#Bookish Blog
thejudeduarte · 4 months
Being part of a small fandom is liking every single post you see about it because on tumblr little to no people have actually read the books 😭
I'm totally not talking about powerless and legendborn
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afropuffsartstudios · 20 days
Happy Library Card Signup Month Yall!
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Take a trip to your public library this month and find out all the amazing things they have to offer!
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It’s been a long week. Treasure your people and preserve all the memories. While also taking time to enjoy the little joys. Like a cool bird. Or a good book. Or a wild sunrise.
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ghostlylivresbooks · 2 months
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Oh they've really entered their horror era now. 👀
🖤 Picked up a copy of Slewfoot by Brom! Can we take a moment for these illustrations?!
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outsassing-nero · 1 year
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27.03.23// last week was really messy and my anxiety is still spiking hAHAH. but i’ve done a good chunk of reading and writing done today so at least that’s nice.
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wordsandmeraki · 25 days
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Bookshelf Aesthetics 🎀
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readnburied · 3 months
Book Review: Spellslinger by Sebastian de Castell
Date of Publishing: May 4th, 2017
Author: Sebastien de Castell
Publisher: Hot Key Books
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
This is book 1 in the series of the same name and follows Kellen who is doing his best to become a spellcaster, a feat which seems impossible for him as he’s unable to conjure any type of magic. And with his sixteen birthday approaching, he better get some magic to pass the four trials or he’d be facing a fate worse than death. But when a stranger shows up to help him, Kellen must decide if he should trust her or face eternal damnation. However, trusting this stranger will come at a cost, just like everything else.
This is a series I’ve been meaning to get to for the longest time but I either kept forgetting about it or prioritizing other series over this one. However, I finally got the chance and I have to say this book did not disappoint at all. It actually took me by surprise and I was glad it did because it’s difficult for me to find books that surprise me now.
The main thing I loved about this book was the humor. The author has done an incredible job injecting humor in the most strategic places, which gave the entire narrative an unprecedented depth and made it difficult to put down.
The entertainment level of this book was top notch and combined with the intriguing and unique plot, I kept flipping page after page until I reached the end with a heavy feeling in my heart. And I’m eager to continue with the series and see what else does Kellen get up to.
Kellen was an interesting character and one of my favorites I’ve read about this year. He wasn’t the perfect know-it-all like so many other protagonists, rather he was scraping rock bottom in terms of talent and skill. And even when he found his powers eventually, they didn’t bring him the glory like one would expect. He suffered even after getting his powers and that’s why I found this book such a refreshing read.
The other characters were just as interesting and I especially loved the visitor who came to help Kellen. I’m always a fan of anti-heroes and this character seemed like one to me, but she was interesting and I loved the power she wielded and the fact that she didn’t care about what society thought of her truly made her a badass in my books. However, Kellen’s family really pissed me off and made me want to scream in frustration. They should’ve been accepting of their son rather than caring about their own reputation, but once again, the author did an excellent job of showing a glimpse of reality via fiction.
The magic system was unique and I found the various rules and regulations regarding it captivating. It was simple yet intricate and I wonder if there’d be more to it in the upcoming books. But the society as a whole was interesting, even though I didn’t like some of their rules, but it just shows there always be certain practices that would be deemed acceptable while others would result in immediate banishment. It happens in the present world, so one shouldn’t be surprised that this happens in fiction as well.
Moreover, the trials were an interesting aspect of the story. They really raised the stakes and I feel like they were a key component to the story as without them, I doubt the story would’ve been able to stand on its own. But considering how talented the author is, I’m sure he would’ve made it work had he decided not to put the trials into the story.
The climax came with the most unexpected plot twist. I really didn’t see it coming, but it made so much sense and I fully empathize with the antagonist. I know what they did was wrong but I understand why they were doing it. And I couldn’t help but think that sometimes your circumstances force you to do the things you don’t want to, and sometimes people take justice into their own hands because they think it’s the only way they’ll get it.
However, there’s much more to Kellen and his adventures and I really can’t wait to dive in to the next books to know exactly what that is. I recommend each and every one of you reading this to go and buy this book and read it if you haven’t already. You will enjoy it as much as I did if not more. I’m grateful to the author for writing this series and can’t wait to read more of his works.
