#i love satine but hell what her government did was messed up at times
hastalavistabyebye · 5 days
Canon mandalorian art and the Murals of Sundari
There's a very interesting thing about canon mandalorian art. Outside of Sabine's graffitis and armor paint, the only canon mando figurative art (that I have found) are the statue of Tarre Vizla -which go perfectly in star wars' long tradition of dead historical figures' statues, especially for Jedi- and the three murals of Mandalore. I said figurative because there is also the Memorial Shrine on Sundari that was bombed by death watch during the clone wars that is definitely not figurative. But that's another subject.
Of those two exemples of mandalorian sculptures that we know of, we have an old, historical, imposing rendition of a past Mand'alor (and in both medium and subject, what I personally headcanon as the favored type of art by Mandalorians) and a series of murals depicting one of the victories of the Mandalorians over the Jedi, during one of their war. And that mural is the only major art we see in Sundari, the New Mandalorians' Capital.
And that's what I'm going to talk about.
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Those three murals have obviously been inspired by Picasso's Guernica. I'm absolutely not a Picasso specialist nor do I wish to be (he was an asshole first category, thank you very much but ew). But. What I do know is that Guernica was commanded to Picasso to illustrate the city Guernica's bombing and denounce fascism, and later on was a symbol of the horror of the war (especially the world war 2 which started two years after the realisation of this imposing painting). The blatant difference with Guernica in those murals is that the violence isn't denounced at all. It's highlighted. The Mandalorians Crusaders have halos, they're bigger, standing, orderly, majestic. Opposed to that are the Jedi, distorted, chaotic, small, at the feet of the Mandalorians. This is obvious propaganda in favor of the victors of the battle. (Of the battle only because it's the Jedi who won that war.)
Using Guernica was an interesting and easy way to show "A War" even if the soul of it is completely reversed (which is really interesting too) but yeah, that's a smart and quick way to send a mood to the person watching those episodes of clone war, without needing to focus on the art. You see the style, you understand roughly what's the meaning of it. End of the parenthesis.
What is interesting is that this is the only figurative art I've found for the New Mandalorians. More than that, that last mural was right under the speaking balcony, above the royal platform of Sundari's palace. Satine Kryze talked about her ideals just over the graphic depiction of Jedi being decapitated. This, added to the cultural genocide the New Mandalorians were making, paint one hell of a picture.
For that last part on the New Mandalorians, @/fox-trot made an amazing explanation of it, in some of their tags once but I can't find the post again :( roughly, they were highlighting how, notably in Legends, the Mandalorians used to be a vastly diverse people, different colors of skin, different species.... But with the arrival of the New Mandalorians, not only we can't see any art but those ones, not only do they want to erase entire parts of their traditions and culture (armor doesn't mean war, you could change the warrior and blood culture without taking the armor out, cue Jedi and their weapons lightsaber), but they also are all human, white and rich. Boba and Jango Fett aren't seen as Mandalorians at all. The Wren are Death Watch so traitors and terrorists. The New Mandalorians are good and safe and refuse any way of protection, are more passive than neutral in that regard, and are a white, human elite.
That elite have hid/erased/we-can't-even-know-because-it-can-only-be-seen-in-it's-obvious-absence all of their traditional art but those murals, depicting the massacre that was one of their victorious battles in a war they ultimately lost. This is one hell of a propaganda and rewriting of History.
You can read it in many ways, two I can think of are :
-the New Mandalorians Government want to send the message "See how bloody and terrible and not-good mandalorian culture is. We need to be pacifists to not-be-like-that"
-but what it can look like is the symbolic reality of what they're doing : a cultural genocide painted in glorious light.
Anyway you want to look at it, with such a critical light of the new mandalorians or not, that those murals are the only art display in Sundari's palace still send one hell of a message.
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twilightofthe · 4 years
*wheezing noises* OKAY SO
Apparently some book by Pablo Hidalgo, Mr. Official Disney Word-Of-God Man, states now that Obi Wan’s yearlong Mandalore mission with Satine happened when Obi Wan was 15 years old
And now I find myself standing at a crossroads where the Obitine fandom who took Korkie Kenobi as canon are upset because now they can’t have that without turning their ship into “16 and Pregnant” and just because an “epic romance” between two high school freshmen apparently had such an impact it lasted for 20 years, and people who really didn’t like the Korkie Kenobi theory or just Obitine in general celebrating that the theory’s pretty close to decanonized.
Then here I am as someone who DOES ship Obitine but also I personally don’t think Korkie’s their kid so everywhere I go I feel like I’ll be making someone mad for my opinions on it.
So it’s like, for me?
I really hate this.
I hate this because I don’t think every single politician in Star Wars needs to be a child, we have Naboo, we have a bunch of senators, we do NOT need Mandalore to have a 15 year old child ruler (assuming Satine’s around the same age as Obi Wan). My own headcanon has her ascending the throne at 17 and I make it clear that that is pushing it for Mandalorian society. The planet and it’s government is not designed for a child ruler. She would not be able to keep her power then.
Also, secret lovechild aside, it still diminishes the Obitine romance!!!!! Like, AGAIN, having a yearlong romance at 17/18/19 and holding that torch for 20 years of no contact is PUSHING IT. Or at least maybe for me as an ace demiromantic it’s pushing it but IT IS PUSHING IT. I can accept that by that point they are mature enough to fall deeply in love and be able to carry a piece of that love with them. I can see 18/19 year old Obi Wan deciding that he’d leave his entire way of life in a fit of passion at that age.
But 15?!? HIGH SCHOOL age?!?! Lol we see it all the time, two 15 year olds proclaiming they love each other and they’re gonna run away together. Everyone thinks it’s “aw cute but they’ll grow up and realize”. No one has an epic freshman year romance (save for like very few but come ON it’s not the NORMAL) and they DEFINITELY don’t cultivate those feelings enough that they’re a hot mess around each other in their late fucking thirties hello?!?
Like HELLO I’m SORRY but please don’t turn my cute sweeping Austen romance into a pair of dumbass high school freshmen who still are stuck on each other! That just makes their love for each other look sad and downright ridiculous and I hate it so much oh my god
Satine DIES for a crush she had on a high school freshman what the actual fuck?!
Like I don’t give two shits about whether they had a lovechild or not, in fact I’d much rather prefer they didn’t have one, but JEEZ Disney did you really have to stomp on it that hard?????? Hard enough to get rid of the emotional integrity of the romance????????????
People argue that this makes sense, that the Mandalorian civil war takes place when Obi Wan is 15, but I argue: civil wars usually last longer than a year!!! Just because Obi Wan came to protect Satine during the civil war doesn’t mean he came when the war started!!!!! I always headcanoned that the war killed her parents! (Hell my headcanon’s a bit different, I think her parents had more than a bit to do with starting the war in the first place). Why can it not be that the war started and went on a few years before Satine comes to power and then Obi Wan comes to protect her!
But yeah lol those are my thoughts.
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Anidala Week Day 2: Canon Divergence
(Canon Divergence is pretty much all I do. So here’s a thing loosely set in the universe I play around in anyway. :) )
To save the Republic(’s approval ratings), Anakin and Padme have to get married. 
“I’m not saying you have to.” 
Padme lifts an unimpressed eyebrow at her friend, crossing her arms. “But you’re saying we should.” 
“It wouldn’t hurt,” Bail shrugs. As head of the Chancellatory committee, he’s had a lot of work to do, and not much of it makes him popular with anyone. “You can’t argue that there’s been a lot of distrust between the people and the Jedi Order...and the Senate and the Jedi Order...and the Jedi Order and the Jedi Order. It would make them seem like they could be normal people.” 
