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linklethehistorian · 1 month ago
Linkle’s Fazbear Frights & Lore Insights #1: Into the Pit
[Read the general disclaimer and important notes for this series of articles here.]
[View the Masterlist of all completed articles here.]
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Some Into the Pit specific notes:
First of all, I will be discussing the video game version of this story to a limited degree, since, as per ‘Frights Fiction’, it would be a video game that exists in-universe in the main FNAF canon as an adaption of the fictional horror story by the same name, and thus is equally important to examine when talking about potential lore relevancy. If you don’t want spoilers, save this post and come back later after you’ve experienced the game for yourself.
Secondly, I will (mostly) be dismissing any Easter eggs throughout the game version that do not have a crucial part in the story, since Frights Fiction would largely dictate that — unless they do not conflict with the main canon and would genuinely bring something of value to the table in terms of discussion — these merely exist because the game was made within the context of all of the various in-universe fictionalized stories. In other words, most of the Easter Eggs that exist out-of-universe are still just Easter Eggs in-universe, too.
And among all of those, there are two in particular that I do want to knock out of the running for very specific reasons, but since discussing individual Easter Eggs within the game would technically be considered spoilers, it will have to be saved for the actual main analysis section of the article, instead of being thrown out here.
Lastly, apart from where I feel it relevant, I will not be doing a deep-dive into the changes between the book and the game, either, since they are both fictional media within the FNAF universe, and thus the retcons and changes mostly have no value in the discussion of the lore or canon. If someone else wants to scream about how they feel the book was done dirty because of how much they got wrong in the game or something, I absolutely encourage you to go write your own article or make your own video! There are definitely a lot of not-insignificant changes between the two, so I can understand if someone was bothered by that. This post just isn’t about that.
…And I believe that will do it for the disclaimers and notes section. If you haven’t left already and you’re worried about spoilers for anything, this is your final warning to click off the post and come back later. 
…We good? Alright, let’s dive into the main bulk of the article, then.
Overall Impressions
The Book:
I mean, I liked it. Because I wanted to go into it without any preconceived notions about the story, I had been waiting until after I finished playing the video game adaption to read this, and I’m glad that I did, it’s just… getting used to the formatting of the books was a bit…unusual, for me.
I had seen the comic version of Fetch prior to all of this, but I’d never read the actual story, so there was a lot I really didn’t know to expect with the Fazbear Frights books, in those regards? For example, the constant use of ‘said’ is definitely not to my particular writing style tastes, and there were several times when I thought denoting who the speaker was wasn’t necessary at all, but, thankfully, when you’re consuming it in the form of an audiobook (which I did), you can usually tune that sort of thing out and not notice it as much as you would if the words were staring you in the face all the time.
As for the story itself, yeah, I’d say I enjoyed it! Oswald, on the whole, is a very likable kid with sympathetic plights, his mom is cool, and his father seems like a good and surprisingly not one-dimensional character, for as little time as he’s actually present in the book; throughout the story, we get a pretty good feel for who his family is and how much they care for each other, in spite of the fact that the slow death of the town they live in has left them struggling, and some of the choices that were made in the aftermath were not exactly the best. 
One thing I particularly appreciate is that no character feels out of place or unnecessary in the book version of the story, which, as I’ll get into in the next subsection, I unfortunately can’t really say about the game.
I admittedly do feel that having Oswald immediately find his father again with minimal trouble once he got back to the ballpit was a…bit of an anticlimactic thing to have happen, when I believe it had only been a day since he was kidnapped in the first place; however, I know that this opinion was partially influenced by the fact that the game adaption was my first foray into the story, and, in reality, the book actually makes phenomenally more sense for its choice and raises far less difficult-to-answer questions, so it probably just comes down to a matter of personal preference, in the end, in regards to this — especially when the two are so wildly different in so many other ways, as well. 
I think, overall, I do like the book version the most, in terms of the story, but I appreciate more what new things the game brought to the table in terms of lore relevance (which I’ll discuss in the ‘lore relevancy’ section, obviously).
They’re both good in their own ways.
The Game: 
I don’t have a lot to add here in terms of the characters or their personalities, since, for as many differences as the two renditions may have, a lot of this particular aspect of the story is the same. 
The only character that I’d say somehow feels both slightly more irrelevant and slightly also too relevant in the game version is Dylan Cooper, the bully at Oswald’s school. This may just be me, but the reason that I say this is because they make quite a very big deal about the fact that Dylan finds Oswald at the dump on the second to last day of the game. Not only that, but during this scene, they have Dylan laugh and act very suspiciously, in an oddly menacing way — so much so that I thought for a moment that they were going to have him get directly involved with the main plot in some manner, which he really didn’t.  I think it would’ve been better to just keep his role exactly the same as it was in the book, rather than adding more to him and playing it up in a way that lead one to think that something bigger was going to happen.
Furthermore, the lack of inclusion of any mention of Oswald’s best friend, Ben, removes some of the feeling behind why Oswald is so frustrated with his life situation and his Dad, which I think is a bit of a shame after reading the book.
On the plus side of characters and their development, though, the added ability to pick up the Dad’s items and view little stories about Oswald and his family is a really nice touch that I appreciated, and Oswald thinking in one of them about how much his Mom losing her husband would devastate her was absolutely heartbreaking. 
As for some of the other changes the game made, I have very mixed feelings; although I did think it was cool to have the search for Oswald’s Dad extend for a few days and give us a longer glimpse into the past in doing so, it also raises many more questions in terms of a) why there were several additional kids that Oswald had to rescue, b) whether the kids in the Party Room at the beginning of the game were even dead in that version, because it was never properly addressed like it was in the book and thus left room for doubt, and c) the actions of Spring Bonnie (or the Yellow Thing™️, as it is called in the original story) throughout, which I could also get into, but I feel might warrant an entire mini-article itself. (If you’re interested in that, maybe drop me a comment or an ask and I’ll cover it sometime.) 
Also, all the random Easter eggs are super cool, but I feel like anyone who somehow thinks the books and the games based on them are actual 1:1 events that happened, and not just in-universe books and games, are going to use tons of these to go wild with theories about retcons and all sorts of stuff that is just…clearly not the case, so…meh. I’m divided.
As for gameplay, it’s good! It’s the first FNAF game to have different difficulty settings at the start (except UCN), which is awesome, though I feel like quite honestly, it’s the easiest game of them all, as well. I have no difficulty whatsoever beating it on Frightening mode (the normal mode), and can barely tell the difference from Creepy (easy mode), which…I haven’t played the other modes yet, so I can’t comment on those completely, but I suspect I could easily beat the hardest one with minimal issue, to be honest.
Now, whether that’s a good thing or not is probably going to vary by personal opinion, but…I don’t know, for me, despite being an easy mode lover in most games, not having any level of tension while playing this game somehow just…made it feel very much not like FNAF for me, and not necessarily in the most positive of ways.
That isn’t to say I didn’t like the game, but, it did take a little bit of the essence of FNAF away, and…I feel like in horror games, you should not be able to feel like there is never any real tension involved while playing. Again, this is just personal opinion, but, that’s my stance, at least.
But! I think we all know that’s not really what you’re here to have me go on about, is it? You all want to hear about lore relevancy, so…let’s just get on with that.
