#Governance and culture
intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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Where do I even begin? I'm appalled. The Canadian government living up to its roots in colonial-settler violence... this is beyond criminal. Contact your MP's. This erasure and anti-Palestinian racism is unacceptable.
For anyone reading this on or after February 26th, 2024 -here is more information/updates:
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The People of Israel Live, "Finish Them"
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A popular sticker calling for a genocide spotted all over occupied Palestine.
Israeli civilians are not innocent
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radiosummons · 2 years
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I'm literally on my knees, begging and sobbing for the Mandalorians to have a normal fucking government. The sequel here
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iri-desky · 7 months
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dayofbanks · 4 years
The Principles for Responsible Banking.
The Principles provide the framework for a sustainable banking system and help the industry to demonstrate how it makes a positive contribution to society. They embed sustainability at the strategic, portfolio and transactional levels, and across all business areas. In the year since the launch of the framework, the signatories to the Principles for Responsible Banking grew from 130 to more than 190 banks representing more than a third of the global banking industry and around 1.6 billion customers worldwide. To celebrate the first anniversary of the launch of the Principles for Responsible Banking, signatories and civil society have shared their thoughts and experiences one year on! 
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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bpdetrimental · 2 months
“Life’s too short to live filled with hatred”
Fuck that shit. I’m gonna hate and hate proudly. Fuck abusers, fuck ped*s, fuck those who exploit others for their own selfish gain, and fuck everyone who has traumatized another person to the point where they will never be the same again. I may have love in my heart, but it’s only for those that deserve it.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
French TV journalist having a hard time trying to get woman in the street to comment on Macron's latest speech yesterday
Protesters organised casserolades (aka banging on pots and pans) in front of city halls across the country at 8pm, when Macron was speaking, to symbolically drown out his voice. Later that evening, Macron was filmed singing a song with some 'random people' in a street in Paris, trying to show he can go out and meet people and have fun because protesters don't exist. The people he was singing with (members of a choir, some of whom are 'alt-right-leaning') were using a folk song app created by far-right activists that was criticised a few months ago for hosting a Spanish fascist anthem & Third Reich military marches.
The government's response was that the President "couldn't know the background of the people he met that night." Maybe if he wants to avoid being associated with the far-right (that's a big if, I know), Macron should keep in mind that with the kinds of strategies and positioning his government has adopted lately, people in the street who welcome him with open arms and are proud to be filmed with him have a higher than average likelihood of supporting fascism.
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justacynicalromantic · 3 months
In early 2014, Ukraine was a neutral country, with a pro-Russian president, and with 70% of Ukraine's population against NATO membership. Yet Russia bluntly violated Ukraine's neutrality and annexed Crimea, then launched a covert invasion of Ukraine in the east.
Petro Poroshenko won the presidential election later in 2014 having promised a settlement with Russia, keeping a special status of the Russian language in Ukraine. He was initially sceptical regarding NATO accession, underlined Ukraine must rely on its own strength to provide security.
Did Putin meet Poroshenko halfway? Not at all. The regular Russian army entered the Ukrainian territory in mid-2014 to fight the Ukrainian troops, which led to the Minsk-1 agreement signed in September 2014.
Further text - down under the cut, or you can follow the Twitter link to the original post:
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Few weeks later, Ukraine's parliament adopted a law that would guarantee the then Russia-controlled part of Donetsk and Luhansk regions additional economic, financial and cultural powers.
How did Putin react? Russia staged sham local elections in the occupied Donbas, and then sent the regular army again to Ukraine in early 2015, which led to the Minsk-2 agreement signed in February 2015.
Zelensky was even more sceptical regarding NATO accession. Asked about NATO, he once famously said he never pays anyone a visit if he has not been invited. He won the presidential election promising to compromise with Russia - to stop shooting, sit down with Putin and talk.
Did Putin meet Zelensky halfway? Not at all. He actually raised the stakes by issuing the Russian passports on the occupied territories of Ukraine even before Zelensky assumed the office, putting him in a difficult political position since the start.
Zelensky was ready to drop Ukraine's NATO bid in an exchange for the Russian troops withdrawing from Ukraine. The talks were held already before 2022. What did Putin do? He launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
In the first weeks of the invasion, Zelensky was yet again ready to drop Ukraine's NATO bid. But he wanted to obtain international security guarantees. What did Putin do? He demanded that Russia must be consulted before any aid would be given to Ukraine in the event of aggression.
