#OC Charmings
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lilacmoon83 · 2 years ago
A Rat in Storybrooke
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 5: Ratigan's Undoing
Goldie used a compact mirror to primp one more time, before they were about to go live. She rubbed a finger over her teeth to make sure there was no red lipstick on them and closed the compact.
"Mommy…why is she putting so much makeup on?" Eva asked innocently, making David nearly choke, trying to swallow a laugh. Eva had always been fascinated with anything girly and even had her own little playset of fake makeup so she could pretend to put it on while watching Snow. But her mother never used so much.
"Because she'd scare years off us without it," Emma commented, as David couldn't help but chuckle this time. His kids had no filter and he loved it. Goldie glared at the teen.
"Excuse me…but this is standard television makeup. I have to wear it so I won't be washed out by the lighting. With that fair skin, the lot of you are going to look like ghosts," she retorted.
"You'll be lucky if you look half as good as me when you get older, sweetie," she added. Eva's eyes widened in horror and she looked up at Snow.
"That's not true, is it Mommy? I don't wanna look like her," Eva whimpered, as her siblings snickered in amusement. Snow tried not to smile and leaned down to cuddle her daughter close.
"No honey…you're going to be so beautiful and you'll look nothing like her. I promise," Snow said, as Goldie glared at the Mayor.
"LeFou…are you ready or not!?" she snapped, as she picked up her microphone and prepared to make her live report.
"And we're live in five, four, three, two…" he said, trailing off.
"Good Morning Storybrooke! I'm Goldie Phillips coming to you live, on location, from the Mayor and Sheriff's residence with a special, exciting report today," she said, as Ratigan took his place beside her.
"We are witnessing history here in Storybrooke today, as the Mayor and Sheriff have vowed to resign their positions of power and leave our little town behind, all while we usher in the dawn of a new era with Ratigan as our new Mayor," she said, as she put the microphone up to him, but suddenly felt something fall onto her head. She gasped in horror, as she realized a bird had just released its droppings on both of them.
Leo burst out laughing, as some squirrels and rabbits scurried around their feet.
"Owe!" she cried, as she felt one of them bite her.
"You little brat!" she cried, as she started toward him, but David pulled him back.
"Easy…he hasn't done anything," David said. She huffed.
"Oh really? He's not making the animals stir crazy?" she asked.
"No…you two are doing that by creating this crisis in town," David replied.
"ENOUGH!" Ratigan growled, as he pointed his gun at David, who immediately pushed Leo and Emma behind him, while Snow stood in front of Eva.
"I have had enough of your foolish stalling, Sheriff Charming…and your children's antics. Tell the town you are resigning and handing the reins over to me or I'll shoot you in front of your family," he threatened. David glared daggers at him and stepped forward, before turning to Snow, as they spoke to each other with their eyes. They were out of time and she understood exactly what they needed to do now.
"Good…" Ratigan said, as the camera was now on him.
"Your Sheriff has surrendered to me and this town is now under new management…" Ratigan said, as he suddenly choked on his words, as Charming elbowed him in the throat and then grabbed for the gun, pointing it at the sky, as he tried to take it.
"Go…" Snow whispered to the kids, ushering them toward the house.
"Hey!" Goldie said, as she drew her arm back with the intent of hitting Snow with her mic, only to cry out, as Emma shoved her to the ground, right into the mud. She screamed in rage and pulled herself to her feet. She was a mess and she started to stalk toward them, only to be stopped by a growling wolf in her way.
"I hate you…I hate your whole family!" she screamed.
"LeFou…get me out of here!" she cried, like the diva she was, as they scurried back to the news van. David knocked the gun out of his hand and Snow was quick to pick it up. David punched the professor square in the face and shoved him back, as he wobbled, trying to stay on his feet. Snow handed the gun to her husband and he pointed it at the scientist. Ratigan smirked, as his minions encroached upon them and stood in front of him.
"You won't shoot your own citizens…" he said deviously.
"He won't need to," Regina said, as she and Paul arrived and began to immediately spray people with the antidote. Ratigan watched in horror, as his captives came out of their stupor and looked around in confusion.
"No…no…you're ruining everything!" he cried, as he started to run away, but David tackled him to the ground and cuffed him.
"You're under arrest, Professor Ratigan and with the list of charges you've racked up, you'll be lucky if you don't get life," David said, as marched him toward the patrol car and put him in the back. Snow sighed in relief, as she hugged Emma and the twins.
"What's going on?" one of the nurse's asked.
"I'll explain everything back at the hospital. I'd like to do a random blood test on all employees, just to make sure Professor Ratigan's drug has no long term effects," Paul announced, as his employees dispersed. He and David shook hands.
"Thanks for the help…both of you," he said. Paul smiled and Regina nodded curtly.
"Any time…thanks for making sure no one got hurt," the doctor replied, as Snow sided up to him and put her arms around his waist. He slid his arm around hers and kissed her tenderly.
"I'm going to take him to the station and process him, but I should be home soon," he promised.
"Okay…how about we meet at Granny's for dinner?" she suggested, as the twins cheered for that option. He smiled.
"Sounds perfect," he replied, as he kissed her again, before getting into the patrol car and heading for the station.
"Will you and Uncle Robin and Roland come to Granny's too?" Leo asked. Robin smiled, as he joined his wife.
"I think we can do that," Robin answered. Regina smiled.
"Sounds like fun. We can make fun of your parents when they start dancing to one of those cheesy ballads in the jukebox," the former Queen quipped.
"Hey…those are classics," Snow protested.
"I think the word you're looking for is old and cheesy," Regina teased.
"But tried and true, just like us," Snow said and no one could argue with that.
"This is quite a litany of charges you've leveled at the Professor," George stated, as he looked over the paperwork. David had locked Ratigan up in a holding cell, after processing him and then sent the paperwork off to the District Attorney's office. Unfortunately, George was still in the position and they really had no one else qualified to run against him, except Mitchell Herman, but he was content at the time to run his practice and serve as just about the only defense law firm in town.
"And let me guess, you're going to argue with me," David replied.
"I'm just pointing out that this is Storybrooke and we don't have many with knowledge like Professor Ratigan. Most of our teachers, save for Frollo, aren't actual teachers," George said.
"And most are still stunted by the remaining effects of the curse. My children aren't and we enlist Belle's help to make sure their curriculum is challenging enough. Ratigan isn't fit to be around people, let alone children," David argued.
"Hmm…I suppose you have a point," George said reluctantly.
"What became of the drug paraphernalia?" he asked. David smirked.
"Paul has already disposed of it. We have enough victims and testimony that we don't need the actual drug for evidence. Mind control drugs are much too dangerous to keep around so I guess you won't get to find out if they could work in your favor," the prince replied.
"I don't appreciate your assumptions that I would ever do such a thing, Sheriff," George snapped, as he sighed off on the charges and stormed out.
"Nice seeing you too, as always," he called sarcastically. Thomas shook his head.
"He's always a ray of sunshine," he commented.
