#Antonio abate
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cooperatoresveritatisinfo ¡ 20 days ago
17 gennaio Sant'Antonio abate: la vita e i suoi insegnamenti attualissimi
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lospeakerscorner ¡ 20 days ago
Giornata Mondiale della Pizza
Il 17 gennaio, festa di Sant’Antonio Abate, cade la Giornata Mondiale della Pizza, di cui è protettore insieme con i pizzaiuoli Sant’Antonio Abate, che si festeggia il 17 gennaio, è il protettore degli animali domestici, dei maiali e della stalla, dei salumai,dei contadini e dei macellai, inoltre è patrono della cittadina in provincia di Napoli e conosciutissimo anche per i grandi falò, e,…
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pietroalviti ¡ 20 days ago
Ceccano, oggi la festa degli animali per Sant'Antonio Abate
Comunità in festa per Sant’Antonio abate, eremita del deserto del IV secolo, patrono di tutti gli animali. Le celebrazioni a Ceccano si terranno a Santa Maria, alle ore 16, a San Sebastiano alle 16,30, al Sacro Cuore alle 17,30.
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tremaghi ¡ 1 month ago
I gioielli di Azzate - Chiesa sconsacrata di Sant'Antonio
Lasciate alle spalle Villa Bossi-Terttroni-Benizzi-Castellani, il Palazzo Pretorio e imboccando nuovamente la via Volta, sul lato destro non passa inosservata una facciata con elementi architettonici di stile romanico, ovvero il rosone in cotto e la semplice struttura a capanna. L’incisione a caratteri romani dell’anno 1525 su un pilastro verticale che sporge da una parete muraria testimonia…
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pier-carlo-universe ¡ 3 months ago
Giornata del Ringraziamento a Murisengo: fede, agricoltura e sostenibilitĂ  per un futuro migliore
Tra tradizioni, preghiera e riflessione, Coldiretti Alessandria celebra il legame tra terra, comunitĂ  e nuove generazioni.
Tra tradizioni, preghiera e riflessione, Coldiretti Alessandria celebra il legame tra terra, comunità e nuove generazioni. Murisengo, 18 novembre 2024 – Nella suggestiva cornice della parrocchia di Sant’Antonio Abate, si è svolta la 74ª Giornata Provinciale del Ringraziamento, organizzata da Coldiretti Alessandria. Un momento di fede, condivisione e riflessione che ha unito agricoltori, autorità…
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kalabriatv ¡ 2 months ago
Il Calabrese illuminista
Forse è stato uno dei pochi scrittori conosciuti nel panorama nazionale a essere nato e morto a pochi kilometri di distanza e sempre nella provincia di Vibo Valentia. Antonio Jerocades nato a Parghelia, l’1 settembre 1738 è stato un abate, patriota e poeta italiano. Come tanti giovani era stato indirizzato dalla famiglia alla vita ecclesiastica e studiò nel seminario della vicina Tropea. Si…
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craftypeaceturtle ¡ 1 year ago
Something stupid...
I recently rewatched tmnt 2012 and thought... wow, there's loads of fully rendered and designed shops in the background. Has anyone ever listed them all for reference?
I didn't even check the fandom wikia so maybe someone has. But hey ho. I've done it now.
So here's all the shops and comics shown in the TMNT 2012 series, for your reference fellow writers and other insane people.
Comic books seen throughout the series:
'From the Sewer' (S1 E1, 08:09)
'Martial Pain' (S1 E4, 09:00)
'Famous Creatures of […] Town' (S1 E7, 22:49) **couldn't make out one of the words, sorry!
'Corps Cadares: The Dead Will Save the Earth' (S1 E11, 04:08)
'The Timely Times' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Diabolical Dead' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Barbarian' (S1 E20, 09:43)
'Space Heroes' (S1 E23, 10:08) -- Leo collects.
'Tales from the Cosmos' (S2 E2, 00:46)
'Dude' (S2 E4, 10:04)
'Modern Ninja Magazine' (S2 E7, 00:50) --Raph collects.
'Shock Techno' (S2 E10, 00:19)
'Weekly Weird News' (S2 E14, 28:17)
'Green with Envy' (S2 E16, 10:17)
'Split' (S3 E5, 05:45)
'Wingnut' (S4 E19, 00:12)
'Arachnid Man' (S4 E19, 00:27)
'Superb Man' (verbal, not physically shown- S4 E19, 00:29)
'Fantastic Four Food Groups' (S4 E19, 00:31) --heavily associated with Raph.
'Dracula's Castle' (S5 E17, 07:19) -- heavily associated with Mikey.
'Vampire Hunter' (S5 E17, 07:18) --heavily associated with Mikey.
Shops seen throughout the series: Book Store (S1 E1, 10:28)
Second Time About (S1 E1, 13:21) -- April stayed with her Aunt above this shop.
Vlad's Repo Depot (S1 E1, 19:31)
Kingfisher Antique/Rare Buy.Sell Jewelry (S1 E1, 21:30)
Fortune Cookie (S1 E3, 14:32) --Purple Dragon base
Rock Bottom Boxing Club (S1 E4, 10:27)
Old Chinatown Tattoo Company (S1 E4, 10:27)
Downtown Athletic Club (S1 E4, 16:08)
Futua-noid Electronics (S1 E5, 17:38)
Pet Supplies (S1 E5, 17:38) -- right next to an alleyway, so I would guess that this the pet store the turtles were bought from.
Mad Wax Records (S1 E5, 17:46)
Everything Store (S1 E5, 17:47)
Dim Sum Then Sum (S1 E7, 12:24)
Laundromat (S1 E7, 13:03)
The Olympia Diner (S1 E8, 02:35)
Tidal Wave Fresh Fish (S1 E8 09:24)
Balzac Chateau du Beuf (S1 E9, 00:32)
Pocket full of Rosies (S1 E9, 00:43)
Wolf Hotel (S1 E9, 13:48) --first met Shredder.
Chinese Herbs and Health (S1 E10, 15:28)
Antonio's Pizza-Rama (S1 E13, 04:53)
Produce City (S1 E16)
(Closed down) Maramba … Shop (S1 E14, 00:35)
Chilly Chillkins Refrigeration company (S1 E14, 21:03)
Roosevelt High School (S1 E15, 09:05)
Comics (S1 E15, 09:05)
Worldwide Genome Project (WGP) (S1 E15, 15:13) --used as Kraang base.
Sweet Dreams Ice Cream (S1 E17 00:27)
Madam Alahazam Fortune Teller (S1 E17 00:27)
Wam-Bam-Pow Comics (S1 E17 00:25)
D.W Yatt Apothecary Est.1875 (S1 E16)
Magic Middleton's Tricks and Costumes (S1 E21, 13:09)
Ziga's Transmission Allignment Collision Tune-Up Autobody (S1 E24, 11:46) --used as Kraang base.
Argosy Theatre (S2 E1, 01:19)
Newstand (S2 E4, 10:04)
Midtown Ice Rink (S2 E6, 06:29)
Barber Shop (S2 E8, 00:11)
Lox Schmear & Java (S2 E19, 17:21)
Bernie's General (S3 E5, 04:44)
Comet Cleaners (S3 E11, 03:29)
Play Pier (S3 E11, 09:03)
Auman Chemicals (S3 E14, 14:53)
Channel 6 (S4 E10, 07:40)
AMAS: Allied Martial Arts Supply (S4 E15, 13:24) -- Used to hold Shredder/Foot Clan's weapons.
Cowabunga Skates (S4 E17, 05:20)
Run Jump Kick (S4 E17, 05:20)
Dell Abate Ristorante (S4 E18, 06:25) -- Don Vizioso's restaurant.
Felipe's (S4 E18, 16:27)
Hicnight Hotel (S4 E18, 17:16) --Don Vizioso's base.
Mini Mart (S5 E3, 16:19)
Friendly Jack's Loans (S5 E3, 17:43)
Wan Dingo's House of Curiosities and Oddities (S5 E5, 13:28)
Shanghai Sternn's Stir Fry (S5 E10, 12:04)
The episode timestamps might not be totally accurate since I was watching this on a... ahem... legal website.
The timestamps are from when you could clearly and obviously see the shop signs. Like, Ziga's is visible from like episode one but couldn't be clearly read.
Some of the comics were just in shop windows and not really associated with a character so be careful. That is not a list of every comic the turtles have read. Like the Timely Times has only been in the background, not read by a particular turtle.
There were LOADS of shops where the shop name was in Chinese (or Japanese, I don't know) and so I couldn't list. Most of the shops by the Chinatown arch weren't in english. That's why even Murakami's shop isn't listed here. Because the actual shop name wasn't in english.
Thanks for reading through this. Hopefully this was useful for... anyone out there.
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marquise-justine-de-sade ¡ 2 years ago
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Predicare l’amore e seminare l’odio
Mi presento, ho 62 anni, sono un Veterinario ed ho 2 figli di cui uno autistico, sono padre e proprietario di animali, genitore coscienzioso ed a contatto quotidianamente col mondo dell’animalismo e col mondo della disabilità, padre e veterinario contemporaneamente.
Una frase che i miei clienti mi ripetono costantemente è “chi non ha mai avuto un cane/gatto non riesce minimamente ad immaginare il mondo di amore che queste creature sanno donare.
Ecco, lei non ha mai avuto un cane o un gatto, lo si capisce dal modo in cui sottovaluta la questione, non è colpa sua, me ne rendo conto, se avesse provato quel tipo di affetto che il suo predecessore conosceva bene (Papa Ratzinger amava la compagnia dei gatti) non avrebbe detto cose tanto superficiali e fuorvianti.
La cosa grave che, mi permetta, non le fa onore è il creare la contrapposizione “chi ama gli animali non ama i bambini”, è un concetto errato e divisivo, chi ama la vita riconosce il dolore, negli occhi di un bambino o di un animale, amare vuol dire immedesimarsi, capire, ascoltare, quella dell’amore è una ginnastica quotidiana e non è mai divisiva, l’amore per la vita, sotto qualsiasi forma, arricchisce e non impoverisce.
Ma davvero lei crede che quello di Francesco di Assisi, il santo povero, l’uomo che camminava a piedi scalzi e coperto di umili panni, fosse tempo perso?, che non avrebbe dovuto parlare agli uccellini, scrivere il cantico delle creature, ammansire il lupo di Gubbio?
Ma lo sa che il santo d’Assisi diceva: “Se avete uomini che escluderanno una qualsiasi delle creature di Dio dal rifugio della compassione e della pietà, avrete uomini che trattano nello stesso modo i simili”
Ma ha mai visto la benedizione degli animali che si tiene in molte chiese il 17 gennaio nella tradizionale festa di S. Antonio Abate? E’ un tripudio di gioia, vecchietti e bambini ognuno col proprio animaletto domestico, tutti uniti dalla fede e dalla speranza, io stesso ci andai portando Tommasino un gatto reso diversamente abile dall’aggressione di un branco di cani nella speranza di un miracolo
Ma davvero lei crede che la fame nel mondo sia dovuta allo spreco di risorse per acquistare le crocchette? E no, qui divento cattivo io!, ma non è che forse dovrebbe preoccuparsi della ristrutturazioni degli immobili da 700 mq del cardinale Bertone finanziate coi soldi delle elemosine?, non dovrebbe preoccuparsi degli spot a pioggia per l’8 per mille? (nel 2004 sono costati 4.650.000,00 euro, non oso pensare adesso) per accaparrarsi la gestione di fondi che normalmente andrebbero comunque alla beneficenza ma che passando per voi vengono ridotti da spese folli?
Ma lo sa quanti bambini avreste saziato coi 4 milioni dati a Mediaset e Rai?
Gesù diceva “quando fai l’elemosina, non suonare la tromba davanti a te, come fanno gli ipòcriti nelle sinagoghe e nelle strade, per essere lodati dalla gente. In verità io vi dico: hanno già ricevuto la loro ricompensa. Invece, mentre tu fai l’elemosina, non sappia la tua sinistra ciò che fa la tua destra, perché la tua elemosina resti nel segreto; e il Padre tuo, che vede nel segreto, ti ricompenserà”e allora tutti questi spot autocelebrativi per l’8 per mille? Il vangelo lo citate solo quando vi conviene?
Per giudicare bisogna conoscere la gente, non il lusso. Lei non ha la minima idea di quante vite hanno salvato gli animali, di quanto un gatto possa curare la depressione di un anziana vedova e col nido svuotato, di quanto un cane possa essere di aiuto all’autostima di un ragazzo disabile, di quanto un cucciolo possa aiutare un bambino abbandonato dal padre fuggito con un’altra donna, di quanto un cagnolino possa attenuare il dolore di una coppia di anziani che hanno perso il loro unico figlio, tutte storie di vita che non potrebbero sfociare nell’adozione di un bambino, tutte storie di vita che lei dal suo trono dorato non vede.
Le persone, caro Papa, non fanno più figli perché non se lo possono permettere, perché in Italia un fitto costa quanto uno stipendio e quindi si deve lavorare fulltime in due, perché a Milano un asilo nido costa più dello stipendio di un call center, perché ti offrono solo lavoro precario ed orari impossibili… con quale presupposto una persona coscienziosa e non ricca può fare un figlio?
Vuole più accudimento per i bambini? Faccia la guerra al precariato, al lavoro nero, allo sfruttamento e si troverà circondato da persone felici di fare figli ma, la prego, la smetta di far guerra agli animali, sono creature di Dio, sono un dono per l’anima, sono una palestra per imparare la tolleranza, il rispetto, sono una manna dal cielo nell’universo di solitudine ed alienazione che sempre di più attanagliano le nostre metropoli.
L’amore, quello vero, non divide ma aggrega, in ogni cuore ogni sentimento crea lo spazio per uno nuovo.
L’amore per la vita, qualunque vita, è un valore totalizzante e mai riduttivo.
Amare insegna ad amare.
La donna che lei ha pubblicamente scacciato e deriso è una credente ed ha 50 anni, non è propriamente l’età per fare o adottare figli, certamente avrà sbagliato dicendo “mi benedice mio figlio?” ma lei che ha benedetto finanche una lussuosa Lamborghini bianca forse avrebbe potuto perdonarla, in ogni caso quel cagnolino sarà importante per quella donna e lei era venuta fiduciosa ad incontrarla.
Una occasione persa
(Dottor Vincenzo Minuto, Medico Veterinario)
Medita Francesco!
Medita se ne sei capace!!!
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goalhofer ¡ 1 year ago
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Remembering those killed in the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
Gordon M. Aamoth; Jr., 32 (New York, New York)
Edelmiro Abad, 54 (Brooklyn, New York)
Marie R. Abad, 49 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Andrew A. Abate, 37 (Huntington, New York)
Vincent P. Abate, 40 (Brooklyn, New York)
Laurence C. Abel, 37 (Queens, New York)
Alona Abraham, 30 (Ashdod, Israel)
William F. Abrahamson, 58 (Cortlandt, New York)
Richard A. Aceto, 42 (Hempstead, New York)
Alicia Acevedo (Teziutlan, Mexico)
Heinrich B. Ackerman, 38 (New York, New York)
Paul A. Acquaviva, 29 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
Christian Adams, 37 (Biebelsheim, Germany)
Donald L. Adams, 28 (Chatham Borough, New Jersey)
Patrick Adams, 60 (Brooklyn, New York)
Shannon L. Adams, 25 (Queens, New York)
Stephen G. Adams, 51 (New York, New York)
Ignatius U. Adanga, 62 (Bronx, New York)
Christy A. Addamo, 28 (Hempstead, New York)
Terence E. Adderly; Jr., 22 (West Bloomfield, Michigan)
Sophia B. Addo, 36 (Bronx, New York)
Lee Adler, 48 (Springfield Township, New Jersey)
Daniel T. Afflitto, 32 (Manalapan Township, New Jersey)
Emmanuel A. Afuakwah, 37 (Bronx, New York)
Alok Agarwal, 36 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Mukul K. Agarwala, 37 (South Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Joseph Agnello, 35 (Brooklyn, New York)
David S. Agnes, 46 (North Hempstead, New York)
Joao A. D. Aguiar; Jr., 30 (Red Bank, New Jersey)
Lt. Brian G. Ahearn, 43 (Huntington, New York)
Jeremiah J. Ahern, 74 (Cliffside Park, New Jersey)
Joanne M. Ahladiotis, 27 (Queens, New York)
Shabbir Ahmed, 47 (Brooklyn, New York)
Terrence A. Aiken, 30 (Staten Island, New York)
Godwin O. Ajala, 33 (Queens, New York)
Gertrude M. Alagero, 37 (Saugus, Massachusetts)
Andrew J. Alameno, 37 (Westfield, New Jersey)
Margaret A. Alario, 41 (Staten Island, New York)
Gary M. Albero, 39 (Emerson, New Jersey)
Jon L. Albert, 46 (Clarkstown, New York)
Peter C. Alderman, 25 (Scarsdale, New York)
Jacquelyn D. Aldridge-Frederick, 46 (Staten Island, New York)
Grace Alegre-Cua, 40 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
David D. Alger, 57 (Tuxedo, New York)
Ernest Alikakos, 43 (Brooklyn, New York)
Edward L. Allegreto, 51 (Woodbridge Township, New Jersey)
Eric Allen, 41 (Brooklyn, New York)
Joseph R. Allen, 39 (Eastchester, New York)
Richard D. Allen, 31 (Queens, New York)
Richard L. Allen, 31 (Queens, New York)
Christopher E. Allingham, 36 (River Edge, New Jersey)
Anna S.W. Allison, 49 (Stoneham, Massachusetts)
Janet M. Alonso, 41 (Stony Point, New York)
Arturo Alva-Moreno (Ciudad Mexico, Mexico)
Anthony Alvarado, 31 (Bronx, New York)
Antonio J. Alvarez, 23 (Queens, New York)
Victoria Alvarez-Brito, 38 (Queens, New York)
Telmo E. Alvear, 25 (Queens, New York)
Cesar A. Alviar, 60 (Bloomfield Township, New Jersey)
Tariq Amanullah, 40 (Metuchen, New Jersey)
Angelo Amaranto, 60 (Brooklyn, New York)
Capt. James M. Amato, 43 (Islip, New York)
Joseph Amatuccio, 41 (Queens, New York)
Paul W. Ambrose, 32 (Washington, D.C.)
Ofc. Christopher C. Amoroso, 29 (Staten Island, New York)
Craig S. Amundson, 28 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Kazuhiro Anai, 42 (Scarsdale, New York)
Calixto Anaya; Jr., 35 (Ramapo, New York)
Joseph P. Anchundia, 26 (Huntington, New York)
Kermit C. Anderson, 57 (Green Brook Township, New Jersey)
Yvette C. Anderson, 53 (New York, New York)
John J. Andreacchio, 52 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael R. Andrews, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jean A. Andrucki, 42 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Siew-Nya Ang, 37 (East Brunswick, New Jersey)
Joseph J. Angelini, 63 (Babylon, New York)
Joseph J. Angelini; Jr., 38 (Babylon, New York)
David L. Angell, 54 (Pasadena, California)
Mary L. Angell, 52 (Pasadena, California)
Laura Angilletta, 23 (Staten Island, New York)
Doreen J. Angrisani, 44 (Queens, New York)
Lorraine D. Antigua, 32 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Seima D. Aoyama, 48 (Culver City, California)
Peter P. Apollo, 26 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Faustino Apostol; Jr., 55 (Staten Island, New York)
Frank T. Aquilino, 26 (Staten Island, New York)
Patrick M. Aranyos, 26 (New York, New York)
David G. Arce, 36 (New York, New York)
Michael G. Arczynski, 45 (Little Silver, New Jersey)
Louis Arena, 32 (Staten Island, New York)
Barbara J. Arestegui, 37 (Barnstable, Massachusetts)
Adam P. Arias, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
Michael J. Armstrong, 34 (New York, New York)
Jack C. Aron, 52 (Bergenfield, New Jersey)
Joshua T. Aron, 29 (New York, New York)
Richard A. Aronow, 48 (Mahwah, New Jersey)
Myra J. Aronson, 50 (Boston, Massachusetts)
Japhet J. Aryee, 49 (Ramapo, New York)
Carl F. Asaro, 39 (Middletown, New York)
Michael A. Asciak, 47 (Ridgefield, New Jersey)
Michael E. Asher, 53 (Monroe, New York)
Janice M. Ashley, 25 (Hempstead, New York)
Thomas J. Ashton, 21 (Queens, New York)
Manuel O. Asitimbay, 36 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lt. Gregg A. Atlas, 45 (Howells, New York)
Gerald T. Atwood, 38 (Brooklyn, New York)
James Audiffred, 38 (Brooklyn, New York)
Louis F. Aversano; Jr., 58 (Manalapan Township, New Jersey)
Ezra Aviles, 41 (Huntington, New York)
Ayodeji Awe, 42 (New York, New York)
Samuel Ayala, 36 (New York, New York)
Arlene T. Babakitis, 47 (Secaucus, New Jersey)
Eustace R. Bacchus, 48 (Metuchen, New Jersey)
John J. Badagliacca, 35 (Staten Island, New York)
Jane E. Baeszler, 43 (Staten Island, New York)
Robert J. Baierwaller, 44 (North Hempstead, New York)
Andrew J. Bailey, 29 (Queens, New York)
Brett T. Bailey, 28 (Brick Township, New Jersey)
Garnet E. Bailey, 54 (Lynnfield, Massachusetts)
Tatyana Bakalinskaya, 43 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael S. Baksh, 36 (Englewood, New Jersey)
Sharon M. Balkcom, 43 (White Plains, New York)
Michael A. Bane, 33 (Yardley, Pennsylvania)
Kathryn Bantis, 44 (Chicago, Illinois)
Gerard J. Baptiste, 35 (Bronx, New York)
Walter Baran, 42 (Staten Island, New York)
Dep. Chief Gerard A. Barbara, 53 (Staten Island, New York)
Paul V. Barbaro, 35 (Holmdel Township, New Jersey)
James W. Barbella, 53 (Hempstead, New York)
Victor D. Barbosa, 23 (Bronx, New York)
Christine J. Barbuto, 32 (Brookline, Massachusetts)
Colleen A. Barkow, 26 (East Windsor Township, New Jersey)
David M. Barkway, 34 (Toronto, Ontario)
Matthew E. Barnes, 37 (Monroe, New York)
Y2C Melissa R. Barnes, 27 (Redlands, California)
Sheila P. Barnes, 55 (Islip, New York)
Evan J. Baron, 38 (Bridgewater Township, New Jersey)
Renee Barrett-Arjune, 41 (Irvington Township, New Jersey)
Arthur T. Barry, 35 (Staten Island, New York)
Diane G. Barry, 60 (Staten Island, New York)
Ofc. Maurice V. Barry, 49 (Rutherford, New Jersey)
Scott D. Bart, 28 (Hempstead, New York)
Carlton W. Bartels, 44 (Staten Island, New York)
Guy Barzvi, 29 (Queens, New York)
Inna B. Basina, 43 (Brooklyn, New York)
Alysia C.B. Basmajian, 23 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Kenneth W. Basnicki, 48 (Toronto, Ontario)
Lt. Steven J. Bates, 42 (Queens, New York)
Paul J. Battaglia, 22 (Brooklyn, New York)
W. David Bauer, 45 (Rumson, New Jersey)
Ivhan L. C. Bautista, 24 (Queens, New York)
Marlyn C. Bautista, 46 (Woodbridge Township, New Jersey)
Mark L. Bavis, 31 (Newton, Massachusetts)
Jasper Baxter, 45 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Michele Beale, 37 (Essex, U.K.)
Todd M. Beamer, 32 (Cranbury Township, New Jersey)
Paul F. Beatini, 40 (Park Ridge, New Jersey)
Jane S. Beatty, 53 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Alan A. Beaven, 48 (Fallsburg, New York)
Lawrence I. Beck, 38 (Hempstead, New York)
Manette M. Beckles, 43 (Rahway, New Jersey)
Lt. Carl J. Bedigian, 35 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael E. Beekman, 39 (Staten Island, New York)
Maria A. Behr, 41 (Milford, New Jersey)
Max J. Beilke, 69 (Laurel, Maryland)
Yelina Belilovsky, 38 (Mamaroneck, New York)
Nina P. Bell, 39 (New York, New York)
Debbie S. Bellows, 30 (East Windsor Township, New Jersey)
Stephen E. Belson, 51 (Queens, New York)
Paul M. Benedetti, 32 (Queens, New York)
Denise L. Benedetto, 40 (Staten Island, New York)
Bryan C. Bennett, 25 (New York, New York)
Eric L. Bennett, 29 (Brooklyn, New York)
Oliver D. Bennett, 29 (London, U.K.)
Margaret L. Benson, 52 (Rockaway, New Jersey)
Dominick J. Berardi, 25 (Queens, New York)
Berinthia Berenson-Perkins, 53 (Los Angeles, California)
James P. Berger, 45 (Lower Makefield Township, Pennsylvania)
Steven H. Berger, 45 (Manalapan Township, New Jersey)
John P. Bergin, 39 (Staten Island, New York)
Alvin Bergsohn, 48 (Hempstead, New York)
Daniel D. Bergstein, 38 (Teaneck Township, New Jersey)
Graham A. Berkeley, 37 (Boston, Massachusetts)
Michael J. Berkeley, 38 (New Rochelle, New York)
Donna M. Bernaerts-Kearns, 44 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
David W. Bernard, 57 (Chelmsford, Massachusetts)
William H. Bernstein, 44 (Brooklyn, New York)
David M. Berray, 39 (Washington, New York)
David S. Berry, 43 (Brooklyn, New York)
Joseph J. Berry, 55 (Saddle River, New Jersey)
William R. Bethke, 36 (Hamilton Township, New Jersey)
Yeneneh Betru, 35 (Burbank, California)
Timothy D. Betterly, 42 (Little Silver, New Jersey)
Edward F. Beyea, 42 (New York, New York)
Paul M. Beyer, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
Anil T. Bharvaney, 41 (East Windsor Township, New Jersey)
Bella J. Bhukhan, 24 (Union City, New Jersey)
Shimmy D. Biegeleisen, 42 (Brooklyn, New York)
Peter A. Bielfeld, 44 (Bronx, New York)
William G. Biggart, 54 (New York, New York)
Brian E. Bilcher, 36 (Staten Island, New York)
Mark K. Bingham, 31 (San Francisco, California)
Carl V. Bini, 44 (Staten Island, New York)
Gary E. Bird, 51 (Tempe, Arizona)
Joshua D. Birnbaum, 24 (New York, New York)
George J. Bishop, 52 (Somers, New York)
Kris R. Bishundat, 23 (Charles County, Maryland)
Jeffrey D. Bittner, 27 (New York, New York)
Albert B. Blackman; Jr., 26 (Brooklyn, New York)
Christopher J. Blackwell, 42 (Patterson, New York)
Carrie R. Blagburn, 48 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
Susan L. Blair, 35 (East Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Harry Blanding; Jr., 38 (Tobyhanna Township, Pennsylvania)
Janice L. Blaney, 55 (North Hempstead, New York)
Craig M. Blass, 27 (Huntington, New York)
Rita Blau, 52 (Brooklyn, New York)
Richard M. Blood; Jr., 38 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Michael A. Boccardi, 30 (Eastchester, New York)
John P. Bocchi, 38 (Harding Township, New Jersey)
Michael L. Bocchino, 45 (Brooklyn, New York)
Susan M. Bochino, 36 (Staten Island, New York)
Deora F. Bodley, 20 (San Diego, California)
Bruce D. Boehm, 49 (Hempstead, New York)
Nicholas A. Bogdan, 34 (Pemberton Township, New Jersey)
Darren C. Bohan, 34 (Queens, New York)
Lawrence F. Boisseau, 36 (Freehold Township, New Jersey)
Vincent M. Boland; Jr., 25 (Ringwood, New Jersey)
Touri H. Bolourchi, 69 (Beverly Hills, California)
Alan Bondarenko, 53 (Flemington, New Jersey)
Andre Bonheur; Jr., 40 (Brooklyn, New York)
Colin A. Bonnett, 39 (Brooklyn, New York)
Frank J. Bonomo, 42 (Brookhaven, New York)
Yvonne L. Bonomo, 30 (Queens, New York)
Sean Booker, 35 (Irvington Township, New Jersey)
Kelly A. Booms, 24 (Brookline, Massachusetts)
Lt. Col. Canfield D. Boone, 54 (Clifton, Virginia)
Mary J. Booth, 64 (Falls Church, Virginia)
Sherry A. Bordeaux, 38 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Krystine C. Bordenabe, 33 (Old Bridge Township, New Jersey)
Jerry J. Borg, 63 (Brooklyn, New York)
Martin M. Boryczewski, 29 (Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, New Jersey)
Richard E. Bosco, 34 (Ramapo, New York)
Klaus Bothe, 31 (Linkenheim-Hochstetten, Germany)
Carol M. Bouchard, 43 (Warwick, Rhode Island)
J. Howard Boulton; Jr., 29 (Ft. Lee, New Jersey)
Francisco E. Bourdier, 41 (Queens, New York)
Thomas H. Bowden; Jr., 36 (Wyckoff Township, New Jersey)
Donna M. Bowen, 42 (Charles County, Maryland)
Kimberly S. Bowers, 31 (Islip, New York)
Veronique N. Bowers, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
Larry Bowman, 46 (Brooklyn, New York)
Shawn E. Bowman; Jr., 28 (Staten Island, New York)
Kevin L. Bowser, 45 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Gary R. Box, 37 (Hempstead, New York)
Gennady Boyarsky, 34 (Queens, New York)
Pamela J. Boyce, 43 (Brooklyn, New York)
Allen P. Boyle, 30 (Fredericksburg, Virginia)
Michael Boyle, 37 (North Hempstead, New York)
Alfred J. Braca, 54 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Sandra C. Brace, 60 (Staten Island, New York)
Kevin H. Bracken, 37 (New York, New York)
David B. Brady, 41 (Summit, New Jersey)
Alexander Braginsky, 38 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Nicholas W. Brandemarti, 21 (Mantua Township, New Jersey)
Daniel R. Brandhorst, 41 (Los Angeles, California)
Michelle R. Bratton, 23 (Wallkill, New York)
Patrice Braut, 31 (Bronx, New York)
Lydia E. Bravo, 50 (Dunellen, New Jersey)
Ronald M. Breitweiser, 39 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Edward A. Brennan III, 37 (New York, New York)
Francis H. Brennan, 50 (Babylon, New York)
Michael E. Brennan, 27 (Queens, New York)
Peter Brennan, 30 (Islip, New York)
Thomas M. Brennan, 32 (Scarsdale, New York)
Capt. Daniel J. Brethel, 43 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Gary L. Bright, 36 (Union City, New Jersey)
Jonathan E. Briley, 43 (Mt. Vernon, New York)
Mark A. Brisman, 34 (North Carlisle, New York)
Paul G. Bristow, 27 (Brooklyn, New York)
Marion R. Britton, 53 (Queens, New York)
Mark F. Broderick, 42 (Old Bridge Township, New Jersey)
Herman C. Broghammer, 58 (Hempstead, New York)
Keith Broomfield, 49 (Brooklyn, New York)
Bernard C. Brown II, 11 (Washington, D.C.)