To sum up, Ukraine has consistently tried to reach a deal with Russia over the last decade, and was open to giving up on its NATO bid in exchange for the withdrawal of the Russian troops from Ukraine. Russia never reciprocated, never showed a good will, kept raising the stakes.
Both Poroshenko and Zelensky were initially sceptical regarding Ukraine's accession to NATO. Both wanted to get a deal with Putin. And Putin himself pushed both of them to seek NATO membership out of no other viable alternatives.
Up till now, Putin has shown absolutely no willingness to compromise with Ukraine. His war aims remain maximalist - subjugating Ukraine and changing its regime. He seeks Ukraine's partition, and will turn what is left of Ukraine into Russian protectorate.
Russia's imperial self-conception is that of Russian elites at large, and not just Vladimir Putin. The Russian leadership simply cannot reconcile with the existence of a sovereign Ukrainian statehood.
Therefore any sustainable Ukrainian-Russian compromise is currently not possible unless the Russian cost-benefit calculus changes. Only credible risk to the stability of the Russian regime would impact this calculus. The easiest way goes through defeating Russia in Ukraine.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Remember how they pointed out that Palistrom wood was becoming rarer? Because Belos kept over harvesting it and not giving it time to grow back?
The University’s tree is blue. Its a big ass Palistrom tree
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fictionadventurer · 4 days
I keep thinking about Lewis' review of The Hobbit, because he claimed that the main thing contemporary reviewers compared it to was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Was fantasy in that poor of a state that Alice was the closest thing they could think of? Comparing that chaotic fever dream to Tolkien's intricately crafted world? Lewis does specify that the comparison is that both books are by an "Oxford professor at play", but they're otherwise so different that putting the two in the same category baffles me.
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melonisopod · 1 year
Whole chapter showing war being pointless and exploitative and how the government that funded said war was all too happy to throw away the soldiers they used as literal living weapons: Apolitical.
Whole chapter about a woman urging her friends to do something about their starving neighbors and how she ended up killing a pawnbroker to enact justice but the system ensured the most helpless were still punished: Apolitical.
Whole chapter where literal Crusaders murder people for modifying their bodies and how it relates to bodily autonomy and identity; main characters visit a border crossing and witness a child being separated forcefully from their family: Apolitical.
Whole chapter about corporations appropriating and exploiting well-meaning genius inventions to benefit themselves and quite literally profit off the suffering of others: Apolitical.
Female character doesn't have her tits out: Evil Feminist Agenda, Forced Politics
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
Canada has never allowed Palestine to be listed as the country of birth for anyone born after 1948 because Palestine is not technically a country, but these passports still list the Palestinian city they were born in. This information is on Wikipedia (the Canadian Passport article, under the Place of Birth section) and sourced with the actual country policy. It sucks, but it is not a new stance Canada is taking, and it is not a conspiracy.
I can’t speak to what bureaucratic failing is happening to this person’s grandmother, but it’s unlikely there will be substantial mainstream coverage because nothing has actually changed.
Maintaining focus on the reality of the genocide taking place is vitally important for collectively taking action in effective manners, so please take this in good faith.
Thank you for the information. I just want to be clear I never stated it was a conspiracy, nor did that creator or folks who were pointing it out over on twitter. The erasure, especially now that I know it happened after the Nakba of 1948 is further evidence of Palestinian erasure and cultural genocide by another settler-colonial country.
I don't know if there will be a follow up about her grandmother, but I will update if there is something more to share. I also didn't know this had deeper roots, but these are the articles referenced in the wikipedia page.
This is quite disturbing, considering how long this has been implemented and normalized. Saying any Palestinian person can't list their birthplace is beyond inhumane and cruel. I can see why there is no coverage on this -because that's how it has been for well over a decade and more.
The post wasn't meant to deflect from current events -that was not my intention either. While this is still important to talk about, I haven't stopped talking about what is going on right now. I posted about this because it was something I was unaware of and I'm sure many of us were as well. I will attach this to the original post I made for more context.
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trans-ralsei · 3 months
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kita is WOKE. she eats WOKE ramen and is in the war against WOKE culture on the side of the WOKE. she will cancel you. over her ramen
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hastalavistabyebye · 3 months
Canon mandalorian art and the Murals of Sundari
There's a very interesting thing about canon mandalorian art. Outside of Sabine's graffitis and armor paint, the only canon mando figurative art (that I have found) are the statue of Tarre Vizla -which go perfectly in star wars' long tradition of dead historical figures' statues, especially for Jedi- and the three murals of Mandalore. I said figurative because there is also the Memorial Shrine on Sundari that was bombed by death watch during the clone wars that is definitely not figurative. But that's another subject.
