#Hopefully nothing cataclysmic will happen
sysig · 1 year
It's always something lol
Last year it was the charger, this year the hinge on my laptop broke
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mostmagical · 1 year
Green & Red & Black
my mind has been inundated with misternette thanks to @spicysummer22's art (go LOOK) so I promised I'd write a fic
fits in canon somewhere between Passion and Elation
Lady Noire touched down to the street, the miraculous on her finger ringing only more desperate by the second. Hurriedly, she flung herself into the alleyway with only a single cursory glance to ensure she was alone.
“Claws in,” she huffed, her transformation melting over her shortly after.
Plagg groaned despondently as she caught him in her hands. The swap had been last minute and unexpected, being that their fight with Safari had only been a few days prior. She would have thought Monarch would have come up with a better half-baked plan after that defeat, knowing she and her kitty would always figure out a way to beat him.
“Sorry, Plagg,” Marinette sighed. “I only have a strawberry macaron. Is that okay?”
He opened one green crescent eye to look at her, remaining spread eagle in her palm. “I guess it’ll do,” he agreed.
Marinette smiled and fished the snack out of her purse.
“Eat up.”
She couldn’t believe her luck. Her cataclysm had missed early on, and the battle continued. The bad timing had forced her to duck away before Chat– er, Mister Bug could even call for his lucky charm. Hopefully, he was managing out there okay on his own.
She would never forgive herself if anything happened to his pretty face while she was gone.
Plagg was taking his sweet time biting into the macaron, all the while dribbling crumbs all over her hand. It was as though the little cat kwami had no sense of urgency anywhere in his tiny body. Marinette tapped her foot impatiently.
“Can you hurry?” she worriedly asked, peeking out of the alleyway and into the open street. It was too quiet.
“I’m going as fast as I can, Pigtails,” Plagg replied with a roll of his eyes. “I swear, you kids have no idea how to savor your food.”
“Time and place, Plagg.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
Marinette cast another distracted glance out into the street. “I’m just worried about him,” she said, chewing on her lip.
“I get it,” Plagg replied around a mouthful of macaron. He made a loud gulping sound as he swallowed. “But he’s smart, you know. He can take care of himself just like you can take care of yourself.”
“Sure, sure…” She waved at him with her free hand, no longer fully listening as the air became stiller.
“Actually,” Plagg continued, chewing thoughtfully, “why are you worried about him? Since when do you–” His eyes went wide, and his chewing halted. He groaned. “Tikki wasn’t joking. It’s you, too.”
Marinette wrenched her eyes away from the street, narrowing them instead at the little cat kwami in her hands. “Me too, what?” Her face wrinkled in confusion.
Plagg opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get anything out, a wave of ladybugs passed over them.
Oh. He did it…
Marinette felt a swell of pride fill her chest for her partner. He was getting better and better at wearing her earrings. Maybe they should plan to swap every once in a while. And not just because she wanted to see him in her colors more often.
(Okay, maybe it was a little of that.)
“See?” Plagg smiled, his tiny arms placed on his hips in pride. “I told you he was fine.”
Marinette giggled at his display. She reached out her pointer finger to give him a scratch between the ears, earning herself a quiet purr. “Yes, you did,” she said. “We better get back out there to swap miraculouses again. Claws–”
A tumble of red and black crashed into her, throwing her body hurtling towards the ground with a grunt. Marinette braced for impact, but there was none. Instead she found herself suspended in the air by two strong hands clasped around both her wrists. Slowly, she opened her screwed-shut eyes to green. 
Mister Bug stared down at her, his mouth dropped open in a gasp. 
“Ma-Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” he stuttered. (Since when does Chat Noir stutter…?)
Marinette tried to speak, but nothing came out. She could only vigorously nod her assent. Yes, that was her name, but she would have answered to anything he called her, surely. 
At her silence, Mister Bug took notice of her position, still hanging in the air by her arms. With a worried breath of air, he pulled her up, one of his hands landing on her waist and sending fire up her spine.
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” he fussed. His green eyes roved over her body as if checking for any scratches, despite the fact that he had saved her from feeling even a brush of the pavement.
Marinette blinked up at him, still disoriented from her near-fall and the cosmic pull of his eyes. “Don’t worry about me. I only just fell for you,” she said.
Mister Bug’s eyes widened, blinking owlishly at her as red pooled his cheeks. 
Oh, she loved how much that mask allowed her to see more of his handsome face…
Stop that!
“I mean—! Um!” Marinette scrambled to halt the unintelligible mess threatening to pour out of her mouth, but all she succeeded in doing was tying her own tongue into knots. “Don’t worry about me! You saved me! From falling!” She laughed awkwardly, punching the air with a curled fist. 
He smiled, and it was so soft and endearing that she nearly whimpered at the sight. “Yeah, I saved you. Right after I crashed into you.”
“Yeah…” she sighed dreamily. “You can crash into me any day…” She followed that one with an airy giggle.
Mister Bug’s smile curved into something more mischievous—that same flirty smile he’d toss Ladybug’s way anytime he made a pass. “Oh? And would you… provide me a safe place to land?”
Marinette’s heart stuttered in her chest, her stomach bubbling with anticipation. “Of course I would,” she replied, breathy. “Anytime.”
He stepped just a bit closer and she was so, so aware of the hand still placed on her waist, burning her skin through her clothes. She couldn’t decide if she wanted him to move it away for her sanity, or keep it there forever and let her melt away into the embers.
“What are you doing all the way out here anyway?” her bug asked, a wrinkle in his mask between his eyes to match his frown.
She wished she could smooth that wrinkle out, but instead she settled for a gulp to try to clear her dry throat. “I, uh, akuma displacement,” she answered, the usual excuse rolling off her tongue. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“I was looking for Lady Noire, actually,” he explained. “You didn’t happen to see her pass by, did you?”
“Yes– I mean, no— Wait–” Marinette cut herself off. Her brain was already too scrambled to come up with more excuses. “I mean, yes. She, uh, passed by here. Said she needed to run home for something.”
Mister Bug tilted his head, and, god, he was so cute. She had to force herself not to whimper again.
“She said she’d meet you at the usual spot later,” she added, hoping her voice didn’t sound as shaky as she felt. For good measure, she flashed him a thumbs up.
He seemed to accept her answer. “Oh, okay.”
Marinette sighed in relief.
His smile returned. “In that case, it looks like I have some free time,” he said. “Why don’t you let this charming bug fly you home, huh?”
“I’d love to go home with you,” she responded without much thought. “I mean– I’d love for you to take me home– I, wait, uh. My house. Yes. Please.” Her whole body cringed. “Thank you.”
To her relief, Mister Bug appeared completely unbothered by her constant tumbling over words, instead just grinning wider at her. The hand on her waist moved to wrap fully around her body. Marinette only had a second to snake her arms around his neck before he had tossed his yoyo above their heads to hook on a chimney.
“Ready?” he asked, turning to look at her. Every detail in his summer green eyes glittered at her through his red and black-spotted mask, and she felt like she might melt. Oh, she loved those eyes. She loved him in that mask.
Face hot, all Marinette could do was nod at him, and then they were zipping through the air. It was impossible to tell if the swooping feeling deep in her stomach was from the flight or her proximity to the pilot. Either way, she loved the familiar safety of his arm around her back and the solid strength of his shoulders beneath her fingers.
Before she knew it—in fact, it felt like no time at all, really—they had reached her balcony, and he gently set her down on her feet.
“Well, ma cher, we’ve arrived.”
Marinette blinked up at Mister Bug, not quite ready to part from him. Nervously, she played with her still connected fingers behind his neck.
“You should stay,” she told him. “We can sit up here and chat, or you can come in. I’ll bring some chouquettes up from the bakery. It would be nice to talk to you.”
Wait… Was that too familiar? She had to remind herself that she was Marinette; she wasn’t his partner right now. Marinette couldn’t even remember if she was supposed to know that Chat Noir was Mister Bug, so what was she doing right now?
Luckily, he was seemingly totally nonplussed by her suggestion. Instead, he smiled warmly down at her, a rosy tint to his cheeks that she was sure must have mirrored her own. He opened his mouth, looking incredibly agreeable. To her displeasure, however, his earrings chose exactly that moment to protest, beeping angrily in a way that she could just imagine was Tikki’s voice chiding her.
His smile turned regretful. “I’m sorry, Marinette,” he said. “I’d love to, but I have to go.” Gloved hands gently grasped her wrists, pulling them away from his shoulders.
She mourned the loss.
Marinette’s lip stuck out in a pout. “Do you really have to go?”
“Yes, I really have to go,” he replied sadly. Then, brighter, “But if we’re going to make a date of it, at least give me time to buy you flowers first.”
Her heart skipped a beat, butterflies beating furiously inside her chest.
“Oh,” was all she could say.
Mister Bug’s grin returned at her quiet utterance. Somehow, without her noticing, one of his hands had traveled from her wrist to wind affectionately around her fingers, and he squeezed.
He bowed deeply, her hand still in his, the perfect image of a chevalier encased in red and black.
“Until next time, mademoiselle,” he purred. His lips burned like the sun as they pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “And when I see you again, I’ll be sure to remember your rose.”
Marinette remained silent and red as he straightened to his full height. Her mouth stubbornly refused to move, even as he waved at her in farewell and leapt from her balcony. She pressed her burning hand to her chest, dreamily watching her red bug become nothing more than a dot on the city skyline.
A whine sounded from her purse, and— Oops. She hadn’t even thought to worry about Plagg once that entire encounter.
“That was disgusting,” Plagg groaned, floating up into the air next to her. “I’m going to have to hear about that all night!”
Marinette sighed happily, sinking backwards into her lounge chair before her legs gave out on her. Plagg continued his grumpy buzzing around her head, but she remained lost in her thoughts and memories of bright green eyes in red masks.
She had no idea how she was going to face him later to return his miraculous to him.
Maybe they could stay swapped just a little while longer.
And if Lady Noire brought a bag full of chouquettes to their usual spot later to make up for the lost opportunity, well, that was her business.