“They’re not normal people,” Padme points out, taking a seat in Bail’s office. It feels strange to be able to move around again without feeling like there are two bowling balls in her stomach. Though she misses her babies terribly when she’s not with them at home, she’s glad for the freedom that not being pregnant gives her. “They’re Jedi. That’s always been the point.” 
“A point that isn’t working anymore,” Bail tells her. “Obi-Wan being on the committee is a good start for repairing relations between the Jedi and the Senate, but a public display would make a bigger impression on the people of the Republic.” 
“Bail, Anakin and I are already married,” Padme argues. “We’ve been married for years, and now we’re parents, and Anakin is still recovering from that fight with Palpetine. Between those things and my work, we don’t have the time.” 
“So hire a wedding planner,” Bail shrugs. “Look, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from being married to the Queen of Alderaan, it’s that sometimes you do stupid, ridiculous things to make your people happy.” 
“And you think that the stupid, ridiculous thing that I should do is have a very large, very expensive, very public wedding to the man I’m already married to, to show the people of the Republic that we’re all playing nice together,” Padme surmises. 
“Exactly.” Bail sighs softly. “You’ve already had the intimate wedding you wanted to have.” 
Padme huffs to herself. It hadn’t quite been what she’d always dreamed of, but…
“And the Senate and Jedi approval ratings are quite literally circling the drain,” Bail goes on. “If we’re not careful, all of us will lose our upcoming elections, which means that all the work we’ve done here so far has the potential to be completely undone. And a vote to remove the Jedi from government oversight wouldn’t be far behind, which means they would lose government support and funding. We have to at least try to give the people some sort of hope. Some sort of positive display that will restore their faith in the idea that we can all work together to clean up this terrible mess. And yes, a wedding is hokey. It’s obvious, it’s clearly a ploy. But it will be a popular ploy. Anakin is the most successful Jedi General of the Clone Wars; he rooted out the Sith Lord in our midst, and you are one of the most popular Senators among us. The people adore you. This is a PR goldmine.” 
“It’s my life,” Padme reminds him. “One that, up until a month ago, was very private.” 
“Well, you’re our only choice,” Bail says, sympathetically. “I’d ask Obi-Wan, but Jinn is already a year old, and no one likes Satine. Hell, they don’t even like Obi-Wan anymore, now that he’s on the committee instead of leading an army.” 
“Not that he cares, which he shouldn’t,” Padme mutters. “He’s here to advise us. Not win popularity contests.” 
“We work in politics, remember? It’s all a popularity contest.” 
Padme sighs heavily. “So. I’m getting married. Again.” 
Bail smiles at her. “Congratulations.” 
Anakin is visibly confused when she gets home that night. “What was wrong with our wedding?” 
“Nothing,” Padme tells him quickly, taking his hands. “Our wedding was wonderful and beautiful. I got to wear my dream dress and you were so handsome, and sweet, and it was just for us. But…” 
Anakin waits for her, still frowning. “But?” 
“But...this...isn’t about us,” Padme goes on. “This is about restoring the faith of the people of the Republic. Of showing them that there is unity between the Senate and the Jedi.” 
“There isn’t,” Anakin points out. “In fact, all there has been is finger pointing over who missed what sign that things were terrible. Mace got angry. I’ve never seen Mace angry. I thought he was going to slice off the heads of the entire committee. Including Obi-Wan.” 
“Well, that was a bad day at work.” 
“Angel, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they’ve all been bad days at work.” 
“Which is why we need to do this.” 
Anakin sighs softly. “So you want us to get married again. In front of the entire galaxy.” 
“It’ll be fun,” Padme insists. “We’ll get dressed up, we’ll eat cake...and we only got one night of a honeymoon, maybe we could take longer this time.” 
“Between twin infants and your work schedule?” 
“Why are you making this difficult?” Padme asks, starting to lose her patience. 
Anakin pauses for a moment before speaking up. “Because our wedding, however small...however brief, was special to me. It was the most important day of my life, right along with the day the kids were born. I don’t need or want a do-over.”
Her heart melts as she sees the sincerity in his eyes. “Oh, Ani.” 
He takes a breath and grins sheepishly. “Alright. Okay. If us re-getting-married is going to be the thing that unites everyone and brings peace to the galaxy, who am I to argue?” A rush of relief washes over her as she throws her arms around him. “Thank you. I promise I will make this as painless as possible.” ***** It is not painless. It is weeks of planning. Robe and gown fittings. Of tastings and flower arrangements and guest lists. “Well, the Council has agreed to come.” Anakin blinks owlishly. Padme sighs, a touch exasperated. “Ani, the entire point of this is to show unity between the Jedi and the Senate. I spoke with the Council last week, and they’ve agreed that they, along with other key members of the order will be there.” Anakin shakes his head as he changes Luke’s diaper, playing with his son’s feet absently. “Whatever you say, Angel.” “I know your relationship with them is a little strained…” “Yes.” Padme deflates a little, knowing that it’s taken a long time for Anakin to heal from his fight with Sidious, and that the Council nearly threw him out of the order anyway, for his marriage and children. “I should have spoken to you about this first. I thought you knew.” “It’s fine,” Anakin tells her. He takes a deep breath and turns to her. “After all, this isn't for us. This is for the Galaxy, right?” She nods, pursing her lips, and staying quiet. “And as long as I get to have Rex and the 501st there, it’s fine,” he says. It’s Padme’s turn to blink owlishly. “...Oh.” Anakin narrows his eyes. “You did invite my men to our wedding, didn’t you?” “I...may have...forgotten?” Before he can get truly upset, she holds up her hands. “I will fix this, right away, I promise, Anakin.” As she rushes out the door, she hears him call back “Invite the 212th, too!” Padme closes her eyes and takes a deep, cleansing breath. Between her work schedule, and this wedding planning, and trying to fit in Anakin and their children, her life has been a mess. Her husband has been a complete saint through most of this, taking care of the children, and putting quite a few of his Jedi responsibilities on hold, it’s hard to be mad at him when he acts like a bantha brain. But she will be completely glad when this is all over. ***** The day arrives without much fanfare. Since the ceremony is at night, (Mace Windu had been adamant about “On the steps of the Temple. The Senate needs to show it’s willing to actually meet the Jedi halfway, since we’re always coming to you.”), they have time for a quiet morning together. Padme feeds the twins as Anakin makes them breakfast, and she sighs contentedly as she listens to the nuna bacon fry under Anakin’s soft humming. “I want this forever,” she says wistfully, as she cuddles Leia. Anakin turns to her, cracking a grin. “Good thing we’re already married.” ***** It goes by much quicker than Padme had thought it would. Jar Jar performs the ceremony, which is strange, but it feels fitting, since he was there when they first met as children, and before they know it, he’s saying “I’sa now pronouncin’ you, husband and wife! Kiss her, Ani!” And Anakin does, tugging her close and kissing her eagerly, as if he’s been waiting to do this in front of the Senate and the Council and the Galaxy for years. He probably has, Padme thinks as she wraps her around around his neck, smiling against his lips. ***** The reception is enormous, and loud, and busy, and Padme is being pulled in all different directions, to be congratulated and kissed on the cheek and hugged, and the longer the party goes on, the drunker everyone seems to get. She knows she should be having a good time, but mostly, she wishes that she could have gone with Dorme and the twins back to their apartment. She would love to get out of this tight gown and rock her babies to sleep and then get a little work down before curling up with Anakin in bed. Padme supposes that she can do that tomorrow night. It takes her a while to find Anakin. They keep getting separated in all of the chaotic revelry, but she eventually finds him at a corner table with Rex, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Satine and Cody, watching all the party while nursing a drink. He beams at her when he sees her and when she gets close enough, he takes her hand and gently pulls her down onto his lap. “There you are.” Padme wraps her arms around his neck and instantly relaxes, surrounded by the people she knows well, a port in a storm. “I was busy making the rounds. Which you should be doing.” “Eh. Everybody knows where I am,” he shrugs, grinning at her. “Besides, nobody cares about the groom at a wedding. It’s all about the bride.” “I’d say congratulations, but since you’ve been married for years, it feels a bit silly,” Satine teases. “You said it,” Ahsoka pipes up. “I should have been in on that particular secret, by the way.” “No one was in on it,” Obi-Wan grouses. ‘Not even I knew.” “Er,” Rex says awkwardly. “Rex knew?!” Ahsoka cries. “Rex knew and I didn’t?!” “He didn’t know we were married,” Anakin snaps. “Just that we were together. And...talking regularly over holo comm during the war. That’s all.” “That’s all,” Obi-Wan rolls his eyes. “How are you any better?” Anakin asks, bewildered. “Jinn is a year older than the twins. I had no idea you and Satine were still seeing each other. You hid your baby from me, Ahsoka, and the Council for an entire year.” “We were at war!” “Hey, no fighting,” Ahsoka cuts in. “We don’t fight at weddings.” “We were already married,” Anakin points out. “And our first wedding was better.” Padme smiles and kisses Anakin’s temple. ***** When they finally make it home, it’s incredibly late. Anakin goes to check on the twins, who are fast asleep, and Padme closes the door to the guest room that Dorme is sleeping in, so as not to disturb her. She sighs softly and turns to Anakin, taking his hands. “Thank you, Ani. I know this wasn’t really what you wanted. But I appreciate that you went through with it.” “Well, now that it’s over, we can get back to some semblance of normalcy,” he says, kissing the top of her head. “Maybe we could take the twins to the park tomorrow.” She smiles and closes her eyes, pulling him close. “Yes. Let’s do that.”