Janice J. Brown, 35 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lloyd S. Brown, 28 (Eastchester, New York)
Capt. Patrick J. Brown, 48 (New York, New York)
Bettina B. Browne-Radburn, 49 (Hempstead, New York)
Mark Bruce, 40 (Summit, New Jersey)
Richard G. Bruehert, 38 (North Hempstead, New York)
Andrew C. Brunn, 28 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Capt. Vincent E. Brunton, 43 (Brooklyn, New York)
Marshal Ronald P. Bucca, 47 (Eastchester, New York)
Brandon J. Buchanan, 24 (Mendon, New York)
Gregory J. Buck, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
Dennis Buckley, 38 (Chatham Borough, New Jersey)
Nancy C. Bueche, 43 (Queens, New York)
Patrick J. Buhse, 36 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
John E. Bulaga; Jr., 35 (Paterson, New Jersey)
Dianne Bullis-Snyder, 42 (Westport, Massachusetts)
Stephen B. Bunin, 45 (Queens, New York)
ET3 Christopher L. Burford, 23 (Onslow County, North Carolina)
Matthew J. Burke, 28 (New York, New York)
Thomas D. Burke, 38 (Bedford, New York)
Capt. William F. Burke; Jr., 46 (New York, New York)
Capt. Charles F. Burlingame III, 51 (Herndon, Virginia)
Thomas E. Burnett; Jr., 38 (San Ramon, California)
Assistant Chief Donald J. Burns, 61 (Smithtown, New York)
Kathleen A. Burns, 49 (Staten Island, New York)
Keith J. Burns, 39 (East Rutherford, New Jersey)
John P. Burnside, 36 (New York, New York)
Irina Buslo, 32 (Queens, New York)
Thomas M. Butler, 37 (Smithtown, New York)
Patrick D. Byrne, 39 (Staten Island, New York)
Timothy G. Byrne, 36 (New York, New York)
ET3 Daniel M. Caballero, 21 (Houston, Texas)
Jesus N. Cabezas, 66 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lilian Caceres, 48 (Staten Island, New York)
Brian J. Cachia, 26 (Queens, New York)
Steven D. Cafiero; Jr., 31 (Queens, New York)
Richard M. Caggiano, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
Cecile M. Caguicla, 55 (Boonton, New Jersey)
John B. Cahill, 56 (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
Michael J. Cahill, 37 (North Hempstead, New York)
Scott W. Cahill, 30 (West Caldwell Township, New Jersey)
Thomas J. Cahill, 36 (Franklin Lakes, New Jersey)
George C. Cain, 35 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Salvatore B. Calabro, 38 (Staten Island, New York)
Joseph M. Calandrillo, 49 (Hawley, Pennsylvania)
Philip V. Calcagno, 57 (Staten Island, New York)
Edward Calderon, 44 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Sgt. 1st Class Jose O. Calderon-Olmedo, 44 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Kenneth M. Caldwell, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Dominick E. Calia, 40 (Manalapan Township, New Jersey)
Felix B. Calixte, 38 (Brooklyn, New York)
Capt. Francis J. Callahan, 51 (Queens, New York)
Ofc. Liam Callahan, 44 (Rockaway, New Jersey)
Suzanne M. Calley, 42 (Santa Clara County, California)
Gino L. Calvi, 46 (East Rutherford, New Jersey)
Roko Camaj, 60 (North Hempstead, New York)
Michael F. Cammarata, 22 (Staten Island, New York)
David O. Campbell, 51 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Geoffrey T. Campbell, 31 (New York, New York)
Jill M. Campbell, 31 (New York, New York)
Robert A. Campbell, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
Sandra P. Campbell, 45 (Brooklyn, New York)
Sean T. Canavan, 39 (Hempstead, New York)
John A. Candela, 42 (Glen Ridge, New Jersey)
Vincent A. Cangelosi, 30 (Staten Island, New York)
Stephen A. Cangialosi, 40 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Lisa B. Cannava, 30 (Staten Island, New York)
Brian Cannizzaro, 30 (Staten Island, New York)
Michael R. Canty, 30 (Schenectady, New York)
Louis A. Caporicci, 35 (Staten Island, New York)
Jonathan N. Cappello, 23 (Hempstead, New York)
James C. Cappers, 33 (Brookhaven, New York)
Richard M. Caproni, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
Jose M. Cardona, 32 (Bronx, New York)
Dennis M. Carey, 51 (Hempstead, New York)
Edward Carlino, 46 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael S. Carlo, 34 (Long Beach, New York)
David G. Carlone, 46 (Randolph Township, New Jersey)
Rosemarie C. Carlson, 40 (Brooklynm New York)
Mark S. Carney, 41 (Rahway, New Jersey)
Joyce A. Carpento, 40 (Huntington, New York)
Jeremy C. Carrington, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael T. Carroll, 39 (New York, New York)
Peter J. Carroll, 35 (Staten Island, New York)
James J. Carson; Jr., 32 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Christoffer M. Carstanjen, 33 (Montague, Massachusetts)
Angelene C. Carter, 51 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
James M. Cartier, 26 (Queens, New York)
Sharon A. Carver, 38 (Charles County, Maryland)
Vivien Casalduc, 45 (Brooklyn, New York)
John F. Casazza, 38 (Colts Neck Township, New Jersey)
Paul R. Cascio, 23 (North Hempstead, New York)
William J. Cashman, 60 (West New York, New Jersey)
Margarito Casillas (Guadalajara, Mexico)
Thomas A. Casoria, 29 (Queens, New York)
William O. Caspar, 57 (Eatontown, New Jersey)
Alejandro CastaĂąo, 35 (Englewood, New Jersey)
Arcelia Castillo, 49 (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
German Castillo-Galicia (Ozumba, Mexico)
Leonard M. Castrianno, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jose R. Castro, 37 (Bronx, New York)
Dr. William E. Caswell, 54 (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Richard G. Catarelli, 47 (Brooklyn, New York)
Christopher S. Caton, 34 (New York, New York)
Lauren Catuzzi-Grandcolas, 38 (San Rafael, California)
Unborn child of Lauren Catuzzi-Grandcolas (San Rafael, California)
Robert J. Caufield, 48 (Hempstead, New York)
Mary T. Caulfield, 58 (Eastchester, New York)
Judson J. Cavalier, 26 (Huntington, New York)
Michael J. Cawley, 32 (North Hempstead, New York)
Jason D. Cayne, 32 (Marlboro Townsihip, New Jersey)
Juan A. Ceballos, 47 (Queens, New York)
Marcia G. Cecil-Carter, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jason M. Cefalu, 30 (Hempstead, New York)
Thomas J. Celic, 43 (Staten Island, New York)
Ana M. Centeno, 38 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Joni Cesta, 37 (Hempstead, New York)
John J. Chada, 55 (Manassas, Virginia)
Juan Cevallos, 44
Jeffrey M. Chairnoff, 35 (West Windsor Township, New Jersey)
Swarna Chalasani, 33 (Newark, New Jersey)
William A. Chalcoff, 41 (North Hempstead, New York)
Eli Chalouh, 23 (Brooklyn, New York)
Charles L. Chan, 23 (New York, New York)
Mandy Chang, 40 (New York, New York)
Rosa M. Chapa, 64 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Mark L. Charette, 38 (Millburn Township, New Jersey)
David M. Charlebois, 39 (Washington, D.C.)
Gregorio M. Chavez, 48 (New York, New York)
Pedro F. Checo, 35 (Queens, New York)
Douglas M. Cherry, 38 (Maplewood Township, New Jersey)
Stephen P. Cherry, 41 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Vernon P. Cherry, 49 (Queens, New York)
Nestor J. Chevalier; Jr., 30 (New York, New York)
Swede J. Chevalier, 26 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Alexander H. Chiang, 51 (Clarkstown, New York)
Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro, 61 (Sardinia, New York)
Luis A. Chimbo, 39 (Queens, New York)
Robert Chin, 33 (Brooklyn, New York)
Wing W. Ching, 29 (Union City, New Jersey)
Nicholas P. Chiofalo, 39 (Brookhaven, New York)
John Chipura, 39 (Staten Island, New York)
Peter A. Chirchirillo, 47 (Langhorne Borough, Pennsylvania)
Catherine E. Chirls, 47 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Kyung H. Cho, 30 (Clifton, New Jersey)
Abul K. Chowdhury, 30 (New York, New York)
Mohammed S. Chowdhury, 38 (Queens, New York)
Christine L. Christophe, 39 (Maplewood Township, New Jersey)
Pamela Chu, 31 (New York, New York)
Steven P. Chucknick, 44 Aberdeen Township, New Jersey)
Wai-Ching Chung, 36 (Brooklyn, New York)
Christopher Ciafardini, 30 (New York, New York)
Alexander F. Ciccone, 38 (New Rochelle, New York)
Frances A. Cilente, 26 (Staten Island, New York)
Elaine Cillo, 40 (Brooklyn, New York)
Patricia A. Cimaroli-Massari, 25 (Queens, New York)
Unborn child of Patricia A. Cimaroli-Massari (Queens, New York)
Edna CintrĂłn, 46 (Queens, New York)
Nestor A. Cintron III, 26 (New York, New York)
Lt. Robert D. Cirri, 39 (Nutley Township, New Jersey)
Juan P. Cisneros, 23 (Weehauken Township, New Jersey)
Benjamin K. Clark, 39 (Brooklyn, New York)
Eugene Clark, 47 (New York, New York)
Gregory A. Clark, 40 (Teaneck Township, New Jersey)
Mannie L. Clark, 54 (Bronx, New York)
Sarah M. Clark, 65 (Howard County, Maryland)
Thomas R. Clark, 37 (Summit, New Jersey)
Christopher R. Clarke, 34 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Donna M. Clarke, 39 (Bronx, New York)
Michael J. Clarke, 27 (Staten Island, New York)
Suria R. E. Clarke, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Kevin F. Cleary, 38 (New York, New York)
James D. Cleere, 55 (Newton, Iowa)
Geoffrey W. Cloud, 36 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Susan M. Clyne, 42 (Babylon, New York)
Steven Coakley, 36 (Babylon, New York)
Jeffrey A. Coale, 31 (Souderton, Pennsylvania)
Patricia A. Cody, 46 (Brigantine, New Jersey)
Daniel M. Coffey, 54 (Newburgh, New York)
Jason M. Coffey, 25 (Newburgh, New York)
Florence G. Cohen, 62 (Brooklyn, New York)
Kevin S. Cohen, 28 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
Anthony J. Coladonato, 47 (Queens, New York)
Mark J. Colaio, 34 (New York, New York)
Stephen J. Colaio, 32 (East Hampton, New York)
Christopher M. Colasanti, 33 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Kevin N. Colbert, 25 (Hempstead, New York)
Michel P. Colbert, 39 (West New York, New Jersey)
Keith E. Coleman, 34 (Warren Township, New Jersey)
Scott T. Coleman, 31 (Weston, Connecticut)
Tarel Coleman, 32 (Queens, New York)
Liam J. Colhoun, 34 (Queens, New York)
Robert D. Colin, 49 (Babylon, New York)
Robert J. Coll; Jr., 35 (Glen Ridge, New Jersey)
Jean M. Collin, 42 (New York, New York)
John M. Collins, 42 (Bronx, New York)
Michael L. Collins, 38 (Montclair Township, New Jersey)
Thomas J. Collins, 36 (Huntington, New York)
Joseph K. Collison, 50 (New York, New York)
Jeffrey D. Collman, 41 (Novato, California)
Patricia M. Colodner, 39 (New York, New York)
Linda M. Colon, 46 (Millstone Township, New Jersey)
Soledi E. Colon, 39 (Bronx, New York)
Ronald E. Comer, 56 (Huntington, New York)
Jaime Concepcion, 46 (New York, New York)
Maria T. Concepcion-Santillan, 27 (Morris Plains, New Jersey)
Albert Conde, 62 (Englishtown, New Jersey)
Denease Conley, 44 (Brooklyn, New York)
Susan Conlon, 41 (Staten Island, New York)
Margaret M. Conner, 57 (Brooklyn, New York)
Cynthia M. L. Connolly, 40 (Meteuchen, New Jersey)
John E. Connolly; Jr., 46 (Wall Township, New Jersey)
James L. Connor, 38 (Summit, New Jersey)
Jonathan M. Connors, 55 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Kevin P. Connors, 55 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Kevin F. Conroy, 47 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jose M. Contreras-Fernandez (El Aguacate, Mexico)
Brenda E. Conway, 40 (Bronx, New York)
Dennis M. Cook, 33 (Colts Neck Township, New Jersey)
Jeffrey W. Coombs, 42 (Abington, Massachusetts)
John A. Cooper; Jr., 40 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Julian T. Cooper, 39 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
Joseph J. Coppo; Jr., 47 (New Canaan, Connecticut)
Gerard J. Coppola, 46 (New Providence, New Jersey)
Joseph A. Corbett, 28 (Islip, New York)
John J. Corcoran III, 43 (Norwell, Massachusetts)
Alejandro Cordero, 23 (Wallkill, New York)
Robert Cordice, 28 (Staten Island, New York)
Toyena Corliss-Skinner, 27 (South Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Ruben D. Correa, 44 (Staten Island, New York)
Daniel A. Correa-Gutierrez, 25 (Fairfield, New Jersey)
Georgine R. Corrigan, 56 (Honolulu, Hawaii)
James J. Corrigan, 60 (Queens, New York)
Carlos CortĂŠs-Rodriguez, 57 (New York, New York)
Kevin M. Cosgrove, 46 (Islip, New York)
Dolores M. Costa, 53 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Digna A. Costanza, 25 (Queens, New York)
Charles G. Costello; Jr., 46 (Old Bridge Township, New Jersey)
Michael S. Costello, 27 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Asia S. Cottom, 11 (Washington, D.C.)
Conrod K. Cottoy, 51 (Brooklyn, New York)
Martin Coughlan, 54 (Queens, New York)
Sgt. John G. Coughlin, 43 (Ramapo, New York)
Timothy J. Coughlin, 42 (New York, New York)
James E. Cove, 48 (Hempstead, New York)
AndrĂŠ C. Cox, 29 (Brooklyn, New York)
Frederick J. Cox; Jr., 27 (New York, New York)
James R. Coyle, 26 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michelle Coyle-Eulau, 38 (Hempstead, New York)
Christopher S. Cramer, 34 (Stafford Township, New Jersey)
Lt. Cmdr. Eric A. Cranford, 32 (Drexel, North Carolina)
Denise E. Crant, 46 (Hackensack, New Jersey)
James L. Crawford; Jr., 33 (Madison, New Jersey)
Robert J. Crawford, 62 (Brooklyn, New York)
Tara K. Creamer, 30 (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Joanne M. Cregan, 32 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lucia Crifasi, 51 (Queens, New York)
Lt. John A. Crisci, 48 (Ronkonkoma, New York)
Daniel H. Crisman, 25 (New York, New York)
Chief Dennis A. Cross, 60 (Islip, New York)
Helen Crossin-Kittle, 34 (Mamaroneck, New York)
Unborn child of Helen Crossin-Kittle (Mamaroneck, New York)
Kevin R. Crotty, 43 (Summit, New Jersey)
Thomas G. Crotty, 42 (Hempstead, New York)
John R. Crowe, 57 (Rutherford, New Jersey)
Welles R. Crowther, 24 (Clarkstown, New York)
Robert L. Cruikshank, 64 (Eagle County, Colorado)
John R. Cruz, 32 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Francisco Cruz-Cubero, 47 (Brooklyn, New York)
Norma Cruz-Khan, 45 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Kenneth J. Cubas, 48 (Woodstock, New York)
Thelma Cuccinello, 71 (Wilmot, New Hampshire)
Richard J. Cudina, 46 (Glen Gardner, New Jersey)
Neil J. Cudmore, 38 (North Hempstead, New York)
Thomas P. Cullen III, 31 (Staten Island, New York)
Joan M. Cullinan, 47 (Scarsdale, New York)
Joyce R. Cummings, 65 (Brooklyn, New York)
Brian T. Cummins, 38 (Manasquan, New Jersey)
Nilton A. F. Cunha, 41 (Trenton, New Jersey)
Michael J. Cunningham, 39 (West Windsor, New Jersey)
Robert Curatolo, 31 (Staten Island, New York)
Laurence D. Curia, 41 (Hempstead, New York)
Paul D. Curioli, 53 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
Patrick J. Currivan, 52 (Winchester, Massachusetts)
Beverly L. Curry, 41 (Staten Island, New York)
Andrew P. C. Curry-Green, 34 (Santa Monica, California)
Sgt. Michael S. Curtin, 45 (Brookhaven, New York)
Patricia Cushing, 69 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Gavin Cushny, 47 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Caleb A. Dack, 39 (Montclair Township, New Jersey)
Carlos S. Da Costa, 41 (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
Jason M. Dahl, 43 (Denver, Colorado)
Brian P. Dale, 43 (Warren Township, New Jersey)
Ofc. John D’Allara, 47 (Orangetown, New York)
Vincent G. D’Amadeo, 36 (Brookhaven, New York)
Thomas A. Damaskinos, 33 (Matawan, New Jersey)
John L. D’Ambrosi; Jr., 45 (Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey)
Jeannine M. Damiani-Jones, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
Manuel J. DaMota, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Patrick W. Danahy, 35 (Yorkton, New York)
Nana K. Danso, 47 (New York, New York)
Mary D’Antonio, 55 (Queens, New York)
Ofc. Vincent G. Danz, 38 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Dwight D. Darcy, 55 (Eastchester, New York)
Elizabeth A. Darling, 28 (Newark, New Jersey)
Annette A. Dataram, 25 (Queens, New York)
Edward A. D’Atri, 38 (Staten Island, New York)
Michael D. D’Auria, 25 (Staten Island, New York)
Lawrence Davidson, 51 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael A. Davidson, 27 (Westfield, New Jersey)
Scott M. Davidson, 33 (Staten Island, New York)
Titus Davidson, 55 (Brooklyn, New York)
Niurka Davila, 47 (New York, New York)
Ada M. Davis, 57 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
Ofc. Clinton Davis, 38 (Queens, New York)
Wayne T. Davis, 29 (Anne Arundel County, Maryland)
Anthony R. Dawson, 32 (Southampton, U.K.)
Calvin Dawson, 46 (Queens, New York)
Edward J. Day, 45 (Clifton, New York)
William T. Dean, 35 (Hempstead, New York)
Robert J. DeAngelis; Jr., 48 (Hempstead, New York)
Chief Thomas P. DeAngelis, 51 (North Hempstead, New York)
Dorothy A, De Araujo, 80 (Long Beach, California)
Tara E. Debek, 35 (Babylon, New York)
James D. Debeuneure, 58 (Upper Marlboro, Maryland)
Anna M. DeBin, 30 (Babylon, New York)
James V. DeBlase; Jr., 45 (Manalapan Township, New Jersey)
Paul DeCola, 39 (Queens, New York)
Gerald F. DeConto, 44 (Sandwich, Massachusetts)
Simon M. Dedvukaj, 26 (Yorktown, New York)
Jason C. DeFazio, 29 (Staten Island, New York)
Laura L. Defazio-Morabito, 34 (Framingham, Massachusetts)
David A. DeFeo, 37 (Queens, New York)
Jennifer De Jesus, 23 (Brooklyn, New York)
Monique E. DeJesus, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
Nereida De Jesus, 30 (Bronx, New York)
Nataly De La Cruz (New York, New York)
Emerita De La PeĂąa, 32 (Queens, New York)
Donald A. Delapenha, 37 (Allendale, New Jersey)
Azucena M. De La Torre, 50 (Staten Island, New York)
Cristina De Laura
Marlyn Del Carmen-GarcĂ­a, 21 (Brooklyn, New York)
Vito J. DeLeo, 41 (Staten Island, New York)
Danielle A. Delie, 47 (New York, New York)
Andrea B. DellaBella, 59 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Joseph A. Della Pietra, 24 (Brooklyn, New York)
Palmina DelliGatti, 33 (Queens, New York)
Colleen A. Deloughery, 41 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Manuel Del Valle; Jr., 32 (Bronx, New York)
Francis A. De Martini, 49 (Queens, New York)
Anthony Demas, 61 (Ramapo, New York)
Martin N. DeMeo, 47 (Brookhaven, New York)
Francis X. Deming, 47 (Franklin Lakes, New Jersey)
Carol K. Demitz, 49 (New York, New York)
Kevin Dennis, 43 (Peapack-Gladstone, New Jersey)
Thomas F. Dennis, 43 (Brookhaven, New York)
Jean C. DePalma, 42 (West Milford, New Jersey)
Jose N. De PeĂąa, 42 (Bronx, New York)
Robert J. Deraney, 43 (New York, New York)
Michael DeRienzo, 37 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
David P. DeRubbio, 38 (Queens, New York)
Jemal L. DeSantis, 28 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Christian L. DeSimone, 23 (Ringwood, New Jersey)
Edward M. DeSimone III, 36 (Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey)
Lt. Andrew J. Desperito, 44 (Brookhaven, New York)
Michael J. D’Esposito, 32 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
Jean Destrahan-RogĂŠr, 24 (Longmeadow, Massachusetts)
Cindy A. Deuel, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
Melanie A. De Vere, 30 (London, U.K.)
Gerald DeVito, 66 (Bronx, New York)
Robert P. Devitt; Jr., 36 (Plainsboro Township, New Jersey)
Chief Dennis L. Devlin, 51 (Blooming Grove, New York)
Gerard P. Dewan, 35 (Queens, New York)
Sulemanali K. Dhanani, 62 (Greenburgh, New York)
Michael A. DiAgostino, 41 (Hempstead, New York)
Matthew Diaz, 33 (Brooklyn, New York)
Nancy Diaz, 28 (Bronx, New York)
Michael Diaz-Piedra III, 49 (Washington Township, New Jersey)
Judith B. Diaz-Sierra, 32 (Islip, New York)
Patricia F. Di Chiaro, 63 (Queens, New York)
Rodney Dickens, 11 (Washington, D.C.)
Lt. Col. Jerry D. Dickerson, 41 (Durant, Mississippi)
Joseph D. Dickey; Jr., 50 (North Hempstead, New York)
Lawrence P. Dickinson, 35 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
Michael D. Diehl, 48 (Brick Township, New Jersey)
John DiFato, 39 (Staten Island, New York)
Vincent F. DiFazio, 43 (Hampton, New Jersey)
Carl A. DiFranco, 27 (Staten Island, New York)
Donald J. DiFranco, 43 (Brooklyn, New York)
John DiGiovanni, 45 (Hempstead, New York)
Eddie A. Dillard, 54 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Debora A. Di Martino, 36 (Staten Island, New York)
David DiMeglio, 22 (Wakefield, Massachusetts)
Stephen P. Dimino, 48 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
William J. Dimmling, 47 (Hempstead, New York)
Marisa DiNardo-Schorpp, 38 (White Plains, New York)
Christopher M. Dincuff, 31 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Jeffrey M. Dingle, 32 (Hempstead, New York)
Rena S. Dinnoo, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
Anthony Dionisio; Jr., 38 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
George DiPasquale, 33 (Staten Island, New York)
Joseph Di Pilato, 57 (Staten Island, New York)
Douglas F. DiStefano, 24 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Donald A. DiTullio, 49 (Peabody, Massachusetts)
Ramzi A. Doany, 35 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
IT1 Johnnie Doctor; Jr., 32 (Washington, D.C.)
John J. Doherty, 58 (Greenburgh, New York)
Melissa C. Doi, 32 (Bronx, New York)
Brendan Dolan, 37 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
Capt. Robert E. Dolan; Jr., 43 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Neil M. Dollard, 28 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Nancy C. Doloszycki-Farley, 45 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
James Domanico, 56 (Queens, New York)
Benilda P. Domingo, 37 (Queens, New York)
Alberto Dominguez, 66 (Lidcombe, Australia)
Charles Dominguez, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
Ofc. Geronimo M. P. Dominguez, 37 (Brookhaven, New York)
Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Jacqueline Donovan, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
William H. Donovan, 37 (Nunda, New York)
Christina Donovan-Flannery, 26 (Queens, New York)
Stephen S. Dorf, 39 (New Milford, New Jersey)
Thomas F. Dowd, 37 (Monroe, New York)
Lt. Kevin C. Dowdell, 46 (Queens, New York)
Mary Y. Dowling, 46 (Queens, New York)
Chief Raymond M. Downey, 63 (Babylon, New York)
Frank J. Doyle, 39 (Englewood, New Jersey)
Joseph M. Doyle, 25 (Staten Island, New York)
Randall L. Drake, 37 (Lee’s Summit, Missouri)
Patrick J. Driscoll, 70 (Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey)
Ofc. Stephen P. Driscoll, 38 (Kent, New York)
Charles A. Droz III, 52 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Mirna A. Duarte, 31 (Queens, New York)
Luke A. Dudek, 50 (Livingston, New Jersey)
Christopher M. Duffy, 23 (Yonkers, New York)
Gerard J. Duffy, 53 (Brookhaven, New York)
Michael J. Duffy, 29 (Huntington, New York)
Thomas W. Duffy, 52 (Pittston, New York)
Antoinette Duger, 44 (Belleville Township, New Jersey)
Jacqueline S. Duggan, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
Sareve Dukat, 53 (New York, New York)
Patrick Dunn, 39 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Felicia G. Dunn-Jones, 42 (Staten Island, New York)
Christopher J. Dunne, 28 (Hempstead, New York)
Richard A. Dunstan, 54 (New Providence, New Jersey)
Patrick T. Dwyer, 34 (Smithtown, New York)
Joseph A. Eacobacci, 26 (Queens, New York)
John B. Eagleson, 53 (Middlefield, Connecticut)
AG1 Edward T. Earhart, 26 (Salt Lick, Kentucky)
Robert D. Eaton, 37 (North Hempstead, New York)
Dean P. Eberling, 44 (Cranford Township, New Jersey)
Margaret R. Echtermann, 33 (Trenton, New York)
Paul R. Eckna, 28 (West New York, New Jersey)
Constantine Economos, 41 (Brooklyn, New York)
Barbara G. Edwards, 58 (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Dennis M. Edwards, 35 (Huntington, New York)
Michael H. Edwards, 33 (New York, New York)
Christine Egan, 55 (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Lisa E. Egan, 31 (Cliffside Park, New Jersey)
Capt. Martin J. Egan; Jr., 36 (Staten Island, New York)
Michael Egan, 51 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Carole B. Eggert, 60 (Staten Island, New York)
Lisa C. Ehrlich, 36 (Brooklyn, New York)
John E. Eichler, 69 (Cedar Grove Township, New Jersey)
Eric A. Eisenberg, 32 (Huntington, New York)
Daphne F. Elder, 36 (Newark, New Jersey)
Michael J. Elferis, 27 (Queens, New York)
Ofc. Mark J. Ellis, 26 (Huntington, New York)
Albert A. W. Elmarry, 30 (North Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Edgar H. Emery; Jr., 45 (Clifton, New Jersey)
Doris S. Eng, 30 (Queens, New York)
Christopher S. Epps, 29 (Bronx, New York)
Ulf R. Ericson, 79 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Erwin L. Erker, 41 (Oyster Bay, New York)
William J. Erwin, 30 (Verona Township, New Jersey)
Sarah A. Escarcega, 35 (London, U.K.)
