#sw art and culture
hastalavistabyebye · 21 days
Okay let's see if Tumblr let's me post it this time...
I have come to a terrible, horrible, no good revelation.
The Coruscanti high society is Nobleness and the rich elite. Which means they would commission lots of art and it would often be to the same famous artists. Which always means there's going to be bad taste crimes in the sake of displaying their wealth.
That means Space Bernard Palissy and Benvenuto Cellini have a way too high, nightmarely high, probability of existing.
And since this is way too niche, have an explenation as to why I hate my mind for this revelation under the cut.
See, I might hate drama and being mixed into it, but I'm also an art history student and have beef with long dead artists, as any scholar/student is bound to have at least once with their subjects of study.
Now, let me explain to you why I despise Bernard Palissy with a burning passion. I usually don't care much for esthetic if it's interesting : I hate this. It's that bad.
Tumblr, you're going to love this.
Warning : jumpscare
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This is terrible. This is also a Renaissance era ornamental plate that was proudly displayed on French Nobles tables during banquets. This was made by molding clay on living animals (yes, snakes, frogs, lizards and all).
Edit : okay lil explanation on how this was made because it's indeed confusing. There is no animal bodies inside that plate. The living animals were used as molds to then create forms in plaster. Those forms were reused to recreate clay animals that were then disposed on a plate or other object, and were reusable multiple times. So molding clay on living animals was a step before in the process and not directly in there. Makes things a lil bit better I suppose but still so gross.
You can't tell me Coruscanti High society is not going to dig this. Because they would. And it's going to be made with space animals too. Awful. Terrible.
Now, Cellini is quite similar really. He didn't make pottery but was a goldsmith. He was also italian because French Nobles didn't have the monopol of bad taste. I have a friend who hate Cellini more than I do Palissy. I understand them.
Sometimes I think, personnaly, that Cellini is like a bad Michelangelo. A very drunk, very, very bad Michelangelo.
It might look innocuous but it's terrible.
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The first image is a salt shaker. Yes, it's in gold. Yes, I know it looks like a cheap, tourist goodies. I warned you.
The other does represent Diana (alright it was for the french king, but Cellini is still italian ! And he was also very much liked in Italy !). Her body hurts to look at and it's just no good all around but it's mAnNeRisM (I promise you, there's artists of this movement that did things that look good).
And I can just tell Star Wars elite loved those kind of display of wealth (and awful taste). There's no way around it.
I hate this revelation.
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snawleyy · 3 months
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late night study
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peanuttoffee · 5 months
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played Fallen Order for the first time and, guys, my heart
everything was so… beautiful *sobs*
here’s baby Cal to celebrate✨
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cirr0stratus · 1 year
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“There was a time when we weren't enemies. Perhaps that time has come again.”
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luca-ercolani · 10 months
Origami X Wing
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(Via: fresyre on Reddit)
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lzlilo · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day everyone❤️
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Let's aspire to a love full of camaraderie🧡
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xiema · 8 months
Oiran Thrawn
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I said I wouldn't apologize for it. 😉
I've often seen artists use pencil linearts and wanted to try it out. And I have to say I like it, they make the images look much more vivid than the sharp ink outlines.
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I also made a second version that is more like the comics even though I kept my anime-like artstyle. Honestly somehow I don't like it that much but I don't want the time I put into it to be for nothing, so it's posted anyway. Maybe someone will like it.
I would be very interested in which one you like more.
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I wast the tech/CX-2 thing so bad. So bad. They could even kill him off again, I just want to see my baby boy again :(((. It would be heartbreaking and tragic and so painful for both the audience and the batch themselves but I need it. It’s the best option possible, aside from a spin-off
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since tim didn't deign to describe chiss fashion at all i guess i'll do it myself
Left -> right: traditional, fashionable, counter-culture, outerwear
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brother-genitivi · 1 year
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Star Wars Culture Week Day 1 - Music & Art featuring Barriss! @starwarscultureweek
In my culture, we have special spoons used for percussion. You clack the backs of the spoons together to create a beat to accompany the dance. This is usually done at weddings.
Usually you would have spoons in both hands, but sometimes there are too many people and not enough spoons! Spoons will often break due to the force of people’s clacking (especially if they’re having fun). Many broken spoons on the floor is a sign of a good event.
The first technique I know of is fairly simple - place a spoon face down so the inside is resting against your palm between your thumb and forefinger. Place the next spoon face up so its back is against the back of your first spoon. I prefer to rest it between my middle and ring fingers.
The second technique I find harder to finesse (and I’ve definitely not mastered it yet). Weave the spoon between alternating fingers - pinky, ring and middle with the back facing your palm. Pinch the other spoon with your thumb and forefinger, making sure to have its back facing the back of your first spoon. Now clack away :)
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taglist: @tatert07s @penandsaber
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drcyrusbortel · 2 months
The Assistant
It's not an interrogation. They just want to properly debrief you.
That was what Rex had said, and Hunter had nodded along. And Omega trusted both with her life.
Unfortunately, it seemed that nobody had told the intelligence officer in the nondescript - Alderaanian? - uniform, or the designers of the dimly lit durasteel cubicle that he had chosen as a venue for his... debriefing.
The spook fired up his holorecorder and set it on the table, bathing them in an eerie blue glow.
"Let's start from the beginning, shall we? What's the first thing you remember?"
