#Bone Strengthening Exercises at Home
The Importance of Exercise for Healthy Bones
Here know, The Importance of Exercise for Healthy Bones. Know, How Does Exercise Strengthen Bones and Muscles? How Does Physical Exercise Affect Bone Structure? What Exercises Increase Bone Density in The Spine?
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stayhealthyweekly · 2 years
Best Exercises For Your Bones
Best Exercises For Your Bones... This is vital at every age... Here's what you need to know....
Vital at every age for healthy bones, exercise is important for treating and preventing osteoporosis. Not only can exercise improve your bone health, but it can also increase muscle strength, coordination, and balance, and lead to better overall health. Why exercise? Like a muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. Young women and men who exercise regularly…
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Healthy Habits To Look & Feel Your Best Without Restriction or Unrealistic Routines
Realistic ways to maintain a healthy life/body/appearance (size and weight are all personal, not the most important metric – for certain). No diet culture or delulu-land tips here.
What I've done to maintain my 30-pound weight loss for over a decade, glowing clear skin (no pimples or discoloration, etc.), and super healthy, full & shiny hair, still living life and enjoying it – the mindful way.
Eat home-cooked meals & (plant-based) whole foods – 90-95% of the time
Incorporate at least 1 salad into my daily routine (either a large, hearty lunch salad or a simple green salad as a starter with dinner)
Include at least 1 fruit/vegetable in every meal or snack
Never restrict food groups – whole grains/potatoes, healthy fats, protein-rich plant foods, and produce are all essential to consume every day
Focus on meals, but have whole food snack options on hand to enjoy if genuinely hungry (mainly fruit, lupini beans, edamame, carrots/celery/cucumber with hummus, plain popcorn, handful of almonds/cashews)
Have breakfast after one coffee (before a second) and have dinner late enough (8-9:30 pm) to curb late-night hunger
Only have fruit and tea after dinner; Always stop consuming food at least 3 hours before bed for better sleep/digestion
Order whatever I want when going out to eat, but split dessert
Have at least one indulgent meal/dessert per week
No sugary cocktails – wine, champagne/prosecco, martinis, gin & tonic, margarita, French Connection, Sambuca, Grappa, tequila on the rocks, etc. are great options. Bellinis/fruit plus wine/spirits cocktails are a good middle ground. Sugary drinks worsen the hangover – big-time
Perceive healthy eating as a form of enjoyment, creativity, and nourishment, not restriction or deprivation (it's not if done liberally enough)
Consume a vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplement daily. Keep digestive enzymes on hand for when they're necessary
Always have a large glass of water first thing in the morning (before coffee) and by my side all day long
No soda, juices, sugary drinks, etc. Black coffee, tea, and water only on the daily – wine and no-sugar alcoholic drinks on rare occasions. Smoothies can be a great snack or breakfast, though!
Incorporate an (almost) daily walk into my schedule as a form of exercise and a mental health reset (I aim for 4-5 miles/10Kish steps per day on average)
Do short, low-impact strengthen training exercises 3x a week (15-30 mins each usually) for bone health & toning
Never forcing myself to do strenuous exercise/workout formally in a gym – it's not for me; it doesn't make me feel/look better and throws my hunger & energy levels way off. To each their own, though
Have a variety of playlists ready to go for waking up, working, dancing, walking/workouts, doing chores, and reading/relaxing
Internalizing that sexual health is a core aspect of your health & well-being – on all counts
Maintaining a simple skincare routine 2x per week with high-quality products and a couple of weekly treatments
Prioritizing my body care routine with as much as my facial skincare routine
Wearing at least SPF 30 daily
Exfoliating 2-3x per week
Learning what hair products work for my hair type; Using a deep conditioning mask and a scalp mask weekly
Using only cold water when washing my hair
Incorporating face & body massages into my weekly at-home routine
Using Uriage lip balm, hand cream, and deodorant religiously
Flossing 1-2 times a day/using an electric toothbrush
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randomwriteronline · 9 months
Water for Gali was a sister, a second half, an extension. In the water she was whole, embraced, with nothing to fear.
Water for Nokama was an escape, a bubble of respite. Somewhere nobody could snag her, bother her, search for her.
Water for Hahli was a home and battle ground. She was invincible within it, untouchable, unbreakable, unreachable.
Air for Lewa was a safety net, a support; a pair of outstretched arms always ready to catch him before it was too late.
Air for Matau was a vehicle, another means of transport; something he had to master lest he break his bones upon it.
Air for Kongu was a second skin, a third limb; he knew better than anyone its shifting secrets, its so quiet language.
Fire for Tahu was an old rival. It curled on him, molded itself in his image, quipping amiably as they fought together.
Fire for Vakama was a tepid gaze. It reached out timidly, barely still burning, asking to be allowed in his hands again.
Fire for Jaller was a solemn promise. One he would need to hold tight, strengthened by discipline, to do right by it.
Ice for Kopaka was a taste of wilderness, carelessness, freedom; it was howling alone, dancing wildly in the silence.
Ice for Nuju was a breath of stillness, study, tranquillity; it was gazing in endless white to decode the world on his own.