Jose Espinal, 31 (New York, New York)
Fanny M. Espinoza, 29 (Teaneck Township, New Jersey)
Bridget A. Esposito, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
Francis Esposito, 32 (Staten Island, New York)
Lt. Michael A. Esposito, 41 (Staten Island, New York)
William Esposito, 51 (Hempstead, New York)
Ruben Esquilin; Jr., 35 (New York, New York)
Sadie I. Ette, 36 (New York, New York)
Barbara G. Etzold, 43 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Eric B. Evans, 31 (Weehawken Township, New Jersey)
Robert E. Evans, 36 (Hempstead, New York)
Meredith E. J. Ewert, 29 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Catherine K. Fagan, 58 (Brooklyn, New York)
Patricia M. Fagan, 55 (Toms River Township, New Jersey)
Ivan K. Fairbanks-Barbosa, 30 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Keith G. Fairben, 24 (Hempstead, New York)
Catherine Fairfax-MacRae, 23 (New York, New York)
Sandra Fajardo-Smith, 37 (New York, New York)
Charles S. Falkenberg, 45 (University Park, Maryland)
Dana C. Falkenberg, 3 (University Park, Maryland)
Zoe E. Falkenberg, 8 (University Park, Maryland)
Jamie L. Fallon, 23 (Prince William County, Virginia)
William F. Fallon; Jr., 53 (Rocky Hill, New Jersey)
William L. Fallon, 38 (Brookhaven, New York)
Anthony J. Fallone; Jr., 39 (New York, New York)
Dolores B. Fanelli, 38 (Brookhaven, New York)
Robert J. Fangman, 33 (New Castle County, Delaware)
Chief John J. Fanning, 54 (Hempstead, New York)
Kathleen A. Faragher, 33 (Denver, Colorado)
Capt. Thomas J. Farino, 37 (Islip, New York)
Paige M. Farley-Hackel, 46 (Newton, Massachusetts)
Elizabeth A. Farmer, 62 (New York, New York)
Douglas J. Farnum, 33 (Brooklyn, New York)
John G. Farrell, 32 (Queens, New York)
John W. Farrell, 41 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Terrence P. Farrell, 45 (Huntington, New York)
Capt. Joseph D. Farrelly, 47 (Staten Island, New York)
Thomas P. Farrelly, 54 (Huntington, New York)
Syed A. Fatha, 54 (Newark, New Jersey)
Christopher E. Faughnan, 37 (East Orange Village Township, New Jersey)
Wendy R. Faulkner, 47 (Mason, Ohio)
Shannon M. Fava, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Bernard D. Favuzza, 52 (Ramapo, New York)
Ofc. Robert Fazio; Jr., 41 (Hempstead, New York)
Ronald C. Fazio, 57 (Closter, New Jersey)
Dep. Commissioner William M. Feehan, 72 (Queens, New York)
Francis J. Feely, 41 (Middletown, New York)
Garth E. Feeny, 28 (New York, New York)
Sean B. Fegan, 34 (New York, New York)
Lee S. Fehling, 28 (Hempstead, New York)
Peter A. Feidelberg, 34 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Alan D. Feinberg, 48 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
Rosa M. Feliciano, 30 (Staten Island, New York)
Edward P. Felt, 41 (Matawan, New Jersey)
Lisa Fenn-Gordenstein, 41 (Needham, Massachusetts)
Edward T. Fergus; Jr., 40 (Wilton, Connecticut)
George J. Ferguson III, 54 (Teaneck Township, New Jersey)
James J. Ferguson, 39 (Washington, D.C.)
Henry Fernandez, 23 (Queens, New York)
Julio Fernandez-Ramirez, 53 (Queens, New York)
Elisa G. Ferraina, 27 (London, U.K.)
Robert J. Ferris, 63 (Hempstead, New York)
David F. Ferrugio, 46 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Louis V. Fersini; Jr., 38 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Michael D. Ferugio, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Bradley J. Fetchet, 24 (New York, New York)
Jennifer L. Fialko, 29 (Teaneck Township, New Jersey)
Kristen N. Fiedel, 27 (Bronx, New York)
Amelia V. Fields, 36 (Dumfries, Virginia)
Samuel Fields, 36 (New York, New York)
 Deacon Alexander M. Filipov, 70 (Concord, Massachusetts)
Michael B. Finnegan, 37 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Timothy J. Finnerty, 33 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
Michael C. Fiore, 46 (Staten Island, New York)
Stephen J. Fiorelli, 43 (Aberdeen Township, New Jersey)
Paul M. Fiori, 31 (Yorktown, New York)
John B. Fiorito, 40 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Lt. John R. Fischer, 46 (Staten Island, New York)
Andrew Fisher, 42 (New York, New York)
Bennett L. Fisher, 58 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Gerald P. Fisher, 57 (Montgomery County, Maryland)
John R. Fisher, 46 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Thomas J. Fisher, 36 (Union City, New Jersey)
Lucy A. Fishman, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ryan D. Fitzgerald, 26 (Hempstead, New York)
Thomas J. Fitzpatrick, 35 (Eastchester, New York)
Richard P. Fitzsimons, 57 (Hempstead, New York)
Salvatore A. Fiumefreddo, 47 (Manalapan Township, New Jersey)
Darlene E. Flagg, 63 (Clarke County, Virginia)
Rear Adm. Wilson F. Flagg, 63 (Clarke County, Virginia)
Eileen Flecha, 33 (Queens, New York)
Andre G. Fletcher, 37 (Babylon, New York)
Carl M. Flickinger, 38 (Clarkstown, New York)
AG2 Matthew M. Flocco, 21 (Newark, Delaware)
John J. Florio, 33 (Hempstead, New York)
Joseph W. Flounders, 46 (East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania)
Carol A. Flyzik, 40 (Plaistow, New Hampshire)
David L. W. Fodor, 38 (Philipstown, New York)
Lt. Michael N. Fodor, 53 (Warwick, New York)
Stephen M. Fogel, 40 (Westfield, New Jersey)
Thomas J. Foley, 32 (Clarkstown, New York)
Jane C. Folger, 73 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
David J. Fontana, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Chih M. Foo, 40 (Holmdel Township, New Jersey)
Delrose E. Forbes-Cheatham, 48 (Chestnuthill Township, Pennsylvania)
Godwin Forde, 38 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ofc. Donald A. Foreman, 53 (Staten Island, New York)
Christopher H. Forsythe, 44 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Claudia A. Foster, 26 (Staten Island, New York)
Noel J. Foster, 40 (Bridgewater Township, New Jersey)
Sandra N. Foster, 41 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
Ana Fosteris, 58 (Brookhaven, New York)
Robert J. Foti, 42 (North Hempstead, New York)
Jeffrey L. Fox, 40 (Cranbury Township, New Jersey)
Virginia E. Fox, 58 (New York, New York)
Joan Francis (Trinidad & Tobago)
Pauline Francis, 57 (Brooklyn, New York)
Virgin L. Francis, 62 (Brooklyn, New York)
Gary J. Frank, 35 (South Amboy, New Jersey)
Morton H. Frank, 31 (Hempstead, New York)
Peter C. Frank, 29 (New York, New York)
Colleen L. Fraser, 51 (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
Richard K. Fraser, 32 (New York, New York)
Kevin J. Frawley, 34 (Eastchester, New York)
Clyde Frazier; Jr., 41 (Queens, New York)
Lillian I. Frederick, 46 (Teaneck Township, New Jersey)
Andrew A. Fredericks, 40 (Ramapo, New York)
Tamitha Freeman, 35 (Brooklyn, New York)
Brett O. Freiman, 29 (North Hempstead, New York)
Lt. Peter L. Freund, 45 (Minisink, New York)
Arlene E. Fried, 49 (North Hempstead, New York)
Alan W. Friedlander, 52 (Yorktown, New York)
Andrew K. Friedman, 44 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Paul J. Friedman, 45 (Belmont, Massachusetts)
Ofc. Gregg J. Froehner, 46 (Chester Borough, New Jersey)
Lisa A. Frost, 22 (Rancho Santa Margarita, California)
Peter C. Fry, 36 (Wilton, Connecticut)
Clement A. Fumando, 59 (Staten Island, New York)
Steven E. Furman, 40 (Ramapo, New York)
Paul J. Furmato, 37 (Colts Neck Township, New Jersey)
Karleton D.B. Fyfe, 31 (Brookline, Massachusetts)
Fredric N. Gabler, 30 (New York, New York)
Richard P. Gabriel, 54 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Richard S. Gabrielle, 50 (New Haven, Connecticut)
James A. Gadiel, 23 (Kent, Connecticut)
Pamela L. Gaff, 51 (Robbinsville Township, New Jersey)
Ervin V. Gailliard, 42 (Bronx, New York)
Deanna L. Galante, 32 (Staten Island, New York)
Unborn child of Deanna L. Galante (Staten Island, New York)
Grace C. Galante, 29 (Staten Island, New York)
Anthony E. Gallagher, 41 (Babylon, New York)
Daniel J. Gallagher, 23 (Red Bank, New Jersey)
John P. Gallagher, 31 (Yonkers, New York)
Lourdes J. Galletti-Diaz, 35 (Bronx, New York)
Cono E. Gallo, 30 (Queens, New York)
Vincenzo Gallucci, 36 (Monroe Township, New Jersey)
Thomas E. Galvin, 32 (New York, New York)
Giovanna G. Gambale, 27 (Brooklyn, New York)
Thomas Gambino; Jr., 48 (Babylon, New York)
Giann F. Gamboa, 26 (Queens, New York)
Ronald L. Gamboa, 33 (Los Angeles, California)
David R. Gamboa-Brandhorst, 3 (Los Angeles, California)
Chief Peter J. Ganci; Jr., 55 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Claude M. Gann, 41 (Roswell, Georgia)
Lt. Charles W. Garbarini, 43 (Mt. Pleasant, New York)
Andrew Garcia, 62 (Portola Bay, California)
Cesar R. Garcia, 36 (Staten Island, New York)
David Garcia, 40 (Hempstead, New York)
Juan Garcia, 50 (Queens, New York)
Christopher S. Gardner, 36 (Darien, Connecticut)
Douglas B. Gardner, 39 (New York, New York)
Harvey J. Gardner III, 35 (Lakewood Township, New Jersey)
Jeffrey B. Gardner, 36 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Thomas A. Gardner, 39 (Hempstead, New York)
William A. Gardner, 45 (Hempstead, New York)
Francesco Garfi, 29 (Brooklyn, New York)
Rocco N. Gargano, 28 (Queens, New York)
James M. Gartenberg, 36 (New York, New York)
Matthew D. Garvey, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Bruce Gary, 51 (Hempstead, New York)
Boyd A. Gatton, 38 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Donald R. Gavagan; Jr., 35 (Brooklyn, New York)
Peter A. Gay, 54 (Tewksbury, Massachusetts)
Terrence D. Gazzani, 24 (Brooklyn, New York)
Gary P. Geidel, 44 (Greenville, New York)
Paul H. Geier, 36 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Julie M. Geis, 44 (Lee’s Summit, Missouri)
Peter G. Gelinas, 34 (Eastchester, New York)
Steven P. Geller, 52 (New York, New York)
Howard G. Gelling; Jr., 28 (New York, New York)
Peter V. Genco; Jr., 36 (Hempstead, New York)
Steven G. Genovese, 37 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Alayne F. Gentul, 44 (Mountain Lakes, New Jersey)
Chief Edward F. Geraghty, 45 (Hempstead, New York)
Suzanne Geraty, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ralph Gerhardt, 33 (New York, New York)
Robert J. Gerlich, 56 (Monroe, Connecticut)
Denis P. Germain, 33 (Tuxedo, New York)
Marina R. Gertsberg, 25 (Queens, New York)
Susan M. Getzendanner, 57 (New York, New York)
Lawrence D. Getzfred, 57 (Elgin, Nebraska)
James G. Geyer, 41 (Hempstead, New York)
Cortez Ghee, 54 (Baltimore County, Maryland)
Joseph M. Giaccone, 43 (Monroe Township, New Jersey)
Lt. Vincent F. Giamonna, 40 (Hempstead, New York)
Debra L. Gibbon, 43 (Hackettstown, New Jersey)
James A. Giberson, 43 (Staten Island, New York)
Brenda C. Gibson, 59 (Falls Church, Virginia)
Craig N. Gibson, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ronnie E. Gies, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Laura E. Giglio, 35 (Hempstead, New York)
Andrew C. Gilbert, 39 (Califon, New Jersey)
Timothy P. Gilbert, 35 (Lebanon, New Jersey)
Paul S. Gilbey, 39 (Chatham, New Jersey)
Paul J. Gill, 34 (Queens, New York)
Mark Y. Gilles, 33 (Brooklyn, New York)
Evan H. Gillette, 40 (New York, New York)
Ronald L. Gilligan, 43 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
Sgt. Rodney C. Gillis, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
Laura Gilly, 32 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lt. John F. Ginley, 37 (Warwick, New York)
Donna M. Giordano, 44 (Old Bridge Township, New Jersey)
Jeffrey J. Giordano, 46 (Staten Island, New York)
John Giordano, 46 (Newburgh, New York)
Steven A. Giorgetti, 43 (North Hempstead, New York)
Martin F. Giovinazzo, 34 (Staten Island, New York)
Kum-Kum Girolamo, 41 (Queens, New York)
Salvatore Gitto, 44 (Manalapan Township, New Jersey)
Cynthia Giugliano, 46 (Smithtown, New York)
Mon Gjonbalaj, 65 (Bronx, New York)
Dianne Gladstone, 55 (Queens, New York)
Keith A. Glascoe, 38 (Brooklyn, New York)
Thomas I. Glasser, 40 (Summit, New Jersey)
Edmund Glazer, 41 (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
Harry Glenn, 38 (Piscataway Township, New Jersey)
Barry H. Glick, 55 (Wayne Township, New Jersey)
Jeremy L. Glick, 31 (West Milford Township, New Jersey)
Steven L. Glick, 42 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
John T. Gnazzo, 32 (New York, New York)
William R. Godshalk, 35 (New York, New York)
Michael Gogliormella, 43 (New Providence, New Jersey)
Brian F. Goldberg, 26 (Union City, New Jersey)
Jeffrey G. Goldflam, 48 (Huntington, New York)
Michelle Goldstein, 31 (New York, New York)
Monica Goldstein, 25 (Staten Island, New York)
Steven I. Goldstein, 35 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Ronald F. Golinski, 60 (Howard County, Maryland)
Andrew H. Golkin, 30 (New York, New York)
Dennis J. Gomes, 40 (Queens, New York)
Enrique A. Gomez, 42 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jose B. Gomez, 45 (New York, New York)
Manuel Gomez; Jr., 42 (Brooklyn, New York)
Wilder A. Gomez, 38 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jenine N. Gonzalez, 28 (Bronx, New York)
Mauricio Gonzalez, 27 (New York, New York)
Rosa J. Gonzalez, 32 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Lynn C. Goodchild, 25 (Attleboro, Massachusetts)
Calvin J. Gooding, 38 (Southampton, New York)
Peter M. Goodrich, 33 (Sudbury, Massachusetts)
Harry Goody III, 50 (Brooklyn, New York)
Kiran K.R. Gopu, 24 (Bridgeport, Connecticut)
Catherine C. Gorayeb, 41 (New York, New York)
Kerene Gordon, 43 (Queens, New York)
Sebastian Gorki, 27 (New York, New York)
Kieran Gorman, 35 (Yonkers, New York)
Ofc. Thomas E. Gorman, 41 (Middlesex, New Jersey)
Michael E. Gould, 29 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Douglas A. Gowell, 52 (Methuen, Massachusetts)
Yuji Goya, 42 (Rye, New York)
Jon R. Grabowski, 33 (New York, New York)
Christopher M. Grady, 39 (Cranford Township, New Jersey)
Edwin J. Graff III, 48 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
David M. Graifman, 40 (New York, New York)
Gilbert F. Granados, 51 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Elvira Granitto, 43 (Bronx, New York)
Winston A. Grant, 59 (Hempstead, New York)
Christopher S. Gray, 32 (Weehawken Township, New Jersey)
Ian J. Gray, 55 (Howard County, Maryland)
James M. Gray, 34 (Staten Island, New York)
John M. Grazioso, 41 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Timothy G. Grazioso, 42 (Gulf Stream, Florida)
Derrick A. Green, 44 (Bronx, New York)
Wade B. Green, 42 (North Hempstead, New York)
Wanda A. Green, 49 (Linden, New Jersey)
Elaine M. Greenberg, 56 (New York, New York)
Donald F. Greene, 47 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Gayle R. Greene, 51 (Montville Township, New Jersey)
Lorraine M. Greene-Lee, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
James A. Greenleaf; Jr., 32 (New York, New York)
Eileen M. Greenstein, 52 (Morris Plains, New Jersey)
Denise M. Gregory, 39 (Queens, New York)
Donald H. Gregory, 62 (Ramsey, New Jersey)
Pedro Grehan, 35 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
John M. Griffin, 38 (Waldwick, New Jersey)
Tawanna S. Griffin, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Joan D. Griffith, 39 (Willingboro Township, New Jersey)
Warren L. Grifka, 54 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ramon B. Grijalvo, 58 (Queens, New York)
Joseph F. Grillo, 46 (Staten Island, New York)
David J. Grimner, 51 (Hempstead, New York)
Fr. Francis E. Grogan, 76 (Bridgeport, Connecticut)
Linda Gronlund, 46 (Warwick, New York)
Kenneth G. Grouzalis, 56 (Lyndhurst Township, New Jersey)
Chief Joseph Grzelak, 52 (Staten Island, New York)
Matthew J. Grzymalski, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
Robert J. Gschaar, 55 (Clarkstown, New York)
Liming Gu, 34 (Piscataway Township, New Jersey)
Richard J. Guadagno, 39 (Eureka, California)
Jose A. Guadalupe, 37 (Queens, New York)
Yan Z. Guan, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lt. Geoffrey E. Guja, 47 (Babylon, New York)
Lt. Joseph P. Gullickson, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
Babita G. Guman, 33 (Bronx, New York)
Douglas B. Gurian, 38 (Tenafly, New Jersey)
Janet R. Gustafson, 48 (New York, New York)
Phillip T. Guza, 54 (Sea Bright, New Jersey)
Barbara Guzzardo, 49 (Queens, New York)
Peter M. Gyulavary, 44 (Warwick, New York)
Gary R. Haag, 36 (Ossining, New York)
Andrea L. Haberman, 25 (Chicago, Illinois)
Barbara M. Habib, 49 (Staten Island, New York)
Philip Haentzler, 49 (Staten Island, New York)
Nezam A. Hafiz, 32 (Queens, New York)
Karen E. Hagerty, 34 (New York, New York)
Steven M. Hagis; Jr., 31 (Staten Island, New York)
Mary L. Hague, 26 (New York, New York)
David Halderman, 40 (Babylon, New York)
Maile R. Hale, 26 (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Diane M. Hale-McKinzy, 38 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Richard B. Hall, 49 (Harrison, New York)
Stanley R. Hall, 68 (Clifton, Virginia)
Vaswald G. Hall, 50 (Queens, New York)
Robert J. Halligan, 59 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Lt. Vincent G. Halloran, 43 (North Salem, New York)
Carolyn B. Halmon, 49 (Washington, D.C.)
James D. Halvorson, 56 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Cadet Mohammad S. Hamdani, 23 (Queens, New York)
Felicia Hamilton, 62 (Queens, New York)
Robert W. Hamilton, 43 (Blooming Grove, New York)
Carl M. Hammond; Jr., 37 (Derry, New Hampshire)
Frederic K. Han, 45 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
Christopher J. Hanley, 34 (New York, New York)
Sean S. Hanley, 35 (Staten Island, New York)
Valerie J. Hanna, 57 (Dryden, New York)
Thomas P. Hannafin, 36 (Staten Island, New York)
Kevin J. Hannaford, 32 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Michael L. Hannan, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
Dana R. Hannon, 29 (Ramapo, New York)
Christine L. Hanson, 2 (Groton, Massachusetts)
Peter B. Hanson, 32 (Groton, Massachusetts)
Sue K. Hanson, 35 (Groton, Massachusetts)
Vassilios G. Haramis, 56 (Staten Island, New York)
James A. Haran, 41 (Hempstead, New York)
Gerald F. Hardacre, 61 (Carlsbad, California)
Jeffrey P. Hardy, 46 (New York, New York)
Timothy J. Hargrave, 38 (Readington Township, New Jersey)
Daniel E. Harlin, 41 (Kent, New York)
Frances Haros, 76 (Staten Island, New York)
Lt. Harvey L. Harrell, 49 (Staten Island, New York)
Lt. Stephen G. Harrell, 44 (Staten Island, New York)
Melissa M. Harrington-Hughes, 31 (Redwood City, California)
Aisha M. Harris, 22 (Bronx, New York)
Stewart D. Harris, 52 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
John P. Hart, 38 (Danville, California)
Eric S. Hartono, 20 (Brookline, Massachusetts)
John C. Hartz, 64 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Emeric J. Harvey, 54 (Montclair Township, New Jersey)
Sara E. Harvey, 31 (Staten Island, New York)
Chief Thomas T. Haskell; Jr., 37 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Timothy S. Haskell, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
Joseph J. Hasson III, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
Special Agent Leonard W. Hatton; Jr., 45 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Capt. Terrence S. Hatton, 41 (New York, New York)
Michael H. Haub, 34 (North Hempstead, New York)
Timothy A. Haviland, 41 (Hempstead, New York)
Donald G. Havlish; Jr., 53 (Yardley, Pennsylvania)
Anthony M. Hawkins, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Nobuhiro Hayatsu, 36 (Scarsdale, New York)
James E. Hayden, 47 (Westford, Massachusetts)
Robert J. Hayes, 38 (Amesbury, Massachusetts)
Philip T. Hayes, 67 (Huntington, New York)
W. Ward Haynes, 35 (Rye, New York)
Scott J. Hazelcorn, 29 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Lt. Michael K. Healey, 42 (Brookhaven, New York)
Roberta B. Heber, 60 (New York, New York)
Charles F. X. Heeran, 23 (Brooklyn, New York)
John F. Heffernan, 37 (Queens, New York)
Nellie A. Heffernan-Casey, 32 (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
Michelle M. Heidenberger, 57 (Chevy Chase, Maryland)
Sheila M.S. Hein, 51 (University Park, Maryland)
H. Joseph Heller; Jr., 37 (Ridgefield, Connecticut)
JoAnn L. Heltibridle, 46 (Springfield Township, New Jersey)
ECT1 Ronald J. Hemenway, 37 (Shawnee, Kansas)
Mark F. Hemschoot, 45 (Red Bank, New Jersey)
Ronnie L. Henderson, 52 (Newburgh, New York)
Janet Hendricks (New York, New York)
Brian Hennessey, 35 (East Amwell Township, New Jersey)
Edward R. Hennessy; Jr., 35 (Belmont, Massachusetts)
Michelle M. Henrique, 27 (Staten Island, New York)
Joseph P. Henry, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
William L. Henry; Jr., 49 (Queens, New York)
Catherina Henry-Robinson, 45 (Bronx, New York)
John C. Henwood, 35 (New York, New York)
Robert A. Hepburn, 39 (Union City, New Jersey)
Mary Herencia, 47 (New York, New York)
Lindsay C. Herkness III, 58 (New York, New York)
Harvey R. Hermer, 59 (Brooklyn, New York)
Anabel Hernandez, 41 (New York, New York)
Claribel Harnandez, 31 (New York, New York)
Eduardo Hernandez, 40 (New York, New York)
Norberto HernĂĄndez, 42 (Queens, New York)
Raul Hernandez, 51 (Middletown, New York)
Gary Herold, 44 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Jeffrey A. Hersch, 53 (Brooklyn, New York)
Thomas J. Hetzel, 33 (Hempstead, New York)
Leon B. Heyward, 45 (Bronx, New York)
Capt. Brian C. Hickey, 47 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Enemencio D. Hidalgo-CedeĂąo, 51 (New York, New York)
Cora Hidalgo-Holland, 52 (Sudbury, Massachusetts)
Ysidro Hidalgo-Tejada, 50 (New York, New York)
Lt. Timothy B. Higgins, 43 (Brookhaven, New York)
Robert D. W. Higley II, 29 (New Fairfield, Connecticut)
Todd R. Hill, 34 (Framingham, Massachusetts)
Clara V. Hinds, 52 (Queens, New York)
Neil O. Hinds, 28 (Queens, New York)
Mark D. Hindy, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
Katsuyuki Hirai, 32 (Greenburgh, New York)
Heather M. Ho, 32 (New York, New York)
Jean Hoadley-Peterson, 55 (Spring Lake, New Jersey)
Tara Y. Hobbs, 31 (Brooklyn, New York)
Thomas A. Hobbs, 41 (Hempstead, New York)
James J. Hobin, 47 (Marlborough, Connecticut)
Robert W. Hobson III, 36 (New Providence, New Jersey)
DaJuan Hodges, 29 (Bronx, New York)
Ronald G. Hoerner, 58 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Patrick A. Hoey, 53 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
John A. Hofer, 45 (Bellflower, California)
Marcia Hoffman, 52 (Brooklyn, New York)
Steven G. Hoffman, 36 (Long Beach, New York)
Frederick J. Hoffmann, 53 (Freehold Township, New Jersey)
Michele L. Hoffmann, 27 (Freehold Township, New Jersey)
Judith F. Hofmiller, 53 (Brookfield, Connecticut)
Wallace C. Hogan; Jr., 40 (Macon, Florida)
Thomas W. Hohlweck; Jr., 57 (Harrison, New York)
Jonathan R. Hohmann, 48 (Staten Island, New York)
John Holland, 30 (New York, New York)
Joseph F. Holland III, 32 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
Jimmie I. Holley, 54 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
Elizabeth Holmes, 42 (New York, New York)
Thomas P. Holohan; Jr., 36 (Chester, New York)
Herbert W. Homer, 48 (Milford, Massachusetts)
1st Ofc. LeRoy W. Homer; Jr., 36 (Eveston Township, New Jersey)
Bradley V. Hoorn, 22 (Southampton, New York)
James P. Hopper, 51 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Montgomery M. Hord, 46 (Pelham, New York)
Michael J. Horn, 27 (Hempstead, New York)
Matthew D. Horning, 26 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Robert L. Horohoe; Jr., 31 (Holmdel Township, New Jersey)
1st Ofc. Michael R. Horrocks, 38 (Concord Township, Pennsylvania)
Allison Horstmann-Jones, 31 (Bernardsville, New Jersey)
Aaron Horwitz, 24 (New York, New York)
Charles J. Houston, 42 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ofc. Uhuru G. Houston, 32 (Englewood, New Jersey)
Angela M. Houtz, 27 (La Plata, Maryland)
Ofc. George G. Howard, 45 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Brady K. Howell, 26 (Arlington County, Virginia)
Michael C. Howell, 60 (Queens, New York)
Steven L. Howell, 36 (Staten Island, New York)
Jennifer L. Howley, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
Unborn child of Jennifer L. Howley (Hempstead, New York)
Milagros Hromada, 35 (Queens, New York)
Marian R. Hrycak, 56 (Queens, New York)
Ofc. Stephen Huczko; Jr., 44 (Bethlehem Township, New Jersey)
Kris R. Hughes, 30 (Smithtown, New York)
Paul R. Hughes, 38 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Robert T. Hughes; Jr., 23 (Sayreville, New Jersey)
Thomas F. Hughes; Jr., 46 (Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey)
Timothy R. Hughes, 43 (Madison, New Jersey)
Susan Huie, 43 (Fair Lawn, New Jersey)
Lamar D. Hulse, 30 (New York, New York)
John N. Humber; Jr., 60 (Newton, Massachusetts)
William C. Hunt, 32 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
Kathleen A. Hunt-Casey, 43 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Joseph G. Hunter, 31 (Hempstead, New York)
Peggie M. Hurt, 36 (Crewe, Virginia)
Robert R. Hussa, 51 (North Hempstead, New York)
Lt. Col. Stephen N. Hyland; Jr., 45 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Robert J. Hymel, 55 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Thomas E. Hynes, 28 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
Capt. Walter G. Hynes, 46 (Queens, New York)
Joseph A. Ianelli, 28 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Zuhtu Ibis, 25 (Clifton, New Jersey)
Jonathan L. Ielpi, 29 (North Hempstead, New York)
Michael P. Iken, 37 (Bronx, New York)
Daniel Ilkaneyev, 36 (Brooklyn, New York)
Capt. Frederick J. Ill; Jr., 49 (Orangetown, New York)
Abraham N. Ilowitz, 51 (Brooklyn, New York)
Insp. Anthony P. Infante; Jr., 47 (Chatham, New Jersey)
Louis S. Inghilterra, 45 (New Castle, New York)
Christopher N. Ingrassia, 28 (Watchung, New York)
Paul W. Innella, 33 (East Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Stephanie V. Irby, 38 (Queens, New York)
Douglas J. Irgang, 32 (North Hempstead, New York)
Kristin Irvine-Ryan, 30 (New York, New York)
Todd A. Isaac, 29 (Bronx, New York)
Erik H. Isbrandtsen, 30 (New York, New York)
Taizo Ishikawa, 50 (New York, New York)
Waleed J. Iskandar, 34 (London, U.K.)
