#Francesco Di Stefano
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blue + art
#artist is claude monet#artist is montague dawnson#cant find artist#artist is pablo picasso#artist is carl bille#artist is thomas hudson#artist is lenoardo da vinci#artist is jan van eyck#artist is giovanni battista tiepolo#-artist is jan van eyck#i know its from a portrait of madame de pomadour but cant find the artist#starry night by van gogh#-artist is pablo picasso#artist is francesco di stefano posellino#artist is dante gabriel rossetti#artist is anne redpath#artist is john everett#--artist is john white alexander#artist is claudia williams#artist is girolamo genga#unknown artist#artist is pablo picasso-#artist is marc chagall#artist is claude monet-#artist is henri matisse#artist is vassily kandinsky#artist is mary cassatt#artist is lin fengmian#artist is thomas gainsborough#art
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Joker, the Man Who Stopped Laughing - Vol 2
#the joker#dc#dc comics#matthew rosenberg#ryan cady#carmine di giandomenico#will robson#francesco francavilla#stefano raffaele
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L'ultima notte di Amore (2022), dir. Andrea Di Stefano
A police lieutenant named Franco Amore on the night before his retirement is called to investigate a crime scene where his best friend and long-time partner Dino has been killed during a diamond heist.
#last night of amore#L'ultima notte di Amore#Andrea Di Stefano#trailer#Pierfrancesco Favino#Linda Caridi#Antonio Gerardi#Francesco Di Leva#cinema#q#Youtube
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Studi / Nel Paleolitico superiore gli adolescenti raggiungevano la pubertà prima di quanto si pensasse
ARCHEOLOGIA Studi / Nel Paleolitico superiore gli adolescenti raggiungevano la pubertà prima di quanto si pensasse. Alla ricerca ha partecipato l'Università di Siena. Leggi l'articolo su Storie & Archeostorie
Redazione L’infanzia e l’adolescenza sono due fasi della storia della vita che sono uniche per gli esseri umani e risultano significativamente più lunghe nel corso della vita umana rispetto a quella di altri primati. Diversi studi recenti hanno approfondito la conoscenza dell’infanzia nel Paleolitico superiore (fra i 40.000 e i 10.000 anni fa circa), mentre l’adolescenza in questo periodo rimane…
#archeologia#Francesco Boschin#Gargano#Grotta Paglicci#Italia#Journal of Human Evolution#notizie#paleolitico#Paleolitico superiore europeo#Preistoria#pubertà#Repubblica Ceca#Russia#scoperte#Stefano Ricci#studi#Università di Siena
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Falsi incidenti per truffare le assicurazioni, 23 condanne in appello
Sono 23 le condanne in corte d’appello per i coinvolti nell’operazione di carabinieri e polizia municipale denominata “Tris”. L’inchiesta è partita nel 2011 e ha permesso di sgominare una banda che organizzava falsi incidenti stradali con lo scopo di truffare le assicurazioni. Le indagini, iniziate da un episodio accaduto nel 2010, hanno fatto luce su ben quaranta sinistri simulati. Un risultato…
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#adriano d&039;angelo#Ahmed Mouhoub#Angelo Scopelliti#antonina lui#Antonino Cucinotta#Antonino Celona#Antonio Pesco#Arcangelo Settimo#Carmela Alaimo#Carmelo Muscolino#Elisa Di Lauro#Francesco Bonazinga#Gaetano Molino#Giacomo Lo Surdo#Giovanni Ferrara#Giovanni Muscolino#Giuseppa D’Angelo#Giuseppe Gangemi#Lorenzo Donato#Maria Concetta Totaro#Mauro D&039;Angelo#Nicola Girasella#Pasquale Di Stefano#Saghir Mouhoub#Said Mouhoub#Salvatore Russo#Sebastiano Visalli#Stefano Ingegnere#Tindaro Nicola Basile#Umberto Di Blasi
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oggi, 23 luglio, su radio onda rossa, alle ore 14: "fahrenheit 451", di ray bradbury, della compagnia lacasadargilla
Tutta Scena Teatro ★ Radio Onda Rossa 87.9 fm martedì 23 luglio 2024 ore 14 la compagnia lacasadargilla presenta ● FAHRENHEIT 451 di Ray Bradbury regia Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli e Alessandro Ferroni adattamento Roberto Scarpetti drammaturgia musicale Gianluca Ruggeri disegno sonoro Pasquale Citera voci di: Arianna Gaudio, Silvio Impegnoso, Fortunato Leccese, Anna Mallamaci, Emiliano Masala, Giulia…
#Alessandro Ferroni#Alice Palazzi#Anna Mallamaci#Arianna Gaudio#Carol Di Vito#Caterina Piotti#Emiliano Masala#Fahrenheit 451#ffffff#Fortunato Leccese#Francesco Cecchi Aglietti#Gianfranco Vozza#Gianluca Ruggeri#Giulia Mazzarino#Ivano Guagnelli#lacasadargilla#Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli#Martina Massaro#Matteo Finamore#Pasquale Citera#radio#Radio Onda Rossa#Ray Bradbury#Roberto Scarpetti#Silvio Impegnoso#Stefano Scialanga#Tutta Scena Teatro
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Video. Luigi Casalini: Un bilancio del Traditionis Custodes tre anni dopo
Il 16 luglio del 2021, festa di Nostra Signora del Monte Carmelo, arrivò una brutta notizia dalla Santa Sede: papa Francesco promulgava il motu proprio “Traditionis Custodes” che abrogava il motu proprio “Summorum Pontificum” di Benedetto XVI. Tre anni dopo la guerra ideologica alla “Messa in latino” continua.