Ice for Matoro was a scent of expectation, fear, tenderness; he entrusted to it his footprints, hoping they'd last.
Earth for Onua was peace and quiet. The songs it rumbled through him soothed him like kind hands easing his worries.
Earth for Whenua was reflection and wait. The stories it had written on its skin kept him company like many old friends.
Earth for Nuparu was knowledge and innovation. He heard in it his own voice as he mumbled during tireless workdays.
Stone for Pohatu was a rough comfort forced soft; when he wrapped it around himself like a blanket, he felt safe, warm.
Stone for Onewa was a tough tool forced smooth; when he shaped it according to his vision, he felt in control, certain.
Stone for Hewkii was a lean muscle forced strong; a part of himself that he exercised apart, to carve it into its zenith.
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maxellminidisc · 2 months
Making my own post on how we should frankly all work on weight training/bearing excercises for our bone and muscle health into old age cause op of the one I saw was a crypto terf.
Anyway, its really important to do so because it genuinely helps in aiding your bone density and muscle strength. If you're not aware weight training has nothing to do with weight loss but rather is a term for targeted exercises that strengthening the muscles, their force output, and endurance. Mostly weight lifting is what's associated with weight training, but stuff like isometrics can also be a form of weight training; stuff like planks, wall squats, etc.
Training the force output of your muscles ends up benefiting your joints and bones because they adapt to the increase in mass and strength by building up your bone density. Bone density is important in preventing things like osteoporosis, which basically makes your bones incredibly susceptible and fragile to major fractions and makes healing much more difficult as you age.
As you age as well, the weakening of your bones, muscles, and tendons also makes it harder for you to balance yourself and leads to a higher risk of falls. So, starting sooner will help prevent falls, fractures, and possible fatality in the future. If you have older folks you're close to, definitely encourage that they start doing balance exercises now rather than later to help them gain some resistance and prevention for their later years or to help make their lives a lil easier if they are in their later years.
Theres tons of simple at home exercises and routines on YouTube that accommodate seniors and to some extent folks with mobility issues to regain balance or work on weight training. Routines which are fully seated or supported by chairs are good alternative exercises I've seen and even done with my mom who's now in her early 60s with knee issues. You dont have to be a senior to check some of these out and do them either!
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many-gay-magpies · 1 year
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An expansion of my headcannon of skykids being able to transform into the animals their masks are based off of! Typed versions of the image text and additional notes below the cut, because LORD do I have so much to say about this concept.
Image 1:
Bottom left text:
BODY is just the CONTAINER—Skykid soul is the LIGHT inside
Light takes shape of container at first, but has no one shape
Top right text:
Light grows used to assuming humanoid shape to fit container, but as a skykid strengthens their light, they remember/learn how to assume other shapes and gain the ability to mold their container to their will.
Image 2:
LIGHT is fluid, but the container is stiff and easily broken (at least at first). It takes a lot of slow, hard work to mold it, and MASKS are used to tell the container what shape to take/give the LIGHT a direction.
Skykids imbue their mask with their light so that when they wear it, it connects to them and allows the transformation to occur.
Change happens in increments, not all at once—learning to shape oneself takes TIME.
Small notes: "Small changes first" above the drawing of the two hands, and "Most stick to an anthropomorphic form" beside the fox skykid.
Additional Notes:
This process is also why Skykids are born wearing masks. Because light is fluid and has no single shape, the light of a newborn Skykid has not yet learned how to be humanoid, and is at risk of breaking the fragile body it inhabits, therefore: Megabird gives newborn Skykids a basic mask to “teach” their light how to maintain its shape inside the container. It takes a lot of effort to obtain the blank/“faceless” mask because it takes a lot of effort for Skykids to maintain a humanoid shape without the assistance of a mask.
Also potentially how the chibi mask works (in a world where chibis aren’t just toddlers/babies)—the mask tells the Skykid to be small.
The process of becoming a Morpho (workshopping the name) is long and arduous, and involves a lot of studying the animal one wants to take the shape of, before then making the mask that will guide the shape-change. Though most of the Skykids who take an animal form choose a more anthropomorphic default, it is possible to transform completely into the animal of choice, and this is often done for fun or stress relief.
Possible that the Eden cycle strengthens the body and makes it more malleable to change? Something to do with repeatedly dying and being reincarnated and becoming more familiar with/at home in the body you possess. Kinda like how exercising is just you tearing muscles in your body so that they grow back even stronger.
Masks can also of course be just masks. A lot of Skykids like to wear animal masks without doing any of the actual Becoming; its fun to disguise as a little creature sometimes!
Unlike human beings (and potentially ancestors?), who are all full of guts and bones and stuff, Skykids are pretty much all light in there, and the outside is just a shell. They can eat and drink and everything, and it’s fun, but it all gets burnt up instead of being digested or anything and they don’t need it to survive. Also how Krill work; they’re starved for light, and Skykids are full of it, but there’s this pesky little shell in the way, so the Krill have got to crack it to get the light out.
This is slightly inspired by the legends of the Selkie, with the masks being akin to the seal pelts that the Selkie wear to turn themselves into seals.