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wren-of-the-woods · 10 months
I hear you're where to go for Witcher fic recs! How about some with Geralt being protective over Jaskier? Shippy, if you can find any, but I wouldn't mind platonic! I just want Geralt to look out for his bard. Thank you for your time!
Hello!! Here's what I've got! There's a wide variety of settings and levels of angst, so hopefully there should be something for everone :D
As always, please feel free to add more recs or promote your own work in the notes!
Don't Leave Me by @geraskierficrecs (Rated M, 6.2k)
Jaskier’s hands tighten around Geralt before slowly losing their grip, spasming where they fall limp. “Ger--geralt--” “Don’t you dare,” he snarls back, “Don’t you dare try to give me your fucking goodbyes. You are not dying.” “S--silly man.” Jaskier’s smile is full of painful fondness. “Would you fight death for me?” Geralt swings him up into his arms and nearly weeps at the sound of familiar hooves running in his direction. “Every. Fucking. Time.”
If You Give a Bard a Lute by @ghostinthelibrarywrites (Rated T, 10k)
After Jaskier’s father disowns him, confiscates all his possessions— including Filavandrel’s lute— and kicks him out with nothing but the clothes on his back, Jaskier spends a long, hungry winter barely surviving. When he reunites with Geralt in the spring, his witcher is determined to get his lute back, even if it means recruiting his fellow witchers to stage a heist.
Wild Blue Yonder by @jaskierswolf (Rated T, 5.3k)
Geralt's bookshop is slowly falling apart and he's ready to give up when Jaskier wanders into the store
remember me I sing by @echo-bleu (Rated G, 3.1k - also includes Yennnefer)
Filavandrel's gift was so much more than a simple lute. It seemed fitting, that Jaskier’s soul would be made of wood and strings and beautiful sounds. The problem is that now Rience has his lute and is threatening to burn it if they don't hand over Ciri. And Jaskier has never told anyone that his very life is tied to his beloved instrument.
This Is How I Disappear by @stacyholmes (Rated T, 5.4k)
Jaskier keeps texting unknown number. Geralt keeps reading said texts without answering.
The Footsteps We Follow by thiswildheart (Rated T, 16.5k)
Look, Jaskier's got a lot going on. He's painfully aware that there are cataclysmic events happening and that the troubled teenager he knows might save the world or speed along the end of days. He's also in love with a man who's never even admitted that they're friends, which is almost as bad. Oh, and he's still working as the Sandpiper, only now a terrifying eldritch creature has entrusted him with the Song of the Seven to give hope to the elves and help them fight back against their oppression. It's probably the bravest thing he's ever done, but not everyone sees it that way. Luckily he knows some people who excel at last minute rescues. ... then he just has to figure out how to tell Geralt why so many people are trying to kill him. This is going to go great.
Getting Warmer (orphaned) (Rated T, 8.2k) 
Injured and freezing after a kikimora hunt gone wrong, Geralt and Jaskier must wait out a thunderstorm at the bottom of a cliff, huddling for warmth. It is here that Geralt finally confronts his feelings for the bard.
Jaskier and Mountains Just Don't Mix by C4t1l1n4 (Rated G, 3.8k)
Despite the other Witchers' positive reaction to Geralt's bard, Vesemir is reluctant to have a human stay with them at Kaer Morhen so Jaskier attempts to leave and ends up almost freezing to death on the side of the mountain. Hypothermia fic
Immediately, I Love Him (He's Doing His Best) by @hum-my-name (Rated G, 26.5k)
"In which Greg is some sort of guardian angel, I don't know" <><> A few days ago, Joey Batey did an interview in which he created a lovely little character named Greg. A few days ago, I decided to write a cute little thing about Greg and Jaskier being the best of friends throughout the years, with a dash of Geralt and Jaskier friendship as a treat. 13k words later, here we are. Enjoy.
Broken Mirror by happy_hermit (Rated G, 2.1k) 
To Geralt’s credit, he waits until they’re well away from Kaer Morhen to ask the question. He also waits until Yennefer and Ciri have gone to bed, which makes the whole thing feel a bit too calculated for Jaskier’s liking, which is to say that he doesn’t like it at all. “Where’s your lute, Jaskier?” Jaskier doesn’t quite flinch, though his heart does something of the sort all on its own. It is very much a wound that hasn’t healed; as is most of him, these days.
Echo by @kingthunder (Rated E, 29.5k)
Jaskier loses his voice the morning after a concert. As he and Geralt find new ways to fill the silence between them, they realize it isn't only Jaskier's voice that's been lost—and getting it back will bring them closer than they've ever been before.
If There's Any Sleep At Night by @smolalienbee (Rated T, 22.8k)
The mare is but a silhouette of a human and yet at his words something passes through her expression - whether it’s surprise, joy, fear, Geralt doesn’t know. But it’s clear that what he said has struck her in some way. (“She is not some mindless monster, Geralt.” He remembers Jaskier’s words.) A mare, also known as a mara or a zmora - a malicious entity, a bringer of nightmares and a demon of the night. An easy enough contract to fulfill, if only frustrating, or at least that’s what Geralt believes when he first sets out to hunt down one such mare. What he doesn’t expect is to be wrapped up in a tale of a wronged soul, of love and of joy.
Also, because I'm not above reccing my own fics, here's a few I've written!
Wash Away the Blood and Tears by me (Rated T, 1.8k)
Jaskier re-injures his fingers while distracting Nilfgaard from Ciri. Afterward, Geralt volunteers to help wash his hair. Or: In which Jaskier gets a bath and a nap, and Geralt gets a new role in the group.
We'll Build a Den Out of Pillows (And Get Drunk Again) by me (Rated G, 2k)
Jaskier gets sick. When Geralt asks how to help, Jaskier jokingly suggests that he build a pillow fort. He does not expect Geralt to take it seriously. Geralt takes it seriously.
If you want more, there’s a Protective Geralt tag on AO3 that I’m sure has many lovely works I haven’t read!
(You can also find my other reclists here)
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
I'm just a rando on the internet, but we're the same age and I know that you've had a lot of struggles you've been dealing with and I'm really proud of you and admire you for going out and just being you. I know this is unsolicited, and hopefully not creepy, I just wanted you to know I've got a ton of respect for you, and that you've got this
Aaaaaaaaaa 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Y e a h I've been having..... a t ime. (Context for anyone uninitiated) and like, beyond that list which is the like material facts, I was also just having a Time with my own anxiety-stricken brain for which "the new grocery store is Wrong" was a problem of cataclysmic proportions. I like.... don't remember January or early February. They happened on some parallel plane of existence.
...On the bright side...! I kinda feel like for the past maybe 1 or 2 weeks I've been feeling more like a regular human being again? I got through pretty much everything on my list of Extremely Important Shit To Deal With, and nothing else has caught fire in a while, so I've finally had a chance to like... relax for a bit without alarm bells in my brain. Like I'm still working through some stuff but like, I finally do have the ability to relax after several straight months of No Relaxing (unless I went to a friend's place) but anyway
thanks for the vote of confidence 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺I'm getting there I'm figuring it out.
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askbeannuts · 3 months
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It's often hard to convince others about what I saw that night, so much was happening, we were mere moments away from hopefully escaping to the skies using the plan. But something truly terrifying was happening so close by. A terror that I swear to this day was far worse than even the uncertainty of the land being flung into the skies brought all who weren't already in a panic to attention; after a series of explosions came what I believe were the five Regi, from where, I still do not know. Those of us not distracted by the slowed actions of Xerneas, Shaymin and Landorus were at a loss for what to do. We had no power, most of were children far too weak to actually hold off one, let alone five Regi… And at that point, no heroes were left: While Rayquaza was seemingly quelled, the Hero of the Meteor Crisis' team never returned… While Dialga's potential rage was brought to a stop, no one could find the Hero of Time and Space, nor the teams that joined her… The unbearable cold that was spreading fast from the north had stopped, yet the Hero of the Bitter Cold Incident didn't return… No one had heard from the Expedition Society… And the one who was brought here to save us this time was missing… What we had left were exhausted explorers, rescuers and adventurers from across the continents, and three legends too occupied preparing the beanstalks to help. But... in that moment, another tremor was our savior. A structure or, maybe a hand, burst from the earth, followed by strange automatons vaguely reminding me of Golett and Golurk, they swarmed and gripped the Regi quintuplets and seemingly buried them. As if by will of some other force, the earth they tore apart repaired and sealed away whatever threat we were about to face. Those who did witness it weren't sure how to explain what they saw, and those who didn't of course assumed they were of imagining things. Not even the Xerneas Guild's founder saw what I had, nor my fellow Council member from the time. Now our city rests nearby, and that strange mountain… it seemed to grow every few years since that day… now it stands taller than it did the night of the Cataclysm, but nothing has ever been discovered within, no reason why it's so large now, save for mysterious structures that pose no purpose or meaning, or so says the Shaymin Guild. It's merely a basic, simple dungeon, that even the Xerneas Guild once used for training. I offered to name the dungeon, which the Shaymin Guild obliged… I've decided it's best to be called… "Mt. Titan"… As one of the few left with any memory of that incident that aren't too old to recall or have returned to the Tree of Life… I still wonder if… maybe I imagined it all.
An excerpt from Marta's Historical Journal
[[I wonder if that mountain I try to shove into any wide shot of Yggdrasil since Chapter 1 is important for some sort of adventure later... Naaah...]]
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mushlandsandbeyond · 1 year
Final Entry
An entry from the late Philippe Aphros's diary.
Just Paste It version: [LINK]
= = =
Junius 29, 15XX
Ariana is gone. It's been several days of fighting and she's gone. The Cataclysm doesn't seem to be backing down easily, but it seems to be slowing down. Hopefully, I will be able to find its weak spot and take it down with the Vita Extraction spell... 
