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a-dorin · 55 minutes ago
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He's the most gorgeous man I've ever drawn in my life.
I love my alien husband <3333
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a-dorin · 10 days ago
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a-dorin · 2 months ago
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Thinking about the Coruscant subway system
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a-dorin · 2 months ago
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kinder than man, athea davis
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a-dorin · 2 months ago
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a-dorin · 2 months ago
am always obsessed when someone says to a character “call off your dog” about another character.
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a-dorin · 2 months ago
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Rebels era Ahsoka redesign that got like a zillion notes on my old blog lets get it to a zillion and 2 notes guys
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a-dorin · 2 months ago
i know lots of people don’t care for han in rotj, & that’s fine. he is pretty checked out in that one. just goes along with whatever the plot needs. it definitely reads as a step back. BUT ! 2 consider han’s POV, of you having this good buddy named luke skywalker, this really sweet, if hot-headed kid u met at some bar. and he leaves to go on a lil road trip, so you take your maybe-girlfriend back to an old haunt, just trying to lay low, then BAM you are a prisoner of the state, vader’s torturing u, lando betrayed u, fuck ur life, BAM you wake up and apparently you’ve been stuck frozen in carbonite for months and months, you’re blind, and your good buddy luke is now an entirely different person? has an air of profound grief about him? a deadly calm? you are exactly the same, your girlfriend is pretty much the same, but that babbling, impulsive, endlessly energetic boy you talked with (from your POV) just a few days ago is gone forever? i think han handles it great. . considering . i think he’s doing great
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a-dorin · 2 months ago
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a-dorin · 3 months ago
I think it's a sign of good media when you have to reread or rewatch it to get the full experience. First time is for getting your brain blasted by the story and being confused second time is for knowing who's who and what's what and willingly getting your brain blasted again.
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a-dorin · 4 months ago
Do you have a "favourite" physical trait to give to your OCs? If so, what is it?
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a-dorin · 4 months ago
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a-dorin · 4 months ago
they removed darth maul’s lower half in the phantom menace so that they wouldn’t have to hear his dick slapping between his legs
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a-dorin · 4 months ago
sweet nothings
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pairing: darth maul x august moor
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of battle, mentions of violence, references to gore, self-inflicted wound, lots of comfort, gentle kisses, two idiots very much in love
a/n: happy star wars day! here is a little piece i wrote in honor of may the fourth! i hope you all enjoy. i love these two a little too much, and it definitely shows. i apologize for the delay in posting my life has been ridiculously busy lately)
one by one.
crimson droplets fell, absorbing the dusty earth as they landed. vibrations sent tremors, the desperate pleas for relief merely drowning as more explosions rattled, the blasts enough to shake you to your very core.
shaking her head, she watched as more drops rained to the rusty surface. all around, everything was tinted a rosy hue.
gritting her teeth, she planted a foot down, propping herself up enough to stay on one knee. she could feel her saber still tucked to her belt, safely holstered. her blaster was gone, but she didn’t need it.
her saber would be enough. that, and the force.
those would have to be enough.
they would have to be.
coughing, the tang of blood laced her tongue she spit out, wiping along her forehead. hmm, no blood there.
so where was it coming from?
mustering up her strength, the zygerrian shakily rose to her feet, curses flowing from her mouth as she finally rose.
what a fucking day.
what. a. fucking. day. this. was.
a metallic scent wafted into her nostrils. ah, so there it was. just along the bridge of her nose was a deep cut, deep enough to need a few stitches.
as it always went, when there was a battle, she was bound to leave with another scar or two.
“general,” a voice shouted, breathy and hoarse, “general, you need to see this.”
“what is it? surely they’re surrendering.”
“no, august. it’s bull.”
“my love, wake up.”
another voice, brassy and oh so familiar, pulled her from the midst of battle, the world around her shifting. it was hazy for a moment, blurry as everything crumbled away, fading to darkness.
blinking, she stirred, eyes locking with hers.
warm, honey-hued eyes, glistening with an abundance of concern.
the zabrak nodded, placing a sweet, sleepy kiss on her temple, “you had another nightmare, love.”
pain seared along her forearm, the zygerrian’s breath catching in her throat as she noticed a sliver of blood lazily rolling down, staining the sheets.