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 210: Glory of Love
After Granny's that evening, they had the small issue of figuring out where to stay. Winter and Charming had gifted the Charming family house to Emma and Killian and with their castles destroyed, they had contemplated staying at the Inn. But with their need to be alone, they decided against that and though they were offered an invitation to say in Elsa's castle, they opted to do a quick rebuild of their castle in Misthaven. Fortunately, with the power of the chalice, it only took minutes and they were soon sequestered in their newly rebuilt bed chambers. Tomorrow, Summer and Bobby would pick out their rooms in the castle that would now be their home, but for tonight, they were staying over at Regina and Robin's.
That left them alone to their own devices and they knew exactly how they were going to use their alone time. When she exited the now modernized bathroom, complete with a hot tub that she was sure they would make use of later, she spotted him on the veranda with a bottle of wine. Her favorite moscato wine and he had gotten rid of his shirt, much to her liking. She undid the cord of her silk robe and tossed it to the bed, before sauntering toward him in a slinky satin negligee, white in color, of course. She noticed he was looking out over the Kingdoms from their balcony and the cool night air hit her bare skin. Stars blanketed the sky in a spectacular fashion and twinkled above them. She recalled nights like these from Winter's memories and similar memories from Boston of Margaret Nolan from the last few years. It was odd to have so many dual memories in her head and so many lives, but she had never felt more at peace.
There was one thing that gave her pause and she could see that it was bothering her husband, as she noticed the pensive look on his handsome face. He turned to her and became immediately captivated by her, as he always was.
"You never fail to take my breath away," he confessed, as he took her hands in his own.
"But you're worried," she said.
"He's still out there...plotting who knows what to hurt you...I'm not sure I can rest knowing that. The thought of him getting close to you again...it's going to keep me up nights," he confessed.
"He's a coward...that's why he didn't show up. He knows that facing you head on is a death sentence and we will get him. He always hides and he's counting on haunting us again, but he's not going to this time," she assured.
"I don't know if it was having those peaceful years as Margaret or my memories as Winter, but I have never been more at peace," she confessed.
"I'm worried he's still out there too, but we'll be ready for him when he shows his ugly face," she said. He smiled and kissed her tenderly.
"We will...and I'll do everything in my power to make sure he doesn't escape when he does pop up again," he promised.
"And we are not going to waste anymore time talking about that psycho," he added, as he handed her a glass.
"Good...because the only thing I want right now is to be in the arms of the man I love," she said, as she looked at him.
"Charming...you're my hero and you always will be. And maybe, because of who we are, that means we'll always have a villain in our lives," she reasoned.
"But if that is the trade off for sharing this incredible love that we have...then I would never trade it for some peaceful life," she promised
"I know. Me either...it's just that the peaceful life we got in Boston for two years was pretty great," he mentioned.
"It was...but it was incomplete without our whole family. This is truly our home," she said, as they gazed out over Storybrooke from their castle.
"And I know that things are really uncertain now that the whole world knows about us...but maybe this is a chance to make an even bigger difference," she said.
"Our love...it defeats evil. If we can change just a few minds or take out just a few evils that cause harm to people...then I think I would feel really good about that, despite the risks," she added. He smiled at her.
"You're amazing...and I agree. I did like the feeling that I was making a difference when I was working with the Major," he agreed.
"And there's evil and crime here in the United Realms, but not like there is out there. I saw some of the worst of it in the last two years. And the monsters out there don't always look like monsters," he added. She smiled at him.
"Besides...even with the potential danger, you and I never turn down an adventure," she said. He grinned and swept her into his arms.
"No...we don't, but right now, there's only one adventure I care about," he said.
"Mmm...I think I'm going to like this adventure very much," she purred.
"If I'm on my game...you will," he teased.
"Oh, you've never not been on your game, my love," she replied, as the anticipation of what was to come was already fluttering in her stomach.
"Well, that's good, because I plan on making love to my beautiful wife all night long," he said, as he lay her in bed. She watched him with bated breath, as he turned down the lights and then used the chalice to ignite a fire in the fireplace. She smiled, as he got into bed with her and pulled her into his arms. She shifted in his arms and straddled his lap, as she gazed down at him. He looked up at her and the passion in his stare licked at her every nerve. Their lips met and the heat of the fire paled in comparison to the heat of passion between the truest of loves...
Regina collapsed on the couch next to Robin and he handed her a glass of apple cider, as they decompressed from a very crazy day.
"So...have you looked at the Internet yet?" she asked.
"I peeked a bit," he replied.
"How bad is it?" she winced.
"Pretty ridiculous. Learning that the mysterious Henry Swan's book is actually real was one thing, but then seeing the battle they just saw...heads are exploding," Robin said.
"And I suppose there are plenty of haters," she mentioned.
"I didn't look at too much of it, but yes. There also seems to be some rabid fans, which we know can be just as dangerous as the hateful people. And then there are various officials and government agencies. The Major and the FBI have taken the reins on this, with military involvement," he replied.
"What a mess," she sighed.
"Do you think Snow and David are making the right decision by cooperating with the Major?" he asked.
"I'm not sure they have a choice. If the Major really does somehow have all of Clayton's former assets, then I doubt we could keep her out even if we wanted to," she replied.
"Keep your enemies closer, I suppose," he reasoned. She snorted.
"Who knew Leroy would be right. We might really have tour buses driving down Main Street," she joked.
"Leroy being right seems like a precedent that we do not want to repeat," he joked as well, as he noticed her looking at the kids. Summer and Bobby were catching up with Roland and they had brought along their new friend JJ from the land of muggles.
"At least there are some that seem accepting of us," Robin mentioned.
"So it seems...but I don't like his cousin. Even with the Major controlling her narrative at the moment, she's bound to find a way around that and spew her skewed view of all this," Regina said.
"True...but her cousin seems like a good guy," Robin mentioned.
