#crime and punishment in canada
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eveebev · 1 year ago
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year ago
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"BOAT ALLEGED TO HAVE TAKEN WINE IS SEIZED," Hamilton Spectator. December 4, 1933. Page 7. --- Said to Have Carried Liquor From Hamilton ---- And Deposited It Near Rochester City --- Impounded By R.C.M.P. at Port Hope ---- A new development in the wine transaction between the H. Robinson corporation and an American bootleg ring came to light over the week-end when Sergeant Frank Samson took two men to Port Hope and seized the Harry H., a 125-foot craft that is alleged by the police to have carried the shipment of wine from Hamilton to a point near Rochester in the latter part of October.
Mounted Police officers stated that they had information in their possession that the craft in question had made the trip from Hamilton to a point near Rochester, where the purchasers of the wine had received it. Late Saturday Constables Crawford and McDuff, from the Toronto R.C.M.P. barracks, were placed on the boat after it was officially impounded by the government.
The boat has been lying in the west harbour at Port Hope for several months, ever since the law was passed prohibiting the export of liquor, but longshoremen at Port Hope said the ship was absent from its berth for three days at the time the police claim it made the trip. At this time the waterfront men said it sailed light and came back. -light and they believe the boat made the trip first to Hamilton and then to the American shore before returning.
Former Sub-Chaser The ship is of sturdy build and was used as a sub-chaser in the Black Sea during the war and is capable of doing about 40 miles an hour. It could make the trip from - its home berth to Rochester in about an hour, the lake sailors stated. It was registered at Toronto and the crew never stayed in Port Hope, residents of that town said. Whenever the ship made a trip the crew was brought down from Toronto.
At present Milton B. Staud is being held at Rochester charged by United States authorities with being in possession of merchandise that entered the country without the taxes being paid, but he will be turned over to the Mounted Police officers after they apply for extradition.
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pyladessdrunk · 1 year ago
Succumbing to illness (Stress sick) while stewing over the guilt of my sins (math test I didn't study for), yearning for repentance while knowing deep down it was my duty to do this; that no one will suffer from my actions, rather, prosper together because of it (didn't study because I was having good snacks with my friend). Should the public find out what I've done (my parents), surely they'll understand how juvenile my sins were rather than the presumed monstrosities.
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beu-ytr · 11 months ago
Resenha de "Crime e Castigo" de Fíodor Dostoiévski
*com alguns spoilers
Apesar de algumas passagens serem particulamente muito interessantes, não posso mentir e dizer que é um livro fácil ou entretível (essa palavra existe?)
A verdade é que estou feliz por ter iniciado minha jornada com Dostoiévski, mesmo quando eu não estava entendendo n a d a do que eu tava lendo eu me diverti demais
isso porque eu tava muito empolgada sabe, eu tava tipo "ok não tô curtindo por agora mas eu tenho certeza que vai melhorar depois☺"
Vi algumas resenhas no Skoob, e entendi perfeitamente o porquê de algumas pessoas não gostarem desse livro
A narrativa realmente é maçante, os personagens são aleatórios e a maioria é descartável e/ou desconexos com a proposta da história
o protagonista é desprovido de inteligência cognitiva, emocional e social, desprovido de sanidade mental e o pior de tudo: carisma
Pra mim o que faltou nesse livro foi carisma, foi o charme entendeu? Acho que se o livro fosse uma sátira, ele seria bem mais genial e muito mais interessante
Porque o protagonista é simplesmente uma grande piada. Não entra na minha cabeça como um ser humano poderia ser tão burro ao ponto de assassinar uma mulher pelo dinheiro dela, e depois não roubar nada dela (??????)
Eu também não entendi muito o intuito desse livro em geral sabe, eu acho que Dostoiésvski perdeu uma grande oportunidade com esse aqui. Pode ser um clássico e tal, mas ao mesmo tempo é um livro bem fraquinho
Como eu já falei aqui, às vezes as pessoas gostam de criar significados profundíssimos sobre coisas que na verdade são muito simples. E acho que isso acontece até demais aqui
Outro ponto que gostaria de ressaltar é que o maior dilema que eu tive lendo esse livro foi os nomes. Os nomes estranhíssimos que mudavam o tempo todo (chamaram o personagem principal de mais de 2 nomes diferentes e eu só fui me tocar que era ele, quando eu voltei para o préfácio) e a enorme quantidade de personagens me deixaram maluca
Eu não sabia mais quem era relevante e quem não era, foi uma loucura total e eu tenho certeza que uma parte da história passou direto pela minha cabeça só porque eu não consegui raciocinar os nomes de certos personagens e todo o papel deles na narrativa
Eu tive que parar de ler um pouquinho pra fazer um mapinha com todos os nomes e mesmo assim eu não entendi direito porque foi muita gente
Por fim o arco do romance, eu simplesmente odiei. Achei que não combinou e sinceramente foi bastante forçadinho porque dois malucos com um psicológico todo acabado não seriam um bom casal na minha humilde opinião. Qual a necessidade, eu pergunto
Não sei, você responde. Mas a verdade é que eu só terminei esse livro pesadão porque eu tinha muita força de vontade senão eu teria abandonado certeza
De toda forma, foi uma experiencia agridoce. Obrigado pela atenção, até a próxima
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beauty-is-terrror · 2 years ago
Reading goals for the rest of the year:
Donna Tartt's novels in publication order (TSH, TLF and TG)
Hannah Arendt - Eichmann in Jerusalem
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
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miami1999 · 2 years ago
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autumn-tide · 2 years ago
“Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment
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aliceswriting1 · 2 years ago
Crime and Punishment: A Classic Masterpiece
Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment is a novel that has stood the test of time, and it is still relevant today. Published in 1866, the novel has since become a classic masterpiece and is considered one of the most influential works of literature in the 19th century. The novel is set in St. Petersburg, Russia, and follows the story of Rodion Raskolnikov, a young man who commits a crime and then struggles with his guilt and the consequences of his actions. The novel is a complex character study of Raskolnikov's mental state, and his inner turmoil is brilliantly portrayed....
