#Christianity is problematic
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hazbin-reimagined · 1 day ago
Adding onto this,
I think the “Sin of Sloth” as presented by Christianity is incredibly ableist, as Laziness itself is largely a myth, and you can learn about this more by reading Mel Levine’s “The Myth of Laziness” where she explores this in depth. Many disabled and mentally ill people are called “lazy” when they are simply trying to survive under their conditions every day, and if they could complete xyz task, they absolutely would, if thier bodies and minds would let them.
My take on the “sin of Sloth” is two things:
“Sloth” being Biblical shorthand for anyone who does anything to avoid hard work (including coming up with ways to make work easier; the sweat of hard labor being more valued in the old times than innovation or efficiency)
Or my interpretation:
Sloth being making the active choice to do nothing, even though you have all the tools at your disposal to make a difference.
This interpretation, instead of condemning people who don’t “work hard enough” instead brings to light the sin of turning a blind eye to people and situations that need your help.
In this case, Sloth would be an accomplice to the other Sins.
While Greed takes from the less fortunate, or Envy plots their enemies downfall, or Lust or Wrath enact Violence onto others;
Sloth just, watches, and does nothing. Not from a place of fear, or despair, but from a place of not caring, and choosing to do nothing about it.
Sloth, like Envy, is a sin of the heart. To be Slothful is to be content in not caring about others suffering.
Compared to the other deadly sins it seems so minor, until you realize that Sloth is complicit. Sloth is complicit in everything. The “It’s not happening to me, so why should I care”. Witnessing evil while having the tools to intervene and doing nothing to stop it. That is Sloth. There is complexity to it. Many people turn a blind eye to save themselves. But there is selfishness in that. To help your neighbor is a virtue, and to Heaven, refusing virtue is a sin.
This is how I see it, anyways.
Scholarly Biblical analysis/disclaimer below:
Full disclosure, all “Deadly Sins” parodied or mentioned in the Bible are, at their core, parable. Many cultures advise against the risks of over-indulgence of any kind, including over-indulging in aspects of human nature, by writing stories of what the fates that befell xyz character of fable for indulging in that “sin”. The concept of “sin” is largely conjecture. The Christian Bible also sites “eating seafood”, “wearing mixed fabrics” (polyester) and “cutting your hair” as sins. If these “sins” can be disregarded as cause for damnation, then everything sited as sin in the Bible should be under scrutiny. What’s important at the end of the day is to think critically and to keep your mind open to the possibilities.
My name is Chuck, I am a recovering Christian rewriting Hazbin and Dante’s Inferno because I think both Dante and Vivienne Midrano are uninspired Hacks, follow my blog for critical analysis of the Hellaverse as well as updates on my Horror Anthology set in my reimagined Hell. Kudos!
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"I have symptoms of narcolepsy, it might be because of my many meds or my mental health but I need to get tested since it's been there for a long time. Either way, it's when you feel the overwhelming need to sleep and it is OUT OF YOUR CONTROL, it isn't a deliberate choice or plain old laziness (as my parents called it my whole life). Belphegor exhibiting the symptoms of narcolepsy, being unable to stay awake despite trying as we clearly see her try, and this being characteristic of the SIN of SLOTH (implying being drowsy despite your best efforts is not only a choice to exhibit sloth but also sinful) - fuck you Vivz. You're as bad as my parents that traumatised me."
Submitted by anonymous
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honestly, slushy noobz is so problematic, like alr the ppl they associate w, but the live? pls they're not any better than tara yummy or jake webber.
also, i've seen so many ppl saying it's fandom cleansing? like pls keep it all to urselves if it's a hateful fandom that makes fun of ppl's beliefs and thinks there's nothing wrong with it ☠️
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theoraeeken · 1 month ago
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every theo raeken scene: 1/?
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praetorqueenreyna · 24 days ago
Truly nobody can invent drama like the eluciens and elriels
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shoomert · 1 month ago
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He won fairly, and I'm tired of people pretending he didnt. You gave him the win, blaming cis or straight people for everything even slightly bad happening to you made the worker populace polarized. Which they had every right to be polarized.
You deserve everything that is coming for you, you can call us a "death cult" all you want. But it wont change the fact that he deserved every ounce of power he got. Period.
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cultofthepigeon · 2 months ago
i can take or leave reynauld leaving his wife and kid and joining a war so they dont starve. like thats not the worst addition ive seen so far. there is something very touching about it and theres some juicy directions you can go with that in regards to cruel to be kind/the horrors of war/the horrors of feudalism etc
but i still very much enjoy his original implied reason for joining the war which is just
fullsale hearty crusading
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mymarifae · 5 months ago
maybe we DON'T depict aventurine with catholic/christian imagery, especially if you're going to make him worship sunday while you're at it as some sort of ship thing. like maybe we just don't do that actually. because, you know, sunday's interrogation wherein he not only stepped way way way out of line and asked insulting and invasive questions about aventurine's past and heritage, but he also branded aventurine with the harmony/order? a brand that would have either killed him or forcibly converted him to be a loyal mindless follower of ena xipe? yeah this whole thing serves as a real world parallel to the catholic church's centuries-long persecution (which involved things like enslavement and forcible conversion to the catholic religion and murder in the case of noncompliance) of the rroma people.