Aram Iskenderian; Jr., 41 (Hempstead, New York)
John F. Iskyan, 41 (Wilton, Connecticut)
Kazushige Ito, 35 (New York, New York)
Aleksandr V. Ivantsov, 23 (New York, New York)
Lacey B. Ivory, 43 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Virginia M. Jablonski, 49 (Matawan, New Jersey)
Bryan C. Jack, 48 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Brooke A. Jackman, 23 (New York, New York)
Aaron J. Jacobs, 27 (New York, New York)
Ariel L. Jacobs, 29 (Mt. Pleasant, New York)
Jason K. Jacobs, 32 (Mendham Township, New Jersey)
Michael G. Jacobs, 54 (Danbury, Connecticut)
Deborah Jacobs-Welsh, 49 (New York, New York)
Steven A. Jacobson, 53 (New York, New York)
Steven D. Jacoby, 43 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Ricknauth Jaggernauth, 58 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jake D. Jagoda, 24 (Huntington, New York)
Yudhvir S. Jain, 54 (Clarkstown, New York)
Maria Jakubiak, 41 (Queens, New York)
Robert A. Jalbert, 61 (Swampscott, Massachusetts)
Ernest James, 40 (New York, New York)
Gricelda E. James, 44 (Willingboro Township, New Jersey)
Mark S. Jardim, 39 (Cheshire, Connecticut)
Amy N. Jarret, 28 (North Smithfield, Rhode Island)
Mohammadou Jawara, 30 (New York, New York)
François Jean-Pierre, 58 (Hempstead, New York)
Maxima Jean-Pierre, 40 (Brookhaven, New York)
Paul E. Jeffers, 39 (Southampton, New York)
Alva C. Jeffries-Sanchez, 41 (Hempstead, New York)
John C. Jenkins, 45 (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Joseph Jenkins; Jr., 47 (Brooklyn, New York)
Alan K. Jensen, 49 (Wyckoff Township, New Jersey)
Prem N. Jerath, 57 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
Farah Jeudy, 32 (Ramapo, New York)
Hweidar Jian, 42 (East Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Eliezar Jimenez; Jr., 38 (Middletown, New York)
Luis JimĂŠnez; Jr., 25 (Queens, New York)
Fernando JimĂŠnez-Molina, 21 (Oaxaca, Mexico)
Charles G. John, 44 (Brooklyn, New York)
Nicholas John, 42 (New York, New York)
Dennis M. Johnson, 48 (Port Edwards, Wisconsin)
LaShawna Johnson, 27 (Brooklyn, New York)
Scott M. Johnson, 26 (New York, New York)
William R. Johnston, 31 (Babylon, New York)
Arthur J. Jones III, 37 (Ossining, New York)
Brian L. Jones, 44 (Queens, New York)
Col. Charles E. Jones, 48 (Bedford, Massachusetts)
Christopher D. Jones, 53 (Huntington, New York)
Donald T. Jones II, 39 (Livingston Township, New Jersey)
Donald W. Jones, 43 (Falls Township, Pennsylvania)
Linda J. Jones, 50 (New York, New York)
Mary S. Jones, 72 (New York, New York)
Andrew B. Jordan, 35 (Southampton, New York)
Robert T. Jordan, 34 (North Hempstead, New York)
Albert G. Joseph, 79 (New York, New York)
Ingeborg Joseph, 60 (Berlin, Germany)
Karl H. Joseph, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
Stephen Joseph, 39 (Franklin Township, New Jersey)
Jane E. Josiah, 47 (Hempstead, New York)
Lt. Anthony Jovic, 39 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Angel L. Juarbe; Jr., 35 (Bronx, New York)
Karen S. Juday, 52 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ann C. Judge, 49 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Fr. Mychal F. Judge, 68 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ofc. Paul W. Jurgens, 47 (Hempstead, New York)
Thomas E. Jurgens, 26 (Queens, New York)
Kacinga Kabeya, 63 (McKinney, Texas)
Shashi K. L. Kadaba, 25 (Hackensack, New Jersey)
Gavkharoy M. Kamardinova, 26 (Brooklyn, New York)
Shari A. Kandell, 27 (Wyckoff Township, New Jersey)
Howard L. Kane, 40 (Hazlet Township, New Jersey)
Jennifer L. Kane, 26 (Fair Lawn, New Jersey)
Vincent D. Kane, 37 (New York, New York)
Joon K. Kang, 34 (Riverdale, New Jersey)
Sheldon R. Kanter, 53 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
Deborah H. Kaplan, 45 (Paramus, New Jersey)
Robin L. Kaplan, 33 (Westborough, Massachusetts)
Alvin P. Kappelmann; Jr., 57 (Green Brook Township, New Jersey)
Charles H. Karczewski, 34 (Union City, New Jersey)
William A. Karnes, 37 (New York, New York)
Douglas G. Karpiloff, 53 (Mamaroneck, New York)
Chief Charles L. Kasper, 54 (Staten Island, New York)
Andrew K. Kates, 37 (New York, New York)
John Katsimitides, 31 (Southold, New York)
Sgt. Robert M. Kaulfers, 49 (Kenilworth, New Jersey)
Donald J. Kauth, 51 (Saratoga Springs, New York)
Hideya Kawauchi, 36 (Ft. Lee, New Jersey)
Edward T. Keane, 66 (West Caldwell Township, New Jersey)
Richard M. Keane, 54 (Wethersfield, Connecticut)
Lisa Y. Kearney-Griffin, 35 (Queens, New York)
Karol A. Keaslor, 42 (Brooklyn, New York)
Barbara A. Keating, 72 (Palm Springs, California)
Paul H. Keating, 38 (New York, New York)
L. Russell Keene III, 33 (Westfield, New Jersey)
Brenda Kegler, 49 (Washington, D.C.)
Chandler R. Keller, 29 (El Segundo, California)
Joseph J. Keller, 31 (Park Ridge, New Jersey)
Peter R. Kellerman, 35 (New York, New York)
Joseph P. Kellett, 37 (Bronx, New York)
Frederick H. Kelley III, 57 (Huntington, New York)
James J. Kelly, 39 (Hempstead, New York)
Joseph A. Kelly, 40 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Maurice P. Kelly, 41 (Bronx, New York)
Richard J. Kelly; Jr., 50 (Staten Island, New York)
Thomas M. Kelly, 41 (Wyckoff Township, New Jersey)
Thomas R. Kelly, 38 (Riverhead, New York)
Thomas W. Kelly, 51 (Staten Island, New York)
Timothy C. Kelly, 37 (North Hempstead, New York)
William H. Kelly; Jr., 30 (New York, New York)
Robert C. Kennedy, 55 (Toms River Township, New Jersey)
Thomas J. Kennedy, 36 (Islip, New York)
Yvonne E. Kennedy, 62 (Westmead, Australia)
Susan L. Kennedy-Schuler, 55 (Allentown, New Jersey)
John R. Keohane, 41 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Ralph F. Kershaw, 52 (Manchester-By-The-Sea, Massachusetts)
Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin, 42 (Hempstead, New York)
Howard L. Kestenbaum, 56 (Montclair Township, New Jersey)
Douglas D. Ketcham, 27 (New York, New York)
Ruth E. Ketler, 42 (Grove City, Pennsylvania)
Boris Khalif, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Sarah Khan, 32 (Queens, New York)
Taimour F. Khan, 29 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Rajesh Khandelwal, 33 (South Plainfield Township, New Jersey)
Seilai Khoo, 38 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Michael V. Kiefer, 26 (Hempstead, New York)
Satoshi Kikuchihara, 43 (Scarsdale, New York)
Andrew J. Kim, 26 (Leonia, New Jersey)
Lawrence D. Kim, 31 (Whitpain Township, Pennsylvania)
Mary J. Kimelman, 34 (New York, New York)
Heinrich Kimmig, 43 (Willstätt, Germany)
Karen A. Kincaid, 40 (Washington, D.C.)
Amy R. King, 29 (Stafford, Connecticut)
Andrew M. King, 42 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Lucille T. King, 59 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Robert C. King; Jr., 36 (Hempstead, New York)
Lisa M. King-Johnson, 34 (Queens, New York)
Brian K. Kinney, 29 (Lowell, Massachusetts)
Takashi Kinoshita, 46 (Rye, New York)
Christopher M. Kirby, 21 (Bronx, New York)
Robert Kirkpatrick, 52 (Ramapo, New York)
Howard B. Kirschbaum, 53 (Staten Island, New York)
Glenn D. Kirwin, 40 (Scarsdale, New York)
Richard J. Klares, 59 (Somers, New York)
Peter A. Klein, 35 (Weehawken Township, New Jersey)
Alan D. Kleinberg, 39 (East Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Karen J. Klitzman, 38 (New York, New York)
Ofc. Ronald P. Kloepfer, 39 (Hempstead, New York)
Stephen A. Knapp, 41 (Staten Island, New York)
Eugueni Kniazev, 46 (Brooklyn, New York)
Andrew J. Knox, 30 (Adelaide, Australia)
Thomas P. Knox, 31 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Rebecca L. Koborie, 48 (Guttenberg, New Jersey)
Deborah A. Kobus, 36 (Brooklyn, New York)
Gary E. Koecheler, 57 (Harrison, New York)
Frank J. Koestner, 48 (Queens, New York)
Ryan Kohart, 26 (Hempstead, New York)
Irina Kolpakova, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Suzanne R. Kondratenko, 27 (Chicago, Illinois)
Abdoulaye KonĂŠ, 37 (Bronx, New York)
Bon-Seok Koo, 42 (River Edge, New Jersey)
Dorota Kopiczko, 26 (Nutley Township, New Jersey)
Scott M. Kopytko, 32 (Queens, New York)
Bojan G. Kostic, 34 (New York, New York)
Danielle Kousoulis, 29 (New York, New York)
David P. Kovalcin, 42 (Hudson, New Hampshire)
John J. Kren, 52 (Queens, New York)
William E. Krukowski, 36 (Queens, New York)
Lyudmila Ksido, 46 (Brooklyn, New York)
Toshiya Kuge, 20 (Toyonaka, Japan)
Shekhar Kumar, 30 (Staten Island, New York)
Kenneth B. Kumpel, 42 (Cornwall, New York)
Frederick Kuo; Jr., 53 (North Hempstead, New York)
Patricia A. Kuras, 42 (Staten Island, New York)
Nauka Kushitani, 44 (New York, New York)
Thomas J. Kuveikis, 48 (Carmel, New York)
Victor Kwarkye, 35 (Bronx, New York)
Kui F. Kwok, 31 (Queens, New York)
Kathryn L. LaBorie, 44 (Providence, Rhode Island)
Amarnauth Lachhman, 42 (Hempstead, New York)
Andrew La Corte, 61 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Ganesh K. Ladkat, 27 (Franklin Township, New Jersey)
James P. Ladley, 41 (Colts Neck Township, New Jersey)
Joseph A. Lafalce, 54 (Queens, New York)
Jeanette L. Lafond-Menichino, 49 (Brooklyn, New York)
David J. LaForge, 50 (Staten Island, New York)
Michael P. LaForte, 39 (Holmdel Township, New Jersey)
Alan C. LaFrance, 43 (Bronx, New York)
Neil K. Lai, 59 (East Windsor Township, New Jersey)
Vincent A. Lieta, 31 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
William D. Lake, 44 (Brooklyn, New York)
Franco Lalama, 45 (Nutley Township, New Jersey)
Chow K. Lam, 48 (Maywood, New Jersey)
Lt. Michael S. Lamana, 31 (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Stephen LaMantia, 38 (Darien, Connecticut)
Amy H. Lamonsoff, 29 (Brooklyn, New York)
Robert T. Lane, 28 (Islip, New York)
Brendan M. Lang, 30 (Red Bank, New Jersey)
Rosanne P. Lang, 42 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Vanessa Lang-Langer, 29 (Yonkers, New York)
Unborn child of Vanessa Lang-Langers (Yonkers, New York)
Dr. Norma Lang-Steuerle, 54 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Mary L. Langley, 53 (Staten Island, New York)
Peter J. Langone, 41 (North Hempstead, New York)
Ofc. Thomas M. Langone, 39 (North Hempstead, New York)
Michelle B. Lanza, 36 (Staten Island, New York)
Ruth S. Lapin, 53 (East Windsor Township, New Jersey)
Carol A. La Plante, 59 (New York, New York)
Ingeborg A.D. Lariby, 42 (New York, New York)
Robin B. Larkey, 48 (Chatham, New Jersey)
Judith C. Larocque, 50 (Framingham, Massachusetts)
Christopher R. Larrabee, 26 (New York, New York)
Hamidou S. Larry, 37 (New York, New York)
Scott Larsen, 35 (Queens, New York)
John A. Larson, 37 (Woodbridge Township, New Jersey)
Natalie J. Lasden, 46 (Peabody, Massachusetts)
Gary E. Lasko, 49 (Memphis, Tennessee)
Nicholas C. Lassman, 28 (Cliffside Park, New Jersey)
Ofc. Paul Laszczyski, 49 (Paramus, New Jersey)
Jeffrey G. La Touche, 49 (Queens, New York)
Charles A. Laurencin, 61 (Brooklyn, New York)
Stephen J. Lauria, 39 (Staten Island, New York)
Maria LaVache, 60 (Brooklyn, New York)
Denis F. Lavelle, 42 (Yonkers, New York)
Jeannine M. LaVerde, 36 (Staten Island, New York)
Anna A. Laverty, 52 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Steven Lawn, 28 (West Windsor Township, New Jersey)
Robert A. Lawrence; Jr., 41 (Summit, New Jersey)
Nathaniel Lawson, 61 (Brooklyn, New York)
Judith Lawter-Jones, 53 (Prince William County, Virginia)
David W. Laychak, 40 (Manassas, Virginia)
Olabisi S. Layeni-Yee (Newark, New Jersey)
Eugen G. Lazar, 27 (Queens, New York)
Ofc. James P. Leahy, 38 (Staten Island, New York)
Lt. Joseph G. Leavey, 45 (Pelham, New York)
Neil J. Leavy, 34 (Staten Island, New York)
Prof. Robert G. LeBlanc, 70 (Lee, New Hampshire)
Leon Lebor, 51 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Kenneth C. Ledee, 38 (Freehold Borough, New Jersey)
Alan J. Lederman, 43 (New York, New York)
Elena F. Ledesma, 36 (Brooklyn, New York)
Alexis Leduc, 45 (Bronx, New York)
Daniel J. Lee, 34 (Los Angeles, California)
David S. Lee, 37 (West Orange Township, New Jersey)
Dong C. Lee, 48 (Leesburg, Virginia)
Gary H. Lee, 62 (Babylon, New York)
Hyun-Joon Lee, 32 (Queens, New York)
Jong-Min Lee
Juanita Lee, 44 (Brooklyn, New York)
Kathryn B. Lee, 55 (Brooklyn, New York)
Linda C. Lee, 34 (New York, New York)
Myung-Woo Lee, 41 (Lyndhurst Township, New Jersey)
Richard Y. C. Lee, 34 (North Hempstead, New York)
Soo-Jin Lee, 30 (New York, New York)
Yang D. Lee, 63 (Queens, New York)
Stephen P. Lefkowitz, 50 (Queens, New York)
Adriana Legro, 32 (Queens, New York)
Edward J. Lehman, 41 (Glen Cove, New York)
Eric A. Lehrfeld, 32 (Brooklyn, New York)
David R. Leistman, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Ofc. David P. Lemagne, 27 (North Bergen Township, New Jersey)
Joseph A. Lenihan, 41 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Ofc. John J. Lennon; Jr., 44 (Howell Township, New Jersey)
John R. Lenoir, 38 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Mary Lenz-Weiman, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Jorge L. LeĂłn, 43 (Union City, New Jersey)
Matthew G. Leonard, 38 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael Lepore, 39 (Eastchester, New York)
Charles A. Lesperance, 55 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jeffrey E. LeVeen, 55 (North Hempstead, New York)
Ofc. John D. Levi, 50 (Brooklyn, New York)
Alisha C. Levin, 33 (New York, New York)
Neil D. Levin, 47 (New York, New York)
Robert Levine, 56 (Babylon, New York)
Robert M. Levine, 66 (Edgewater, New Jersey)
Shai Levinhar, 29 (New York, New York)
Daniel M. Lewin, 31 (Boston, Massachusetts)
Adam J. Lewis, 36 (Fairfield, Connecticut)
Jennifer Lewis, 38 (Culpeper, Virginia)
Kenneth E. Lewis, 49 (Culpeper, Virginia)
Margaret S. Lewis, 49 (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
Ye W. Liang, 27 (Queens, New York)
Orasri Liangthanasarn, 26 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Daniel F. Libretti, 43 (Staten Island, New York)
Ralph M. Licciardi, 30 (Hempstead, New York)
Edward Lichtschein, 35 (Brooklyn, New York)
Samantha L. Lightbourn-Allen, 36 (Westminster, Maryland)
Steven B. Lillianthal, 38 (Millburn Township, New Jersey)
Carlos R. Lillo, 37 (Babylon, New York)
Craig D. Lilore, 30 (Lyndhurst Township, New Jersey)
Arnold A. Lim, 28 (New York, New York)
Darya Lin, 32 (Chicago, Illinois)
Wei R. Lin, 31 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Nicole L. Lindo, 31 (Brooklyn, New York)
Thomas V. Lineham; Jr., 39 (Montvale Township, New Jersey)
Robert T. Linnane, 33 (Hempstead, New York)
Alan P. Linton; Jr., 26 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Diane T. Lipardi, 42 (New York, New York)
Marianne T. Liquori-Simone, 62 (New York, New York)
Kenneth P. Lira-ArĂŠvalo, 28 (Paterson, New Jersey)
Francisco A. Liriano, 33 (Queens, New York)
Lorraine Lisi, 44 (Brooklyn, New York)
Paul Lisson, 45 (Brooklyn, New York)
Vincent M. Litto, 52 (Staten Island, New York)
Ming-Hao Liu, 41 (Livingston Township, New Jersey)
Nancy Liz, 39 (Bronx, New York)
Harold Lizcaino, 31 (Queens, New York)
Martin Lizzul, 31 (New York, New York)
George A. Llanes, 33 (Brooklyn, New York)
Elizabeth C. Logler, 31 (Hempstead, New York)
Catherine L. LoGuidice, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
JĂŠrĂ´me R. Lohez, 30 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Michael W. Lomax, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Stephen V. Long, 39 (Clayton, Indiana)
Laura M. Longing, 35 (Orangetown, New York)
Salvatore P. Lopes, 40 (Hempstead, New York)
Daniel Lopez, 39 (Brooklyn, New York)
George Lopez, 40 (Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania)
Luis M. Lopez, 38 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Maclovio Lopez; Jr., 41 (Norwalk, California)
Manuel L. Lopez, 54 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Leobardo LĂłpez-Pascual, 41 (Bronx, New York)
Joseph Lostrangio, 48 (Langhorne Borough, Pennsylvania)
Chester D. Louie, 45 (New York, New York)
Stuart S. Louis, 43 (East Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Joseph Lovero, 60 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Sara E. Low, 28 (Boston, Massachusetts)
Jenny S. K. Low-Wong, 25 (New York, New York)
Michael W. Lowe, 48 (Brooklyn, New York)
Garry W. Lozier, 47 (Darien, Connecticut)
John P. Lozowsky, 45 (Queens, New York)
Charles P. Lucania, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
Edward H. Luckett, 40 (Fairhaven, New Jersey)
Mark G. Ludvigsen, 32 (New York, New York)
Lee C. Ludwig, 49 (Staten Island, New York)
Sean T. Lugano, 28 (New York, New York)
Daniel Lugo, 45 (New York, New York)
Marie Lukas, 32 (Staten Island, New York)
William Lum; Jr., 45 (New York, New York)
Michael P. Lunden, 37 (New York, New York)
Christopher E. Lunder, 34 (Wall Township, New Jersey)
Anthony Luparello, 62 (Queens, New York)
Gary F. Lutnick, 36 (New York, New York)
Linda A. Luzzicone, 33 (Staten Island, New York)
Alexander Lygin, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
CeeCee Lyles, 33 (Ft. Myers, Florida)
Farrell P. Lynch, 39 (Huntington, New York)
Ofc. James F. Lynch, 47 (Woodbridge Township, New Jersey)
James T. Lynch; Jr., 55 (Manassas, Virginia)
Louise A. Lynch, 58 (Babylon, New York)
Michael C. Lynch, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lt. Michael F. Lynch, 30 (Bronx, New York)
Michael F. Lynch, 33 (North Hempstead, New York)
Richard D. Lynch; Jr., 30 (Bedford, New York)
Robert H. Lynch; Jr., 44 (Cranford Towship, New Jersey)
Sean P. Lynch, 34 (New York, New York)
Sean P. Lynch, 36 (Morristown, New Jersey)
Terence M. Lynch, 49 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Michael J. Lyons, 32 (Mt. Pleasant, New York)
Monica A. Lyons, 53 (Queens, New York)
OS2 Nehamon Lyons IV, 30 (Mobile, Alabama)
Patrick J. Lyons, 34 (Brookhaven, New York)
Maureen Lyons-Olson, 50 (Hempstead, New York)
Robert F. Mace, 43 (New York, New York)
Marianne MacFarlane, 34 (Revere, Massachusetts)
Jan Macijewski, 37 (Queens, New York)
Susan A. Mackay, 44 (Westford, Massachusetts)
William Macko, 48 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Richard B. Madden, 35 (Westfield, New Jersey)
Simon Maddison, 44 (Florham Park, New Jersey)
Noell C. Maerz, 29 (Long Beach, New York)
Jennieann Maffeo, 40 (Brooklyn, New York)
Joseph Maffeo, 30 (Staten Island, New York)
Jay R. Magazine, 48 (Ramapo, New York)
Brian Magee, 52 (Hempstead, New York)
Charles W. Magee, 51 (Hempstead, New York)
Joseph V. Maggitti, 47 (Harford County, Maryland)
Ronald E. Magnuson, 57 (Park Ridge, New Jersey)
Daniel L. Maher, 50 (Neptune Township, New Jersey)
Thomas A. Mahon, 37 (Oyster Bay, New York)
William J. Mahoney, 38 (Islip, New York)
Joseph D. Maio, 32 (North Hempstead, New York)
Linda C. Mair-Grayling, 44 (Bronx, New York)
Takashi Makimoto, 49 (New York, New York)
Jayceryll Malabuyoc-De Chavez, 24 (Carteret, New Jersey)
Abdu A. Malahi, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Debora I. Maldonado, 47 (Queens, New York)
Myrna T. Maldonado-Agosta, 49 (Bronx, New York)
Alfred R. Maler, 39 (Morris Township, New Jersey)
Gregory J. Malone, 42 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Edward F. Maloney III, 32 (Darien, Connecticut)
Joseph E. Maloney, 46 (Brookhaven, New York)
Eugene E. Maloy, 41 (Brooklyn, New York)
Christian H. Maltby, 37 (Chatham, New Jersey)
Francisco M. Mancini, 26 (Queens, New York)
Joseph Mangano, 53 (Jackson Township, New Jersey)
Sara E. Manley, 33 (New York, New York)
Deborah M. Mannetta, 31 (Islip, New York)
Marion V. Manning, 27 (Queens, New York)
Terence J. Manning, 36 (Hempstead, New York)
James Maouanis, 42 (Brooklyn, New York)
Alfred G. Marchand, 44 (Alamogordo, New Mexico)
Chief Joseph R. Marchbanks; Jr., 47 (Clarkstown, New York)
Laura A. Marchese-Giglio, 35 (Hempstead, New York)
Hilda Marcin, 79 (Mt. Olive Township, New Jersey)
Peter E. Mardikian, 29 (New York, New York)
Edward J. Mardovich, 42 (Huntington, New York)
Lt. Charles J. Margiotta, 44 (Staten Island, New York)
Louis N. Mariani, 59 (Derry, New Hampshire)
Kenneth J. Marino, 40 (Monroe, New York)
Lester V. Marino, 57 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Vita Marino, 49 (New York, New York)
Kevin D. Marlo, 28 (New York, New York)
Jose J. Marrero, 32 (Old Bridge Township, New Jersey)
John D. Marshall, 35 (Clarkstown, New York)
Shelley A. Marshall, 37 (Charles County, Maryland)
James Martello, 41 (Rumson, New Jersey)
Michael A. Marti, 26 (Queens, New York)
Karen A. Martin, 40 (Danvers, Massachusetts)
Lt. Peter C. Martin, 43 (Brookhaven, Massachusetts)
Teresa M. Martin, 45 (Stafford County, Virginia)
William J. Martin; Jr., 35 (Denville Township, New Jersey)
Samantha Martin-Egan, 24 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Elizabeth Martin-Gregg, 52 (Brooklyn, New York)
Brian E. Martineau, 37 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
Betsy Martinez, 33 (Brooklyn, New York)
Edward J. Martinez, 60 (Queens, New York)
Elizabeth Martinez
Jose A. Martinez; Jr., 49 (Islip, New York)
Robert G. Martinez, 24 (Queens, New York)
Lizie D. MartĂ­nez-CalderĂłn, 32 (New York, New York)
Victor A. Martinez-Pastrana, 38 (Mexico)
Lt. Paul R. Martini, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
Anna M. Martino-Cramer, 47 (Staten Island, New York)
Lt. Joseph A. Mascali, 44 (Staten Island, New York)
Bernard Mascarenhas, 54 (Newmarket, Ontario)
Stephen F. Masi, 55 (Brookhaven, New York)
Ada L. Mason-Acker, 50 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Nicholas G. Massa, 65 (New York, New York)
Patricia A. Massari, 25 (Queens, New York)
Michael Massaroli, 38 (Staten Island, New York)
Philip W. Mastandrea; Jr., 42 (Chatham, New Jersey)
Rudolph Mastrocinque, 43 (Smithtown, New York)
Joseph Mathai, 49 (Arlington, Massachusetts)
Charles W. Mathers, 61 (Sea Girt, New Jersey)
William A. Mathesen, 40 (Morristown, New York)
Marcello Matricciano, 31 (Queens, New York)
Margaret E. Mattic, 51 (New York, New York)
Dean E. Mattson, 57 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Robert D. Mattson, 54 (Rockaway Township, New Jersey)
Walter A. Matuza; Jr., 39 (Staten Island, New York)
Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Maude, 53 (Arlington County, Virginia)
Jill Maurer-Campbell, 31 (Queens, New York)
Charles A. Mauro; Jr., 65 (Staten Island, New York)
Charles J. Mauro, 38 (Staten Island, New York)
Dorothy R. Mauro, 55 (Brooklyn, New York)
Nancy T. Mauro, 55 (Queens, New York)
Robert J. Maxwell, 53 (Manassas, Virginia)
RenĂŠe A. May, 39 (Baltimore, Maryland)
Unborn child of RenĂŠe A. May (Baltimore, Maryland)
Tyrone May, 44 (Rahway, New Jersey)
Carolyn A. Mayer-Beug, 48 (Santa Monica, California)
Keithroy M. Maynard, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Robert J. Mayo, 46 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
Capt. Kathy N. Mazza-Delosh, 46 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Edward Mazzella; Jr., 62 (Monroe, New York)
Jennifer L. Mazzotta, 23 (Queens, New York)
Kaaria Mbaya, 39 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
James J. McAlary; Jr., 42 (Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey)
Brian G. McAleese, 36 (Hempstead, New York)
Patricia A. McAneney, 50 (Ramapo, New York)
Colin R. McArthur, 52 (Howell Township, New Jersey)
John K. McAvoy, 47 (Staten Island, New York)
Kenneth M. McBrayer, 49 (New York, New York)
Brendan F. McCabe, 40 (Islip, New York)
Michael J. McCabe, 42 (Rumson, New Jersey)
Thomas J. McCann, 46 (Queens, New York)
Eugenia McCann-Piantieri, 55 (New York, New York)
Justin J. McCarthy, 30 (North Hempstead, New York)
Kevin M. McCarthy, 42 (Fairfield, Connecticut)
Michael D. McCarthy, 33 (Huntington, New York)
Robert F. McCarthy
Robert G. McCarthy, 33 (Stony Point, New York)
Stanley McCaskill, 47 (New York, New York)
Katie M. McCloskey, 25 (Mt. Vernon, New York)
Tara McCloud-Gray, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Juliana V. McCourt, 4 (New London, Connecticut)
Ruth M. McCourt, 45 (New London, Connecticut)
Charles A. McCrann, 55 (New York, New York)
Tonyell F. McDay, 25 (Woodbridge Township, New Jersey)
Matthew T. McDermott, 34 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Joseph P. McDonald, 43 (Livingston Township, New Jersey)
Ofc. Brian G. McDonnell, 38 (Hempstead, New York)
Michael P. McDonnell, 34 (Red Bank, New Jersey)
John F. McDowell; Jr., 33 (New York, New York)
Eamon J. McEneaney, 46 (New Canaan, Connecticut)
John T. McErlean; Jr., 39 (Mamaroneck, New York)
Katharine McGarry-Noack, 30 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Daniel F. McGinley, 40 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Mark R. McGinly, 26 (New York, New York)
Lt. William E. McGinn, 43 (Bronx, New York)
Thomas H. McGinnis, 41 (Oakland, New Jersey)
Michael G. McGinty, 42 (Foxborough, Massachusetts)
Scott M. McGovern, 35 (Wyckoff Township, New Jersey)
Chief William J. McGovern, 49 (Smithtown, New York)
Francis N. McGuinn, 48 (Rye, New York)
Thomas F. McGuinness; Jr., 42 (Portsmouth, New Hampshire)
Patrick J. McGuire, 40 (Madison, New Jersey)
Thomas M. McHale, 33 (Huntington, New York)
Keith D. McHeffey, 31 (Monmouth Beach, New Jersey)
Ann M. McHugh, 35 (New York, New York)
Denis J. McHugh III, 36 (New York, New York)
Dennis P. McHugh, 34 (Orangetown, New York)
Michael E. McHugh; Jr., 35 (Eastchester, New York)
Robert G. McIlvaine, 26 (New York, New York)
Ofc. Donald J. McIntyre, 38 (Clarkstown, New York)
Stephanie M. McKenna, 45 (Staten Island, New York)
Molly L. McKenzie, 38 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Barry J. McKeon, 47 (Yorktown, New York)
Evelyn C. McKinnedy, 60 (Brooklyn, New York)
Darryl L. McKinney, 26 (Bronx, New York)
George P. McLaughlin; Jr., 36 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Robert C. McLaughlin; Jr., 29 (Westchester County, New York)
Gavin McMahon, 35 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Robert D. McMahon, 35 (Queens, New York)
Edmund M. McNally, 41 (Fair Haven, New Jersey)
Daniel W. McNeal, 29 (Baltimore County, Maryland)
Ofc. Walter A. McNeil, 53 (Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania)
Christine S. McNulty, 42 (Peterborough, U.K.)