…a beige-and-red helmet filling her mind with ideas and attitudes, facts and figures, instincts and reflexes, pouring composite memories and unlived experience and rote understanding into a meticulously engineered personality imprint stamped upon optimized wetware… 
The words came to her, unbidden, as she looked around the flash-training center. Walls of pure white adorned with a magnificent ultraviolet mosaic of Academian Vor Nui’s Great Lecture, as vivid as day in her mind’s eye, stared back at her. The other rigs were empty, odd considering the high facility overhead…
The door dilated, and a pair of tall, slender Kaminoans - adorned with the insignia of very senior scientific officers - glided into the room.  
She snapped to attention, rattled off her serial number, and reported herself fit for service to the scientists towering over her.
The younger Kaminoan was first to speak. 
“I am Doctor Nala Se. This is Chief Scientist Ko Sai. We are part of the senior scientific staff providing support to Kaminoan Industries’ flagship Republic Military Project. Can you describe your training?”
She blinked. Medicine. Genetics. Bioengineering. 
And much, much, more. 
A vague disquiet stirred in her chest, as she looked down at herself. Biologically five standard. Small batch production. Nonstandard flash training. Modified mass production clone, alternative template, or composite?
“Modified mass production product.” Nala Se noted. “Please proceed.”  
She almost felt dizzy, but complied with the directive, describing her scientific background even as a small part of her seemed to yearn for service of the Galactic Republic, its Constitution, and its elected officials. 
Ko Sai smiled as she completed her report. “Excellent. You will be a most useful addition to Nala Se and her team.”
“Indeed.” Nala Se said. “As you know, Kaminoan Industries, in concert with the Government of Kamino, has embarked on the greatest industrial undertaking in Kaminoan history - the creation of a military force for the Galactic Republic.”
Ko Sai continued. “In essence, we have been tasked with converting a considerable infusion of financial capital into material capital, and in particular, human capital.”
“The economy of Kamino is to be totally remade in service of this goal. Extremely large investments into plant, machinery, and associated support and defense infrastructure are ongoing across Kamino and Her Colonies.” Nala Se bent down, bringing herself eye to eye with the human. “Commensurate investments are being made into new creche production - Kaminoan and human - to provide the necessary labor. You, and others like you, are part of this human capital accumulation.”
She nodded, understanding. 
“You will be working under Nala Se in support of our contracts for Clone Army research, development, production, and sustainment. You answer to her, and ultimately to me. You are property of Kaminoan Industries.” Ko Sai looked thoughtful. “You are not property of the Galactic Republic.”
Nala Se gestured to the door. “Please follow me. We must vacate the room for the next cohort. You are the last one.”
She obeyed, and followed Nala Se out the room. 
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hastalavistabyebye · 13 days
Every so often I'm thinking about what Coruscant culture (and art) would look like.
Because it's one hell of a melting pot, that's for sure. But it has also been the Capital of the republic for a very long time. People have been there for generations after generations, living on top of each other's. So there would be a Coruscanti culture. But it's also very divided between the elite in the hight levels -very wealthy, very powerful- and the lower levels -very poor, very numerous and diverse. And it's a giganormous metropol which means that it's always changing, always evolving. And since it's the litteral Capital at the center of the Republic, it also most likely has access to the newest inventions and highest tech...
So what would its culture look like ? Would it be defined by contradictions too, like the rest of the planet ?
Maybe the music would be the form of art that unify it the most easily, with its easy way of propagation. Of course there would be lots and lots of different scenes (with various cultural influences, genres...) but it could have something that sounds distinctly "Coruscanti" just like it's easy to know when our music is from the US because this mainstream music sounds "American". Because of course coruscanti music would be wild spread through the republic too.
Fashion and clothes would have the same tendencies too. Very different clothes depending on how hight you are of course. And Coruscant wouldn't be as famous for its fashion trends as Naboo, obviously. But it could still have quite the influence (especially if we think some people copied the Jedi clothes to be trendy or what not, who says it would be the only style copied like that ?)
But what about the other art forms ? There would be an Elite art and a lower levels art ?
The elite art would be like every elite art around the world, very luxurious, good and bad tastes alike (just like I've already thought about with space Palissy and Cellini). I tend to think from what we saw in canon (especially with Thrawn's art collection in Rebels and Luthen's gallery in Andor) that the elite favor sculptures and other tridimensional arts more than pictural art. The only time where we saw pictural art having a major cultural importance was for the Mandalorians and their armor paint really, anyway.
And the Lower levels are completely submerged in urban life. I don't think sculptures would be the favorite medium here, especially with the restrictive spaces they live in, all piled up like that. So maybe graffiti and murals would be commonplace. It would definitely be a more "people art" if I can say it like that, something with a soul and value for the people making it, but without the intellectual, artistical research and such of the elite. Something not simpler necessarily but more organic, living with the people. Made of everything at hand, knick-knacks and such. Maybe holographic? But I don't know how that could be done. Yeah, graffiti for sure (there would be so much surfaces for that too). But I'm sure there would be other mediums too.
Coruscant really is something complex and a bit monstrous. And it's so so hard to gauge its depth, including when thinking about how it even works. So here's some of my thoughts on its culture and art. Do tell me what you think.
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saph-y · 1 year
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"So what are you up to Saphy scribbling all night on your tablet" MAKING POKEMON OCS THAT'S WHAt
(Say hello new brainrot. Meet Hazel ⚡🤘🎻)
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fayzday · 5 months
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Sabine, after she's found by Fenn Rau's crew on Concord Dawn
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cirr0stratus · 1 year
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“So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed”
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starwlkerr · 1 year
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jedi leia sketch :D
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