the aeonic belief system in hsr does not inherently serve as an allegory for christianity, but here, in this scene, on penacony, with sunday (for fuck's sake just look at his design man) and the harmony and the order, it does. and it's further hammered in by the fact that the avgins don't adhere to that standard aeonic system at all. they have their own god and practice a completely different kind of religion - one that aventurine is not-so-subtly implied to still practice (albeit EXTREMELY privately now). so like, maybe this is not like. a trope or an aesthetic (or whatever) we should be applying to this dynamic! maybe that's really fucking insensitive and gross. eek
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thefaceoface · 8 months ago
Found this on a book at a store today
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Sexual = human | Asexual = not human
Sexual = God made you right | Asexual = God made you wrong??
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mad-prophet-of-the-airwaves · 7 months ago
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I'm not sure if it's just me or not, but "Blink Twice" has one of the most random casts I've ever seen.
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controversal-polls · 3 months ago
Should religious symbols/narrative mirroring those of religious texts(think demons, reincarnation, the last supper, etc) be used in media as a means of symbolism/metaphor/whatever?
Yeah, it's all something a person made up at some point in the end, it's text like any other
Only if it's vague enough(stuff like unnamed demon/angel imagery, reincarnation not linked to karma, exorcisms in horror etc)
Only if done by a person of said religion
No, it's disrespectful to said religion
*Obviously I can't speak for all religions, but adding "it's all made up" as a way of describing religion does seem disrespectful, so I left that part out. Feel free to believe differently. I just chose this to make voting easier for those who don't believe that.
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actual-goblinking · 6 days ago
Musical confession: I’m most attracted to Christian Borle when he plays cocky characters and assholes. Like yeah, he wss cute as Emmett, but I watch him sing ’Don’t Say Yes Until I Finish Talking’ at least 3 times a week
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orbleglorb · 2 months ago
do you ever make a few headcanons for some characters and realize you've created a bitter commentary on religion and society and forced cultural assimilation
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alephskoteinos · 1 year ago
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Give it up for one of the strangest (possibly problematic) unwitting consensuses in history.
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sigynsilica · 2 years ago
My experiences with Christianity, and the reason I'm not a Christian, have nothing at all whatsoever to do with the way Christianity was pitched to me. If it was, I wouldn't have believed it for the first sixteen years of my life.
It's because I've never ever felt a connection to the Christian God. He's never come when I called to him. He's never answered my prayers. I've never felt that he cares for me or that he looks out for all the little children, especially when I was, myself, a child. It's just always been too hard of a pill to swallow. God certainly doesn't believe in me, so why would I believe in him?
So don't tell me all the Christians who did me wrong weren't real Christians. They were. Actions incompatible to Christian beliefs do not mean you're not a Christian. One of y'all's big things is that literally everyone doesn't live up to the greater expectation. They all "fall short of the glory of God". They were real Christians. You just haven't grasped that becoming a Christian does not inherently make you a good person. There are crappy people in every faith.
I wouldn't be a Christian if my family and friends had made Christianity more appealing or more accurate to the texts of the Bible, or less so. I'm not a Christian because The Core Belief of Christianity is to spread your faith to everyone you encounter, and I believe that's very problematic and has been used to excuse some of the most horrific acts in history.
"But those were men! Tomas de Torquemada was a man!"
Yes. And they were acting on a basic tenant of Christianity, as men, to hurt people. Torquemada was a real Christian. He was a really awful guy, but he was also a Christian. Erasing these people from your history as "not really Christians" won't change the history itself. Which is that, one of the most basic core principles of Christianity is exclusive to the respect of your fellow man and their beliefs. You cannot go into an interaction with the intent that the other person will have beliefs like you by the end of the interaction while still respecting what they already do believe.
And that is why I'm not a Christian.
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isaaaa101 · 11 months ago
is it bad jd is lowkey kinda hot but Christian slater i just like men who could kill you but kill themselves instead
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hertwood · 1 year ago
actually i'm gonna say my piece
it's been very freeing for me to just say, hey, all of these men probably suck one way or another, i'm just gonna enjoy the version of them in my head and enjoy the races and not get caught up in feeling morally good abt who i choose to support
do i support ppl going "hey that person did something shitty im not gonna support them" YES. but im not gonna hate ppl who keep supporting them anyway. this could very easily be a fight to the bottom. lewis is friends with jared leto and tom cruise, also an accused abusers. max has said his handful of racist things. you can just say, hey, i dont agree with any of that, but i'm still gonna have fun watching this sport and support who i wanna because life is too short to be constantly caught up in moral handwringing.
for me personally, i've survived too much to prioritize anything other than my happiness. i tried this whole fighting to only consume nonproblematic media when i was younger and it burned me tf out. life is too hard and too difficult to be an activist 24/7 and you dont need to experience life altering trauma like me to give yourself permission to prioritize your happiness and be imperfect with your likes and media consumption.
i changed my url bc it was due for a change anyway, but honestly i'm not gonna get mad if anyone continues to post abt daniel, as long as they don't defend what he said. you've made an attachment to him and in this day and age we need all the seratonin we can get.
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