Let me know if you’ve already read this book and what you think of it. And if you have more recommendations feel free to let me know.
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artandbooknook · 5 months
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Guess who’s coming next? 👀
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open-at-the-close · 8 months
Okay how many of you are on bookstagram? I just made one and I want to follow you all 🥰
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writtenroses1813 · 7 months
I’m so sorry but in the nicest way possible do yall actually read books or just read words??? Cause I’ve been seeing that trend of people not understanding how “snarled” and “eyes darkened” and “eyes softened” etc. was used in a book and like…
Genuinely, do yall just not have imagination?? Or not understand figurative language??? Also eyes do literally darken and soften have you not lived a life??? How do you read with no imagination? Is this how you get through so many books in one month - you simply don’t take the time the understand the words as they are read?
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in-dire-read · 2 months
Kiss And Make Love (ARC Review)
Rating: 5/5 stars
Author: Luna Day
Genre: Adult Romance
Features ten sizzling stories take you from lustful encounters to romantic relationships, inviting you to embrace the thrill of desire and discover love in surprising ways.
A college student and her professor embark on a forbidden fling that evolves into a secret femdom relationship. Two rival rugby players clash both on and off the field, their rivalry intensifying with a passionate twist. Meanwhile, a shy writer harbors naughty fantasies about her favorite breadmaker, yearning to be seen as more than just a regular customer at the neighborhood bakery.
Immerse yourself in a blaze of passion with "Kiss and Make Love" and explore these captivating stories and more.
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Luna Day's latest collection presents readers with a captivating series of short stories centered around themes of lust, love, and attraction. The narrative depth and emotional complexity in each story make this anthology a standout. Among the array of compelling tales, "The Professor" and "The Same Train of Thought" are particularly memorable.
"The Professor" delves into the intense and forbidden attraction between a student and her enigmatic professor. The story is rich with tension, exploring the fine line between professional boundaries and undeniable desire. Day masterfully captures the exhilaration and trepidation of this illicit romance, making it a thrilling read from start to finish.
In "The Same Train of Thought," two strangers find an unexpected connection during their daily commute. The story beautifully illustrates how mundane routines can spark profound and life-changing encounters. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, and the narrative's progression from casual glances to intimate moments is handled with finesse.
Luna Day strikes a perfect balance between erotic moments and the deeper emotional currents of lust and love. Each story in this collection offers a unique perspective on human desire, weaving together passion, vulnerability, and empowerment. The pacing is brisk, ensuring that readers remain engaged throughout.
This book is a quick yet impactful read, ideal for fans of fast-paced romance and sexual empowerment. Luna Day’s ability to create vivid, emotionally charged scenes makes this collection a must-read for those who appreciate nuanced and thrilling love stories. Highly recommended!
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thejudeduarte · 1 month
~• Heyy! I'm Jude and welcome to my blog! c: •~
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About me: - I'm a minor so pls don't be weird!! - I love reading 📚 - My favourite colour is pink 🩷 - I'm obsessed with tfota and jude duarte 🤭 - I am NOT a RP blog so pls don't mistake me for one!! - I'm an LGBTQ+ ally!! - I'm a proud Christian ✝️ - My pronouns are she/her <3
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Fandoms: - The Folk of the Air 🐍 - Six of Crows 🐦‍⬛ - Once Upon a Broken Heart 💔 - Shatter me ⚡ - The Maze Runner 🩸 - A Good Girls Guide to Murder 🔎 - The Inheritance Games 💸 - Powerless 🪻 - Arc of a Scythe 🔪
My fictional husbands: - Kaz Brekker 🔪 - Cardan Greenbriar 🐍 - Grayson Hawthorne 💸 - Aaron Warner 💚 - VICTOR VALE 🩸 - Oak Greenbriar 🍂 - Jacks Prince of Hearts 💔 - Selwyn Kane 🖤 - Newt 💛 - Malakai Azer 🗡️ - Caldon Vallentis 🔥
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Court of Shadows: @viivdle @agirlwiththoughtsandnegativity @annamatix @starrynightsxo @tunguszka20 @his-littlefox @highladyofterrasen7 @graaaaaayy @xoxo-lenah @love-and-books320 @lunarthecorvus @rowanfaerie @rabbitholessk @sweetvillainjude @sugarcandydoll @dawnr0se @chaiichait @darlingod @jesyverse @lunarthecorvus @kazbrekkerbitespeopleandsodoi @kazbrekkersfedoraaintgotshitonme @oomens-eyeball @silly-little-gooses @urmotheratemydog @kiraslivingonmars @rizzgoddessans @liggy-not-potter @worth-this-and-more @justalunaticfangirl @hanelizabeth @xoxo-vee @massiveladycat @lyra-kane @letmeliveinelfhame (I'm so sorry if I left anyone out 😭🌿)
Any homophobes, queerphobes, xenophobes, transphobes, islamaphobes, or generally unkind or negative people won't be tolerated on this blog. This is a positive space only please!!