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[ ID: a weathered and smudged page from Philippe's diary. Concept sigils for the extraction spell. The others are just sketches, but the largest one has a circle surrounding four leaves, slanted diagonally and meeting at the center. The leaves have the words "seize" and "withdraw" written in the galactic alphabet. At the very center of this sigil was a square with bars, representing a cage or a cell. The rest of the sigil is decorated with more leaves and arrows pointing towards the cage. at the bottom, there is text that says: 1. Draw on sand, 2. write the words with dyed flow ink to finalise, 3. chant the words quietly for 5 minutes straight. there is more text below that that says "if killed beforehand..." end ID. ]
I still can't believe everything she's done to Calicle Way. First, sending me off to an expedition that led to NOWHERE, only to come back years later and find her puppeting a vessel that looked exactly like me. I feel sick, I feel like an apple rotting from the inside, festering and being consumed by the Earth herself... Our fight with each other was short lived after the emergence of this wretched beast, and before exchanging any more words, she was eaten just like it was nothing. Words cannot explain the full scope of my emotions. This betrayal of my own twin sister, I can't help but feel so, so livid. I've cried about fifty times already, all about different things relating to my sister. I'm tired.
The wizards of Calicle Way are dwindling. If something happens to me before the spell is cast, I pray to the Goddess of Dust that their fight will soon be over. This spell and sigil is quite challenging to cast, unfortunately... The power is dependent on the intent of the caster. If the caster was not as willing to sap the energy from the Cataclysm, it would take much more manpower to subdue it to the ground. A waste of energy, really...
Regardless, I just want this over with. I want to help Calicle Way like I promised I would, mend our relationship again, as the ruler... Ariana had done enough to my people.
... Before I go back to bed, I just want to record the prophetic dream I had. In my dream... Before I saw myself failing to protect Calicle Way from my sister, I saw something shadow over the shores. It was a man's silhouette, unusually large for his small size, but... It formed and shifted. It looked exactly like the beast we're desperately trying to eliminate.
Then I saw a descendant of mine. He would slay the shadow once and for all. He was young. In my dream, it was as if I was transported fifteen-hundred years into the future. I was devastated to see that it would take so many years, with Calicle Way in shambles from him of all things.
I couldn't find my great grandson's name... and I can't recall now, either. But I found the shadow's name instead. Why it had a name, I have no idea, but it seemed to be very attached to the name "Samson". Strange. I hope I'm wrong about that, because giving it a name would make it seem more human, and right now, that thing is the least human creature on this planet.
Although it is barely sunrise, I'm no longer tired. I can't sleep any longer, and "Samson" has crawled back into the cave and passed out from exhaustion according to the intelligence. That gives me more time to finish casting this spell... It would be too risky to wake him up again.
Goodnight. If that dream turns out to be true, I hope my great grandson reads this... You are our hope, and by the time you read this, I am already dead. However, I hope that this dream is wrong. I love you.
[ This is the last page in Philippe's diary. ]
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
I absolutely love your recent al-haitham fic. and me knowing being obsessed with lore in (hopefully you dont mind me pouring this to you!) in 1.1 scara founds that the skies of teyvat is a fake “The stars, the sky... It's all a gigantic hoax. A lie.” Then in 3.3 i think or 3.2 we got to see dottore for the first time and revisit the question to nahida about the sky being fake. and theorists been trying to figure that if you get close to finding about the big lie the world resets or something and with khaneri’ah being the godless city they found out about it and the unknown god destroyed the city and the survivors were turned into monsters and resets teyvat. i hope this makes sense?! this what I remember from a genshin lore video lol.
Thank you so much!! It makes me so happy to hear that your loved it! :3
And I absolutely don't mind you pouring this to me because omg I am obsessed with Genshin lore and I could ramble about it all day, literally.
Without further ado *dons tinfoil hat* let me ramble about lore and theories a bit here.
I have heard about that theory and it seems to make sense to some extent...
Khaen'riah didn't have a god but it is said that they at least were proficient in the Art of Khemia (as indicated by Gold/Rhinedottir aka. Albedo' and Durin's creator). As well as creating the automatons you still find throughout the world. This to me shows that they were definitely striving for wisdom and knowledge.
Seeing as they were a nation without a god who could "keep them in check" maybe they strayed too far and Celestia destroyed the nation before they could find anything out and cursed them. My theory here is that Celestia may actually be in place to keep "nations in check", a keeper of sorts. Every time a nail dropped from it somewhere it lead to some horrendous events. most prominently I'm thinking about Dragonspine whose population was wiped out and the area was turned into a frozen wasteland by the Skyfrost Nail a long time ago. Maybe something similar happened in Khaen'riah.
It doesn't help that all the archons keep quiet about the Cataclysm as well which doesn't help. Like, come on guys, indulge my curiosity, I need to know!
Maybe the "time reset" theory is also why when we start the game we basically land in Teyvat 500 years after the Cataclysm whereas our twin has already been a part of the world for a long time (and also has recordings in Irminsul, therefore is no descender like we are - that part still confuses me a lot. Like I cannot wrap my brain around how that is supposed to be possible. Maybe we'll ask Dain about it in the new 3.5 AQ? I need answers.)
After finishing the Sumeru AQ however I had to think back on the Havria story quest of Zhongli. Then he says something like "as long as people like you exist nothing in this world will ever be forgotten."
It also didn't help that we got to experience a small-scale time loop in the Sumeru AQ which many saw as a hint of Teyvat as a while being one. Me included.
This could indicate that the Archons (at least the ones who were there for it) may be aware of the time reset. And so far that would only be Zhongli and Venti of the ones we know. And they're both sus if you ask me. And that could mean the Tsaritsa knows too and her plan of collecting all the gnosi has to do with it and trying to oppose this. I don't believe that the Fatui are truly the bad guys here. It would be too obvious.
I also saw a video recently, which could be a modded or altered version of Genshin so this has to be taken with a huge grain of salt. But one player found the "login screen" door over Teyvat in the sky and jumped off at the end only to then land directly on the hands of the statue of Venti in Mondstadt city - which is also inscribed as "Gateway to Celestia" at the bottom. If this is true this opens some more possible options for theories.
I remember watching a video that claimed Teyvat was a simulation and since they also renamed "mihoyo" to "hoyoverse" it could indicate that they're trying to create a multiverse that is loosely tied together. Therefore "Teyvat" is actually a simulation in Honkai Impact the 3rd. I think it was called "the Ark" (I don't play Honkai so I don't 100% know anymore what they said in the video).
That and the fact that the Unknown God from the beginning of the game looked a lot like Kiana Kaslana from HI3. This may mean that the Travelers tried to enter "Project Ark" for some reason and she tried to stop them.
So many possibilities it makes my brain smoke >.<
Sorry if this was all a bit all over the place and incoherent but I tried to write down as many of my thoughts about the "world is a lie and the sky is fake" thing in a hopefully somewhat understandable manner. I still always feel like this guy when rambling about the lore of this game. Because omg, what we're told through quests is so surface-level it's driving me nuts.
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And you're welcome to ramble about lore to me any time. As you may see... I am quite invested myself 😂
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griefbuilt · 2 years
                     Got a secret? Don’t keep it, it’ll take you to the grave.
Good evening, residents of McKinley. If you’ll please find your assigned seats, we have a special treat in store for you tonight. As you take your seats, you’ll notice a placecard in front of you with one simple instruction, “confess thy secrets or sacrifice thy neighbor to earn entry to leave.”. Go on now, look to your left and to your right. Is your secret worth your neighbor’s life? No, no. Don’t try to leave – you can’t. See, we had this planned far ahead. As soon as you took your seats, you were spelled to them until you either sacrificed your neighbor’s life or confessed a dark secret. You didn’t think this was going to be a cheery holiday dinner did you? There’s been far too many secrets and not enough lives falling victim for the abundance of supernatural beings here. One way or another, the night will end in our favor. Secrets or blood spilled - it’s your choice. So? Go on now, confess your secret or sacrifice your neighbor. We’ll be watching.
jesus  fucking  christ  this  couldn’t  be  happening.  this  wasn’t  happening.  why  the  hell  would  anyone  care  about  his  secrets  ?  he  wasn’t  like  klaus  or  bonnie  or  stefan,  wasn’t  the  type  of  person  who  could  have  novels  written  about  them.  he  had  no  earth-shattering  secrets,  nothing  that  bore  some  great  relevance  or  would  have  cataclysmic  consequences.  no,  his  secrets  were  like  him.  pathetic.  largely  ignored.  irrelevant.  so  why  the  hell  had  he  been  roped  into  this  ?  stupid  motherfucking  goddamned  holidays  he  licked  his  lips,  mouth  gone  dry.  one  by  one,  the  table  spilt  their  guts  ----- lest  they  risk  spilling  a  friend’s.   the  rush  of  blood  to  the  head  had  practically  deafened  him  while  dominic  and  lamai  spoke.....by  the  time  it  was  his  turn,  his  heart  was  at  a  thundering  rhythm.  already  so  much  heartbreak,  and  he  was  just  going  to  add  to  it.  was  was  going  to  worry  the  people  he  was  supposed  to  be  strong  for.  look  weak  in  front  of  the  people  he  wanted  to  protect.  but  that  was  the  crux  of  the  issue,  wasn’t  it  ?  he  was  weak.  always  had  been.  he  picked  at  the  skin  of  his  fingers  until  they  bled  (  such  an  ugly  fucking  mess.  they  never  really  healed.  why  did  tyler  want  to  be  with  someone  like  that  ?  ).  probably  not  the  wisest  choice  given  his  present  company.  deep  breath. 