The body/container is what protects Skykids from having their light too badly damaged and allows them to walk the realms of Sky, but it is also what limits them in their ability to shape-change. In a hypothetical situation where a Skykid was completely unrestrained (i.e. pure light without a body, like we are in Orbit), they could potentially become any and every light creature available to them.
Essentially: Skykids = light, and light = all light creatures, so Skykids = all light creatures.
I’ll probably think of more stuff to add to this later, but for now that’s about it. I’m already thinking up possible animal forms for my singular sky OC lol (because even though I looked it up and that mask is technically a serow mask, it could very easily be any number of other things, like a dragon or a giraffe).
Bonus content: a little bird guy, and closeups of the random fox guy I made without their cape and hair (because I put way too much detail into parts of their outfit that weren’t even going to be visible). I’m for sure drawing them again <3
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thisfrailheart · 3 months
prompt: limb | july 6 | jegulus au | suggestive and mature themes, swearing | word count: 773 | @jegulus-microfic
"Hi, I'm James. Marlene's out sick, so you're stuck with me today."
He's in hell, Regulus is sure of it. This is punishment. Cause he definitely wants to be stuck with that man somewhere. Preferably not at physical therapy, though. And without those horrible gym shorts in the way.
Regulus tears his gaze away. James is looking at him expectantly and he realizes he wasn't listening at all. "I'm sorry?"
"Can we get started?," James repeats with an easy smile and Regulus is sweating.
He swallows, nods. "Yeah. Mhm. Yes."
James claps his hands and moves a bit closer to the massage table Regulus is sitting on. "Awesome. Are you comfortable with me touching you?"
So comfortable. So fucking comfortable. "Ungh-"
"Pardon?" Fuck fuck fuck.
"Uh-huh, yes. Definitely. Go for it." What the hell am I saying. James seems a bit confused as well but does reach for the arm Regulus holds out to him. James' hands are pleasantly cold against his overheating skin and Regulus shivers.
James' brow is furrowed as he assesses Regulus' wrist and forearm with deft fingers. "Any pain? Soreness?"
That cologne you're wearing is agony, actually. Sweet, sweet agony. "None."
"How about range of motion? How does it feel? Any issues with tightness?"
"Never had any complaints." WHAT.
James freezes. "Sorry?"
Uh-oh. Regulus coughs. "I don't have any complaints."
James nods and continues, but his gaze lingers a bit and there's a drop of sweat trickling down between Regulus' shoulder blades.
"Can you push against my hand? Yes. Now a bit harder?" LORD.
"Make a fist for me? Yes, just like that. That's good." It is. It really is.
When James finally steps back, his scent lingers right there for a few seconds and Regulus actually has to bite back a moan.
"Alright. The healing process is going well, from what I can tell. You're definitely on track and should be right as rain in no time. I'd like to do some strengthening exercises and finish off with some stretches. How does that sound?"
"Brilliant!," Regulus says and it comes out a bit too loud and a bit too forceful and he blushes. But James laughs.
"I like the enthusiasm. A lot of people are quite peeved about being here. And rightfully so. Who wants broken bones?," he shrugs and hands Regulus a variety of brightly colored balls to squeeze. "But PT after a fracture or trauma is really very important to hopefully avoid long-term issues. Not that you have to worry about that. You'll have your arm back soon."
James switches him to another exercise and Regulus almost drools when the man demonstrates and the veins in his arm pop.
"I don't miss it. I'm left-handed so I don't really use it anyway," Regulus babbles, unable to stop the word vomit.
A grin from James and Regulus' heart flips in his chest. "It's good that you're not struggling too much while you're healing. But you should still take care of your non-dominant hand, especially a broken one. Never know when you might need it." And when he reaches for Regulus' hand and guides him through the stretches to end their session, Regulus has to bite his tongue to keep the whine from tumbling past his lips. "Hmm, exactly like that. Slow down a bit. Yes. Very good."
Blood is rushing in Regulus' ears and threatening to rush other places, too. He's actually thinking about throwing himself down the stairs at home and hoping for the worst. Broken leg, maybe? Might also go all out and try to lose a limb. Longer recovery time.
What the hell am I even thinking. I'm worse than Sirius when he met that teacher and wanted to go back to uni.
"Earth to Regulus?"
"Huh? I mean…sorry?" Get a grip, god.
"We're done for today. Your next session will be with Marlene, as per usual. I hope I won't see you here again," James says and it sounds like something he tells patients but he fucking winks before he ducks out of the room.
Regulus grins. We'll see about that.
Six weeks later and Regulus is demonstrating just how well his wrist has healed by shoving his hand into James' jeans in the alley behind the club. "Thought you didn't want to see me again?"
"Not as…a patient," James pants, breath hot on Regulus' face.
"No?" A quick twist and James moans.
"Definitely— Definitely not."
"Good to know. But I might still need your professional help."
James' blinks, immediately concerned. "What's wrong? Is it your wrist?"
Regulus smirks. "My wrist is fine. I'm about to ruin my knees, though."