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LEGENDBORN side blog: @brianakane
OAK GREENBRIAR RP side blog: @pr1nce0fsunl1ght
MADOC RP side blog: @thatredcapmadoc
Ao3 account: judexbooks + publisher lingeringmidnights
Dividers: @plum98
I hope everyone has a fantastic day <3
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afropuffsartstudios · 1 month
Weekly Reading Challenge #5
Read the book that’s been on your TBR the longest.
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katherinejblackwell · 8 months
Katherine's Tea Party 3 - Reading Resolutions
Also read on my website!
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Photo by Dzenina Lukac
Now that we're settling into 2024 and coming out of both the chaos and coma of the holiday season, it feels appropriate to add my own list of resolutions to the ever-present pile that exists on the internet. My resolutions in recent years have been a little more vague, usually just one or two goals that cover a broad idea I want to embody, but this year I have a more focused list of things I want to accomplish and, conveniently, many of them are book-related and perfect to share here in my little corner.
1 - Read Consistently
I was originally going to say "read more" but that's not quite what I'm going for. I think making an effort to read consistently will end up lending itself to me reading more overall, but when I think specifically "read more," I think burning through two or more novels a month (or scrambling to read a bunch of short books to hit my Goodreads goal), which isn't realistic for me. What is realistic, and what I would like to make a habit, is reading consistently. Even if it's just a page (or less) each day, I want to read that one page. I've noticed that I always feel more fulfilled, productive, clear-headed, and overall just better when I'm reading consistently. I think there are two reasons behind this. One, simply that reading is something I'm passionate about, so consistently interacting with books makes me feel happier. Two, staring at my phone for hours always makes me feel a little foggy. Sometimes it's nice, or even necessary, to just shut my brain off and scroll in bed, but when I have the energy for it, I often feel much better after an hour of reading than I do after an hour of scrolling. So, my main resolution for the year is to read more consistently. Ideally, I'd like to carve out decent blocks of time for my reading every day, but I again know that's not quite realistic, so really I'd just love to read for at least ten minutes a few times a week.
2 - Collect Better Bookmarks
My bookmark collection is outdated to say the least. The few good ones I currently own are gifts I've received recently and the rest are either older bookmarks that I've outgrown or random bits of ephemera that aren't really bookmarks but that do the job. I'd like to update my collection with some bookmarks that really spark joy and that I look forward to using. To me, it feels similar to how you want your bedroom or your workspace to be well-decorated and inviting. It makes you want to use the space and makes your use of it more enjoyable. I want to make my mental reading space even more pleasant and cozy by having a pretty bookmark to use instead of some slip of paper I've been hanging on to since the seventh grade. I think both my books and I deserve it. :P
3 - Make More Use of the Library
I've already started on this since it's easy to place holds and pick them up while I'm at work, but, until very recently, I rarely used the library to check out books. In fact, I've only had a library card for the past year or so, despite being an avid reader for many years. I've spent a lot of money on books and, while I love my personal library and owning my own books, being able to borrow books is amazing and makes accessing a wide variety of materials so much easier. From here on out, I'd especially like to make a habit of checking out books I haven't read yet from the library instead of buying them. Instead, I'll save my book money for acquiring books that I know I truly love and will get lots of use out of -- and, of course, buying about a dozen special editions of the same favorites because they're all so pretty.
4 - Weed Out My Collection
I started doing this over the summer but circumstances led me to never quite finish and now there are piles of books that I keep tripping over on my floor. I've accumulated a LOT of books over the years,  and many of them I acquired when I was younger and had much different interests than I do now. It's difficult to part with them, especially when they've been small constants in my life for so many years, but the books deserve to go somewhere they'll be read, and I deserve to not have what has essentially become clutter blocking the way for new favorites to enter my shelves. Also not tripping every time I enter my room would be pretty cool. 
