#batfamily chronicles microseries
gothamite-rambler · 2 days
Dick Grayson sat in the vet office, his left leg shaking nervously as he waited for his faithful dog to be healed up after she ate some plastic wrapping Dick tossed in the trash from his Ramen.
His worry was put on pause when his cell phone rang. He groaned, answering the call reluctantly.
Dick(knowing it's Bruce): Busy.
Bruce: Cancel your plans, I-
Dick: Bye.
Dick ended the call and calmly went to the to the vet assistance desk.
Dick: Will Harley be out soon?
Assistant: They're almost done, sadly there was a lot of plastic she consumed, but the vet said she'll be out soon. I'd recommended sitting and relax, Mr. Grayson this isn't the first time.
Dick: And not the worse thing she's eaten. Okay, I'll sit back down.
Unfortunately, as he returned to his seat, his phone rang again. He clicked ignore and texted Kori he'd be home late, texted Babs to tell Bruce he was busy and then his phone rang before he could send her the text.
Dick shook with anger, but if Bruce wouldn't take a hint, he'd tell him.
Dick (tranquil fury as he answered the phone): Bruce, what you need me for better be important, the world better be ending and Jason has been driven insane, Damian is bleeding out and Tim is struggling to breathe. It better be world war fucking three where you're at because if it's not and I leave the vet where my precious puppers is getting help after eating plastic out of the trash and something bad happens to her I will snap every bone in your body. I will make you relive that pain if you have me go to you and it is. not. important!
Bruce (slightly terrified): Thinking about it... I'll get Cass to go with me. I hope Hayley- If you need me to pay the vet bill I will.
Dick (sighing content): Thank you, that's is so thoughtful. Be safe. I will call you when I leave.
Dick ended the call and sat back, taking deep breaths as a woman holding a fluffy bunny stared at him shocked, she raised her finger seeming to debate if she should shoot her shot with the man who seemed to genuinely care about his dog.
Lady (leaning close to him): I'm Stacy, are you free for dinner after this?
Dick: I'm in an open relationship, just a heads up.
Stacy (pleased): I'm not hearing a no.
Dick: Then that means I'm free for dinner after this.
Lady: Yes!
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I get the feeling that Riddler doesn't like Jason too much #1 (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
Riddler (on loud speaker): Four cars come to a four-way stop, each coming from a different direction. They can’t decide who got there first, so they all go forward at the same time. All four cars go, but none crash into each other. How is this possible?
Batman: ...
Riddler: Ha, I stumped you!
Red Hood: They all made right turns.
Riddler: What?
Red Hood: The cars come to a four-way stop right? It's got four cars, so they can't decide who got there first, they all go forward, none crash, they all make right turns. Duh.
Riddler: ...
Batman: Did he get it right?
Red Hood: This isn't seriously stumping you is it?
Batman puts up his hand: Hello?
Riddler: Yes, he's right. Um give me another try.
Red Hood & Batman: Another try?
Riddler: Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?
Red Hood, sighing: Meat.
Riddler: Oh come on!
Riddler goon: Okay but what's stopping him from googling the answers, we can't see him and he can't see us.
Riddler: Shut up!
Batman: You can't see us?
Red Hood: I love how he assumes these aren't the easiest riddles to solve. Why do you entertain this?
Batman: Most time they're difficult to solve other times I'm bored.
Riddler (offended): What?
Red Hood: Can we leave already? I'm tired and would rather be anywhere else.
Riddler: No, one more riddle!
Red Hood: Oh my God. Right, let's get this over with!
Riddler: Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, but has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
Red Hood: Hm...
Riddler: It was one you used for a few years.
Batman, alarmed by the answer: A coffin?
Riddler: Yes!
Riddler cackles.
Red Hood is taken back and unsure what to say, but frowns.
Red Hood: Oh my God, that was just mean.
Red Hood shoulder slump dejected.
Batman (enraged): Stay here, I'll be back.
Batman heads down a hall, a few seconds pass. The door to where Riddler is hiding slams open.
Riddler: How did you find me? Wait, why are you staring at me like that?
Screams and the sound of someone punching a person are heard through the loud speaker. Red Hood nods then checks his phone.
Red Hood: Hey if you can hear me, you want to see a movie after?
Batman, on the speaker: Sure!
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gothamite-rambler · 2 days
Jason babysitting Damian during his 'Keep Secret Love Child a secret from Bruce' revenge plan. (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
Jason jolts hearing loud knocking at his front door, but when he answered the door all he saw was little Damian Wayne, 4 y.o. at the time.
Damian blinked then waved.
Jason: Hey kid, what are you doing in Gotham?
Damian, took his backpack off and pulled out a folded piece of paper then handed Jason a note and entered the apartment.
Jason (reads a note from Talia): Make sure he is asleep at 8 - not doing that again - feed him the required vegetables in the sandwich bag made provided - He's not eating only those- and he may have fun, but not too overboard. If you fail me I will - Not reading all that... How did she find out where I live now?
Jason crumpled the note then looked at Damian.
Jason: You want to go to an carnival?
Damian tapped his chin and then nodded.
Jason: Okay, I'll get my pack. How you been?
Damian blinked and then shrugged.
Jason: Not a talker today?
Damian shook his head.
Jason: Sore throat?
Damian nodded.
Jason: Yeah, that makes sense. Take a seat while I get my stuff.
Damian scurried off to the couch and sat down... Next to Roy.
Roy: You had a child?
Jason (walking past the two): He's my father's child, that he is not aware he has, and Talia told me to keep it a secret. I'm keeping it a secret for my plan of revenge don't tell anybody.
Roy: That's all? The secret is locked in the vault. Can I go with you guys? I have Lian for the day.
Jason: Sure. The kid needs some friends that aren't ninjas.
Roy: Agreed... his mother is Talia?!
Jason: Bruce and her had sex and the condom broke.
Roy (laughed): Been there, didn't expect it from Bruce.