Of those two exemples of mandalorian sculptures that we know of, we have an old, historical, imposing rendition of a past Mand'alor (and in both medium and subject, what I personally headcanon as the favored type of art by Mandalorians) and a series of murals depicting one of the victories of the Mandalorians over the Jedi, during one of their war. And that mural is the only major art we see in Sundari, the New Mandalorians' Capital.
And that's what I'm going to talk about.
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Those three murals have obviously been inspired by Picasso's Guernica. I'm absolutely not a Picasso specialist nor do I wish to be (he was an asshole first category, thank you very much but ew). But. What I do know is that Guernica was commanded to Picasso to illustrate the city Guernica's bombing and denounce fascism, and later on was a symbol of the horror of the war (especially the world war 2 which started two years after the realisation of this imposing painting). The blatant difference with Guernica in those murals is that the violence isn't denounced at all. It's highlighted. The Mandalorians Crusaders have halos, they're bigger, standing, orderly, majestic. Opposed to that are the Jedi, distorted, chaotic, small, at the feet of the Mandalorians. This is obvious propaganda in favor of the victors of the battle. (Of the battle only because it's the Jedi who won that war.)
Using Guernica was an interesting and easy way to show "A War" even if the soul of it is completely reversed (which is really interesting too) but yeah, that's a smart and quick way to send a mood to the person watching those episodes of clone war, without needing to focus on the art. You see the style, you understand roughly what's the meaning of it. End of the parenthesis.
What is interesting is that this is the only figurative art I've found for the New Mandalorians. More than that, that last mural was right under the speaking balcony, above the royal platform of Sundari's palace. Satine Kryze talked about her ideals just over the graphic depiction of Jedi being decapitated. This, added to the cultural genocide the New Mandalorians were making, paint one hell of a picture.
For that last part on the New Mandalorians, @/fox-trot made an amazing explanation of it, in some of their tags once but I can't find the post again :( roughly, they were highlighting how, notably in Legends, the Mandalorians used to be a vastly diverse people, different colors of skin, different species.... But with the arrival of the New Mandalorians, not only we can't see any art but those ones, not only do they want to erase entire parts of their traditions and culture (armor doesn't mean war, you could change the warrior and blood culture without taking the armor out, cue Jedi and their weapons lightsaber), but they also are all human, white and rich. Boba and Jango Fett aren't seen as Mandalorians at all. The Wren are Death Watch so traitors and terrorists. The New Mandalorians are good and safe and refuse any way of protection, are more passive than neutral in that regard, and are a white, human elite.
That elite have hid/erased/we-can't-even-know-because-it-can-only-be-seen-in-it's-obvious-absence all of their traditional art but those murals, depicting the massacre that was one of their victorious battles in a war they ultimately lost. This is one hell of a propaganda and rewriting of History.
You can read it in many ways, two I can think of are :
-the New Mandalorians Government want to send the message "See how bloody and terrible and not-good mandalorian culture is. We need to be pacifists to not-be-like-that"
-but what it can look like is the symbolic reality of what they're doing : a cultural genocide painted in glorious light.
Anyway you want to look at it, with such a critical light of the new mandalorians or not, that those murals are the only art display in Sundari's palace still send one hell of a message.
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Just when I thought Americans couldn’t be more ignorant about the conflict,this happened..
The 2024 Oscars were a mess
The 2024 Oscars were heavily influenced by the current war in Israel-Gaza. I’m not saying people shouldn’t use it as an opportunity to spread awareness, I’m saying they should consider what they’re saying, the message they’re conveying.
1. The Artists4Ceasefire pins
I get it, you want to end the killing of Palestinians. Me too.
There a few issues with this pin:
-For the 100th time, Hamas is the one currently refusing multiple proposals of ceasefire, and is the one who broke it in multiple occasions in the past.
For God’s sake, started this war...
-Please read about the symbolism of bloody/ red prints in the Israeli- Palestinian conflict... (the famous picture of a lynch, taken during the second intifada)
-there are no yellow ribbon pins , and no mention of the hostages. Do they not matter? 134 people are currently held hostage by a terrorist organisation for almost 6 months!
2. don’t get me started on Jonathan Glazer’s speech 🙄
“Glazer used a common refrain from Jew-haters — that the Holocaust is the 'get out of jail free card' for Jews. He blamed Jews for their own massacre by saying that 'the occupation led to conflict for so many people,' which is why he was refuting his Jewishness and the Holocaust being used for this purpose”
Taken from here:
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