#Drunken History
illustratus · 5 months
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Windsor Castle from Datchet Lane on a rejoicing night, 1768
by Paul Sandby
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wonder-worker · 10 months
something I find especially entertaining about Edward IV's reign is how Scandalous™ it was lol
he married a woman “whose origins broke all established conventions for English queenship” in a secret ceremony without consulting any of his lords and then made it everyone else's problem. he committed regicide, he committed fratricide; he was accused of bastardry, he was accused of bigamy and a 19-year-long sham marriage, he was accused of using necromancy against his subjects, he was accused of being enchanted by witchcraft by both his wife and his mother-in-law (multiple times). his own mother was said to "rule the king as she pleased" in the early years of his reign. he knew he was hot and actively milked it for money. he was vain as fuck: “he was wont to show himself to those who wished to watch him, and he seized any opportunity that the occasion offered of revealing his fine stature to onlookers”. he knew everything about everyone. "he was more favourable than other princes to foreigners". he was “fond of boon companionship, vanities, debauchery, extravagance and sensual enjoyments”; he was "thought to have indulged in his passions and desires too intemperately”; "it was ever feared he was not chaste”. his subjects publicly gossiped about his sex life, his doctors thought he was insane. NOBODY understood how he was still competent despite all this.
honestly, who was doing it like him?
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daguerreotype-era · 4 months
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1/6 daguerreotype
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atna2-34-75 · 2 months
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Antoon van Dyck
Drunken Silenus
Royal Museums of Fine Arts, Brussels
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croziers-compass · 9 months
Gender as Ship Ranks and Titles: A Drunken Ramble from Yours Truly.
Not particularly edited in any way and very Raw in its creation. So please forgive the hideous nature that this piece is written and articulated in.
Dead Dove. Do not Eat.
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I have another weird influx of people resonating with the gender system of ship ranks and Naval History in several other groups and circles/communities I am in. And it's strangely wholesome right now because it has created an influx of individuals with varying degrees of understanding that specifically comes from Polar Exploration. This new influx is a bunch of Polar Explorers who have a particular niche interest in other Expeditions such as the Crozier-Ross Expedition, Terra Nova, the Ross Sea Party, Amundsen, Captain Scott, and Shackleton. So now, included in this, comes an influx from some people who attended Terror Camp and got to discuss some things with Francis Spufford who spoke about how strangely and very unexpectedly gendered it was on these Expeditions.
In my mind, despite the crews being all men, gender sort of melted away into ranks and how they provide for one another as individuals both through rank and their skills aboard the Expedition. He spoke a little about how the crews engaged with one another through almost "neo-gendered" roles that replaced conventional social structures and settings that you would normally have been seeing in the period appropriate binary that was so strictly enforced. From caregiving and support concepts as well as other nuanced aspects that were important for the crew and their social structures. This was because there was this immense amount of isolation and removal from conventional society and no other "binary" to compare themselves as individuals to. This removed gender altogether for the crews as they were so isolated and far from civilisation that such concerns, matters, and focuses were no longer an applicable structure. But still, yet, gender as a social structure plays a prominent role in understanding one another in a more social way and not a way to uphold "Gender Roles" or the "Gender Binary". It was not a necessity.
This was particularly true about the Shackleton Expedition and it seemed to impact a lot of others that have a sort of niche interest in the concept of gender associations that are expressed through varying "era's ship ranks". We observed this particularly with how some of the crew sought out very particular individuals and referred to them in almost an exclusive way where they connected the ship rank or the ship role to the crew member and began to exclude conventional pronouns in their journals. There was a fluidity to the way that they saw one another after being isolated for so long. The years spent away from the structures of conventional society meant that they needed to reinvent social society for themselves.
They could not afford to abide by the usual structures of society in the Polar Regions because it was not a safe way to survive.
The structures of Naval roles and Navy Ranks provided a good chain of command that could be relied upon as a narrative for who provides and does what for the expedition as well as the personality and entire energy of that individual.
Naturally, eventually, everything else fell away.