"He still craves power and hates that Snow trounces him every time he tries to run against her as Mayor," David replied, as Leroy and Happy arrived for the night shift. He tossed the keys to Leroy and grabbed his leather jacket.
"Hot date?" Thomas teased.
"The hottest. Dinner at Granny's with the most beautiful woman in the world and three adorable, hilarious, and mischievous kids," David replied, as he made his way out for the night.
He made the short drive to the diner and the door opened with a chime.
"Daddy!" the twins called excitedly, as they barreled toward him and he scooped them up.
"That was so awesome when you punched that rat!" Leo said excitedly and David chuckled.
"Daddy, I got bad feelings from that bad man, but Mommy said he's going to jail now?" Eva asked.
"Yeah…he's going to jail for a very long time," David answered, as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He put them down and let them run back to the table, while he slid into the booth beside Snow.
"Hey handsome," she cooed, as they shared a kiss.
"Hey yourself, beautiful," he replied, as they smiled at each other.
"I'm hungry…" Leo complained, as Ruby approached the table.
"Well, we better fix that," she said, as she took their orders and returned to the counter, as the song changed on the Jukebox and David offered his hand to his wife.
"Might as well work up an appetite while we're waiting," he said, as she took his hand.
"This song is so cheesy," Emma complained.
"Nah…just classic, like us," David said, as they started swaying closely, arms around each other.
"I'm sure you'll have songs with someone special someday, sweetie and then your kids will think they're cheesy too," Snow said.
"Yeah, hopefully when you're thirty," David commented sourly.
"Our baby girl is going to date, honey," she said, earning a grunt from him.
"But they'll always be our babies," she added.
"Yeah…sometimes I wish I could just freeze time for them," he said. She smiled.
"Me too," she agreed, as Regina and her family arrived. Gold and Belle soon followed and once again, the diner was full of family and friends. They ate and enjoyed dinner together, as they did often, and then the kids started a board game, leaving Snow and David to cuddle in the booth behind them. They watched their kids fondly and David pressed a kiss to her hair.
"You know, even though Ratigan was dangerous, I had fun on another adventure with you," she said. He smiled.
"Me too…Storybrooke is never boring, that's for sure," he replied, as he leaned in for a kiss, just as the diner door opened.
"Oh Sheriff…there you are!" Drizella called in full dramatics. Snow huffed.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked.
"Excuse me, Madam Mayor…but this is a public establishment and I run the Storybrooke Mirror, after all. I'm here to interview the Sheriff about his incredibly heroic takedown of the dastardly Professor Ratigan," she said dramatically.
"I'll fax a copy of my report to your office in the morning," David replied.
"But Sheriff…don't you want to recount the details of the event for my article personally?" she asked. He shook his head.
"Not really…and it wasn't all my effort anyway. I could have never done it without my deputy, Dr. Sakura, Regina, Mr. Gold, and of course, my beautiful wife," he replied, as he smiled fondly at her, a gesture which she returned. Drizella huffed.
"Sheriff…" she started to argue, when she felt something pelt her in the back of the head. Her face scrunched in confusion, as she reached back and pulled an earthworm out of her hair. She shrieked at the top of her lungs and flung the worm toward the ceiling where it stuck.
"Which one of you little cretins did that!?" she growled, as she approached the Charming children.
"I did," Leo said, as she snarled at him, only for Emma to squirt her in the face with the mustard bottle.
"Whoa…direct hit!" Leo declared and Eva giggled.
"Why you…you little…" Drizella stammered, as she tried to wipe the mustard out of her eyes.
"Oooohhh…" Lucifer winced, as he rushed to her and handed her a single napkin.
"You idiot! How is this going to help?" she shouted. Snow walked up to the bar and Ruby handed her the nozzle from the soda wand behind the bar.
"Let me help," she said in a sweet voice, as she sprayed the crazy woman with soda.
"You…you monster! Mother was right…you're the real monster!" Drizella bawled, as she fled the diner with her assistant chasing after her.
"I guess that was kind of mean," Snow said, as she returned to her laughing husband.
"Nah…you're just protecting what's yours," he replied, as she gave him a coy smile and gently cupped his face in her hand.
"Mmm…you are so right," she replied, as they shared another kiss.
"Mom…that was awesome," Emma said.
"You too sweetie, but remember, we never do that to people, unless it's Drizella Tremaine, no matter what," Snow said. The kids nodded, knowing that their Dad's crazy stalker was the only exception for that kind of behavior.
"Guess we better head home," he mentioned.
"In a hurry, handsome?" she asked.
"I'm so turned on right now," he whispered to her. She smiled and bit her bottom lip.
"Ruby…check please," she called, as they paid the check and said their goodbyes and with that, the Charming family headed home. Storybrooke was safe and normal once again. Or as normal as Storybrooke could ever be. In a town full of characters the world considered to just be fairy tales…they weren't simply just anything. In their little corner of the world, belief, hope, and true love were everything and the cornerstone of a happily ever after that was really just the beginning and middle of their lives. And true love would never fail this family…
The End.
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rexscanonwife · 1 month ago
Me showing my f/os to my followers again for the millionth time
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chalkrub · 5 months ago
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reminiscing about childhood books after that ask - all due respect to cool sleek movie toothless....but to me, he will always be a mean little gremlin
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kingsillysmilez · 2 months ago
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ New ref for Charm!
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dammarchy211 · 10 months ago
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Yes Man (and courier) be upon ye
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capitan-copi · 3 months ago
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deeva-arud · 6 months ago
Letting Deeva live the goth dream
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beidak-art · 2 years ago
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amygdalae · 4 months ago
i try not to spend much energy on haterism but hazbin hotel is truly one of the tackiest things in the world to me its like im a snail and it is salt. but instead of dying i just go 'yuck!'
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lilacmoon83 · 2 years ago
A Rat in Storybrooke
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 3: Interrogation
David stared at their suspect through the one way glass intently. He was in serious withdrawal and twitching almost violently. He was letting him sweat for a while, so he'd be ripe for the picking.
"You want to go in or should I?" Thomas asked.
"You can take the first crack," David replied. Thomas smirked.
"You know he's more afraid of you than me, right?" he asked. David smiled.
"I know…but he also knows I'm out here watching and he really doesn't want me to come in there," the prince replied. The other prince nodded in amusement and then put on a stoic expression, as he went into the interrogation room. Fidget almost jumped out of his skin and shuddered.
"Easy there…" he said.
"Please…I really need a fix. I'm…I'm dying here…" Fidget pleaded.
"We're cops…we're not giving you drugs," Thomas said, as he pushed a bottle of water toward him.
"But…" Thomas said, as he got the beady-eyed suspect to look at him.
"But?" Fidget asked.
"The hospital has things that help people like you when they're going through withdrawal. If you answer some questions and tell us what you want to know, the Sheriff might make a call to Dr. Sakura on your behalf," Thomas said.
"But…but I don't know anything…" Fidget stammered. Thomas opened the folder in his hands and slid a few crime scene photos and slid them toward him.
