever. 
“Tuk! We get to live together!” He cries and they grab each other jumping up and down happily. 
“Alright, everyone grab a box and help them move.” Jake claps his hands and the two other Sully children run in and Lo’ak struts over to you with a smile.
“Can I grab your number?” He winks and you stare at him confused. 
“He is trying to flirt with you.” Kiri rolls her eyes at her idiotic younger brother and he scoffs while you stare at him with a blank look.
“I would rather drown.” You deadpan, making him frown mockingly and Kiri smirks, shoving her brother towards Säkoä’s baby items. 
“You are my favourite person to ever exist.” She says bringing a smile to your face. 
You pack up the Marui and move into an even bigger one. You attempt to conceal the gawk on your face at the size and your nose twitches in recognition. A scent hovers faintly in the air and you feel as though you are home. 
Neytiri and Jake exchange a look, one that Kiri notices and is immediately suspicious of. You feel a tiny hand grab your own and drag you to a corner that has no items and looks extremely comfortable. 
“This can be your area! You guys can be close to me!” Tuk proclaims and you chuckle and thank her, beginning to spread your items across the area and settle in, sighing gently. 
Neytiri watches with a soft smile as Säkoä begins to settle in her arms, Jake sitting and watching all of the kids interact with one another.
Neteyam, wish you were here to witness this, son.
Taglist: @liyahsocorro @ghostmadeofglass @abwoyo @ssc7514 @neteyamforlife @yeosxxx 
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vreith0 · 5 months ago
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My OC´s Mia and Irati.
Mia is a hybrid and was conceived in a laboratory. Her mother is human, her father a Na'vi. Since the two could not have a child in the normal way, Mia was conceived in the laboratory. Shortly before Mia was born in the lab, her mother disappeared and her father was killed. Now she lives on a research station on Pandorah together with scientists and her foster mother. Since Mia is a hybrid, she is very valuable to science. She has never been allowed to leave the research station and only knows Pandorah from the windows, from stories, photos and video recordings. She also knows many of Pandorah's creatures as they are brought to the research stations for study. One day a real Na'vi is brought to the research station and this turns Mia's life completely upside down when she meets him
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spazesspace · 12 days ago
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Teresa Wu - Avatar driver
This is Teresa! She's not a recombinant (at least not at the beginning of her story, which I'm still working on). So she's a good ol' avatar driver and a plane captain. I imagine she's one of the first military ones, since from what we see, most of the first avatars are scientists, or another role that's made to make contact with the na'vi. But I can't imagine that they didn't at least try military avatars at all until the recombinants. And having one be a pilot would mostly keep the avatar safe (more so than ground troops) to keep the investment as long as possible, seeing how deadly pandora is and how expensive avatars are. She does get badly hurt during mission though, leaving behind some gnarly scars, but she survives and ultimately ends up siding with the resistance.
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lloyd-007 · 2 years ago
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sugarsong78 · 1 year ago
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Here’s some images to get a feel for the blood moon au 😈
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unyor-payn · 11 months ago
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warmth and cold, na'vi and human... the resistance HQ brings a lot of things together...
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