Jason (chuckling as he grabbed his backpack): Yeah I love the irony of it all.
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gothamite-rambler · 2 days
He knows and it's about time he tells Tim (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
Bernard (on the phone): Tim, sorry to bother you-
Tim, as red Robin: It's fine, but I am busy, make it quick.
Bernard: Sure, my laptop is being fixed, but I had to use one and the library is closed. I opened yours and-
Bernard nodded, pretending to close it.
Bernard: Closed. What's with the reaction though? I was simply going to compliment these mock blue prints you made.
Tim: Mock blue prints, yup, yup, yup, that's what those were. Not real. Thanks for the compliment.
Bernard: No problem. When will you be home from the circus?
Tim: The circus? Oh, right, another hour-
A crashing sound is heard.
Tim: Maybe longer. Um, when you head out you can lock the door I have my keys.
Bernard pulls Tim's house key out of his pocket and chuckles.
Bernard: All right. Bye.
Tim: Bye!
The call ended abruptly as Tim returned to fighting Killer Moth.
Bernard returned to reading the blue prints Tim had to the Batmobile, a tab labeled 'alterations for Robin suit', and a photo tab of Tim in his Robin costume
Bernard (sighing with a smile): I wanted to wait for him to tell me, but...
Bernard closed the laptop and thought back to when he gifted Tim the necklace a year ago, how much he loved him and however Tim reacted, Bernard would keep his boyfriend's hero identity secret
Bernard (resolute): It's time. He's so freaking cute it thinking he can hide it. This is gonna be a fun night.
The night in question
The next morning
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Two years have passed since Tim lost both parents, but thank to help of his family and Jason Todd, Tim is adjusting to life better. Now he's up to stop Scarecrow.
Scarecrow (spraying his fear Toxin, and singing): Only love, only love can hurt like this, only love hurt like this, must've been a deadly-
Scarecrow's singing is interrupted when he spots Red Robin fighting one of his hired goons and wearing a face mask.
Scarecrow: Hey! Robin, over here.
Red Robin (punching a goon unconscious): Um, yes?
Scarecrow: You're back to work, you went missing for some time. Everything with you betta?
Red Robin (keeping a safe distance): Sort of, I'm not as depressed.
Scarecrow: That's good. Hey, don't tell Joker this, but I was worried you'd break and become him and that thought concerned me. Seeing you're not off the bloody deep end, makes me happy. When I see people go insane I want them to live and you seemed to be close to ending it. Don't do that, mate. Not at such a young age.
Red Robin: That's was the nicest thing you've said to me.
Scarecrow: Eh, you're not Batman... Or my father.
Red Robin: Thanks? But, um, I have to stop you.
Scarecrow: Nah, Batman can deal with me, I'm helping out Joker, crazy right? When we meet up again you can try to take my down. Either way, handle him yourself, it'll be a booster for you.
Red Robin (sniffling): You're right!
Batman (on comm): I wanted to fight the Joker.
Red Robin (pressing his comm button): Let me have this!
Oracle (on comm): The british failed psychologist is making you sniffle? Really?
Oracle cackled.
Red Robin (pressing the comm button): One moment Scarecrow- Oracle shut up, Batman can handle him! I'm taking down Joker!
Determined Red Robin ran off leaving a satisfied Scarecrow to continue spraying fear toxin.
Scarecrow: God that kid is a ticking time bomb at times... reminds me of myself when I killed my father. Good memories. If he ever goes insane though I'm going see if he needs a mentor. Great job Johnathan, still got it.
Pt 1
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Harley applies to be part of the outlaws
Harley Quinn: Okay I am here to apply for the job of outlaw. Here is my resume.
Harley hands Jason a typed resume that he takes with reluctance.
Jason (exhausted already): All you listed as former employment was former henchwoman and current therapist slash psychologist. You're not even accredited anymore.
Harley (pridefully): I'm a traveling one, don't need a license for that although Better Help said I'm a shoo in.
Jason: I'm conflicted on that last part, but I'm not hiring you. I don't even hire people.
Harley (pointing at Jason teammates): Are they gettin' paid?
Jason: We split the money, but that doesn't mean-
Harley: Artemis or Roy, do you get paid after a mission and a job well done?
Roy: Yup.
Jason (angry): I hate you.
Artemis: He also gets us a meal afterwards.
Jason groaned covering his face with the paper.
Harley: Okay, so why can't I be hired on? I'm not listin' the Joker as an employer though, I did some goonin' after leavin' him, because... he's the Joker and we all agree, fuck Joker.
Harley goes silent waiting for the others to agree. Artemis nodded in response.
Harley: Artemis agrees. I listed many skills as well and added great references.
Jason: Ivy, Clayface, and King Shark are not great references- Is Bruce's name here?!
Harley: Yes, yes he is. You can call him too. He will give me a glowing recommendation.
Jason stared at the resume printed on pink paper with anger while his friends waited for him to call Bruce.
Jason: I keep glaring at the paper, but it won't burn!
Artemis: Oh, well we're not doing anything until you call him.
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Tim's first boyfriend was Konnor (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
*don't agree with the ships, cool. You can block me or move on but don't be mean about it*
Before Tim dated Bernard, before he came out the closet to his family, Tim think Konnor is foine! Konnor has been out of the closet for a few years (in this headcanon). What if he took his shot and dated him? Sadly the relationship didn't last for long because Tim is a batkid and they suck at dating. Tim dumped him and later reconnected with Bernard.
Red Robin yawned as Konnor Kent discussed the plan to sneak into a Lex Corp.
Konnor: If we go here, here and here we can drop down there and take them down. That way we get everything... Squared away.
Robin looked over the blueprints Konnor wrote out himself and nodded.
Robin: Good plan.
Konnor: That's it?
Robin: Yeah, were you expecting my to say something else?
Konnor: You usually pick apart others plans and by the end of it the whole plan is changed. You do a good job at it, but there's nothing you want to fix.