Lore Relevancy
In what is an extremely ironic turn of events, despite this story — out of all of the four I’d listened to at the time of writing this, at least — having the most blatant connection to the game’s canon lore, I honestly think that this will probably be one of the books that I have the least to say about in terms of breaking that down and going over it, mostly because I feel that it being so heavily tied to a specific part of the canon we know a lot about from the games just….really makes it blatantly clear which parts we definitely can’t trust.
So, most importantly, I guess let’s start with some examples of the one advantage Into the Pit has over nearly every other book in the series that I’m aware of thus far: the things it tells us that we can know aren’t true.
The Lies and Half-truths
Funnily enough, the thing we know we can absolutely discard the most is any of the details of the murders that happened in 1985 — at least, in the way Into the Pit presents them.
In the book (and perhaps the game? The image isn’t clear enough to be sure), there are six victims — not to mention the game adding a whole potential four other children whom Spring Bonnie tried and failed to kill thanks to Oswald — but we know for a fact that, while William had six victims total when we’re including Charlie Emily, there were only the five at most who died inside the restaurant during that year. So can we trust the number of victims? No.
Can we trust the method they died in, then…? Also no; in both the book and its game adaption, we are painted a scene of families and kids running and screaming in terror from a monster that was mass nabbing and killing kids, but we know for a fact, from multiple canon games both old and new, that William lured the children into the back before killing them covertly, and was never actually seen doing it except in costume via cameras. Furthermore, this must have happened one by one and not all at once, contrary to what Into the Pit purports, as the order in which they died is brought up several times in the more recent canon games as being in some way worthy of mentioning — which it most definitely would not if their deaths only varied by a matter of seconds or minutes at best.
So what can we trust in and rely on about the MCI (Missing Children’s Incident) murders? Well, honestly, just that it takes place in 1985. That’s literally it. That’s all that’s definitely relevant to the canon of the main games from this story in any way, when it comes to the MCI itself.
Now, that’s not to say there’s nothing else in the story that’s of note at all, though; there’s actually a lot that I think is worth paying attention to and speculating on, it’s just that very little of it actually has to do with the crime that was committed, as most of that is, unsurprisingly, heavily played up, exaggerated, and sensationalized; after all, that’s the entire in-universe purpose of these books and games existing — to discredit and make light of the real events by turning bits and pieces of them into spooky fictional stories.
Before we get into what I think is of value, though, let’s just rule out two more things from the game version of Into the Pit that I think we need to firmly take off the table — namely, the toy airplane from the FNAF movie which is on a table in the room where Oswald’s Dad is being held captive, and the photo taken from the Silver Eyes trilogy of Henry beside a fully mascot-costumed William, which was placed in the shadows on the wall in the same area.
These are literally both just Easter Eggs referencing alternate universe stories with no relevancy to the lore, and I want to make that very clear before we begin to move forward.
How do I know this for certain? It’s very easy, actually.
With the airplane, there is literally no way that this has any implications on the lore, because Garret — the one whom the plane belonged to — was not one of William’s victims within the canon of the main games; he was William’s son, who died tragically from an accident that occurred during one of Michael’s pranks, and became the catalyst for everything that William did in FNAF in the first place.
And as for the photo, we already have a brand-new picture of William and Henry that is acknowledged and picked up by Oswald in-game, not to mention crucially recognized by Spring Bonnie himself and absolutely required for the true ending. And in this photo — both in black and white within the in-game and out-of-game trophies achieved when picking it up, and in color in the unused data — the two look entirely different from how that alternate universe portrays them, with Henry maintaining his design from the official Encyclopedia, and William possessing a (as far as I am aware) mostly new and unique design of his own. I apologize to anyone who actually likes the Silver Eyes trilogy’s designs for them, but seriously, there is just no reason to assume that we should trust something that is barely visible and placed on a random wall in shadows, over something that actually has plot relevance to the game itself and is required to get the true ending.
If William and Henry are being given a canon design for the main universe, it’s absolutely the new photo that we were shown, not some other old one tossed in as an Easter Egg.
Oh, and lastly, but definitely still very importantly, in the game version of Into the Pit, there’s also some implication that Oswald’s dad may very well have been the Freddy Bully, one of Michael’s friends, who participated in the prank that led to Garret’s death. Considering Oswald’s Dad’s unwillingness to talk about what happened in regards to Freddy’s in the book, and the fact that Help Wanted 2 strongly implies Cassie’s father is Bonnie Bully, this makes it very likely that we are now being given information in some form about Michael’s various former cohorts when he was a teenager, and how William seems to hold a grudge against all of them in some shape or form, and they frequently met bad fates. 
Obviously, the events of the story couldn’t have played out as they did in the main canon, because of the numerous impossible discrepancies we’ve already discussed, but it does make me wonder if Oswald’s dad really did in some way meet a terrible fate or have a brush with William in some context, at some point in his life.
It’s a very interesting thing that I have seen the more recent FNAF games delving into, and it is something that I am very intrigued by.
The Truths and the Likely-Truths
So, we’ve talked about the lies, but what about the story do I think does have relevance to the lore of the main canon? What do I think the story is trying — or could be trying — to tell us?
Let’s begin.
The things I KNOW are True
Well, first of all, as I said before, that the MCI takes place in 1985. Within the FNAF fandom, dates of various important events are constantly being discussed and speculated upon to death, even when the answer seems blatantly obvious, so I absolutely believe that this was Scott stepping in and waving a hand in front of everyone’s face again in order to fully confirm that this was the year these victims died.
Secondly, and perhaps most excitingly for me personally, the plot-relevant photograph used to get the true ending has finally given us canon designs for the main game universe version of William and Henry, after ten years of them not technically having any fully confirmed physical appearances. It may not seem like much on the surface, but this really is a monumental milestone in FNAF, and I absolutely think it should be celebrated.
Both of those things are pretty on-the-nose, though. I don’t think anyone really needs convincing of those facts, and, if they do, me pointing out the obvious again probably isn’t going to be the big thing that convinces them, so…moving on, let’s see what else we can glean from or make note of in the story that we haven’t already discussed in a previous part of the post.
Well, we can definitely infer, looking at it from the perspective of Frights Fiction, that the IPs referenced in the books which are familiar to us must also exist within the main FNAF universe, since these stories are in-universe tales being made for and marketed to the people of that world. It’s not really a big or ground-breaking detail, but I do think it’s a pretty cool little side note to consider for those of us interested in the greater world-building of FNAF.
We can certainly confirm, if nothing else, that some of the posters and drawings shown in the game version of Into the Pit were real, since they were in some of the canon main games, too, but I think there might also be more to the value of the games’ visuals; obviously, this can’t be said with absolute certainty, and I encourage someone to correct me if I’m wrong on this particular subject, but I think we can reasonably come to the conclusion that the MCI took place in a building that likely looked a lot, if not exactly, like the 1985 version of the building we get to visit in the game version of Into the Pit, back in its heyday. I don’t usually want to put things I’m not 100% certain of in this section, but I think that it matches up pretty well enough with what we know of the place to say that this is a decently accurate depiction — probably, anyway, unless there’s something I’m forgetting about.