Sean P. McNulty, 30 (New York, New York)
Robert W. McPadden, 30 (Orangetown, New York)
Terence A. McShane, 37 (Islip, New York)
Timothy P. McSweeney, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
Martin E. McWilliams, 35 (Smithtown, New York)
Rocco A. Medaglia, 49 (Huntington, New York)
Abigail Medina, 46 (Brooklyn, New York)
Ana I. Medina, 39 (Brooklyn, New York)
Deborah Medwig, 62 (Dedham, Massachusetts)
Damian Meehan, 32 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
William J. Meehan; Jr., 49 (Darien, Connecticut)
Alok K. Mehta, 23 (Hempstead, New York)
Raymond Meisenheimer, 46 (Babylon, New York)
Manuel E. Mejia, 54 (New York, New York)
Eskedar Melaku, 31 (Queens, New York)
Antonio Melendez, 30 (Bronx, New York)
Mary P. Melendez, 44 (Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania)
Christopher D. Mello, 25 (Boston, Massachusetts)
Yelena Melnichenko, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
Stuart T. Meltzer, 32 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Diarelia J. Mena, 30 (Brooklyn, New York)
Dora M. Menchacha, 45 (Santa Monica, California)
Charles R. Mendez, 38 (North Hempstead, New York)
Juan Mendez-Lafuente, 61 (Poughkeepsie, New York)
Lizette Mendoza, 33 (North Bergen Township, New Jersey)
Shevonne O. Mentis, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
Wolfgang P. Menzel, 59 (Wilhelmshaven, Germany)
Steven J. Mercado, 38 (Bronx, New York)
Wilfredo Mercado, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
Wesley Mercer, 70 (New York, New York)
Ralph J. Mercurio, 47 (Hempstead, New York)
Alan H. Merdinger, 47 (Allentown, Pennsylvania)
George L. Merino, 39 (Queens, New York)
Yamel J. Merino, 24 (Yonkers, New York)
George Merkouris, 35 (Hempstead, New York)
Deborah Merrick, 45 (New York, New York)
Raymond J. Metz III, 37 (Trumbull, Connecticut)
Jillian A. Metzler, 32 (Hempstead, New York)
David R. Meyer, 57 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
Nurul H. Miah, 35 (Brooklyn, New York)
Shakilah Y. Miah, 26 (Brooklyn, New York)
William E. Micciulli, 30 (Matawan, New Jersey)
Martin P. Michelstein, 57 (Morristown, New Jersey)
Patricia E. Mickley, 41 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Carmen Milagros-Rodriguez, 46 (Freehold Township, New Jersey)
Ronald D. Milam, 33 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
Peter T. Milano, 43 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Gregory Milanowycz, 25 (Cranford Township, New Jersey)
Lukasz T. Milewski, 21 (Queens, New York)
Sharon C. Millan-Paz, 31 (New York, New York)
Corey P. Miller, 34 (Queens, New York)
Craig J. Miller, 29 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Douglas C. Miller, 34 (Port Jervis, New York)
Henry A. Miller; Jr., 52 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Joel Miller, 55 (Hempstead, New York)
Michael M. Miller, 39 (Englewood, New Jersey)
Nicole C. Miller, 21 (San JosĂŠ, California)
Phillip D. Miller, 53 (Staten Island, New York)
Robert A. Miller, 46 (Old Bridge Township, New Jersey)
Robert C. Miller; Jr., 46 (Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey)
Benjamin Millman, 40 (Staten Island, New York)
Chief Charles M. Mills; Jr., 61 (Islip, New York)
Ronald K. Milstein, 54 (Queens, New York)
Robert J. Minara, 54 (Carmel, New York)
William G. Minardi,46 (Bedford, New York)
Louis J. Minervino, 54 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Thomas Mingione, 34 (Islip, New York)
Wilbert Miraille, 29 (New York, New York)
Domenick N. Mircovich, 40 (Closter, New Jersey)
Rajesh A. Mirpuri, 30 (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey)
Joseph D. Mistrulli, 47 (Hempstead, New York)
Susan J. Miszkowicz, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lt. Paul T. Mitchell, 46 (Staten Island, New York)
Richard P. Miuccio, 55 (Staten Island, New York)
Jeffrey P. Mladenik, 43 (Downers Grove Township, Illinois)
Frank V. Moccia, 57 (Islip, New York)
Capt. Louis J. Modafferi, 45 (Staten Island, New York)
Boyie Mohammed, 50 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lt. Dennis Mojica, 50 (Brooklyn, New York)
Manuel D. Mojica; Jr., 37 (Hempstead, New York)
Kleber R. Molina, 44 (New York, New York)
Manuel D. Molina, 31 (Bronx, New York)
Carl Molinaro, 32 (Staten Island, New York)
Justin J. Molisani; Jr., 42 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Brian P. Monaghan; Jr., 21 (New York, New York)
Franklyn Monahan, 45 (Roxbury, New York)
John G. Monahan, 47 (Ocean Township, New Jersey)
Kristen L. Montanaro, 34 (Staten Island, New York)
Craig D. Montano, 38 (Red Bank, New Jersey)
Michael G. Montesi, 39 (Woodbury, New York)
Carlos A. Montoya, 36 (Belmont, Massachusetts)
Antonio D. Montoya-Valdes (Boston, Massachusetts)
Cheryl A. Monyak, 43 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Capt. Thomas C. Moody, 45 (Brookhaven, New York)
Sharon Moore, 37 (Queens, New York)
Krishna V. Moorthy, 59 (Mt. Pleasant, New York)
Abner Morales, 37 (Queens, New York)
Carlos M. Morales, 29 (Brooklyn, New York)
Paula E. Morales, 42 (Queens, New York)
Sonia M. Morales-Puopolo, 61 (Dover, Massachusetts)
Martin Morales-Zempoaltecatl, 22 (New York, New York)
Gerard P. Moran; Jr., 39 (Upper Marlboro, Maryland)
John C. Moran, 38 (Haslemere, U.K.)
Chief John M. Moran, 43 (Queens, New York)
Kathleen Moran, 42 (Brooklyn, New York)
Florence Moran-Gregory, 38 (Queens, New York)
George W. Morell, 47 (Mt. Kisco, New York)
Steven P. Morello, 52 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Vincent S. Morello, 34 (Queens, New York)
Yvette N. Moreno, 25 (Bronx, New York)
Dorothy Morgan, 47 (Hempstead, New York)
Richard J. Morgan, 66 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
Nancy Morgenstein, 32 (New York, New York)
Sanae Mori, 27 (Tokyo, Japan)
Blanca R. Morocho, 26 (Queens, New York)
Leonel G. Morocho, 36 (Queens, New York)
Dennis G. Moroney, 39 (Eastchester, New York)
George W. Morrell, 47 (Mt. Kisco, New York)
Lynne I. Morris, 22 (Monroe, New York)
Odessa V. Morris, 54 (Upper Marlboro, Maryland)
Seth A. Morris, 35 (Kinnelon, New Jersey)
Stephen P. Morris, 31 (The Wirral, U.K.)
Steven P. Morris, 31 (Ormond Beach, Florida)
Christopher M. Morrison, 34 (Boston, Massachusetts)
Jorge L. Morron-Garcia, 38 (Queens, New York)
Supt. Ferdinand V. Morrone, 63 (Lakewood Township, New Jersey)
William D. Moskal, 50 (Brecksville, Ohio)
ETECH1 Brian A. Moss, 34 (Sperry, Oklahoma)
Marco Motroni, 57 (Ft. Lee, New Jersey)
Cynthia Motus-Wilson, 52 (Warwick, New York)
Iouri A. Mouchinski, 55 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jude J. Moussa, 35 (New York, New York)
Peter C. Moutos, 44 (Chatham, New Jersey)
Damion O. Mowatt, 21 (Brooklyn, New York)
Teddington H. Moy, 48 (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Christopher M. Mozzillo, 27 (Staten Island, New York)
Stephen V. Mulderry, 33 (New York, New York)
Richard T. Muldowney; Jr., 40 (Babylon, New York)
Michael D. Mullan, 34 (Queens, New York)
Dennis M. Mulligan, 32 (Bronx, New York)
Peter J. Mulligan, 28 (New York, New York)
Michael J. Mullin, 28 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
James D. Munhall, 45 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Nancy MuĂąiz, 45 (Queens, New York)
Carlos M. MuĂąoz, 43 (Queens, New York)
Francisco H. Munoz, 29 (Queens, New York)
Theresa A. Munson, 54 (Queens, New York)
Robert M. Murach, 45 (Montclair Township, New Jersey)
Cesar A. Murillo, 32 (New York, New York)
Marc A. Murolo, 28 (Maywood, New Jersey)
Brian J. Murphy, 41 (New York, New York)
Charles A. Murphy, 38 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Christopher W. Murphy, 35 (Easton, Maryland)
Edward C. Murphy, 42 (Clifton, New Jersey)
James F. Murphy IV, 30 (Hempstead, New York)
James T. Murphy, 35 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Kevin J. Murphy, 40 (Huntington, New York)
Patrick J. Murphy, 38 (Rich Township, Illinois)
Patrick S. Murphy, 36 (Millburn Township, New Jersey)
Lt. Raymond E. Murphy, 46 (Bronx, New York)
Robert E. Murphy; Jr., 56 (Queens, New York)
Mary C. Murphy-Boffa, 45 (Staten Island, New York)
John J. Murray, 32 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
John J. Murray, 52 (Colts Neck Township, New Jersey)
Susan D. Murray, 54 (Summit, New Jersey)
Valerie V. Murray, 65 (Queens, New York)
Richard T. Myhre, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
Louis J. Nacke II, 42 (New Hope, Pennsylvania)
Lt. Robert B. Nagel, 55 (Queens, New York)
Mildred R. Naiman, 81 (Andover, Massachusetts)
Takuya Nakamura, 30 (Eastchester, New York)
Alexander J. R. Napier, 38 (Morris Township, New Jersey)
Frank J. Naples III, 29 (Cliffside Park, New Jersey)
John P. Napolitano, 33 (Islip, New York)
Catherine A. Nardella, 40 (Bloomfield Township, New Jersey)
Mario Nardone; Jr., 32 (Staten Island, New York)
Manika K. Narula, 22 (Smithtown, New York)
Shawn M. Nassaney, 25 (Pawtucket, Rhode Island)
Narender Nath, 33 (Woodbridge Township, New Jersey)
Karen S. Navarro, 30 (Queens, New York)
Ofc. Joseph M. Navas, 44 (Paramus, New Jersey)
Francis J. Nazario, 28 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Glenroy I. Neblett, 42 (Queens, New York)
Rayman M. Neblett, 31 (North Hempstead, New York)
Jerome O. Nedd, 39 (Brooklyn, New York)
Laurence F. Nedell, 51 (Babylon, New York)
Luke G. Nee, 44 (Stony Point, New York)
Peter Negron, 34 (Bergenfield, New Jersey)
Laurie A. Neira, 48 (Los Angeles, California)
Ann N. Nelson, 30 (New York, New York)
David W. Nelson, 50 (Brooklyn, New York)
Teresa R. Nelson, 48 (New York, New York)
Ofc. James A. Nelson, 40 (Clark Township, New Jersey)
Michele A. Nelson, 27 (Hempstead, New York)
Peter A. Nelson, 42 (Huntington, New York)
Oscar F. Nesbitt, 58 (New York, New York)
Gerard T. Nevins, 46 (Hamptonburgh, New York)
Christopher C. Newton, 38 (Loudoun County, Virginia)
Christopher Newton-Carter, 52 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Kapinga Ngalula, 58 (McKinney, Texas)
Nancy Y. Ngo, 36 (Harrington Park, New Jersey)
Khang N. Nguyen, 41 (Fairfax, Virginia)
Kathleen A. Nicosia, 54 (Winthrop, Massachusetts)
Martin S. Niederer, 23 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Ofc. Alfonse J. Niedermeyer III, 40 (Manasquan, New Jersey)
Frank J. Niestadt; Jr., 55 (Islip, New York)
Gloria Nieves, 48 (Queens, New York)
Juan Nieves; Jr., 56 (Bronx, New York)
Troy E. Nilsen, 33 (Staten Island, New York)
Paul R. Nimbley, 42 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
John B. Niven, 44 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Curtis T. Noel, 22 (Poughkeepsie, New York)
DFTMN1 Michael A. Noeth, 30 (Queens, New York)
Daniel R. Nolan, 44 (Hopatcong, New Jersey)
Robert W. Noonan, 36 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
Jacqueline J. Norton, 61 (Lubec, Maine)
Robert G. Norton, 85 (Lubec, Maine)
Daniela R. Notaro, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
Brian C. Novotny, 33 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Soichi Numata, 45 (Greenburgh, New York)
Brian Nunez, 29 (Staten Island, New York)
Jose R. NuĂąez-Castillo, 42 (Bronx, New York)
Jeffrey R. Nussbaum, 37 (Hempstead, New York)
James A. Oakley, 52 (Cortlandt, New York)
Dennis P. O’Berg, 28 (Babylon, New York)
James P. O’Brien; Jr., 33 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael P. O’Brien, 42 (Hanover Township, New Jersey)
Scott J. O’Brien, 40 (Brooklyn, New York)
Timothy M. O’Brien, 40 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Lt. Daniel O’Callaghan, 42 (Smithtown, New York)
Dennis J. O’Connor; Jr., 34 (New York, New York)
Diana J. O’Connor, 38 (Eastchester, New York)
Keith K. O’Connor, 28 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Richard J. O’Connor, 49 (Poughkeepsie, New York)
Amy O’Doherty, 23 (New York, New York)
Douglas E. Oelschlager, 36 (Smithtown, New York)
Takashi Ogawa, 37 (Tokyo, Japan)
Albert Ogletree, 49 (New York, New York)
Philip P. Ognibene, 39 (New York, New York)
Capt. John A. Ogonowski, 52 (Dracut, Massachusetts)
James A. O’Grady, 32 (Harrington Park, New Jersey)
Joseph J. Ogren, 30 (Staten Island, New York)
Lt. Thomas G. O’Hagan, 43 (Bronx, New York)
Samuel Oitice, 45 (Peekskill, New York)
Patrick J. O’Keefe, 44 (Islip, New York)
Capt. William O’Keefe, 49 (Staten Island, New York)
Gerald M. Olcott, 55 (North Hempstead, New York)
Gerald T. O’Leary, 34 (Stony Point, New York)
Christine A. Olender, 39 (New York, New York)
Linda M. Oliva, 44 (Staten Island, New York)
Edward K. Oliver, 31 (Jackson Township, New Jersey)
Leah E. Oliver, 24 (Brooklyn, New York)
Eric T. Olsen, 41 (Staten Island, New York)
Jeffrey J. Olsen, 31 (Staten Island, New York)
Barbara K. Olson, 45 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Steven J. Olson, 38 (Staten Island, New York)
Matthew T. O’Mahoney, 39 (New York, New York)
Toshihiro Onda, 39 (New York, New York)
James L. O’Neal, 52 (New York, New York)
Special Agent John P. O’Neill, 49 (New York, New York)
Peter J. O’Neill; Jr., 21 (Babylon, New York)
Sean G. C. O’Neill, 34 (Rye, New York)
Betty A. Ong, 45 (Andover, Massachusetts)
Michael C. Opperman, 45 (Brookhaven, New York)
Christopher Orgielewicz, 35 (Mamaroneck, New York)
Margaret Q. Orloske, 50 (Windsor, Connecticut)
Virginia A. Ormiston-Kenworthy, 42 (Chester Borough, New Jersey)
Ruben S. Ornedo, 39 (Los Angeles, California)
Kevin M. O’Rourke, 44 (Hempstead, New York)
Ronald Orsini, 59 (Hillsdale, New Jersey)
Peter K. Ortale, 37 (Southampton, New York)
Juan Ortega-Campos, 32 (Brooklyn, New York)
Jane M. Orth, 49 (Haverhill, Massachusetts)
Alexander Ortiz, 36 (Queens, New York)
David Ortiz, 37 (Clarkstown, New York)
Emilio P. Ortiz, 38 (Queens, New York)
Pablo Ortiz, 49 (Staten Island, New York)
Paul Ortiz; Jr., 21 (New York, New York)
Sonia Ortiz, 58 (Queens, New York)
Masaru Ose, 36 (Ft. Lee, New Jersey)
Patrick J. O’Shea, 45 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Robert W. O’Shea, 47 (Wall Township, New Jersey)
Elsy C. Osorio-Oliva, 27 (Queens, New York)
James R. Ostrowski, 37 (Hempstead, New York)
Timothy F. O’Sullivan, 68 (Kidder Township, Pennsylvania)
Jason D. Oswald, 28 (New York, New York)
Michael J. Otten, 42 (Islip, New York)
Isidro D. Ottenwalder, 35 (Queens, New York)
Chung Ou, 53 (New York, New York)
Todd J. Ouida, 25 (River Edge, New Jersey)
Jesus Ovalles, 60 (New York, New York)
Peter J. Owens; Jr., 42 (Hempstead, New York)
Adianes Oyola, 23 (Brooklyn, New York)
Angel M. PabĂłn; Jr., 54 (Brooklyn, New York)
Israel Pabon; Jr., 31 (New York, New York)
Roland Pacheco, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael B. Packer, 45 (Greenburgh, New York)
Diana B. Padro, 55 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Deepa K. Pakkala, 31 (Greenwich Township, New Jersey)
Jeffrey M. Palazzo, 33 (Staten Island, New York)
Thomas A. Palazzo, 44 (North Castle, New York)
Richard A. Palazzolo, 39 (New York, New York)
Chief Orio J. Palmer, 45 (Hempstead, New York)
Frank A. Palombo, 46 (Brooklyn, New York)
Alan N. Palumbo, 42 (Staten Island, New York)
Christopher M. Panatier, 36 (Hempstead, New York)
Dominique L. Pandolfo, 27 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Jonas M. Panik, 26 (Walker Township, Pennsylvania)
Paul J. Pansini, 34 (Staten Island, New York)
Chief John M. Paolillo, 51 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Edward J. Papa, 47 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Salvatore T. Papasso, 34 (Staten Island, New York)
James N. Pappageorge, 29 (Yonkers, New York)
Marie Pappalardo, 53 (Paramount, California)
Vinod K. Parakat, 34 (Sayreville, New Jersey)
Vijayashankar Paramsothy, 23 (Queens, New York)
Nitin K. Parandter, 28 (Woodbridge Township, New Jersey)
Hardai Parbhu, 42 (Bronx, New York)
Ofc. James W. Parham, 32 (Queens, New York)
Debra M. Paris, 48 (Brooklyn, New York)
George Paris, 33 (Carmel, New York)
Gye-Hyong Park, 28 (Queens, New York)
Philip L. Parker, 53 (Montgomery Township, New Jersey)
Michael A. Parkes, 27 (Brooklyn, New York)
Robert E. Parks; Jr., 47 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Hashmukh C. Parmar, 48 (Warren Township, New Jersey)
Robert Parro, 35 (Hempstead, New York)
Dianne M. Parsons, 58 (Malta, New York)
Michael J. Pascuma; Jr., 50 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Jerrold H. Paskins, 56 (Anaheim, California)
Horace R. Passananti, 55 (New York, New York)
Suzanne H. Passaro, 38 (East Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
Avnish R. Patel, 28 (New York, New York)
Dipti Patel, 38 (North Hempstead, New York)
Manish K. Patel, 29 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
Steven B. Paterson, 40 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
James M. Patrick, 30 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
Manuel D. Patrocino, 34 (New York, New York)
Bernard E. Patterson, 46 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Maj. Clifford L. Patterson; Jr., 33 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Cira M. Patti, 40 (Staten Island, New York)
Robert E. Pattison, 40 (New York, New York)
James R. Paul, 58 (New York, New York)
Patrice Paz, 52 (New York, New York)
Victor H. Paz-Guterrez, 43 (Queens, New York)
Stacey L. Peak, 36 (New York, New York)
Richard A. Pearlman, 18 (Queens, New York)
Durrell V. Pearsall; Jr., 34 (East Hampton, New York)
Thomas E. Pedicini, 30 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Todd D. Pelino, 34 (Fair Haven, New Jersey)
Michel A. Pelletier, 36 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Anthony G. Peluso, 46 (Brooklyn, New York)
Angel R. Pena, 45 (River Vale Township, New Jersey)
Robert Penninger, 63 (Poway, California)
Richard A. Penny, 53 (New York, New York)
Salvatore F. Pepe, 45 (Queens, New York)
Carl A. B. Peralta, 37 (Staten Island, New York)
Robert D. Peraza, 30 (New York, New York)
Jon A. Perconti; Jr., 32 (Brick Township, New Jersey)
Alejo Perez, 66 (Union City, New Jersey)
Angel Perez; Jr., 43 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Angela S. Perez, 35 (Bronx, New York)
Anthony Perez, 33 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Ivan A. Perez, 37 (Queens, New York)
Nancy E. Perez, 36 (Secaucus, New Jersey)
Joseph J. Perroncino, 33 (Smithtown, New York)
Edward J. Perrotta, 43 (Brookhaven, New York)
Emelda H. Perry, 52 (Hempstead, New York)
Lt. Glenn C. Perry, 41 (Monroe, New York)
Ofc. John W. Perry, 38 (New York, New York)
Franklin A. Pershep, 59 (Brooklyn, New York)
Daniel Pesce, 34 (Staten Island, New York)
Michael J. Pescherine, 32 (New York, New York)
Davin N. Peterson, 25 (New York, New York)
Donald A. Peterson, 66 (Spring Lake, New Jersey)
William R. Peterson, 47 (Queens, New York)
Mark J. Petrocelli, 28 (New York, New York)
Lt. Philip S. Petti, 43 (New York, New York)
Ofc. Glen K. Pettit, 30 (Islip, New York)
Ofc. Dominick A. Pezzulo, 36 (New York, New York)
Kaleen E. Pezzuti, 28 (Fair Haven, New Jersey)
Lt. Kevin J. Pfeifer, 42 (New York, New York)
Tu-Ahn Pham, 42 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Lt. Kenneth J. Phelan, 41 (New York, New York)
Dr. Sneha A. Philip, 31 (New York, New York)
Ludwig J. Picarro, 44 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Matthew Picerno, 44 (Holmdel Township, New Jersey)
Joseph O. Pick, 40 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Christopher J. Pickford, 32 (New York, New York
Dennis J. Pierce, 54 (New York, New York)
Bernard Pietronico, 39 (Matawan, New Jersey)
Nicholas P. Pietrunti, 38 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Theodoros Pigis, 60 (New York, New York)
Susan E. Pinto, 44 (New York, New York)
Joseph Piskadlo, 48 (North Arlington, New Jersey)
Christopher T. Pitman, 30 (New York, New York)
Joshua M. Piver, 23 (Brooklyn, New York)
Robert R. Ploger III, 59 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Zandra F. Ploger, 48 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Joseph B. Plumitallo, 45 (Manalapan Township, New Jersey)
Ana G. Pocasangre-Barrera, 49 (San Salvador, El Salvador)
John M. Pocher, 36 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
William H. Pohlmann, 56 (Greenburgh, New York)
Laurence M. Polatsch, 32 (New York, New York)
Thomas H. Polhemus, 39 (Morris Plains, New Jersey)
Steven Pollicino, 48 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Susan M. Pollio, 45 (Long Beach Township, New Jersey)
Marni Pont-O’Doherty, 31 (North Castle, New York)
LTJG. Darin H. Pontell, 26 (Howard County, Maryland)
Joshua I. Poptean, 37 (New York, New York)
Giovanna Porras, 24 (New York, New York)
Anthony Portillo, 48 (New York, New York)
James E. Potorti, 52 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Daphne Pouletsos, 47 (Westwood, New Jersey)
Richard N. Poulos, 55 (Hempstead, New York)
Stephen E. Poulos, 45 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Brandon J. Powell, 26 (New York, New York)
Scott A. Powell, 35 (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Shawn E. Powell, 32 (New York, New York)
Anthonio D. Pratt, 43 (New York, New York)
Gregory M. Preziose, 34 (Holmdel Township, New Jersey)
Wanda I. Prince, 30 (New York, New York)
Vincent A. Princiotta, 39 (Orangetown, New York)
Kevin M. Prior, 28 (Hempstead, New York)
Everett M. Proctor III, 44 (New York, New York)
Carrie B. Progen, 25 (New York, New York)
David L. Pruim, 55 (Montclair, New Jersey)
Chief Richard A. Prunty, 57 (Islip, New York)
Vanessa L. Pryzybylo-Kolpak, 21 (Niles Township, Illinois)
John F. Puckett, 47 (Glen Cove, New York)
Robert D. Pugliese, 47 (East Fishkill, New York)
Edward F. Pullis, 34 (Hazlet Township, New Jersey)
Patricia A. Puma, 33 (New York, New York)
Capt. (ret) John D. Punches, 51 (Clifton, Virginia)
Hemanth K. Puttur, 26 (White Plains, New York)
System OPR. 1st Class Joseph J. Pycior; Jr., 39 (Carlstadt, New York)
Edward R. Pykon, 33 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Christopher Quackenbush, 44 (North Hempstead, New York)
Lars P. Qualben, 49 (New York, New York)
Lincoln QuappĂŠ, 38 (Islip, New York)
Elizabeth A. Quigley, 25 (New York, New York)
Patrick J. Quigley IV, 40 (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
Lt. Michael T. Quilty, 42 (New York, New York)
James F. Quinn, 23 (New York, New York)
Ricardo J. Quinn, 40 (New York, New York)
Carol M. Rabalais, 38 (New York, New York)
Christopher P. A. Racaniello, 30 (New York, New York)
Leonard J. Ragaglia, 36 (New York, New York)
Eugene J. Raggio, 55 (New York, New York)
Laura M. Ragonese-Snik, 41 (Bangor, Pennsylvania)
Michael P. Ragusa, 29 (New York, New York)
Peter F. Raimondi, 46 (New York, New York)
Harry A. Raines, 37 (New York, New York)
Lisa J. Raines, 42 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Ehtesham U. Raja, 28 (Clifton, New Jersey)
Valsa Raju, 39 (Yonkers, New York)
Edward J. Rall, 44 (Islip, New York)
Lukas Rambousek, 27 (New York, New York)
Maria I. Ramirez, 25 (New York, New York)
Harry Ramos, 41 (Newark, New Jersey)
Vishnoo Ramsaroop, 44 (New York, New York)
Deborah A. Ramsaur, 45 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Lorenzo E. Ramzey, 48 (Huntington, New York)
A. Todd Rancke, 42 (Summit, New Jersey)
Adam D. Rand, 30 (Hempstead, New York)
Jonathan C. Randall, 26 (New York, New York)
Shreyas S. Ranganath, 26 (Hackensack, New Jersey)
Anne T. Ransom, 45 (Edgewater, New Jersey)
Faina Rapoport, 45 (New York, New York)
Rhonda S. Rasmussen, 44 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Robert A. Rasmussen, 42 (Downers Grove Township, Illinois)
Amenia Rasool, 33 (New York, New York)
R. Mark Rasweiler, 53 (Flemington, New Jersey)
IT1 Marsha D. Ratchford, 34 (Prichard, Alabama)
David A. J. Rathkey, 47 (Mountain Lakes, New Jersey)
William R. Raub, 38 (Saddle River, New Jersey)
Gerard F. Rauzi, 42 (New York, New York)
Alexey Razuvaev, 40 (New York, New York)
Gregory Reda, 33 (Hempstead, New York)
Sarah A. Redheffer, 35 (London, U.K.)