Robin chuckled, resting his arm on the table.
Robin: For others I would, but yours has a lot of thought put into it. It's a solid plan.
Konnor (smiling softly): I mean I'm not some dumb guy who can fly and is super strong. Some people misunderstand that about me. I can be good at planning too. Thanks Robin.
Tim (smiling): No one else is around, dude. You can call me Tim.
Konnor: Seriously? Cool, I felt weird saying Robin at times. Tim Drake is a more bad ass name.
Tim (sincere): Konnor isn't bad either.
Konnor: Really? I always hated my name.
Tim (shrugging with a tired smile): You have a good name, no matter the connotations it has. And I agree you're not dumb. Honestly, the plan is well done like you are.
Tim squeezed Konner's top arm with a smile. Konnor is too stunned to speak.
Tim (coolly): You're handsome, nice body, funny, I could go on.
Konnor (stammering): I- I- Handsome? I- Is it hot in here? Is this a sleep deprived thing or are you tricking me?
Tim shook his head, sitting up straight.
Tim: I am exhausted, but I've been like that a lot lately. I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable or anything I just ... Like you.
Konnor: I like you too.
Konnor looked over the notes on his blueprints, but his eyes widened once he pondered what Tim meant by that. He turned back to Tim who had been staring at him with loving eyes and gently stroking his hand.
Konnor: Wait, wait, when you say you like me do you mean-
Tim removed his eye mask.
Tim: I mean it like that. I like you. I like everything about you and... I want to kiss you. I really do. I understand if that's not what you want.
Konnor: Dude, dude, I want that. It is hard dating as it is, but I wasn't sure if you were-
Tim pulled Konnor in for a kiss, catching the Superboy off guard. Konnor's cheeks flushed a bright shade of crimson, his eyes widening in surprise as he momentarily froze.
But as the initial shock wore off, he felt warmth spread through him, and he instinctively leaned into the kiss, melting into the connection between them.
Feeling Tim's steady breath against his lips sent tingles down Konnor's spine.
He lightly gripped Tim's arm, drawing him closer and feeling the undeniable strength and warmth radiating off him. In that moment, nothing else mattered; the world around them faded into a blur.
With their bodies pressed together, Konnor's heart raced, thrumming like a distant drumbeat. He could feel the gentle thud of Tim’s heart against his own chest, a rhythm that echoed the intensity of the moment.
Tim's lips were soft, hesitant yet confident, as if he were exploring the depths of Konnor’s emotions with every lingering brush.
Konnor's fingers tightened around Tim's arm, pulling him even closer, as if he were trying to fuse their bodies together.
The kiss deepened, and Konnor lost himself in the sensation, discovering a rush of affection he hadn’t fully allowed himself to acknowledge before.
As they broke apart, Konnor's breath mingled with Tim's, both panting slightly from the rush of adrenaline. Tim looked at him with an expression that combined surprise and something deeper, almost tender.
Tim (faint grin): I've been... wanting to do that for months now.
Konnor (gripping Tim's hair): Want to keep going?
Tim: Yeah.
Tim grabbed the collar of Konnor's shirt and their lips met again, the both of them feeling the spark and warmth as they kept kissing.
Konnor (pulling away quickly): We're still doing my plan?
Tim: Yeah, stop talking.
Konnor moaned kissing Tim again. Tim smiled as he ripped off the man's shirt and felt Konnor press up against him.
Konnor: How long-
Tim: Three hours.
Konnor: Perfect.
The two fell on the floor continuing their make out session as the minutes ticked by.
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gothamite-rambler · 2 days
The Ocean one of the many, many unexplored places. (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
Context: Bruce is headed to Atlantis to help Aquaman with an issue, but doesn't want to admit it's because they're friends and Jason tags along.
Batman: All right, the sea, the most mysterious place because so much is still undiscovered. The last place in the universe that mankind hasn't explored yet.
Silence for ten seconds.
Red Hood: What about space? There are plants that remain undiscovered from humans.
Batman: Okay... That is kind of true, but we've met aliens. Some of the JL members are aliens. That's mostly explored.
Red Hood: Hm, what about parallel universes?
Batman: That doesn't count.
Red Hood: How?
Batman: That's a whole different subject and I've been to different universes, so there.
Red Hood (wanting to stump Batman): Death.
Batman: Well you'd have the answer for that. If you remembered you could answer the question.
Red Hood glared at Batman and then resumed staring out the sub window.
Batman: Uh-huh, what did ever happen to your fire sword summoning powers?
Red Hood: What happened to Batmite?
Batman: Not discussing that, as stated by me, the ocean is a mysterious that hasn't been explored.
Red Hood (spiteful at this point): Antarctica.
Batman: I have a few answers for that, so point me.
Red Hood: ...The entire god awful star wars mythos especially Jedis!
Batman: I told you midichlorians make sense!
Red Hood: They don't and you are one of the only people who defended the actor for Anakin.
Batman: Bad direction was the issu- Silence is golden. Let's sit in silence.
Red Hood: You're still wrong.
Batman: I will turn this submarine around!
Red Hood: I've proven my point.
Batman: Why did you come with me, to annoy me? Because I can lower your monthly allowance.
Red Hood: And then I will shoot you in the knee caps!
Batman: Answer my question.
Red Hood: I never... traveled to Atlantis before and Aquaman was nice to me once so I wanted to help.
Batman: And?
Red Hood: And I want to see if mermaids look like they do in the Hans Christian Anderson book.
Batman: Honestly, understandable.
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gothamite-rambler · 13 hours
Creeper returns to Gotham and the first person he meets is Tim Drake
Creeper: HEY!
Ivy: Um, yes?
Creeper: Let him go.
Ivy looked up at Red Robin that she has lifted up with a vine.
Ivy: ...No.
Creeper: Let him go. THIS INSTANT! Geez, I return to Gotham after traveling as the Creeper and this is what I arrive to see? You harming my boy? Drop him!
