#cardan mf greenbriar
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starrynightsxo · 7 months ago
*jurdan at a ball*
jude: remain alert, we need to assess the threat before we raise the alarm. we must stay vigilant.
cardan reaching for his 7th drink: *confused* wait what? you didn't think to tell me this BEFORE the alcohol was in front of me???
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viivdle · 9 months ago
happy father's day to everyone but him
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dain, i am in your walls. i am glad you're a bit of air by now. never get revived. stay dead.
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manekkii-art · 6 months ago
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yuerini · 1 year ago
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thejudeduarte · 1 year ago
It's weird because the type of guys I absolutely adore in books are the type of guys I would actually despise in real life
A snobby rich, alcoholic furry who bullies me!!!???
An apple obsessed murderer who is idk how old!!???
A murderous gang leader with a massive reputation and dirty hands!!??
An army commander who is also a murderer and is actually really creepy and emotionless!!???
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darlingod · 9 months ago
Cardan: Kiss me again. Kiss me until I am sick of it.
Jude: say sike rn
Jude, panicking: SAY SIKE RN—
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dragons-library · 8 months ago
The wicked king rants:
Cardan stole Jude's ring.
The Roach taught him how to steal the ring.
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cardanapologist · 1 year ago
saw a tiktok that was the “you belong with me” trend and they had oak under the happy cute “you belong with me 🫶🏽🤭” slide which is wild because this dude blacks out when killing people and would do so when defending wren, i HIGHLY and STRONGLY and FOREALSIES believe he would be a “YOU BELONG WITH ME 👿” dude. cardan can stay on that side too but oak has to join him
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naughtnixnothing · 2 years ago
i may be thinking too much into this but i kinda think that balekin, madoc, and the ghost killing the greenbriars during the coronation was a bit of foreshadowing to signify that they would later betray the high king, the last greenbriar. but unlike madoc and the ghost, balekin was killed because he murdered the former high king which is kind of a greater sin than murdering the heirs to the crown.
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bluetalenerd · 8 months ago
okay, so Cardan Greenbriar. I mean to say the faerie prince Cardan mf Greenbriar drinks and plays cards with his kidnappers and you telling me that isn't hot, then what is?
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cromulentreader · 1 year ago
TPT reading thoughts chapters 20-25
And done reading. I avoid rating books outside of liking them - or not - and would re-read (or not). I liked this one more than TSH, so pleasantly surprised. I will re-read certain scenes in this book with Jude, Madoc and Tiernan.
Chapter 20 (cont.) 
Elaine dies too and Oak complaining
The Roach <3 Roiben and Kaye mini-cameo <3
Randalin, you bitch! Cardan would not be ok with dying by Randalin’s hand. Unacceptable, really
Fala delivered the best line of his existence
Oak goes kill-mode-activated. Jude blames Madoc. Leander got the Madoc’s clan baptism
Cardan has long forgotten about not being a killer and wants to kill anyone sus. I can’t blame him
I’m confused about the POV, ngl 
Chapter 21/22
Why would Dain have a crest beside the Greenbriar crest?
Honey-mothing your lover. Tsk, tsk. Ha, he plans to kill her, a family tradition at this stage
“something else to lose”, this boy spent time with Vivi
MOTHER MARROW, I feel betrayed
Bex is inside a nut. This would be a lovely tale
Wait. Oak, child, you still have the usual glamour right? Why wouldn’t that be enough to get Bex to behave? 
Bogdana fight time, yes?
Chapter 23
Jude, Jude, Jude <3
Jude is duelling another family member, Leander better watch out
This is probably the only chapter that brings me back to the Elfhame of the previous trilogy 
Chapter 24
The love spiel was nice but felt off at the same time
Wings? Why?
Madoc had a realization moment. Can he be trusted now? Probably not looking at the chess moves
T&H made up <3<3<3
Wren went to see her unfamily
So Taryn believed killing her abusive husband was the worst thing she did? Really?
Everyone is very cool with Garrett being stuck in a tree
Cardan being awesome
Oak can abdicate but we need a few months for a backup plan, maybe more. I was like “Sir, you know it can take long to conceive?”. Then Cardan talked about going to watch the faerie edition of The Selection
Jude has massive balls to go  back into the undersea
Chapter 25
They’ve spent like 3 months together tops, no need to marry anytime soon 
“King of someplace”, mf forgot about his promise to the Thistlewitch. Promise that Wren can no longer break either
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wanderingpages · 1 year ago
Hot girl math every chapter, but i like that you solved the equation for me ❤️❤️ vivi is cardans age, but a freshman 
“My breasts would spill out of anything she owns, so I let her know I do actually own clothes sexy enough to attend a party.” - mommy? Sorry. Mommy?
““I used to sneak out of the house pretty late,” I reveal to her. “Sneakers though – had to climb up to my roof to get back into my bedroom.” ” - she a baddie she showing her panty – also as an aside, love the aesthetic you have going on for the tumblr chapters, like oof, you said (drake voice) this is not to get confused, this ones for you (Me,) – also does this mean she sucks at heels cus she never thought to wore them since she always used sneakers and this is foreshadow or am i reading too into this??? Also this, foreshadow too? > “but he always drew the line at curfew.” (me picking at crumbs) also: Air Force 1s in my air force one (Aside, yall remember rocking that thang remix? Yall remember when rap songs had remixes with like everyone?? Last one i heard was probably fuckin problems. We need another anthem (So i gave em another anthem [we the bessstttt]) - dj khaled - me. Peach i am on medication for Covid.)
