naehja · 2 years ago
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“Do you crave death?!”
Why are you so dramatic Kalego? XD
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egophiliac · 1 year ago
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this is basically what happened, right?
(these guys are very lucky that everyone at NRC 1) has the combined intelligence of a sack of bricks, and 2) is easily distracted by shiny things.)
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#stage in playful land#stage in playfulland#these two are SO sleazy and i am utterly delighted by them#can't wait to find out their tragic backstory in approximately 3-4 weeks!#fortunately i have like a month to figure out how the heck to draw their hair (spoiler: i will never figure it out)#also. god. i love it whenever leona accidentally reveals his Mom Side.#he doesn't care about any of this but he WILL be tagging along to make sure no one else gets into trouble#once again he has to be the Responsible Adult and he hates it. the whimsical hat weighs heavy upon his head.#anyway this is me so excuse me while i now talk about diasomnia for three hours#but lilia being all 'kids gotta have some adventure in their lives!' is hilarious#specifically because you know silver would NEVER.#100% silver not only never snuck out but he always went to bed on time AND brushed his teeth AND flossed even when nobody made him.#lilia: aww but you should be enjoying your youth! >:c#silver: i am. i enjoy being respectful and disciplined and honoring you as my father.#lilia:#lilia: maybe i'm TOO good at raising kids#you know i was going to say none of his kids would be involved in this but i actually think malleus definitely would#he would not see it as a moral quandry though. he would just be excited to be invited along.#(the only reason he isn't there is because he was busy admiring a termite-infested beam somewhere and yuu didn't get a chance to ask him)#i mean MAYBE if lilia as his single authority figure told him no then he would have some reservations#but lilia's the one who's screaming HELL YEAH LET'S SNEAK OUT AND DEFY AUTHORITY while dabbing so moot point there#sebek would never and he would rat on everyone else. unless malleus is going in which case he's already there.#and i guess if everyone else is going silver probably would too#but he'd. y'know. feel conflicted about it.
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authenticintimacylover · 1 year ago
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gothamite-rambler · 8 days ago
Oliver Queen: You guys are freaks, I want you to stay away from my son!
Jason (calmly): Not doing that. Was that supposed to hurt my feelings? Calling me a freak? Bitch, I hear that every other day.
Dick Grayson holding his head down.
Dick (sniffling): I didn't know I was doing anything wrong. I just want him to be happy.
Jason, slowly shook with rage.
One minute later.
Jason had Oliver pinned on the ground with his arm bent so hard the bone is about to break while Dick futilely tried to break the two up.
Jason: Apologize to him!
Oliver Queen: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Let go of my arm!
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purpleangiie · 4 months ago
So, I was thinking about Dick Grayson, specifically Dick Grayson's head... when he was 7 he climbed up the stairs in the circus tend to get to the trapeze but slipped and fell down [Nightwing #114] A very funny way to get your first concussion, right? Of course, many more followed over the years (that's what happens when you become Robin!) Then, in his early 20s he was shot in the head — not as fun as a concussion. Now, that alone would be enough to ban him from any dangerous sport or activity for the rest of his life, but of course, Dick Grayson is Dick Grayson, who also happens to be Nightwing. So he kept doing his usual stuff, leaping from high buildings, doing acrobatics, punching — and getting punched — every damn night... all with just his domino mask covering his face (I mean, he got a damn head injury, you would think he would be wearing some kind of head protections, right? Wrong, because that would at least partially cover his amazing curls, and to Dick Grayson that would be equal to commit war crimes, so it's out of question) And of course he keeps getting hit in the head and getting concussions. Which leads us to our scenario:
It's a usual night out patrolling, and Dick and Tim are fighting some crooks. Nothing too big, until one of them hits Dick in the head (for the nth time!) It's a good one, but not hard enough to knock out a Batkid. Except, Dick Grayson's head is slightly more fragile than his brothers’, and the punch hits the point where he was previously shot. He gasps, and everything goes black for a moment. Dick Grayson falls, head spinning violently, his vision blurring as colors and sounds fade together. He hears Tim's distant voice calling him, to which he promptly replies with an unsteady "I'm fine", except of course he's not fine. He holds himself against the wall, his face crunched in a pained grimace, trying to stand up because Tim needs him and no way he gets knocked out so easily. But Tim shouts back, punching another guy in the face, "Stay there! Don't move!" followed by some swearing because dammit, Dick!
When the bad guys are fixed, Tim rushes to Dick, who is still miraculously awake.
"Jeez, you're bleeding."
"Am I? I didn’t realize it."
"Yeah..." Tim holds two fingers up. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Dick smirks. "I'd say three, but there’s four of you now, so maybe a couple more?"
There's a moment of silence. Tim sighs. He opens the comms.
"Red Robin here, I'm taking Nightwing back in. He's injured. It'd only be dangerous for him to keep patrolling."
Bruce's steady voice croaks in their ears. "Copy, Red Robin. What happened?"
And Dick, leaning against his brother as they reach the batmobile, darts a pleading look at him. It's almost working, until Tim speaks again over the comms: "He got hit in the head."