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optimal-living-lab · 1 year
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 How to make body fit without gym
There are many ways to get fit without going to the gym. Here are some useful tips :
Walking is a simple and effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, bone strength, and body fat reduction. You can walk for 30 minutes a day, or try interval walking for more intensity.
Taking stairs instead of elevators can help you burn more calories and strengthen your legs. You can start with a few floors and gradually increase the number of stairs you climb.
Bodyweight exercises such as planks, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and lunges can build your muscle tone, flexibility, and balance. You can do them at home with no equipment, or use household items like water bottles or furniture as weights or props.
Shadow boxing is a fun way to improve your upper body strength, coordination, and balance. You can punch at the air in front of you, or follow a video online for guidance. Don’t forget to move your feet and add some defensive moves as well.
Yoga can increase your flexibility, muscle tone, and mental well-being. You can practice yoga at home with a mat or a soft floor. There are many poses for beginners, such as tree pose or triangle pose. You can also follow a video online for instruction and inspiration.
Barre exercises are inspired by ballet and can tone your legs, core, and arms. You can use a wall, a bar, or a piece of furniture to hold on to. Some of the exercises you can try are knee lifts, ballet squats, and deep lunges.
If you want to focus on some specific areas of your body, you can try some of these exercises:
Glute bridge can help you tone your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the floor and squeeze your glutes at the top. Hold for a few seconds and then lower your hips. Repeat for 10 to 15 times.
Tricep dips can help you strengthen your triceps, shoulders, and chest. To do this exercise, sit on the edge of a chair or a bench with your hands on the edge and your legs extended in front of you. Slide your hips off the edge and bend your elbows to lower your body until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Push yourself back up and repeat for 10 to 15 times.
Side plank can help you work on your obliques, core, and hips. To do this exercise, lie on your side with your elbow under your shoulder and your legs stacked. Lift your hips off the floor and keep your body in a straight line. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
Lateral raises can help you sculpt your shoulders, arms, and upper back. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of water bottles or books in each hand. Raise your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. Lower them slowly and repeat for 10 to 15 times.
These are just some of the ways you can get fit without a gym. You can also try cycling, swimming, skipping rope, or any other activity that you enjoy and that makes you sweat. The most important thing is to be consistent and have fun! 😊
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altheterrible · 10 months
Vindicated (I'm not selfish, I'm not wrong)
I’m not sure how long I’ve been dealing with right shoulder pain and instability, but I remember it was already a known, old issue when I started working at the museum in September 2022. So let’s say it’s been 18 months. It’s probably been longer, but my memory is shit.
When I first mentioned it to a doctor in late summer 2022, she told me to take up weightlifting to strengthen my rotator cuff and help with weight loss (a problem for which I was not seeking advice). She did not offer specific advice to help me do that, and then shortly thereafter, she left for a different practice out west. I got switched to a different doctor, who failed to send a referral to PT for three months despite several reminders. When she transferred to another office in December 2022, I was blessedly assigned to my current doctor, who both listens to me and sends referrals and prescriptions out in a prompt manner. He had me in PT by the end of January.
I worked on my shoulder in PT until mid-April, when insurance refused to pay for more sessions, citing that my condition was stable. This was true, I did hit a plateau in my progress then--but my arm still hurt constantly, I could still feel what felt like bones shifting around when I moved, my range of motion was bad, and my shoulder would still “slip out” and lock up a few times a day, leaving me unable to lift my arm higher than my chest. Still, insurance said if I wanted more PT, I needed to see an orthopedic specialist and get a diagnosis that would qualify me for more sessions.
Seeing an ortho took a few weeks. I eventually got into a community orthopedics clinic at the end of May. The doctor I saw there was hyper focused on my weight and my self-harm scars, which he mentioned several times AND wrote about in my chart. He diagnosed me with “too fat and out of shape to lift her own arm,” essentially. He said all I needed was to keep doing the home exercises I’d been given in PT to strengthen my rotator cuff and soon I’d be all better. He said I didn’t need more imaging.
So I did those fucking exercises all summer. And yet, nothing improved. In fact, the pain and instability increased. It felt like my shoulder was becoming dislocated upwards of 20 times a day, leaving me unable to move my arm without severe pain. Whenever it happened, I’d have to physically push on my collar bone to get my arm working again. All summer and into the fall I muttered “my insurance company says I’m fine” every time I had to fix my shoulder, take OTC painkillers (that I’m not supposed to use because of my kidney function), or couldn’t sleep because of pain.
My insurance company’s treatment plan didn’t work out, surprisingly. I repeatedly found myself in tears due to the pain that simple motions cause me. My shoulder ached at a constant 4-5 on the pain scale, and the pain radiated into my collar bone, my top rib, and down to my wrist. If I moved my arm wrong, I’d drop what I was holding. I started walking around just constantly shaking my arm trying to get the joint to settle in a less painful way. There was no less painful way.
My primary doctor finally took pity on me in September and ordered the MRI that the ortho didn’t think I needed. It took 3 months to get an appointment. Three more months of grinding pain, tears caused by simple motions, and frustration at my useless body. Three more months of telling myself to toughen up and stop being a baby. Three more months of people rolling their eyes because I was being so dramatic about “a little joint pain.”