#Apostasia#Arthur Roche#Bergoglio#cattivi maestri#falsi profeti#fumo di satana#idiozie clericali#papa Francesco#sedicenti cattolici#spirito del concilio#Stefano Violi#Summorum pontificum#Traditiones custodes
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Il Tempo e le Anime (A mio padre e a mia madre) - Parte terza
Sotto la scorza scabra, mio babbo racchiudeva una polpa di intenso sapore con un retrogusto ben più forte di questo eppure avvertibile solo dai palati più fini; io bambino non potei quindi capire appieno chi fosse, né quel che effettivamente accadeva intorno ovvero nella nostra casa, parendomi naturale ciò che per la maggior parte degli adulti sarebbe stata, invece, fonte o di meraviglia o di…
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#Abbazia di Santo Stefano#Babbo#Borgo delle Casse#Chiesa di San Francesco#Cinema Bios#Kaiser Guglielmo#Mercato di Mezzo#Osteria del Sole#Prima Guerra Mondiale#Riccardo#Sancta Jerusalem#Via del Poggiale#Via Santa Caterina#Zar Nicola
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Pinacoteca fantastica - Poesie di Stefano Mura - Fefè Editore
Pinacoteca fantastica Poesie di Stefano Mura Con Testi di Rossana Buono e Francesco Muzzioli Fefè editore Questa raccolta di poesie è anche l’itinerario in un museo d’arte: quadri, sculture, fotografie, installazioni, tutte inequivocabilmente false. Sono opere fantastiche, inventate, in cui anche i nomi degli autori sono di fantasia, distorsioni o anagrammi di artisti famosi. Perché perdersi in…
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#collana fra(m)menti#Con Testi di Rossana Buono e Francesco Muzzioli#Fefè Editore#Francesco Muzzioli#Pinacoteca fantastica#Poesie di Stefano Mura#Rossana Buono#Stefano Mura
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[Sensi migranti][Stefano Candellieri][Davide Favero]
L’obiettivo delle giornate di studio/performance è stato quello di sensibilizzare e aumentare la conoscenza/competenza dei partecipanti relativamente ai fenomeni di indebolimento identitario, nel senso che dà Vattimo al termine, fenomeni sempre più riscon
Susan Sontag con Note su “Camp”, Gender Trouble di Judith Butler, la Teoria Queer con le sue sfide all��identità di genere, il lavoro decostruzionista di Derrida, poststrutturalista di Foucault e soprattutto quello semioanalitico di Kristeva sono stati gli assi culturali portanti in cui si sono inscritte le giornate di studio. Si è cercato di porre in comunicazione la metapsicologia junghiana,…
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#2023#Adriano Cacciola#Atti del Convegno Ibridazioni e Contaminazioni#Carola Palazzi Trivelli#Caterina Vezzoli#Chiara La Torre#Chiara Lombardi#Davide Favero#Fabio Giudice#Felice Cardone#Francesca Vecchioni#Francesco La Rosa#Francesco Remotti#gender#Gianfranco Marrone#Gloria Vona#Italia#Laura Molinar Roet#Le identità del contemporaneo#Livia Di Stefano#Maria Laura Trifilò#Maria Teresa Marina Giaveri#Michela Fiore#Moretti & Vitali#Nicla Vassallo#nonfiction#psicologia#Rita Ingrassia#Roberto Patanè#Saggi
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" «Con la cultura non si mangia» ha dichiarato […] Tremonti il 14 ottobre 2010. Poi, non contento, ha aggiunto: «Di cultura non si vive, vado alla buvette a farmi un panino alla cultura, e comincio dalla Divina Commedia». Che umorista. Che statista. Meno male che c’è gente come lui, che pensa ai sacrosanti danè. E infatti, con assoluta coerenza, Tremonti ha tagliato un miliardo e mezzo di euro alle università e otto miliardi alla scuola di primo e secondo livello, per non parlare del Fus, il Fondo unico per lo spettacolo e altre inutili istituzioni consimili. Meno male. Sennò, signora mia, dove saremmo andati a finire?