Furthermore, this story seems to provide just the tiniest bit more evidence that Foxy had already been temporarily retired in 1985 in preparation of making the failed Toy Foxy that became Mangle, for anyone who was still unclear if the Mangle toy in the FNAF 4 minigames’ Afton house was perhaps meant to be an allusion to the concept of Mangle existing long before 1987, since it’s mentioned in the Into the Pit game (I can’t recall if it was the same in the book) that he wasn’t in use and would be gone for awhile. Although I don’t think Mangle necessarily existed in animatronic form for very long prior to the murders in 1985, and to my knowledge it’s quite possible to choose to just interpret that the 1983 toy we see is just a concept version of it as such, there’s still no reason in particular to doubt that what Into the Pit shows us in regards to this is true, either, as it doesn’t conflict with any known information and rather stands in support of FNAF 4.
The way that Spring Bonnie goes unnoticed by everyone but Oswald in the story is….also interesting; I definitely feel that the intended “cause” of this that the book is playing off of is an illusion disc, and that, from an out-of-universe perspective, this is Scott once again drawing us back to this concept to remind us that it exists, especially since it seems highly likely based on FNAF 4 and UCN that the Nightmare Animatronics were, in fact, the FNAF 1 animatronics effected by illusion discs. (If you’re interested, I recommend checking out GiBi’s long FNAF video here.)
Having the privilege of having listened to a few stories already at the time of writing this, I can say that this is something that is present in at least one other story so far, too, even within the very same book. Just something to note, I suppose.
And then, lastly, we have the general…theme of wills and wishes that seems to keep popping up in most Fazbear Frights stories I’ve read.
I know it’s explicitly stated on the back of this volume that the theme of every main story in Into the Pit delves into exactly that — getting what you wish for, but maybe not in the way you actually imagined it being — but having read as much as I have at the point of re-writing this, I can absolutely say that it runs much deeper than just the one volume. 
The concept of someone’s will being able to shape reality to some extent is such an underlying, intrinsic part of FNAF that it isn’t just Into the Pit or even the Fazbear Frights books as a whole that it permeates — it’s at least the Silver Eyes trilogy, too, with Henry’s pain and sorrow — and even later his anger — over Charlie’s death having the power to essentially bring her back to life in the form of a living doll, through his own tears.  I’m not 100% clear yet on what it is that’s trying to be said here, but I know that something is being said, and I know that it’s important. I do have some theories on what that could be, but I’ll get to those another time. Just…bear that in mind for now.
For now, all that matters is that you understand that it is there. In this story, Oswald wished for something more interesting to happen, and oh boy, did it happen. The inclusion of it in this story may be a little subtle comparatively to some others, but it’s there; it’s supposed to be there.
I know that in his analyses of this volume, GiBi later states that he feels the stated “theme” of it was just tacked on at the last minute to tie these stories together, but believe me, it’s not. There’s an entire story at the beginning of the very next volume that proves that it’s not.
You just have to trust me on this for now. Keep it in mind. It’s important. It’s so important.
And, on one other but similar note, this particular entire book — including Into the Pit, To Be Beautiful, and Count the Ways — for reasons you’ll see going forward as we review each story, definitely also have a theme going on of “Feeling unlovable, unwanted, and like life is meaningless in its current state”…. This will come up eventually in a future post. I promise. Just bear it in mind for now. 
The things I FEEL are True
Okay, now that we’ve talked about the absolute certainties, let’s get a little bit more into the still solid but nonetheless speculative, and the personal interpretations.
There aren’t many things I want to cover in this section today, because, as I’ve said, a lot of the things that Into the Pit talks about are very easily better slotted into the more definitive category, but, there are a few things that I do want to bring up, and some of them are still very important and meaningful — at least to me.
So, without further ado, here are some things that truly seem like they might have some connection to a canon event or phenomenon and could be useful information to take away regarding it:
Starting off with something I don’t personally subscribe to, but I do feel I would be remiss not to mention, for those who believe in the concept that Gregory is an advanced robot of Garret a la the Silver Eyes trilogy, this story does have some evidence maybe towards that idea?
In one of the Bad Endings in Into the Pit’s game adaption, Oswald appears to have been turned into an animatronic, yet still seems to retain his child form? Now, I’m not sure if that was just creative liberty or perhaps just symbolic of how Oswald thinks of himself, as one of the later Fazbear Frights stories also has a similarly described scene in which that is the case, and the boy is actually revealed to be fully transformed and trapped inside of a Freddy animatronic despite it, but either way, I think it’s certainly food for thought and is worth noting.
Again, I don’t personally subscribe to this theory at this time, but not subscribing to something isn’t a good reason to hide that evidence towards it may indeed arguably exist.
And now, saving the most in-depth and (to me) most interesting for last, I…kind of want to talk a little bit about potential parallels here. After listening to several stories by now, something that’s kind of stood out to me is the idea that a lot of these books could actually have something important to say about — or, even when not exactly about, at least possess a strong and important connection to — one of the Aftons or the Emilys.
Obviously, this is going to rely a lot on personal interpretation, and I know there are going to be a lot of people who disagree with me on this, but…to me, I think Into the Pit — and actually its entire book as a whole, minus the Stitchwraith — is actually sharing insight about Michael, and his relationship with his family and with himself.
I know there are plenty of people who probably think that if anyone’s a parallel to Oswald, it’s Garret, and if anyone’s a parallel to To Be Beautiful’s Sarah, it’s Elizabeth, but I couldn’t disagree more; there’s actually very little alike between these characters at all from how we know them in the game’s canon.
I’ll get into explaining my thoughts on To Be Beautiful later when the time comes to discuss that story, but as far as Oswald and game canon Garret, they only really have three common threads, and even then, that’s only if we dig super deep into things: he’s scared of a golden animatronic, he (in the case of Garret, thinks that he) saw something at the Pizzeria that was terrifying, and he has a bully that sometimes bothers him.
One of these connections, too, is also extremely surface-level: while we could at least make the argument that Garret likely thinking he saw a person being eaten by an animatronic when they were being put into a plush mascot costume and growing to fear Fredbear from it has at least some vague similarity to Oswald seeing the Yellow Thing™️ murdering kids and then fearing it, Oswald’s bully is less of an active tormentor in his life (especially in the book, which is the original version of the story), and more just a general, constant annoyance when he goes to school who has no real connection to the rest of his plight — unlike Michael, who is intrinsically connected to the plight that Garret had and what happened to him, and who was a very, very prominent presence in his life. It’s also important to note that, not only are bullies a common issue to come up for children, but in the FNAF series, so are the animatronics doing scary things and killing people, and the main antagonist in the series is famously a golden one, so it’s really not like this is some big smoking gun.
Meanwhile, let’s look at the parallels between Michael and Oswald in the actual main bulk of the plot itself, rather than random attributes: 
While on the whole, Oswald does clearly love and care about his family, he and one particular family member frequently get into arguments and get on each other’s nerves because they are around each other constantly. They consistently misunderstand each other’s intentions at times, in ways that are quite detrimental to their view of each other, and this culminates one night into him deciding to play a cruel prank on that person and scare him, only for that prank to go horribly wrong, resulting in a golden animatronic taking that family member away from him (and, I might add, also a sustained head injury by said family member).
