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gynandromorph · 11 hours ago
In the comic with the censor bars shiloh talked about it as if censorbars are something that just like happens sometimes i kinda want to know if that has some lore background or anything?
Additionally since everyone is specifically in a printed comic does this mean people technically read eachothers speech.
And are there any other silly details related around the fact that the comic is a printed comic.
absolutely no background, just thought it would be funny if censor bars were a thing the characters actually saw and interacted with, and if they treated something absurd like that as if it's completely normal and chill. the fact that it doesn't make sense and doesn't have an explanation is part of the joke.
also, yes, characters read each others' speech bubbles. sound is a specific visual stimulus to them processed as a separate sense much in the same way smell and taste are different to you despite the fact that they are both just chemoreception. reading something and hearing something are virtually identical to them... the actual container of the text dictates whether it's received as sound or written word, imo. Jessie's Commandments read like written word when she says them even though she is saying them out loud because they're in a square container. A book cut into a rounder shape would probably actually seem to produce sound to them. My opinion on this is largely informed by the fact that pictographs can also be used to communicate sound -- meaning that the letters themselves are not the only component of sound. Pictures sound like something to them if they're surrounded by a "sound circle." color and size mediate the qualities of the sound. color probably informs characters of both timbre and pitch based on saturation and luminosity.
Facts about their book world... stuff is made of ink drops for them. they know this as a scientific fact. I believe I called them tinctures... yes, i did.
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atoms to them are probably called inklings, made up of various tinctures, and yes they're both shortened to inks--
their world is 2d, but top quantum scientists have observed at least that their world may be 3d in a Z-direction, because chasms resembling paper's microscropic texture has been documented.
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there are 2 competing theories about how the universe will end called "the big rip" (the paper fabric of the universe will rip apart under the ever-increasing weight of more inks) and "the printer running out of ink" (things stop existing altogether as ink erodes from the fabric of the universe over time, and isn't replaced). unlike our universe, theirs isn't expanding, so they don't have a solid understanding of what's happening to matter in their universe. big rippers believe inks must be continuously added to the universe, because there had to be spontaneously generated inks at the start of the universe; it agrees with the theory of spontaneous generation of the universe, which the majority of scientists accept as a proven theory. the accepted explanation amongst rippers for a lack of observation of growing ink is that it's happening in deep space, which is completely saturated black. the fabric of their own universe can only actually absorb so much ink leading to pure black -- after that, adding more ink is possible, but you can't observe that more ink has been added, because saturation has already been achieved. adding more ink then warps and weakens fabric of the universe, unobservable to them. it's like their version of dark matter. printer theorists believe that ink is slowly, spontaneously disappearing from the universe, because they can observe the process of ink degradation on the real actual paper they're printed on. this does not necessarily disagree with spontaneous generation, because there was a "nothing" which the universe may return to for them, but it offers little explanation for why ink would be disappearing. opposition to the theory generally argues that the ink observed to be "disappearing" could simply be displaced. to note: they don't see the universe as a story book, they simply refer to the fabric of it as paper due to its resemblance to the texture of paper, from their perspective. it's just like how we call the stuff our universe is made of "fabric" even though we don't generally believe we live on a tapestry.
elements in their universe are named after different hex values instead of typical chemical elements. there is, in one single panel, a small portion of old high school notes in Jessie's notebook shown
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a periodic table with unrecognizable chemical symbols.
their world is flat because they live on flat paper. you could probably fall off the edge. the stars are Literally shaped like stars and the moon literally changes shape over the course of its cycles. uuuhhhh. i'll write more if i remember anything else--
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gynandromorph · 13 days ago
animals who stood up: human equivalent, covenant required anatomical changes such as uniform humanoid genitalia and more upright posture domesticated animals: did not stand up, but have a different "covenant" and consequently human-like intelligence. have agreed to a subordinate position to stood up animals in exchange for moral immunity -- incapable of evil acts, like real animals animals that did not stand up: exactly like regular animals
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gynandromorph · 1 month ago
when i describe jessie's cult members "playing bumper cars with real cars" that white girl music in the new accord video is exactly what i picture--
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gynandromorph · 7 months ago
sorry if this is too vague/general of a question, but how does jessie's world work in terms of what species are present? i saw that some extinct species, like the passenger pigeon and europasaurus, are going to be characters. sry if the question is worded weirdly i have No idea how 2 phrase it lol. thx 4 the response in advance :]
so basically evolution did not happen for these guys. intelligent design, per se, is a proven fact in their universe. they just spontaneously popped into existence one day. consequently, extinctions due to various extinction events or evolutionary pressure also never happened. the criteria are like this:
extinction isn't really a thing, so extinct species are valid candidates
the species at large needs to be able to stand on two legs, even if only for a moment, in order to be a valid candidate
domesticated animals like dogs and livestock have a different "covenant" from the animals that stood up and are not valid candidates. they exist but they are not anthropomorphic
primates don't exist at all, and are not valid candidates
modern bird species exist, but they are built like coelurosaurs. i believe i mentioned that swifts cannot be anthropomorphic because they cannot stand up, so they are exempt from this, and they are not valid candidates. i consider the change in appearance a byproduct of Standing Up like the other physical changes brought on (ex: hands).