"Professor Frollo was attacked earlier this evening. Know anything about that?" Thomas asked.
"N…no. Wasn't me," he answered quickly.
"I didn't say it was. I just asked if you knew anything since you hang out with a lot of scum," Thomas replied. Fidget scowled at him.
"I don't know anything…" he insisted and then jumped when he heard a loud thud on the glass. It was the Sheriff…he was sure of it.
"Sheriff Nolan is probably moments away from getting the full forensics report and when he does, he's going to come in here," Thomas warned.
"Look…I don't remember anything! It's all a blur!" Fidget said nervously, as he held his pounding head.
David watched outside, as Thomas asked their tweaked out suspect several questions. He turned though, as he heard someone come into the station and smiled when he saw that it was his beautiful wife.
"Hey…" he said, as they shared a tender kiss.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here…but I'm glad you are," he replied.
"Well, I think Regina wanted to spend some time with the kids so she brought over dinner. Since she's watching them, I decided to bring some dinner to you and Thomas," she said, as she held a container.
"Oh…you're amazing, as always," he said, as she set it down on the table.
"So…you think he attacked Professor Frollo?" Snow asked. He nodded.
"Yeah…I'm just not sure why. There's no connection, which makes me think someone probably paid him to do it," he replied.
"Does he always shake like that?" she asked. He smiled.
"When it's been a while since his last hit, yes…which begs the question as to why he didn't use the money he got to buy more drugs," he replied, as the phone rang and he picked it up.
"Sheriff's station," he answered, as he listened.
"Okay great…thanks Paul. Call me when you think the Professor is able to answer any questions," he said, as he hung up.
"Professor Frollo made it through surgery…so I need to get this worm to talk," he said.
"You think he isn't the brains of this," Snow deduced. He smirked and kissed her softly, as they looked at the suspect through the window.
"I don't think he's the brains of anything," David replied, as he went in and Fidget yelped in fright, as David gave him his best steely glare.
"Your attempt to kill the Professor failed. He survived…" David said. Fidget looked up at him with glassy eyes.
"I…I didn't try to kill anyone!" he claimed.
"Then you better tell me who put you up to it or you're going down for attempted murder and I'll make sure it's in solitary so there's no chance of anyone slipping you any of the pink stuff you like to snort," David warned.
"He….he gave me something! It messed with my head!" Fidget claimed.
"That's kind of what drugs do," Thomas said.
"N…no! It wasn't poppy dust or any street drug! It was something…some concoction. Like a science experiment!" he cried. That got David's attention.
"Who?" he questioned.
"I…I want a deal!" Fidget demanded and David slammed his fist on the table.
"If the person that ordered the hit on Frollo is still out there, that means the Professor is in danger. If he dies…you go down too," the prince warned. Fidget twitched and David started to walk away.
"Wait…it was Ratigan!" he shouted and then covered his mouth, realizing that turning on Ratigan could have consequences too.
"Ratigan…he seemed surprised when he learned Frollo was found alive," Thomas recalled.
"Because he was supposed to die in the attack," David said, as he left the room and grabbed his jacket.
"I'll get to the hospital. Lock him up and then go back to the high school and take Bashful with you. He'll be able to identify any suspicious substances," David said, as he kissed Snow tenderly again.
"Think we can put dinner off for a couple hours?" he asked. She smiled.
"I'll have it warm and ready by candlelight when you get home," she replied.
"That sounds incredible. I'll see you soon hopefully," he said, as he hurried out. Snow went home, as Thomas locked Fidget up and then headed to the High School, after a call was made to Bashful.
Ratigan peered around the corner and spotted Dr. Sakura at the nurse's station, as he watched Dr. Sakura hand a patient chart to the nurse.
"Page me the moment Professor Frollo regains consciousness. The Sheriff is very eager to speak with him," he said. The nurse nodded and Ratigan watched him walk away. Ratigan smirked deviously, as he approached and while the nurse looked away, he switched her water bottle with one of his own, which he had drugged. He had already replaced the water supply in the breakroom and dosed the coffee. He would soon have much of the hospital staff under his control.
"Excuse me…I'm Professor Ratigan and I'm here to visit my colleague," he said.
"Oh…if you're here to see Professor Frollo, I'm afraid he isn't able to have visitors yet. But you're welcome to wait in the lobby," she said. He nodded.
"Thank you," he said, as he watched her drink the water and waited a couple beats, as her eyes glazed over.
"You'll take me to Professor Frollo's room now," he said.
"Yes Sir," she replied in a monotone voice, as she led him to Frollo's room. Ratigan's form cast his shadow over the entire room and he smirked deviously, as he prepared to end Frollo before he could talk.
Thomas searched Ratigan's lab and found everything to be meticulously organized and nothing amiss, nor any suspicious substances.
"Well…I guess it makes sense that he might not store anything suspicious here in plain sight. Professor Frollo would probably find it if he did," Bashful mentioned. That admission struck Thomas though and he looked at the forensic scientist.
"Maybe we're looking in the wrong place. Frollo was attacked for a reason," he said.
"You think the evidence is in Frollo's trashed lab? Because we did a pretty good sweep," Bashful replied.
"Doesn't hurt to take another look," Thomas said, as they went down the hall to Frollo's trashed lab. Thomas poked around the desk and opened the drawers. He didn't find anything out of order, but something in the bottom of the last drawer caught his attention. He knocked on it and smirked, as he grabbed the ruler on the Professor's desk.
"This drawer has a false bottom," he said, as he pried the bottom up and found a compartment between that first one.
"Bingo…" Thomas said, as he pulled out several vials of liquid.
"Whoa…I'll get these to the lab right away," Bashful said. Thomas sat down at the desk and looked at the smashed computer.
"It's a total loss. Whoever did this not only smashed it, but fried the hard drive," Bashful said. Thomas sighed and looked at the charred files in the file drawer. They had put out the fire fairly quickly, but there wasn't much left. The corner of a piece of parchment caught his eye and the top of it happened to not be burned up.
"Find something?" Bashful asked.
"A termination form. Can't read anything from it, but if I had to guess, I bet Frollo fired Ratigan," Thomas replied.
"Definitely motive…" Bashful said. He nodded, as he put the piece of evidence in a bag.
"Let us know the minute you know what's in those vials," Thomas said, as he left to join David at the hospital.
Ratigan peered into Frollo's room, as the nurse stood by with a blank expression. His shadow loomed over the Professor, which roused the groggy man, as he came out of his stupor.
"Well…come to finish the job, have you, RATigan?" Frollo asked, with emphasis on the rat part of his name. The other man smirked.
"I cannot have you telling anyone about my plans, now can I?" he asked.
"I suppose not," Frollo replied, as he watched Ratigan motion to the nurse.
"Syringe," he ordered, as she handed one to him.
"So your drug works?" Frollo asked.
"It does, indeed and I'm about to have a whole army of willing, mindless soldiers at my command," Ratigan replied.