This is already literally the plot of FNAF 4, according to both it and multiple other games, and that’s not even taking into account the more controversial stance I personally take that the main night sections of FNAF 4 are actually William testing out his illusion disc technology on Michael by attaching illusion discs to his FNAF 1 style animatronics and setting them loose in the home a la The Twisted Ones (as supported by UCN), which we can connect again to Into the Pit and Oswald, as Oswald is, after his prank which ultimately took his family member from him, henceforth tormented by a version of Spring Bonnie that is extremely reminiscent of the nightmare animatronics, and has to set out on a journey throughout the rest of his story to right his wrong in whatever way he can, just as Michael dedicates the rest of his life to helping his lost brother and sister and the other lost spirits (which the game adaption of the book connects to further, by having Oswald save several children throughout many nights). It is also interesting to note that the game version choosing to make Oswald’s father one of Michael’s teenage friends also adds yet another connection to Michael and the incident that I suggest Oswald’s story parallels.
Also, Oswald has the exact toys in his room that Michael has in FNAF 4, if we are indeed to assume, as I do, that Michael is the protagonist of FNAF 4.
And not only that, I would also like to draw attention to one specific line Michael canonically wrote in the Security Logbook, when asked to list his favorite characters from movies, books, and television who showed bravery in the face of extreme obstacles, and talk about how he can relate their heroic journeys to his current experiences, he answers, “Clara, from The Immortal and the Restless, because everything about this place is crazy, and nobody seems to notice except me.” This is a direct parallel to how Oswald is stated to feel about his Dad and his current situation numerous times throughout the book, as he is told by everyone around him that everything is normal and no, there is no giant Yellow Rabbit around and his Dad isn’t missing; that is his Dad right there, even as he sees clearly that it is not.
A few people, including Gibi and…also myself, have noticed that a lot of Into the Pit’s dialogue — in the book version especially -- seems to be able to have a double meaning that could be interpreted as a metaphor about child abuse, or abuse in general, and how people can often appear one way in public, but end up entirely another as soon as they are alone with their victim, and no one else can see the monster they really are behind closed doors. 
While I won’t delve into the specifics of that (you can check out Gibi’s video if you’re interested), I do want to speak on how that could symbolism of duality could also pertain to Michael and the life he had with his father. As I’ll get into in a bit (and talk about even further in a future article), Michael out of all of the Afton children did not have the best childhood to begin with, and while I want to make it very clear for reasons pertaining to my personal beliefs that I am not implying that child abuse ever necessarily happened at William’s hand prior to the Bite of ‘83, I do strongly believe that it happened afterward in some shape or form for Michael (which FNAF 4, Sister Location, AND Help Wanted all strongly support in their own ways), and I think that Into the Pit could, in its own way, be seen to be referencing it.
Just…hear me out here. Spring Bonnie taking over Oswald’s Dad’s life after kidnapping him cannot be a coincidence. I mean, just think about it. Sure, maybe Michael and his Dad had their disagreements and troubles prior to the Bite, but it wasn’t until after the Bite of ‘83 that Michael came to see his Dad in a whole new light, because that incident changed his Dad. It made him into something different. Something so twisted by grief and so mangled by resentment for what Michael did that he slowly but surely turned into a monster — a monster that he often became in public only when he was wearing the Spring Bonnie suit, yet a monster that no one else recognized as such. All they saw was William, the loving, grieving father and owner of Fredbear’s who only wanted to make children happy — not the killer who kidnapped and murdered children as Michael would one day find him out to be, and not the man who in one way or another tortured his teenage son for his foolish mistakes at home, as though he wasn’t already being tortured enough by the memory.
In the fictional books, Spring Bonnie may have been pretending to be Oswald’s Dad, but in the real canon FNAF universe, Spring Bonnie was Michael’s Dad, and whether Michael knew it or not for the longest time, he represented everything that was wrong and dark in William.
Okay, so…let’s say it is possible to interpret this as being an intentional parallel to the incident of the Bite of ‘83 and Michael, as I purport; what, then, could the story be trying to tell us about him? What is it trying to get people thinking about that we don’t already know?
Well, firstly, as I said, I believe that every story in this particular Frights book has a strong connection and relevancy to Michael, so I think that the blatant parallel to his situation existing in the opening tale was placed there on purpose to get your attention and get you thinking about all of it, but I do feel it’s also trying to say something about the incident, as well — about part of Michael’s motivation for escalating his pranking towards his brother to the point of the incident which accidentally caused Garret’s death, and a potential glimpse into his general state of mind at the time.
In the book, Oswald had been growing increasingly frustrated with his home situation in general — feeling bored, entirely ignored and abandoned and displaced, and that his father had essentially chosen their entire town and Oswald’s grandma over Oswald himself — when his now-long distance best friend contacted him to coincidentally tell him by contrast how well his own life was going. This led to Oswald and his father getting into a fight in the car on the way to Jeff’s pizza about how much the boy’s life sucked and implying how little he felt his Dad cared about him and his well-being by comparison to everyone else, and once Oswald had been dropped off, this argument was the final straw in making him decide that he was finally going to actually act out in order to force his father to finally, truly acknowledge, put effort in, and show care for him, by hiding in the ballpit and making his dad worry about where he was.
By figuring out the obvious parallels between Michael and Oswald, I feel that we can get a fairly clear and easy picture of what it would say about Michael:
Even if for something of opposite reasons, William and Oswald’s father both would have been very busy with their jobs — with Oswald’s Dad doing it because of their family’s financial troubles, and William doing it because…well, he was a co-owner and crucial worker and performer at a highly successful, award-winning, up-and-coming restaurant and that sort of job is just naturally demanding. 
Combine this with the fact that it’s very clear based on the main games’ canonical lore that Michael was the least favored child of the Aftons in at least Williams’ eyes (no, the Silver Eyes’ lore does not count, as that is an alternate universe story, and, as I will later get into in the post about To Be Beautiful, Elizabeth being ‘unloved’ and/or borderline abused was very clearly not something that carries over from that universe into the games’ lore), and that the (accurately translated) UCN cutscenes very clearly imply that both Michael and Garret were equally suffering in their own ways, yet failed to recognize or turned a blind eye to each other’s pain and took out their frustration on each other in their own ways, and it becomes very clear that Michael’s feelings about his own Dad and his brother were likely the very same that Oswald felt about his Dad and the people around him.
From Oswald’s perspective, his Dad cared more about the town and the inconvenience his grandma would face at having to travel to the next town to visit if they moved than he cared about Oswald and how their current lifestyle was causing him to suffer.
From Michael’s perspective, his Dad cared more about his business (and the town by proxy, as they were the ones bringing in his success) and paying attention to and doting on his other two children than he cared about Michael and how forgotten and sidelined he felt as the oldest sibling.
And just like Oswald had a friend, Ben, from whom he heard about Ben’s ‘better’ life and parents, and whom he complained to about his own, Michael very clearly also had several friends to tell him about their potentially ‘better’ lives and more attentive parents, and whom he likely told about his troubles and how his younger siblings stole the spotlight from him, with Garret being the ‘worst’ culprit of them all, as not only did he prank him back and they got on each other’s nerves from time to time, but he was also William’s ‘favorite’ Afton child.
