#Bowel Syndrome
zarooribaathai · 7 months
Constipation: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment 
Constipation is a common disease nowadays. Several people in India suffer from this problem wherein bowel movements are tough or happen less often than normal. You said you are affected by constipation if you have less than three bowel movements per week. The time interval between poop varies from person to person. Some people go one to two times. Others go a few times a week. But if the gap between poop is more than 3 days then stool gets harder and more difficult to pass, leading to constipation. Check out more on Constipation: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment  - Zaroori baat hai
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disabled-bug · 2 months
I’m so proud of people living with chronic health conditions. That shit is HARD. Idk who needs to hear this, but if no one else has said it: I’m proud of you. You’re sticking it out through so much pain and grief. That’s no small feat.
Every small thing you do for yourself health adds up. The grief is heavy and it comes from a place of love. The grief knows the pain is wronging you.
I’m proud of you. I hope on the good days you can be proud of yourself.
Keep going.
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manipalhospital1 · 1 year
Bowel movement is a basic life process which we all go through. Most people with a healthy metabolism may have 1 to 3 bowel motions in a day depending on their age, diet and extent of physical activity.
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brightsoulblogger · 1 year
Ginger contains vitamins B1, B2, and B6. These vitamins play an important role in the storage and breakdown of sugar, fats, and proteins for the body.
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thatchronicfeeling · 1 year
July is Disability Pride Month
Let’s celebrate by keeping disabled people ALIVE and SAFE.
Want to know how you can help?
(FFP2/3 or N95 give best protection, especially the ones that fasten behind your head)
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chronically-izzzzle · 9 months
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crippledpunks · 3 months
if you try to police disabled peoples' diets INCLUDING how they spend their money on food: i just want to ask why? what do you gain from this? like seriously, what do you actually gain from displaying holier-than-thou behavior toward another person's spending and dietary habits? who cares if you would spend your money "better"? you're not them. this is a form of abuse. you literally have no idea what the disabled person can safely digest and actually gains nutrients and energy from. you have no clue, even if you share the same disorder, you are not that person, nor are you their gastroenterologist or other specialist.
telling disabled people to "eat healthier," "eat more salads," "eat more fresh fruits," "eat more fresh vegetables," "eat more grains," and so on can not only be outwardly dangerous for people who have digestive issues like inflammatory bowel diseases, gastroparesis, irritable bowel disease, acid reflux, a history of ulcers, gastritis, and a long list of other digestive health issues, it can outright kill someone if they form a blockage. this can also injure, sicken or kill diabetics, people with non-diabetic low or high blood sugar, blood pressure issues, kidney and liver issues, and many other people.
not only that but you're potentially forcing a neurodivergent person to eat foods that nauseate, sicken, or disgust them, and for what? autistic people know what foods are safe for them to eat. adhd people need to find finds they can manage to keep in their homes without spoiling. dissociative people, people with ADHD, head trauma, develeopmental disorders, other people with memory issues, dementia, alzheimers, psychotic people, and other mental and cognitive health issues need foods they can prepare safely, because many mentally ill and neurodivergent people can't safe;y cook without risk of injury or damage to their home.
people who deal with allergies and intolerances are constantly struggling with being told how to eat when they are the ones who know their experience the most. NOBODY gives a fuck about people with allergies and literally nobody takes food intolerances seriously. i can't digest animal products OR byproducts anymore. i lost the ability. but sometimes i question "maybe i can try it again because this food is cheaper." well. i decided i was spending too much on groceries due to inflation and bought cow's milk instead of almond milk and got so sick it was something i had never seen before. i do NOT need to prioritize "saving money" over eating foods i can safely digest. i had an IBS attack early this morning because i ate some cheese- because it is a "cheap, easy source of protein."
some disabled people need to use certain services like pre-prepared foods being delivered to their homes, be it meals on wheels, or hello fresh. guilting these people for using the services because they could "just cook at home" is insulting to say the least. many of these services have tailored meals with consistent ingredients with limitations on contaminants with allergens.
here's the big one that everyone fucking hates but needs to accept immediately: some disabled people are too exhausted, in pain, dissociated, psychotic, unable to focus, unable to follow instructions, or in other ways unable to cook for themselves and need to use food delivery services like doordash and uber eats.
some disabled people can't or don't want to drive due to their disabilities! blind disabled people exist! para- and quadriplegics exist! people with hand tremors exist! working disabled people exist! amputees exist! disabled parents exist! disabled people who care for partners and family exist!
this one is sooooooo taboo and i'm sick of it. first of all, dashers and uber drivers are every day people who need to earn income. these are people's jobs and their lives are in fact on the line because this is a lot of drivers' primary income. enough with guilting people on this one. i'm fucking sick of it. y'all hate independently employed people and it shows. this isn't a luxury just relegated to rich white moms: disabled people need to have prepared, easy to eat foods delivered to our homes too. y'all need to leave people the fuck alone when it comes to takeout.