Ivy: Oh my God, fine.
Red Robin: Wait, could you lower- SHIT!
Ivy: There you happy, weirdo?
Creeper (walking over to Robin): I am in life I mean. You okay kid?
Robin (laying on the ground confused): Confused at what just happened, but I'm fine.
Creeper: That's good and hey plant woman how dare you? This is my boy! That kid has been nice to me for the few times he knew me! You mess with him you mess with the Creeper!
Ivy: Oh Gaia, not you. I thought you had died.
Creeper: The Creeper never dies.
Red Robin (confused even further): Yeah... I'm not a kid anymore and I have no memory of you.
Creeper: We met when I tried to get with Harley. She turned me down to be with the clown even though I was way better for her and you didn't get it at the time.
Red Robin (remembering): Oh yeah, you're that guy... I get it now as well. I definitely do.
Creeper: See, told you, you would. I left Gotham a year after, long story. Good to see ya again.
Creeper helps Robin up and points at Ivy.
Creeper: Is she going to be a problem for you?
Red Robin: I'm good, but bad news about the Harley situation Ivy is dating her now.
Creeper: WHAT!
Creeper stormed over to Ivy, unnerving her especially since he dodged numerous vines tossed his way.
Creeper: You took my woman?!
Ivy: For the love of Gaia, she was never yours or the Joker! Robin can you take him off to the nuthouse!
Creeper: Nuthouse?! I'll have you know I got clinically tested and I only have one mental disorder thank you very much!
Ivy: Robin, you better get him out my face, you better get him out my face or I'm going to do something awful to him.
Creeper: Bring it! I backhand slapped BATMAN, I can take you on too!
Robin walked over and took Creeper's green arm, taking him away while Creep shouted expletives at Ivy.
Creeper: When I see Harley, I'm taking her on a date and giving her a night of awesomeness!
Ivy: Good luck with that, minute man!
Robin: Could you both not argue!
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gothamite-rambler · 2 days
Harley Quinn stops a robbery (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
Harley Quinn entered in to the 7/11, carrying her bat. Although she was thrown off seeing a man robbing the place. The robber spotted her, but kept his gun aimed at the store clerk.
Robber: Harley? Hey! How you been?
Harley: Good, you know being a less crazy civilian. I was just buying some snacks.
Robber: Go ahead, you can get what you want.
Harley: Thanks.
The robber turned back to the gas station worker, keeping his gun raised.
Robber: Hurry up!
Worker: You want the change too?
Robber: I ... Yeah put it in bag.
Harley walked past the robber and grabbed a bag of Fritos, a can of Poppi soda and a bag of sour patch kids for herself.
Harley (to herself): What candy did Ivy want? Right Sour Peach Rings. Those are at the front counter. That works out perfectly.
Harley calmly walked behind the robber. Without saying a word she bonked the man on the head, while saying 'bonk' as she did so. The robber toppled to the ground. With him incapacitated, Harley picked up the gun and slid it on the counter to the cashier.
Harley: Make sure he doesn't get that back, I'd keep it, but my bats and mallets do the job just fine. Make sure to dial the cops and tell them I wasn't involved with him.
Exhausted teen boy worker (annoyed): You could've done that when you entered.
Harley: I wanted to catch him off guard geez, you're welcome either way.
Harley placed her snacks on the counter along with grabbing two packs of Sour Peach Rings for Ivy.
Harley: I'm payin' for these and again when I leave tell 'em remember, I was not with him. Me and him, not together. Got it?
The exhausted worker shrugged.
Cashier (ringing up the items): As long as you're paying, I'll tell the cops you helped stop him. That'll still be 8.40 for your stuff. Need a bag?
Harley shook her head with a smile then placed a ten dollar bill on the counter.
Harley: Keep the change, kid.
With that she skipped out of the store, satisfied with doing a good deed.
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gothamite-rambler · 12 hours
When Selina realized who Nightwing was after Bruce told her he is Batman.
A/N: This is my version for this because I got the idea from when Black Cat found out Peter was a teenager and vomited. If she had an equally funny reaction in the comics that I should read that's good too
Bruce: Nightwing is Dick Grayson, who was also Robin and my son.
Selina (surprised): Nightwing?
Bruce: Yep.
Selina: He's... He's your son and was Robin? Th- Th- kid I met... Dick Grayson?
Bruce (nodding): Yep... Have you met him?
Bruce waited for Selina to answer as he witnessed the usually poised woman lock up in horror. He remained stoic although he knew what was shocking her and he was reassured this was her reaction.
Selina: I have met that son of yours who was... Sweet Jesus he was 9 when we first met! Robin and Nightwing, same person. Ha ha ha... I have met him. God, he was so... nice to me.
Selina had flirted with Nightwing, many times and he turned her down every time because to him he knew who she was, the massive age difference, the fact she hugged him when he was 9. Selina had no idea of that at the time assuming he was a prude.
Bruce: Mm-hm, he said you two met when he was in his Nightwing suit... Both versions. The popped collar one was a bit much, right?
Selina: Uh-huh... Oh God.
Bruce: What's the issue? All he told me was that you guys talked, went on missions, yadda yadda.
Selina (laughing nervously): He told you that? That's good. Hey is the adopted son I met when he was Robin and met again as a.... not even a grown man, in the tight blue and black suit... Here currently?
Bruce (deadpan): He's in the kitchen.
Selina (panicked): Okay, cool, cool, cool.
Selina held her head down debating if she should be honest with her boyfriend.
Selina (whisper): Is this how why I'm going to burn in hell?
Bruce: Is there anything you want to tell me?
Selina (covering her blushing face with her hands): Bruce... I may or may not have flirted with Nightwing numerous times playfully... under the assumption he wasn't your son and I thought- Oh God, what age was he?
Bruce: He became Nightwing at about 18, maybe 17.