And all the Bats know what that means. A chorus of sighs raises:
"You never learn, hm?"
"Is he unconscious? Do you need backup?"
"You're incorrigible!"
"Please, just take my helmet next time. I'd paint it blue if you want, but take it! — I have an entire stock at home, anyway."
And Dick, stumbling with his eyes half-closed and one of the worst migraine of his life, just smiles sheepishly. "Sorry!" he manages to crack over the comms as Tim rolls his eyes next to him.
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kingkatsuki · 5 months ago
Be honest— Do you think your fave would get pissed off if you were to propose first?
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willowser · 1 year ago
you meet bakugou because of your job at the news agency, and even though he's not exactly friendly — you don't think he's as bad as most make him out to be.
yes, he calls you a hack and he's never smiled at you once, but his shitty, sharp humor makes you laugh, even if it's a little mean. he's handsome, and maybe that softens him to you in a superficial way, but his scars mean something, you think. something important that too many seem to forget, when they criticize him.
it happens very naturally; some sorry headline grabber comes out with the intention of dogging him, for entirely trivial stuff, and you fire back without thinking. it's not necessarily an article in defense of him, but a series of tweets that are meant to remind the public of all he's ever sacrificed for your country; that his capture rate is almost as high as all might's was at the same age; that crime on the streets he routinely patrols has dropped, severely — and maybe that's because they fear him and his attitude and the walking arsenal that he is.
but how is that a bad thing?
you don't see him all that often, but the next time you do, you don't miss that his eyes are already on you when you glance back at him, or that he seems taller? not standing with that horrible slouch of his. he even brings you a drink, grumbling that he "doesn't drink this frilly shit" though there are two flutes in his hand and he does — indeed — drink the frilly shit.
it's sweet and you feel a swarm of violent butterflies, when he walks you to your car after, but you sit in the dark once he's gone, illuminated only by the blue-light of your cellphone.
and you wonder if anyone, ever, has defended him.
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spontaneousglitterbees · 1 year ago
I've been meaning to ask, is Kokichi's black ring meant to be an ace ring? I only ask because it's black and on the finger one would typically wear an ace ring.
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This is probably funnier if Kaito doesn't know about Alter Ego yet
TL;DR: yes!! Very happy you noticed~
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sweetbrier2908 · 1 year ago
satan's random headcanons
• gives you kisses on knuckles and forehead because he's a charming prince who normally only exists in fantasy. but your fantasy turns out to be real life and now he's your prince charming.
• the most decent one in the family. the first time you realize he's actually a demon is when he talked about how he was going to tortune a lower demon.
• cat café date at least once a week. if there's a new cat? he goes there everyday for a week. friend with all the cat café owners in devildom, he also has share of some cat café since lucifer doesn't allow him to have his own cat.
• always says that he's gonna snitch to lucifer if his brothers do something wrong so he can trick them to tell him their secrets then blackmails them later. succeeds every time for 5000 years straight.
• actually the best cook in the house. from desserts to main courses. there is nothing that he can't cook, as long as he has his cook book with him. he learns recipes from every restaurant he goes, takes note of them, remembers what dish his brothers like and cook them later when he's on cooking duty (also remembers what dish lucifer dislikes and cook them later). if someone in the family says the dish he cooks today good, prepare to eat it for the rest of the year everytime satan's on cooking duty. yes, he LOVES to take care for his brothers though he never admits it.
• never organize his room unless lucifer angrily and strictly asks him to (which happened a very very long time ago since he casted a spell on his door to stop lucifer from entering his room). always says "it's messy in my own way", that's true, he knows where exactly to find this things. you need to borrow some books about devildom's history? shelf 1, row 2, number two from the right side. need some spicy romance book? on the floor, the whole stack at the left side of his armchair.
• knows some very good if not the best pick-up lines. first of all, he's closest with asmo. second, he reads romance books more than anyone in the three realms. always give you the most poetic love letters you've ever received.
• acquainted with all the high-status people in devildom. some random nobel? oh, he met they once in a art exhibition 1500 years ago, just grabbed a cup of coffee with them last month. some of the most famous corps in devildom or maybe human world? he's one of the shareholders. a businessman. literally a businessman. remember the chat where he said he introduced mammon to some perfume company so he could get 80% of the profit? yes, that's the businesman of the family.
• always befriends with people who benefit him and his family. mammon needs money? he can give his older brothers some modeling gigs. levi wants some limited merch? he knows someone in the company? beel wants to go to some restaurants? he can ask the chef to come to their house. no one knows how he expand his social network this much.
• loves to give you gifts. everything. from the most expensive scarf you can find in the whole world to a cat-shaped stone that he finds on the way home from RAD. gives you everything reminds him of you.
• always loves to try new thing with you. today you two goes to the drive-in cimema, the next day he will bring you to the ocean to go fishing. but if you want to go to the bookstore and then the cat café, he's happy to go with you, it's his most ideal date too! and if you don't want to go outside? he has some very interesting book you can try to read.