Michele M. Reed, 26 (East Amwell Towship, New Jersey)
Angela Reed-Kyte, 49 (Boonton, New Jersey)
Judith A. Reese, 56 (Kearny, New Jersey)
Donald J. Regan, 47 (Shawangunk, New York)
Lt. Robert M. Regan, 48 (Queens, New York)
Thomas M. Regan, 43 (Cranford Township, New Jersey)
Christian M. O. Regenhard, 28 (New York, New York)
Howard Reich, 59 (New York, New York)
Gregg Reidy, 26 (Holmdel Township, New Jersey)
James B. Reilly, 25 (Huntington, New York)
Kevin O. Reilly, 28 (New York, New York)
Timothy E. Reilly, 40 (New York, New York)
Joseph Reina; Jr., 32 (New York, New York)
Thomas B. Reinig, 48 (Bernardsville, New Jersey)
Frank B. Reisman, 41 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Joshua S. Reiss, 23 (New York, New York)
Karen Renda, 52 (New York, New York)
John A. Reo, 28 (Mamaroneck, New York)
Col. Cyril R. Rescorla, 62 (Morristown, New Jersey)
John T. Resta, 40 (New York, New York)
Martha M. Reszke, 36 (Stafford County, Virginia)
David E. Retik, 33 (Needham, Massachusetts)
Todd H. Reuben, 40 (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Luis C. Revilla-Mier, 54 (Yonkers, New York)
Eduvigis Reyes; Jr., 37 (New York, New York)
Ofc. Bruce A. Reynolds, 41 (Knowlton Township, New Jersey)
John F. Rhodes, 57 (Howell Township, New Jersey)
Francis S. Riccardelli, 40 (Westwood, New Jersey)
Rudolph N. Riccio, 50 (New York, New York)
Ann M. Riccoboni, 58 (New York, New York)
David H. Rice, 31 (New York, New York)
Eileen M. Rice, 57 (New York, New York)
Kenneth F. Rice III, 34 (Oyster Bay, New York)
CeCilia E. Richard, 41 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
Capt. Vernon A. Richard, 53 (Clarkstown, New York)
Det. Claude D. Richards, 46 (New York, New York)
Gregory D. Richards, 30 (New York, New York)
Michael R. Richards, 38 (New York, New York)
Venesha O. Richards, 26 (North Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
James C. Riches, 29 (New York, New York)
Alan J. Richman, 44 (New York, New York)
John M. Rigo, 48 (New York, New York)
Dr. Frederick C. Rimmele III, 32 (Marblehead, Massachusetts)
Rose M. Riso, 55 (New York, New York)
Moises N. Rivas, 29 (New York, New York)
Joseph R. Rivelli; Jr., 43 (New York, New York)
Carmen A. Rivera, 33 (Waywayanda, New York)
Isaias Rivera, 51 (Perth Amboy, New Jersey)
Juan W. Rivera, 27 (New York, New York)
Linda I. Rivera, 26 (New York, New York)
David E. Rivers, 40 (New York, New York)
Joseph R. Riverso, 34 (White Plains, New York)
Paul V. Rizza, 34 (Park Ridge, New Jersey)
John F. Rizzo, 50 (New York, New York)
Stephen L. Roach, 36 (Verona Township, New Jersey)
Joseph Roberto, 37 (Midland Park, New Jersey)
Leonard A. Roberts, 44 (Wayne Township, New Jersey)
Michael E. Roberts, 30 (New York, New York)
Michael E. Roberts, 31 (New York, New York)
Donald W. Robertson; Jr., 35 (Rumson, New Jersey)
Catharina Robinson, 47 (Bronx, New York)
Jeffrey Robinson, 38 (South Brunswick, New Jersey)
Michell L. J. Robotham, 32 (Kearny, New Jersey)
Donald A. Robson, 52 (North Hempstead, New York)
Antonio A. Rocha, 34 (East Hanover Township, New Jersey)
Raymond J. Rocha, 29 (Malden, Massachusetts)
Laura Rockefeller, 41 (New York, New York)
John M. Rodak, 39 (Mantua Township, New Jersey)
Ofc. Antonio J. Rodrigues, 35 (North Hempstead, New York)
Anthony Rodriguez, 36 (New York, New York)
Gregory E. Rodriguez, 31 (White Plains, New York)
Marsha A. Rodriguez, 41 (West Paterson, New Jersey)
Ofc. Richard Rodriguez, 31 (Aberdeen Township, New Jersey)
David B. Rodriguez-Vargas, 44 (New York, New York)
Matthew Rogan, 37 (Islip, New York)
Karlie B. Rogers, 25 (London, U.K.)
Scott W. Rohner, 22 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Keith M. Roma, 27 (New York, New York)
Joseph M. Romagnolo, 37 (Brookhaven, New York)
Efrain Romero, 57 (Hazleton, Pennsylvania)
Elvin S. Romero, 34 (Matawan, New Jersey)
Juan Romero-Orozco (Acatlan De Osorio, Mexico)
Chief James A. Romito, 51 (Westwood, New Jersey)
Sean P. Rooney, 50 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Eric T. Ropiteau, 24 (New York, New York)
Aida Rosario, 42 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Angela Rosario, 27 (New York, New York)
Wendy A. Rosario-Wakeford, 40 (Freehold Borough, New Jersey)
Mark H. Rosen, 45 (Islip, New York)
Brooke D. Rosenbaum, 31 (Hempstead, New York)
Linda Rosenbaum, 41 (Little Falls Township, New Jersey)
Sheryl L. Rosenbaum, 33 (Warren Township, New Jersey)
Lloyd D. Rosenberg, 31 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
Mark L. Rosenberg, 26 (Teaneck Township, New Jersey)
Andrew I. Rosenblum, 45 (Hempstead, New York)
Joshua M. Rosenblum, 28 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Joshua A. Rosenthal, 44 (New York, New York)
Richard D. Rosenthal, 50 (Fair Lawn, New Jersey)
Philip M. Rosenzweig, 47 (Acton, Massachusetts)
Daniel Rosetti, 32 (Bloomfield Township, New Jersey)
Richard B. Rose, 58 (Newton, Massachusetts)
Norman S. Rossinow, 39 (Cedar Grove Township, New Jersey)
Nicholas P. Rossomando, 35 (New York, New York)
Michael C. Rothberg, 39 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Donna M. Rothenberg, 53 (New York, New York)
Mark D. Rothenberg, 52 (Scotch Plains Township, New Jersey)
James M. Roux, 43 (Portland, Maine)
Nicholas C. A. Rowe, 29 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Edward V. Rowenhorst, 32 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Judy Rowlett, 44 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Sgt. Timothy A. Roy, 36 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Paul G. Ruback, 50 (Newburgh, New York)
Ronald J. Ruben, 36 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Joanne Rubino, 45 (New York, New York)
David M. Ruddle, 31 (New York, New York)
Bart J. Ruggiere, 32 (New York, New York)
Susan A. Ruggiero, 30 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Adam K. Ruhalter, 40 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Gilbert Ruiz, 45 (New York, New York)
Obdulio Ruiz-Diaz, 44 (Hempstead, New York)
Robert E. Russell, 52 (Pringe George’s County, Maryland)
Stephen P. Russell, 40 (Queens, New York)
Steven H. Russin, 32 (Mendham Township, New Jersey)
Lt. Michael T. Russo, 44 (Smithtown, New York)
Wayne A. Russo, 37 (Union City, New Jersey)
W4 William R. Ruth, 57 (Mt. Airy, Maryland)
Edward Ryan, 42 (Scarsdale, New York)
John J. Ryan; Jr., 45 (West Windsor Township, New Jersey)
Jonathan S. Ryan, 32 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Chief Matthew L. Ryan, 54 (Hempstead, New York)
Tatiana Ryjova, 36 (Lewisboro, New York)
Christina S. Ryook, 25 (New York, New York)
Thierry Saada, 27 (New York, New York)
Jason E. Sabbag, 26 (New York, New York)
Thomas E. Sabella, 44 (New York, New York)
Scott H. Saber, 38 (New York, New York)
Charles E. Sabin, 54 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Joseph F. Sacerdote, 48 (Freehold Township, New Jersey)
Jessica L. Sachs, 23 (Billerica, Massachusetts)
Mohammad A. Sadeque, 62 (New York, New York)
Francis J. Sadocha, 41 (Huntington, New York)
Jude E. Safi, 24 (New York, New York)
Brock J. Safronoff, 26 (New York, New York)
Edward Saiya, 49 (New York, New York)
John P. Salamone, 37 (North Caldwell, New Jersey)
Marjorie C. Salamone, 53 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Hernando R. Salas, 71 (New York, New York)
Juan G. Salas, 35 (New York, New York)
Esmerlin A. Salcedo, 36 (New York, New York)
John S. Salerno; Jr., 31 (Westfield, New Jersey)
Rahma Salie, 28 (Boston, Massachusetts)
Unborn child of Rahma Salie (Boston, Massachusetts)
Richard L. Salinardi; Jr., 32 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Anne M. Sallerin-Ferreira, 29 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Wayne J. Saloman, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Nolbert Salomon, 33 (New York, New York)
Catherine P. Salter, 33 (New York, New York)
Frank G. Salvaterra, 41 (North Hempstead, New York)
Paul R. Salvio, 27 (New York, New York)
Samuel R. Salvo; Jr., 59 (Yonkers, New York)
Carlos A. Samaniego, 29 (New York, New York)
Rena Sam-Dinnoo, 28 (Brooklyn, New York)
John P. Sammartino, 37 (Fairfax Counry, Virginia)
James K. Samuel; Jr., 29 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Hugo M. Sanay-Perafiel, 41 (New York, New York)
Erick Sanchez, 41
Jacquelyn P. Sanchez, 23 (New York, New York)
Jesus Sanchez, 45 (Boston, Massachusetts)
Raymond Sanchez, 45 (New York, New York)
Eric M. Sand, 36 (Westchester County, New York)
Stacey L. Sanders, 25 (New York, New York)
Herman S. Sandler, 57, (New York, New York)
James Sands; Jr., 39 (Brick Township, New Jersey)
Michael San Phillip, 55 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Sylvia San Pio-Resta, 26 (New York, New York)
Unborn child of Sylvia San Pio-Resta (New York, New York)
Ayleen J. Santiago, 40 (New York, New York)
Kirsten R. Santiago, 26 (New York, New York)
Judy H. Santillan-Fernandez, 27 (Old Bridge Township, New Jersey)
Susan G. Santo, 24 (New York, New York)
Christopher A. Santora, 23 (New York, New York)
John A. Santore, 49 (New York, New York)
Mario L. Santoro, 28 (New York, New York)
Rafael H. Santos, 42 (New York, New York)
Rufino C. F. Santos III, 37 (New York, New York)
Jorge O. Santos-Anaya
Capt. Victor J. Saracini, 51 (Yardley, Pennsylvania)
Kalyan K. Sarkar, 53 (Westwood, New Jersey)
Paul F. Sarle, 38 (Babylon, New York)
Deepika K. Sattaluri, 33 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
Gregory T. Saucedo, 31 (New York, New York)
Susan M. Sauer, 48 (Chicago, Illinois)
Anthony Savas, 72 (New York, New York)
Vladimir Savinkin, 21 (New York, New York)
John M. Sbarbaro, 45 (New York, New York)
Lt. Col. David M. Scales, 44 (Cleveland, Ohio)
Robert L. Scandole; Jr., 36 (Pelham, New York)
Michelle Scarpitta, 26 (New York, New York)
Dennis Scauso, 46 (Huntington, New York)
John A. Schardt, 34 (New York, New York)
John G. Scharf, 29 (Brookhaven, New York)
Chief Frederick C. Scheffold; Jr., 57 (Orangetown, New York)
Angela S. Scheinberg, 46 (New York, New York)
Scott M. Schertzer, 28 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
Sean Schielke, 27 (New York, New York)
Steven F. Schlag, 41 (Franklin Lakes, New Jersey)
Cmdr. Robert A. Schlegel, 38 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Jon Schlissel, 51 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Karen H. Schmidt, 42 (Hempstead, New York)
Ian Schneider, 45 (Millburn Township, New Jersey)
Thomas G. Schoales, 27 (Stony Point, New York)
Frank G. Schott; Jr., 39 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Gerard P. Schrang, 45 (Islip, New York)
Jeffrey H. Schreier, 48 (New York, New York)
John T. Schroeder, 31 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Susan L. Schuler, 55 (Allentown, New Jersey)
Edward W. Schunk, 54 (Hempstead, New York)
Mark E. Schurmeier, 44 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
John B. Schwartz, 49 (Goshen, Connecticut)
Mark Schwartz, 50 (Hempstead, New York)
Adriane V. Scibetta, 31 (New York, New York)
Raphael Scorca, 61 (Beachwood, New Jersey)
Janice M. Scott, 46 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Randolph Scott, 48 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Christopher J. Scudder, 34 (Ramapo, New York)
Arthur W. Scullin, 57 (New York, New York)
Michael H. Seaman, 41 (North Hempstead, New York)
Margaret M. Seeliger, 34 (New York, New York)
Anthony Segarra, 52 (New York, New York)
Carlos Segarra, 54 (New York, New York)
Jason M. Sekzer, 31 (New York, New York)
Matthew C. Sellitto, 23 (Morristown, New Jersey)
Michael L. Selves, 53 (Fairfax, Virginia)
Howard Selwyn, 47 (Hempstead, New York)
Larry J. Senko, 34 (Yardley, Pennsylvania)
Stacey Sennas-McGovern, 38 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Arturo A. Sereno, 29 (New York, New York)
Frankie Serrano, 23 (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
Marian H. Serva, 47 (Stafford County, Virginia)
Alena Sesinova, 57 (New York, New York)
Adele C. Sessa, 36 (New York, New York)
Sita N. Sewnarine, 37 (New York, New York)
Karen L. Seymour, 40 (Long Hill Township, New Jersey)
Davis G. Sezna; Jr., 22 (New York, New York)
Thomas J. Sgroi, 45 (New York, New York)
Jayesh S. Shah, 38 (Edgewater, New Jersey)
Khalid M. Shahid, 35 (Union City, New Jersey)
Mohammed Shajahan, 41 (Ramapo, New York)
Gary Shamay, 23 (New York, New York)
Earl R. Shanahan, 50 (New York, New York)
Cmdr. Dan F. Shanower, 40 (Naperville, Illinois)
Neil G. Shastri, 25 (New York, New York)
Kathryn A. Shatzoff, 37 (New York, New York)
Barbara A. Shaw, 57 (Morris Township, New Jersey)
Jeffrey J. Shaw, 42 (Hempstead, New York)
Robert J. Shay; Jr., 27 (New York, New York)
Daniel J. Shea, 37 (Pelham, New York)
Joseph P. Shea, 47 (Pelham, New York)
Mary K. Shearer, 61 (Dover, New Hampshire)
Robert M. Shearer, 63 (Dover, New Hampshire)
Linda J. Sheehan, 40 (New York, New York)
Hagay Shefi, 34 (Tenafly, New Jersey)
Antoinette M. Sherman, 35 (Forest Heights, Maryland)
John A. Sherry, 34 (Hempstead, New York)
Atsushi Shiratori, 36 (New York, New York)
Thomas J. Shubert, 43 (New York, New York)
Mark Shulman, 44 (Old Bridge Township, New Jersey)
See W. Shum, 44 (Westfield, New Jersey)
Allan A. Shwartzstein, 37 (New Castle, New York)
Clarin S. Siegel-Schwartz, 51 (New York, New York)
Johanna Sigmund, 25 (Springfield Township, Pennsylvania)
Dianne T. Signer, 32 (New York, New York)
Unborn child of Dianne T. Signer (New York, New York)
Gregory Sikorsky, 34 (Ramapo, New York)
Steven G. Siller, 34 (Staten Island, New York)
David Silver, 34 (New Rochelle, New York)
Valerie Silver-Ellis, 46 (Southampton, New York)
Craig A. Silverstein, 41 (Wyckoff Township, New Jersey)
Nasima H. Simjee, 38 (New York, New York)
Bruce E. Simmons, 41 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Diane M. Simmons, 54 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Donald D. Simmons, 58 (Dumfries, Virginia)
George W. Simmons, 57 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Arthur Simon, 57 (Haverstraw, New York)
Kenneth A. Simon, 34 (Secaucus, New Jersey)
Michael J. Simon, 40 (Harrington Park, New Jersey)
Paul J. Simon, 54 (New York, New York)
Barry Simowitz, 64 (New York, New York)
Jane L. Simpkin, 36 (Wayland, Massachusetts)
Jeffrey L. Simpson, 38 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Cheryle D. Sincock, 53 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Khamladai K. Singh, 25 (New York, New York)
Roshan R. Singh, 21 (New York, New York)
Thomas E. Sinton III, 44 (Cortlandt, New York)
Peter A. Siracuse, 29 (New York, New York)
Port Authority PD K-9 Sirius, 4 (New York, New York)
Muriel F. Siskopoulos, 60 (New York, New York)
Joseph M. Sisolak, 35 (New York, New York)
Ofc. John P. Skala, 31 (Clifton, New Jersey)
Francis J. Skidmore; Jr., Mendham Township, New Jersey)
Paul A. Skrzypek, 37 (New York, New York)
Christopher P. Slattery, 31 (New York, New York)
Vincent R. Slavin, 41 (Queens, New York)
Stanley S. Smagala; Jr., 36 (Islip, New York)
Wendy L. Small, 26 (New York, New York)
Chief Techn. Gregg H. Smallwood, 44 (Overland Park, Kansas)
Catherine T. Smith, 44 (Haverstraw, New York)
Lt. Col. (ret) Gary F. Smith, 55 (Alexandria, Virginia)
George E. Smith, 38 (West Chester, Pennsylvania)
Heather L. Smith, 30 (Boston, Massachusetts)
James G. Smith, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Jeffrey R. Smith, 36 (New York, New York)
Joyce P. Smith, 55 (New York, New York)
Karl T. Smith, 44 (Little Silver, New Jersey)
Kevin J. Smith, 47 (Brookhaven, New York)
Leon Smith; Jr., 48 (New York, New York)
Ofc. Moira A. Smith, 38 (New York, New York)
Rosemary A. Smith, 61 (New York, New York)
Bonnie S. Smithwick, 54 (Southampton, New York)
Rochelle M. Snell, 24 (Mt. Vernon, New York)
Christine A. Snyder, 32 (Honolulu County, Hawaii)
Leonard J. Snyder; Jr., 35 (Cranford Township, New Jersey)
Astrid E. Sohan, 32 (Freehold Township, New Jersey)
Sushil S. Solanki, 35 (New York, New York)
RubĂŠn Solares, 51 (New York, New York)
Naomi L. Solomon, 52 (New York, New York)
Daniel W. Song, 34 (New York, New York)
Mari-Rae Sopper, 35 (Santa Barbara, California)
Hilario Soriano-Sumaya; Jr., 42 (Staten Island, New York)
Michael C. Sorresse, 34 (Morris Plains, New Jersey)
Fabian Soto, 31 (Harrison, New Jersey)
Timothy P. Soulas, 35 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Gregory T. Spagnoletti, 32 (New York, New York)
Donald F. Spampinato; Jr., 39 (North Hempstead, New York)
Thomas Sparacio, 35 (New York, New York)
John A. Spataro, 32 (North Hempstead, New York)
Robert W. Spear; Jr., 30 (Clarkstown, New York)
Maynard S. Spence; Jr., 42 (Douglasville, Georgia)
George E. Spencer III, 50 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
Robert A. Spencer, 35 (Red Bank, New Jersey)
Mary R. Sperando, 39 (New York, New York)
Frank Spinelli, 44 (Millburn Township, New Jersey)
William E. Spitz, 49 (Hempstead, New York)
Joseph P. Spor; Jr., 35 (Yorktown, New York)
Klaus J. Sprockamp, 42 (MĂźhltal, Germany)
Saranya Srinuan, 23 (New York, New York)
Fitzroy St. Rose, 40 (New York, New York)
Michael F. Stabile, 50 (New York, New York)
Chief Lawrence T. Stack, 58 (Brookhaven, New York)
Capt. Timothy M. Stackpole, 42 (New York, New York)
Richard J. Stadelberger, 55 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
Eric A. Stahlman, 43 (Holmdel Township, New Jersey)
Gregory Stajk, 46 (Long Beach, New York)
Alexandru L. Stan, 34 (New York, New York)
Corina Stan, 31 (Queens, New York)
Mary D. Stanley, 53 (New York, New York)
Lindsay Stapleton-Morehouse, 24 (New York, New York)
Anthony M. Starita, 35 (Westfield, New Jersey)
Jeffrey Stark, 30 (New York, New York)
Derek J. Statkevicius, 30 (Norwalk, Connecticut)
Patricia J. Statz, 41 (Takoma Park, Maryland)
Craig W. Staub, 30 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
William V. Steckman, 56 (Hempstead, New York)
Eric T. Steen, 32 (New York, New York)
William R. Steiner, 56 (New Hope, Pennsylvania)
Alexander R. Steinman, 32 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Edna L. Stephens, 53 (Washington, D.C.)
Andrew Stergiopoulos, 23 (New York, New York)
Andrew Stern, 45 (Hempstead, New York)
Martha J. Stevens, 55 (New York, New York)
Michael J. Stewart, 42 (New York, New York)
Richard H. Stewart; Jr., 35 (New York, New York)
Chapelle R. Stewart-Sarker, 37 (New York, New York)
Sanford M. Stoller, 54 (New York, New York)
Douglas J. Stone, 54 (Dover, New Hampshire)
Lonny J. Stone, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Jimmy N. Storey, 58 (Katy, Texas)
Timothy C. Stout, 42 (Greenburgh, New York)
Thomas S. Strada, 41 (Chatham, New Jersey)
James J. Straine; Jr., 36 (Oceanport, New Jersey)
George J. Strauch; Jr., 53 (Avon-By-The-Sea, New Jersey)
Edward T. Strauss, 44 (Edison Township, New Jersey)
Senior Adviser Larry L. Strickland, 52 (Prince William County, Virginia)
Steven F. Strobert, 33 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Ofc. Walwyn W. Stuart; Jr., 28 (Hempstead, New York)
Benjamin Suarez, 36 (New York, New York)
David S. Suarez, 24 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Ofc. Ramon Suarez, 45 (New York, New York)
Dino X. Suarez-Ramirez, 41 (Chino Hills, California)
Yoichi S. Sugiyama, 34 (Ft. Lee, New Jersey)
William C. Sugra, 30 (New York, New York)
Daniel T. Suhr, 37 (Smithtown, New York)
David M. Sullins, 30 (New York, New York)
Lt. Christopher P. Sullivan, 38 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Patrick Sullivan, 32 (New York, New York)
Thomas G. Sullivan, 38 (Kearny, New Jersey)
James J. Suozzo, 47 (Islip, New York)
Colleen M. Supinski, 27 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Robert Sutcliffe, 39 (Huntington, New York)
Selina Sutter, 63 (Chatham, New Jersey)
Claudia S. Sutton, 34 (Brooklyn, New York)
John F. Swaine, 36 (Mamaroneck, New York)
Kristine M. Swearson, 34 (New York, New York)
Brian D. Sweeney, 38 (Barnstable, Massachusetts)
Brian E. Sweeney, 29 (Hempstead, New York)
Madeline A. Sweeney, 35 (Acton, Massachusetts)
Kenneth J. Swenson, 40 (Chatham, New Jersey)
Thomas F. Swift, 30 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Derek O. Sword, 29 (New York, New York)
Kevin T. Szocik, 27 (Hempstead, New York)
Gina Sztejnberg, 52 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Norbert P. Szurkowski, 31 (Brooklyn, New York)
Harry Taback, 56 (Staten Island, New York)
Joann C. Tabeek, 41 (Staten Island, New York)
Norma C. Taddei, 64 (Queens, New York)
Michael Taddonio, 39 (Huntington, New York)
Keiichiro Takahashi, 53 (North Hempstead, New York)
Keiji Takahashi, 42 (Tenafly, New Jersey)
Phyllis G. Talbot, 53 (New York, New York)
Robert R. Talhami, 40 (Shrewsbury, New Jersey)
John Talignani, 74 (Staten Island, New York)
Sean P. Tallon, 26 (Yonkers, New York)
Ofc. Paul Talty, 40 (Hempstead, New York)
Maurita Tam, 22 (Staten Island, New York)
Rachel Tamares, 30 (Bronx, New York)
Hector R. Tamayo, 51 (Queens, New York)
Michael A. Tamuccio, 37 (Pelham, New York)
Kenichiro Tanaka, 52 (Rye, New York)
Rhondelle C. Tankard, 31 (Devonshire Parish, Bermuda)
Michael A. Tanner, 44 (Secaucus, New Jersey)
Dennis G. Taormina; Jr., 36 (Montville Township, New Jersey)
Kenneth J. Tarantino, 39 (Bayonne, New Jersey)
Allan Tarasiewicz, 45 (Staten Island, New York)
Michael C. Tarrou, 38 (Stafford, Connecticut)
Ronald Tartaro, 39 (Bridgewater Township, New Jersey)
Deborah Tavolarella, 46 (Dedham, Massachusetts)
Darryl A. Taylor, 52 (Staten Island, New York)
Donnie B. Taylor, 40 (New York, New York)
Hilda E. Taylor, 62 (Prince George’s County, Maryland)
Kip P. Taylor, 38 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Leonard E. Taylor, 44 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Lorisa C. Taylor, 31 (Brooklyn, New York)
Michael M. Taylor, 42 (New York, New York)
Sandra C. Taylor, 50 (Alexandria, Virginia)
Sandra D. Teague, 31 (Fairfax, Virginia)
Karl W. Teepe, 57 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Paul A. Tegtmeier, 41 (Hyde Park, New York)
Yeshavant M. Tembe, 59 (Piscataway Township, New Jersey)
Anthony Tempesta, 38 (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
Dorothy P. Temple, 52 (Brooklyn, New York)
Stanley L. Temple, 77 (Bronx, New York)
David G. P. Tengelin, 25 (New York, New York)
Jody Tepedino-Nichilo, 39 (Brooklyn, New York)
Brian J. Terrenzi, 29 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Lisa M. Terry, 42 (Rochester, Michigan)
Renee L. Tetreault-Newell, 37 (Cranston, Rhode Island)
Goumatie Thackurdeen, 35 (Queens, New York)
Harshad S. Thatte, 30 (Norcross, Georgia)
Michael Theodoridis, 32 (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Thomas F. Theurkauf; Jr., 44 (Stamford, Connecticut)
Lesley A. Thomas, 40 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Brian T. Thompson, 49 (Huntington, New York)
Clive I. Thompson, 43 (Summit, New Jersey)
Glenn Thompson, 44 (New York, New York)
Nigel B. Thompson, 33 (Brooklyn, New York)
Perry A. Thompson, 36 (Mt. Laurel Township, New Jersey)
Vanavah A. Thompson, 26 (Bronx, New York)
Court Ofc. William H. Thompson, 51 (New York, New York)
Eric R. Thorpe, 35 (New York, New York)
Nichola A. Thorpe, 22 (New York, New York)
Sgt. Tamara C. Thurman, 25 (Brewton, Alabama)
Sal E. Tieri; Jr., 40 (Shrewsbury, New Jersey)
John P. Tierney, 27 (Staten Island, New York)
Mary E. Tiesi, 38 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
William R. Tieste, 54 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
Ofc. Kenneth F. Tietjen, 31 (Matawan, New Jersey)
Stephen E. Tighe, 41 (Hempstead, New York)
Scott C. Timmes, 28 (Queens, New York)
Michael E. Tinley, 56 (Dallas, Texas)
Jennifer M. Tino, 29 (Livingston Township, New Jersey)
Robert F. Tipaldi, 25 (Brooklyn, New York)
John J. Tipping II, 33 (Brookhaven, New York)
Hector L. Tirado; Jr., 30 (Bronx, New York)
Michelle L. Titolo, 34 (Babylon, New York)
Alicia N. Titus, 28 (San Francisco, California)
John J. Tobin, 47 (Kenilworth, New Jersey)
Richard J. Todisco, 61 (Wyckoff Township, New Jersey)
Otis V. Tolbert, 38 (Lemoore, California)
Vladimir Tomasevic, 36 (Toronto, Ontario)
Steven K. Tompsett, 39 (Hempstead, New York)
Thomas Tong, 31 (New York, New York)
Doris Torres, 32 (Bronx, New York)
Luis E. Torres, 31 (New York, New York)
Celeste Torres-Victoria, 41 (New York, New York)
Amy E. Toyen, 24 (Newton, Massachusetts)
Christopher M. Traina, 25 (Brick Township, New Jersey)
Daniel P. Trant, 40 (Huntington, New York)
Abdoul K. Traore, 41 (New York, New York)
Glenn J. Travers, 53 (Tenafly, New Jersey)
Walter P. Travers; Jr., 44 (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey)
Felicia Y. Traylor-Bass, 38 (New York, New York)
James A. Trentini, 65 (Everett, Massachusetts)
Mary B. Trentini, 67 (Everett, Massachusetts)
Lisa A. Trerotola, 38 (Hazlet Township, New Jersey)
Karamo B. Trerra, 40 (New York, New York)
Michael A. Trinidad, 33 (New York, New York)
Francis J. Trombino, 68 (Clifton, New Jersey)
Gregory J. Trost, 26 (New York, New York)
Willie Q. Troy, 51 (Aberdeen, Maryland)
William P. Tselepis; Jr., 33 (New Providence, New Jersey)
Zhanetta V. Tsoy, 32 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Michael P. Tucker, 40 (Rumson, New Jersey)
Lance R. Tumulty, 32 (Bridgewater Township, New Jersey)
Ching P. Tung, 44 (New York, New York)
Simon J. Turner, 39 (London, U.K.)