"So far," Regina replied in a measured tone and he chuckled.
"I get that you're protective of Summer, as you should be, but it takes a lot of character to run headlong into something like this for a girl he just met. There would have to be a deeper connection than just on the surface for any man to do that," he reasoned.
"I suppose you're right. I just hoped that once we put Seth down that we'd find a little peace. But I suppose that's not really in the cards for this family," she mused. He chuckled.
"We are a busy bunch," he agreed.
"Human evil is a lot harder to see than monsters right in our faces," she mentioned.
"That's why we'll be there. If the Major wants David still working out in the field, he won't be doing it alone," Robin said. She nodded.
"Not to mention there's one big monster that wasn't on the battlefield and is still out there," she replied.
"Dr. Jekyll...probably holed up in some makeshift lab somewhere cooking up some horrors," Robin said. She bit her bottom lip.
"Do you think a locator potion would work?" he asked.
"It's possible...there's just a lot more places to hide now than there used to be when we were just dealing with Storybrooke. But it's definitely worth a shot," she replied.
"You think he's a step ahead already and somehow he's already blocked the magic of a locator spell," he mused.
"Probably...but it won't hurt to try. He's insane and I don't want him coming after Snow again if we can stop it," Regina said.
"We will…" Robin assured, as they shared a kiss.
"Listen to me...the Evil Queen fretting over the safety of Snow White," she mused.
"Your step-daughter, whom you love and now know was never really responsible for Daniel's death. Snow forgave you long ago," he reminded her.
"I know...and I've accepted that part of me. Finally...I reunited with her, because she is a part of me and I know that Snow and David have forgiven me, but now those stories are being laid bare for the entire world to see...some are not going to see me as anything other than the Evil Queen," she said.
"True...but there are those that can recognize someone who has redeemed herself as well," he replied.
"I suppose so…" she mentioned.
"You know, if you'd rather stay behind, Snow and David will understand," he said.
"No...there's no way in hell I'm letting my family, especially my grandchildren go out into that piranha tank without me," she said without thinking and he chuckled. A smile spread across her face at that.
"Hmm...guess I really don't give a damn what the muggles think, after all," she mused, as she finished her cider.
"The Land Without Magic better watch out. The Queen does not take kindly to someone being mean to her grand babies and neither does her thief," he said, as they shared another smile and a kiss.
"Wow...this book is incredible. And it's really the same as this one that's been out in bookstores all these years?" he asked, as he held up a white paperback copy that was published during their time in Hyperion Heights.
"Yes...this is the master copy," Summer replied, referring to the brown, leather bound book.
"And all of it happened?" he asked.
"All of it and Henry's paperback was only published as a result of the curse in Hyperion Heights," she replied.
"Curse? So you didn't know who you really were?" he asked.
"No...the one in Hyperion Heights separated my parents again, but Bobby ended up with Mom and I ended up with Dad," she explained.
"Yeah...unfortunately Mom was only cursed part of the time and that's why Clayton had her locked up in a mental institution," Bobby added.
"That's awful...this Clayton guy seems like he was a real problem," JJ said.
"He was the worst. I don't remember a lot of our time in Atlantis, but what I do remember wasn't good," Summer said.
"You've been to the Underworld...like hell!?" JJ exclaimed, as they flipped through the book and he saw Hades.
"Well…Bobby was just a baby and I was really little, so we didn't go. But Mom, Emma, Hook, Henry, Leo, Eva, Nana, and Grandpa Xander did after Dad fell through a portal to the Underworld," Summer explained.
"How did your father not die?" JJ asked.
"Well...the chalice was protecting his life and Hades couldn't take it," Summer replied.
"Which pissed him off and he refused to let him go, so Mom went after him and kicked ass," Bobby said.
"Wow...so your parents have literally been to hell and back," JJ mused.
"Yeah, but not even hell was as bad to what came after that," Summer said, as he turned the page.
"Dr. Jekyll...hey that's the crazy guy that was in the classroom that injected you," JJ realized.
"Yeah, crazy is putting it mildly and he happened to be one of the only ones to escape the battle," Bobby said.
"So he's still out there...does that mean your Mom is still in danger?" JJ asked.
"Yeah...unfortunately, but then it seems like Mom and Dad are always in some kind of peril," Summer replied.
"Huh...they don't really act like it," he mentioned. They smiled.
"That's our Mom and Dad," Summer said fondly.
"So...your parents and oldest sister weren't born in this land?" he asked.
"No...and that was before all the lands were one. It used to be just Storybrooke and the rest of us were born here," she answered.
"Wow…" he said, as he continued to flip through the book.
"I gotta say...you're taking this way better than most people are," Bobby mentioned. He shrugged.
"It probably helped that I kind of saw it up close and personal. It's a bit hard to deny it's all real after that and you're just people too, right? Just different," JJ said.
"Yeah...different scares a lot of people though, but glad to know there are still some that are accepting," Summer replied.
"So...do you have a family? Besides Nora?" Bobby asked bluntly.
"Bobby…" Summer chided, as she smacked his arm. JJ chuckled.
"It's okay...and I used to, but my parents are gone. They died in an accident years ago. They were anthropologists and traveled a lot. I lived in a group home after that and then became a paramedic," he explained.
"Nora's parents didn't take you in?" Summer asked.
"No...her parents were barely fit to take care of her, let alone me," he replied.
"I'm sorry…" she said. He smiled.
"Don't be...I'd tell you to not take your loving family for granted, but it doesn't seem like you do. Sounds like you've had to fight like hell to keep them," he replied. She smiled.
"We have and we always will," she said, as they continued to flip through the book.
Pleasure Island. That was the name, but in looking at it, the name simply had to be a misnomer. Upon the joining of the United Realms, the lawless and accursed Pleasure Island was included in the good curse. Hook had explained to his family that it was an offshoot of Neverland, though not created by Pan, but rather Stromboli, who was long dead now. The Island delivered upon its name, if your definition of pleasure included lawless activities like gambling, brothels, excessive drinking, and a slew of other violent crimes. Initially, David had been furious to find that they really had no ruler and their refusal to tolerate any leadership.
They had weighed their options to rein in the crime on the Island, but each one would likely only escalate to violence.
The lost boys that had refused to allow the Charmings to help them upon Pan's demise had fled to Pleasure Island, where its accursed nature allowed them to remain young. It was dangerous and resistant to magic, thus why many rulers of the other Kingdoms were reluctant to engage. Seth had enjoyed the villainy and nature of Pleasure Island, allowing it to thrive during his rule and Jekyll found that it was the perfect place for his new base of operations.
A drunken sailor stumbled out of the bar and toward the Inn a few feet away.
"You really tied one on it seems," the doctor mentioned, as loitered outside the Inn.
"Yeah...the great thing about this place...there's no last call," he slurred.
"Yes...but I'm afraid it's last call for you," Jekyll said, as his hand glowed red with fire and the man screamed in agony, as Jekyll burned a hole clear through his abdomen. He smirked, as his victim fell dead to the ground and he placed a single snowdrop flower on the body.
"That should deliver my message quite nicely," he muttered, as he walked away and into the nearby tower that was his new home. It was abandoned, but perfect for his lab and living quarters. He had worked tirelessly through the day and now had his lab fully equipped and functional. The battle in Nephilim served as a nice distraction and had allowed him to steal the equipment, supplies, and drugs he needed from the hospital and University.
"Now...let's see if this works," Jekyll said, as he fired up his new surveillance system that he had worked tirelessly to get up and running.
"So...you've repaired your castle already, dear Snow," he muttered, as he noticed the Charming castle was whole again. He smirked, as the inside of the castle appeared. His nanomites, as he had dubbed them, were working perfectly.