Selina: I'm going to vomit. With that mentioned and all the numerous uncomfortable responses he had towards my advances and when I made comments about you I have accepted that I'm going to burn in hell.
Bruce (comforting and not mad): No, that won't happen, you're having a good reaction and it is showing that you weren't aware and he told me you stopped eventually.
Selina: He told you how I actually acted, didn't he?
Bruce: Yep... made it very clear that he never liked it. I'm not mad, actually enjoying this, quick question, did you ask him to go to your apartment once?
Selina (blushing): I swear to God, I did not know! All he said was he knew you. If I had known his age or that you were related or that he was the cute little button of a chi— I sound like one of the guys from TCAP.
Bruce: Selina, it is not that bad. You're actually showing guilt and he did look old for his age.
Selina (covering her face in shame): I thought he was a prude or something and yes, I stopped when he made it clear that he didn't like it, but dang it I'm going to have to move towns.
Bruce: Or you could talk to him.
Selina: Nope, moving to Bludhaven.
Bruce (chuckling softly): Dick lives in Bludhaven.
Selina (whimper): Oh my God.
Bruce (kind): He doesn't hold any anger towards you, just go talk to him.
Selina: Okay, okay, damn it, remember when I assumed you were a creep? Now I look like one.
Bruce: Ironic, isn't it?
Selina groaned leaving Bruce's office angrily whispering to herself.
Selina (whispering): Great job, Catwoman. Flirt with him, that's my whole thing, wasn't aware of any of this. I flirted with his son.
Selina was debating what she should say leaving her distracted when she bumped into Dick and the two make eye contact.
Selina: Oh hi, Nightwing, I mean Dick, I mean Richard- I mean-
Selina covered her eyes.
Dick (nodding): I'm glad he told you.
Selina: I am terribly sorry for-
Dick: We do not have to talk about it... ever.
Selina: Yes, but Bruce, Batman, your father... Who you used to fight crime with as a child in that cute little hero suit. Oh God, I flirted with you so much and I didn't mean for it to go anywhere. I thought you had to be like in your twenties at least.
Dick: Tsk, not sure if I should feel insulted that you thought I was in my 20s when I was 18. Either way it's fine, I'm over it.
Selina: You have every right to be mad at me though. Especially when you admitted it made you feel weird. Wasn't factoring in that you were the adorable little 8-year-old I met during my early cat burglar days. I'm many things, but not a creep.
Dick (smiling): Selina, seriously, it's fine. Sadly... I have been through worse and you eventually took a hint. I have put that so far in the past it's not an issue anymore. When Bruce told me he revealed his civilian identity to you, I was relieved that he'd eventually tell you who I was. Removed a lot of awkward tension that you weren't aware of. How you're reacting now is appropriate.
Selina: Your father, the man I'm dating, said the same thing. Yeah I'm not the type of woman who thinks a teenager is a viable partner. God you were graduating high school at that time. You were a baby. Am I patronizing you now? Sorry, again.
Dick chuckled, patting Selina on the shoulder.
Dick: You kind of are, but it helps and you can see me as the adorable child that I was and the adorable man that I am. Remember I'm Robin and I do flips and tricks.
Selina (lowering her hands from her eye): Yeah... you are that precious little Robin I remember from back in the day.
Dick: Aww, thank you.
Selina (giggling): Awww, you still so cute. Thank you, Dick. Hand shake?
Dick smiles and shakes Selina's hand. He walks past her to head to Bruce's office.
Dick (over his shoulder): Oh and Selina, Bruce definitely had you talk to me to embarrass us both.
Selina (sighing at the realization): That tracks... I need a drink.
Selina heads to the kitchen.
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Damian has a friend and she's nice? (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
Dick and Jason find Damian and his new friend Carrie talking and watching tv together.
Carrie: The main character isn't from that dimension, she landed there because of the magic jewelry box.
Damian: Magical jewelry box?
Carrie: Yes and her friends are separated from her and yes the world they landed in is populated by amphibians. I have no idea why, it's a different dimension.
Damian: All right, thank you for clarifying that.
Carrie: No prob, bob. Let's get back to the show now.
Carrie unpaused the episode and the two continue watching as the boys older brothers leave the room.
Jason: When he said he made a friend... he wasn't lying?
Dick: I guess not... could he be paying her.
Damian (in the other room): Carrie, pause that I'll be right back.
Carrie: I gotcha.
Damian walked out of the living room into the halls as Carrie took a sip from her juice box.
Damian (in the hallway, loud): I AM NOT PAYING HER TO BE MY FRIEND! LEAVE US ALONE!
Damian walks back into the living room while Carrie pretended she did not hear him yell at somebody, but she can't hide her smile.
Damian (sitting back on the couch): Hit play, we're good now.
Carrie: Sure, but a heads up I don't care about you being rich or anything, I think you're cool and you're my friend.
Damian: I appreciate that, Carrie.
Carrie nodded, resumed playing the show on the fancy television and while Damian was deeply confused by the plot of the show, he also enjoyed it like Carrie said he would.
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Bruce meeting his son Damian pt. 2 (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
Context: After Bruce Wayne has regained his bearings and been dragged to a lounge room at Ra's castle and has been retold that he has a son with Talia, Jason knew and now his in-law is Ra's Al Ghul. (links to the first two parts below).
Bruce, still in his bat suit, rested on the ground in Talia's study trying to remain his usual calm and composed self, but can only repeat a mantra.
Talia: Bruce, my former love, are you feeling better?
Bruce (monotone and stunned): I have a child with Talia. I have a child with Talia. I have a child with Talia. I have a child with Talia. I have a child with Talia...
Talia: You are being such a drama kind, it is not that that our night of passion produced a child.
Bruce (whimpering): Oh God I'm linked to you through a child!
Bruce buried his face on the floor groaning loudly.
Talia (angry): My father was right, you would hate Damian! If you're going to be like this then you won't be around him!
Bruce (clarifying): I do not hate Damian. I hate you. There's a difference. And you are not depriving me of any further time with him!