 “  i’ve  tried  to  kill  myself  a  few  times  before,  “  he  admitted.  hopefully  he  sounded  more  composed  than  he  felt.  “ would  probably  be  dead....or  undead  if  some  vampire  blood  didn’t  heal  me  after  i  od’d.  “  but  that  was  only  one  part  of  it,  wasn’t  it  ?  not  the  scary  thing  he  carried  with  him,  that  part  of  him  that  had  been  there  since  childhood  ------  would  be  there  until  death.  “  -i  might  try  to  do  it  again.  i  mean,  i  just...  “  it  wasn’t  a  threat  or  anything.  just  the  way  things  were.  he  was  a  ticking  bomb  or  a  car  teetering  at  the  edge  of  a  cliff.  whatever  was  on  the  precipice  of  something  fiery  and  tragic.  “  -i  still  think  about  it  and  i  don’t  think  that’ll  ever  really  go  away.  bipolar,  ptsd,  anxiety,  whatever  that  shit  is,  it’s  me.  i  don’t  like  it.  i  don’t  want  it.  but  i-  “  what  more  could  he  say  ?  “  -i’m  just......i  can’t.  “  he  forced  his  eyes  shut  for  a  minute.  his  daughter  was  beside  him.  his  boyfriend  beside  her.  but  fuck....he  couldn’t  do  this.  not  now  and  maybe  not  ever.  the  chair  behind  him  clattered  as  he  rose.  “  i  need  a  drink.  “  and  just  like  the  fucking  coward  he  was,  he  fled.  
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maguro13-2 · 19 days
The Dark Picture Repaint ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Pt.11 ~
*leaves rustling+bird chirping*
*Elie whistling*
*Cellphone ringing*
Elie : Hello? Oh hey, Haru! How was work? Yeah, I just got back from the Studio. Man...DEEN, that no good animation lame-o. Yeah, yeah, the show was no good and they decided to abruptly end the show, but hey, at least we're not that big of a deal, we got ourselves each other and Rave Masters feels like that it's the end of the road since the show was no good at all, and we felt like that it's truly the end, but I won't let myself. Didn't you hear, I heard that Greenville is a much more looking interesting place in the Northwest side of South Carolina, it is a pretty place and it's got exquisite stuff in the foothills of upstate, I might wind up in the city of Knoxville or Nashville somewhere on the east coast of America.
*Elie sighs*
Elie : At least, I may know or may not know about America, but it's a great place and great excellent service. I might as well, take a little spin in the country once I'm going into state, be sure that I'll catch up with you later, okay? Well now, hang tight out there, Haru. I'll see ya in a bit. *Gets on her bicycle* Alright, time to head out for some fun!
"EX-heroine of Rave Master : Elie"
Elie : This is sure such a fun ride. I can't wait to meet up with Haru Glory, he's that sword wielding man who was the hero of the Mashimaverse that existed a long time after the multiverse began to grew like wildfire. From every aspects of fictional beings, we manga/anime characters became the first beings to ever visit America or around the world, so much sight seeing, so much rural, so much greenery, and also, there's greenery on the pacific side that are the states. Hopefully, I recently heard it on satellite TV, the U.S. state known as Louisiana is being targeted by a cataclysmic storm known as Katrina due to an unknown source of heated water which is the source of the ocean, or probably the gods that are willingly angered with the humans. Believe that the only place that heated warm water are tropical dense areas meaning that the creation of storms was the planet's temperature, who knew the 21st century has cataclysmic weather since ancient times. Now I wonder if there was a sensation to the God of this planet, what will it be?
*Elie imagines herself as the weather woman*
Elie as Weather lady : As today's forecast, it is confirmed to my predictions that Hurricane Katrina will be making her first visit to America coming from 200 miles southeast of Nassau, the capital city of the Bahamas, but I dearly hope, that Louisiana will be having it's first impact on the city of New Orleans. As promise, but I'm sure that everything will be all right on the east coast, it's a sunny day on the beaches of southeastern states of the USA and the the east coast of Florida, hope you like you sandy beaches and Miami!
*Imaginary cloud poofs away*
Elie : Yeah, Katrina. That crazy storm! I know nothing much about it, but...I'm still wonder after what happened with that holiday in which on going with the conflicts on the Planet? Probably, humans of the real world can be sometimes bad or sometimes good when it comes to decisions, I'm only regretting that the President of the U.S.A is still having concerns about San Francisco, being in jeopardy since a fictional Military Organization from Sonic's world has been jeered by the public 4 years ago. Guess they learned their lesson about being color blind or something. But ever since the Meteor Crashed landed on Ragol, strange things happening on the planet and there for the ultimate key to our solution is...*goes too fast*
[Too Fast by Hideki Naganuma]
Elie : Yikes! I don't remember being too fast! But what can Increase my speed for what!?! Oh no! This is bad! I think this is literally bad! like way bad! Woah! Wah! Yah! Nobody would tell me how to stop this crazy thing! But increasing my speed is a bad one!
Citizen : Hey, look out for that Ramp!
Elie : Eh?
*Looks at the Ramp*
Elie : OH NOOOOOOOOO!!! *flies off Ramp too hgh* Ehhh...?
*Elie is floating in the air*
*bird cawing*
Elie : Err--Uh-oh. *ZOOM!* WOAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Lucy : Don't worry, I'm on my way!
*Elie gets saved by a person in a Clear Heart Robe*
Elie : Huh? Who did...?
Lucy : Good thing that you are alright.
Elie : Eh...Ah...A girl? I've been saved by a Girl?
Lucy : Hey, you alright?
Elie : I think so.
Lucy : You shouldn't bee in danger like, you could get real hurt. Thank goodness that you weren't in an accident, you would've basically crashed into the ground.
*cue Phantasy Star Universe cutscence music*
Elie : Uhh, yeah! Thanks!
Haru : Hmm? Are you a warrior? Hmm? You must be the new girl of the Mashimaverse, that's me alright!
Elie : That's me alright. So you must be a hero just like me, I'm Elie of the Rave Masters crew, we used to have a show before it became a downard by DEEN. We're still fictional characters living in the real world, you wouldn't happen to be...
Lucy : Lucy...Lucy Heartfilia. You'd best be careful out there, Elie. I don't want you to get hurt.
Elie : Yeah, gee thanks. But I may or may not remember you for quite a long time, but I've known you a lot better. You and I were on the same martial arts class when I was doing a little bit of Jiu-Jutsu.
Lucy : Hey, I did remember. You're the girl who fights with weapons, and for me, I'm the same girl in the martial arts class, don't you agree?
Elie : Yeah, yeah, I agree. But...I was wondering, around 10 years ago. Before the Mashimaverse came into existence in the multiverse, we discovered a rumor that an amount of explosive energy that wiped four-fifth's japan's population, there were some or many survivors. We wonder who did it in the first place, it's because of a little girl who was picked on by others that is treated like an outcast, and that outcast was Maka Albarn.
Lucy : Maka Albarn...The one that someone called with? She's the one responsible for wiping out Japan's population, that's a relief. We only discovered that we're the survivors of that explosion, lucky for me, the peacekeeping forces Clear Heart Force found me when they found Maka Albarn, along with the survivors, one his her sister and the other is the Mask boy, Makoto Asagiri.
Elie : Makoto Asagiri?
[Mystery G by Sota Fujimori]
Lucy : ...You know...I've waited a long time to see someone who has the potential to be a hero and I've waited a long time to join a Guild for a very special reason. So what does the Mashimaverse has that the Ohkuboverse don't? It's just what the multiverse lises within these worlds of manga, anime, and video games. This is truly my turn to shine to make you a star of a new operative. To make me as your comrade and join the Clear Heart Force organization, I want you to have a duel with me in order to test those who has the courage to bring a hero's sensations to the world that we have to offer. Elie, I challenge you to a hero battle.
Elie : Well...Okay then, but I won't give up without fight. Haru, cover for me.
Haru : If you insist.
Lucy : Alright, amigo. Let's see what you got.
[101 (Mystery G Battle Theme) by Sota Fujimori]
Elie : I am honored to live to this day. Please, I'll go easy on you, cupcakes.
Lucy : Sure, why not.
Master Hand/Announcer : Elie and Haru...VS...LUCY HEARTFILIA!
Elie : Time to rumble!
Master Hand/Announcer : Ready...? GO!
*the battle starts*
*fighting sounds by Hidenori Arai*
Elie : It's a pleasure to meet you, Heartfilia!
Lucy : Same to you!
Elie : So...I heard that you want me to join the force, is that it?
Lucy : I heard that your show went into an abruptly end, that's a downer.
Haru : Yeah, it was no good. But hey, at least we got our reputation...but it feels that this is the next chapter for the Mashimaverse, but I heard the Ohkuboverse is hiding suspicious to us! So that's why needed a new hero that you would take our place, and that is you, Lucy Heartfilia.
Lucy : Hey, thanks, Haru. Same here! But it's your worrying that I needed Elie to join the force. Come on, tough girl! Show me what you got!
Elie : Okay. I was going to be smooth if it's alright with you...Not anymore!
Lucy : Well, if it's okay with you, but you'll be hard as nails with these muscles around!
*Elie and lucy goes into their fighting stance*
Elie : Alright, I have a secret for you. You have a heart to fulfill that courage, but I have the heart to fulfill my true power! Behold!
*DBZ SFX : Fuse+Gong*
Elie in her Clear Heart Robe : How do you like me now?
Lucy : What the...You're a Clear Heart Force Girl as well?
Elie : Dont' get me on the wrong idea, I've been having this power since the beginning. Trust me, you won't be bested at a girl with a strong feeling, would you?
Lucy : Heh! I bet you're not even as always, friend. But I'd like it in a woman's way. A Hero is a hero.
Elie : Good to know you pal.
Lucy : *jumps* Take this! *DBZ SFX : Explosion* What?
Elie : Over here! Now for the finishing move! Take this!
*DBZ SFX : Strong Kick X3*
Lucy : *lands+panting*
Elie : And that's game!
Master Hand/Announcer : TEAM ELIE...WINS!
Lucy : Interesting. You're not half bad as well, Elie. Congrautlations, you have passed the test.
Elie : What's this about?
Lucy : I want you to show how much your fighting skills, I'm glad that I like them.
Elie : Yeah, that figures. I got no hesitation, but you are Lucy...Lucy Heartfilia. I heard that the last Lucy in Japan died because of humanity treating her like she's the victim here, and eventually wound up in Hell I think. Yep the Lucy from Elfen Lied we known is dead, I guess you're the only one here.
