#new book blog
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aphantomslibrary · 5 months ago
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🎃 Sundays on booklr in October be like 🎃
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cowkisser007 · 9 months ago
Welcome to my book blog
Hello my beauties,
My name is Kate and I'm 23 (turning 24 in July) and I'm from Ontario, Canada. I love to read and for the longest time I wanted to start a book blog. So here I am trying to start one.... Anyways welcome and enjoy my blog.
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thehobbitchronicles · 4 months ago
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Hello November
please be kind to me. bring me cool weather, crisp brown leaves, happy days, warm smiles and lots of love 🍂☕️
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studyblr-med · 8 months ago
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summer mornings after finishing your exams >>>>>
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christian-girlies · 3 months ago
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mayakern · 3 days ago
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rodeo had to go under anesthesia to get some x-rays today and he did not know what to do with himself. my silly little man 😭
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godslove · 11 months ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞
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kevkebus-subh · 2 years ago
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mangotalkies · 2 years ago
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new cities, thrifting, and amateurish meal planning
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unbear-ably · 11 months ago
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Halle in @yuyulie new set, I love the set so much get prepared to be sick of me
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aphantomslibrary · 5 months ago
Don’t look behind you…
Just kidding! It’s only me.
Hello, I’m Kal! Your local phantom in the library. I’m a horror newbie and a fan of photographing books, so if that sounds cool, feel free to stick around.
This is a spoiler-free blog and a space to haunt for lots of recs.
Here, have a drink! Don’t mind the ghouls, they’re harmless.
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PS: I have an instagram under a different name, which is why you may see some familiar photos or a similar style. I just really love tumblr’s interface and wanted to move here, too!)
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howlhawk · 6 months ago
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gravity falls but i assigned them all birds
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thehobbitchronicles · 6 months ago
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Hello September
Welcoming in cooler weather, crisp leaves and cosy days. Please be kind to me September, may this month be full of happiness, good luck, warm smiles and beautiful moments 🍂
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starrynightsxo · 7 months ago
*jurdan at a ball*
jude: remain alert, we need to assess the threat before we raise the alarm. we must stay vigilant.
cardan reaching for his 7th drink: *confused* wait what? you didn't think to tell me this BEFORE the alcohol was in front of me???
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months ago
What is the PR disaster in question that made Rick announce TSATS? I wasn’t active in the online fandom at that point
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Of course! This was awhile ago so it figures people don't remember it/aren't familiar:
Basically a couple years back (2020) the fandom had some posts circulate discussing the ways different characters in the Riordanverse were written poorly or offensively. There was a masterpost that went around tumblr but the two major points people were particularly focusing on were Piper and Samirah (particularly because Piper had featured prominently again in Trials of Apollo recently and the third MCGA book had further emphasized and discussed Samirah being Muslim, since it was supposed to take place during Ramadan). Basically each had multiple posts breaking down the ways they were depicted incorrectly or offensively. The entire fandom for a little bit was VERY intensely discussing this (and it's around this time the "RR crit" tag got very popularized on tumblr - it did exist before, but suddenly was being used VERY frequently - cause it was that wide-spread - though the discussion took over basically every side of Riordaverse social media on different platforms). People really wanted Rick to respond to these criticisms, so he did!
He made two blog posts, one about Piper and one about Samirah. He has since deleted both so the links are to archived versions. The short version: he essentially tried to justify his poor research and double-down that he hadn't written them offensively, actually, people were just being mean to him. The fandom, of course, reacted poorly to this.
[Further elaborated events under the cut since this got a bit lengthy]
(Fun fact, this all happened within a month or so of the time i posted an open letter on aphobic tropes in the Riordanverse that Rick replied to, and then he immediately followed with announcing that Reyna was intended to be ace-coded [which cause a LOT of fandom debate] before Rick dipped for a couple of weeks, and then came back to post the blog posts in response to Piper and Sam stuff. So I like to jokingly refer to this as "The time I imploded the fandom/drove Rick off of twitter." Twas I that set the house ablaze.)
Rick fully left social media after this and the LT Musical social media manager became Rick's social media manager for the time being.
So this all happened June/July of 2020. Tower of Nero would end up being published in October of 2020 and a few months after that Rick would state that he was done with the series and wouldn't be writing any more series installments involving Percy, and also that he wouldn't be writing a Nico quest following Tower of Nero as it "wasn't his place to" and encouraged the community to write their own versions of Nico's story.
The community continued to circulate the tumblr posts and discuss the topics of Rick's offensive character depictions, and this is also where we see the dramatic shift in how the fandom depicts Piper in fanwork (though in most cases it is admittedly not an improvement 😬) because of all this discussion. This is also around the time when the fandom brought Viria under scrutiny claiming that she was whitewashing Piper as part of the same discussions, through the justification that she was drawing Annabeth as having tan skin (which she does canonically), and if Annabeth has tanner skin then Piper then that's whitewashing Piper? Except they were using completely separate images of not fully rendered Piper art versus Annabeth in dramatic lighting, so it's all very awkward and poor logic, and did actually get kind of racist. A lot of people were calling it "Tannabeth Blackchase" (yeah, i know) or similar and a common sentiment you'd see repeated is "Don't draw Annabeth as having darker skin than Piper, because that's offensive/racist/whitewashing." (Note: it was not phrased "don't draw Piper as having lighter skin than Annabeth" - we also won't get into certain offensive depictions of Native Americans, but I digress). But yeah, the Annabeth stuff in all that did not age well at all.
Anyways, in October of 2021 however Rick would announce that he was co-writing The Sun And The Star - with a lot of heavy emphasis on how Mark Oshiro works as a sensitivity reader, and some false advertising from the official social media that Mark Oshiro was the first time a non-Riordan author would be collaborating on the series (disregarding the ghostwriters completely). One of the big criticisms in the breaking down of issues in Rick's writing was his lack of ever seeking a sensitivity reader, and fans claiming that a sensitivity reader could solve a lot of the problems. This was basically Rick's "look! I totally listened!!!!" (though it did little to actually improve things, based on the book) and in TSATS as well Piper gets a large cameo at the end where the text very directly addresses a lot of points made in criticism of Rick's writing of her.
We also then of course got the CoTG trilogy later, explicitly stated to be for advertising purposes for the show.
So basically, short version: Rick came under scrutiny for a lot of offensive writing within the span of two months, made some bad blog posts doubling down about it, left social media. TOA ends. Rick says he wasn't going to continue the series/write what would become TSATS. Community celebrates the end of of the franchise but also continues to discuss Rick's poor writing and the blog posts at length. Rick suddenly announces TSATS and Mark Oshiro's involvement. Everybody gets distracted from being mad. Show announcement stuff also happens and the discussions peter out.
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annsthetically · 2 years ago
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new york is overwhelming at times. But, I will never get tired of exploring bookstores.
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