Well, I  finally got in for my scan Wednesday. The results posted Thursday morning.
The MRI that ortho did not think I needed showed the following: 
Superior tear of the right shoulder labrum.
Posterior tear of the right shoulder labrum.
Anterior tear of the right shoulder labrum.
AC joint degeneration.
Fluid in the AC joint. 
Tendinopathy in 2 tendons of the rotator cuff.
The labrum is what keeps the shoulder joint stable. Mine is torn in 3 places. Which means, all these months I’ve been saying, “It feels like my shoulder is dislocating constantly and the bones are grinding together”, they WERE. That is EXACTLY what has been happening. The bones that make up my shoulder joint are so loosely connected that they are slipping all over the place, causing injury to nearby muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 
For 18 months. At least.
I now have an urgent appointment scheduled with an orthopedic surgeon, because I might need surgery. Physical activity is a no-go until I’ve been evaluated and cleared for PT, and PT has to be done  incredibly carefully if I can even do it.
I’ve been actively trying to get this taken care of for a year, during which I’ve been in constant, grinding pain, sleep deprived due to being woken up all night by pain, and damaging my kidneys by taking the forbidden NSAIDs. I’ve made changes to my wardrobe--I wear front close bras only, now. I’ve changed how I sleep--used to sleep on the right side, now it's the left side only. 
And all of this could have been avoided if someone had taken me seriously last September.
Which is infuriating.
But also. The VINDICATION I feel.
I want to rub my MRI in the face of every person who rolled their eyes at me for “whining about a little joint pain.” I want to staple it to the forehead of the doctors who told me I just needed to lose weight. I want to put in on my refrigerator and point to it every time my sister implies I’m being dramatic or lying when I say I can’t do something, like put dishes on the top shelf or carry a heavy box.
Fuck all of them. Fuck every person who told me “just take some Aleve and get over it, it’s just joint pain, welcome to getting older.” Fuck every person who expected 100% from me on days my arm bones were grinding together and I had pain radiating to my wrist and my sternum. 
Including me! Fuck me and my stupid need to persevere! I’ve pushed myself so hard the last year, because “I’m not going to let a little pain stop me!” even though “a little pain” sometimes had me crying and stopping would have prevented that. Yeah, I was failed by a lot of doctors, but I think it’s also partly my own fault that the damage is as bad as it is--I should have set more boundaries and had the backbone to listen to what my body was saying instead of people pleasing and trying not to make waves.
Fuck grinning and bearing it. Fuck putting up with pain because it’s easier for everyone else. Fuck doubting myself and taking the word of doctors over my own lived experiences. Doctors know medicine. I know how much this pain is affecting me. If we worked together, imagine what we could accomplish! 
On a different note, I have more pictures of the inside of me.
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health-supplements501 · 5 months
Understanding Joint Pain: Causes and Calming Techniques at Home
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Joint pain is a common ailment that can affect people of all ages. It can range from a mild ache to a debilitating throb, significantly impacting daily life. While the discomfort itself is unpleasant, understanding the root cause of your joint pain is crucial for finding effective relief.
Unveiling the Culprits: Common Causes of Joint Pain
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Several factors can contribute to joint pain. Here are some of the most frequent culprits:
Injury: Sprains, strains, and fractures can all cause joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness. These injuries are often accompanied by swelling, bruising, and difficulty moving the affected joint.
Arthritis: This is a general term for conditions that cause inflammation and degeneration of the joints. Osteoarthritis, the most common type, results in the breakdown of cartilage, the cushioning material between bones. Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease, attacks the joints themselves.
Overuse: Repetitive motions can stress the joints, leading to pain and inflammation. This is particularly common in athletes and people who perform physically demanding jobs.
Bursitis: Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near joints. Inflammation of these bursae, called bursitis, can cause pain and tenderness.
Gout: This is a type of inflammatory arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, often resulting in sudden and severe pain, particularly in the big toe.
Natural Remedies to Soothe Your Sore Joints
While consulting a doctor is always recommended for persistent or worsening joint pain, several home remedies can offer relief:
Rest and Relaxation
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The first step is to give your joints a break. Avoid activities that aggravate the pain and allow your body time to heal.
Ice and Heat Therapy
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Applying ice packs wrapped in a towel can reduce inflammation, especially after an injury. Conversely, applying heat through warm baths, heating pads, or moist towels can help loosen stiff joints and ease muscle tension.
Dietary Adjustments
Maintaining a healthy weight puts less stress on your joints. Consider incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids into your diet.
Gentle Exercise
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Regular exercise strengthens the muscles that support your joints and improves flexibility. Opt for low-impact activities like swimming, walking, or yoga.
Certain supplements, like glucosamine and chondroitin, may help with osteoarthritis pain. However, discuss these with your doctor before starting any new supplements.
Additional Tips for Joint Comfort
Here are some additional lifestyle modifications that can contribute to joint health:
Maintain good posture: Proper posture helps distribute weight evenly across your joints.