In questi ultimi anni, però, l’ex socialista Tremonti non è stato il solo uomo politico a pronunciarsi sui rapporti tra cultura ed economia. Per esempio, l’ex ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali, Maurizio Sacconi, ha sostenuto che per i laureati non c’è mercato e che la colpa della disoccupazione giovanile è dei genitori che vogliono i figli dottori invece che artigiani. Sapesse, contessa… E il filosofo estetico Stefano Zecchi, in servizio permanente effettivo nel centrodestra, ha chiuso in bellezza, come del resto gli compete per questioni professionali: ha detto che in Italia i laureati sono troppi. Insomma, non c’è dubbio che la destra italiana abbia sposato la cultura della non cultura e (chissà?) magari già immagina un ritorno al tempo dell'imperatore Costantino, quando la mobilità sociale fu bloccata per legge e ai figli era concesso fare solo il lavoro dei padri. (Non lo sapeva, professor Sacconi? Potrebbe essere un’idea…) E la sinistra o come diavolo si chiama adesso? Parole, parole, parole. Non c’è uno dei suoi esponenti che, dal governo o dall'opposizione, non abbia fatto intensi e pomposi proclami sull'importanza della cultura, dell'innovazione, dell'istruzione, della formazione, della ricerca e via di questo passo, ma poi, stringi stringi, non ce n’è stato uno (be’, non esageriamo: magari qualcuno c’è stato…) che non abbia tagliato i fondi alla cultura, all'innovazione, all'istruzione, alla formazione, alla ricerca e via di questo passo. Per esempio, nel programma di governo dell'Unione per il 2006 si diceva: «Il nostro Paese possiede un’inestimabile ricchezza culturale che in una società postindustriale può diventare la fonte primaria di una crescita sociale ed economica diffusa. La cultura è un fattore fondamentale di coesione e di integrazione sociale. Le attività culturali stimolano l’economia e le attività produttive: il loro indotto aumenta gli scambi, il reddito, l’occupazione. Un indotto che, per qualità e dimensioni, non è conseguibile con altre attività: la cultura è una fonte unica e irripetibile di sviluppo economico». Magnifico, no? Poi l’Unione (o come diavolo si chiamava allora) vinse le elezioni e andò al governo. La prima legge finanziaria, quella per il 2007, tagliò di trecento milioni i fondi per le università. Bel colpo. Ci furono minacce di dimissioni del ministro per l’Università e la Ricerca, Fabio Mussi. Ma le minacce non servirono. Tant’è che, nella successiva legge di bilancio, furono sottratti altri trenta milioni dal capitolo università a favore… degli autotrasportatori. E inoltre, come scrivono Francesco Sylos Labini e Stefano Zapperi, nel 2006 con il governo Prodi «c’è stato un calo del trenta per cento circa dei finanziamenti, cosicché il già non generoso sostegno alla ricerca di base è diminuito, da circa centotrenta a poco più di ottanta milioni di euro, proprio nel periodo in cui al governo si è insediato lo schieramento politico che, almeno a parole, ha sempre manifestato un grande interesse per la ricerca». Certo, dopo quanto avevano scritto nel programma, non sarebbe stato chic e «progressista» avere la faccia tosta di dire che bisognava sottrarre risorse alla scuola e all'università, e allora non l’hanno detto. Però l’hanno fatto, eccome. "
Bruno Arpaia e Pietro Greco, La cultura si mangia, Guanda (collana Le Fenici Rosse), 2013¹ [Libro elettronico]
#Bruno Arpaia#Pietro Greco#La cultura si mangia#saggistica#intellettuali italiani#economia#Giulio Tremonti#industria culturale#scritti saggistici#produzione creativa#libri#Italia contemporanea#scuola#ricerca scientifica#educazione#economia della conoscenza#artigianato#formazione#Maurizio Sacconi#Stefano Zecchi#centrodestra#centrosinistra#Fabio Mussi#Francesco Sylos Labini#Stefano Zapperi#Romano Prodi#Fondo unico per lo spettacolo#Divina Commedia#lavoro#società italiana
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Happy 37th birthday to Pierre Casiraghi!
Born on 5 September 1987, Pierre Rainier Stefano Casiraghi is the youngest child of Caroline, Princess of Hanover, and her second husband, Stefano Casiraghi, a grandson to Prince
Rainier Ill of Monaco and Grace Kelly and a nephew o Prince Albert II. Pierre is currently eighth in the line of succession to the Monegasque throne.
Pierre married journalist Beatrice Borromeo in a civil ceremony on 25 July 2015 in the gardens of the Prince's Palace of Monaco. The religious ceremony took place on Isolino di San Giovanni on 1 August 2015. The couple has two children: Stefano (7) and Francesco (6).
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based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … November 12
1660 – Cardinal Francesco Maria de' Medici, was born in Florence, the son of Grand duke Ferdinando II of Tuscany and Vittoria Della Rovere (d.1711).
In 1683 he was appointed to governor of Siena, a position he maintained until his death. He was the grand prior of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Pisa; Abbot commendatario of S. Galgano, Siena; Abbot commendatario of S. Stefano, Carrara, 1675.
According to a family tradition was promoted to the cardinalate at a young age in 1686. He remained in Florence, in his villa of Lappeggi, devoting himself to a life not really religious, made of amusements and love affairs with men.
He resigned the cardinalate on June 19, 1709 and was named prince of Siena. He then was forced to marry in 1709 Eleonore Luisa Gonzaga, duchess of Guastalla, daughter of Vincenzo Gonzaga, in an attempt to save the dynasty, but they did not have children.
1679 – Sweden: Lisabetha Olsdotter is convicted of abandoning her husband and children, becoming a soldier, and marrying a woman. She is accused of “mutilating” her gender and mocking God. She is executed by decapitation.
1746 – Jacques Charles (d.1823) was a French mathematician and inventor, best known for his work with the hydrogen balloon.
Jacques was the only child of his parents. Jacques' education consisted of basic arithmetic , and no science at all. Other than this almost nothing is known about his earlier years.