Lucy : Thanks, I won't forget that name, that's why my mother named me that way.
Haru : Well, yeah. You're the only Lucy in this here country. That other Lucy with red or Pink hair has been dead this entire time since her story has came to an end before the start of the Black Arms Invasion. Well, not anymore. Check this out.
Lucy : Local Diclonius and Elfen Lied's only villain protag has finally returned from HIFL or Hell after making an official statement about her apology, but the head of Drawcia Family stated that the only Lucy said to return to the face of Japan turns out to be a copy made by power magic brush.
Elie : Wait, you mean that "witch" named Drawcia recreated a monster that wanted revenge against the human race for treating her like garbage? I don't believe it, how in the world did a witch manage to create a copy of those that have died, unless the powers of her magical paintbrush has the power to create copies. Remember this...Back in 1991, one of the Ohkuboverse's Maka Albarn, a human copy of the original that is the only copy not created by Drawcia, but appears a humanoid intergalactic being created her life in the sanctuary...a fortress created by him which was established on the place where she was given birth at.
Lucy : Where's the idea on how or what is Maka Albarn's copy really born at? If it's not Nevada or that fictional metropolis in Nevada, where do you think that the "original's" copy is exactly created at in what part of the Sanctuary?
Elie : In addition to my acculations, the Sanctuary belongs to Lord Phanto III, the real birthplace of Maka Albarn's copy is none other than the Earth's Moon, the Real Moon!
*DBZ SFX : Shock*
[Echo Night - Beyond OST : Track 2]
Lucy : You must be kidding!? How did you know that Maka Albarn's copy is actually birthed on the Earth's moon?
Elie : Because the "original" Maka Albarn is secretly the queen to all demons that rules over the night on earth. It turns out that her birth certificate from America was nothing more than a counterfeit, the original's "birth certificate" says right here that the Original Maka Albarn was born around 82 years ago.
Haru : So, does that mean the "original" is the only one who is born on earth while it's human copy was created on the moon?
Elie : She was supposed to be born in the state om Earth, but was actually born around somewhere in the planet, perhaps. Who knew that Inky Albarn was the "original" one that disappeared for 70 years, all this time we found out the world of Soul Eater is nothing more than a sleeping world.
Haru : A sleeping world? You mean there was no world of Soul Eater, nothing but a sleeping world? So why in the world was the industry said something about a sleeping world?
Elie : Maybe it was something to do witches from the Ohkuboverse, it was not their magic that wrecked the earth, it was the Mashimaverse, putting the blame on it's inhabitants and that's the reason the Time Eater destroyed it instead of us, the inhabitants of the Mashimaverse as well. We're the ones wrecked their world with magic and you all know it. That's why the witches were bad in Soul Eater because of the influence of Shinra Kusakabe which drove the Ohkuboverse's inhabitants to be played by him that is...
Shinigami/Lord Death (?) : Like a God damn fiddle!
Elie : What?
*DBZ SFX : Suspense*
[Courage by Fumie Kumatani]
Lucy : Hey, that's the Shinigami who is controlling the Ohkuboverse. This is Shinra's man-made son isn't it?
Shinigami/Lord Death (?) : You are wrong, my name isn't Shinigami. And Shinigam! is no stranger to the inhabitants of the Mashimaverse. Isn't that right, Haru and Elie.
Haru : Hey, wait a sec, I recognize someone before, I can feel a deep presence coming from...him!
*Shinigami removes face to reveal his true face*
Haru, Elie, and Lucy : [Exclaims]
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
Shinigami/Shotaro the Dokeshi : Remember me, Haru Glory? That's right, I was the one who created the weapons and I had to make you put the blame on the witches that is your magic and I became a puppet to his man-made who wanted to control the Ohkuboverse, JUST. LIKE. HIM!!!
Haru : We know that guy somewhere before, he's Shotaro the Dokeshi, the second hero of the Ohkuboverse? What's a shounen protag doing in a Grim Reaper's body like this?
Shinigami/Shotaro : This is no body, this is what's left they call it "Adolla", thing that was originated from another thing called "Nothingness". And this Shinigami fella that you've all been referred, is the name of a slave.
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
All : A Slave!?!
Haru : Shinra's man-made son, Death. He...He fooled everyone from the start, so this Shinigami person...
Amaterasu/First Pillar voice : This boy named Shotaro isn't Shinigami. This is nothing more than a Dokeshi being a puppet to Shinra's man-made son Death himself.
Lucy : Where' the "real" Lord Death?
Amaterasu/First Pillar Voice : The "Real" Lord Death...is Darkside the Heartless. Some say that Shinra created a creature born from Nothingness and darkness that is responsible for putting the blame on all witches.
Lucy : Elie, now we remember...That boy name Shotaro said anything about magic and stuff...It was Dark Magic from the Mashimaverse were the ones who caused all of that.
*voices are heard*
Mabaa's voice : Please I'm begging you, our magic didn't wreck any havoc on this planet! You're lying! It was your magic that put the blame us to thinking we're the bad guys!
Younger Witch's voice : Yeah, it wasn't our fault that our magic wrecked havoc in the Multiverse, It's the Mashimaverse's including Shinra's. They started it to make us the bad guys of the real world.
Shinra's voice : My God! What have I done?!
Older Witch's voice : Yeah! What should've you done!
Elie : Oh my God. The magic wrecked havoc on earth in the Ohkuboverse, that was us, the inhabitants of the Mashimaverse. Where did it go wrong, how did it went wrong?
Inca's voice : Shinra-Kun...Please, come help me....Shinra-Kun...Please save me...I beg of your for my platonic love...Shinra-Kun...PLEASE COME HELP ME!
*Shadow/Robot Chicken SFX : Gunshot*
Elie : So if the witches we're really bad, so tell us Shotaro the Dokeshi...Why would you do such terrible things to magic users, why us, why the witches, why everything that you put the hatred on all magic users? Soul Resonance isn't magic, it's power by hearts.
Shinigami/Shotaro : Shinra Kusakabe...that bastard was such a fool to be a hero. All of his influence, all of his heroism, his dreams and his aspirations of many people believing in him. I hated him for no or many reasons, not him, but his man-mad son of course. I hold no grudges against a struggling hero's fate that he lies within a Garden, but rest to assure, that you inhabitants of the Mashimaverse, are so lucky that us the inhabitants of the Ohkuboverse all making us fools to be heroes and villains. However....
[Echo Night - Beyond OST : Track 12]
Shinigami/Shotaro : My mind...my body...my heart...and my soul...the heart and the soul are being weakened, my Dokeshi powers, my comrades.
Lucy : What are you saying?
Shinigami/Shotaro : My lifespan of being in a body made of nothingness and darkness is really what's left of Adolla and the Black Smoke, the Great Flame of Fire is nothing but Nothingness all this time. The school is failing...the money is depleting...and all my government contractors have begun to leave me behind. Where did Soul World gone wrong, more importantly, where did the Ohkuboverse gone wrong? I just wanted to unveil the truth to save everyone in this world, this planet...and this entire galaxy. Why...why did I gave all my life to a stupid heartless that Shinra created thinking that he is some kind of "God"? A God he is, Bansho-man, that's the name of the Ohkuboverse's God, Shinra's only Resurrection for power to become hero again...was it the power of the seven jewels...The Seven Emeralds are his only source of resurrection. I need to live, I need to survive, I need to spread truth...to the people of this here galaxy.
Lucy : ....?
Shinigami/Shotaro : [To Lucy] You there, girl who believes in Magic. If you really think that t he witches are on a magician's side, then the only suspect that I would've getting away with it for four years straight, or around 1000 years in the Ohkuboverse straight. But can you really unveil the truth from all of us? Now that you excuse me, I really need to remember anyone in my life...my friends...my comrades...and Emine...I can't stop thinking about Emine saying that he wanted to destroy the world...but the humans were greedy, selfish, and arrogant...I should've taken the blame...the hearts of all was right, the humans of the Ohkuboverse we're definitely that arrogant and even heartless monsters that begged for mercy or even to be saved. Farewell. *teleports away*
Elie : Hey, he just disappeared like that. So Shinigami, the runner of that joint, was just a kid who was beaten by other humans that were truly the heartless one that are selfish, greedy, and arrogant like us. But we would never do that.
[Epilogue 1 by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Lucy : Elie...I think you are right. Humans in our universe were never selfish, greedy, and arrogant sometimes, but they can be cruel or even dark, trust me. I know what it means to be a hero even if it costs us ours lives to be the hero of many adventures and many great battles. If you trust me alot, the Real World can get along in the Multiverse, so I wouldn't doubt that in favor of meeting the guy who's gonna sleep in my place, Natsu Dragneel, he's the new guy that is coming to my place by the year 06. But right now, we need you in top shape, so Elie. What would would you do now?
Haru : Yeah.
Elie : Alright. I'm gonna do some good for this world, a proud hero that I can be! Haru, you would do the same thing for me, right? I'm always never letting you down.
Haru : Awesome. I won't forget that.
Lucy : I just got one thing about being a hero that makes you to go "hero up". So have you ever thought of working in the force like me? I am the one that helped you save many lives and dealt with people's problems.
Elie : Well...I get the fact that I would probably join the Clear Heart Force organization, so that's why decided to leave the Rave Masters crew and become the hero of my own, don't worry. I am always by Haru's side, and I'll be the hero everyday and night.
Lucy : Right back at ya!
*Fist bump*
Lucy : Welcome to the force, Elie.
~ Mission 10 : Meeting New Faces ~
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filthy-darkweaver · 1 year
Tea time for Faltheriel
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"Why the interest in cultist activities?" Blonde Faltheriel prodded at his black-capped signet ring, "What we have is an extremely unfortunate scenario. My king is Kael'thas Sunstrider in every timeline we are aware of, save this one. In every single scenario, he was redeemed in Outland. Sometimes Illidan has mercy on him and cures his racial addiction. In other timelines, Kael'thas plays the ole' game and outwits Kil'jaeden himself. In a few others, Jaina Proudmoore seeks him out to save him, and then she eventually becomes his queen."