Talia shook with rage, but chose to not stab him, taking a long sip from her tea to calm herself.
Bruce: This is not what I needed, I can't believe I'm a father again.
Talia: Bruce, while I don't care much for your Robins, you raised of three kids already, for Ra's sake, you adopted Dick when he was 8!
Bruce: I wasn't secretly his biological father, unaware he existed because the petty mother and her psychotic father refused to inform me of that!
Talia (honest): Well when you word it like that it makes us look bad.
Bruce (calm, but enraged): Talia, how old is Damian again?
Talia (deadpan): He turned eight a few months ago.
Bruce (panicked): That's what I'm FUCKING saying! I missed another birthday, he's been around- Oh my God it just dawned on me he's been around Ra's Al Ghul. Ra is that precious boy's grandfather. Oh… no.
Talia smiled hearing Bruce call their son precious.
Talia: You're stressed and shocked about having a child that I neglected to tell you about, for your own safety as well, but we can co-parent him since you know about him now.
Bruce (V.O.): That's not the point, he is my son you loony tune!
Bruce (outloud): Thank you so much for giving me that option eight years later. I'm not upset I have a son, that's... fine. You are correct about the fact I've raised three kids, working on things with Jason, but yes I'm not new to parenting. I’m having a lot of racing thoughts because the woman I thought I cut off ties with is now linked to me through said innocent child. Oh and the fact you kept him secret for eight years!
Talia (missing the point): Our relationship wasn't that bad. You have to admit we had good times together.
Bruce sat up, bringing his knee to his head and thinking about the good times... Those bad times entered the narrative quickly.
Talia: Bruce, it was for the best I never informed you of Damian’s existence earlier, father would’ve killed you.
Bruce: You refused to tell ME I had a son, because your father who bathes in the pit when he has a cold might’ve killed me? That’s what you’re trying to tell me… you’re telling me that as if I can’t fight for myself!
Talia (hesitantly): I made… what I assumed was the smartest decision.
Bruce: Yeah Kim thought the same thing with J.D. on Scrubs, at least he found out before the baby was born.
Talia: Okay I did not watch much of that crap show, but don’t compare me to that woman, I’m ten times better than her! Plus our night of passion was far different from what they did.
Bruce: No, it was a one night stand. A fun one, I won’t deny that, but one I had planned to be a ONE NIGHT STAND! I'm supposed to be smart, why did I buy those condoms, why did I put one in my wallet?
Talia: You are pissing me off to no end, but slip-ups like this can happen to the best of us. Neither of us expected a condom with the word 'condom' misspelled on it would break so easily.
Bruce: I can't ignore the fact you had him around that man. You let him talk to Damian, be around Damian, probably teach him how to kill. I am burying so much rage at the moment, but it's a thin thread, Talia. It's a thin thread!
Talia rolled her eyes while drinking from her tea cup.
Talia: I'll have you know, my childhood was only filled with normal discipline, he stabbed me in my ankle three times and then stopped. Mostly because I expected those sneak attacks.
Bruce: Talia, I swear to Christ if he has done that to Damian I will murder him three times.
Talia: No...not that I'm aware of.
Talia took another long sip from her cup while glancing away from Bruce.
Bruce (despondent): I've been deprived of that cute boy's eight years of growing up. He could have had a semi-normal childhood. I saw you with the baby too, but I thought nobody would be STUPID enough to have a kid with you. I'm the stupid one.
Talia (smirking): You think he's cute?
Bruce whimpered to signify he meant yes.
Talia: Our DNA worked together well then.
Talia giggled, but Bruce wasn't in the mood.
Bruce: You're as delusional as I remember.
Talia: Bruce, get up, sit next to me. Have some tea.
Bruce stood up and sat a good distance from Talia. He removed his cowl and sighed accepting he had a son with Talia, but his worry for his child's safety remained.
Bruce: I'm glad I'm not shooting blanks, the issue is- I mean no offense... kind of do- I did not want a child with you after I realized I can't be with someone like you. You and I have clashing ideals and now we have a child. I have to co-parent with a woman who harassed a Kohl's worker to the point the woman got institutionalized ... and that's the tame shit! What am I going to tell Damian about your entire history?
Talia: Okay first of all, that worker was racist, she had it coming and second, I've made decisions you do not agree with, some that I don't look back on fondly, but for most of Damian's childhood I raised him with the love I barely got from my father. I'm doubting the decision to raise him as an assassin.
Bruce: I can make the final decision there, he's not becoming one.
Talia (chuckling dryly): Guess we'll have to compromise with what Damian wants. To be honest, Bruce I'm not that mad with your overall reaction, but I'm glad the issue isn't our son. Because whether you want to be with me or not, yI want you to be a part of his life. Eight years later, yes, but I've known you for a long time and I see now you'll be a great father to him.
Bruce (rubbing his forehead): Freaking reassuring after I missed so much of his life... He's leaving today with me and will never return here again. Yeah, yeah that's a good first step as his father.
Talia: Okay, let's test the co-parenting here. How about you take him to Gotham and spend a few weeks with him so that way he can get to know you more. You're rich, not as much as us, but hopefully he'll be used to your lifestyle.
Bruce (serious): You said as if he's visiting for vacation and then returning to this kingdom of evilness. He's not returning here! Ever!
Talia: Oh come on, I'm raising him incredibly well.
Bruce: Around Ra's Al Ghul?
Talia: Y- Yes. On his birthday we have him fight assassins and punishments aren't that bad.
Bruce (seething): You had him fight assassins?! What punishments- You got me fucked me, Talia! You got me fucked up! You have me talking like I'm from lower Jersey! I get you find me silly for wearing an awesome batsuit to save the city, but let me make this clear: He's living with me, I am taking... custody of him. I'm getting his stuff, he'll get on my jet and Gotham will be his permanent home! That is my son! Not just yours and damn sure not Ra's! I have a say in my son's life!