"But don't worry…this will be quick. Just a small air bubble in your IV and it will be over," he added, as he prepared to end Frollo's life, until he heard the cocking of a gun.
"Freeze…" David said, as he stood, armed in the doorway. Ratigan did so and put his hands up.
"Turn around slowly," David said, as he snatched the syringe from his hand and threw it in the trash.
"You're under arrest, Professor Ratigan," he said. The Professor smirked.
"Am I?" he asked smugly, as he looked at the nurse and she stepped in between them. He looked confused for a moment.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Don't bother, Sheriff…she works for me now and soon the whole hospital staff will as well," Ratigan said smugly.
"Your drug…you've dosed her," he said.
"Yes…and the water and coffee supply in the staff kitchen," Ratigan answered, as David noticed all the staff that were suddenly at the door. Ratigan used the nurse to shield himself.
"You won't risk hurting any innocent people, so I'll be going now," he said.
"What's going on in here?" Paul asked, as he pushed his way through.
"Careful Doctor…you don't want the blood of one of your staff on your hands," Ratigan said, as he pulled his own gun. Paul put his hands up.
"I take it you haven't had anything to drink from the staff kitchen?" David asked.
"No…I was about to, but I take it that's not a good idea," Paul replied. David nodded.
"He's dosed the coffee and water with his mind control drugs," the prince explained.
"Yes…and now we're leaving, Sheriff. My army will grow and you'd do well to surrender now," Ratigan said.
"That's not happening," David replied.
"Very well…we'll face off again soon," Ratigan said, as he made his way out with part of the hospital staff that was under his control for the moment. Thomas arrived soon after, seeing Ratigan leaving with some of the staff.
"Let me guess…mind control?" he asked.
"Yes…and he's using them as human shields," David replied.
"Bashful is working on analyzing the drugs we found. They were in Frollo's lab. He must have confiscated them and we found this in the files," Thomas said, as he held up a pink piece of paper that was half burned.
"Frollo fired him," David deduced.
"Probably why he wanted the lab torched and Frollo dead. I doubt he was supposed to live after the attack," Thomas said.
"I'll go help Bashful in the lab. If I can get an idea of what's in that drug…maybe I can come up with an antidote," Paul offered.
"That would be amazing," David said, as the doctor headed off.
"What now? We just wait?" Thomas asked.
"No…let's be proactive. If I had to guess, his next target is going to be the scum that hangs out at Medusa. They're perfect for this kind of thing," David replied.
"So we're staking out Medusa's," Thomas said.
"No…you're going to patrol in case he sends any minions to create distractions around town," David replied. Thomas sighed.
"As talented as you are at taking on an entire bar full of violent drunks, don't you think you need some back up?" he asked. David smirked.
"Of course…that's why I'm going to get Snow," he replied, as he pulled out his flip phone.
"Leroy…I need you and Happy here at the hospital to guard Professor Frollo's room," he said, before hanging up.
"Okay…good luck," Thomas said.
"You too…I have a feeling it's going to be a long night," David replied, as he let Thomas take the patrol car, while he took his truck.
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kmpshitposter · 7 months ago
Ferdinand commission for @tzimizce
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acuar-io · 6 months ago
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My vampire oc, Phiona<3 She's in a situationship with Vlad & Caleb
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 1 month ago
Charm Me | Jeon Jungkook | Two Shot | Part One
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Summary: Your best friend's boyfriend's best friend is not someone you had planned on falling for, and honestly you hardly admit it to yourself most days but maybe, just maybe there's something you can do to test those waters... Pairing: f!reader x Jungkook (semi friends to lovers lol) Word Count: 7k~ Warnings: Some curses here and there but nothing major. a/n: Kay so this was supposed to be a one shot but I didn't finish it in time and I wanted to get something out for Valentine's Day so I hope you guys enjoy it 🥰 p.s. barely edited per usual so please excuse any mistakes. I legit decided last minute to make this a two shot lol.
"Come on y/n let's go!" Sadie pleads practically dragging me through the parking lot. "Someone's excited" I laugh, dragging my feet a little to make her task even harder, eventually yanking me through a heart littered archway. 
"You finally agreed to come with me to the Valentine's Festival after I had been begging you for years! How could I not be excited?" she says as though her degree of excitement is warranted but with her, excitement is always easy to conjure.
"I've never had a reason to come since I've been single for years" I roll my eyes, the whole thing seemingly pointless if you ask me. "Yet here you are, still single and gracing me with your presence" she says accompanied by a dramatic curtsy, very fitting this time since she happens to be wearing a dress. 
Her cute coquette style mismatched with my dark and moody nature is a laughable dichotomy. 
Her pink ballet flats walk next to my all black combat boots, the ribbons swaying in her hair stand in stark contrast to the way the light catches on my silver chains, leaving us quite the odd pairing.
"You know, if you keep on hanging on my arm like that people are gonna think we're lesbians" I sigh, not making an effort to pull away. "Is that your way of asking me to be your Valentine" she teases and I roll my eyes. 
"Pretty sure Jayson would have a problem with that" I say, pealing her off of me leaving her pouting before grabbing my hand instead and pulling me over to the first of many stalls that line this festival. 
"Just because Jayson is my boyfriend doesn't mean he has to be my Valentine...plus he hasn't asked me yet" she sighs dramatically for the fifth time today, a common theme for the past couple of days whenever this topic is brought up. 
"You know you could always, I don't know... ask him" I say and her brows furrow leaving me poking the wrinkle on her forehead to make her stop. 
"What a ridiculous thing to say" she scoffs and walks off to the next stand leaving me shaking my head and following after her. 
Sadie is someone I've been friends with for as long as I can remember. Long enough to have known each other before we made the dramatic split in our senses of style. I'd love to burn the pictures of me in Abercrombie skinny jeans and brightly colored Hollister polos but alas they will forever haunt my memories. 
At least I had Sadie though. I wouldn't leave her in the past no matter how many embarrassing stories she's in possession of.
"No way!" she squeals and pulls me over to another stall that's caught her eye. "If you keep on yanking on my arm like that you'll eventually pull it off" I say while rolling my shoulder, making it a point to prevent her from doing so again. 
"Sorry" she laughs awkwardly and tries to check on me but I assure her I'm fine, choosing to direct her attention to the table she decided to pull me towards this time.
"Love potions? Really? Jayson is already head over heels for you Sadie, I doubt you'll need help keeping him around" I roll my eyes and try to move onto to the next stall but she pulls me back, gently this time thankfully, clearly enthralled with the concept.
"Not for me silly, for you!" she justifies and takes a closer look, making the mysterious and lowkey sketchy woman behind the table hopeful that she'll get another sucker to fall for her tricks. 
"Why would I need a love potion? Last time I checked there's not a man in my life that I'd want to fall in love with me" I say and she cocks a brow at me. "Bullshit" she says, using language that I've hardly every heard from her. 
"Someone's feisty today" I chuckle making her expression sour. "What? There's literally no guy I could think of that I'd want to use that on" I reiterate but we both know I'm lying. 