Supportive footwear: Invest in shoes that provide adequate cushioning and arch support.
Ergonomics: Setting up your workspace ergonomically can minimise strain on your joints.
Stress management: Chronic stress can exacerbate joint pain. Techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can help manage stress levels.
Remember, these remedies aim to provide comfort and are not substitutes for professional medical advice. If your joint pain is persistent, severe, or accompanied by other symptoms, consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause and receive proper treatment.
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keepmeinprayer · 5 months
the best advice i can give to anyone who wants to start exercising is to do what works and is fun for you. i started going to the gym last year after consistently doing home workouts and i was pretty good about it, but there was always this lingering guilt (if i didn’t go) and anxiety (about being Perceived) about it. i think a lot of it had to do with the reason i was going to the gym (body modification) and pressure from outside forces like fitness influencers on TikTok. i think to really make movement a permanent part of my daily life, i had to release all of those expectations about how fast things were gonna change for me and the reason why i worked out. i’ve been pretty consistent now about working out (yoga, dance via Just Dance or classes on YouTube, and short dumbbell workouts from my girl MadFit) and i feel so much less stressed about working out. i also had to transform my mindset from “i’m working out to look a certain way” to “i’m working out to show gratitude to all the bones and muscles and tendons and organs and everything in my body for how hard they work to keep my alive and functioning 24/7”. you really have to personalize movement to not only what feels right for your body, but also to what feels right for your soul. now i’m gonna start hiking within the next two weeks and i’m so excited because i love walking period but walking in nature????!!!!!! i hope i can strengthen my body and become more in-tune with the earth in doing so :-)
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ryawinters · 2 years
When I was a kid, I once tried to fake injuring my ankle because I didn’t feel like exercising in school that day. I normally had no problem with it so my teachers instantly believed me and were very concerned. Except, this was the first hour of the day, and they were worried about me having to “suffer” the entire day in that stupid ankle. They asked me to take off my shoes and socks so they could apply some spray and what not. 
I WAS MENTALLY FREAKING OUT. I didn’t expect that much concern. I was so sure they’d figure out there was no injury because I didn’t injure myself. In my panic I forgot that I told them that my right ankle hurt and instead pointed at my left one for the spray. 
And, well.
My ankle was actually swollen. Pretty badly. My shoes had actually been a size too small, so I did always have some feet pain, but this time they ended up acting as a brace for my ankle for the entire time I’d been there. Apparently when I was playing badminton the previous evening, I’d moved my foot the wrong way. I remember hearing a pop, I remember ignoring it, I remember not feeling any pain until then. The teachers didn’t notice me freaking out and they were all wondering why I even came to school, though I insisted on staying for the rest of the day. Not that there was anyone at home to take me back at that moment, and both my parents’ workplaces was also pretty far away. My class teacher, who apparently lived very close to my house, ended up taking me home with her at the end of the day, because I couldn’t climb the school bus. 
It happened more than a decade ago, and I still require regular ankle massages to keep the swelling down. I have binders for both my ankles because somewhere along the way, with the years of putting more pressure on my right ankle, it decided to become a replica of my left ankle. Years of orthopaedics have yielded no results other than the fact that I managed to trigger a birth defect. That my sprain healed, but there had always been an intrinsic defect in both my ankles. That they would have to do surgery, to break my ankle bones, because the whole reason I am suffering is that they didn’t break, which my family doesn’t agree with, as it is not an exactly a life saving thing. Plus, I can’t afford to take the time off from my studies required for this surgery.
Here’s the thing though. A thing I 100% would not recommend, because I have a very crippling FOMO and always have the habit of assuming everyone doesn’t actually like me and are just pretending to if I keep making a fuss of my issues. 
I try so hard to not let it stop me from doing things that everyone else does. I see people playing football, and I want to as well. And I will go join them. My school’s annual sports meet? I am going to participate. In the relay race, in the running race, because I used to be the fastest and now I am the second fastest in my house team. The annual sports meet was the worst, because it began with 10 laps around the football ground, followed by the races and a basketball tournament. All in the same day. I came home, I sat down. I couldn’t get up. I needed my mom and dad to half carry me to bed because I could not walk. My ankles were balloons. I didn’t go to school for a week. 
In my wish to be left out, I ignored my body’s pleas for help. For a damn long time. The week I couldn’t move was like a wake-up call. I quit my karate classes, I quit all my sports. I did ankle exercises regularly to strengthen my ankle (they don’t work but I do them anyway). I am still doing my best to stop crossing my ankles.
So, my point is, listen to your body. It knows what is going on. Better than you ever will. Your physical health is very very important, because you can’t do shit if you’re dead. Mental health is very very important, but bad physical health eventually leads to bad mental health too. Listen to your body. Look out for its cries for help. God knows, we ignore them quite often in our day to day lives, for various silly little things. We shouldn’t let our bodies feel as ignored as we have been. 