Donald J. Tuzio, 51 (Goshen, New York)
Robert T. Twomey, 48 (New York, New York)
Jennifer L. Tzemis, 26 (New York, New York)
John G. Ueltzhoeffer, 36 (Roselle Park, New Jersey)
Tyler V. Ugolyn, 23 (New York, New York)
Michael A. Uliano, 42 (Aberdeen Township, New Jersey)
Jonathan J. Uman, 33 (Westport, Connecticut)
Anil S. Umarkar, 34 (Hackensack, New Jersey)
Allen V. Upton, 44 (New York, New York)
Diane M. Urban, 50 (Hempstead, New York)
John D. Vaccacio, 30 (New York, New York)
Bradley H. Vadas, 37 (Westport, Connecticut)
William Valcarcel, 54 (New York, New York)
Mayra Valdes-Rodriguez, 39 (New York, New York)
Ivan Vale, 27 (New York, New York)
Benito Valentin, 33 (New York, New York)
Ofc. Santos Valentin; Jr., 39 (New York, New York)
Carlton F. Valvo II, 38 (New York, New York)
Pendyala Vamsikrishna, 30 (Los Angeles, California)
Erica H. Van Acker, 62 (New York, New York)
Kenneth W. Van Auken, 47 (East Brunswick Township, New Jersey)
R. Bruce Van Hine, 48 (Warwick, New York)
Daniel M. Van Laere, 46 (Glen Rock, New Jersey)
Edward R. Vanacore, 29 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Jon C. Vandevander, 44 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Frederick T. Varacchi, 35 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Scott C. Vasel, 32 (Park Ridge, New Jersey)
Azael I. Vasquez, 21 (New York, New York)
Santos Vasquez, 55 (New York, New York)
Cmdr. Ronald J. Vauk, 37 (Nampa, Idaho)
Arcangel Vazquez, 47 (New York, New York)
Peter A. Vega, 36 (New York, New York)
Sankara S. Velamuri, 63 (Woodbridge Township, New Jersey)
Jorge Velazquez, 47 (Passaic, New Jersey)
Lawrence G. Veling, 44 (New York, New York)
Anthony M. Ventura, 41 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
David Vera, 41 (New York, New York)
Loretta A. Vero, 51 (Clarkstown, New York)
Christopher J. Vialonga, 30 (Demarest, New Jersey)
Matthew G. Vianna, 23 (North Hempstead, New York)
Robert A. Vicario, 40 (Weehawken Township, New Jersey)
Joanna Vidal, 26 (Yonkers, New York)
John T. Vigiano II, 36 (Islip, New York)
Det. Joseph V. Vigiano, 34 (Brookhaven, New York)
Frank J. Vignola; Jr., 44 (Hempstead, New York)
Joseph B. Vilardo, 44 (Stanhope, New Jersey)
Claribel Villalobos-HernĂĄndez, 31 (Queens, New York)
Sergio G. Villanueva, 33 (Queens, New York)
Chantal Vincelli, 38 (New York, New York)
Melissa R. Vincent, 28 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Francine A. Virgilio, 48 (Staten Island, New York)
Lawrence A. Virgilio, 38 (Queens, New York)
Joseph G. Visciano, 22 (Staten Island, New York)
Joshua S. Vitale, 28 (North Hempstead, New York)
Maria P. Vola, 37 (Brooklyn, New York)
Lynette D. Vosges, 48 (Brooklyn, New York)
Garo H. Voskerijian, 43 (Hempstead, New York)
Alfred A. Vukosa, 32 (Brooklyn, New York)
Gregory K. B. Wachtler, 25 (Ramsey, New Jersey)
Karen J. Wagner, 40 (Houston, Texas)
Mary A. Wahlstrom, 78 (Kaysville, Utah)
Honor E. Wainio, 27 (Baltimore, Maryland)
Courtney Wainsworth-Walcott, 37 (New York, New York)
Gabriela S. Waisman, 33 (New York, New York)
Victor Wald, 49 (New York, New York)
Kenneth E. Waldie, 46 (Methuen, Massachusetts)
Benjamin J. Walker, 41 (Ramapo, New York)
Glen Wall, 38 (Rumson, New Jersey)
Mitchel S. Wallace, 34 (North Hempstead, New York)
Peter G. Wallace, 66 (Lincoln Park, New Jersey)
Lt. Robert F. Wallace, 43 (New York, New York)
Roy M. Wallace, 42 (Wyckoff Township, New Jersey)
Jean M. Wallendorf, 23 (New York, New York)
Matthew B. Wallens, 31 (New York, New York)
Meta L. Waller, 60 (Alexandria, Virginia)
John Wallice; Jr., 43 (Huntington, New York)
Barbara P. Walsh, 59 (New York, New York)
James Walsh, 37 (Scotch Plains Township, New Jersey)
Ann Walsh-McGovern, 68 (Hempstead, New York)
Jeffrey P. Walz, 37 (Eastchester, New York)
Ching Wang, 59 (New York, New York)
Weibin Wang, 41 (Orangetown, New York)
Lt. Michael Warchola, 51 (Queens, New York)
Stephen G. Ward, 33 (Gorham, Maine)
Timothy R. Ward, 38 (San Diego, California)
James A. Waring, 49 (New York, New York)
Brian G. Warner, 32 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
Derrick C. Washington, 33 (Brookhaven, New York)
Charles Waters, 44 (New York, New York)
James T. Waters; Jr., 39 (New York, New York)
Capt. Patrick J. Waters, 44 (New York, New York)
Kenneth T. Watson, 39 (Smithtown, New York)
Sandy Waugh-Bradshaw, 38 (Greensboro, North Carolina)
Michael H. Waye, 38 (Marlboro Township, New Jersey)
Ofc. Walter E. Weaver, 30 (Brookhaven, New York)
Ofc. Nathaniel Webb, 56 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Dinah Webster, 50 (North Hempstead, New York)
William M. Weems, 46 (Marblehead, Massachusetts)
Joanne F. Weil, 39 (New York, New York)
Michael T. Weinberg, 34 (New York, New York)
Steven Weinberg, 41 (Clarkstown, New York)
Scott J. Weingard, 29 (New York, New York)
Steven G. Weinstein, 50 (New York, New York)
Simon Weiser, 65 (New York, New York)
David M. Weiss, 41 (Montgomery, New York)
David T. Weiss, 50 (New York, New York)
Chin S. P. Wells, 25 (Lawton, Oklahoma)
Vincent M. Wells, 22 (London, U.K.)
Timothy M. Welty, 34 (Yonkers, New York)
Christian H. R. Wemmers, 43 (San Francisco, California)
Ssu-Hui Wen, 23 (New York, New York)
John J. Wenckus, 46 (Torrance, California)
Oleh D. Wengerchuk, 56 (Huntington, New York)
Peter M. West, 54 (Bedminster Township, New Jersey)
Whitfield West; Jr., 41 (New York, New York)
Meredith L. Whalan, 23 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Eugene M. Whelan, 31 (Queens, New York)
Adam S. White, 26 (New York, New York)
Edward J. White III, 30 (New York, New York)
James P. White, 34 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
John S. White, 48 (New York, New York)
Kenneth W. White; Jr., 50 (New York, New York)
Leonard A. White, 57 (New York, New York)
Malissa Y. White, 37 (New York, New York)
Maudlyn A. White, 38 (St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands)
Sandra L. White, 44 (Dumfries, Virginia)
Wayne A. White, 38 (New York, New York)
Olga K. O. White-Gould, 65 (New York, New York)
Leanne M. Whiteside, 31 (New York, New York)
Mark P. Whitford, 31 (Blooming Grove, New York)
Prof. Leslie A. Whittington, 45 (University Park, Maryland)
Ofc. Michael T. Wholey, 34 (Westwood, New Jersey)
Jeffrey D. Wiener, 33 (New York, New York)
William J. Wik, 44 (Yonkers, New York)
Alison M. Wildman, 30 (New York, New York)
Lt. Glenn E. Wilkinson, 46 (Islip, New York)
Ernest M. Willcher, 62 (Montgomery County, Maryland)
John C. Willett, 29 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Brian P. Williams, 29 (New York, New York)
Candace L. Williams, 20 (Danbury, Connecticut)
Crossley R. Williams; Jr., 28 (Hempstead, New York)
David J. Williams, 34 (New York, New York)
David L. Williams, 32 (Newport, Oregon)
Maj. Dwayne Williams, 42 (Jacksonville, Alabama)
Kevin M. Williams, 24 (New York, New York)
Louie A. Williams, 44 (New York, New York)
Louis C. Williams III, 53 (Mandeville, Louisiana)
Chief John P. Williamson, 46 (Warwick, New York)
Donna A. Wilson, 48 (North Hempstead, New York)
William E. Wilson, 55 (New York, New York)
David H. Winton, 29 (New York, New York)
Glenn J. Winuk, 40 (New York, New York)
Thomas F. Wise, 43 (New York, New York)
Alan L. Wisniewski, 47 (Howell Township, New Jersey)
Frank P. Wisniewski, 54 (Bernards Township, New Jersey)
David Wiswall, 54 (Oyster Bay, New York)
Sigrid C. Wiswe, 41 (New York, New York)
Michael R. Wittenstein, 34 (Hoboken, New Jersey)
Christopher W. Wodenshek, 35 (Bergen County, New Jersey)
Martin P. Wohlforth, 47 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Katherine S. Wolf, 40 (New York, New York)
Jennifer Y. Wong, 26 (New York, New York)
Siu C. Wong, 34 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Yin P. Wong, 34 (New York, New York)
Yuk P. Wong, 47 (New York, New York)
Brent J. Woodall, 31 (Oradell, New Jersey)
James J. Woods, 26 (New York, New York)
Marvin R. Woods, 57 (St. Mary’s County, Maryland)
Patrick J. Woods, 36 (New York, New York)
Richard H. Woodwell, 44 (Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey)
Capt. David T. Wooley, 54 (Clarkstown, New York)
John B. Works, 36 (Darien, Connecticut)
Martin M. Wortley, 29 (Park Ridge, New Jersey)
Rodney J. Wotton, 36 (Middletown Township, New Jersey)
William Wren, 61 (Hempstead, New York)
John W. Wright; Jr., 33 (Hempstead, New York)
Neil R. Wright, 30 (Franklin Township, New Jersey)
Sandra L. Wright, 57 (Langhorne Borough, Pennsylvania)
Jupiter Yambem, 41 (Beacon, New York)
John D. Yamnicky, 71 (Charles County, Maryland)
Suresh Yanamadala, 33 (Plainsboro Township, New Jersey)
Vicki Yancey, 43 (Fairfax County, Virginia)
Dr. Shuyin Yang, 61 (Beijing, China)
Matthew D. Yarnell, 26 (Jersey City, New Jersey)
Myrna Yaskulka, 59 (New York, New York)
Shakila Yasmin, 26 (New York, New York)
IT2 Kevin W. Yokum, 27 (Lake Charles, Louisiana)
Edward P. York, 45 (Wilton, Connecticut)
Kevin P. York, 41 (Princeton, New Jersey)
Raymond R. York, 45 (Hempstead, New York)
Suzanne M. Youmans, 60 (New York, New York)
Barrington L. Young; Jr., 35 (New York, New York)
ITC Donald A. Young, 41 (Roanoke, Virginia)
Edmond G. Young; Jr., 22 (Owings, Maryland)
Jacquelyn Young, 37 (New York, New York)
Lisa L. Young, 36 (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Elkin Yuen, 32 (New York, New York)
Joseph C. Zaccoli, 39 (Hempstead, New York)
Adel A. Zakhary, 50 (North Arlington, New Jersey)
Arkady Zaltsman, 45 (New York, New York)
Edwin J. Zambrana; Jr., 24 (New York, New York)
Robert A. Zampieri, 30 (Saddle River, New Jersey)
Mark Zangrilli, 36 (Pequannock Township, New Jersey)
Christopher R. Zarba; Jr., 47 (Hopkinton, Massachusetts)
Ira Zaslow, 55 (Hempstead, New York)
Kenneth A. Zelman, 37 (Roxbury Township, New Jersey)
Abraham J. Zelmanowitz, 55 (New York, New York)
Zhe Zeng, 28 (New York, New York)
Marc S. Zeplin, 33 (Harrison, New York)
Jie Y. J. Zhao, 27 (New York, New York)
Dr. Yuguang Zheng, 65 (Beijing, China)
Ivelin Ziminski, 40 (Greenburgh, New York)
Michael J. Zinzi, 37 (West Milford, New Jersey)
Charles A. Zion, 54 (Greenwich, Connecticut)
Julie L. Zipper, 44 (Paramus, New Jersey)
Salvatore J. Zisa, 45 (Hawthorne, New Jersey)
Prokopios P. Zois, 46 (Hempstead, New York)
Joseph J. Zuccala, 54 (Cortlandt, New York)
Andrew S. Zucker, 27 (New York, New York)
Igor Zukelman, 29 (New York, New York)
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petalididonna ¡ 2 years ago
Predicare l’amore e seminare l’odio
Mi presento, ho 62 anni, sono un Veterinario ed ho 2 figli di cui uno autistico, sono padre e proprietario di animali, genitore coscienzioso ed a contatto quotidianamente col mondo dell’animalismo e col mondo della disabilità, padre e veterinario contemporaneamente.
Una frase che i miei clienti mi ripetono costantemente è “chi non ha mai avuto un cane/gatto non riesce minimamente ad immaginare il mondo di amore che queste creature sanno donare.
Ecco, lei non ha mai avuto un cane o un gatto, lo si capisce dal modo in cui sottovaluta la questione, non è colpa sua, me ne rendo conto, se avesse provato quel tipo di affetto che il suo predecessore conosceva bene (Papa Ratzinger amava la compagnia dei gatti) non avrebbe detto cose tanto superficiali e fuorvianti.
La cosa grave che, mi permetta, non le fa onore è il creare la contrapposizione “chi ama gli animali non ama i bambini”, è un concetto errato e divisivo, chi ama la vita riconosce il dolore, negli occhi di un bambino o di un animale, amare vuol dire immedesimarsi, capire, ascoltare, quella dell’amore è una ginnastica quotidiana e non è mai divisiva, l’amore per la vita, sotto qualsiasi forma, arricchisce e non impoverisce.
Ma davvero lei crede che quello di Francesco di Assisi, il santo povero, l’uomo che camminava a piedi scalzi e coperto di umili panni, fosse tempo perso?, che non avrebbe dovuto parlare agli uccellini, scrivere il cantico delle creature, ammansire il lupo di Gubbio?
Ma lo sa che il santo d’Assisi diceva: “Se avete uomini che escluderanno una qualsiasi delle creature di Dio dal rifugio della compassione e della pietà, avrete uomini che trattano nello stesso modo i simili”
Ma ha mai visto la benedizione degli animali che si tiene in molte chiese il 17 gennaio nella tradizionale festa di S. Antonio Abate? E’ un tripudio di gioia, vecchietti e bambini ognuno col proprio animaletto domestico, tutti uniti dalla fede e dalla speranza, io stesso ci andai portando Tommasino un gatto reso diversamente abile dall’aggressione di un branco di cani nella speranza di un miracolo
Ma davvero lei crede che la fame nel mondo sia dovuta allo spreco di risorse per acquistare le crocchette? E no, qui divento cattivo io!, ma non è che forse dovrebbe preoccuparsi della ristrutturazioni degli immobili da 700 mq del cardinale Bertone finanziate coi soldi delle elemosine?, non dovrebbe preoccuparsi degli spot a pioggia per l’8 per mille? (nel 2004 sono costati 4.650.000,00 euro, non oso pensare adesso) per accaparrarsi la gestione di fondi che normalmente andrebbero comunque alla beneficenza ma che passando per voi vengono ridotti da spese folli?
Ma lo sa quanti bambini avreste saziato coi 4 milioni dati a Mediaset e Rai?
Gesù diceva “quando fai l’elemosina, non suonare la tromba davanti a te, come fanno gli ipòcriti nelle sinagoghe e nelle strade, per essere lodati dalla gente. In verità io vi dico: hanno già ricevuto la loro ricompensa. Invece, mentre tu fai l’elemosina, non sappia la tua sinistra ciò che fa la tua destra, perché la tua elemosina resti nel segreto; e il Padre tuo, che vede nel segreto, ti ricompenserà”e allora tutti questi spot autocelebrativi per l’8 per mille? Il vangelo lo citate solo quando vi conviene?
Per giudicare bisogna conoscere la gente, non il lusso. Lei non ha la minima idea di quante vite hanno salvato gli animali, di quanto un gatto possa curare la depressione di un anziana vedova e col nido svuotato, di quanto un cane possa essere di aiuto all’autostima di un ragazzo disabile, di quanto un cucciolo possa aiutare un bambino abbandonato dal padre fuggito con un’altra donna, di quanto un cagnolino possa attenuare il dolore di una coppia di anziani che hanno perso il loro unico figlio, tutte storie di vita che non potrebbero sfociare nell’adozione di un bambino, tutte storie di vita che lei dal suo trono dorato non vede.
Le persone, caro Papa, non fanno più figli perché non se lo possono permettere, perché in Italia un fitto costa quanto uno stipendio e quindi si deve lavorare fulltime in due, perché a Milano un asilo nido costa più dello stipendio di un call center, perché ti offrono solo lavoro precario ed orari impossibili… con quale presupposto una persona coscienziosa e non ricca può fare un figlio?
Vuole più accudimento per i bambini? Faccia la guerra al precariato, al lavoro nero, allo sfruttamento e si troverà circondato da persone felici di fare figli ma, la prego, la smetta di far guerra agli animali, sono creature di Dio, sono un dono per l’anima, sono una palestra per imparare la tolleranza, il rispetto, sono una manna dal cielo nell’universo di solitudine ed alienazione che sempre di più attanagliano le nostre metropoli.
L’amore, quello vero, non divide ma aggrega, in ogni cuore ogni sentimento crea lo spazio per uno nuovo.
L’amore per la vita, qualunque vita, è un valore totalizzante e mai riduttivo.
Amare insegna ad amare.
La donna che lei ha pubblicamente scacciato e deriso è una credente ed ha 50 anni, non è propriamente l’età per fare o adottare figli, certamente avrà sbagliato dicendo “mi benedice mio figlio?” ma lei che ha benedetto finanche una lussuosa Lamborghini bianca forse avrebbe potuto perdonarla, in ogni caso quel cagnolino sarà importante per quella donna e lei era venuta fiduciosa ad incontrarla.
Una occasione persa
Dottor Vincenzo Minuto
Medico Veterinario
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lospeakerscorner ¡ 2 months ago
Chef di Pizza Stellati
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pietroalviti ¡ 1 year ago
Sant'Antonio abate, 17 gennaio, a Villa S. Stefano, il focaraccio, a Ceccano la benedizione degli animali
La leggenda narra che il Santo scese nelle profondità dell’inferno per liberare i peccatori dal fuoco ed è in suo onore, quindi, che tutta Italia ricorda e lo festeggia, accendendo un grande falò. A Villa Santo Stefano la tradizione si rinnoverà al mattino presto di mercoledì 17 gennaio, con il Focaraccio: nel giorno precedente tutti portano un pezzo di legna per il grande falò, che verrà…
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encantobigbang ¡ 2 years ago
Here is @ambidextrous-space-samurai's contribution to the Encanto Big Bang!! ⏳💫
🪨 Pockets Full of Stones 🪨
“And oh, poor Atlas
The world’s a beast of a burden
You’ve been holding on a long time”
- What the Water Gave Me, Florence + the Machine
Bruno was floating somewhere warm, safe - a vast darkness dotted with pinpricks of light. He could feel his feet soaring above his head, much farther out than he was used to, and his head felt fuzzy and broad. The echoes of some unknown song hummed in the abyss, punctuated by bright notes in a higher pitch. Those notes became more prominent, more grating, until suddenly something cold and damp jammed itself into his ear, and Bruno awoke with a snort, dodging to the side so hard he nearly slammed his head into the wall. He blinked, swinging his head about muzzily until he saw two beady little eyes shining in the darkness on the other side of his pillow.
"What was that for?!" he croaked, rubbing the shell of his ear against his shoulder. The chilly discomfort left behind by what had now obviously been a rat's nose did not abate.
A shrill squeak was all he got in reply.
Fumbling for his matchbox - which he kept on the bedside table when he could remember to take it out of his pocket - he lit a sharp flare into the night with a practiced flick of his wrist. The flame illuminated a sleek young agouti with a notched ear, sitting attentively next to the dent his head had left in the pillow. Ah. Viola.
"Well, well, well. The prodigal daughter returns," he snarked, raising a brow in her direction. She flicked an ear, unrepentant. He shook out the match, letting his room return to its natural semi-dark, and blinked at her until his eyes adjusted.
Once one of Bruno's clingiest cohorts, Viola had taken mightily to Antonio during the rebuilding of Casita, and nowadays - especially once the gifts had returned and the two were able to chat in earnest - she tended to spend most of her time in the little boy's company. Bruno didn't think he'd seen her at all in over a week, and it had been at least a month since he'd seen her without her new best friend. (He wasn't bitter. He wasn't. He was happy for ToĂąito. It was just...a change. That's all. He didn't miss her, not one bit. Nope.)
"So what are you doing, waking me up at...uhh," he glanced around but, as his little bedroom nook was windowless, he couldn't really parse out what time it was. He changed tack. "At...night? What do you need?"
Viola seemed to have been waiting for the question, and darted forward, grasping his sleeve lightly between her teeth and giving his arm a gentle tug. She hopped down to the floor and headed for his bedroom door, stopping when she was halfway there and turning to look back at him.
Bruno scrambled to his feet, flipping back the covers and slipping into his chanclas. She didn't look panicked or particularly urgent with her request, but it was still a strange ask. Based on the company she usually kept, this must have something to do with Antonio, and that alone sent a jolt of adrenaline through his veins. His tĂ­o instincts were strong, and not something he was likely to ever ignore. Never again, at least.
“I’m coming, Vi,” he mumbled, shuffling about until he found one of his ruanas, draped over the back of his comfortable old armchair. It was nearly winter, after all, and even in the valley it got cold after dark. She led him out his bedroom door, and in the clear air of the upper level of the house he could see that it was sometime between midnight and dawn. Late.
Viola scrambled up onto Casita’s railing and ran along the handrail, nimble and quick. He followed her around the mezzanine until she stopped in front of Mirabel’s new door - bright, smiling, and surrounded by butterflies, her relief carving made his heart pang with something fond and proud every time he passed it.
The rat lifted up onto her hind legs, raising her nose to the clear, starry sky - Pepa must be having nice dreams tonight - and sniffing a few times before she eyed Bruno meaningfully and raced her way up one of the columns, her long tail disappearing over the edge of the roof. He leaned against the railing, puzzled, and craned his neck up at the spot where she’d vanished. After a moment, he could hear a low murmuring, punctuated by a childish giggle and a quick shush. Antonio. Was on the roof. Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“Casita!” Bruno hissed, tapping the railing with urgency. “I need to get up there. Can you help?”
The spindles rattled and a few tiles flapped, as if the house was laughing at him. Still, the banister beneath his hands swung out and up in a smooth, practiced motion, forming something of a ladder between the place the tiles stopped and the overhang of the roof began. The ease with which Casita had given him a pathway made him suspicious. How many times had it done this before? For the kids? For Antonio?
“We’re gonna have words about this, Casita,” he scolded as he swung onto the makeshift ladder, starting to climb. “After...I take care of whatever this is."
When he poked his head over the edge of the roof, bracing himself to gently reprimand his youngest sobrino for the first time ever (And what right did he have to do that, anyway? He'd known the kid for a mere handful of months, and he'd never been much of a disciplinarian, even with the older kids), he was surprised to find that instead of seeing a little boy cuddling with a troupe of animals, his eyes were greeted by a towering silhouette framed against the night sky - one that could belong only to Luisa. Her profile was limned in moonlight, strong nose turned up to the stars. Normally held stiff and straight and always in motion, her body had relaxed into a pensive slump as she perched, still and statuesque, on the ridge of the roof.
"Luisa?" Bruno asked, clambering up onto the slope of the tiles.
The dark figure jumped violently, clasping her hands to her chest as she spun around to look down at him.
"TĂ­o!" she gasped, immediately looking ashamed of herself. "I was just..."
"Just doing some stargazing, Tío!” a familiar voice piped up from the darkness beyond. As Bruno made it to the peak of the roof, he saw Mirabel’s curly head peep out from behind her sister’s hulking form, glasses flashing briefly in the darkness. From beyond her, a fluffy little head leaned out even further. There he was.
Antonio waved at him gaily, giving him a toothy grin. Viola sat on his knee, looking smug.
“Hola, Tío! So you were awake!”
“Uh. What?”
“Mirabel was wondering if you were awake and wanted to join us, so I sent Viola to go see!” he chirped, scratching the young rat under her chin. “Luisa thought you’d be asleep, but Mira said it was a good idea for Vi to check anyway. I’m glad you were up! The sky is so pretty tonight.”
Bruno didn’t have the heart to tell him that, uhh, no, he actually hadn’t been awake, and had actually been having a remarkably dreamless rest, for once. Viola was a devious little thing - almost as devious as Mirabel, who had clearly manipulated the situation to her advantage. She was taking in his rumpled, muzzy appearance, and met his eyes to give him an apologetic wince. She looked otherwise unrepentant, however - so proven when her wince gave way to a sly grin.
“Yeah, glad you were awake so late, tío,” she chortled. He sent a grumpy squint her way, but in the end just shook his head and swung his legs around to sit on the roof next to Luisa. She was still eyeing him warily, sitting ramrod straight and pinning fidgety hands between her knees.
“I’m sorry, tío! I know it’s not safe for us all to be up here, and it’s late, and I’ve got chores in the morning, but I caught Antonio and Mirabel sneaking up earlier, and Toñito hasn’t ever gotten to stargaze before. I thought maybe it would be okay as long as I supervised. Because, um. If anyone started to fall, I could catch them, no problem! And I’m an adult! Technically.”
She took a breath following her outburst, and gave him a tense smile. He opened his mouth to reply, but, lungs filled, she rambled on.
“But, um, you’re here now. And you’re actually an adult, so that’s...um, better. So! If you’re, ah, wanting to stay, I can go back to bed now, sorry. Have fun!”
She moved to stand, but Bruno held up a hand to allay her.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, kid. You don’t have to leave.”
Mirabel took the opportunity to grab Luisa’s arm, tucking in next to her and pulling her gently back to her seat.
“Yeah! Me and Toñito want you here, too! We were having fun! Right, hombrecito?”
Antonio nodded enthusiastically.
“I like sitting with you. I don’t get to very much.”
Luisa made a little gutted sound at that, but assented and settled back down. She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, resuming her quiet perusal of the night sky, but her shoulders were tense now where they hadn’t been before. Mirabel turned her attention back to Antonio, who was asking a question about one of the constellations, and Bruno took the opportunity to settle in, crossing his legs more comfortably against the tiles. He looked at Luisa, frowning, and placed a hand gently on her back. Her eyes flicked towards him.
“It’s okay to do things for yourself, mija. Just because you want to. You don’t have to earn the right to relax.”
The corners of her lips turned up, and she tucked her chin into her arms.
“That’s what Mirabel said.”
“Well, Mirabel is right.”
“I know. It’s just...”
“It’s hard.”
He didn’t know what else to say. Luisa was staring up at the moon, conflict swimming in her eyes, and he wasn’t sure how to address whatever was bothering her without spooking her into clamming up again. A scuffling sound coming from the direction of the younger kids awarded him some time to think, as he turned his head to watch Antonio start to crawl along the tiles of the roof towards him.
The little boy paused in front of his tío, gazing up at him with those big doe eyes, and it only took Bruno a moment to parse out his intention. He opened his arms in invitation. Antonio smiled and clambered into his lap, turning around to lean back against his chest with a whump and wiggling a little to get comfortable. Viola emerged from the folds of his nightshirt and curled up in his lap. Once they were both settled, Bruno closed his arms back around the kid’s middle in a loose but secure hold, as he’d discovered was Toñito’s preference. Antonio laced his fingers together and settled his hands atop Bruno’s, humming happily.
“You want a story?” Bruno asked, tilting his head to the side to see around his sobrino’s cloud of curls.
“Yes please!” he replied. They had a system now, and what a revelation. To have something as simple as a bedtime story routine with the kid he’d lost so much time with - one he’d never expected to even get the opportunity to meet. The thought made Bruno’s chest tighten, and he shook it off immediately, giving Antonio a quick squeeze.
“Okay. What are you in the mood for?”
ToĂąito hemmed and hawed, flapping his knees like a pair of butterfly wings, before he lifted a hand and pointed at a random patch of stars twinkling above the belt of Orion.
“Who are they?”
“Ahh,” Bruno sighed, slipping into the theatrical tone he saved for stories and telenovela retellings. “The Seven Sisters. Their story is something of a tragedy, as most of the stars’ are. Is that okay, Toñito?”
The boy nodded firmly, and Bruno settled his chin into his hair, readying himself for the tale. He could tell without looking that he’d already roped Mirabel and Luisa in, as they’d gone silent and still next to him.