as a weird tangent: because bugs have almost unanimously stood up in this world, but there are still actual bugs, i'm cooking up ideas on how to explain it, but what's currently in the lead is that the non-anthro bugs are in fact very very small like... horses or dogs with 6 legs and wings. it adds a level of absurdity and horror to any instance of killing a bug in the comic.
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gynandromorph · 8 months ago
You could call Jessie transphobic if she kills you and it would probably work like she'd be too scared to do it then
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gynandromorph · 4 months ago
I've been drawing a scene with Evelyn in it, so I've been thinking a lot about Evelyn, right? How many friends do you think she has lost because Jessie killed the friend's kid or maimed grandma or even just directly murked the friend or something? After a while? Probably a lot!
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gynandromorph · 4 months ago
jessie's dissatisfaction throughout the story is definitely related to the theme of fantasy -- i can fantasize about anything i could possibly dream up, so much more than reality could ever offer, so why can't it live up to something real? why do i still feel the void when i write my dead dog to be alive again? why do i still feel lonely when i write myself a girlfriend? shouldn't someone i can craft to synchronize with every whim and curiosity i could have be MORE fulfilling than someone i have to fight and compromise with? why does fantasizing about sex make me want it more when the orgasm i imagined felt so much better? why does imagining eating food make me hungrier for real food instead of satiating the hunger? why is something that's supposed to have unlimited creative potential unable to CREATE anything? what is the point? what is the point of fantasies when they only make you wish they weren't FANTASIES even more? those types of questions surround jessie's character arc arguably much more deeply than the theological themes. even the first shot of the comic focuses on fantasy and what it is rather than jessie herself
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gynandromorph · 6 months ago
jessie chewing things up as retaliation when she's angry at her parents as a kid. jessie destroying a $2,000 couch with her mouth in a matter of 30 minutes. evelyn walks in and the front door looks like this
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gynandromorph · 2 months ago
I had to decide whether characters wear shoes in the Idletryverse, and due to the abundance of Weird Feet in the characters, and the fact that I didn't feel like regularly drawing and designing shoes, I decided they aren't really a thing canonically. They are a fetish thing, though. It's like seeing someone wearing a leather collar in public
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gynandromorph · 6 months ago
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you just know she changed her name to this, legally--
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gynandromorph · 17 days ago
i am curious whether pup hoods would be stranger to canids than others in idletry
nah, i imagine they all interpret dogs as completely separate and dissimilar to them in the same way humans do other primates, and they see pup hoods as "dog-shaped"
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gynandromorph · 14 days ago
I don't think wolves care about other people having a fursona that's a wolf in their universe. In fact I think their version of furries swap species for fursonas like they're trading cards
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gynandromorph · 7 months ago
insurance policies exclude coverage of damages done by jessie
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gynandromorph · 3 months ago
Werewolves exist in the Idletryverse but it's more like hulking out than turning into a wolf. They do have dog dicks in the fanfic, though. That is their penis hulking out
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gynandromorph · 4 months ago
if sound and speech are just specific visual cues in the idletry universe and not actual sound as we know it, that must mean books "make noise" in their universe. at the very least, circular books are identical to someone talking out loud. but even sound effects are audible, which aren't always in bubbles, so the bubble itself isn't the "sound"-inducing stimulus. it's the words.
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gynandromorph · 4 months ago
Cult members trying to "speedrun Jessie" by getting her to kill them faster than anyone else by any means necessary
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