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The Importance of Regular Exercise: Mid-Day Dog Walking as a Solution for Busy Pet Owners
As a busy pet owner, finding time to give your furry friend the exercise they need can be challenging. However, regular exercise is crucial for a dog’s physical and mental well-being. Thankfully, mid-day dog walking services provided by companies like Pawnanny can offer a solution. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of regular exercise for dogs and how mid-day dog walking services can be beneficial for both busy pet owners and their beloved companions.
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The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Dogs
Regular exercise plays a vital role in maintaining a dog’s overall health. It helps prevent obesity, promotes cardiovascular fitness, and strengthens muscles and bones. Additionally, exercise provides mental stimulation, reduces anxiety, and helps curb destructive behaviors caused by boredom or excess energy. By engaging in regular physical activity, dogs experience improved mood, better sleep patterns, and enhanced cognitive function.
Understanding the Challenges Faced by Busy Pet Owners
Busy schedules often make it difficult for pet owners to dedicate sufficient time for exercise. Long work hours, family commitments, and other responsibilities can limit the availability of free time. As a result, dogs may be left at home for extended periods, leading to pent-up energy and a lack of mental stimulation. This is where mid-day dog walking services become invaluable.
The Role of Mid-Day Dog Walking Services
Mid-day dog walking services, such as those provided by Pawnanny, offer a convenient solution for busy pet owners. These services involve professional dog walkers who visit your home during the day to take your furry friend for a walk. They provide regular exercise and mental stimulation, ensuring that your dog’s needs are met even when you’re occupied elsewhere. This not only keeps your pet healthy and happy but also alleviates guilt and worry for the owner.
Benefits of Mid-Day Dog Walking for Dogs
Mid-day dog walking offers several advantages for our canine companions. Firstly, it helps burn off excess energy, reducing the risk of destructive behavior. Dogs that receive regular exercise are generally calmer, more relaxed, and less prone to anxiety-related issues. Secondly, mid-day walks provide socialization opportunities for dogs, allowing them to interact with other pets and people, improving their social skills. Finally, these walks stimulate their senses and provide mental enrichment, preventing boredom and promoting overall well-being.
Benefits of Mid-Day Dog Walking for Pet Owners
Mid-day dog walking services not only benefit dogs but also busy pet owners. By outsourcing the responsibility of exercising their dogs, owners can focus on their work or other commitments without worrying about their furry friends at home. This reduces stress and guilt, knowing that their pets are receiving the attention and exercise they need. Additionally, dog walking services create a routine for both the pet and owner, promoting a balanced lifestyle.
Choosing the Right Mid-Day Dog Walking Service
When selecting a mid-day dog walking service, it’s essential to consider a few factors. Look for a company with experienced and reliable dog walkers who are trained in handling different breeds and temperaments. Ensure that they have insurance coverage and are knowledgeable about pet first aid. Read reviews and ask for recommendations to ensure the service provider is reputable and trustworthy.
Regular exercise is vital for dogs, and mid-day dog walking services by Pawnanny offer a practical solution for busy pet owners. By entrusting the exercise needs of your furry friend to professionals, you can provide them with the physical and mental stimulation
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fitnessslica · 2 years
chest workout: do this chest exercise at home to make chest strong: – In today's time, everyone wants to make a good and strong body, they watch different types of videos, people see them going to the gym after crossing 18. It seems that they go to the gym and get a good body in 3-4 days, they work hard and sweat for hours to make a great body and chest. But most people make a mistake during chest exercise. These people train only the upper muscles of their chest. Because of which the chest is not able to come in that good shape, we are telling you the best chest exercise by which you can make a good chest at home:
The name of push-ups comes to mind as soon as we think about the exercises commonly done at home, often people consider push-ups as a normal exercise, but with push-ups, your shoulders, arms, chest, pectoral muscles and Your fore-arms are strong, the muscles emerge, if you do push-ups properly, it strengthens the muscles of the upper body, it is a body weight lifting exercise, it helps in strengthening the bones, and more inclined shoulders or more The spine also becomes straight, due to which the body posture improves, it becomes straight, on an average you should do 25 push-ups a day.
Incline Push Ups
First of all, take a bench and stand in front of it, or if you want, bend your knees and keep your chest towards the bench, now keep both hands on the bench and come in the same position as you do normal push-ups, bend your elbows and chest Have to tilt the bench and then come up. Do this exercise 10 to 12 times, it depends on you how much you can do.
Triangle / Diamond Push-Up
To apply diamond pushup, first of all, you have to come in the position of pushup, keeping both your hands just below the chest, make a diamond shape with both your hands, keep the back straight and try to push down while pressing the stomach. Your focus is to put in the chest, now inhale to come down, then come up while exhaling, it may seem difficult in the beginning, but keep in mind that as you keep practicing, you will get results in a few weeks, Beginners 10 times diamond pushup will be perfect - As the muscles start getting stronger, then you will be able to apply it as much as possible for 20 or 30 times, in the initial days, aim that today I have to apply it 20 times, your chest will become good and your stomach will also start coming in shape.