While in Boston, he had invented tiny microbial surveillance devices, no bigger than a dust mite. This afternoon, after the battle, he had released hundreds of these microscopic entities into the United Realms. And now he had complete eyes on everything without having to leave the island.
"There you are, my dear Snow...always a vision of fair beauty," he leered, as he drank her in. He scowled at the man that held her in his arms and fumed.
"Enjoy your victory for now...because you have not seen the last of me and you'll soon know that with that little message I left you," he hissed, as he left his lab and walked into the busy tavern. The man he had murdered still lay in the streets and had already been searched for money and valuables. He paid the scene no mind and sat at the bar, before ordering a drink.
"You're new around here…" another man at the bar mentioned.
"Astute observation," Jekyll replied.
"Yep...this is where you come when you're hiding from the law," he man mentioned.
"And what makes you think I am hiding form the law?" Jekyll questioned.
"Oh, you're the infamous Dr. Jekyll...and we applaud how much grief you've caused Sheriff Charming in the past, but we don't want his kind coming here," he warned.
"Ah...afraid that my presence will bring the wrath of the mighty King Charming," Jekyll mused.
"That's right...so perhaps you'll just find your way along to another place. You look like you'd fit right in in Munchkin land," he chortled, earning laughs from the rest of the bar.
"Is that so?" Jekyll questioned, as he he grabbed the man around the throat. He choked and then screamed in agony, as he was burned to nothing but ash by Jekyll's demonic power.
"Anyone else care to try and evict me?" he questioned, as they all went back to their drinks and he brushed his hands and clothes off, before sitting down at the bar. There was a blonde woman entertaining the patrons on stage and while she was beautiful...she did not interest him. But then another girl took her place on the stage and this one happened to have long raven hair, not nearly as fair, but none were, and she captured his attention. He smirked and finished his drink, before approaching the stage and he let him mind imagine she was the object of his obsession. It would have to do until he could claim the genuine article. And he would...he was determined to get what he wanted, no matter what he had to do.
"And if you're just joining this live podcast...we have, of course, been discussing possibly the greatest disclosure of all time. But it's not aliens...no, it's perhaps even crazier than that. Story book characters, everyone. Fairy tales, if you can believe it. And we can now, because we have confirmation. We saw the whole thing. A battle with a snake God that was defeated by fairy tale characters, people. Not even the conspiracy world could make this up. A Princess that's supposed to sing to birds and her Prince saved us all. It's laughable...but it happened and it was a battle worthy of its place in a Marvel comic book...until the ridiculous moment when a kiss turned all the bad guys to dust. That's right...a kiss and we have a manual now to this whole world that has just opened to us. A book, appropriately titled, Once Upon a Time, written by Henry Swan and published less than a decade ago. This author, Henry Swan, is the Henry in the book. The grandson of the truest loves, as the book calls them. Our saviors," the podcaster said and then added a snort.
"I think I would have preferred an alien invasion," he joked and Eva huffed, before pausing the podcast on her phone. She looked up, seeing her husband looking at her with an amused smile.
"Popcorn?" she offered him with a sheepish smile. He chuckled and plopped down on the couch beside her.
"Why do you insist on listening to those garbage podcasts?" he asked, as he munched on the snack.
"Well...I have insomnia and I apparently also like to torture myself," she joked.
"But seriously...they're not all bad. Some were really excited about learning about us and some are totally in love with my parent's love story, but then that got really weird and creepy really fast," she explained.
"So then I found some that are mocking us instead...and that sucks too. I guess I'm just worried about what all this means," she added.
"Me too...remember, I'm from out there, even if my Dad was from another realm. People out there can be really cruel," he warned.
"I know...that's why I feel badly for not going with them in a few days on the initial trip...but I have patients here…" she fretted.
"Babe...do you really think your parents will be upset with you for not going?" he asked.
"No...I know they understand. I guess I'm just torn, because I feel like I should be there to feel those people out," she replied.
"Well...you know that I can cover for you if you decide to go. Your ability to read people would be invaluable," he mentioned.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"I'll be fine for a few days. And I have Whale to help out," he added, as she gave him a look.
"Oh, that's comforting," she joked. He chuckled.
"You should go and if Whale manages to stay sober and things aren't nuts at the hospital, maybe I can join you later in Boston," he suggested. She smiled and kissed him.
"I'd love that," she agreed, as they joined hands and went back upstairs to bed
Snow moaned gently, as she awoke from a very deep sleep. She had no idea what time of day it was, but judging by the fact that the sun was high in the sky, it was probably the middle of the next day. Which made sense since she and Charming had actually made love nearly all night. She didn't know where their stamina and adrenaline had come from, but once their passion took hold, they spent all night trying to satiate their hunger for each other. She was a little miffed though to find his side of the bed empty and the absence of his warm body curled against hers was definitely the reason she was even awake already. She turned over and sat up, as she pulled the sheet up over her unclothed body, tucking it around her, just as her husband returned, wearing just his sleep pants and she bit her bottom lip.
"There you are…" she purred.
"And with breakfast, though it's more like late lunch now," he replied, as he got back into bed with her and set the tray in front of them.
"Wow...pancakes, bacon, over easy eggs, strawberries with chocolate whipped cream...and hot cocoa with cinnamon. All my favorites," she said, as she cuddled against him.
"Well...after last night, I'd say we worked up quite an appetite," he replied, as he fed her a bite of pancakes and they proceeded to enjoy the breakfast he made together.
"Mmm...we definitely needed that after last night, which was amazing," she said, looking at him with a dreamy stare and he set the tray aside.
"Well...I'd say we deserve to spend the day in bed. It's been a while," he said, as he dipped a strawberry in the whipped cream and fed it to her.
"Mmm...we have definitely earned it," she agreed, as she ate the fruit and then kissed him, letting him taste the sweetness on her lips.
"Mmm...the food is good, but you taste far better than anything," he purred and she bit her bottom lip.
"Oh I know all about your hunger for me, my love. You're the reason I probably won't be able to walk today," she praised, as she gazed at him with a smoldering look and he smirked.
"Then my plan worked," he whispered in her ear, before he kissed her earlobe and then moved his way sensually down her neck.
"Mmm...don't start something you can't finish, handsome," she warned and then felt him pressing against her.
"Guess I just can't get enough of you," he said, giving her his best smolder and she pulled him into a kiss. He smiled at her, as their lips parted and they pressed their foreheads together. She smiled at him with desire lidded eyes.
"I guess I should know by now that magic happens when we're together," she breathed sensually, as the powerful magic between them consumed them once again.
As he sank into her again, she hummed in pleasure and slid her hands into his hair, gently running her fingers through it. They stared into each other's eyes and their shared heart pounded in sync. No words were spoken, but their eyes and heart spoke volumes. For them, this went far beyond physical and always had. They had always been so in tune with each other; a love that had always been on another level than most and that not even a curse could tear asunder. Being one in heart and mind already made their connection awe-inspiring. So when they became one in body too, it was nothing short of purely magical and almost ethereal. His thrusts this time were slow and languid, as he glided deeply into her each time.
She lay writhing beneath his undulating body, legs splayed around him. With every thrust, he hit her sweet spot and slowly pushed her to the edge. As she neared her climax, her mewls grew in volume and she raked her nails along his naked back, as her entire body trembled beneath him. He had her right at the edge and her cries became whimpers, as her body begged to come. She wasn't even sure how it was possible after the abundance of times they had already made love just hours ago, but she was beside herself, her mind clouded in the ecstasy that was him taking her. His slow lovemaking was expertly extending her pleasure in a way only he could do for her. Charming was an expert in all things Snow and her pleasure was his delight. He could make love and fuck her for eternity and she would never get enough of this man.