So there is this concept of conventional grasps of gender falling away entirely and no longer being useful to the societal structures that they once had. By extension, there is no need for the other concepts and structures that fit into the social binary. They don't exist. The Polar Regions are sterile. You are isolated. Without need of anything else but the chain of command to keep everything in a way that makes sense to the crew.
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Final Disclaimer these are not sober ramblings.
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landwriter · 2 years
Bite late to the party but absolutely CANNOT stop thinking about your 70s SF au after seeing the Keats/Shelley thoughts. The idea of words and longing and the exquisite agony of all having to read between lines of beautiful words (chef’s kiss).
This au is also giving me serious Tom Sturridge in On the Road vibes (the one where he plays Carlo aka Allen Ginsberg). Have you seen it by any chance? The movie as a whole is unfortunately not great, but there are some brilliant scenes. Such as this gem -
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(Okay I’ll show myself out now 😅)
Especially having to read between the lines and trying to express your feelings in this very 'We Two Dear Men, Friends Forever' way right in the midst of this historical microcosm of radically open queerness and community. Or, as Charles Forester, who moved to the Castro neighbourhood in 1971 at the age of 27 puts it: "I was breathing cannoli, fog, and lust."
I've seen Tom Sturridge in nothing but The Sandman! I had no clue he plays an Allen Ginsberg analogue but that's a delightful coincidence because my accidental serious investment into this ask meme answer started when I innocently googled "san francisco 70s literary scene" and found this by Adrian Brooks about the beginnings of San Francisco's queer poetry scene, and went "Hold on, Allen Ginsberg was gay?" (I truly cannot overstate the fact that the extent of my literature knowledge is one very good AP English class - I minored in French Literature and worked in the English department but studied...Political Science.)
I looked it up and found excerpts of his letters with Peter Orlovsky, filled with to the brim with love and wildness and hope. Then I went back to Brooks' piece and saw the poster for the very first gay poetry reading that he organized in 1974, and, well, it all sort of fell apart from there. (handmade poster & more words under the cut)
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A funny little fact is that Ginsberg said in 1980, in conversation about oratorical style in English language poetry: "The howl in my style comes from the power [of the sound of the language]---like Shelley." and invokes Ode to the West Wind. Full circle, baby! Full circle!
Anyways I suppose the moral of the story is you can hand me any piece of physical ephemera from the past, a side dish of epistolary love, and I will lose all fucking sensibility and moderation immediately. IMMEDIATELY.
Also: absolutely no such thing about being late to the party if it involves talking to me about my little stories <3 I love it and it's crazy motivational and just like...the equivalent of giving me a warm tea and a pat on the head for Making Things Worthy Of Engagement.
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anhonestdaysworkcomic · 3 months
just finished fully reading one of my reference books. Just bought three more
#these'll be great though#the book i finished was about life in the medieval village#and then i've read between 20-60% of 5 other books about celtic history and art and mythology and druidism#so i've actually read a lot more than what this post originally looks like. but i havent actually FINISHED all these books#just gotten a good chunk done and will go back and finish at my leisure#the ones I just purchased are about the Swiss Alps history and environment thou which will help build the BG to this story#also I've been working on my timeline throughout all this reading#and it's SO FUCKING CLOSE to being done#And when I'm actually done (and/ore close to being done) reading all these reference materials i think i'll be finished w my outline#cause each book has given me something to plug into the timeline#the medieval village book gave me an idea for a 'tavern' scene#Tavern is in quotations cause in the 12th century a Tavern was just the house of someone who made enough ale to sell to their neighbors#but we'll now be getting a drunken brawl in this comic#and the book also made me more familiar w the feudal/manoral system so I might actually have that be a background element#originally i was gonna ignore it. But i can actually fit Rudd and Alma's backstory around a more historically accurate social structure#and then the mythology book gave me a way to connect two different scenes together in such a deliciously messy way#with the help of two different deities#anyways#while it can feel like a chore sometimes#reading all these refs has also been really fun and interesting
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cementcornfield · 7 months
i am. So hungover.
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The next time I see someone making fun of an Irish accent or the language I am legally allowed to hunt that person for sport /hj
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Two Drunks Grateful For Jail Sentences," Montreal Star. July 26, 1943. Page 3. ---- Two accused who pleaded guilty to charges of drunkenness before Recorder Aime Leblanc this morning asked that they be sent to jail. Their requests were granted.