5 - Collect More Picture Books
All that about using the library and thinning out my collection being said, I'd really like to grow my personal collection of picture books this year. Working at the library, I encounter all sorts of beautiful, wholesome, and simply adorable picture books. Even before, picture books always had a certain draw. I love the illustrations and some of the simple, sweet stories are enough to make me misty-eyed. There's something so special about them. I have a small handful of picture books in my collection already, all but one of which are from my childhood, but I'd really like to dedicate some of my time, thought, and energy this year to finding some picture books that bring me joy and finding a special home for them on my shelf. 
6 - Feel Less Pressure With Reading
Especially in an age where trends and aesthetics are so easy to rapidly consume, and can so easily take over one's feed, it's easy to feel like there are books I "should" read. But really, the books I (and everyone)  "should" read are the ones that make me feel the most excited and intrigued. I have tried with all my might several times to read The Secret History. I just can't do it. Not yet, at least. While I do still have plans to read it, and think that it's a wonderfully well-written story from the portion I have read, I often feel some level of pressure to not only finish the book, but also to think and feel a certain way about the text when I pick it up. I don't want to feel pressure where reading is concerned. It should be something that's 100% relaxing and enjoyable. In the new year, I want to let go of any pressure I associate with reading and pick the books I truly feel like reading and allow myself to feel the way I feel about them.
7 - Write a Novella
I'm not sure this is quite a reading goal, but it's almost a reading goal and will certainly require me to do lots of reading for research, so close enough. I was recently rereading a short novella I had written as a gift a few years ago and I think writing a new one, maybe for publication or at least sharing, would be a great goal to give myself for the new year. Recently, I've been really struggling with what to write next. I'm not writing as ravenously as I was a few years ago, churning out short stories all the time, and acting on the novel idea I've had feels incredibly daunting. However, I do feel ready to write something longer. My short stories could still use a lot of work, of course, but I want to see what I can do with a higher word count to play around with. I also feel it will be good practice to write and polish something a little shorter before I finally start in on my novel idea. Writing something shorter gives me a closer goal to hit and will (hopefully) give me a boost of confidence and a feeling of satisfaction that I can springboard into a longer writing project with. 
Book Rec and Drink of the Month
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Photo by Işıl
For once, I will not be recommending a Hunger Games book, but only because I have already recommended every Hunger Games book that exists. I don't think I will stop thinking about this series for the rest of forever, though, so you certainly haven't heard the last of it.
Picking my recommendation this month was kind of hard because I haven't read much besides Hunger Games books since November, so I had to do a little delve back into my Goodreads to pick something I've read before. What I landed upon was one of my favorite series, The Magisterium. It's cowritten by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black, which should be a green flag for people who had very similar interests to me in middle and high school. I do, however, recommend this series with the caveat that the last two books somewhat ruin it for me. I read them, returned them to the library, then vowed to pretend they didn't exist. I can't remember too many specifics, but certain plot points get rather muddled and, despite it being a fantasy series, begin to feel almost outlandish. If I reread the series, I'm sure I could write an entire blog post just about the issues I have with the way the series ended (and I might in fact do that at some point because it sounds very tempting), but I do still feel like the first three books are very solid and worth the read. I found the magic system and the idea of counterweights super interesting and I loved reading about the relationships between Cal and his friends. 
As for my drink recommendation, I will be somewhat piggybacking off of last month's recommendation of peppermint hot chocolate to present you with lavender hot chocolate. I started making this in the fall by mixing about 2-3 teaspoons of lavender syrup into a regular mug of hot chocolate and as an avid lavender lover, I think this will be a perfect cozy and comforting drink as we delve deeper into the Winter months. (One day I will actually recommend a tea on the blog called Katherine's Tea Party, but today is not that day.)
To anyone who may be reading, I'd love to hear what your personal goals or resolutions for the new year are and I hope your New Year's Eve was safe and happy! Hopefully 2024 will treat us all kindly and be a year full of growth, joy, love, and books. I'll be back again in February!
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starryvomit · 3 months
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juliaxyn · 2 months
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Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
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