Talia (impressed): Okay, I like this energy. He'll want to return here for proper raising, I'm confident in that, but he can spend two or three months with you and then we'll humor him and see who he wants to stay with.
Bruce: Me. Me. He's living with me. I might have him visit- What am I saying?! You can visit him, I won't deprive YOU of being around him. Not Ra because if he hurts him any further, I will BEAT that man to an inch of his life and render him comatose!
Talia (pretending to be ignorant): Yeah, he'll stay for a let's say a year. I'm getting what you're putting down.
Bruce: You're seriously not! Talia look into my eyes, Damian WAYNE will be living with me from here on out. Got it?!
Talia stood up, placing her tea cup on the table.
Talia: Mm-hm, Mm-hm, Mm-hm, we'll see what Damian decides. Aren’t you happy I gave him your last name.
Bruce rubbed his forehead, trying not to cuss Talia out. She wasn't always the most stable person especially when it involved allegiance to her father, but he was resolute in his decision. Damian would not set foot back in that castle for as long as Bruce lived. Although he accepted there was no point in arguing with Talia.
Talia (standing up): I'll go tell him to pack his things, you're going to have to talk to my father and I'm not sure if you remember this, you blacked out at a certain point, but Jason was fully aware I had the child, kept it secret for this long-term revenge, Damian has visited Gotham to be babysat by him, and he helped raise him for 8 years. He was actually the one who told me a few months ago it was time to let you see him so don't be too hard on the kid. Okay, whew got that off my chest. Damian, let's talk!
Talia scurried out of the room as Bruce stood there, shocked at this new information. He had blocked out that particular part, remembering it now made his face turn red with rage.
Bruce (whispering in rage): He had his reasons. He had his reasons. He had his reasons. He had his reasons. He had his reasons. He had his reasons- I began sending him that money 3 years ago after I SAVED him and he sat on his information until a few months ago!
Bruce left the tea room in a huff.
Bruce: Jason, let's talk!
"You knew this entire time?"
Bruce find out about Damian
Jason knew the entire time
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gothamite-rambler · 3 days
A mother’s voice (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
A/N: I just made her an Irish Catholic woman for fun. It’s just a twist I wanted to add for Crystal, but in this she’s not working for Cluemaster and while she wasn’t always there for Stephanie when she was a kid, she’s there for her now and has figured out she’s Spoiler. I haven’t added in the Stephanie had a baby part, sorry guys.
Spoiler stood before the hulking figure of Bane, her family members engaged in a fierce battle against Arkham criminals around her. She felt her legs shake with fatigue, the pain coursing through her body evident as blood trickled from her nose. Trembling, she teetered on the edge of surrender.
Spoiler (weakly, muttering): God dang it... I can't keep going.
Just then, a voice echoed through her comms, but it wasn’t Oracle.
Crystal: Stephanie, darling?
Spoiler: M-Ma?
Crystal (her Irish accent unmistakable): That's me. No need to pretend. I figured out ye were Spoiler years ago. I worried about ye, until I remembered one thing. Ye're my daughter.
Spoiler (dodging a punch from Bane): Ma, leave! You don’t want to hear me lose.
Crystal (firmly): Stephanie Bridget Brown, I wasn’t there to raise ye much sadly, but I’ve seen how strong you became, this isn’t ye givin’ up. Ye fought to get here.”
Spoiler (voice wavering): But I—
Batman: Oracle, why is there a civilian in there with you?
Crystal (shouting): Ah, pipe down, Batman, or I’ll give ye a one-two! I'm talkin’ to Spoiler, not ye!
Batman (not wanting to anger the woman): Okay, then. Continue on, person who shouldn’t be on the comms!
Spoiler took a hesitant step back from Bane.
Spoiler (protesting): I can't do this!
Crystal (urgency in her voice): Can't? That’s not the Steph I know. Ye became a hero to spite yer father. Ye became a hero twice to spite Batman. Why does this limp-dicked man get to win?
Spoiler: He... doesn’t.
Crystal: Exactly. No man does. An’ me apologies for usin’ the devil's tongue, but stand on yer feet, straighten yer back, prepare yer stance, and get ready to kick arse! Ye were born a fighter! Ye are God's child, gifted by me! Ye’ve fought worse men—this roided-out wrestler won’t be the one who wins!
With newfound strength, Spoiler stood tall, raising her fist and delivering a powerful blow to Bane, knocking him back.
Spoiler (determination blazing in her eyes): He won’t win!
Crystal (encouraging): Aye, ye stand on business, and ye will not let Cluemaster, Batman, or any man win! For God says so through me!”
Spoiler (shouting): YEAH!
Crystal (proclaiming): AMEN!
Oracle nodded in agreement. Spoiler, energized by her mother's words, charged into danger, handing Oracle her comm.
Spoiler leaped over Bane, wrapping her arms around his neck, managing to take him down. As he attempted to grab her, she bit his hand. He swatted her back, but she stayed on her feet.
Spoiler (taunting): Come and get me, Nacho Libre!
Bane (angry): I resent that statement!
With a swift spin kick to the face, Spoiler sent him crashing to the ground.
Spoiler: Now, who's the damsel?
She pressed her shoe down on the man's neck.
Bane: I will not—
Spoiler: Oh, shut up!
With a decisive kick, she knocked him unconscious.
Spoiler (ready to take on the next inmate): All right, who's next?!
She charged at the next prisoner, taking down numerous foes as Crystal listened proudly from the sidelines. The Robins observed in stunned silence, partially horrified by the ferocity of the scene unfolding before them.
Crystal (grin): Thanks for invitin’ me, Steph’s friend.
Oracle (unfazed): You snuck in, but it was worth it. I thought you were working for her father.
Crystal (smirk): Not in this canon, love.
With that, she stepped away, leaving the chaos behind.
Oracle: Cool.
Babs glanced at the fading figure of Crystal as she entered the elevator.