Putting two and two together, then, it’s fairly clear that the conclusion we come to is, while the two boys did prank each other and annoy each other already, each turning a blind eye to the other’s suffering, it was Michael’s feelings of being the unloved and forgotten child of the family that caused him to start acting out further, believing — like Oswald — that the only way to make his Dad remember he existed was by being a troublemaker (an “any attention is good attention” mindset) until William was finally forced to take notice of him.
That is what, at least according to my own understanding of the novel, I personally believe Into the Pit is trying to say, at least on a deeper level beyond the surface level non-conflicting information, like the year the MCI took place.
Taking it a step further with the William = Oswald’s Dad parallel, we could even say that in a way, Oswald’s Dad preferring in the book to refuse to acknowledge that their dead town was a lost cause and pack up and move on with his family is also a quite interesting and fitting metaphor for William’s later refusal to accept Garret’s death and move forward by focusing on the family and the children that he still had left…
It’s…an interesting thing to think about — how, like with Oswald’s Dad, perhaps if William had just accepted the loss of his son and turned to the family that he still had left, like accepting the dead town and taking the family that Oswald’s Dad had left away, perhaps William might have never done the things that he did; perhaps they might have lived a very happy life, all things considered — although, obviously each would have to grieve what was done. 
Perhaps Michael might have found understanding and not have had to die the horrific death that he did just to feel that he had made up for his mistakes; perhaps Elizabeth would not have to have met her tragic end through her father’s own desperate desire to bring back a child that was already gone, and his failure to look after those that still remained. And, if you believe that Mrs. Afton died, perhaps he would still be with Mrs. Afton to this day, and, she would be alive and happy — or, at least, semi-happy with the family that she had created with him.
However, all that aside, I believe I myself have said all that I wanted to say on the story by now, so I will just leave you with all of these thoughts to ponder on your own time.
Thank you for reading, take care until next time, and I love you all. 💞
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starleska · 11 months ago
a compilation of some of the similarities between Maestro and the Toymaker...i reckon even if it wasn't stated explicitly, we could've guessed the connection 😉
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dtfanzine · 2 years ago
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Have you just found out about this project? Or are you still on the fence about applying?
Are you an artist or a writer (or both) who wants to participate in a fan anthology of David Tennant’s works?
Wait no longer, applications close in one week!
Art by @anaquariusfox and @fritzmetzger.
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paperbackpurgatory · 10 months ago
Midnight Fright (1997)
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A Collection Of Ghost Stories
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fogaminghub · 6 months ago
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🌑✨ Horror enthusiasts, rejoice! ✨🌑  
The latest Dead by Daylight update, Tome 21: Dominus, is here, bringing an epic blend of gothic horror and Castlevania legends! Uncover striking outfits, delve into rich stories, and face off against terrifying challenges. Are you ready to explore the shadows? 👻����  
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horrororman · 8 months ago
🎬Notable films that were released on August 2nd...
#EyesofLauraMars (1978).
#FrightNight (1985).
#Creepers aka #Phenomena (1985)(US).
#WeirdScience (1985).
#BodyParts (1991).
#TheSixthSense (1999)(premiere).
#HollowMan (2000)(premiere).
#TheOthers (2001)(premiere).
#Signs (2002)(US & Canada).
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dapperinsanity · 1 year ago
Before I ask this question, let me just say that this is a genuine ask and that I’m not judging anyone. Anyways, for Springtrap self-shippers! What allured you about Springtrap? /gen
I’m just curious because I’m seeing an uptick of springtrap selfshippers emerging once again from the FNAF fandom. I remember when FNAF 3 came out and all the takes on his personality on the fandom. It was cool.
PS, I’m not talking about William Afrton but rather the animatronic/suit itself.
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berryshipbasket · 2 years ago
"We're in trouble, now.."
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Yet another screenshot edit with Clo and Zilly! Tried to make this one a bit more convincing than the last one
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mimikyu-oli · 1 month ago
Au poll
Which aus would you like it become a futur fic?
Here's the links:
Solitude among others (Lonely Freddy)
Backtracker Nightguard au
The Frights investiguators
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2000scnt · 1 month ago
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Jerry Dandridge X OC Mini Series
Just a small mini series for my fav right now, please enjoy!!
No warnings yet, mild cursing though. Also age difference and uncomfortable situations, just a mild warning, this will become a dirty! :) Also, I imagine Sadie Sink as my OC because I love her!
Young, seventeen-year-old, Zoe Banks, stood beside her best friend as they watched the black and white ball get kicked roughly by raging teenage girls. The air was stale and hot from the Las Vegas desert. They fanned their sweaty faces as their sticky hair stuck to their skin. The green grass made squelching sounds as it was still soggy and wet from the sprinklers the night before. The team of young girls hissed and groaned as they continued practicing, putting every bit or power they had left in their bodies from vigorous training. Another match was coming upon them again and they were determined to be their district best for another year.
Zoe was just as determined. She bit at her bottom lip, it was swollen and cracked, a nasty habit she had of tearing at the sensitive skin. Her blue eyes were shielded by her furrowed auburn brows. They quirked at every unexpected move from the goalie, who had quickly thrown her whole body out to deter another attempt of the others from getting the ball in. As the lead of the team, she needed to make sure they were ready. With one final kick and flip, the ball made it in and the girls cheered. The coach blew her whistle and called it for the afternoon. The sun was on it’s way down and she didn’t want to overwork her team too much. And with all the news of a possible serial killer on the loose? She didn’t want her girls to be the next victim. Zoe sighed and threw her ponytail over her shoulder, her red locks swishing behind her. Frustration bubbled in her throat, she didn’t think it was enough yet.
The team huddled and their coach thanked them and reminded them of a couple of things before dismissing them. Zoe turned to grab her bag off the ground.“Zoe, a word?” Her coach yelled out to her. She halted rather quickly and begrudgingly turned, jogging to her coach. The perky, blonde, aged women put her small hands on her hips. “What is it l’m not doing for you?” She inquired, she couldn’t help but feel Zoe’s constant critique of her. Zoe rolled her eyes and sighed. “What?” She wondered, feigning innocence. The blonde sighed. “Zoe, I can tell, it’s all over your face… you don’t think I’m doing enough.” Zoe kicked her cleats against a small mud puddle causing a small splash. “I’m not saying you don’t know what’s best… I just…” Her coach licked her thin lips and sighed one last time. “Listen, Zoe, I made you team leader for a reason, you’re the best on the team… but my job is to make sure the teams well being comes first.” Zoe shook her head. “I just think more practice would do more for us, to be the best-” “I’m looking for you guys to be perfect, that’s not what this is.” Her coach hugged. “If you’re looking for perfection, you’re never going to make it, Zoe.” Her coach finished. Zoe couldn’t help but squeeze her fists in frustration. “Well, we always have tomorrow. Get some rest, Zoe, you don’t need to the best to do that.” Her coach advised as she gave Zoe a comforting squeeze on her shoulder before walking past her.
Zoe sighed quietly as she stood in the empty field lost in thought. Her competitiveness was just too much for some people, she understood that but what was the point in always discouraging her for it? It was a trend from her coach and sometimes her teammates. They thought of her as bitchy and controlling, but her father always taught her that if you’re not number one, being number two didn’t mean a goddamn thing. The words echoed in her mind with a slight slur from the memory of his voice screaming at her. Shivers spread throughout her pale and freckled arms. The hairs on the back of her neck standing up. The memories were hauntingly fresh for her, even after years.
