#Chronic Skin Conditions
surinderbhalla · 1 year
Demystifying Psoriasis Development and Prevention!
Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition that affects millions worldwide, remains a mystery to many. Its development involves a complex interplay of genetic, immune, and environmental factors. As per a study, around 125 million people (2–3% of the total population) suffer from psoriasis all over the world. Around eight million people in the U.S. have psoriasis. In this article, we will be demystifying…
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
hi people with skin conditions (scars included). you do not have to hide. i know how scary the idea of someone seeing your skin is. you don't want to be judged, and that is entirely understandable. at the same time, we deserve better than to treat ourselves unkindly - let alone based on the views of people who don't have our best interest in mind.
so, i want you to know you're allowed to exist in your body and show it - just as it is right now. you can wear what you want. you can get that haircut. you can do or not do your makeup however you want. it's your body, and your life. you're allowed to live it, no matter what anyone else says.
and if you hide because you're afraid for your safety: please know you are also allowed to do what you need to protect yourself. and i hope one day you're able to be safe enough to embrace your appearance and be free from hiding. but until then, have patience with yourself. you deserve that much.
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sysboxes · 5 months
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[Text: This user is not “dirty” or “unhygienic”. They have Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS).]
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stargirlie-sharon · 12 days
ok i should put this out there so people who are following me/my mutuals are aware, or even people who are just passing by and don't know me
i'm chronically ill, diagnosed with psoriasis, an auto-immune skin condition (which i really hate a lot). it's been getting rough for me and honestly my mental state isn't the greatest rn
i'm experiencing a flare up rn. and my skin hates itself so it just decides "hey, i'm gonna fuck up this person's appearance and make them insecure for as long as they have this condition" or something, and usually when my skin clears up, it's still most likely going to come back
so um while you're here, would you mind giving me a few words of encouragement? i kind of need it rn.
and if you know anyone with any chronic conditions, disabilities, invisible illnesses, or anything of the sort, just be there for them and give them support, it might mean the world to them
thank you for reading <3
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cluepoke-archive · 2 years
Never gonna not be thinking about how declawed cats are constantly in IMMENSE amounts of pain because baby you took their BONES out of their HANDS that shit hurts!!! Kitty softpaws has chronic pain ok
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vintergatnn · 11 months
i wish more positivity/neutrality for skin conditions
i wish shame and embarrassment didnt hold me back from making it myself
i wish i didnt feel so ugly because of my skin condition
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zevrans-remade · 3 months
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soul-cake-duck · 2 months
Hello! I'm (very tentatively) approaching a project based around visible body differences and self image- here body differences are things that affect the way you look that are NOT considered 'normal' (yes, I know that's subjective!). As part of this I've made a form to gather info on how people's body differences affect them. It would be much appreciated if you could spare a couple minutes to fill out this form if you have a body difference!
Please rb this so I can reach as many people as possible; thanks!
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honeybard · 2 months
moisturiser isn't enough, I need healing spells
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amethystsoda · 2 months
Growing up and learning more about how bodies work is like. Whoops that’s not normal. Whoops that’s also not normal. Oh huh, that’s not normal either.
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biocrafthero · 4 months
I will get acne in places you couldn't even begin to fathom
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Why I hate how dandruff is presented
You've all seen the jokes- old man with dandruff, shaking his head and a cloud of snow falls down, dandruff just being there for a laugh... It's never treated as anything serious, ever. It's just a joke! And just a joke about old men at that.
I'm 17 years old. I've had dandruff since I was at least 11. I've been made fun of all that time for the white flakes that are a constant on my head.
I just saw dandruff as a joke, too.
At most, it was just my scalp being a bit dry, so it needed a moisturising shampoo.
Yeah.... Turns out I have scalp psoriasis. I'm in near constant pain, which gets worse whenever I'm ill or stressed, because psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. My immune system is attacking my own skin. It's gotten to the point where shampoo doesn't help. I'm just in pain, always. I'll have a doctor's appointment where we can discuss options soon hopefully.
It's painful enough that I end up with scabbing all over my scalp from scratching. I pull my hands away and my nails are bloody from repeatedly picking and itching the scabs.
So no, not just a funny joke.
When I mentioned how painful it was to my friend, (only referring to it as dandruff rather than psoriasis) he said "I didn't realise dandruff could be painful!". In fact, several conditions that can cause dandruff have the fact that they're itchy or sore in their their symptoms list- eczema, dermatitis, and of course psoriasis.
And yet people just see dandruff as a joke. Even now, I feel anxious writing this- I feel like someone's gonna read this and think 'why are they getting so serious about dandruff? Lighten up!'
Sure, for some people it's not painful. Just flaky. But even then, they can experience the same social issues I did- I still remember a pair of kids seeing my large white skin flakes on my dark hair and exclaiming that I had nits (lice for Americans), and running away shouting at me. I hate that it's treated as a joke, or stigmatised, and seen as just an old man thing.
It's an actually serious issue for so many people. Why isn't it treated as such?
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Please pray for quick pain relief
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sysboxes · 5 months
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[Text: This user has Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), an incurable chronic inflammatory condition.]
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beenovel · 1 year
Hey does anyone know of a site like CurlScan (a site that tells you if a product is Curly Girl approved) for Rosacea???? I'm just so overwhelmed looking through the ingredients on every single product I go to buy. I just want to wear sunscreen without my face feeling like it's on fire and be able to type in the name of the product to find out whether it's going to give me hives/acne/a rash/etc
Please reblog this even if you don't have an answer just in case someone else does
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oars · 8 months
there really is no need for like more than 3 step skin care routines unless you have a condition and/or really need the extra care. wash your face moisturize it and then protect it so easy. its like people taking multivitamins when theyre already fine. you're not doing anything
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