Late in life Jacques married a creole woman, Julie Françoise Bouchaud des Hérettes, who was 37 years younger than himself. Many historians believe that his marriage was a cover up for his homosexual relationship with the poet, Alphonse de Lamartine.
In 1785 Charles became a professor at the French Académie des Sciences without having any formal science education himself.
Without Charles's contributions, the Hindenburg would not have even existed, so that accident would not have occurred, and we wouldn't have the one-way valve, or at least until someone else came up for the idea after Charles did.
Most notably Jacques Charles is known for the Hydrogen balloon which he built with the Robert Brothers. Jacques originally got the idea for using hydrogen gas as a lifting agent after intensive study of Boyle's Law. Previous to the use of hydrogen gas, hot air was used to make balloons fly.
Charles also is known for the invention of the gas valve, which he used on his hydrogen balloons, the hydrometer, and the reflection goniometer. He improved the heilostat and the arometer. Charles also confirmed Benjamin Franklin's electrical experiments. Charles is also responsible for Charles's Law, but did not publish it. It was published by Joseph Gay-Lussac in 1802, and Joseph named it in Charles's honor, crediting an unpublished work by Jacques Charles.
Jacques Charles outlived his young wife, and later died himself April 7, 1823 in Paris.
1915 – Roland Barthes (d.1980), a French semanticist, symbolist, and philosopher, like André Gide and Marcel Proust, two of his favorite writers, was somewhat of an outsider. He was Protestant. (France is predominantly Catholic.) He was left-handed. (France is, of course, predominantly right-handed.) He was déclassé. (Barthes's father, a naval officer, died in the First World War, and his mother had to work as a bookbinder.) He was consumptive. (Barthes spent several years in sanatoria.) And he was expatriate. (Barthes spent the 1950s in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, working for cultural services.) He was also, like Proust, (if not like Gide, who saw himself as a pederast), a homosexual.
Barthes's critical writings are best understood in relation to this sexual marginality. Because Barthes sees homosexuality, and for that matter any transgressive and eccentric "perversion," as unclassifiable, he rejects the classification "inversion" as inaccurate—a notion that will come as a surprise to gays and lesbians who see themselves as "inverts."
Oddly enough, Barthes does not reject every gay male stereotype. Barthes rejects sexual inversion, but embraces "tricking" and "cruising," activities that he claims represent true sexual liberation. (Not that they did so for Barthes himself; his autobiographical texts suggest he had an unhappy love life.) Cruising, he writes, is "anti-natural, anti-repetition." It may be that Barthes is simply "protecting" his sexuality here (something he feels all writers do), or at least the macho ("phallocentric") part of his sexuality because whereas sexual inversion feminizes gay men, cruising for tricks is a rather manly (and purportedly desirable) thing to do.
Barthes sees tricking and cruising as desirable in another sense as well. The trick, he writes, "is homogenous to the amorous progression; it is a virtual love, deliberately stopped short on each side, by contract." Likewise, men cruise with "the invincible idea that one will find someone with whom to be in love." Some gays (who cruise for sex, not love) will find these descriptions unrealistic. Barthes, however, feels that sentimentality, in an age such as ours in which love doesn't make too much sense, is essentially—and even nonparadoxically—insignificant.
According to Barthes, "it is Western discourse as such" —discourse that marginalizes and stereotypes gays and lesbians—" that we must now try to break apart."
1930 – Bob Crewe (d.2014) was an American songwriter, dancer, singer, manager, record producer and fine artist. He was known for producing, and co-writing with Bob Gaudio, a string of Top 10 singles for the Four Seasons.
Born in Newark in 1930 and reared in Belleville, New Jersey, Crewe demonstrated an early and apparent gift for both art and music. Although lacking in formal musical training, he gravitated to learning from many of the great 19th- and 20th-century classical romantic composers as well as giants of jazz and swing, including Stan Kenton, Harry James, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, and Tommy Dorsey. He studied for almost a year at Parsons School of Design in New York City with the intention of eventually pursuing a career in architecture.
In 1953 Crewe met and partnered professionally with Frank Slay Jr., a young pianist from Texas. Their collaboration created several hit songs (including a small record label XYZ), for which Crewe performed as the demo singer. Crewe and Slay's 1957 recording session with the Rays for their XYZ label (picked up nationally by Cameo Records) produced two big song hits. Produced by Crewe, the record's A-side, "Silhouettes", became a doo-wop anthem of the era. Climbing to #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 for 1957, "Silhouettes" displayed the flair for story-driven lyrics, innovative musical "hooks", and a final lyrical twist that were to become known as Crewe trademarks. "Daddy Cool" was the B side of that same 1957 session. His song-writing career was launched.
As a songwriter, his most successful songs included "Silhouettes" (co-written with Frank Slay); "Big Girls Don't Cry", "Walk Like a Man", "Rag Doll", "Silence Is Golden", "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)", "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" and "Bye, Bye, Baby" (all co-written with Gaudio); "Let's Hang On!" (wriiten with Sandy Linzer and Denny Randell); and "My Eyes Adored You" and "Lady Marmalade" (both co-written with Kenny Nolan). He also had hit recordings with the Rays, Diane Renay, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, Freddy Cannon, Lesley Gore, Oliver, Michael Jackson, Bobby Darin, Roberta Flack, Peabo Bryson, Patti LaBelle, and his own Bob Crewe Generation.
