#THIS is the gospel message
pervysmirks · 12 days
Really grateful for this movement - it’s about fuckin’ time!
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ronehmke · 3 months
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starleska · 1 month
Just popping into your inbox to remind you that Maxime loves you sooooooo much!!!
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A;GHJ;HGFDKLGD OH MY GOSH HELLO YOU SWEETHEART?????? THANK YOU?!?!?!?! 🙈💖🙈💖🙈💖🙈 you are the most darling person oh my god i took one look at this ask and turned ladybird-red 😳😳😳 there's no way...!!!!! honestly the Maxime so brainrot is so strong i've had to divert and indulge in a few other blorbos so i don't go into full cardiac arrest 😂😂 you ever been down that bad?! he's just...he's just so perfect!!!!! aaaaa!!!! but where are my manners - how are you doing sweetie? it's been a while!! :3c you gotta give me the blorbo/interest digest - who or what has been capturing your attention as of late? 👀
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writterings · 3 months
ngl been off all social media for a while for mental health and its been great. ive been reading books. delving into early christian teachings and found out god is dead. went to the beach. watching a tv show. petting animals. fuck this online world man it's soooo bad for your mental health.
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askdacast · 3 months
No spoilers please, because I haven’t even started S3E4 yet (only Gaius clips), but I’m rather concerned that with the final episode of season 4 and presumably all of season 5 we are ALREADY hitting ‘Holy Week’
I’m pretty sure The Chosen crew + Dallas Jenkins have confirmed the show will be 7 seasons long?
This means the rough timeline we can expect is:
Season 5 will have the rest of Holy Week, the Last Supper, and Jesus already being arrested all within the season
If we are being EXTREMELY generous, Season 6 will be when we hit the actual crucifixion. But that, plus Easter Sunday, will take 1 episode each, and everything after that is the various epilogues within the gospels
So then what will season 7 be?? Are we going to hit Acts or keep strictly within the gospels until Jesus’ ascent back to heaven? I feel like the former has way too much content for a single season, and the latter will require a LOT of padding just to fit one season. Are we getting more??
I’m mostly just curious, how exactly is this show’s timeline going to go? And what do we have in store?
If I may be perfectly honest, I’m pretty concerned already how rushed Season 4 was. We know the gospels don’t give an exact time frame of what events happened when, but also that Jesus’ ministry lasted 3 years. Meanwhile, The Chosen feels like everything has been happening within the span of months. And I think it has clearly suffered for this pacing.
If there was any time where we should have seen more ‘padding’, a few more slower character-based scenes, or even a few more adaptations of other miracles and conversations between Jesus & the religious leaders (a la from John), I would’ve thought Season 4 would have been the perfect time for that.
But we don’t seem to be getting that since Season 4 instead opts to speed for the finish line, and to be honest I’m not sure if that was the best idea? We already have so many people complaining about how rushed Judas’ character arc is, for instance. I’m not going to comment about that yet until I’ve watched the episodes for myself, but I can definitely see where the concerns are coming from. It just doesn’t feel like we have enough time to get used to all the different character woes before the big bombshell hits.
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macabrecravings · 4 months
(I guess tumblr ate it so l'm sending it again.) Come do the Rite of Promise. We have hints of wax play, adorable Sydney, pens, Jordan being a responsible adult, and discount wedding.
Anon, I must confess I still have the original message..... ☹️
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I was waiting to post my reply when I had actually completed it and then…. Haven’t touched the game in a month. SO…!!! Here’s a drawing from April 19th (It is now May 19.)
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^ Fem Sydney and The Pure PC (unnamed) 🙏🙏
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That’s about how far I got into the save before dropping off the face of the earth… U have caught my attention with the reminder though GOD i need to continue playing
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Verse of the Day - Mark 16:15
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witasrecords · 1 month
FOR YOUR NAME IS HOLY | Minister Uniami | #share #jesus #church #gospel #prayer
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wisdomfish · 2 months
"People defect from the gospel because they were drawn to it initially for the wrong reasons. The excitement of the crowd, not the meaning of the message, lures them at first. A lively crowd, and the production value of a worship service emphasizing showmanship rather than Scripture, wows the modern-day seeker."
John MacArthur
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therealmackenson10 · 2 months
Heavy is the HEAD that wears the crown.
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"It is not our business to make the message acceptable, but to make it available. We are not to see that they like it, but that they get it." Vance Havner
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called-to-share · 2 years
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faithcampaigner · 5 months
Dealing with Your Cross
Key_In🔻 🎧Listen to the full message below 👇🏽 CLICK BELOW FOR MORE MESSAGES… Faith-Sermons  
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View On WordPress
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e-c-i-m · 6 months
Dear Child of God,
Jesus, please pour out Your Spirit over us!
Love, ECIM
Video: Canva Music: How He Loves - Christian Karaoke Cover
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"Scripture is sufficient."
Hm. Yup. No one said it wasn't.
"That's why I don't watch X media based on the Bible."
So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you also don't sing any hymns in your church's worship service then, huh? Because, ya know, the Bible has an entire book of songs already, so you don't need any others.
But I'd bet money that's not the case at all. Because we use media other than the Bible to supplement our worship all the time. From visual aids in Sunday School classes down to the décor, they are things we add. And it doesn't make any of them inherently wrong.
Look. I don't care if you, personally, don't like something or not. That's not what this is about. What I have a problem with is you tacking on a "holier than thou" sentiment to a subjective opinion. "Scripture is sufficient." Yes. It is. "I don't like this piece of media because it adds bits" (that don't contradict Scripture). Personal Preference.
And you are allowed to have personal preferences. But you don't need to justify them or belittle other believers in order to say, "I'm not a fan."
So all I can say is this: if you're going to toss out visual media because "scripture is sufficient" then you'd better be prepared to throw out your hymnals, too.
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Verse of the Day - Acts 20:24
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