Zoe finally came back to herself as she realized she was still standing in the field. The voice of her friend reached her ears. She flipped around to see her petite friend, Alia, standing at the edge of the bleachers. Her small body struggled to hold both of their gear and heavy school bags. Zoe smiled and jogged to her. She felt like she was running on water as the puddles splashed against her exposed legs. “Dude, you didn’t need to do that…” She laughed as her friend huffed. “Well, you were too busy daydreaming…” Zoes eyes looked down with a certain glint. Alia furrowed her brows in suspicion. “You’re not thinking about him again?” She wondered. Zoe hesitantly looked back up at her, but thankfully by her friends expression she wasn’t thinking the same thing she was. Zoe vigorously shook her head. “Charley? God, no.” She rolled her eyes, pretending not to care, but now she was reminded of another painful memory. “Good because that guy is a dick who didn’t deserve the all star soccer player in the district AND honor roll student!” Alia mused, seeming like a proud mother.
Zoe laughed and threw her bags over her shoulder. They began to walk from the bleachers to the parking lot as the sun began to set. “Yeah, but that didn’t matter did it?” She sighed as she looked up at the sky. Small stars began to peek out just a little. She loved it when they did that, even when the sun wasn’t fully down they were most eager to shine, just for her. It’s like they couldn’t wait to show the world how beautiful they were. “Hey! Don’t go there…” Alia sighed. “Amy Peterson is nothing but easy.” Zoe shook her head, at least guys wanted her, noticed her. “But you, you’ve got it all.” Alia smiled proudly. Zoe just smiled back, she wished she could agree. She finally reached her car and unlocked it with a quick beep. Zoe was so exhausted she didn’t want to take longer than needed. She threw her stuff on the backseat and gave Alia a tight hug. They said their quick goodbyes and she stood to watch Alia drive away. Zoe liked to be the one to make sure she was okay and on her way before doing the same.
Zoe groaned and walked back to her car. The sun had now gone down fully and the sky was left with a dark blue hue. She hated driving at night, the desert became more active at night. As her grandfather always told her. Because of her orangey and red locks, her grandmother would say she was kissed by the sun and raised by the stars. It always made her shine the brightest. She missed them dearly, the older she got the more she reminisced of them. Especially now that she was under more stress. With soccer and her boyfriend of two years breaking up with her. You could say she was going through it. Zoe closed her eyes shut and took a deep breathe in. She held it for a second before letting her shoulders drop. “Zen, let’s be zen.” She whispered to herself as she reached for the door handle. Although, before she could open the door, she suddenly felt a chill behind her. She quickly turned to look behind her. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness but nothing was there.
Zoe swallowed thickly, maybe it was just the breeze. With urgency she quickly pulled the door open and jumped into the drivers seat. She slammed the door shut and locked it, doing the same with the rest. She felt the adrenaline bubbling in her chest. She hated how much of scaredy cat she was sometimes. Zoe took a couple of labored breaths before attempting to start her car. The car made an odd guttural sound as she turned the key letting it click and click. But the car refused to start. “What the hell…” Zoe mumbled as she let the car rest. She grabbed onto the wheel and rested her forehead against it. She never had problems with her car and thankfully her dad was always keeping up with the maintenance on it. She had no idea what could’ve caused the sudden death of her car. “Please this can’t be the end of the road for us.” She mumbled as she frowned.
Zoe looked around her, the sun was now completely gone and the street lamps had turned on. The streets going out towards the desert were pitch black and it made her stomach curl inward. Her house was that way and a couple of miles of darkness her worst nightmare. She never drove this late and alone, her parents never allowed it. Sighing, Zoe pulled out her phone and began to dial her parents. She brought it up to her ear as it rung. She curiously looked around her car to make sure no one was creeping up on her, she was always paranoid. Thankfully, once again she was greeted with nothing. Zoe bit on her nail as the phone continued to ring, unfortunately, no one answered and she was met with the answering machine. “Shit.” She cursed as she hung up and threw her phone on the passenger seat. She would have called Alia but she was most likely on her way to pick up her mom from the bus stop. Her mother would work on the strip but seeing as it was only them two, they had one car.
Alias mother put a lot of responsibility on the young girl, Zoe always felt bad and would try to help them as much as she could when Alia needed it. Sometimes her mother was too prideful on not excepting help but Alia was always thankful. Zoe struggled with herself in thought, she was stranded and really needed assistance but she couldn’t ask Alia of this much. Besides what would she do? It’s not like she knew anything about cars. Zoe didn’t want to inconvenience them either, her mom was most likely exhausted from work and just wanted to be home. Deciding not to bother them, Zoe grabbed her phone and texted her parents notifying them of the situation. Her dad did work late all the time and her mom would spend afternoons with her grandma who lived alone, so she guessed she was still doing that and hadn’t gotten home yet.
Zoe sighed and put her phone down again. So far she was okay, she would just wait it out for now and try to start it again. She rested her head against the seat and got cozy in her seat. “God, I’m so fucking tired.” She groaned as she closed her eyes. She stretched her legs out as much as possible as they began to ache even more. “Might as well get comfortable…” Zoe whispered to herself as she hugged herself. “This might take a while…” She mumbled one last time before drifting to sleep.
Suddenly, Zoe was jolted awake. She jumped out of her seat and looked around like a crazed maniac. “Where am I?” She stressed as her memory was foggy. The nap must’ve been real good considering she couldn’t remember where or who she was for a second. “Oh my god.” She hissed as she rubbed at her raging headache. Her neck was sore as well making her groan. The thought of the time hit her, she hurriedly grabbed her phone and was beyond shocked to see it was 2:37 Am. Zoe realized she’d been asleep in the school parking lot for 7 hours and her parents were going to kill her. “OH FUCK! Fuck fuck fuck!” She cursed as she pulled at the roots of her red hair. She quickly dialed for her parents ignoring the thousands of calls and messages she had gotten. It rang only twice and she heard her mother’s worried voice on the other side.
Zoe bit her lip as she was about to get chewed out. “Zoe! Zoe where in gods name are you baby? We’ve been worried SICK! This is completely unacceptable! We understand, you’re a teenager, you want to party and go out and be irresponsible. BUT to do this to your father and I! I cannot believe you’d have us worried sick about you!” Zoe shook her confusion. “Mom, mom, slow down! What are you talking about?” She was beyond confused now. “I sent a text message to you guys telling you what happened and where I was?” At least she thought she did. “We didn’t get-” Zoe brought the phone down from her ear to see her screen had gone black and was not signaling it was dead and needed to be charged. “FUCK!” Zoe screamed and threw her phone against the dashboard causing it to bounce and land on the floor.
Zoe’s chest heaved with anger and frustration. What was this situation? She was beyond done. What the fuck was going on? She tried starting the car again but unfortunately it was the same situation. She was hoping she’d get lucky but she just wasn’t the lucky type. She punched her wheel in anger. Zoe sat still for a moment deciding on what was the best option, she thought she had messaged her parents but she was guessing due to her poor cell service, it just didn’t make it all the way the way through. “Fuck this hellhole!” She hissed as she looked out to her right to see the faraway twinkling lights of the strip. The city that never slept. Zoe shook her head and threw her hands in the air. “Fuck it.” She sighed before grabbing her bag and phone. If she started walking now, she could make it home in two hours, in the pitch black desert.