the second someone poorer and more disabled than you does something you do regularly, suddenly you're sending articles and giving paragraphs and paragraphs of advice on how to spend money better and how the disabled person "just needs to eat rice, beans, ramen, and frozen vegetables" because disabled people are not allowed comfort NOR convenience in your eyes. this is absolutely asinine. stop it. EATING is not relegated to the privileged
disabled people are people and need to eat. why you are prioritizing money over a literal human need is beyond me this is sick behavior. why do you care so much more about the money than the person ?why is money more important than someone's safety to you? why would anyone rather see someone "spend money the right way" over a human being EATING FOOD and especially foods they KNOW won't make them sick. policing how any disabled person spends their money on food is also unnecessary and abusive. it serves nothing to gain and everything to lose. so what if you think a disabled person spends too much money on food? you do too- we all do: food should be fucking free. get over yourself and let disabled people eat. leave your greed at the door, stop feeling entitled over other peoples' finances and spending habits.
telling a disabled person how to "eat healthier" will not make you healthier, and it will not do them any good, either. all it does is serve to stroke your ego because you believed you ""helped"" someone but all you did was give unsolicited advice that will be forever moot because you do not live in that person's body. don't care if you know them personally: you ain't them. so back off, let disabled people eat. food ain't just for the rich. food ain't just for the abled. let people access food in ways that are safe for us or get the fuck out of our way because all you're doing is causing problems and making disabled people's health problems WORSE.
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disabledidols · 5 months
I hate what the Internet has done to IBS.
You have to plan your life around it. Feel like going out? You can but only if you avoid specific foods, drinks, and follow a strict food regiment 3 days leading up to going out. Having a good day? Maybe a sudden wave of cramps will hit while you're no where near a toilet. Walking around the house? Maybe the pain will start and you will be forced to curl up on the floor to help ease it.
Is it a disability? Not by itself. But is is VERY common in disabled people, the symptoms are gross by regular standars and it hurts like hell. The last thing people with IBS need is the Internet at large turning it into 'shit disorder' which can be made fun of as used as a gag for TV and movies, games, 'unlikeable' characters, even 'your fave has x' blogs.
I'm tired of the stigma around IBS and similar conditions. We deserve to be able to talk about it with out people saying "maybe not in public- you'll gross people out".
I hope you're having a good day, that your cramps aren't bad and that when you do use the toilet it's not painful.
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autisticgayplushie · 6 months
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and ibs otter, which i made mostly for me lol. i really want her name to start with cy…. cypres…. cyril….. hmm
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justsomerandomgay · 4 months
today is the first time a doctor has ever examined my stomach and told me something was wrong. something physical that he could see and touch. he told me something was wrong with me. and it made me so happy.
something was wrong even when my labs were clear. i’m allowed to be happy to get bad news because it means i finally have answers. and answers is something i spent my childhood praying for. so yes im happy to be told something is wrong with me. because something was wrong before anyone believed me. now i just have proof
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nightmarekilljoy · 3 months
Today I ate some pickles and a piece of cheese (plant based)... and I told a family member and they said "Oh that's not food." as in that's not a meal.
Um. How do I tell them that mentality isn't healthy??
Please, if you're out there struggling with food do not listen to people like this. Eating anything is better than eating nothing at all. /srs
And people with digestive disorders like me can't eat like an ablebodied person can. Keep that in mind.
-Amber (she/they/it or star/shine/rot)
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
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undiagnosed chronic gastro illness culture is idk whats wrong w me but i think its trying to kill me
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blackholemojis · 5 months
hello! i am politely requesting an emoji of a yellow person sweating and feeling nauseated/dizzy… thats what usually happens when i have migraines. also could you do one for IBS? /nf thank u for everything u do!
Yeah sure :) I hope these are good!
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[ID 1: a dizzy and sweating person holding their stomach (colored green) with one hand and putting their other hand to their head. They are slightly bent over and have an uncomfortable expression.
ID 2: a person with a neutral expression, with their digestive system pictured and having an angry “irritated” face, and green jagged lines radiating out from it. /End ID]
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I really wish I wasn't in pain all the time. It's on varying degrees, but it's always there. And nothing ever shows up on tests and scans. I wonder what it's like to not be in pain at all most of the time unless some incident happens to you, what it's like to not need to take medications every day in order to stay alive. What it's like to not be restricted in your hobbies and activities because of your health.
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thatchronicfeeling · 1 year
Disability Pride shout out to everyone whose disability...
gets in the way of their sex life
gets in the way of expressing and/or understanding their sexuality
gets in the way of their romantic life
gets in the way of intimate relationships
gets in the way of exploring any/all of the above
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