• so insecure, always thinks of himself as the most avarage guy compared to his brothers, and compared to every guy you know. lucifer is always at the top, diavolo's right hand man and stuff; mammon is one of the most famous model in the three realms and known for his infamous reputation; levi is so passionate about his hobby; asmo is super popular and pretty and always the trend-setter; beel is the athlete, always loved by everyone; belphie is effortlessly smart, he's just straight-up the genius of the family and also a spoiled brat. and he, the middle child of the family, an avarage guy who will never be unique enough.
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jeena-says-hi · 1 year ago
Someone: you can’t hear pictures
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gothamite-rambler · 27 days ago
Bruce Wayne tossed and turned in his bed, unable to sleep, he wanted to be out patrolling as Batman, but it was a slow night. He heared his door creak open while he stared at the ceiling and cautiously looked at the door.
Thunder struck flashing enough light and showing the person at the open door way.
Bruce (squinting his eyes): Dick?
Dick Grayson, 8 year old: I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you tonight?
Bruce: What was the dream?
Dick sniffled, holding his down and cradling his stuffed elephant plush.
Bruce (sighing): I should've guessed it was that. You can sleep here.
Dick: Yay!
The young boy climbed into the man's bed, getting under the covers eagerly. He yawned with a smile.
Bruce: Nice and comfy?
Dick nodded with a smile.
Dick: Night.
With that he laid down on a fluffy pillow and closed his eyes.
Bruce: Dick?
Dick: Yeah?
Bruce: You know how I always call you neat?
Dick: Yes.
Bruce: That means I c- love you. You're my foster son, but I know what it's like to miss your birth parents. If you ever go through the feeling of missing them I'm always here for you.
Dick: I love you too, Bruce and thank you.
Bruce gave his young ward a kiss on the forehead then rested in bed to sleep as well. Hey, sometimes it was okay to call it a night for Batman.
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schmweed · 9 months ago
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chatdae · 5 months ago
love how the older skaters in the senior division give Yurio encouragement and that each time it pisses Yurio off. JJ is intentionally condescending so that makes sense, but with Viktor and Yuuri they're not even being condescending. Yurio's just dialed in on being a hater... and i love that for him <3
#'plot twist i LOBV you' -Yuuri#'i am going to skin you alive' -Yurio#yuri on ice#sometimes he is a teenager#he's got so much fury in his tiny body. and yet he is also just an earnest lad. i find him sooo funny silly#which he would hate me for!!#I recall a meta post about Otabek being the first one to verbally recognize how hard Yurio devotes himself to skate and I really dig that#like I think Yurio's frustration is justifiably rooted in how little others take him seriously despite his life-consuming dedication#I DO think he is over the top and i enjoy this; for it is entertaining.#but i also think his feelings are genuine and he is a complex little guy.#i'm thinking of him sharing his grandpa's food with Yuuri and being emotionally vulnerable with him at the waterfall#Yurio is a hater on his opponents (and Viktor) but I think on some level he recognizes the genuine care Yuuri+Viktor show him#I think Yurio doesn't understand how they can be encouraging to him while also taking him seriously#Cuz Yurio is so wary of his elders dismissing him#so older skaters being friendly translates in his head as 'they dont think i can beat them / they dont see me as an equal'#But I think when these relationships are removed from that competitive atmosphere Yurio DOES see how they care and he appreciates it.#It would be so sweet to see an older Yurio reflect on this time and realize that Viktor + Yuuri + others DID take him seriously#and just because they were fond of him it doesnt mean they didnt appreciate his talent.#tbh being a young athlete must be such a mindfuck and idk how these bitches do it. send tweet#yuri plisetsky#yoi meta#queue#my words#AWW right after writng this i watched the part where Yurio starts yelling encouragement to Yuuri#who internally tells himself 'i got more stamina than that fuckin Yurio mf' (paraphrasing lol)#they switched love languages <3 cheerleader & hater role reversal
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 1 year ago
Mxtx was so sexy for having shen qingqiu experience the shen jiu flashbacks and still deciding to dislike him. Don't get me wrong I eat up all those awesome fanfics and headcannons of them having some sort of positive relationship like it's breadsticks, but sy!shen qingqiu's canon perception of shen jiu is just so juicy!
Like, you die, you die cursing and screaming some trashfire novel but wake up in your least favorite character's body. But he's not a character anymore, you eventually find out and accept that you and everyone around you is real. This body is real and so was the person who had it before. This body was theirs but now its yours. This body has done real horrendous things to real people that you care about. Some omnipotent system inside you is encouraging and coercing you into doing similar horrendous acts this body would have done, what it used to do. This body is not yours but now it is and now you have to live with it knowing you have to act out this body's role. Hurt your loved ones, distance yourself from your comrades, die a painful death. That is what this body was meant for, this was the original owner's fate, live with it. You are now one of the only people in the whole world that intimately knows how that man was the way he was and why he did the things he did. But that does not make it better, you feel pity, some sort of regret for how things could have been, but you cant forgive and forget because you hate him. You hate the character who turned out to be a man. You hate the man that used to own this body. You hate this body that's yours but not really yours. You hate your role, this narrative, this world, your future circumstances. Your actions of self preservation that have caused great harm. And ultimately, you hate yourself.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
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Stop flirting....
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filmbyjy · 5 months ago
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