And watching her come apart in his arms was a delight he would never get tired of. Snow...beautiful Snow, emerald eyes dark with love and lust for him...only for him. Red lips parted, as short pants of air were inhaled and exhaled. Her body writhing and glistening with perspiration, her back arching and aching for his touch. Her round, full breasts pressed against his chest and the moan she made when he put his hands or lips on them was one he wanted to hear forever. But the best part...thrusting inside her. It was an indescribable pleasure that he would never take for granted and a great satisfaction to know that he would be the only one to ever be inside her; that it was him that made her dripping wet and cry out wantonly. Gliding into her slickness with slow pumps and feeling her tightness clenching around his cock, quaking and begging for release, was a feeling he wanted to feel for eternity and would.
"Charming…" she whimpered, as she teetered on the edge still and her teeth grazed his neck where she had marked him again.
"Oh baby please…" she cried, begging to come. He could never resist such a command and gripped her hips, gently angling her and thrust sharply into her. Changing the angle and pace only increased the volume of her cries, for Snow was never quiet when being fucked. He was close too...it was almost painful, as he slammed into her, abandoning his slow pace for a much faster one, rocking the whole bed as he did. When her orgasm finally hit, she let out a wanton scream, as her body trembled violently. As she was starting to come down and lay sated, as her husband sought his own. He was only seconds behind her and she felt completion, as he erupted inside her, singing her name as he always did.
When he finally pulled himself from her depths, she almost whimpered at the loss. Their need for each other was akin to their need for air and always had been. She cuddled against him, as he fell onto his back and spooned her against him.
"So yeah...we're not moving today, because if I could walk before, I'm pretty sure I can't now," she breathed, as their skin was slick with perspiration and her legs were entangled with his beneath the bedclothes.
"Good...then my plan to keep you in bed all day is working," he teased, as he pinched her rear. She giggled and then caressed his handsome face, before grabbing her phone to check messages.
"Wow…" she said.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Just a lot of texts from our friends telling us that social media is still blowing up over everything they saw," she replied.
"Well that should make Boston a blast in a few days," he said sarcastically.
"Yeah...are we doing the right thing?" she asked.
"I don't know...but the Major does have access to a lot of Clayton's assets and who knows what that entails. And if she has it...that means the FBI has access," he replied.
"Yeah…I guess this might be the only way to make sure we at least have a hand in making sure they don't just try to come in here and take over," she said.
"Exactly, though I think they know that wouldn't be easy for them or they would have already done it," he replied.
"Damn Seth...it's like he did this on purpose. He knew that even if he lost that exposing us to the entire world would be like its own new curse," she fretted, as he took her hands in his own.
"I know...I hate it too, but at the same time, I think it's also an opportunity to do some good," he said.
"You really think our love can make a difference out there? In the land of people that don't believe in anything, especially not true love," she asked. He smiled and kissed her tenderly.
"I think that our love is so powerful and amazing that it can win over even the most cynical and skeptical. And even if we will certainly have those that will never come around, it doesn't matter, because our love just proved that it can defeat even the most powerful evil," he said.
"And Clayton's network is still out there...it's an evil that still exists even with him gone," she agreed.
"Exactly...they operated outside our reach, but they are within our reach for the first time. Some died when Atlantis was destroyed, but we know how deeply the roots of his network are. My father has confirmed that," he said.
"If we help just a few people by taking down the people still connected with his operations...then I'd say that's enough reason to go to Boston," he added. She smiled at him.
"You're right...and you're amazing…" she gushed.
"I am the man I am, only because of your love," he said passionately, as he caressed her face.
"You're the reason...you and our children. You're the reason I live, breathe, and fight. I am so lucky to share this amazing love with you that the least I can do is try to protect and serve those that aren't as lucky as us," he added and she felt like melting.
"Oh Charming…" she gushed, as he pressed another kiss to her lips and once again, they became lost in each other.
The next day
"Explain to me why we're doing this again?" James asked, as he parked one of new squad sedans on Main Street and they got out. She smiled at him, as she got their daughter out of the backseat while he got their son.
"Because it's the right thing to do and when I told Snow about what the Horned King taunted at me...she thought since Blue is even older than me that she might know something about my past," Aphrodite said.
"But will she tell you? She's notorious for lying and screwing people over," he reminded her.
"I know...but I have to try. Snow doesn't have to change her back and she would deserve it so I hope to at least implore her to tell me if she knows anything," she said.
"You know that I support you, no matter what," he assured. She smiled.
"I know...you are the love of my life, but the holes in my past are troubling. I mean...when I think about Eros' biological father, it just gets fuzzy," she explained.
"You think your memories have been tampered with then," he realized.
"Well, it certainly would make more sense than I sprang up from the sea foam one day," she countered. He smirked.
"I suppose so...but what if these memories hurt you? That's what I'm really worried about," he fretted. She smiled at him and took his hands in her own.
"And I love you for that, but I have to know what he meant...no matter what," she said with determination. He sighed and nodded, as he held their son's hand and she held their daughter's.
"You know I love Eros like he's my own, right?" James whispered. She smiled.
"Oh I know...trust me, my love, that's not what this is about at all," she assured.
"I know," he assured in return, as they arrived at the convent.
"Thanks for coming," Snow said, as she held hands with Charming.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" James asked.
"I mean...this is a woman who ripped out her darker half, then screwed her over by making sure she abandoned her child with a neglectful, abusive husband, which put Rumple on a path to darkness. Then she led the Black Fairy right to my wife and was the reason why she lost her son for thousands of years. Then she ruined Tink's life, refused to help Regina, made sure she separated Grumpy and Nova, tried to make sure you and my brother never met, lied to you about the wardrobe, and probably a lot of other crap we don't know about," James warned.
"I know...and Winter had every right to punish her. But I am releasing her, because I am going to show her that I'm not like her and all of us being happy is what really gets to her. I mean...she'll always be miserable and alone and I think that's far worse than being a garden gnome," Snow replied. David smirked.
"She has a point," he agreed.
"If you say so, brother," James said, as they raised the chalice and undid the spell that Winter had placed on her. Blue returned to her human form and size and immediately glared at Snow.
"Where is she?" Blue asked.
"If you're referring to my darker half...we rejoined with them," Snow replied.
"The curse is broken and Seth is dead," David added.
"You...you rejoined with your evil halves? Are you both insane?" Blue hissed.
"Wow...you're welcome. We could have left you like you were and let the birds land their droppings on you for eternity," Aphrodite interjected.
"No one was talking to you, bimbo," Blue snapped.
"Hey!" James shouted, as he got in her face.
"You can be an ungrateful, evil bitch since we know that's your true nature, but you're not going to call my wife names and disrespect her ever again," he growled.
"I liked you better when you were dead," Blue hissed back.
"What is wrong with you?" Snow demanded to know.
"I should ask you that! You were rid of your dark half and you reabsorbed her?" Blue asked.
"Yes...being whole was the only way to save our family and the United Realms. Seth was the true evil. All Winter ever wanted was for me to stop ignoring her and accept my darkness. I have...we both have and we have never been more at peace than we are now," Snow responded.
"You are still such a naive little Princess," Blue spat.
"Hey!" David shouted at her.
"She is Queen of Misthaven...your Queen and you better start showing her some respect," he said, but she ignored him.
"I'll take my wand back now," Blue said.
"That's not happening," Aphrodite refuted.
"It's locked away where you'll never get to it again," James added.
"You have no right!" Blue said hotly.
"She has every right!" James roared.
"She has holes in her memory and some silly story that Zeus told her about her being created from magic sea foam! And for some reason, Athena is too afraid to tell her anything else, but I know it's only because there must be something that is forbidding her from doing so...and I have a gut feeling that you have a lot to do with it," he added.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," she refuted, as she turned away.