Since 2005 Crewe has been featured as a supporting character (played originally by Peter Gregus) in Jersey Boys, the multiple Tony Award-winning, long-running Broadway musical (later a film) based on the story of Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons that has gone on to become an international hit. Crewe is credited as the show's lyricist. He used his proceeds from the show to start a foundation supporting people with AIDS, gay rights, and bringing music and art to children in deprived communities.
Crewe was portrayed as "overtly gay" in "Jersey Boys," but his brother Dan told The New York Times he was discreet about his sexuality, particularly during the time he was working with the Four Seasons.
"Whenever he met someone, he would go into what I always called his John Wayne mode, this extreme machoism," Dan Crewe told The New York Times. He was then asked if any of the songs his brother wrote were based on a romance with another man and he demurred, "Bob was just a good story teller." But were they stories about his boyfriends, changed into stories about girlfriends?
1946 – James F. Amos is a retired United States Marine Corps four-star general who served as the 35th Commandant of the Marine Corps. As a Naval Aviator, Amos commanded the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing during the Iraq War in 2003 and 2004. He served as the 31st Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps. He is the first Marine Corps aviator to serve as commandant.
As Commandant, Amos opposed the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding homosexuals openly serving in the U.S. military. After President Obama signed the legislation setting the conditions for repeal, Amos led the Department of Defense in carrying out the will of the nation's civilian leadership. In late November 2011, Amos stated that his opposition to gays openly serving in the military has proven unfounded and said that Marines have embraced the change, describing the repeal as a "non-event."
1970 – Craig Parker, born in Suva, Fiji, is an actor from New Zealand, known for his roles as Haldir in the films The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) and The Two Towers (2002), Darken Rahl in the television series Legend of the Seeker, Stéphane Narcisse in the CW television series Reign, and Gaius Claudius Glaber in the television series Spartacus.He also serves as narrator for New Zealand documentaries. Parker starred in the TVNZ soap Shortland Street, as Guy Warner, a character that has made several return appearances, most recently involving a story where Guy ran off with his brother's wife, Toni, only to return months later as a drug addled loser who attempted to use his daughter to score drugs for him. It ultimately led to the death storyline of Toni Warner. He is the reigning champion of New Zealand's Celebrity Joker Poker.
Parker first publicly discussed being gay in an interview with New Zealand’s Sunday Herald back in 2008. Regarding his sexuality, the very private Parker told the reporter that as a gay man, he doesn’t care what people say about his sexuality and that:
It’s jut not an issue for me. I just don’t get why an actor would want to reveal their secrets, hopes and fears to a magazine or newspaper. I know what the magazine gets out of it, but not the person. If you are doing publicity to increase your self-confidence then you are really in trouble. It’s important to keep some privacy. Your friends and family are the people you reveal yourself to. They are the ones who should have real access to you.
1976 – Tevin Campbell is an American singer, songwriter and actor. He performed gospel in his local church from an early age. Following an audition for jazz musician Bobbi Humphrey in 1988, Campbell was signed to Warner Bros. Records.
In 1989, Campbell collaborated with Quincy Jones performing lead vocals for "Tomorrow" on Jones' album Back on the Block and released his Platinum-selling debut album, T.E.V.I.N. The album included his highest-charting single to date, "Tell Me What You Want Me to Do", peaking at number 6 on the Billboard Hot 100.
His double-Platinum-selling second album, I'm Ready, released in 1993, included two high-charting songs. In 1996, Campbell released his third album, Back to the World, which was not as commercially or critically successful as his first two releases. His fourth and most recent album, Tevin Campbell, was released in 1999, but performed poorly on Billboard's album charts.
Apart from music, Campbell commenced an acting career, by appearing in the sequel to Prince's Purple Rain named Graffiti Bridge and made guest appearances on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Moesha television programs, voiced fictional pop star Powerline in Disney's A Goofy Movie and was cast as Seaweed in the Broadway musical Hairspray in 2005.
Campbell earned 5 Grammy Award nominations, and he has certified sales of 4.5 million records in the United States, according to the Recording Industry Association of America.
Campbell has dealt with speculation of his sexuality for years without directly addressing anything. Campbell had long denied rumors that he was a homosexual but in 1999 was arrested after offering to perform a sexual favor on a male undercover police officer. According to a report released by the Los Angeles Police Department, Campbell, on July 8,1999, he solicited a lewd act from an undercover officer. Also following the arrest, officers recovered a substance resembling marijuana and a pipe containing possible marijuana residue.
In 2018, he has stated that he can't figure out why people are still so interested in whether or not he's gay. There has been rumors that Quincy Jones sexually assaulted him as a minor, which Campbell denied. In 2020, he threatened to file a lawsuit against Jaguar Wright for claims that he had become a sex worker.
1985 – Ben Aldridge is an English actor. He is best known for his portrayal of Thomas Wayne in the crime drama series Pennyworth and "Arsehole Guy" in the tragicomedy series Fleabag.