““My…brother,” I test the word out. It’s so foreign, it tastes rancid in my mouth. ”- ok but physically, jude…jude, look at me, physically. Not rancid at all. He is delicious, i promise, you jude. Jude. I promise, you jude ❤️❤️❤️❤️
“When I say it again, in front of the lookout guy at the door of the frat house,” - ok but this transition!!! When i say its a MOVIE, PEach. PEACH
“Let me embarrass myself in front of his friends and roommates. He’ll laugh about it later, with them” awed by how canon this actually is for fanfic lmao
““Alright sweet thing,” this guy tells me and I want to punt kick him in the balls for it.” - i know thats right fr. Vivienne also, is everything. Shes a better friend than she is sister, and ill let that sit with yall (yall, i say like im talking to a crowd, bye, im so delulu) anyways but the whole inner turmoil of jude thinking Cardan invited her to embarrass her? Baby who hurt you (Your mother, i know. Already cleared that) im talking in a lot of parenthesis. You can see where the medicine is taking over, actually. Im lucid tho
““My baby sister,” he coos in jest, making me feel uneasy. “Come here,” he tells me,” –he’s such a dickhead im in love
“At the wedding it was all soft makeup and tied up hair. Today, there’s glitter on my eyelids, sharp wings accentuating the shape of my eyes, a gold glimmer on my cheeks that catches in the light, and lips so red that he holds his gaze there for a moment too long. ” – Peach, i love this so MUCH she’s EVERYTHING TO ME 🥰😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
But back to him being an ass why is he soooo lol like really walking around the fact that theyre NOT related, for the taboo of it all. Kinky mf, i fear.
“catching mirth in pretty hazel eyes only partially obscured by sandy blonde hair. ” GHOST? IS THST YOU?
OH - “. We did a little more than kissing that night. His fingers traced over parts of me even the sun hadn’t yet touched. Thunder had masked cries I couldn’t hold back and lightning had made him look like a luminous god. I cross my legs, embarrassed and something more.” help me. Also shut up locke, mind ur business for real, this is grown people talk.
Omg it was Ghost ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”“You’re Greenbriar’s sister.” / “Stepsister,” I breathe out ” stop this is so derek and casey coded 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
HOLD ON WAIT GHOST?! GHOST AND JUDE? ( I love that he braced her head when they fell lmao horny but gentlemanly)
AHHH CARDAN? HELLO?! NICASIA ? OH MY GOD AND ALL FOUR OF THEM JUST DECIDE TO KEEP GOING?? They said impromptu orgy. “Cardan shifts and leans back on his elbow, still having a perfect view of me, but now giving Nicasia space to twist her head to look at me, too. ” - please…. I am on my knees… i am unwell….i am sick to my stomach… alexa play that should be me by justin beiber…. That should be me fr but which one is the question??
God why is ghost everything right now??? “Do you want them to watch?” like oh my god….. I need a moment. I need a lot of moments. “”Do you want your brother to watch me taste your come?”” – i am…convulsing. Ghost is… like my body is breaking out in a sweat.
Say please and make it as sweet as your – top 3 things that would send a victorian child into a coma
Stop why was this the best head ive read? 
““Such a good girl,” I hear Nicasia whisper.” - help….  They are actual deviants and i am in hell, keeping your seat warm, peach ❤️❤️❤️❤️
lol see this is the longest ask over ever had so far and I’m truly amazed at your commitment ngl
Sneakers, I guess it’s foreshadowing for some stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️ curfew, yes. I like that you have three separate song references in one paragraph lmao I also feel this is the point you should have called it a night and fell asleep 💀
This is so uncannon that’s I’ve tried to slip all the cannon stuff I actually can in 😫
Actually cardan was intoxicated here but was genuinely surprised she introduced herself as his stepsister cus he was like …oh? Ok…:)
Yeah you know I love me some Ghost 🤭
Yes! Absolutely Derek and Casey!
Yes ghost!!!! Also I do love people being mindful during intimate moments ngl like duh hes gonna make sure she doesn’t crack her head open!
Your commentary here is sending me oh my god 😂🥰
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eds-gryff · 1 month ago
I'm the Cardan Greenbriar ask person :D
Who's ur fav character in the series? Mine is Jude mf Duarte
I can never choose between Jude and Cardan, they're both incredible. It's rare I like a MC, but Jude 😩🤌 and who doesn't love Cardan and his tail?
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annamatix · 1 year ago
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cardan..... cardan..... cardan greenbriar,,,,,,,,,, cardan mf greenbriar............. im going crazy....... insane...... losing my mind.......,,,.....,,,,,,...
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butiwishidiedinstead · 2 years ago
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mfs be like “oh im so hot” like sir are you fictional?? do you have iridescent midnight hair? are your eyes black with a golden ring around the pupils?????? mf are you cardan greenbriar??
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thejudeduarte · 11 months ago
Always "weak mortal" never "high queen of faerie" ~ Jude Duarte
Always "alcoholic spoilt prince" never "high king of faerie" ~ Cardan Greenbriar
Always "privileged prince" never"struggling" ~ Oak Greenbriar
Always "a monster" never "a child" ~ Suren/Wren
Always "the rebellious sister" never "loyal" ~ Vivi Duarte
Always "traitor" never "used" ~ The ghost/Garrett
Always "vivis girlfriend" never "heather" ~ Heather
Always "failure" never "brave" ~ Tiernan
Always "traitor" never "brainwashed" ~ Hyacinthe
Always "misunderstood sister" never "BiTcH" ~ Taryn mf Duarte
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