Check out my blog in order to read the rest.
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blabbershere · 2 years ago
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pinkluvsballet · 11 months ago
i will turn into raskolnikov
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allthecanadianpolitics · 2 years ago
A new survey conducted by Research Co. found that the majority of Canadians support tying speeding tickets to income, otherwise known as “progressive punishment.”
According to the survey published on Friday, 65 per cent of Canadians surveyed endorse implementing progressive punishment for speeding tickets in their city. In addition24 per cent of respondents opposed the concept while 11 per cent are undecided.
Progressive punishment system has been implemented in some European countries such as Finland and Switzerland. Authorities in Finland set the fines on the basis of disposable income of the offending driver and how much speed the offending driver went over the posted limit. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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allthecanadianpolitics · 1 year ago
After Toronto police arrested a striking York University worker earlier this month, labour experts are concerned that police are criminalizing workers exercising their charter right to strike.
York University contract faculty, teaching assistants, graduate assistants, part-time librarians and archivists have been on strike since February 26 fighting for improved wages, job security and better working conditions. 
The York workers’ arrest comes one month after Ottawa police were criticized for arresting a high profile labour leader during a rally in support of striking workers.
The Toronto Police Service arrested a picket captain at a CUPE 3903 picket line at York University on March 4 and charged the worker with mischief. TPS officers also assaulted several workers, as first reported by Desmond Cole for Yes, Everything.
“This was a really blatant attack on labour rights,” Tanya Dushatska, a PhD student and rank and file member of CUPE 3903, told PressProgress. “This is setting a really dangerous precedent for other unions and organizations in Canada.” [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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allthecanadianpolitics · 4 months ago
As people across the country mourn the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, some in the Northwest Territories justice system are reflecting on his contributions to the country — one of those being Gladue principles.  Established in 1996, Gladue principles are a legal requirement for courts to consider the background of Indigenous offenders and alternatives to prison when sentencing. There is no standard way of how to include these principles, although in some provinces and territories, specific stand-alone reports, referred to as Gladue reports, are used. In the Northwest Territories, Gladue principles are written into pre-sentence reports. Lawyers and neighbouring Indigenous nations question whether those reports do justice for Indigenous offenders. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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allthecanadianpolitics · 9 months ago
The financial head of the publisher of the Epoch Times is facing money laundering charges in an apparent $67-million US scheme to benefit himself and the company.
The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York alleges Weidong Guan, also known as Bill Guan, conspired with others in a "sprawling, transnational scheme" to "benefit himself, the media company and its affiliates."
Financial records on the ProPublica website show that Guan is the chief financial officer of the New York-headquartered Epoch Times Media Group, which publishes the conservative newspaper and website of the same name.
The 61-year-old from New Jersey is charged with one count of conspiring to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, and two counts of bank fraud, which each carry a maximum sentence of 30 years. 
In an email to CBC News, a spokesperson for the Epoch Times said Guan is "innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" and that the company would co-operate with any investigation into the allegations against him, but that he has been suspended "until this matter is resolved." [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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allthecanadianpolitics · 2 years ago
Police are investigating after the United Church in Ponoka was vandalized on Thursday.
Mounties say someone threw eggs and splattered tar and an unknown substance on the rainbow sidewalk leading to the church.
"I was gutted, shattered, just really demoralized," said Jessica Jones of the Ponoka Pride Society.
Members of the church congregation first painted the steps in 2020, to show solidarity with the LGBTQ2S+ community.
Graham Boys of the church said he's disappointed someone would vandalize the steps, particularly during Pride month. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @abpoli
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allthecanadianpolitics · 11 months ago
All drivers in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area who are pulled over by Ontario Provincial Police highway safety officers will now be asked to provide a breath sample — no matter what they're stopped for.
Officers will be conducting "mandatory alcohol screening" at every routine traffic stop as part of a new enforcement policy taking aim at drinking and driving, even if there is no reason to suspect a driver is impaired, the OPP said this week.
"The OPP have always had officers use their discretion as to when they want to conduct a mandatory alcohol screening as part of their regular patrols and investigations," Sgt. Kerry Schmidt said in an interview.
"Now ... when they stop a driver for any offence or for any investigation, they will also be including a mandatory alcohol screening demand, which is there to ensure the drivers are sober and they're not driving impaired." [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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