#Evangelicals For Harris
Jack Jenkins at RNS:
(RNS) — A diverse group of Christians is throwing support behind Vice President Kamala Harris’ White House bid, organizing fundraisers and Zoom calls in hopes of helping catapult the Democrat to victory in November — and, they say, reclaiming their faith from Republicans in the process. Their efforts come on the heels of similar campaigns aimed at specific constituency groups, such as the recent “White Dudes for Harris” Zoom call that featured celebrities and grabbed headlines. John Pavlovitz, a liberal-leaning Christian author and activist, was on that call when he hatched the idea for a Christian-centric version and texted his friend Malynda Hale, a singer, actress and fellow activist. “We had a conversation about how, specifically on the Democratic side of the political spectrum, you don’t hear a lot of people talking about their faith,” Hale told Religion News Service in an interview. “We wanted people to know that there are progressive Christians, there are Christians on the Democratic, left-leaning side, so that they didn’t feel alone.”
The result was Christians for Kamala, a part-fundraiser, part-virtual roundtable livestreamed event on Monday (Aug. 12). Featured speakers cited their faith as they praised liberal policies and personally endorsed Harris — who recently entered the presidential race after President Joe Biden bowed out — and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. Over the course of the nearly three-hour event, the group raised more than $150,000 for the Harris campaign, a number that has climbed to just shy of $200,000 in the days since. “It’s been really difficult to keep up with the flood of comments and connections that have been coming in,” said Pavlovitz, who said the only formal help he received from the Harris campaign was in setting up a donation system for fundraising. A number of Christian groups — including evangelicals, a constituency key to former President Donald Trump’s base — have assembled similar calls in the lead up to next week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Most have had little to no assistance from the official Harris-Walz campaign, which, barely a month old, has yet to announced a dedicated faith outreach director. The emerging grassroots coalition vies not only to bolster Harris but also to push back on what organizers say is a false assumption that to be Christian is to be a Republican — or a supporter of former President Donald Trump.
[...] That diversity was on display during the Christians for Kamala call, which included a mix of faith leaders such as the Rev. Jacqui Lewis, of Middle Collegiate Church in New York City, and the Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., head of the nonprofit Hip Hop Caucus; activists like environmentalist Bill McKibben and LGBTQ+ rights advocate Charlotte Clymer; commentators such as CNN’s Van Jones; and politicians, including New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Texas State Rep. James Talarico. The speakers linked their support for specific policies, such as working to blunt the impacts of climate change or passing immigration reform, to their faith and Christian Scripture. Some rebuked conservative Christianity’s ties to the GOP, calling it a form of Christian nationalism. “My faith in Jesus leads me to reject Christian nationalism and commit myself to the project of a multiracial, multicultural democracy where we can all freely love God and fully love our neighbors,” said Talarico, a Presbyterian Church (USA) seminarian who has been vocal in his condemnation of Christian nationalism in his state. “That same faith leads me to support Vice President Harris to be the next president of the United States.”
Although a member of a mainline denomination, Talarico was also a speaker on a separate “Evangelicals for Harris” Zoom call assembled on Wednesday evening. Organized by Faith Voters, a 501(c)4 organization, the effort was geared toward conservative Christians who have disproportionately sided with Trump. The call struck a different tone than Christians for Kamala: some speakers noted they had never endorsed a candidate before, and at least one pastor suggested he was risking friendships and relationships with his congregation by participating.
[...] The calls add to a slate of organizing efforts launched in recent days aimed at specific religious groups. Nearly 500 faith leaders have signed on to a letter endorsing Harris, a “Latter-day Saints for Harris” call was convened last week and multiple separate calls have been organized for Jewish Americans — including one on Thursday that targeted Jewish women and featured singer Barbra Streisand. A separate “Catholics for Kamala” call, facilitated in part by the Harris campaign, was also slated for this week but organizers rescheduled it until after the Democratic National Convention, citing scheduling conflicts. According to Pavlovitz, his group is already partnering with others, such as Catholics for Kamala, Christian Democrats of America and Vote Common Good. What form their collaborations take remains to be seen, but Pavlovitz said he is hopeful for whatever comes next.
Christians fed up with the religious right’s monopolization of what it means to be a Christian rallied to support Kamala Harris on multiple recent calls, such as Christians For Harris and Evangelicals For Harris. Christians need to vote for the REAL Christian in the race, and that’s Harris (and not antichrist Trump). #HarrisWalz2024
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angelx1992 · 4 days
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pervysmirks · 12 days
Really grateful for this movement - it’s about fuckin’ time!
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perseuspixl · 9 days
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whosurisold · 6 months
gQp maga messiah OrangeCheesus
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darthmatthewtwihard · 19 days
I understand the conservative backlash against Star Wars.
In the old days, the hero was from a backwater patch of dirt, jealous of his friends who joined the army, shot small animals for fun while racing his beater in the sticks, had no idea who his dad was, and kissed his own sister.
In the new shows/movies, they just can't relate to the characters anymore.
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moderat50 · 29 days
Another Conservative Republican Will Vote For Democrats
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Walter Einenkel at Daily Kos:
The Evangelicals for Harris group released its first ad Wednesday in support of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, kicking off an effort to woo voters away from Republican nominee Donald Trump by appealing to their religious convictions.  The 30-second video begins with a clip of famous evangelist Billy Graham giving a sermon, and asking, “Have you been to the cross and said, ‘Lord, I have sinned’?” The ad then cuts to Republican pollster Frank Luntz interviewing Donald Trump and asking him whether he has ever asked God for forgiveness.  “That’s a tough question,” Trump responds, mugging to the audience. “I’m not sure I have … I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.” The ending title card asks, “Is there any greater denial of Christ … than to say ‘I do not need His forgiveness?’’
It is a simple message, but a fundamental one for Christians. The belief that a day of judgment is coming and believers must atone to Jesus Christ for salvation is crucial to Christianity.  The Evangelicals for Harris effort aims to highlight Harris’ faith and the Biden-Harris administration’s family-first policies, in contrast with the previous Trump administration’s policies that favor billionaires and hurt everyday Americans. 
Evangelicals For Harris ad nails it dead-on about Donald Trump’s lack of Christian bona fides.
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mokeonn · 1 month
Honestly, having multiple older customers at my job encourage me to vote by telling me that "it's between freedom (trump) or socialism (harris)" or some other "vote trump" talking point has genuinely encouraged me to vote far more than any "vote blue" posts on this hellsite ever have. Like fuck yeah I'll vote for socialism cheers comrade
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angelx1992 · 2 days
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kp777 · 1 month
Divine intervention? Evangelicals once 'hijacked by MAGA’ flock to Harris-Walz ticket
Aug. 14, 2024
The ‘Christians for Kamala’ Zoom-style rally held on Monday reached 40,000 people. Plus, an evangelical group is dropping a new ad supporting VP Harris. The Harris-Walz ticket gaining support from new and surprising corners of society is discussed by Joy Reid and our guests.
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trump666traitor · 2 months
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The Republicans have always been in bed with conservative Israelis. If Trump gets back into the Oval Office he’ll persecute Muslims in America and bomb them in the Middle East.
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perseuspixl · 30 days
Christian Nationalism & Donald Trump: Stephen Ujlaki Unpacks 'Bad Faith'
Want to know why Christian Nationalists support a Whoremonger like Donald Trump? Watch this one!!
'Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism's Unholy War on Democracy.’
How evangelical activism and religious manipulation have shaped the political landscape and caused the emergence of Christian Nationalism, a dangerous bastardization of the Gospels that helped Donald Trump win the election in 2016 and, if left unchecked, could help him win this year as well.
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