But I'm not gonna give that information up though even if she tries to beat it out of me.
"Whatever you say" she huffs and moves onto the next stall.
The rest of our time here is spent doing the same thing over and over again with Sadie trying to find something for Jayson and me just following along getting hungrier by the second as we inch closer and closer to the food stalls that are annoyingly full of food items that look like hearts and roses but I couldn't care less when they smell that good. 
"Alright come on dude I'm starving" I say when she's finished paying, still engaged in a conversation with the shop keeper that has been convincing her to buy too many useless things but it's no skin off my nose if she wants to use her daddy's money to buy that nonsense. 
"Hey! I was still talking to her" she whines but follows since after my not so subtle mention of needing sustenance she's starting to realize she's just as starving if not more than me when she see's that they're selling heart shaped waffles. 
"Okay but afterwards I want to check out a few more stalls!" she compromises and switches to pulling me along again to get in the ever growing line of hungry customers.
After we've each successfully gained a food baby each Sadie pops around and looks at a few more stalls with me very much ready for a nap. 
But let's be honest, I'm always ready for a nap.
"Hey why don't you pull the car around and I'll check out the last few stalls on my own" she suggests but I know she's up to something. 
"Why?" I question watching her eyes shift over to a certain stall in particular. "That way it'll safe us a little bit of time and we can get out of here sooner" she explains but I sigh and agree, knowing the faster we get out of here, the better from my perspective at least. 
"I'll call you when I get closer to the entrance" I say and she smiles and waves me off while I make the trek back to her car on my own, having brought her car so I would have no means of escape.
When I finally pull up she hops in with at least two or three more bags than she had when I left. "What did you buy?" I ask but all I'm granted is a little giggle accompanied by a no where near suspicious 'Nothing' leaving me rolling my eyes for the last time tonight, knowing that her childlike excitement when it comes to these things truly is endearing to me, but she'll never know that. 
Once Sadie unlocks the door to her apartment we both head over to the table to set down her countless purchases. 
"Did you really need another perfume?" I ask, holding up the pink ish stained glass bottle to the light leaving her taking it out of my hands and putting it back on the table. "It's not perfume it's room mist. It's supposed to make the space feel more romantic" she says, giving a shortened version of the sales pitch she no doubt got. 
"Right...romantic" I chuckle knowing that it'll probably just be a cheaply made lightly scented mist that's supposed to be all natural with health benefits too but I won't burst her bubble on this one since I know there's enough romance to spare when it comes to her and Jayson. 
I swear I can barely stand being alone with them but luckily that's gotten a little better lately. 
"I should probably get going soon" I say looking at the clock after I've helped her put everything away for safe keeping, code word for away from Jayson's prying eyes. "Wait why?" she pouts, "I thought you were gonna stay for movie night" she says as if I just told her that she can't wear pink on Wednesdays. 
"I don't wanna watch a movie with you and your boyfriend" I cringe at the idea of being left in a room with those two. "Yeah but he's bringing J-" she starts to argue but is cut off by a rhythmic knock on her front door making her expression go from sulking to smug.
"Can you get the door?" she asks and goes back to the kitchen to get the movies snacks ready. "I'm not your butler S" I call back out but my only response is her happily humming and completely ignoring me. 
I walk over to the door and open it with Jayson's hand raised up about to knock again which he luckily doesn't because he wouldn't knocked on my forehead instead. 
"Impatient are we?" I ask and lean against the doorway, making his efforts of seeing Sadie last a little while longer. "Hi y/n, is Sadie around?" he chuckles, glad he didn't accidentally make an enemy of me tonight. "I mean this is her apartment" I say and he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. 
"Yeah I guess you're right" he says making me smirk, knowing I'm playing to scary best friend role perfectly. Looks like he took the threat of me castrating him if he ever hurt Sadie pretty seriously still. "In the kitchen" I say and widen the door, letting him slip past me but when I go to close it I'm met with another person trying to come in right behind him.
"Hey y/n" his deep voice says, no doubt trying to play it cool since he's probably heard that story before as well. "Didn't know you were coming" I say, my tone neutral as I widen the door for him. 
"Yeah Jayson said something about a movie night? I heard you were gonna be here so I thought I'd tag along...if that's alright with you of course" Jungkook say, backtracking and clearly embarrassed for admitting that he wanted to see me.
"I mean it's a free country" I shrug my shoulders and close the door, with him waiting for me to lead the way even though he's been here quite a few times already since Sadie and Jayson got together. "Right" he chuckles, not adding much more than that, letting the conversation die.
"Hi baby" Jayson says making Sadie giggle and I avert my eyes before I have to witness another kiss of theirs leaving me bumping into Jungkook's chest, not having expected him to be that close. With him as a result wrapping his arm around me to make sure I don't stumble from the impact. 
"Sorry I-" he says but I just unwrap his arm around my waist. "It's fine. I was just a little too dramatic in trying to save myself from witnessing their love" I roll my eyes leaving Sadie pouting but I can tell she's clearly satisfied with seeing Jungkook and I so close. 
"Makes sense" he said and rubs the back of his neck and watches as I make my way over to the couch with him soon following my lead. 
He's been like this almost since the beginning once he realized that my moody exterior wasn't aimed at him just because he was a stranger but was just a part of my character. Although I'm pretty sure I still make him nervous, he doesn't seem to mind it anymore.
Just like clockwork he sits on one side of the couch while I sit on the other, never crossing spacial boundaries unless necessary or out of convenience like that one time I got roped into sitting in the middle in the backseat next to him on our trip to the beach since we needed more space for the stuff we brought with us. 
Curse you Sadie and your tiny car. 
I don't even know why we ended up taking her car since it's the smallest out of the four of ours but alas. The result of which was Jungkook's arm draped across the back seat to offer me some more space with me eventually falling asleep on him. Resulting in me lowkey avoiding him after the fact until I realized how ridiculous I was being.
Sadie had also been guilt tripping me at that time about how sad he had been and how lonely he looked hanging out with just her and Jayson and so I finally gave in, knowing I couldn't do this forever. Plus it wasn't like it was his fault or anything. Swimming always makes me sleepy and I should've warned him about that. 
He didn't make it a big deal about it when I came back thankfully since I already had to deal with enough teasing from my often merciless best friend so we were luckily able to act as though it never happened. Although ever since then it's happened quite a few times...
"Hey Jungkook do you think you could let me use the arm rest tonight?" Jayson calls out sounding not in the slightest bit suspicious but all of us know what he's doing and Sadie clearly has clearly put him up to it.
"Oh um" Jungkook starts but when he not so subtly glances over in my direction I decide to just put the boy out of his misery. "You can use mine. Sadie and I can sit in the middle" I say resulting in me having to sit next to Jungkook for the next two or so hours.
When I glance at him I can see how the new seating arrangement has made him nervous and so I decide to torture the boy a little. "As long as that's okay with you Jungkook?" I ask, tilting my head at him which has him nervously glancing back over at me before clearing his throat and practically squirming him his seat before nodding 'yes'. 