Having worked with the National Youth Theatre, Aldridge graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art with a bursary from the Genesis Foundation for young actors. He left early to begin filming the 2009 ITV film Compulsion alongside Ray Winstone and Parminder Nagra.
In 2008, Aldridge made his television debut in Channel 4's four-part miniseries The Devil's Whore, playing Harry Fanshawe, husband of the title character. That same year, he was featured on Screen International's "Stars of Tomorrow" list. In addition to First Light, Lewis, Toast and Vera, Aldridge also appeared as Daniel Parish in the BBC One period drama Lark Rise to Candleford. In 2011, the American network The CW cast Aldridge as the lead in the pilot Heavenly. Later on he spent time in Belgrade shooting the partially improvised romance short film In the Night for director Ivana Bobic and award-winning cinematographer Rain Li, alongside supermodel Danijela Dimitrovska.
In 2013, Aldridge starred in Almeida Theatre's production of American Psycho as Paul Owen, opposite Matt Smith as Patrick Bateman. The musical thriller featured a book by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa based on Bret Easton Ellis's cult novel, with music and lyrics by Duncan Sheik.
In September 2014, he joined BBC's original drama series Our Girl as Captain Charles James. He is currently the longest serving cast member.
In December 2014, Aldridge joined The CW's series Reign as King Antoine of Navarre.
On 27 June 2020, Aldridge came out as a member of LGBT community on his Instagram.
"The journey to pride was a long one for me. I love the LGBTQ+ community and am incredibly proud and thankful to be a part of it," Aldridge wrote.
The actor also shared some black-and-white photos from historic Pride marches along with a short video showing him kissing a man on the cheek.
1994 – Guillaume Cizeron is a French ice dancer. With his partner, Gabriella Papadakis, he is the 2018 Olympic silver medalist, a four-time World champion (2015–2016, 2018–2019), a five-time consecutive European champion (2015–2019), the 2017 and 2019 Grand Prix Final champion, and a six-time French national champion (2015–2020). They have won ten gold medals on the Grand Prix series. Earlier in their career, they won silver at the 2012 Junior Grand Prix Final and 2013 World Junior Championships.
Papadakis and Cizeron have broken world records 28 times, which is in itself a record across all figure skating disciplines since the introduction of the ISU Judging System in 2004. They are the current and historical world record holders in short/rhythm dance, free dance, and combined total. They are the first team to have broken the 90-point barrier in the rhythm dance, the 120-point and 130-point barriers in the free dance, and the first team to score above the 200-point, 210-point and 220-point barriers in the combined total score.
The pair are recognized for their graceful and balletic style. Their programs, inspired by modern dance, have been described as lyrical, and commentators have frequently acclaimed the quality of their skating skills.
Guillaume Cizeron was born in Montbrison, Loire, France. His father, Marc, is president of the Auvergne Clermont Danse sur Glace skating club.
Cizeron studied fine arts in Lyon before moving to Canada. He relocated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada from France on 14 July 2014, following his coach, Haguenauer.
On 17 May 2020, in honour of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, he came out as gay with a post on Instagram showing him with his boyfriend. He had been out to his family and friends for a while but was convinced his doing so would help people in places that were not as open to LGBTQ people.
While Cizeron had never publicly confirmed his sexuality before recently, he says that he never felt that he was in the closet."It was quite funny, the reaction of people following this photo," he told French LGBTQ magazine Têtu.
"I would not consider myself in the closet before…So I don't really consider it coming out. Even though I have never spoken publicly about my sexual orientation, I am one of those who think that it is not something that community members should have to do."Of the boyfriend: "It's my most serious relationship so far," he said. "We live together, he is French… I will not give too much information and say too much to respect his privacy. What I can say is that he is 33 years old, and we have been together for more than 3 years."
With the pandemic affecting international travel, the ISU opted to assign the Grand Prix based primarily on geographic location, but Papadakis/Cizeron were nonetheless assigned to the 2020 Internationaux de France, necessitating traveling from Canada to France. However, the Internationaux was ultimately cancelled due to the pandemic as well. Both skaters contracted COVID-19 in July of 2019, after contact with a third individual, resulting in them being away from the ice for three weeks.
On November 11, 2020, L'Equipe reported that Papadakis/Cizeron would skip both the French and European championships for that season to focus on the World Championships in Stockholm, citing the difficulty of traveling back and forth between countries frequently.
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the character graveyard — a creator's lament
a wall of snow keeps you hidden, it's true.
my hands tainted. I buried you all myself.
some of you live, just barely, breathing through a straw in your graves. an illusion of existence.
some of you never had the chance. your lives extinguished before you could fully form.
your god has not forsaken you, I plead.
though I am god and she is merciless. by circumstance, not design.
I come to acknowledge you. you forgotten ones, the ones I hid, the ones who died by my hand and the ones who fizzled from existence before I could reach them. I gather you here today. to recognise you. mourn you. immortalise you.