“hey,” fingers grasped her chin, tilting her head towards him, “don’t fret. it’ll come out. i’m more concerned about you than a little blood on the sheets.”
“i-it was about that day again,” tears welled up, the words trembling with every inflection and note, “t-the day i failed. the day i became a f-failure.”
“oh my love,” carefully, the zabrak wrapped an arm around the zygerrian, encouraging to prop herself up, “let’s sit up, and i’ll get you cleaned up. all right?”
obeying, she wriggled, leaning against the headboard for support. the pad of his thumb wiped away a tear, the zabrak flashing her a reassuring grin.
gentle hands found her forearm, the proper medicine and wrapping already prepared, “i wanted to remind you that: you are august. you are my wife. you are a leader of the crimson dawn. you are a skilled duelist, an excellent strategist, as well as the strongest woman i have ever met. you are not a failure.”
squeezing her eyes shut, august winced as maul dressed the scratches, carefully glazing the bacta over the wounds, “i lost them, that day. how does one of the strongest jedi generals lose her entire battalion?”
the zabrak’s fingers were steady as he wrapped a dressing around her forearm, “my love, as much as i know you wish to seek out the answer to your inquiry, sometimes the universe is not always kind and gives us tragedies instead of victories. i know i was not there that day, but i can tell you one thing.”
“and what is that?” august’s heart fluttered as maul brought her forearm to his lips, pressing them along the length of the dressing.
“even with everything that you have been through: after losing me once, traveling across the stars and galaxy alone, witnessing friends and family perish, braving horrific injuries, and bracing the worst of storms, your heart is filled to the brim with love and kindness. that is something to be cherished, my shining star. i couldn’t even fathom enduring what you have, and yet, you’re still here. and you’re the most loving individual. be proud of your boundless love.”
as the zabrak finished, he pulled the zygerrian against his chest, holding her tightly. one hand cupped her head, massaging the base of her neck while the other rested along her hip, tracing gentle circles.
nearly collapsing, august melted against him, “you really know how to make everything better.”
“all i want is for you is safety and security,” maul murmured, “safety in my arms, here and always. as for security, i want you to be aware of my love for you. a love so deep and intertwined, i can’t even come up with a quantitive amount.”
“that must be a lot,” a giggle bubbled up in august’s throat, earning a soft chuckle from her lover.
“i would do anything for you, shining star. and i don’t mind staying up and holding you until you fall asleep, as long as you’re peaceful and content. that’s all that matters to me right now.”
“thank you, for helping me get cleaned up,” waves of heat radiated from maul’s chest, the exhaustion settling in as she snuggled closer, “i love you, maul.”
“of course,” the corners of her mouth twitched into a peaceful smile as maul peppered her head, ears, and cheeks with kisses, “get some rest, love. we have lots to do tomorrow.”
“as long as you’re here beside me,” august whispered, feeling fingers lace together with hers, “are you going to protect me from my nightmares?”
“i’ll be right here beside for the rest of our days, and i will do everything in my power to help protect you.”
“promise?” sleep was taking ahold, the word a bit quiet as it came from her lips.
“i promise.” maul’s pinky linked with hers.
as her breathing slowed, the zabrak rested his head on top of hers, murmuring strands of a language he once thought was buried, almost completely forgotten from years of combat training and sith ideologies.
they were sweet nothings really, just reassurances and promises of endless love.
yet, he knew they meant everything to her.
and really, that’s all that mattered.
tonight, and every night to come.
for such a sour man, he was full of sweet nothings when it came to her.
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a-dorin · 5 months ago
writing advice for characters with a missing eye: dear God does losing an eyes function fuck up your neck. Ever since mine crapped out I've been slowly and unconsciously shifting towards holding my head at an angle to put the good eye closer to the center. and human necks. are not meant to accommodate that sorta thing.
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a-dorin · 5 months ago
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i think about ahsoka's "she was my friend" line too many times a day
(commission info // tip jar!)
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a-dorin · 5 months ago
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The fact that I made this profile so I had somewhere to post about Star wars and then never post anything because I get self conscious is killing me so I'll slowly go ahead and drop some art okay thanks bye
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