The thought of it absolutely killed her but she didn’t want to stay in the car for another second and she could feel her stomach begging for sustenance. “You can do this.” She reassured herself as she got out and locked her car with her keys. It beeped loudly, making her jump slightly. She was already being so jumpy, she couldn’t have that, she hadn’t even walked into the desert and already she was being dramatic. If people in the 1800’s could walk into the desert or travel by donkey without any kind of light but the moon, then she could man up and do the same. She bid farewell to her car for now and began to walk. She could see the path of yellow streetlights lighting the street and sidewalk for her, almost like her own yellow brick road. Think happy thoughts, she told herself as the summer breeze tickled at her exposed legs and arms.
Her legs were sore but the nice walk was helping the knots. She bit her lip anxiously as she walked along the empty street, at this moment she really wished her parents had moved closer to the school. Living in Las Vegas suburbia, the neighborhoods were all their own colonies spread out in the desert. And each of them were pretty far out from civilization. Her parents also had to choose the farthest from her school unfortunately. Zoe sighed as she kicked a rock on the ground, even if she was still dating Charley, he wouldn’t have been able to help considering he didn’t have a car. She remembered having to pick him from school and dropping him off. She didn’t mind it but now that she thought about it, she did a lot more in the relationship. Well good, she didn’t have to worry about it anymore now that Amy was now his personal chauffeur. What a joke.
Zoe shook her head and laughed to herself. “Stop thinking about him…” She whispered to herself. She wished she had some music to distract her. She looked out and up to the stars as the twinkling helped her take her mind off things. Suddenly, Zoe fell face first onto the ground. She screamed in pain as she hit her knees. She tried putting her hands out in front of her but it wasn’t enough cushion. She hissed as she slowly lifted herself and fell back onto her back. She brought her hands up to see they were cut with small rocks clinging to her skin. “Oh fuck.” She gasped. They were sharp and still embedded in the wound, she’d have to pull them out. She couldn’t help but wonder why this was the worst night of her life. Before doing so, she had to assess the damage done to her legs, she could feel the immense stinging.
Zoe took a deep breath and slowly sat up. She looked down at her legs to see one long gash on one leg and shredded skin on the other. She covered her mouth in fear, she’d never been hurt this bad before. She didn’t know what to do as blood dripped from the gash. She wondered if she could even walk like this anymore. “What the hell is happening?” She yelled out in frustration. Refusing to feel sorry for herself though, she knew she needed to get up and keep walking. “I refuse to be food for the coyotes.” She hissed as she zipped open her backpack and pulled out a dirty sock. “This will do.” She quickly wrapped it around her leg and tied it tight without thinking of the pain she was feeling. Then she moved to her arms, she pulled out the sharp rocks, thankfully they were small cuts, no major injury. She threw them to desert with hate. She looked at the sidewalk to see that her cause was a part of the sidewalk sticking up off the ground. “Are you fucking kidding me.” She hissed, that was a major danger, that could cost someone’s life. “God, I hate it here.” She hissed as she cautiously lifted herself off the ground.
It was a struggle but at least Zoe was able to stand up straight. She began walking slowly, each step was a pain but all she could do was swallow it down. She wondered what time it was now, closer to 4 am probably. At least she got her hours of sleep for the night, so school won’t be such a pain. She limped down the road for a couple of blocks making sure to pay attention to where she stepped. She noticed the sock was now becoming soaked through with blood, she didn’t think she was bleeding that bad before but maybe the walking wasn’t helping at all. She couldn’t help but feel worried. “I gotta hurry up…” She warned as she began to speed up. Then came the sound of an engine coming down the road behind Zoe. She became hyper aware of her surroundings as the car grew closer and closer.
When the car finally reached her it stopped on the side of the road. She gulped, she hoped they hadn’t noticed her but that was reaching for the stars. Who wouldn’t stop when seeing an obviously injured person at 4 AM in the desert. She stopped and hesitantly turned to look at them. It was a light grey pickup truck. No one had gotten out yet and Zoe quirked a brow in wonder. In that moment, the car door opened and a man hopped out. He was wearing dark wash jeans and a grey short sleeved top. His physique was tall and muscular. His shirt fit way too nicely, even the shadows he looked good. His work boots clunked against the road as he walked towards Zoe. He didn’t appear cautious at all, she could’ve been a serial killer for all he knew. But considering their size difference, he probably saw her as no threat. She could barely see his face until he walked into the light of the street lamp. Zoe couldn’t help but stop breathing, he was beautiful.
He had a James Dean look about him, his hair was slicked back but with some coming loose form the corners of his forehead and falling over his eyes. Now his eyes, they were dark and entrancing, almost primal as they looked her up and down. His bushy brows were just as dark and added to his appeal. He licked his full bottom lip before he spoke. “Hey, are you okay? What are you doing out here?” He questioned her, his voice low but soothing. Zoe just stood frozen with no response. He brought his hands to his waist holding them there as he looked around them carefully. Zoe bit her lip as his arms flexed showing their strength. The way his large veiny hands held onto his leather belt made her mind sway. But realizing she was drooling for an obviously older man right in front of him like a young dumb schoolgirl was embarrassing. She wanted him to think she was mature, not that that should matter.
Zoe cleared her throat. “I’m-I’m sorry um, I’m stranded.” The man turned to her and smiled dazzlingly, his teeth were sharp and it gave Zoe a menacing feeling in her chest. “Is that so?” She just nodded hesitantly. “What happened here?” He questioned as he grabbed her frail arm exposing the cuts on the underside. Zoe gasped and pulled back her arm, holding it her chest. He stepped back throwing his hands in the air. She looked at him with sharp eyes, warning him to not make another move. He looked into her crystal blue eyes that suddenly turned dark, he was intrigued with her beauty. Even under the yellow of the light she seemed to glow brighter than it. Her reddish copper curls were wild as it trailed down her back. Her pale skin was definitely odd since she lived in a desert city. Her angelic oval face gave her an innocent look, including her youthful cheeks and small freckles that painted her face. Her small pouty lips trembled as she looked at him in confusion. Now her eyes, her eyes were beyond beauty, they were ethereal. Her long blonde lashes seemed to blend in with her crystal blue eyes. He couldn’t help but feel entranced by the young girl who stood in front of him.
Zoe watched in confusion and slight fear as the man stood there just looking at her. She felt like she was creature from Area 51 that had escaped and he had found her. Was there something on her face? Or did her fall really have her looking that much of a mess? She unconsciously looked down at her feet to avoid his stare. When he noticed this, he cleared his throat and his mind. “How about I help you out here? That cut looks… really bad.” He reasoned while licking his lips again. Zoe looked at her leg and noticed that the sock was now completely red and blood had now dripped down her leg and into her shoe. “Oh fuck!” She cursed as she looked up at him with wide eyes. “Should I call 911?? I’ve never bled this much!” She panicked. The man smiled at her childish behavior, it brought back memories. “Oh god, I’m feeling kind queasy, I don’t really like seeing THAT MUCH blood.” Zoe cried as she brought a cold hand to her sweaty forehead. “Let me help.” The man whispered to her.