I raise my chalice to each of you.
here's to the faceless ones. the ones I never named. the ones who had nothing but a name. a vibe. a role. a disembodied something. you hadn't enough love or care. I'm sorry.
here's to the fleeting ones. ones who existed in passing. to assist another's narrative. to enhance the world.
lindsay, erin bray, lynn clerke, jarrod holman. alli, nicole, cam, daniel, alisha. javin daxar, ellin daxar, dalen daxar, damon daxar, kara quillan, zaiden. daron ferris, charlie reid. lennard rose, elisabeth rose, elli. deyan thomson. lucia. sophie, caleb. jeremiah, chris, lukas, troy jackson, zach, linda, mr. woods. kere lockhart. aric jeweller. andrea, stefano. reece, john, demetrius rodriquez, seth reeves. aria, aaron, william, matthew, gaeldon, jonah. julia. sigrae, cassirean, king pyrest of emberia, hakan. dayell, carr kepnar. conrad, mr. stevens, steph, lilian maxwell, evie, vida, erica, david, olivia, andrew, dexter badd, marianne, charles wickham, katherine wickham, james wickham, raiden, calvin, darlene. therese matton, henri matton, geneve matton, madeline matton, mathieu matton, talon debois, lloyd hawthorne. morgan hawksley, aaron hawksley, marcus walters, cassidy donaldson. evan callaghan, mildred callaghan. arthur drover, sybilla drover, harriet drover, vera dustinborough, victoria darkwood, bethly violet, eliphalet lushington, emma. erysibe, kirkos. guiletta lanese, donato lanese, ottavio lanese, benedetto lanese, pietro lanese, vincenzo lanese, matteo lanese, annetta fornari, stefano fornari, adriana fornari, carlo fornari, francesco fornari, augusto fornari, adele sozzi, bettina aliotti, ciro, salvatore sallucci. edmond wickerman, rosalind wickerman, elias starling, hubert cornell.
here's to the strange ones. the 'I made you just because' ones.
scalene, nikia goodrich, ami ruff, riesa gentry and co., zachary bliss, janae lombardi, dawn watts, jay spear, lea cantrell, danny light. cardinal, scar. harmony/chaos. leighton, josh. nick joyce, rosalinda joyce, jasper joyce. emilee, ashli, nadine kathy hemingway.
here's to the old ones. the ones I left behind as I myself grew older.
timothy, kimberly, ash, connor. zoe. gabey mal'lie. raina hardin. zariah mika rose. karli hayes, shaun roberts. bella davis. milaa lockhart. mabel. queen heresa. tāne miller. victor.
here's to the ones who never reached anything past the development stage.
iris. olive. phoenix mars, rose earthen, gem airborne, luna moonbeam, leon king, mattias grey, venus greenwood, scarlet rust, sage bluest, amalthea browner, rialta silverton, jupiter violet. princess seraphine of emberia. the assassin, prophet, serenity. valentino, theokles, fabiola fornari, blair aiden hawksley, james robert callaghan, ruby starling.
here's to the ones I invested my time in, who I write one or two prose pieces and umpteen handfuls of rambles for, only to leave you by the wayside to crumble to dust.
vivian edwards, lucille matton, luciana lanese, alaric joseph drover, alexander wickerman, jinx the kea, hamid, sahar.
here's to my future creations, who may inevitably fall under one of these categories.
the wall of snow may keep you hidden. but I promise, you'll never be forgotten.
Submitted by: our lovely friend, Bee
☆ this is hauntingly sweet and I utterly love it !! What a good way to pay your respects to all of these characters <3 I raise my chalice alongside you, to toast to their lives
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Opera on YouTube 3
Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville)
Mario Lanfrachi studio film, 1965 (Sesto Bruscantini, Valeria Mariconda, Ugo Benelli; conducted by Alberto Zedda; no subtitles)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle studio film, 1974 (Hermann Prey, Teresa Berganza, Luigi Alva; conducted by Claudio Abbado; English subtitles)
New York City Opera, 1976 (Alan Titus, Beverly Sills, Henry Price; conducted by Sarah Caldwell; English subtitles)
Arena Sferisterio, 1980 (Leo Nucci, Marilyn Horne, Ernesto Palacio; conducted by Nicola Rescingo; no subtitles)
Teatro Real de Madrid, 2005 (Pietro Spagnoli, Maria Bayo, Juan Diego Flórez; conducted by Gianluigi Gelmetti; Arabic subtitles)
Teatro la Fenice, 2008 (Roberto Frontali, Rinat Shaham, Francesco Meli; conducted by Antonino Fogliani; Italian subtitles)
Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, 2009 (Pietro Spagnoli, Joyce DiDonato, Juan Diego Flórez; conducted by Antonio Pappano; English subtitles)
Vienna State Opera, 2019 (Rafael Fingerlos, Margarita Gritskova, Juan Diego Flórez; conducted by Evelino Pidó; English subtitles)
Arena di Verona, 2022 (Leo Nucci, Nino Machaidze, Dmitry Korchak; conducted by Daniel Oren; English subtitles)
Garsington Opera, 2023 (Johannes Kamler, Katie Bray, Andrew Stenson; conducted by Douglas Boyd; English subtitles)