One man believed that a spell in a cell would curb his passion for alcohol. The second asked for a jail term in which to recover from and be treated for a badly battered face suffered during a drunken brawl.
Both were given eight days in jail for which they thanked the Recorder.
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elkenbulwark · 11 months
hc// getting mouthy; half-orcs and mouth stuff.
Referred to colloquially as 'half-tusks' in the west of Fae'run, the half-orcs possess an interesting set of jaws that are typically inlaid with a notable underbite. These rather large lower 'canines' are actually considered tusks and are composed of mostly dentin, being more dense than the surrounding teeth- which are primarily enamel.
As a species that takes traits from both orcs and the other half of the half-orc's lineage (in Birvor's case, I'll be referring to the orc/human variety (horcs) as it tends to be the more common variety of half orcs mentioned throughout Fae'run history - though certainly not the only exception to the rule) the 'horcs' have a standard set of human teeth along with their orc tusks that continually grow all their lives. In addition to standard dental hygiene the tusks must also be filed down if the horc is not actively participating in activities that would blunt said tusk, and since that is very likely to be the case for horcs that are integrated into other societies other than full orcish ones, filing is very much a part of their mouth care regimen, and depending on one's filing frequency, there are many different lengths and shapes the tusks can take so that no one half-orc really has the same pair.
A fun topic (but usually only for the party pointing it out on the horc's expense) is kissing. It is a stereotype among any out of the half-orc / orc sphere that kissing one is a mix between the ultimate thrill and the sincerest trust exercise in Fae'run; this is because it's thought that if the half-orc loses themselves to their passions amid a heavy make-out session, that the tusks on them are awfully close to goring their partner in the neck. This idea is of course met with scoffs and flat stares among most half-tusks (except maybe the drunk ones that wanna make you nervous for funsies). If asked how then they would propose to be kissed with those pointy bits in the way, the most common response would be along the lines of 'have you tried the mouth, you gutless virgin-'
However, among a pair of half-orcs or even a half-orc and an orc pair, it is a common practice to show interest in another by lightly clicking tusks first before the more receptive partner will tilt their heads to effectively create an opening in the barrier between tapped tusks for their partner to pursue with the action's permission and its promise that they won't be stabbed in the throat for making the attempt.
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tsundere-isopods · 2 years
Y'all. I spent nearly 45 minutes talking about Samuel Bellamy. Only Samuel Bellamy and his life. I didn't get sidetracked on what a dick Vane was or the rumors that Teach controlled the sea. It was a clinical approach on his childhood (I got a little distracted by the woman and child part, but it was related, I swear) and Hornigold's collection of future captains. Then, it was an in-depth discussion of the 18-month reign as the Robin Hood of the Sea. Like, I knew that I had a wealth of info on Bellamy, but that's excessive even to me.
Samuel Bellamy is my historical Blorbo. I'd call him my pathetic little meow-meow (on account of the piracy), but honestly? He did nothing wrong.
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corvidaedream · 2 years
the funniest choice you could possibly make, in my opinion, is to get very (visibly) high and then go to an interactive historical reenactment museum by yourself.
every time i see it, it just cracks me up. like, why is this your choice of activity? I love that you're here, man, but it's very funny that you decided to come here.
and itd be one thing if it happened, like, idk once or twice, but it is something I've seen many times.
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parakeetpark · 11 days
I was info dumping so hard on my poor mother last night about various iterations of the Rocky Horror Show productions and also facts about the movie while we watched RHPS last night.
AND I was saying too many lines in time with the characters despite being extremely drunk. We had a good sing together to the songs and i said "wait no - this is the worst song" three times
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atna2-34-75 · 1 year
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Jusepe de Ribera, Apollo and Marsyas
Jusepe de Ribera, Drunken Silenus
Luca Giordano, Apollo and Marsyas
Capidimonte, Naples
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bicrowav-e · 9 months
[google search history]
what to do with drunken sailor
how to deal with drunken sailor
how to deal with drunken sailor early morning
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