The Night Elf priestess known as Opalbane cringed. She looked at nothing for a moment, then took up her cup of tea again.
Faltheriel winked at her, "Don't worry, in my timeline, a squadron of Blood Knights, specially-trained for the task, dragged Kael to redemption. And he married their captain, so no mages, blood nor Kirin Tor, were harmed in the making of my world." Faltheriel winced, "In other timelines, he marries Sylvanas, or another crush he had. One queen was an absolute knockout, a rebel Eredar woman he met while battling the Legion for control of Netherstorm. It varies."
"What??" Opal shook her head, "Well. A union between those two, Jaina and Kael, just seems the most cataclysmic of all to me." She sipped the aromatic ruby tea, "Even if Jaina and Kael made it work in a thousand other timelines, the initial clash of their personalities, their magics, it just makes me shudder. And maintaining peace between their kingdoms would be a nightmare job, at best--"
Faltheriel interrupted in a staunch tone, "In any case, things have come to a head at my end. That is why I need your husband's help."
Opal itched the center of her pale forehead. Her kaldorei features were characteristically youthful and flawless. It aroused instant ire in some, but Faltheriel couldn't help smiling at her exotic beauty. He was taxed with being treated like a handsome elven anomaly himself, being sin'dorei, and couldn't help feeling relief in their fast comraderie. But there was something else they both shared, a tinge of malice, a burnt-around-the-edges quality. Hers was the violet-dark of the Twilight Hammer Cult, and Faltheriel had been fully inculcated into the fel green Burning Legion before he escaped. So they were both once power-hungry addicts, but saved from damnation by true love, apparently. People who, once they knew the light in their souls, angrily fought to tear them out of their separate messes.
For a brief period, Faltheriel's obsession had extended to Opal's husband. However, that was a misunderstanding, and over ages ago. Hopefully. By his absence today, Triumvir Alessandre Shademoon was clearly not convinced.
Opal smirked, the thought of a gruesome conflict she might yet puzzle apart enticed someone like her. "Come to a head? So then, my husband the master spy is right and King Kael'thas intends to invade our world in some form? You're clearly the advance force, albeit a darkly charming one, Faltheriel." She reveled in staying so casual about such things, showed off with another langid sip of tea.
Faltheriel frowned at her, "I don't think it's so simple as that."
Opal grinned and showed her elven fangs, "Fine. Lie directly to my face. A civilization such as yours, a mighty Quel'thalas all but restored, bathed in the arcane once more, near fluent in time magics that were once considered the birthright of Bronze dragons alone. In your world, and under King Kael'thas Sunstrider, have become mere Blood Elf cantrips--"
Faltheriel flattened finely gloved hands on the table, on either side of his storm-gray cup. "We are not speaking of invasion!"
"No? It sounds like Kael'thas has not changed in any era. We're finished with our business then." She set her teacup down with a firm clack, rose from the table. "I'll tell my husband, the assassin, to escort you the hell back--what happened to the main-world you, anyway? From this timeline? You dispose of him?"
Faltheriel checked at her mood swifting from reviling him, to mild curiosity. As mild as the Opal's Bane got.
"No, I--he was already dead." Faltheriel chanced showing true emotion on the matter of his alternative demise, "Just by, horrible, horrible chance."
Opal lay a hand on her hip. She wore a darkened mauve-and-white version of moon priestess robes.
"The um, marvelous strip club where my now husband worked, where we first met. It didn't exist. The Goblin man who dreamed it up got discouraged early on in his business pursuit by those who would judge him harshly, so he decided to keep his beloved kinks and cravings underground. A secret. And so, there was no prominent gay strip club at that end of Kezan, drawing handsome Night Elves and men of all races to come and dance." He watched her, he couldn't resist seeing whether Opal was as morally open as she purported to be. She looked right back at him, solemn. "So, on a certain night, the other me did not end up someplace naughty-but-nice. He ended up someplace truly nasty instead, indulging another kind of addiction."
"Fel magic?"
"Whatever passes for strong enough stuff in the bowels of Kezan. Between that and my utter loneliness and desolation trapped in the Legion, I destroyed myself. I'm sure the gruesome loss of my liege pushed me beyond the limit."
Opal lingered, a manicured hand on her chair. Then, she sat down again. Her voice was tender, "But in the other Azeroth, where you are from. You found and married this man?"
Faltheriel gently cleared his throat, "Dannox was a high-ranking druid, he'd faced plenty of nightmares. Perhaps worse ones than mine. Suddenly, a had a seasoned champion fighting on my side. And then there's my wife--"
Opal went instantly on the defense. She dug nails into the table.
"I got married twice! It's not like that. I'm not cheating. We're all together, we have a... we are a triad."
Opal relaxed some, "But about Kael'thas..."
"That is also so unlike what you must be thinking. It is a different world, Opal. King Kael'thas is disturbed that this is the one timeline, the only one, where he has not succeeded in defeating the Legion, come home as a triumphant king. Wouldn't you be? And people, other Blood Elves especially, will one day learn about this. We couldn't hope to keep it a secret for long."
Opal regained her knowing look, "So Kael wants to take the throne, here, to consolidate his power? Quell the doubt in his own timeline. About his true character, his motivations, practically every decision he makes on the throne. He must have some serious opposition."
"It's... yes, that comes into it. But that opposition exists only because the world is a dangerous place."
"Typical Azeroth, I suppose. The Alliance should give him a hard time, in my opinion. It's a wonder the Draenei of your timeline can stomach Kael'thas as a king."
"There, you see? And it's undecided yet whether he will build a permanent time-rampart in order to rule in both places--"
"Time rampart!" It did sound a bit evil, Faltheriel allowed for that.
"Or if King Kael'thas will merely reach out to his counterpart here in the Shadowlands, help him to retake the throne."
Opal scowled, "That Kael'thas is dead. You'd be putting a literal undead man on the throne. We already had that in Lordaeron."
Faltheriel brightened, "He'd be the Sun King forever! Eternal youth, a constant celebrity on the throne, and stability for Quel'thalas!"
Opal swore under her breath, what Faltheriel could hear at the end of it was, "...You damned fanboy zealot."
"Uh, the other thing, priestess, that I hoped your people would be greatly interested in is the task I have, from my good king, to discover why this anomaly has happened. Why was Kael'thas an utter failure and a despot on this version of Azeroth?"
"I... well, there was some kind of timeline meddling, surely. By the Primalists? Or, Murozond? Or perhaps the Legion that hasn't actually been conquered like we think?"
Opal stared for a time, "I rather think the timeline has been altered, the other way around, in Kael'thas' favor."
"I don't follow you," Faltheriel's smile was certainly condescending.
"Your king wins in every single timeline there is? In all of existence? Not even Nozdormu... not as Murozond. He was never so lucky, the aspect of Time itself."
Faltheriel's smile hardened. "What, precisely are you implying so boldly, and to my face?"
Opal narrowed her gaze at him, "And Kael’thas so conveniently chased his lusts, whatever was the flavor of the moment. One queen was an eredar did you say? Where is his soulmate in any of this! Did he manage to marry his succubus in another timeline??"
"How DARE you!"
Now they were both up on their feet.
"Faltheriel Darkweaver! It is highly irregular that Kael'thas is rich, handsome and victorious, married to some hot dish in every single variation of Azeroth available to us! Don't you think? You're being played for a fool! This isn't about his vanity, at least I hope not! A man that vain would be insane, dangerous, worse than Denathrius himself, worse than Sargeras!"
Faltheriel gasped, clutched at his silken necktie, "You take that back!"
"And you open your eyes! Admit that Kael'thas is a villain, and he's coming to invade our world. I said it before, jokingly, but yes! You are the advanced force. Look at you!The scouting mission before the storm. Can't you see that?"
Faltheriel sat right back down, drained his teacup and resumed his lunch. His elegant apartment in Valdrakken was extremely quiet in that long, weird moment where he preferred to fuss with slicing the dainty remnants of a homemade roast and sprouts on his plate.
"I... I am not a scout. I consider myself more of a shocktroop!" His final, vain retort.
Opal growled and stormed out of there.
Faltheriel shouted after her, "Well we don't have to get along! Will you help me or not? We do still have a common enemy!"
Opal slammed the door behind her.
Faltheriel kept eating, alone, with his excellent manners until he cleaned his plate. He did briefly consider that he may be brainwashed and that his master Kael'thas craved more than perfection, but dominion, in some long-range plan that involved controlling the timelines. That Kael'thas, in every timeline, would, before too long, prove to be an insatiable, evil man.
But then he dabbed at the corners of his mouth with a white cloth napkin. "She's just bitter! I'm closer to serving a godlike creature than she will ever be and it infuriates her! Ex-cultist witch!"
Another thought occurred to Faltheriel soon after. Did this mean her husband, Alessandre, would be out to assassinate him again?
Faltheriel threw up his hands, exasperated, "Oh balls! Fine, then. What will this be, the tenth time? Bring it on, Big Al!"
Alessandre murdering Faltheriel. That seemed to be another constant in every timeline.
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dfroza · 1 year
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Paul C. Peh in Hilo, Hawaii, captured this lava lake on Friday. Thank you, Paul! 🌋📸
See more photos from the EarthSky community in EarthSky Community Photos. Have a good image to share of your own? Send it in to us!
6.12.23 • 8:36pm • Twitter
the crust of earth was broken apart during the global Flood thousands of years ago, with much cataclysm ever since with volcanic activity and earthquakes from the shifting continental plates, and a changing climate including an “age” of ice. the planet was literally “ripped apart at the seams” as an act of God’s Judgment upon a corrupt world.
and first earth will eventually be consumed by fire and done away with, to have A new earth take its place.
to heal, to make amends with the past (tense)
from Peter’s 2nd Letter:
This is now, my dear friends, my second letter to you. In both of them, I have tried to inspire you to a sincere and pure way of thinking by reminding you of what you already know. Remember the words spoken earlier by God’s holy prophets and the commandment that our Lord and Savior gave to you through your emissaries. Above all, be sure to remember that in the last days mockers will come, following their own desires and taunting you, saying, “So what happened to the promised second coming of Jesus? For everything keeps going just the way it has since our ancestors fell asleep in death; since the beginning of creation, nothing’s changed.”