Wolfgang Nagel studio film, 1977 (Rolando Panerai, Franco Bonisolli, Margherita Rinaldi; conducted by Francesco Molinari-Pradelli; Japanese subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1977 (Cornell MacNeil, Plácido Domingo, Ileana Cotrubas; conducted by James Levine; no subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1981 (Cornell MacNeil, Luciano Pavarotti, Christiane Eda-Pierre; conducted by James Levine; no subtitles)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle film, 1982 (Ingvar Wixell, Luciano Pavarotti, Edita Gruberova; conducted by Riccardo Chailly, English subtitles)
English National Opera, 1982 (John Rawnsley, Arthur Davies, Marie McLaughlin; conducted by Mark Elder, sung in English)
La Monnaie, Brussels, 1999 (Anthony Michaels-Moore, Marcelo Álvarez, Elizabeth Futral; conducted by Vladimir Jurowski; no subtitles)
Arena di Verona, 2001 (Leo Nucci, Aquiles Machado, Inva Mula; conducted by Marcello Viotti; Italian subtitles)
Zürich Opera house, 2006 (Leo Nucci, Piotr Beczala, Elena Mosuc; conducted by Nello Santi; no subtitles)
Paris Opera, 2016 (Quinn Kelsey, Michael Fabiano, Olga Peretyatko; conducted by Nicola Luisotti; English subtitles)
Teatro Massimo, 2018 (George Petean, Ivan Ayon Rivas, Grazia Schiavo; conducted by Stefano Ranzani; English subtitles)
Così Fan Tutte
Vaclav Kaslik studio film, 1969 (Gundula Janowitz, Christa Ludwig, Luigi Alva, Hermann Prey; conducted by Karl Böhm; English subtitles)
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle studio film, 1988 (Edita Gruberova, Delores Ziegler, Luis Lima, Ferruccio Furlanetto; conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt; English subtitles) – Act I, Act II
Teatro alla Scala, 1989 (Daniela Dessì, Delores Ziegler, Josef Kundlak, Alessandro Corbelli; conducted by Riccardo Muti; Italian subtitles) – Act I, Act II
Théâtre du Châtelet, 1992 (Amanda Roocroft, Rosa Mannion, Rainer Trost, Rodney Gilfry; conducted by John Eliot Gardiner; English subtitles)
Vienna State Opera, 1996 (Barbara Frittoli, Angelika Kirschlager, Michael Schade, Bo Skovhus; conducted by Riccardo Muti; English and Italian subtitles)
Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, 2000 (Melanie Diener, Anna Caterina Antonacci, Charles Workman, Nicola Ulivieri; conducted by Claudio Abbado; no subtitles)
Zürich Opera House, 2000 (Cecilia Bartoli, Liliana Nikiteanu, Roberto Saccá, Oliver Widmer; conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt; no subtitles) – Act I, Act II
Opera Lyon, 2007 (Maria Bengtsson, Tove Dahlberg, Daniel Behle, Vito Priante; conducted by Stefano Montanari; French subtitles)
Salzburg Festival, 2009 (Miah Persson, Isabel Leonard, Topi Lehtipuu, Florian Boesch; conducted by Adam Fischer; English subtitles)
Zürich Opera House, 2009 (Malin Hartelius, Anna Bonitatibus, Javier Camarena, Ruben Drole; conducted by Frans Welser-Möst; English subtitles)
San Francisco Opera, 1981 (Margaret Price, Luciano Pavarotti; conducted by Luis Garcia Navarro; no subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1985 (Leontyne Price, James McCracken; conducted by James Levine; English subtitles) – Act I, Act II, Act III, Act IV
Teatro alla Scala, 1986 (Maria Chiara, Luciano Pavarotti; conducted by Lorin Maazel; English subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 1989 (Aprile Millo, Plácido Domingo; conducted by James Levine; English subtitles)
Teatro Comunale di Busseto, 2001 (Adina Aaron, Scott Piper; conducted by Massimiliano Stefaneli; Italian subtitles)
St. Margarethen Opera Festival, 2004 (Eszter Szümegi, Konstantin Andreev; conducted by Ernst Marzendorfer; English subtitles)
Metropolitan Opera, 2012 (Liudmyla Monastyrska, Roberto Alagna; conducted by Fabio Luisi; Russian subtitles)
Tbisili State Opera, 2017 (Maqvala Aspanidze, Franco Tenelli; conducted by Marco Boemi; Russian subtitles)
Teatro Colón, 2018 (Latonia Moore, Riccardo Massi; conducted by Carlos Vieu; Spanish subtitles)
Teatro la Fenice, 2019 (Roberta Mantegna, Francesco Meli; conducted by Riccardo Frizza; French subtitles)
#opera#youtube#complete performances#il barbiere di siviglia#rigoletto#così fan tutte#aida#gioachino rossini#giuseppe verdi#wolfgang amadeus mozart
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Revue Thomiste contro Fiducia supplicans: oscura le coscienze
La prestigiosa rivista domenicana interviene sui problemi sollevati dalla Dichiarazione e sulle reazioni: «quando le affermazioni sulla fede e sulla morale offendono il sensus fidei, c’è un istintivo moto di diffidenza che si manifesta collettivamente». Continue reading Revue Thomiste contro Fiducia supplicans: oscura le coscienze
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#Antonio Staglianò#Apostasia#Bergoglio#cattivi maestri#Chiara Pelizzoni#falsi profeti#Fiducia Supplicans#fumo di satana#Gianluca Carrega#idiozie clericali#omoeresia#papa Francesco#sedicenti cattolici#spirito del concilio#Stefano Stimamiglio
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