Zoe was still cautious of the beautiful man, she would think living in this area she’d recognize him especially with that face and living in a small area. Maybe he was just driving through or lived in the city. But considering her situation and if he were a serial killer, she’s not really in the best position to try anything. After some consideration, she gave in and hesitantly nodded. The man carefully put her arm over his shoulder and helped her limp to his car. Zoe couldn’t help but breath him in, he smelled freshly moved grass and cedar, there was an odd metallic undertone but she couldn’t tell if that was coming from him or her. She ignored it as she looked down at her waist to see his hand holding her up, he was so big compared to her she could just melt into his arms. Her eyes frantically looked away. Finally, they reached his truck and he opened it smoothly, he helped her step up into the truck and seat her onto the chair. Zoe hissed in pain as she stretched out her bleeding leg. She noticed some of it had dripped onto his car floor already. “I’m so sorry.” She mumbled in embarrassment.
The man just smiled again. “It’s alright, gorgeous.” He winked before shutting the door and swiftly walking around the car. When he turned to look at her he noticed she had turned a bright red. He smirked to himself as he started the car. “What’s wrong? Never been called gorgeous before?” Zoe scoffed and laughed. “Just never been complimented before…” She mumbled, slightly sad at the truth, although, she was freaking out on the inside that this gorgeous man was calling her anything. “That can’t be true, what about your boyfriend?” He questioned feigning innocence. Zoe frowned. “Um… I don’t have one, I mean I did… but it wasn’t like that kind of relationship.” She sighed as she played with her fingers. He shook his head and tightened his grasp on the steering wheel, for some reason, he couldn’t stand the thought that some guy had her and didn’t even bother appreciating her. Zoe looked up at the sound of his leather wristcuff stretching from him squeezing his fist too hard. She tried looking at the small emblem that was on it, she couldn’t recognize it but it was definitely different. She wondered what it meant.
Suddenly, he released his closed fist and let his fingers stretch out, relaxing. “What kind of relationship was it then?” He asked. Zoe looked at the side of his face, his nose was upturned and perfectly pointy at the end. He looked upset at the moment, with his eyes squinting and his brows furrowed, his nose flared as he grinned his jaw. Zoe couldn’t think what he was thinking and why he was suddenly upset. “Um… the kind where one obviously liked the other more.” She whispered the end, hating that that was the reality. She had liked him since middle school. They were friends for a while and when she confessed to him sophomore year he asked her to be his girlfriend, he then used her for two years and then broke up with her the beginning of senior year. She later found out that a week later he was seen with Amy Peterson, the hottest girl in school. She hadn’t really dwelled on it for months now but it was hitting her like a wall all over again. She wished it was just a phase he was going through considering he dropped his closest friends at the same time, but reflecting back on their relationship, she guessed maybe it was her.
Zoe’s eyes began to water as she looked away to look out the window, to the dark mountains that casted shadows over the moonlit desert. It was definitely beautiful she could never deny that. “Well, he was an idiot.” The man hissed as the car sped up. Zoe bit her lip and sniffled. “Yeah, maybe.” She whispered, more to herself. She quickly wiped her nose and looked back at him. “I live a couple of blocks down the road here, on 5th St.” She guided him. “I live the same way, two blocks before that actually.” Zoe furrowed a brow in thought. Now she would’ve definitely recognized him because Charley lived two blocks away from her house. “Wait, did you move into the vacant house that’s on 3rd street and fountain drive?” He nodded. Wow, the world is really too damn small in Vegas. She shifted in her seat attempting to hide her laugh. He looked at her curiously and couldn’t help smiling at the melodic sound of her laugh and her pretty smile.
Zoe shook her head and looked at him. “That’s just so funny. My ex, Charley Brewster is your next door neighbor.” She laughed as she brushed her fingers through her wavy curls. The man couldn’t help but grin, good thing the world truly is small. “That’s just my luck…” Zoe sighed. “By the way, thank you so much for helping me.” She smiled at him. “No problem, if anything meeting you has made my night.” He winked. Zoe softly nodded and looked away, not knowing how to react. “What’s your name?” He questioned. “It’s Zoe.” She responded, rather quickly. He just nodded and softly repeated it to himself. “A-and yours?” She mumbled. “Jerry.” Zoe nodded, she definitely didn’t take him for a Jerry. She expected something like Adam, John, or Colin. Jerry was so… simple and boring for a man who definitely didn’t look simple. He looked like he had fallen from heaven, but so dark and mysterious.
Zoe couldn’t help but get lost in thought, his voice bringing her back to reality. “How about this? You’re bleeding pretty badly, how about I patch you up at my place and then take you home?” Zoe shyly looked at him then away. She chewed at her lip harshly in deep thought. Should she trust this stranger or not? He did potentially save her life tonight, but who knew what plans he had for her? But if anything were to happen, Charley lived right next door. Life or death calls for desperate matters. Besides, she was was bleeding too much and she was starting to feel even more lightheaded than before. She didn’t want to worry her parents but getting home in this state would give her mom a heart attack. Zoe looked up at him again and slowly nodded her head. “Okay, sure.” She mumbled. Jerry grinned and sped up the car.
Zoe couldn’t help but feel a slight ache in her stomach when she noticed his canines looked abnormally larger. She furrowed her brows and blinked a couple of times. When she focused them again, they were back to normal. He turned to her when feeling her stare, looking concerned. Zoe just nervously smiled in response and quickly looked away. “Shit, I must be losing more blood than I thought.” She whispered to herself as she held her head. The night was going to be much longer than she’d like.
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linklethehistorian · 4 months ago
Lonely Freddy has absorbed every part of my being and y’all have no literally no idea how excited I am to get to that point in my Fazbear Frights & Lore Insights posts, I swear to God.
It adds SO much fucking context to pre-FNAF 4 and I am melting into a puddle of sorrow every moment I don’t get to talk about it.
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niche-artist · 11 months ago
Not a new chapter, Just a rewrite, I Feel better after rewriting this, it’s not TOO much a difference but adds more detail and better grammar using an online grammar fixer thingo. It also adds a tad bit more personality.
I’m tired I finished at 2 am aaaaa, will be rewriting the next chapter later and hopefully progressing with the story in mind
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shortnasties · 5 months ago
3014. Haunted House Story
This is "Haunted House Story." Do you have one?
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There was a house where I grew up that displayed in its front window a spotlit portrait of Ronald Reagan.
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englewoodafterdark · 3 months ago
Silent Fright: Twelve Days
As the season winds down, we have a spooky treat for you! Twelve Days is part of Athan's (The Grotto) Silent Fright winter horror anthology. Included in the anthology are creations by a bunch of cool people!
Check us out here:
You can check out the other entries made by our friends here:
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schlock-luster-video · 6 months ago
Remembering cult cinema icon Roddy McDowall on the anniversary of his death.
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R.I.P. (1928 - 1998)
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swampgh0stt · 6 months ago
yeah, so. They wanna do a show about the Fazbear Frights series... that means they're gonna do In The Flesh, right? Someone's gotta be Matt, right???
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