"Perfect!" Sadie says and with the help of Jayson brings over all the snacks and presses play on the pre approved movie from our group chat debate.  
As the movie drags on I watch my vision go in and out of focus, leaving me shaking my head in an effort to try and wake myself up. "You okay?" Jungkook whispers and I hum. "Just a little sleepy" I respond assuring him I'm alright. He hums back and adjusts his posture, draping his arm around the couch, as a not so subtle invitation for me to lean on him.
The corner of my mouth turns up at that and I can tell that he noticed it, making him not as nervous about his offer anymore.
The dynamic between Jungkook and I has been...peculiar to say the least. 
I wouldn't consider him a close friend or even a friend really. Maybe more like a friend by proxy since we do end up spending a lot of time together. With both of our best friends insisting that the two of us tag along with neither of us having the real desire to tell them no. 
We've had a good conversation here and there when Sadie and Jayson are wrapped up in their own little world but I won't lie to you when I say that there have been some days or nights where we just sit in silence, watching the love birds do what they do.
If you ask me though it's never felt awkward. Has he been awkward and nervous? Yes. But it doesn't really bother me either. 
I wouldn't say that I seek out his company but I can't say that I don't feel a little disappointed when he's not around. More like there's something missing because obviously someone is missing, plus I'm forced to pay more attention to the two of them if it's just me.
It's times like that when he works up the courage to text me. Explaining why he wasn't able to make it as though he felt obligated to do so but he makes sure to offer me an ear when I want to complain about the nonsense those two get up to or what they managed to rope me into.
He sends funny memes to cheer me up, somehow knowing my sense of humor perfectly or complains to me in return about how boring and monotonous his job can be making me smile when he tells me he has to go because his boss is watching. As though he was a nervous teenager that couldn't spend a second away from his crush.
He couldn't have a crush on me could he? No, no that's not right. 
I let my thoughts of Jungkook drift off, the low hum of the TV soon lulling me to sleep resulting in me leaning against him, with him adjusting his posture to make it more comfortable for me, his arm soon migrating from resting on the back of the couch to loosely around my waist.
Something I've always noticed when I wake up though is that he's so comfortable. As though being this close to him feels natural. I will admit that when I've partially stirred awake and realized what I'd done I don't make an effort to wake up or pull away, indulging in the comfort for just a little while longer.
I feel bad though for the times that I wake up and he has to leave right away or when Sadie pulls me over and let's me lay on her lap to continue sleeping, making it a little easier for him to head out. It's as though he waits until the very last minute just to let me sleep a little while longer, not wanting to disturb me for as long as he can.
Tonight isn't one of those nights though, the ones where he has somewhere to go or some place to be. 
He just stays there, being as still as he can, letting me cuddle up to him as little or as much as I want to, eventually helping me lay my head down on his lap once Jayson and Sadie turn in for the night. The position being the slightest bit more comfortable this time with me eventually waking up three hours after the movie had finished.
My head is resting on his upper thigh, with my face basically buried into his torso but he doesn't seem to mind when I turn onto my back and see him absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. 
"What time is it?" I mumble, slightly startling him but he smiles at my groggy state soon after. "One thirty" he mumbles back, keeping his voice down so he doesn't force me awake too quickly. 
"You could've woken me up" I say, slowly sitting up and stretching before straightening out my appearance just the slightest bit. "I didn't have anywhere to be so I thought I'd just let you sleep" he shrugs and I hum. "Plus you seemed pretty exhausted so I thought you could use the rest" he adds and I can't help but give him a soft, hardly conscious smile. 
"Thanks" and he just smiles back at me. We sit there for a little while, and he eventually hands me a bottle of water that's on the coffee table to hopefully help me wake up but after a while I sigh and rest back back against the couch again. 
"What?" he chuckles, sensing my struggle. "Sadie was supposed to give me a ride home" I huff, realizing the predicament I've been put in, just because I wanted to get some shut eye. 
"I can give you a ride" he chuckles, seeing the clear solution but I shake my head. 
"I can't just keep you here and use you as my human pillow then have you give me a ride home as well" I counter but he just smiles. "It's really not a big deal" he counters and I sigh again, knowing he's probably not gonna take no for an answer. 
I can't help but get this...this indescribable feeling in my stomach that I so desperately want to ignore when I think about being alone with him. We are alone right now but that somehow seems...different.
"I have to go somewhere on your side of town anyways so your place is on my way" he says making me smile at his blatant lie. "At two in the morning?" I chuckle, checking my phone and quickly turning down the brightness so it won't blind me anymore.
"Yeah it's uh...open for twenty four hours" he say, making excuses to fit his claims. "You're lying to me aren't you?" I say, calling him out making him look down at his lap, slightly defeated seeing his excuse didn't work this time. 
"Yeah" he mumbles making me smile. "You could always just say that you want to give me a ride" I chuckle and from the way he clears his throat and looks away I can tell that that sentence has a completely different meaning to him than I had intended. 
"I um...I want to give you a ride...home. A ride home" he stammers, the whole interaction quite amusing to me. "Sure, I'd like that" I say and stand up with him getting up immediately, patting his pockets and making sure he has his keys. 
I grab my purse and make sure I have everything I need as well and when he sees that I didn't bring a warm jacket he gives me the other one he brought that he had put aside when he came in. "What's this for?" I ask, taking it suspiciously and draping it over my arm. 
"We're just walking to your car right? Pretty sure I don't need this for that short of a walk" I say and try to hand it back to him. He takes it back but instead wraps it around me and helps me put it on regardless, even going through the effort of zipping it up for me. 
"Trust me, you'll need it" he smiles softly after seeing how it fits me, clearly satisfied seeing me wearing something of his. 
"I look silly don't I?" I say, turning towards the full length mirror Sadie has in her entry way but he chuckles and shakes his head, standing behind me and looking at me through the reflection. 
"It looks perfect on you" he says just as soft as his smile and opens the door, urging for me to go in true gentlemanly like fashion leaving me rolling my eyes but going along with his efforts nonetheless. 
I lock up the apartment with my spare key and follow him as he leads me to what I had expected to be his usual black BMW but what I'm met with is an equally as black Harley Davidson with him unlocking the compartment in the back and handing me his spare helmet. 
This item although I don't take so willingly.
"You're joking right?" I scoff and cross my arms, the longer sleeves from his jacket by design giving me sweater paws making my stance a whole less defiant than I wanted. A pouty aura now stands in it's place.
"What? Never ridden a motorcycle before?" he smirks and walks over to me, choosing to put it on for me since he's pretty sure I wouldn't do it from my argument against this whole idea to begin with. 
"No I haven't and I don't plan to" I huff and try to take it off but he chuckles and holds it down against my head making me accept defeat with this part at least. Just because I put on the helmet doesn't mean I actually have to ride it. 
"You scared?" he chuckles, adjusting the strap under my chin and making sure it fits just right, smiling, satisfied with his work, amused with my soured expression. "I am not scared!" I argue and he smirks. 
