Beautiful speech. Love thy neighbor.
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As I was saying in previous, posts, I do not like abortion. But it needs to be available because logistically, laws banning abortion keep it from women who need it for lifesaving purposes and women who were assaulted.
I do not believe children of rape are in any way less valuable than any other child. But considering the trauma that led to their conception and the fact they can’t feel pain during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, sometimes the most humane thing to do is end the pregnancy. Some women can carry that pregnancy and they can mentally get through it. That is amazing. But some women can’t. And they need to be able to access abortion.
If Trump is re elected, the best case scenario is that we continue to have individual states banning abortion. Some rape victims may not be able to tell anyone they need to travel for an abortion. Some are too traumatized to safely drive themselves. Some can’t afford the travel. And even for those who can, states that still allow abortion have their medical systems overloaded right now. Even women who live in those states struggle to access care.
Again, some women will die without an abortion if their baby dies in the womb, if they have an ectopic pregnancy, if they have an incomplete miscarriage etc. and some women need it for their mental health if they were assaulted. I’d rather abortions didn’t happen for any other reason, but it’s none of my business and it’s more important to me that access to abortion is available for these terrible circumstances.
if you support rapists being able to choose their baby mommas we can’t be friends
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As followers of Christ, we are called to look after his animals. We are called to be humane. Kamala Harris will be, but Donald Trump doesn’t care about being humane to anyone. Human or animal.
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This horse is in excruciating pain. This is the result of a horrific procedure used commonly on a lot of horses in the south. It’s called soring and being used to make them raise their feet as high as possible in certain horse shows. It consists of powerful chemicals and often gasoline. Kamala Harris helped crack down on this issue when she was a Senator. Donald Trump undid that work. It will continue unless Kamala Harris becomes president. These horses can’t speak. They can’t vote. We have to be their voice and vote for Kamala Harris. This is one of my reasons the Humane Society Legislative Fund endorsed her and not Trump. I’ll leave a link so you can learn more about soring and why it’s one of the cruelest things you can do to a horse. Imagine being forced to run on a broken foot.
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Why you can be against abortion and still vote for someone who wants to legalize it.
I do not like abortion. I think it is a difficult, sad, and complicated thing. I believe in an ideal society there would be no abortion because in an ideal society there would also be no poverty, no rape, the adoption system would be seamless and all relationships would be healthy. But we don’t live in an ideal society. And poverty, r*pe, unstable relationships, and abusive relationships all exist. The foster care system and the adoption system is messy and often traumatic. There are circumstances where women could die without an abortion. We can and should strive to get as close to an ideal society as possible, but we will never get there. Abortion needs to be legal and accessible and it’s not a woman’s fault. It is a product of systemic issues within society.
Legalizing abortion just allows women to access care that is unfortunately often necessary. It is a hard choice and it’s important that women have the autonomy to make the difficult choice. What I might see as an unnecessary abortion might seem very necessary to someone else. And both arguments would likely be valid.
This doesn’t mean we have to accept abortion and do nothing about it. We can strive to fix the issues that cause it. We can strive to create a society where relationships are more stable. We can make sure everyone receives proper s*x education and birth control is easier to access. We can strive to improve the foster care and adoption system. We can strive to reduce poverty, which is a step Kamala Harris can and will help with if she is elected. And we can change our perspective of rapists. If r*pists were held accountable, less women would have abortions because of it and less women would endure that unimaginable trauma. Again, Kamala Harris became a prosecutor in part because she wanted to hold these people accountable. She understands this issue on a very deep level.
I don’t believe children of r*pists are less valuable than any other child, but I do believe that a woman who had her body violated should not have to carry a pregnancy that resulted from that. Most likely the abortion would occur before the unborn can feel pain and while it is very sad, if a woman feels that’s the best option then it is the best option.
Abortion is sad, but it is sometimes necessary and women need to have the right to make their own decisions. There are systemic societal changes we can make to reduce abortions and that’s what we should pursue instead of banning procedures that are often necessary and blaming women for getting them. It’s not a woman’s fault. It is a symptom of societal issues.
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This is the UK, I understand that. But I agree with David Tennant on his stances about the LGBTQ community. I believe that all members of the LGBTQ population deserve rights and dignity and that it’s just common sense. It’s common sense that a loving same sex marriage isn’t sinful. It’s common sense that a transgender person being themselves isn’t hurting anyone else. Donald Trump wants to roll back rights for the LGBTQ population and that is not Christian. I believe that if an interpretation of the Bible conflicts with “love God” and “love your neighbor” it’s probably a misguided interpretation. Voting for Kamala will protect LGBTQ rights, their safety, and their dignity.
i feel like he's choosing his words carefully bc he doesn't want it to blow up in his face but personally i think he should be legally allowed to kill the tory politicians making his criticism of them the center of their campaigns
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“Honor your father and mother”
Matthew 19:19
Ephesians 6:2
Mark 7:10
Matthew 15:4
Exodus 20:12
Deuteronomy 5:16
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Christian voter turnout
I have recently learned that Christians have a low voter turnout rate compared to the rest of the population. So, I hope to bring to light valuable information about Kamala Harris to help Christians realize that we do have a good choice in this election. I think as Christians we need to remember that presidential candidates are human. They are all sinners just like us. There is no perfect candidate, but there will be a candidate who is closer to the values of Jesus Christ than the other. And I think Kamala Harris exemplifies true Christian values a lot more than any in recent history and I hope to explain why over the course of multiple posts on here. If you see this, please consider giving me a follow to at least hear me out. At the end of the day, every Christian needs to do what they feel is right in their own heart but I ask that some keep an open mind to what I have to say on here. Please be respectful in the comments. I am happy to have respectful debates but rude and vulgar remarks will be removed and blocked immediately. Thank you and God bless.
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When we put country before party, we vote for a future that benefits all of us. Let’s make the right choice this November.
If you’re a Christian, this is also about putting God before party and before a man. Trump is no Godly man. Liz Cheney is very much pro life, but the healthy way to reduce abortions is not to create dystopian laws. These are laws that force victims of rape and incest to carry a child. These laws also inhibit care for partial miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other medically necessary abortions.
Christians, we can elect Kamala Harris and advocate for taking rapists accountable, enhanced access to comprehensive sex education, access to birth control, and a better adoption system. Kamala Harris has already promised to enhance the child tax credit and reduce the cost of living so less mothers will feel they can’t care for a child. You can be deeply religious and pro life and still vote for Kamala and stop Trump.
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