She placed the earpiece back in her ear and pressed a button.
Oracle: Hey, Batman, Crystal left, and Spoiler didn’t get her back broken like you thought she would.
Batman groaned, clearly annoyed.
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Jason playing the piano and singing, surprising everyone at the dinner party (including his family)
But he sings like Jorge Rivera not like Natalie (just a heads up lol)
Jason (finishing the song): I think you're crazy!
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me— Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
I think you're crazy, oh-oh-oh
Crazy... And maybe I'm crazy... Maybe you're crazy... Maybe we're crazy... Probably.
Stunned silence from everyone at the dinner party.
Stephanie (speaking for everybody): All right, Jason!
She clapped eagerly and soon everyone at the party claps as well as Jason smiles and then leaves to head outside.
Dick (following him outside): That was great.
Jason (feeling flustered): Thanks... See I told you I could sing in front of people. Not like I was good or anything.
Dick (patting his brother on the shoulder): Take the win.
Dick laughed and Jason joined in feeling more relaxed after stepping out of his comfort zone for one night.
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JayRose (one of many for this ship) - (Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Series)
A dimly lit alley after a tense battle, the two were sore.
Rose and Jason stood close together, the atmosphere charged with unspoken feelings. Rose pulled away from Jason after surprising him with an unexpected kiss.
Rose: Mm, nice. I've been wanting to do that for a while.
Jason (stammered): Whoa, that just happened.
As Rose kissed him again, he feels a heat radiate through him, their lips moving in perfect harmony. Jason placed his hand on Rose's hip bringing her closer to his body as he felt a quick pressure on his bottom lip. He moaned, but clarity set in fast once Rose stepped back with a playful smile.
Jason (covering his mouth): Stop catching me off guard.
Jason rubbed his forehead, feeling his heart race from the sudden thrill.
Rose (her eyes sparkling): I had to get that out of my system. I’m ready to go now.
Jason: I said why are you looking at me like that, you kissed me and then kissed me again... what the fuck I didn't even know you liked me like that!
She laughed, noticing the flush on Jason's face, and placed her hand on his hero suit, gently rubbing his chest.
Rose: I thought I made it obvious... although I do like pretend flirting with people. With you though, I've been wanting to kiss you for a while.
Jason: Okay, okay, cool... I- I didn't hate it, but that kind of made some blood from my brain leave for a few minutes and- You're very attractive.
Rose (smiling): You are too especially when you took off your mask, I couldn’t control myself anymore.
Jason tried to regain his composure as he glared at her playfully.
Jason: Rose… five minutes ago, we were dealing with goons and trying to snatch a key. Thanks for not taking it from my pocket again.
Rose (cheeky grin): Lucky you.
Jason: Um, yeah. Focus… After all that, you thought you’d just kiss me? I'm not complaining, but that wasn't unexpected.
Rose (nonchalantly): I noticed you seemed a little on edge. I wanted to help you relax.
Jason (flustered): Well, that definitely worked.
Rose: Think of it as a thank you for stopping a knife from being plunged into my hip. I could’ve died, and then you wouldn’t have received such a pleasant gift from me.
Jason sighed, but when he looked at Rose he felt his heart beat skip quickly.
Jason: I feel hot. Do you feel hot? Wow, you’re just… fine as- I didn’t mean—
Rose (coy smile): Hmm, I'm fine? You might’ve meant ‘foine.’
They both let out soft laughter, helping to ease Jason's tension. Rose wrapped her arms around Jason’s shoulders, their bodies just inches apart.
Jason (softly): Rose?
Rose: Hmm?
Jason: I... like you and I just…
He leaned in, kissing Rose passionately. She was initially surprised but soon melted into the softness of his lips.
Jason (embarrassed): I said I liked you. Oh my God.
Rose (sincere): I like you too. There’s no shame in speaking the truth. Your intelligence captivates me; our conversations are both enlightening and enjoyable. You have a quick wit that draws me in; just the way you carry yourself with such confidence and charm. Your physical appearance was a bonus.
Jason shifted awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jason: Honestly, when I started to develop feelings for you, I didn’t want you to notice. I suck at this. Because I really do think you're... You're genuinely funny—you know how to lighten the mood even in the craziest situations. Plus, the way you handle your weapons with such skill? It’s hard not to admire that. And your jaded personality, while it may seem tough at first, has a strangely appealing quality that keeps me wanting to be around you. And you're hot too.
Rose brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and giggled softly, trying to hide her embarrassment.
Jason: I’m ruining the illusion, aren’t I?
Rose: If you were like my last two partners, who lied about fifty percent of their lives, I’d say yes. But with you, it’s more you revealing a softer side of yourself, not just flashing me.
Jason: Which partner was that?
Rose: Both. You ever seen a guy windmill his penis?
Jason: There was this one time on a subway…
Rose (interrupting Jason): Jay, I want you. And while you seem a little shy about this, which is surprisingly making you more attractive, I think we should give this a shot. Keep things low-key and don’t tell anyone.
Jason: YES! That was probably a bad reaction.
Rose: You’re cool. Trust me, I’m not in the mood for the typical ‘Oh, he’s my boyfriend, and I’m his girlfriend, and we go to pottery on the weekend’ couple crap.
Jason: That sounds boring. But how about when this mission is over, we find somewhere private to continue this?
Jason took her hand and brought him close to his body.
Rose (teased): Oh, Mr. Red Hood, are you seducing me?
Jason: I think I am, Miss Rose Wilson. Would you like to give it a try?
Rose: Hm… mind if I employ a few of my special tricks on you? I can be pretty rough.
Jason: You bit my lip, and I moaned. What do you think?
Rose (playful tone): Let’s start with catching me.
She held up the key Jason thought was back in his pocket, but she sneakily retrieved and then darted past him.
Jason sighed happily and chases after her, laughter echoing behind them. As they step into the night, the exhilaration of the chase pumps adrenaline through his veins, promising that the night is just beginning.
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