"The Horned King...he said I was cursed. I want to know what he meant," Aphrodite called. Blue paused and Snow was almost sure she saw a note of recognition on Blue's face, before it disappeared.
"Then ask this Horned King," she retorted.
"Can't...he's dead. He was too dangerous to be kept alive," James replied.
"Well, then I guess you're out of luck," Blue mused.
"No...you know something. I can tell!" Aphrodite shouted.
"The only thing I know is that you're not cursed and the holes in your memory are simple," Blue said.
"You're an empty headed ditz that can barely remember her own name, let alone your past. But it's no wonder...you've spent thousands of years on your back and I guess you've just had your pretty head banged against one too many headboards," Blue sneered and Snow gasped at her outright cruelty. She saw tears fill the Goddess' eyes.
"You know that I'm not what the legends portray me as...you know I have only been with two men in my entire existence," she countered.
"Have you? You're the one that says she has holes in her memory," Blue taunted.
"Then tell me!" Aphrodite pleaded.
"Even if I knew...I'd never tell you anything, Goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure. Men certainly have enjoyed your talents...as I'm sure he does," Blue replied, as she walked away, leaving Aphrodite more confused than ever.
"Told you letting her go was a bad idea," James grumbled.
"She's a bitter old hag that no one will ever love. She's probably lying just to get under your skin," David said.
"He's right," Snow said, as she took her hands in her own.
"She won't help you...but I know Rose will and I'll go with you right now," Snow said, as they hugged.
"Thank you Snow," she replied. They were about to get back in their cars when David's phone rang.
"Sheriff," he answered, seeing that it was a call forwarded to his cell from the station. He sighed, as he listened to the person on the other end.
"Okay...yeah, I'll be there soon," he said, as he hung up.
"Trouble?" she asked.
"A body...on Pleasure Island," he replied. James sighed too.
"We better get Dad and Hook. They know that place best," he said.
"Yeah...we'll bring Emma too," David agreed.
"But Charming...that place is resistant to magic," Snow fretted.
"Resistant to it, but not impervious. Take the Chalice with you if you must go there," Aphrodite advised. David nodded and kissed Snow tenderly.
"We'll be fine...I promise," he assured. She nodded. James kissed his wife as well and she clung to him for a moment.
"You're my true love and I know you...I know your heart. Whatever is in your past...it would never make me love you less," he promised, as he kissed her again. She nodded and they watched them take the squad car, before getting into Snow's car with the little ones. Snow put it gear and they turned the corner to begin the short thirty minute drive to Andresia to visit Rose Red.
JJ looked around the reserve in wonder, as they got out of the car with Summer's older brother and his soon to be wife, Elsa. Elsa...the Queen of Arendelle and he noticed his cousin's glare on the blonde was perhaps even more intense than the ones she had been shooting Summer. That shouldn't have been surprising though. Nora hated most Disney movies, but none more than Frozen.
"This place is incredible…" he uttered.
"Yeah, it's pretty amazing," Summer agreed.
"And your brother runs this whole place?" JJ asked. She nodded.
"Leo can speak to animals," she replied.
"Seriously?" JJ asked. She nodded.
"All animals?" he asked. She nodded again.
"Yeah...we're pretty sure he gets it from Mom. She can communicate with birds. That's about the only part of the Disney story that's true," Summer replied, as Nora snorted in annoyance.
"And here I was hoping your Mommy would break out into song over a wishing well," she said derisively.
"Nora...you're in one of the coolest places ever. You might want to tone down your inner bitch," he retorted, as she glared at him.
"Yeah...he's right. The animals sense emotions and your clear dislike will not register well with them," Leo warned.
"Are you threatening me?" Nora asked.
"No...but if you don't want to be here, then you shouldn't be. Aren't you a reporter? This is like the scoop of the century to a reporter, right?" he asked.
"Oh this place is a scoop...but I'm looking for real dirt. That's what people really want. This is all nice and flowery and all. But people want to read about scandal and dirt," she said.
"Well, I'm afraid you're not going to find that here," Leo replied. Nora smirked.
"Oh no...this town is lousy with juicy details and shady things in people's pasts. But you're right, it's not here, so I'll be on my way to find the real story," Nora said, as she walked away.
"I'm so sorry about her…" JJ apologized.
"Yeah...how the hell did she get like that?" Leo asked, as Elsa smacked his arm.
"What? It's a valid question!" he retorted.
"Maybe, but you could be more tactful," she chided. He snorted.
"I'm a Charming...we have no tact. It's part of our...well, charm," he joked and she smirked at him in amusement. It was, there was no doubt about that. JJ smiled.
"It's okay...he's right, it's a valid question, but maybe we can talk about that later. I'd rather just get a tour, if you don't mind," JJ said.
"Not at all," Leo replied, as he whistled and JJ was amazed when four unicorns, include Sparkle, galloped toward them.
"Sparkle...I missed you!" Summer called, as the unicorn nuzzled her affectionately.
"Ready for a ride?" she asked. JJ smiled.
"Definitely," he agreed, as they prepared to take a full tour of the reserve via a ride on the unicorns.
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twilightofthe · 4 years
For the Star Wars questions- 16 & 19. :)
Thank you!!! (y’all this got ridiculously long for two damn questions lol)
Send me a number and i’ll tell u my fave/least fave:
16. Book/Comic (Aight, so I’m actually not a huge comic reader in general, most of my comic knowledge comes from other fans on here posting about them, so this is gonna be mainly book-focused)
FAVE:  Welllllll, since I’m literally incapable of narrowing down my favorite anythings, I’m gonna do faves for both canon and EU novels.  
Canon-wise, it’s a tie beween A New Dawn and Ahsoka.  I know I don’t post about them as much on here, but I truly have a super soft spot for Kanera and Kanan and Hera’s characters, they’re just so GOOD and I love themmmmm aaaaaaaaa.  You get super good insights to how Kanan was running wild and traumatized and trying to repress everything and how Hera was a little naïve but still tough as nails and she had a dream and she was going to make it happen or so help her, ugh I just love how the story showed how they’re strongest as a team working together and I just love character dynamics where the two are so obviously married and kinda snark at each other sometimes but they have each other’s backs through everything and know each other like the back of their hands and uggghhhh this is just such a healthy good ship and such a good book.  The Ahsoka novel is just fantastic all on its own because it shows Ahsoka as a young adult, kinda floundering and lost in this new world, full of guilt over what happened with Anakin and the Order, trying to do what she can to help people and just enduring because she’s a survivor, she was raised (by two argumentative, adoptive parents who love her very much SO SAYETH THE BOOK) to be a survivor and handle herself, but that doesn’t mean she’s not lonely as all hell.  And oof I just fucking adore Kaeden Larte and her relationship with Ahsoka (who absolutely comes back and marries her once the war is over oh yes) and her relationship with Miara and ugh just all of it is A+++++.  E.K. Johnston is just an amazing author in general and her other book, Queen’s Shadow is one of my two canon runner ups because I am in love with her Sabé and her Padmé.  Other canon runner up is A Certain Point Of View, if only for the “Time of Death” chapter.  Don’t get me wrong, the rest of it is also fantastic, but oh god it kills me DEAD OBI WAN DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER AND I CRY I REALLY CRY
EU-wise (oh god, I haven’t even gotten to least-faves yet), it has to be the Revenge of the Sith novelization.  Without a question.  Y’all it’s SO FUCKIN’ good, and in my personal opinion should be considerrred canonnnnnn (look I think the reason they gave for excluding it is that there’s no mention of Ahsoka or Rex or Mandalore or any of the stuff that happened literally the day before which is valid, but I counterpoint that Anakin is a mess with A Lot Going On At The Moment, he could have just forgot?  He forgets most of his morals, all of his common sense, and three of his limbs by the end of the story, Snips could have just slipped his mind! xD).  Anyway, besides the fact that it’s like 99% written in Obikin-colored glasses which really just makes me happy as a person because I love it being acknowledged just how important they are to each other, it really offers a deeper insight INSIDE the chaos going on in Anakin’s head, the mess, just why he falls so quickly and so awfully.  I love it gives the Padmé plot that got cut on screen some validity.  The beautiful beginning and the goddam introductions to Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi are just A++++++++++++++ and oof other people can more accurately describe just how good this book is, but I love it a Big Lot ok?