"Then what's the problem sweetheart?" he says, his first time even daring to use a pet name with me catching me off guard. 
"The problem is, sweetheart, is that I don't wan't to. Those things are dangerous!" I argue and he smiles before putting his helmet on as well and taking my bag to place it in the back seat compartment and closes it. 
"Hey!" I argue when I realize what he's done, trying to get it back but it seems it locks automatically leaving my efforts sans key useless.
"Do you trust me?" he asks and my brows furrow, honestly not knowing the answer yet making me look away. "Y/n" he says, placing both of his hands on my shoulders and urging me to look at him leaving me ultimately relenting.
"Do you trust me?" he repeats, all the times I've let him in even in the slightest rushing through my psyche. Hell even just moments ago when I had been asleep and in a vulnerable state I trusted him to watch over me and so I nod my head. 
Admitting to him and myself that I've let him in, that I've let him break down these walls that I've built up even in the slightest making the sides of his eyes crinkle, the mask like helmet making it impossible to see his complete expression. 
"Good, now get on"
I hold onto him as tight as I possibly can while he safely swerves between lanes and warns me when he's about to go around a bend and I can tell that everything about this predicament amuses him. 
"You know you can relax a little when we hit red lights" he calls out to me over the roar of the engine but my only answer is a quick 'Nope' while I grasp onto him tighter, his reactions always a dark chuckle that I can feel through his back that's pressed impossibly close to my chest the tighter I cling to him. 
At those red lights though he tends to remind me to keep my legs spread just a little wider, making sure I don't burn my calves on the hot metal of the bike. Placing both of his hands on my knees and spreading them a little wider. The act alone in this case is innocent but in others that I curse my mind for wandering to is anything but that.
"Hey" he calls out, the roar of his Harley no longer audible making his voice seem that much louder. "Yeah?" I ask, still completely clueless as to what he's trying to alert me to. "You can let go now" he chuckles, the sound no longer just felt but heard makes me pull back, so thankful his back is turned to me still.
"Sorry, I didn't realize we had gotten here already" I say and he shakes his head and pulls off his helmet before getting off and leaving me sliding down a little on the seat, loosing my balance and grabbing onto the handlebars. 
"I thought you said you didn't like motorcycles" he taunts and I huff. "I don't" I roll my eyes making him even more amused. "Really? Because you look like you're about to steal it from me" he points out, nodding towards my hands that are very much still on the handle bars. 
I let go of it as though I had burned myself and quickly getting off the bike, losing my balance and making Jungkook on instinct grabs my hips to keep me on my feet. 
After regaining my composure and realizing the predicament we're in leave me the one to call in back to reality. My hands although are still very much holding onto his biceps with his hands still gripping my hips with an almost bruising strength. 
I look up at him, seeing as he's looking down at me, an unreadable expression written on his face as though he was struggling with something leaving me really having to break him out of his train of thought. 
"Jungkook?" I say, loosening my grip on his arms. "Hmm?" he hums, still clearly lost in whatever thoughts had been holding him hostage, still looking at me but almost as if he couldn't focus on one feature. 
"Jungkook?" I say again, this time smiling and that breaks him out of it a bit more. "You can let go now" I laugh, leaving him blinking and letting go, taking a step back making both of our arms fall at our sides now. 
"Sorry um...are you okay?" he asks, remembering the fact that I almost fell on my ass. "I'm fine, are you?" I tilt my head at him leaving him looking away, a rosy tint deepening on his cheeks even in this twilight surrounding us. 
"Can you help me with this?" I ask after trying to struggle and get the helmet off leaving his mouth utter a inaudible 'oh' before stepping closer again and unbuckling the intricate strap under my chin. 
"See, home safe and sound" he chuckles after putting the helmets away and giving me my bag back. "Slightly traumatized but safe nonetheless" I say making the corner of his mouth turn up. 
"It wasn't that bad was it?" he asks with him now tilting his head at me, now understanding his reaction to when I do it. "Never make me do that again" I huff and turn to walk away and when I hear the sound of two sets of foot steps instead of one I turn around and watch as his steps stutter and come to a halt. 
"What?" he asks when he's met with a confused look. "What are you doing?" I ask and he's now the one rolling his eyes at me. "Walking you to the door?" he nods towards my front door making me cross my arms over my chest. 
"Why?" I cock my brow, "I'm perfectly capable of walking there myself" I argue but he looks down and chuckles. "I know, but I want to" he says when he looks back up at me, something about it making my heart flutter and therefore making me more susceptible to the whole idea. 
"Fine" I say and it's at that point I notice the fact that he had in fact planned this. Him having parked in a visitor parking space and going through the effort of taking his helmet off as well. Clearly showing me he had no intention of leaving right away making me turn around to hide the no doubt embarrassed expression on my face.
His footsteps trail behind me as I walk over to the stairs, choosing to not take the elevator because the thought alone of being in that small of a space with him seems intimidating enough. 
It's not like I'm on the fifth floor or something...just the third, making both of us slightly winded by the time we get to my door. 
He waits as I unlock my door and when I turn around he still doesn't look like he's in much of a rush to leave. "You gonna head home?" I ask, tossing my keys on the hooks next to my door and he smile. "You're not gonna invite me in?" he asks, nodding inside and I look back assessing the state of it and decide it's in an okay state to have visitors. 
"Do you wanna come inside?" I ask and he again clears his throat and looks away. Damn this boy has an even dirtier mind than I do. "Yeah um sure" he says, rubbing the back of his neck, the tips of his ears pink as if he wasn't the one that suggested this making me smile and walk in, leaving an open invitation. 
He follows soon after and closes the door behind him, quietly since it's about to be three in the morning so he doesn't feel like contributing to me getting an eviction notice. 
"It's been a while since you've been here huh?" I ask, grabbing both of us waters from the fridge with him nodding and taking it from me, making it a point to brush his fingers against mine before I pull back. 
"Yeah. It looks a little different" he says while taking in some things he hadn't noticed before, one of which being my little black cat that does a big stretch before walking over to him, smelling him and circling around his legs as if he was sizing him up. 
"I didn't know you had a cat" he says, leaning down and offering his hand down for him to get a little bit more familiar with his scent. "What's his name?" he asks, looking back up at me after having crouched down to pet him, seeing that he's taken a liking to him which surprises me to say the least. 
"Shadow" I say and I can't help but smile at the sight. "Hi Shadow" he coos again leaving me caught off guard when Shadow starts purring. "He really never takes a real liking to strangers, or at least not this quickly" I say and he smiles before standing back up, leaving me looking back up at him again. 
"I guess I'm just a likable guy" he jokes making me roll my eyes and sit down on the couch with him following after me. "You've got some pretty heavy duty curtains there" he points out, seeing my very dark, very black curtains to match my whole aesthetic.
"I have trouble sleeping sometimes so it's easier for me to keep as much light out that I can if I end up having to sleep during the day" I shrug and place my water down on the coffee table with him soon following after. 