“The story of The Seven Sisters - the Pleiades - is a simple one, but important all the same. They were born to the titan Atlas and the nymph Pleione, and they were said to be so beautiful and so graceful and kind that everyone desired to marry them. But they were companions of Artemis - remember her, mijo? Protector of the hunt and of wild animals?”
Antonio gasped and nodded.
“Like me!”
“Right! Well, they were pledged to follow her forever, and could not take suitors. They turned everyone away. The hunter Orion, however, did not take no for an answer, and continued to pursue them.”
All three listeners gasped, scandalized, and Antonio as always voiced his thoughts.
“That’s mean!”
“Very right, Toñito. He was a bad man.”
“But he’s up there too! He’s right there next to them! Look!”
“And that’s part of why this story is so sad. Listen close, kids.”
Everyone leaned in, enraptured.
“When all of their rebuffs failed, Artemis went to her father Zeus and demanded he protect her beloved friends. But her father was not known to be a good man either. He decided to turn them into doves, and when that didn’t work - when Orion still followed, and Artemis stooped to beg for Zeus’s help - he turned them into stars.”
All four of them turned their faces to the sky, gazing at the little cluster of lights that sparkled so closely together their light became a glow that ensconced them all.
“While now the hunter could not reach them, neither could Artemis, and she was angry. To be placed in the sky was an honor, sure, but also a death sentence. She missed her friends, and Orion’s stubbornness had stolen them from her. So she asked her twin brother Apollo to send the great scorpion, Scorpius, to kill him.”
He could feel Antonio’s little hands tense against his own, and the breath of the girls to his left catch in suspense. Time for the grand finale.
“The scorpion succeeded. After a mighty battle, he stung Orion with his enormous stinger and the hunter died! But Zeus and Orion’s friends were angry to have lost such a great hunter, so Zeus raised Orion to the stars as well, placing him just behind The Seven Sisters so that he could chase them for eternity.”
The girls next to him were quiet, and Antonio plucked at Bruno’s fingers, brow furrowed and thinking hard.
“That’s not fair.”
“Yeah, sorry, kid. I warned you it was a tragedy. But look there!” He glanced to his left and saw that both sisters were following his finger too as he pointed just south of Orion. “The Scorpion. Zeus raised him, too, as a memorial and to remind mankind not to be too proud. So, every night forever, Orion may chase the Sisters, but the Scorpion chases Orion too. Now he knows what it feels like to be pursued. Maybe one day he’ll stop running.” Antonio relaxed against him, eyes fixed on the little tableau of pursuit written in the stars.
Mirabel snorted. “Yeah, I doubt it.”
Luisa nudged her lightly, and Mirabel glared until she saw Antonio’s face, screwed up in consternation. “But yeah, yeah, maybe! It doesn’t feel good to be running for your life all the time, maybe he’ll learn his lesson and stop chasing The Sisters so they can rest!”
“We can only hope,” Bruno cut in. “And keep giving them a good example to follow, right chiquito?” He patted Antonio’s belly gently, smiling down at him, and the little boy gave him a wide smile.
“That story was more about the hunter than the sisters, though. What were their names? What did they do?” he queried, head tilting. Bruno’s heart swelled. Oh, this kid. He’d been raised well. And he was so smart.
“Good catch, ‘Tonio! That happens a lot in these stories, doesn’t it? Okay. Let’s start with Merope. She’s often called ‘the Lost Pleiad,’ as she was the only one of the sisters to...”
... ... ...
Bruno had gotten through five of the sisters and had begun Electra’s tale when he felt Antonio slump fully against him, breathing deeply. He lifted a hand to carefully smooth the curls back from the boy’s forehead, and saw that his eyes were closed and already fluttering with dreams.
Mirabel, yawning on the other side of Luisa, looked over when she heard Bruno cut off mid-sentence. Her face melted into a sappy grin.
“Aww. Storytime always does the trick, doesn’t it?”
“That it does. Worked for you kids when you were little, too.”
Mirabel laughed, but Luisa remained still and quiet. When he looked up at her, she was staring at The Seven Sisters, a furrow in her brow. He nudged her, and she jolted, turning her face down to look at him.
“Sorry, tío.” Her face colored. “I was paying attention, I promise.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine.” She plastered on a stiff smile, and turned her face back to the sky.
Mirabel frowned behind her, and locked eyes with Bruno. She raised her brows, and he set his jaw, nodding once. Mirabel then affected a huge stretch, accompanied by the most theatrical yawn Bruno had ever seen - and that was saying something.
“Augh, I’m pooped. I think it’s about time for me to go to bed. Want me to take Antonio with me, tío?”
“Sure, in a minute. I’ve got one more story I’d like to share with you before you go, if that’s alright.”
Mirabel nodded.
“I want to tell you girls about The Seven Sisters’ father, Atlas. He was one of the Titans - the gods that ruled in the very beginning of everything, according to myth. There was eventually a great war between the Titans and the upstart Olympians - Zeus and his ilk - and the Olympians won. As punishment, Atlas was condemned to hold up the Earth on his shoulders for eternity. Well, technically the celestial spheres, buuut it’s just easier to say it was the Earth. Whatever.” He flapped a hand in the air lazily.
“The point is, he was this super strong guy - he could hold the entire planet on his shoulders, no problem! But after a while, even he got tired. It’s a big job. There was so much pressure on him, because if he dropped the Earth, uhh, that’d really be bad for all of us mortals, huh? So he couldn’t put it down, but it just kept getting harder and harder to manage, and it kept getting heavier because people and animals kept being born, y’know? He needed a break! The burden could only be taken willingly, though, and no one else wanted that job. So he stayed, holding up the earth, for millenia, no end in sight.”
“And he got free eventually, right?” Mirabel asked, hands fisted in the skirt of her nightdress. Bruno shrugged, playing coy.
“There are lots of different stories, but most say no. Perseus showed up one day asking for shelter, and because of a prophecy - yeah, I know, ugh - about a demigod hero stealing his golden apples, he refused out of fear, and got turned into a mountain range.”
“Argh! That’s dumb!” She kept her voice quiet for Antonio’s sake, but he could just about see her head steaming.
“Sorry, kiddo. Most of these myths don’t have happy endings. Lessons back then usually came down to something something folly of man, something something don’t mess with the gods.” He shrugged. She crossed her arms over her chest.
“Well, on that note, I’m gonna head down to bed before I something something folly of man and mess up my sleep schedule.”
Bruno chortled, and she tossed her curls haughtily. More and more as the formerly contentious sisters spent time together, he was starting to see hints of Isabela in her demeanor - he would never tell her that, though, lest he risk her wrath. Both of their wrath.
She leaned up to wrap a very stiff and stoic Luisa in a hug, then wove her way past her to kneel down next to Bruno and collect her little primo.
“You got him? He’s almost as big as you are, now.”
Luisa shifted, sensing duty calling, but Mirabel held up a hand.
“I’ve got him! Casita will help, anyway. Won’t you?” She patted the tiles fondly, and they rolled in a wave around her, lifting into a concave dome next to her knee. She and Bruno both worked to settle the sleeping boy into the makeshift cradle, and he rolled once, sighing, before falling back into dreamland. Viola groggily curled up beneath his chin.
Mirabel’s eyes flicked to her sister, who sat morosely with her chin atop her arms, staring blankly at the ridges of the mountains that surrounded them. She sighed and leaned in to give her tío a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Good night, mariposa,” he murmured, closing an arm around her.
“Good night, tío.”
She whispered in his ear as she pulled away.
“Good luck.”
He hummed in reply, patting her on the back, and watched as she trekked off over the ridge of the roof, Casita bundling Antonio along by rolling his makeshift bassinet over a series of flipping tiles. At the edge, the cradle expanded to let Mirabel climb in, and Casita turned the ladder into a slide, letting both of the kids skid gently down its slope to the mezzanine proper. A minute later, after all the tiles had bounced back to their places on the rooftop, he heard Antonio’s door open and close.
Luisa seemed to jolt back to herself, and glanced at him guiltily.
“I suppose I should head to bed, too. No one left to babysit,” she said, looking down at the toes of her slippers. She didn’t make a move to get up, though.
“Well, I’m gonna stay up here a while, I think. Despite what your tía might say, I don’t need babysitting, but if you’re willing to keep sitting with me, I’d enjoy the company.”
Luisa’s face instantly lightened, and she sighed out a breath that made her whole body deflate.
He smiled at her, and turned his face to the sky. He was glad that his hunch had been correct. Give her a purpose, a reason to be still, a responsibility slyly attached to relaxation, and she will feel useful enough to indulge in some self-care without realizing that that’s what she’s doing. It had always worked with Julieta, the other tireless workhorse of the family.
They sat in silence for a while, simply enjoying the cool night air and the quiet of the house. The sound of Antonio’s door opening again, and slippered feet padding their way to Mirabel’s room beneath them, pulled him from his trance. He waited until he heard Mira’s door close, too, then turned to Luisa, mouth open to finally ask what was on her mind.
He stopped, shellshocked, when he saw that she was sitting there, tears cutting silently down her face, and he hadn’t noticed. She cried entirely soundlessly - to him, at least; he was sure Dolores would have been able to tell - and his entire line of thought instantly derailed.
“Luisita, hey,” he said, hands hovering over her. “What’s wrong, conejita?”
She jumped and cringed, hurriedly wiping her face with the backs of her hands.
“Nothing! Nothing, I’m sorry! I was just thinking!”
“About something that made you cry? What is it, mija?”
She clamped her jaw shut and turned away, clamming up just as he’d feared she would. He shuffled closer, rising to his knees, and the roof beneath them creaked.
Luisa gasped - half sob, half breath - and color rose to her cheeks instantly.
“Oh no! I - I really shouldn’t be up here. I’m too heavy, the roof won’t hold me, what was I thinking?” Her hands went to brace against the tiles, trying to distribute her weight more evenly as she began to edge her way backwards.
“Nonsense. Casita’s got you. Isn’t that right?” The tiles around Luisa’s feet clacked gently, and one flipped up to pat her hand. “Sit down, Luisa. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong, tío! The stories were just sad tonight, that’s all.”
“Sure. But what about them affected you so much?” He edged up to sit against her side, holding out a hand in offering. After a few too many moments of hesitation, she placed a hand in his, and he clasped it, squeezing.
“I just...Atlas. And his daughters. None of them did anything wrong, and yet they’ll suffer forever for it. It’s sad.”
Bruno hummed.
“It is.”
“Innocent people shouldn’t have to suffer because-because others are too selfish and hateful to let them be.”
“And yet they do. All the time.”
“It’s not okay!”
“It’s not.”
Luisa breathed out an exasperated breath.
“Why should Atlas have to carry the whole world forever?”
There it was.
“Because he was too kind not to.”
Luisa turned to him, brow furrowed.
“Think about it. What do you think his real curse was? It was kindness. Sure, he was sentenced to all that responsibility, but the real issue was that he refused to let it down. He didn’t want to inconvenience anyone else, couldn’t bear to endanger the people he was charged with protecting, and no one was coming to save him, so he stayed. A lesser man - Orion, for example - would have given up as soon as things got hard.”
Luisa’s face crumpled.
“But. But wasn’t he doing good? Helping? How is that a curse?”
“It becomes a curse when the good-doing is helping everyone except the do-gooder. For one, it isn’t sustainable.”
“He lasted this long. He can keep it up. Even if it hurts.”
“You’re not a god, Luisa.”
Her hand clenched around his, involuntarily, and he winced. The color drained from her face, and she released him with speed.
“Sorry! Oh no. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Luisa.”
“Are you sure? I think I felt a bone crack -”
“I’m sure. Don’t change the subject on me, now.”
Luisa fidgeted, pulling her hands to her chest and picking at her fingernails. Bruno sighed.
“You remind me so much of your mamá, you know?”
She looked up at him, perplexed.
“Most people say I take after my Pá.”
He looked her over; took in her long, straight nose, her lighter skin and chestnut hair.
“Sure you do. But there’s a lot of Julieta in you too.”
Luisa smiled shyly, tucking a curl behind her ear. He continued, taking her hand again.
“For one, neither of you have ever been able to justify taking time for yourself, unless it’s done as a service to someone else.”
She twisted her mouth, but stayed silent.
“Like Atlas - you’ve both taken on this huge, inhuman task of thinking yourself responsible for the whole community’s safety and happiness, and it’s just...not sustainable.”
“We’ve lasted this long,” she muttered.
“Yes, but past endurance doesn’t necessitate future suffering. Trust me. I know the future, heh.” Bruno smiled wanly, and squeezed her hand between his.
“But no one came to save Atlas,” Luisa whispered, tears beginning to fill her eyes once more. “He had to keep going.”
Bruno’s heart panged, and the pain of it drove him forward.
“And I’m so sorry no one has bothered to come and save you. I’m so sorry I haven’t. There’s no excuse. Voluntary blindness from a seer, how despicable.” He scoffed at himself, shaking his head, and she turned to him, gaze hardening.
“But you’ve done it, too. You carried the world for us, for Mirabel, all by yourself for ten whole years. That wasn’t fair, either, and none of us came to save you.”
He...didn’t have anything to say to that. He cleared his throat, turning back to the glimmering shape of the Pleiades in the sky.
“You know, the whole mountain thing. That’s not the end of Atlas’s story.”
Her brow lifted.
“It’s not?”
“No. I wanted to save this last bit for you - if you want to hear it.”
“Um. Okay. Is it sad?”
“There are a couple versions. One is a little sad. One isn’t.”
“Can I have the not-sad one? Please?”
Bruno laughed, a weary tension painting his tone.
“The sadness lives in both of them, regardless. Sometimes the difference between a tragedy and a comedy is just where you place the ending.”
Bruno smiled at her, shifting back into story mode.
“Remember that prophecy that Atlas was so scared of? Turns out it wasn’t about Perseus at all - it referred to his great-grandson, Hercules.”
“Oh!” Luisa gasped. “I’ve heard about him!”
“I’m sure you have. He was a very famous hero, renowned for both his strength of body and his strength of character. Anyway, one of his twelve Heroic Labours was to fetch some of the golden apples that Atlas guarded, so eventually he came to the place Atlas stood. Hercules was very strong, so he offered to trade positions with Atlas and hold up the earth for one day in exchange for a basket of the apples. Exhausted and so so desperate for a break at this point, Atlas agreed, and Hercules took the world onto his back.”
“So he did get a break!”
“He did! Of course, when that day was up, and Atlas returned with the apples, he didn’t want to take up that burden, and tried to trick Hercules by offering to go deliver the apples himself, save Hercules the trip. Hercules knew deep in his soul that Atlas wouldn’t come back to relieve him, and remember - the burden can only be taken on willingly - so he tricked him in return.”
“That’s not very heroic,” Luisa muttered.
“No, but when you’re in pain and desperate, sometimes even heroes do selfish things. Just as bad people are capable of doing good deeds, so too are good people capable of doing bad deeds. No one is just one or the other. Nuance is a part of life.”
She hummed, and tucked in a little closer to him. Bruno let go of her hand for long enough to clasp her arm, guiding her down, down, down until she could reach to rest her head on his shoulder. This too was an uncomfortable contortion, so she twisted until she was laying flat on the tiles, head pillowed on his thigh, and stared up at the stars. Bruno rested a hand atop her head, and smoothed her curls as he continued the story.
“So Hercules tricked Atlas - he asked him to take the Earth back for just a moment, so he could pull his cloak up to pad his shoulders. Knowing how much his own shoulders ached, Atlas took pity and agreed. Once Atlas had taken on his burden willingly again, Hercules took the apples and fled, leaving the titan again to hold up the world forever.”
“That’s it?! That’s so sad! It’s almost worse that he got a break, but it was just one day. Now he remembers what it was like to be free.”
“Hmm,” Bruno hummed. “Almost like, I dunno, he...lost his strength for a few months and just got to be a regular person again? Then, just as he was getting used to enjoying life like that, his power was returned to him?”
Luisa’s mouth made a little ‘o’ as the revelation hit. Her gasp was more of a wheeze than an exclamation.
“Mhmm. See what I’m getting at here, kid?”
“So. That’s where the story ends. Or, it’s another ending, at least.”
“And that’s the sad one?”
“That’s the sad one. Atlas gets one day of relief, and then returns to his duty. But there’s one more ending. And this one is my favorite.”
Luisa wiggled, much like Antonio, trying to get comfortable as she settled in for her own bedtime story.
“In this version - this continuation, rather - Hercules returns after he has finished his Labours. He had held Atlas’s burden for a day. He knew how hard it was, how painful, and he had empathy for Atlas. He was a good man, after all, renowned for his strength of character. Even if people liked to just focus on his muscles.”
He squeezed one of Luisa’s biceps, and she giggled.
“So he returned. He spent long days building and building until he had constructed two great pillars - the Pillars of Hercules - made so tall and so strong that they held the sky away from the earth, freeing Atlas forever from his terrible duty.” Bruno smiled and rubbed a thumb across Luisa’s forehead. “And that’s the real end to the story. Or, that’s where I choose to end it. I don’t know what happened next.”
“Wow,” Luisa sighed. “So he did get free in the end.”
“Yes,” Bruno said. “Because he accepted help, he shared his burdens, and he had someone who loved him enough to put the work in to save him. You see what I’m getting at, mija?”
Luisa rolled her eyes, smiling that shy little smile of hers.
“Yes, tío.”
“You are so loved, you know that? By this whole family. I love you very much, Luisita, and it hurts me to see you hurting. So please, let me be your Hercules on hard days, okay? Or, let one of us be. I promise you that no one will mind stepping up to shoulder your burdens - be that taking on your chores for a while, making you take a nap, just being a listening ear, whatever. Whatever you need, whatever will make your load lighter, we’re here for you. Your happiness is just as important as anyone else’s.”
Luisa’s eyes were damp again, and Bruno couldn’t say that his weren’t.
“Thank you, tío."
"Anytime, Luisita."
They sat in silence for a bit, staring up at the contentious sky - held away from them by the pillars agape built.
"One more piece of advice, and then I think it really is going to be bedtime."
Luisa nodded, eyes drooping.
"See how big the moon is in the sky? She overtakes everything else, she's so huge and bright. But did you know that even the tiniest, faintest stars in the sky are thousands of times bigger than she is?"
Luisa shook her head, mouth quirked in contemplation.
"She only seems big because she's so close to us. So too do even our smallest problems seem huge when we're right on top of them. You've just got to remember that just because something seems insurmountable now, it will pass. Nothing is as serious as it may seem in the moment - and the really big stuff? It's so far away that you don't have to worry about it yet, and anyway you'll definitely be able to see it coming. For long enough to have plenty of time to prepare. So. So don't worry so much. Little mistakes, little blips are like the moon when they're happening, but you've just got to remember the big picture. Don't lose the constellations for the stars, eh?"
He booped her on the nose.
"The Seven Sisters seem so much brighter because they're so close together, always. They're family, and as family, they depend on each other. They share the load. Let's be like them going forward, okay, mija?"
Luisa nodded, and yawned hugely.
"Okay, time for bed, for real this time." Bruno patted her on the shoulder. "Up, up, up. Come on, I'll tuck you in."
His sobrina smiled - a real one, wide and bright as the moon herself - and together they made their way down from their perch - two pillars suspended between the earth and the sky, taking the time to rest.
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anastpaul ¡ 1 year ago
Saint of the Day – 17 January – St Anthony Abbot (251-356)
Saint of the Day – 17 January – St Anthony Abbot (251-356) Hermit, Founder of Monasteries, Abbot and Spiritual Guide, Mystic and Miracle-Worker, beloved of all animals. Born in 251 at Heracleus, Egyptand died on 17 January 356 at Mount Colzim of natural causes. Also known as – Anthony of Egypt, Anthony of the Desert, Anthony the Anchorite, Anthony the Hermit, Antonio Abate, Father of All Monks,…
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opera-ghosts ¡ 2 years ago
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Here a picture of Gaetano Pini-Corsi as Mime, Madrid 1901.
Gaetano Pini-Corsi (1860-1935) was a gifted singer of both leading and buffo roles. Born in the Croatian town of Zara, Pini-Corsi came from a family of singers. Included in the dynasty were his two uncles, baritone Giovanni Corsi (1822-1890) and tenor Achille Corsi (1840-1906), his cousin, soprano Emilia Corsi (1870-1928), his nephew, tenor Umberto Pini-Corsi (1879-1911) and, probably the best known member of the family, older brother Antonio Pini-Corsi (1858-1918), the celebrated buffo baritone, who sang character roles at the Met during the early 20th Century. Gaetano Pini-Corsi made his debut in Empoli as Ernesto in Don Pasquale in 1881. For the next two decades, the tenor sang mostly leading roles, such as the Duke in Rigoletto, Riccardo in Un Ballo in Maschera, Alfredo in La Traviata, Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor, Elvino in La Sonnambula, Tonio in La Figlia del Reggimento, Almaviva in Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Gennaro in Lucrezia Borgia, Pollione in Norma, Manrico in Il Trovatore, Fernando in La Favorita, Nemorino in L’Elisir d’Amore, Carlo in Linda di Chamounix, Corentin in Dinorah and the title roles in Ernani, Fra Diavolo and Faust. As he approached the age of 40, however, Pini-Corsi found that his flair for the comedic lent itself to buffo roles. As the 19th century came to a close, the tenor began to gravitate more and more toward character roles. For the next several years, Pini-Corsi divided his time between leading and comic roles, finally committing exclusively to the latter in 1908. He was very much in demand in both major and provincial companies throughout Europe and the Americas including the Politeama in Genoa, the Teatro Regio in Parma, Como’s Teatro Sociale, the Teatro Ristori in Verona, Bologna’s Teatro Comunale, the Teatro Costanzi in Rome, Palermo’s Teatro Massimo, the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Milan’s La Scala, Turin’s Teatro Regio, La Fenice in Venice, Modena’s Teatro Municipale, the Teatro Reale in Madrid, the Teatro Coliseo in Lisbon, Barcelona’s Teatro Liceo, the Teatro Municipal in Caracas, the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, the Teatro Solís in Montevideo and Boston Opera. One of the high points in Pini-Corsi’s career was his creation of the role of the marriage broker, Goro, in the world premiere of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly at La Scala in 1904. It would become a part he sang frequently over the course of the next quarter century and remained one of the tenor’s favorite roles until the end of his career. Pini-Corsi’s massive repertoire of over 75 roles included Laertes in Hamlet, Dr. Cajus and Bardolfo in Falstaff, Don Basilio in Le Nozze di Figaro, The Dance Master in Manon Lescaut, Abate in Adriana Lecouvreur, Schmidt in Werther, the Servants in I Racconti d’Hoffmann, Cassio in Otello, Mime in both Siegfried and Das Rheingold, David in Die Meistersinger, both Joe and Nick in La Fanciulla del West, Wagner in Mefistofele, Incredibile in Andrea Chénier, First Jew in Salome, Trinca in La Cena delle Beffe, Despréaux in Madame Sans-Gêne, Laerte in Mignon, Spoletta in Tosca and Gherardo in Gianni Schicchi. It was as Goro that the 72-year-old tenor bade farewell to the stage at the Teatro Comunale in Ferrara in 1932. Gaetano Pini-Corsi passed away in Milan on December 16, 1935 at the age of 75. Gaetano Pini-Corsi made more than 40 recordings (including the very first complete recording of Pagliacci) for such labels as Fonografia Nazionale, Odeon Fonotipia, The Gramophone Company, Parlophone and Victor. These discs showcase a relatively lightweight instrument which the tenor used wisely and efficiently during his 50-year stage career. The stylistic similarities to his older brother Antonio are striking, most notably in the exaggerated, machine gun vibrato (also noticeable in some of Giovanni Martinelli’s recordings) that he sometimes uses for dramatic effect. It is not a classically beautiful voice, but an effective one, nonetheless.
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giannilenox ¡ 2 years ago
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Predicare l'amore e seminare l'odio
Mi presento, ho 62 anni, sono un Veterinario ed ho 2 figli di cui uno autistico, sono padre e proprietario di animali, genitore coscienzioso ed a contatto quotidianamente col mondo dell'animalismo e col mondo della disabilitĂ , padre e veterinario contemporaneamente.
Una frase che i miei clienti mi ripetono costantemente è “chi non ha mai avuto un cane/gatto non riesce minimamente ad immaginare il mondo di amore che queste creature sanno donare.
Ecco, lei non ha mai avuto un cane o un gatto, lo si capisce dal modo in cui sottovaluta la questione, non è colpa sua, me ne rendo conto, se avesse provato quel tipo di affetto che il suo predecessore conosceva bene (Papa Ratzinger amava la compagnia dei gatti) non avrebbe detto cose tanto superficiali e fuorvianti.
La cosa grave che, mi permetta, non le fa onore è il creare la contrapposizione “chi ama gli animali non ama i bambini”, è un concetto errato e divisivo, chi ama la vita riconosce il dolore, negli occhi di un bambino o di un animale, amare vuol dire immedesimarsi, capire, ascoltare, quella dell'amore è una ginnastica quotidiana e non è mai divisiva, l'amore per la vita, sotto qualsiasi forma, arricchisce e non impoverisce.
Ma davvero lei crede che quello di Francesco di Assisi, il santo povero, l'uomo che camminava a piedi scalzi e coperto di umili panni, fosse tempo perso?, che non avrebbe dovuto parlare agli uccellini, scrivere il cantico delle creature, ammansire il lupo di Gubbio?
Ma lo sa che il santo d'Assisi diceva: “Se avete uomini che escluderanno una qualsiasi delle creature di Dio dal rifugio della compassione e della pietà, avrete uomini che trattano nello stesso modo i simili”
Ma ha mai visto la benedizione degli animali che si tiene in molte chiese il 17 gennaio nella tradizionale festa di S. Antonio Abate? E' un tripudio di gioia, vecchietti e bambini ognuno col proprio animaletto domestico, tutti uniti dalla fede e dalla speranza, io stesso ci andai portando Tommasino un gatto reso diversamente abile dall'aggressione di un branco di cani nella speranza di un miracolo
Ma davvero lei crede che la fame nel mondo sia dovuta allo spreco di risorse per acquistare le crocchette? E no, qui divento cattivo io!, ma non è che forse dovrebbe preoccuparsi della ristrutturazioni degli immobili da 700 mq del cardinale Bertone finanziate coi soldi delle elemosine?, non dovrebbe preoccuparsi degli spot a pioggia per l'8 per mille? (nel 2004 sono costati 4.650.000,00 euro, non oso pensare adesso) per accaparrarsi la gestione di fondi che normalmente andrebbero comunque alla beneficenza ma che passando per voi vengono ridotti da spese folli?
Ma lo sa quanti bambini avreste saziato coi 4 milioni dati a Mediaset e Rai?
Gesù diceva “quando fai l'elemosina, non suonare la tromba davanti a te, come fanno gli ipòcriti nelle sinagoghe e nelle strade, per essere lodati dalla gente. In verità io vi dico: hanno già ricevuto la loro ricompensa. Invece, mentre tu fai l'elemosina, non sappia la tua sinistra ciò che fa la tua destra, perché la tua elemosina resti nel segreto; e il Padre tuo, che vede nel segreto, ti ricompenserà”e allora tutti questi spot autocelebrativi per l'8 per mille? Il vangelo lo citate solo quando vi conviene?
Per giudicare bisogna conoscere la gente, non il lusso. Lei non ha la minima idea di quante vite hanno salvato gli animali, di quanto un gatto possa curare la depressione di un anziana vedova e col nido svuotato, di quanto un cane possa essere di aiuto all'autostima di un ragazzo disabile, di quanto un cucciolo possa aiutare un bambino abbandonato dal padre fuggito con un'altra donna, di quanto un cagnolino possa attenuare il dolore di una coppia di anziani che hanno perso il loro unico figlio, tutte storie di vita che non potrebbero sfociare nell'adozione di un bambino, tutte storie di vita che lei dal suo trono dorato non vede.
Le persone, caro Papa, non fanno più figli perché non se lo possono permettere, perché in Italia un fitto costa quanto uno stipendio e quindi si deve lavorare fulltime in due, perché a Milano un asilo nido costa più dello stipendio di un call center, perché ti offrono solo lavoro precario ed orari impossibili… con quale presupposto una persona coscienziosa e non ricca può fare un figlio?
Vuole piĂš accudimento per i bambini? Faccia la guerra al precariato, al lavoro nero, allo sfruttamento e si troverĂ  circondato da persone felici di fare figli ma, la prego, la smetta di far guerra agli animali, sono creature di Dio, sono un dono per l'anima, sono una palestra per imparare la tolleranza, il rispetto, sono una manna dal cielo nell'universo di solitudine ed alienazione che sempre di piĂš attanagliano le nostre metropoli.
L'amore, quello vero, non divide ma aggrega, in ogni cuore ogni sentimento crea lo spazio per uno nuovo.
L'amore per la vita, qualunque vita, è un valore totalizzante e mai riduttivo.
Amare insegna ad amare.
La donna che lei ha pubblicamente scacciato e deriso è una credente ed ha 50 anni, non è propriamente l'età per fare o adottare figli, certamente avrà sbagliato dicendo “mi benedice mio figlio?” ma lei che ha benedetto finanche una lussuosa Lamborghini bianca forse avrebbe potuto perdonarla, in ogni caso quel cagnolino sarà importante per quella donna e lei era venuta fiduciosa ad incontrarla.
Una occasione persa
(Dottor Vincenzo Minuto, Medico Veterinario)
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