LEAST FAVE:  Okey doke, here we go....  So firstly for canon, I’m not the biggest fan of how Claudia Grey writes Leia’s character.  She’s a wonderful storyteller and I love her worldbuilding, but just the way she characterizes Leia herself never felt... right, ya know?  Idk, I can’t really explain it, but it makes it difficult for me to enjoy her Leia novelsWarning right now that this is a VERY unpopular opinion and my opinion alone, please do not yell at me!  So as skilled and admired an author Timothy Zahn is, I don’t like the Thrawn books.  I’m sorry, I don’t.  To me, Thrawn is just.... ok so he’s like BBC!Sherlock but in space.  The plot makes a big deal about how “oooh cool and intelligent and Literally Better Than Everyone Else” Thrawn is, but the only way they really show his “cleverness” is by either him solving problems by pulling together information that literally no one but the writer knows and then acting like it was oh so obvious and in front of everyone OR, the story dumbs down other characters to make him look smart.  And maybe it was because the one Thrawn book goes after Anakin/Vader in particular to do the latter is what kinda ticked me off on Thrawn books in general, but y’all, it really ticked me off, because Anakin is like the lowest hanging fruit for an author to pick to make their character look good in comparison, and therefore it is done All The Time (LOOKING AT YOU, CLONE WARS), which I think is lazy and an insult to Anakin’s character.  Look, I am fully aware Anakin Skywalker is a dolt to the highest degree sometimes, but he is ALSO A GENIUS.  He is SMART.  IT IS CANON THAT HE IS SMART.  So when the Thrawn book has Thrawn constantly one-upping Anakin The Useless Doofus (and Padmé a bit!!!) and then doing it again once he meets him as Vader, that just makes me hmmmm.
The canon comics are actually gonna be featured on the list here a bit because if y’all don’t already know my hatred for That One Particular Vader Comic (not the rest of the series run as I have not read it and from what I hear, it’s excellent and I’d probs like it a lot) doing the implication in a dream sequence where it says that Palpatine used the Dark Side to impregnate Shmi and create Anakin, well I HATE IT.  Look, I know the plot was literally about Sidious trying to mess with Vader’s head and that dream shouldn’t be trusted, but it fooled all the fans too and now like 60% of Star Wars fans actually believe Sidious fathered Anakin and I am so damn tired of hearing about that.  Yeah, now that Reylo is canon, that comic’s authors are trying to do damage control by saying that no, Sidious isn’t Anakin’s father and Rey and Ben are not second cousins, but they’re still being mysterious about it and “oh well it COULD be this--” so now there’s just more fans who are digging into that theory just because they don’t like Reylo and I don’t really care for the ship either but I really HATE the entire “Born of the Dark” concept for reasons I can explain more separately, so I’m pissy at that particular comic for spawning it.  I know it’s petty but I do.
EU-wise, well, this is gonna be unpopular too, cuz I haven’t read most of the EU stuff, and from what I’ve heard of it, there doesn’t seem to be much that I WOULD like.  The movie novelizations all seem good, but everything else???  “Obi Wan prequels but guess what, he had a shitty childhood too!” uh, no thanks, the rest of his life sucks enough, I want to see him happy.  “Mandalorian worldbuilding, but they’re all a bunch of stoic, overpowered badasses who are Good At Everything And Better Than Literally Everyone and the plot bashes the Jedi left right and center!” ehhhhhhhh pass.  “What happened after Return of the Jedi, except the Skywalkers still don’t get a happy ending because the galaxy goes to war again, Han and Leia’s son turns evil, Luke Suffers, and Palpatine comes back again!” nah, that sounds too depressing-- oh wAIT :) :) :)(at least the EU actually lets Han and Leia grow old and happy together okay okay that’s enough sequel salt for one day)
19. Outfit
FAVE:  Everything Padmé Amidala wears in the movies.  No I will not narrow it down.  I am in love with her whole wardrobe and I want it. 
 I also love the standard Jedi tunics and tabards and cloak (c’mon, the cloak completes the picture!)  It’s just such a signature and unique look that’s supposed to combine medieval European knight tunics and samurai warrior clothing and just the #aesthetic is oof, just wonderful.
Also Sabine Wren’s armor and its various paint jobs.  It’s just so uniquely her and bright and beautiful and badass in all its stages and yes good I like it.
Also Lando Calrissian’s cloaks!  Swooshy and colorful and good!  I love cloaks!  
LEAST FAVE:  Gonna go with my petty, silly ones first, and those are all of Padmé Amidala’s outfits that are only seen in the The Clone Wars TV show (so not the ones that were based off of movie costumes).  Eh, actually three of them were nice, her orange outfit she visits Mina in, her white casual housedress, and her black slinky Clovis dress.  All of her other series-only outfits made me highkey pissy because they were either A.) Wrong for the situation she was in, B.) Defied the laws of physics and should not have held the shape they did/stayed on her body, or C.) just plain UGLY (the highest crime of all), and for the animators to have the audACITY to put any of those things in the mere vicinity of the most stylish woman in the galaxy is an insult to Padmé, an insult to ME, and an insult to Star Wars as a whole (yes, I am mostly joking, but come on!).  No, I will not give the designers the excuse of clothing being difficult and expensive and time consuming to animate because I have SEEN the fancy, PRETTY outfits of the other ladies of Padmé’s status on the show.  Everything Satine Kryze wore was intricately beautiful as all hell and I loved it.  Riyo Chuchi’s two outfits were lovely and fashionable.  Heck, I’m pretty sure I liked Mina Bonteri’s outfit too.  There were tons of people on that show with stylish clothing!  How hard would it have been for the animators to remember Padmé doesn’t wear exposed midriffs on official government business?  That dresses with no sides or back cannot be sleeveless or they will not stay up?  Not give her hairstyles that looked like either a goddam tuning fork or like Jimmy Neutron’s mother?  That beige jumpsuits are BORING and adding a mauve vest is NOT enough to make it exciting!!!! xD xD xD 
Aight, now in more seriousness, I also hated both of Ahsoka’s outfits in the original TCW show.  Enough people have spoken on why sending a fourteen year old into an active warzone in a tube top and miniskirt is a BAD IDEA, but like it just makes me extra mad when you remember her older and more experienced at Not Getting Pulverized Masters were both in full concealing robes and chest and shoulder and shin armor, so you can’t even pass it off as Jedi not getting hurt as easily.  Her updated outfit was only slightly an improvement because her Masters STILL got at least fully covering robes and arm bracers, while Ahsoka still had her entire back exposed, leg holes exposing valuable arteries and stuff, and a goddam boob window that basically signals “shoot me here”.  Look, I know the animators goofed, and I know how they have learned from it because from Rebels on, they never show her as improperly covered for battle, in the new TCW season both outfits are cute and practical too, but seeing her running around in her red outfits actively impeded and took me out of my watching experience because I was cringing over her having a lack of protection, that it made her that much more vulnerable to injury.
Finally just gotta give a standard raised finger to the Slave Leia Bikini.  Carrie Fisher hated it so I do too.
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