"Is that why you're so sleepy all the time?" he asks making me hum, "Yeah, sorry about that" I apologize but he smiles and shakes his head. "There's nothing to be sorry about, I'm just glad I'm able to help you get some sleep sometimes" he says, his smile soon turning shy making him look away. 
His act of going in and out of shy to confident makes him that much more entertaining to me. With him although practically squirming under my gaze one second to practically giving me butterflies in the next. It's an interesting dynamic but one I don't put much thought into.
"Are you gonna have trouble sleeping tonight? You know with that long nap that you had" he says sheepishly as if he wasn't the one I had fallen asleep on. 
"Maybe, but I'm used to it" I shrug my shoulders and he nods, clearly trying to think through what he wants to say next but before he's able to a loud thunder clap resounds through my apartment, making me almost jump into his lap, the sudden sound catching me off guard.
"You alright?" he asks and I clear my throat awkwardly, and sit back, going back to my respective side of the couch. "Yup totally fine, completely fine actually. How are you doing?" I babble, clearly giving myself away which now is amusing him. 
"You're afraid of thunderstorms aren't you?" he asks, tilting his head at me and I nod, giving in right away because there's no use hiding this obvious answer. 
"Are you gonna be able to sleep through it?" he asks and although I know what he's gonna offer next I don't want to take advantage of his kindness especially since I don't want him to end up thinking I led him on because I can't make up my mind in the future.
"Probably not" I admit and he hums, thinking about it for a second before saying what I knew he was going to. "I could stay...if you want?" he asks, not wanting to overstep but sensing from my body language alone that I might need someone. 
"I-" "How about this. I don't really like the idea of riding my motorcycle in the middle of a thunderstorm so do you think you could offer me a place to stay for the night?" he asks, making me see that although I know he's doing this for me he does end up benefitting from it at least a little bit...or a lot a bit.
I think about it for a second and although I know I'm gonna say yes I can't help but hesitate. The thought of letting him stay making this whole thing I know we're starting to feel for each other that much more real.
"I guess it would be pretty shitty of me to kick you out in the rain huh?" I smile, wanting to add a little humor to the tension I clearly feel growing between us. "I mean it's your choice but I would really appreciate it if you didn't" he jokes making me smile. 
"You can stay on one condition" I say and he hums at that but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have it any other way. "You have to sleep in my bed. My couch is too short and I'd feel horrible if you woke up with a kink in your neck or something because of it" I say and he gives me a cheeky smile. 
"It would defeat the purpose if I slept anywhere else but with you. You know, so I can keep you calm through the storm?" he chuckles and I nod, glad that we're on the same page although for different reasons.
"Did you wanna borrow some clothes? I have some baggy sweats and your waist is pretty small from what I remember so they'd probably fit you" I ramble and I know at that point that I've said way too much when he gives me a wicked smile. 
"Have you been checking me out y/n?" he asks and scoots just a bit closer. "No, no I just remember from the few times we've gone to the beach together. You know, with Sadie and Jayson?" I make excuses but he's not buying it. 
"So you haven't been checking me out now but you did then?" his smile never leaving his face. 
"Did you want the clothes or not?" I scowl making him even more enticed to keep teasing but he hums in agreement and watches as I jump up from the couch. 
"Wait here" I say and he nods his head, resting his arm across the back of the couch and spreading his legs just a little wider than necessary with him shamelessly checking me out as much as I am with him. 
I scurry off to my room though, the thought of crossing anymore lines with him than I'm about to already is something I'm not ready for yet...yet? No! I'm not ready for period! I'm not ready for anything like that and I don't want to put a strain on our relationship if something ends up happening. 
I change and take some very much needed deep breaths before going back to the living room with the baggy set of clothes I had offered to him and see that he's started to explore. He takes a closer look at the pictures that I have hung up and zeroes in on one on my desk of Sadie and I in those aforementioned pictures I had mentioned. 
"You looked really different here" he chuckles and I walk over and put the picture frame face down, not wanting him to have to see that image for any longer. 
"I didn't have much of a choice back then. Plus you know that was the style back then" I explain and hand him the clothes before resting against the desk, making sure he doesn't try to look at it again.
He hums and takes the clothes making my eyes furrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask but he smiles and shakes his head. "Nothing" he says and places the clothes on the desk next to me. 
"What do you mean it's nothing? It has to be something if you're acting like that" I huff and glare at him as he looks away, clearly more amused at this situation than I can comprehend. "I just had an image in my head of you always dressing like you usually do" he says and looks down at me, making me realize just how little space is left between us.
"How do I usually dress?" I ask, knowing the answer but wanting him to elaborate, wanting to know exactly what he thinks about the way that I dress. "You know, all dark and scary" he smirks and places both of his hands on either side of my hips on the desk, leaning down to my height making me back away from him. 
"You think I'm scary?" I scoff and look away, trying to hide how much his close proximity has caught me off guard. "I used to" he hums making me look at him, his honesty although obvious is peculiar to admit at this point. 
"And now?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper making the corner of his mouth upturn but before he's able to respond another roar of thunder smashes us out of our "Moment" if you could even call it that. Embarrassingly forcing me to cling onto him as if my life depended on it, with him on instinct wrapping his arms around my waist to keep me steady, now realizing just how scared I truly am.
"Hey, it's okay, you're okay" he says in a hushed tone, pulling me even closer, him feeling the rapid beating of my heart through my chest. 
He rests his head on top of mine with me practically trying to crawl into his chest with how close I'm trying to be and he finds it endearing to say the least. "You're safe, I got you" he says, after another one roars, making me cling onto him, practically shaking at this point. 
"How do you know?" I mumble against his chest and he pushes me away and leans down so he could be at my level. I look away again, this time trying to hide how completely embarrassed I am for being so scared of something that I know is silly but I can't help it. 
He tilts his head trying to catch my glance and when that doesn't work he cups my cheek and brings me back over to him but even then in my stubbornness when I still won't look at him he tilts my chin up and I finally relinquish to his efforts. 
"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you" he says softly and I nod before going back in, knowing that at the end of the day he's the one who's gonna keep me safe. 
No matter what he's always gonna be there for me...and that's what scares me.
Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @coralmusicblaze @whoa-jo @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater Taglist continued in the comments 💜
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melonsharks · 3 months ago
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Ill draw what you want and make it into a trinket just for you!
🩷Regular Charm
🧲Magnet Charms
💙Small Standee
Slots are limited, but not first come first served. I have a waiting list available at the end of the form as well 🩷
Fill out the form in the replies if you are interested 🔗⬇️
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nextgenfoals · 22 days ago
Minty (G3) x Princess Luna? Thank you to whoever chooses to draw this!! :3
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Minty and Luna are two of my favorites ☺️ Sugar is the overseer of sweet dreams, both figuratively sweet and literally! She’s partially inspired by the tradition of leaving cookies for Santa lol — Mod Charm 🦋
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ghostwise · 3 months ago
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Disappointed by your performance at the Halamshiral ball? Try dancing classes, offered by Scout Harding!
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