When they make fun of you, it’s as if the scoffers are deliberately forgetting that long ago when God spoke the word, the heavens came into existence and the earth formed from water and by water. The waters later flooded and destroyed that world. By that same word, the heavens and earth we see now are being reserved for destruction by fire, preserved until the time comes for the godless on the day of judgment.
Don’t imagine, dear friends, that God’s timetable is the same as ours; as the psalm says, for with the Lord, one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day.
Now the Lord is not slow about enacting His promise—slow is how some people want to characterize it—no, He is not slow but patient and merciful to you, not wanting anyone to be destroyed, but wanting everyone to turn away from following his own path and to turn toward God’s.
The day of the Lord will come unexpectedly like a thief in the night; and on that day, the sky will vanish with a roar, the elements will melt with intense heat, and the earth and all the works done on it will be seen as they truly are. Knowing that one day all this will come to pass, think what sort of people you ought to be—how you should be living faithful and godly lives, waiting hopefully for and hastening the coming of God’s day when the heavens will vanish in flames and the elements melt away with intense heat. What will happen next, and what we hope for, is what God promised: a new heaven and a new earth where justice reigns.
So, my friends, while we wait for the day of the Lord, work hard to live in peace, without flaw or blemish; and look at the patience of the Lord as your salvation. Our dearly loved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, has written about this. He says essentially the same in all of his letters, although uneducated and unstable readers misinterpret the difficult passages, just as they always misread Scripture, to their spiritual ruin.
So hear my final words, my friends. Now that I have warned you about what’s ahead, keep up your guard and don’t let unprincipled people pull you away from the sure ground of the truth with their lies and misunderstandings. Instead, grow in grace and in the true knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Anointed, to whom be glory, now and until the coming of the new age. Amen.
The Letter of 2nd Peter, Chapter 3 (The Voice)
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lanternlightss · 1 year
There are rumors that the anime will expand on the past and lore of all the nations like archon war and cataclysm times. There’s nothing to back it up as far as I know, so it’s probably just wishful thinking for now. But I think that would be the best way to go about things. It would hook in new people while providing new wanted content for current players. People have been asking for more about the history of all the nations for a while now. At least I think it would be better than just making it about everything we’ve already seen happen in tv form.
oooooo i see, i see.
yeah, while it would be cool to like, see the dvalin fight animated; it’s in game!!!
hopefully it does go about that way…. it would be nice to see all the lore in texts and books, animated, on a big screen. and it might make it easier for people to understand the lore—also, like you said, it would hook people in!
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The Old World: Alterac Mountains.
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Welcome to what I hope will get my game writing creative juices flowing, two subjects that are hard to go wrong for me: environment design, and World of Warcraft. To put it simply, in this (Hopefully) series of posts, I want to take a look back at some of the more notable zones in WoW Classic. Zones that changed heavily with Cataclysm, and thus no longer have the same feel, or design, as they once did, but are now preserved inside WoW classic, hopefully forever! To kick things off, I thought I'd start with a zone that has long fascinated me as a player. All the way back to when I first started playing World of Warcraft: Alterac Mountains. If you've only played World of Warcraft in the post Cataclysm Era, you may well be thinking "That isn't a zone", but here's the neat part, it never really was! Oh sure, Alterac Mountains had it's own map, and it's own set of neat things to find, but beyond five or six quests, that didn't even start in the zone itself, there really wasn't much to find there. That said, that's what made it so fascinating to me the whole time!
Of course Alterac has it's place in Warcraft Lore, home of the kingdom that betrayed The Alliance and was destroyed for it. Home to the original location of Dalaran (Still there, as of The Burning Crusade), and an important area of the kingdom of Lordaeron all the same. So somehow with all of that to work with, how is it that there's so little to actually do in the zone? It has a snowy mountain core, and some hilly grasslands, but not a whole lot to find in either place. There really aren't that many quests that have much to do with Alterac. You'll be sent to kill a few wizards, silence a few turncoat Forsaken, asked to steal some syndicate plans, but nothing with any kind of story through line, just scattered tasks. That lack of cohesion is, to me, what made this such a fascinating place to explore. It's like there was this whole grand zone, with so much to find, just left to rot on live servers with no real plan, or idea of what it's supposed to be.
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The Lordamere Internment Camp is a fun example of everything WoW needing to be scaled down as an open world. I'll be honest, thousands of orcs probably didn't fit in those two buildings. Going there yourself reveals so many interesting sights even beyond the big points I've already touched. The claw like mountains overlooking Hillsbrad offer the best view a 2007 level of distance fog could handle. The southern shore of Lordamere Lake's long easy curve as it makes contact with the land, is a small little piece of natural beauty still left in a land that had been so thoroughly ravaged by the army's of the scourge. The farmstead in the northeastern corner of the zone that seems, against all odds, to actually be a functioning settlement so close to the Undercity. There's much to see, and more to find, even if nobody actually points you in it's direction. During Cataclysm, when the map was being changed, altered, and in some cases condensed: Alterac Mountains ceased to be. Obviously, it was still there, it never actually left the game, and many of the same sights I brought up in this post are still there for you to find. In reality, all that happened was the zone became combined with Hillsbrad Foothills. And frankly, it wasn't the worst idea. The two zones flow into each so naturally it's actually a bit a odd they weren't always just one place. After all, for a zone with the word "Hill" in it twice, it was always sort of odd that going uphill in any real way in Hillsbrad would invariably bring you to a different zone.
Alterac Mountains is an odd place. A full zone by name, the location of one a battleground entrance even, but still a little forgotten piece of one of the, at the time, biggest games around. I've imagined many more things that could have been done with Alterac, but of course, it's far from the most important place in the game. Until we get that Lordaeron revamp expansion of course, I'll just be over counting the days down to that theoretical beauty. Well that, and continuing to love Azeroth and everything in it.
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bugsy-maria · 3 years
Chat Noir x Reader Part 2
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I didn't bother to fight back, it was almost like Chat telling me that he hated me drained me of all of the energy I had and more. I saw as the Akuma delicately landed on my collar. the collar never was a part of the main costume but instead, it was added by me because I liked the look of it.
the Akuma vanished and Hawk Moth's voice filled my head.
"Dark Fang, I am hawkmoth. I will grant you the power to make the world that had wronged you countless times your own playground."
I felt the clothing that I wore disappear into new tight clothing. my tube top turned into a strapless bra with a ribcage design.  a corset pinched my sides gently and was blended into a short puffy black skirt. I had no shoes only thigh-high socks. and my hair was no longer long and puffy but instead a short bob. the leather band of the collar was turned into just a string that held a now white metal disk with the name, 'Togo' engraved on the back. I touched my hair, feeling a different sensation on my scalp, there were now soft ears atop my hair.
it was now that I took in what Hawkmoth said. "the world that had wronged you countless times" he was right. I was nothing but good to other people and all I got was nothing. the world took my family away from me, the world took Chat away from me, the world made me who I am but the world hates who I am.
I stand up, rain and hail falling harder that it starts to break car windows. the world needs to start over again to fix what has been down. people have ruined the world, humans have stained the world with the worst things imaginable. everyone except Adrien. Adrien did no wrong. he doesn't deserve to be punished. I swiftly make my way to Adrien's home. jumping up to a long-forgotten open window. I run through the halls till I reach Adrien's all too familiar door.
I open it to see him with his hands tangled in his blonde locks as he sat at his desk.
"Adrien," I spoke up, causing him to shoot up from his original position at his desk.
"Togo? what are you doing here?"
"I'm not Togo, I'm Dark Fang now."
"You're akumatized?!" his eyes widened.
"Mmmm." I hummed taking my seat at his bed. "And you know what? it's you're fault." I smiled at him.
"What did I do?"
"You told me to tell that guy that I loved him," I paused to stare at the scared look on his face. "He hates me now, he said that he loves Ladybug too much." I got on all fours on his bed and crawled my way over to him, causing him to back up.
"(Y/N)!?" he pushed the chair in front of him.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Adrien, I'm going to save you."
"I don't need to be saved by a villain." his voice now stern.
"But we could watch the world go back the way it was before!" I started to get angry at him, my voice getting rougher. I mean why would he rather die with all these people who do wrong, than come and stay safe with me.
"I'm not going anywhere with you!"
"Fine, hope you have fun drowning Adrien." I unemotionally said. I blew harsh winds so strong that they broke windows all over the world. rain rushed into the room as I jumped out of his room and onto a nearby building. I watched it from the Montparnasse Tower. thunder was now heard everywhere, and the only source of light for this half of the earth. I sat and watched as the world flooded below me.
I stuck out my hand in front of me and grew a single intense red rose out of it. I picked the flower from my palm and rolled it in between my fingertips.
"Togo! You need to stop this!" I heard Ladybug shout. I increased the wind at her, blowing her off the tower.
"Togo! Don't take it out on her!" I heard Chat shout at me, and his feet running after Ladybug. I looked at the rose then at the now flooded city below me. the rain stops as the sun comes out, the sun evaporates the water below us. the heat is ineffective to me, but when I look at LAdybug and Chat Noir I see that they are sweating so much that they could barely walk at a normal pace.
I raise my hand at them and flick cool air in their direction, I kept the air blowing at them to keep them from dying. they were the only friends I had, even if they did hate me.
"Why are you helping us?" Ladybug asked, swinging her Yo-yo ready to attack in case I did. her lucky charm long forgotten in the corner of the rooftop.
"You are my only friends left, thought we could share this new world."
"We aren't your friends anymore." I looked at Ladybug, then at the chat. his face showed that of regret. he must have known that he was the reason for this right?
