#God of the universe
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dominom3th · 3 months ago
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they’re an AU in the sense that gaster basically used them as a vessel in case the au itself got destroyed it would all flow into Eternal and be safe there- but then Eternal learns that it wants to live for itself at the cost of a whole universe.
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gynandromorph · 7 months ago
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you just know she changed her name to this, legally--
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raverave25 · 1 year ago
Sometimes I sit and think about the grace of God and it really does just blow my mind. Like, this God that created everything good and everything perfect and everything beautiful and the moon and the sun and the stars and the clouds and the wildflowers and the rain and dancing and singing and colors and art and so many things out of control, and He's not scared of me messing any of it up.
He just wants me to see Him in it. And see the beauty of it. He's somehow never scared of the pain I cause and that is such love. To know someone's ability to destroy and still give them the chance to create.
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applecidersstuff · 4 months ago
Percy Jackson is against bullying.
He is however very sad that neither Annabeth, Clarrise or Drew had met Octavian in camp Jupiter, because as much as he frowns on it he would pay any kind of money to see those three tear him a new one for acting like a little bitch he is.
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jaemongus · 2 months ago
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my beautiful horse girls
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tears-that-heal · 5 months ago
AGREED. This reminds me of something Jesus said,
'As the crowd pressed in on Jesus, he said, “This evil generation keeps asking me to show them a miraculous sign. But the only sign I will give them is the sign of Jonah. What happened to him was a sign to the people of Nineveh that God had sent him. What happens to the Son of Man will be a sign to these people that he was sent by God. '
Luke 11:29-30
"When he heard this, he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, “Why do these people keep demanding a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, I will not give this generation any such sign.” '
Mark 8:12
These words Jesus spoke are clearly recorded and documented in all four gospels. The people, Jesus spoke to in this passage only wished to use Jesus for his miraculous abilities for selfish-gain. They showed no interest in his teaches or for who He Is. Be aware, this was during times when demon possession and unnatural powers can come from possession was common place. So many people, greatly misunderstood, the wondrous power of Jesus Christ and His Mission while on earth. God has no need to prove Himself to anyone. It is through Jesus' subtle splendors and acts of love towards others, and to those closest to Him while he walked on earth that made those deep impacts that change lives for good. 🥰
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prlssprfctn · 14 days ago
Kinda need the whole family being tired as fuck from Tim's love stories and drama, so they send him away every time he finds a new crush.
Tim, struggling on how to confess to Kon: Hey, Dick, can you give me a dating advice? Dick: Oh, sure Dick, beaming cluelessly: Are you back with Steph? Tim: Oh no, I- Dick: Oh, right, sorry! Bart, right? Tim, embarrassed: No, I was- Dick: Omg, sorry, it was, uh, Bern? Tim: You know what... Forget it. Tim: *leaves* Dick, sighing in relief: Works every time. I hate giving dating advices.
Tim: Steph, can I have a dating advice? Steph, unimpressed: Are you cheating on someone again? Tim: ...Whatever.
Tim: Bruce- Bruce, hopeful: Yeah? Need help with something? Tim, thinking twice: ...Uh, actually no. Bruce: :(
Tim, stopping in front of Damian's door, unsure: ... Damian, right through the closed door: Drake. Spare us both. Tim: *groan*
Tim: So, I have this situation... Duke: Wait, I'll put the voice message recording, I need to send this to Cass, while she is on the mission Tim: Oh my god, MY LIFE IS NOT EVEN THAT MESSY! FORGET IT.
Tim, seething through his teeth on Jason's doorstep: You are my last hope. I am not even kidding. Jason: Woah. What happened to Alfie? Tim, with his eye twitching: He started to reminisce about his romance with Lizzie. Like, Queen Elizabeth. Lizzie. I can't listen to this any more. I need fucking advice. How to confess to Kon. Jason, who constantly writes fanfiction, but since his love life is non-existent at this point, uses his family's messy dating histories as an inspiration and references: ...Okay. Tim, gagged: Seriously? Jason: Yeah. Just work with me. What we are working with? Bridgerton ass romance? Miss Austen type of flair? Bronte's kind of insanity? Tim, sniffling: tHanK yOu
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bluetaho · 2 months ago
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petrichara · 1 year ago
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‘Love is the one thing that we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.’
“Eulogy from a Physicist” by Aaron Freeman, with quotes from Interstellar by Christopher Nolan, and images from NASA, Interstellar, Getty, Petrichara, and Reuters.
1- NASA: GOODS-South.
2- NASA: NGC 1850.
3- NASA: Iberian Peninsula.
4- Christopher Nolan: Interstellar.
5- NASA: From the Earth to the Moon.
6- Hannah La Folette Ryan: Subway Hands.
7- Adams Evans: Heart Nebula.
8- NASA: Exploring the Antennae.
9- NASA: Crescent Moon from the International Space Station.
10- Petrichara.
11- Getty Images.
12- NASA: SMACS 0723.
13- Reuters
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nidbaesenpai · 4 months ago
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Happy one year anniversary ISAT! To celebrate I wanted to share the lil strips I made for my friends when they reached the end of the game! They're all meant to be snippets of life post game and a glimpse into the world I'm making for Loop.
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eternaloptimistsphere · 1 year ago
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start seeing everything as God, but keep it a secret
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fruity-blogs · 4 months ago
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undaughtered · 5 months ago
to be fully honest this new trend of remaking and sanitizing not only gothic fiction and its genres (hill house, dorian grey, turn of the screw) and horror movies more generally (carrie, the exorcist) point to much more serious cultural movement than the death of art or the death of horror as a genre in the mainstream. specifically it is gesturing to a sanitizing effect in which cultural authority has now deemed the subversive as worthy of living but only if it is a) commodified and b) divested of all its subversive elements. we can play-act at feminism, trans inclusion, and anti-racism as long as it serves a corporate interest and does not actually challenge cultural authorities. we can adopt its aesthetics as something to be sold without actually inhabiting it ideologically. it is the newest manifestation of cultural authorities anesthetizing effect on anything that threatens it and it is becoming more and more prevalent. anyway i want to beat mike flanagan with hammers
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chiangyorange · 4 months ago
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time should start throwing rocks too it would be funny
(obvs not canon to lu at all but i will never say no to a girl whose also a troublemaker)
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crumpledroses · 1 year ago
Can't wait to see zeus go from "make sure i never see this one again" to offering percy immortality and then getting hit in the face with A Guide To Parenting And Other Family Issues By Perseus Jackson™
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raverave25 · 1 year ago
I think if you're ever doubting yourself, it's definitely worth mentioning that the God that created all of this, created you too and called you His masterpiece with all your scars, all your mistakes, all your hurt and all your failures.
You're more of a masterpiece than the sky and stars above friends.
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