Side Push Ups
To apply side push-up, first of all, you have to come in the position of push-up, keep both your hands on the width of the shoulder of the chest, join both your feet by pasting and lower your body as you do normal push-ups. But as soon as you come up, you have to take a side turn and hold it for 1-2 seconds and come to the normal position, then you have to lower your chest, when you come up, take another side turn, at least 10 do |
Wide Push Ups
To do this push up, you have to get into the position of normal push ups, but during this keep your hands at a distance from the shoulders. After this, bring your body down slowly until the chest touches the ground. Similarly, slowly lift the body upwards with the help of hands and do this process of wide push up for five minutes daily. Repeat. Means do this by making a set of 12-13.
Curve Push Ups
Curve push ups are similar to normal push ups, the same things are repeated, the only difference is that when you bring your body up on the hand, at that time you have to bring your body up, along with you have to make a curved shape, which can be felt for stretching. You can do 10 -12 rounds in one set
Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks is a normal exercise, you will have a lot of fun doing it, to do this, you have to stand straight, stick both hands to the thigh, now as soon as you jump, you have to keep both hands as wide as the shoulders while jumping. And you have to take it above your head, then you have to come back to the normal position while jumping and bring the hands down as well.
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magicalblerdpenn · 2 years
This year started out rough for me personally & work wise, but gradually got better. One of the catalysts was seeing the film Turning Red & wanting to regain the creative passion & joy I had as a writer before mental health issues & trauma stunted me. Although I can't afford therapy, I bought 3-4 mental health ebooks: The Magical Girl's Guide To Life by Jacque Aye, Essential Art Therapy Exercises by Leah Guzman, The Complex PTSD Workbook by Arielle Schwartz, and What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing From Complex Trauma by Stephanie Foo. I also began rediscovering poetry and music, two things that inspired me creatively, esp. as a poet.
Using a journal as well as a tablet, I began to write & draw my way out of the awful state of 'stuck" I'd been in for years. Among a lot of ish, I unpacked painful critique that caused me to not write poetry for three years, deciding to no longer give it power. I remembered how pop culture inspired me as a poet and wrote two video game inspired poems that would be published by the same online publication within months of each other. I got comfortable with revising my poetry by realizing that I don't have to be perfect within one draft.
Although I only had two poems published this year, I did write a few other poems that I will be revising & entering in a special themed poetry contest in January 2023. Also, an older poem that I revised will be published Spring 2023. In addition, one poem I am especially proud of helped me grieve the ten year loss of my Dad & affirm my queerness by taking on his nickname, Penn.
Most importantly, I finally started to get to know my older brother's kids, my nephews and niece, this fall. I was nervous at first but it paid off this past Thanksgiving. I came out to my brother as queer & he was cool with it because one of his kids is queer too. Although it's only been three months, my nearby nephews & niece have an amicable bond with me and I look forward to strengthening these bonds further next year.
I also started to make more online friends & be grateful to the ones I already had. I'm a caregiver who works from home, but I realized that online friends can still be friends if you are considerate, respectful, and kind.
Finally, I realized that just because I've been a caregiver for decade, doesn't mean that I have to stop caring about myself. I realized that I deserved to live my life the best as I could because I am more than a caregiver. I am a poet, a freelance writer, aunt, sibling, and a friend. And I am creative, funny, and fucking magical, thank you very much.
This year was the most alive I've felt in a very long time. It has not been easy in the slightest, but I am in a better place than where I started in January. I'm proud of myself. And I look forward to seeing what I do in 2023.
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brianwilder · 1 day
Spotlight on Healthy Aging: Insights from Palm Beach Orthopedic Institute
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As we observe September as Healthy Aging Month, it's a timely reminder of the importance of maintaining our health and wellness as we navigate the journey of aging. This month, Dr. John Hinson from the Palm Beach Orthopedic Institute shares invaluable insights on how we can promote bone health, maintain mobility, and enjoy our favorite sports well into our later years.
Embracing Healthy Aging
Healthy aging is about more than just adding years to life; it's about adding life to years. Dr. Hinson emphasizes that as we age, it's crucial to remain proactive about our health. Regular exercise, particularly for aging athletes, can significantly reduce the risk of chronic injuries, ensuring that we can continue to engage in the activities we love.
The Power of Home Exercise Programs
For aging athletes, a tailored home exercise program is vital. Dr. Hinson highlights the importance of incorporating regular shoulder stretching and strengthening exercises into our routines. These exercises can prevent injuries that often develop as we age, allowing us to stay active and enjoy sports without the fear of chronic pain or injury.
Safety First: Injury Prevention Tips
Injury prevention should always be a priority, and Dr. Hinson advocates for a common-sense approach. Whether you're playing tennis, golf, or engaging in any sport, ensuring a clean and dry playing surface is essential. Being aware of your surroundings and potential hazards can greatly reduce the risk of falls and acute injuries.
Additionally, Dr. Hinson suggests utilizing protective gear, such as braces or pads, to safeguard against upper extremity injuries. For anyone experiencing chronic pain, it’s crucial to seek treatment to address these concerns before they escalate.
Understanding Rotator Cuff Injuries
One of the most common injuries among aging athletes is a rotator cuff tear. Dr. Hinson explains that this injury often arises gradually, with symptoms that can manifest without a specific triggering event. Patients read more
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