"When I don't need you here anymore," venom leaked off of my words. I clenched my fist tight, taking the air away from her. her hands flew up to her neck, her yo-yo falling to the ground. I quickly used my wind to blow it to me. the sounds of her choking on her blood filling lungs were getting annoying but I knew it wouldn't be long before those sounds would stop.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I heard Chat scream his lungs out, he quickly caught Ladybug's head when she fell. I saw the tears fall down his face. the love of my life was crying over the death of another girl. the love of my life was crying over the death of another girl because of me. I caused those tears. I'm the reason for his pain. the pain he put me through, I am now putting him through.
suddenly I stopped seeing the world in black and white, the good and bad. I saw what I saw before, shades of grey. I had managed to fight off the Akuma with my feeling, I felt tears falling on my face upon seeing chat noir cry and Ladybug dead. the only friends I had besides Adrian and Marinette. I knew I wouldn't have much time left, but I couldn't break my Akuma because then it would go to Chat. I had to try the lucky charm.
I looked in my hand with my blurry vision, it was her yo-yo. I used the yo-yo to try and grab the lucky charm that lays on the other side of the building, I knew I didn't have the time to walk across. the lucky charm got to me. I could only pray that it would work for me too. Ladybug and I both have the power of creation after all.
"Stop! You'll never-" he cut himself off once he saw me. once he saw how broken I was, how I was showing emotion, and how the tears that spilled from my eyes and onto my cheeks were genuine.
"Pray that it works." I stared into his eyes and I knew that once I said that and once he saw the lucky charm in my hands he knew what I was talking about. "My collar, Lucky charm!" I shouted, throwing the object into the air. I saw ladybugs shoot out. the mess I made disappearing.
Black and White.
I saw as ladybugs repaired the beginnings of the new beginning.
"Cataclysm!" I heard from behind me, I turned around to see Chat holding out his hand. he reached out and before I could move he caught my collar. I fell to the ground, suddenly feeling dizzy, while I watched my clothing slowly disappear and turn back to what it was before. I looked around me to see Ladybug and Chat staring at me.
"I'm so sorry, and I know that no matter how much I say it nothing will get any better." my voice was shaky and broke during the sentence.
"It's ok Togo." Ladybug kneeled in front of me.
"Don't call me that, I don't deserve it," I said, standing up, keeping my head hung low.
"Then what do you want us to call you?" I heard Chat say from in front of me.
"You won't be calling me anything kitty." I smiled up at him, "besides I have to go now. Meet you guys at our spot? regular time?" I asked hopefully. they nodded and I fell from the building. my wind gently carrying me down to the ground. I ran to an alley.
"Balto, stop running," I mumbled lowly. I walked back to my flat near the Eiffel Tower. I quickly grabbed the box that my miraculous came in. "Goodbye friend." I smiled at Balto. a gray wolf kwamii. I slid the bracelet off my wrist and placed it in the box. I left my home, making my way to the spot we always met at, with no intention of meeting them.
the walk home felt like decades. I tread up the stairs of the building I lived in. I took out my keys and unlocked my door. I turned on the lights to my empty home. I walked over to my room, wanting nothing more than to sleep.
I pushed open my bedroom door, the lights still on from when I left. but this time something was different. there was an all too familiar black kitty in my room, rummaging around my desk drawers.
"Kitty?" I clearly didn't think of my words carefully.
"Ahh!" his head quickly shot up as he pushed the drawer closed. "Togo, there you are."
"I told you to stop calling me that." I slumped on my bed still facing him. "And how do you know who I am!?" my eyes widened once the situation dawned upon me.
"A little birdy told me who you were." he rubbed the back of his neck. "Anyway, brought something of yours." he sat at my desk chair, placing the box I just got rid of on my desk.
"I returned it."
"And I'm returning it."
"I don't want it."
"Why not?" we were glaring into each other's eyes.
"Did you not see what happened today?"
"We all have those days."
"No one has this kind of day. I was weak and vulnerable. I killed Ladybug!"
"Dark Fang killed Ladybug."
"I am Dark Fang! and it's not like either of you guys want me to be on your team anymore anyway. You hate me and I'm not your guys' friend anymore."
"I didn't mean that." he walked over to me, taking a seat next to me on my bed.
"Sure seemed like you did."
"I was just angry that you were right is all. Ladybug doesn't like me back but I still keep trying no matter how little hope I had. I just hated that you always had that hope, you never once had a bad day. at least that's what I thought."
"it's always been Ladybug and Chat noir. there was never room for me."
"I do like the sound of Chat noir and his two ladies." he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, the touch setting flames to my skin. "Don't you?"
"Only if I can be your only lady," I replied cockily.
"Sure, but would you love me because I'm your best friend or because I'm Chat Noir?"
@laic2299 @aproudfangirl13
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Fanfiction Year In Review - 2020
tagged by @strangerahne! thanks!!
1) List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
Hoo boy!  This was a good year for fic writing.  There’s gonna be a lot since nearly all the ML fics I have were finished this year.
1/1: The Prescription (ML, adrinette) 1/9: How to Kiss Your Crush in Ten Minutes or Less (ML, ladrien) 1/20: From the Heart (and Sole) (ML, ladynoir) 1/23: extra life (don’t give it up for me) (ML, ladynoir) 2/3: Your Kitty (ML, marichat) 2/19: Face Punch (ML, ladrien) 2/26: Stroke of Midnight (Kingdom Hearts) 3/7: Shadows Alight (Kingdom Hearts) 3/20: Mothballs (ML, gabe reveal crack) 3/29: A Secret Worth Keeping (ML, adrinette) 4/27: if you fall (know i’ve got you) (ML, ladynoir) 5/29: when the world gets too heavy (put it on my back) (ML, ladrien) 5/31: Heartsong (Needs More Bass Drops) (ML, luxy) 6/8: Charcoal Lines (ML, marichat) 6/18: Unbreakable Chains (Kingdom Hearts) 6/18: Being Honest (ML, collab with rosekasa) 6/19: Face the Music (ML, love square) 7/9: Synthpathetic (ML, luxy) 7/17: The Wrong Balcony (ML, marichat) 7/22: Plaggatouille (ML, adrinette) 7/24: Flowers in the Dark (ML, marichat) 7/25: Necromancy (Danny Phantom) 7/27: Singing in the Shower (ML, ladrien) 8/6: Plagg, Let’s Boogie! (ML, love square) 8/12: Wolftail (ATLA, zutara) 8/19: Tastes like Dirt (ML, marichat) 8/30: Knight in Shining Peel (ML, rednana) 8/31: Ninety-Five Percent (ML, Max&Kagami) 9/6: What an Ice Surprise (ML, ladrien/Adrien&Nino&Kagami) 9/11: Nothing at All (ML, ninette) 10/5: Knotted Yarn and Broken Glass (ML, ladynoir) 10/9: Loopholes (ML, marichat) 10/12: Snexy (Snake XY) (ML, luxy) 11/3: All’s Fair (ML, marichat) 11/10: The Model in Him (ML, ladrien) 12/16: Souvenirs We Never Lose (ATLA, zutara) 12/18: Paved With Good Intentions (Undertale) 12/21: Two Xaviers and a Pigeon-ado (ML, luxy) 12/28: From the Chapel Rafters (ML, gen/marichat) 12/31: New Year, New Fashion (Undertale, papyton)
Total fics: 40
I was... not expecting to have that many fics as;dlkgsgkl. This is only the completed ones too. Honestly glad I made this list because I’ve been feeling a bit down on my writing and it’s nice to remember just how far I came this year.
2) Number of words written:
569,972. bet
3) Your most popular fic:
Going by kudos, that would be Your Kitty.
4) Your personal fav:
Oh man, that’s a tough one.  I was really proud of how Souvenirs We Never Lose turned out.  I guess if we’re including fics that aren’t complete though, I’d have to go with Home Base. 
5) Your fav scene:
sadfklsdjlfk as if I remember half the stuff I’ve written.  Uhhhh I really loved the confrontation between Luka and XY in chapter 3 of Heartsong.  I really enjoyed writing that fic.
6) A fic or scene that challenged you:
Geez.  Keeping up with the KHUX updates for Contingency Plan.  What a nightmare.  Pro tip: don’t try to make things vaguely canon compliant when canon changes every other month and it takes you 4 months to write a chapter.
7) A line of writing you’re proud of:
Plagg stuck his tongue out, trying to get a crease perfect, but the paper tore.  “Or you can put those opposable thumbs of yours to use and make me a hat.  I keep cataclysming the pages.” (First Dance, Second Chance ch. 2) Basically any part in this fic that has to do with Plagg and tiny paper hats. This fic has some of my favorite writing in it in general but that means it takes extra long for me to update, lol.
8) A comment that touched you:
aaaaaaa oh man!! There’s been a ton but I have to say @marinetteplztakeabreak‘s comments on Cast a Shadow are #1.  She read my fic and gave giant reviews even though she’s never played KH and I will always treasure that
9) Something that inspired your writing:
Lots of the friends I made in the ML fandom have inspired me a lot, especially @chatnoirinette @botherkupo @marikittynoir and @landturtlealyce who are always great about betaing for me and/or letting me bounce ideas off of them haha.  @bugaboo-n-bananoir is the inspiration behind all of the luxy fics that I wrote this year too lol
10) Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
Finishing Stroke of Midnight and Souvenirs We Never Lose!! Both of those have been multichapters on my list for a long time.  Also just getting so many comments on my fics in general; the ML fandom is so nice about interacting with fics and I really appreciate it!!
11) Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
Finish Contingency Plan and Sweat and Ginseng. Work on Home Base more and then get back to First Dance, Second Chance hopefully.  I know I can never really finish all of my multichapters at once or I’d probably die lol, so just gonna keep pluggin along.  I also want to write some more Undertale but thanks to inopportune hyperfixation energy that will probably happen whether I plan it or not lol
Sorry this got so long!! Tagging @chatnoirinette @marinetteplztakeabreak and whoever else wants to do this!!
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adrienscroissantx · 2 years
I'm Sorry This Is So Long But How About This For Fanning The Flames
i think im missing some context for this
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