user1051 · 6 months
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2 zdjecia na gorze sa z 9 lutego, wazylam na nich 76kg, natomiast te na dole sa z dzis, moja aktualna waga to 59kg
Czuje sie jak ulana swinia, nienawidze swojego obrzydliwego ciala. Bardzo chcialabym byc motylkiem i wazyc 45kg. Mam nadzieje ze do wakacji uda mi sie osiagnac moja ugw i wygladac na wychudzona a nie tylko mniej nabrzmiala swinie. Zycze sobie powodzenia i wam rowniez lekkie motylki💗.
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nocturnal-skinnygirll · 2 months
Cher in the 70s was so thinspo
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starvingbitxxh · 28 days
Hi, i would very much appreciate some help
My stomach is flat and basically skinny (i have abs and my ribs and hipbones pop a little) but my things are fkn massive
Does anyone have tips on how to lean down thighs???
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cant-handle-myself · 2 years
pls remember to have a break day every once in a while. go at least 200 cal over what ur normal deficit is. it helps offset ur metabolism getting slower and prevent bingeing. if ur whole deal w getting into this is weight loss then it helps in the short term and long term. ik it can be stressful and scary, but it really has an impact.
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bloodycorpz3 · 2 months
please, I'm so serious, ANY advice I will gladly take and apply, there is literally nothing too extreme. I need fasting hours, cal limits, safe foods, and exercises. I'm 5'7(170cm) and 141.0(around 63/64kg) AND I NEED HELP PLEASE MURCY ON MY SOUL !!
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mikehawks-world · 2 months
Hi I'm a 16yo girl, my name is hazel. I need an ana coach. I'm new to ana and I need guidance. Anyone willing to help?
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anarelapseplslolz · 10 months
Fasting experts PLEASE help
Guys I need tips on fasting!!! I literally gained 35 lbs over summer and the past few months and looking at old pic has me feeling horrid! I need to lose quickly and fasting is the only way I know! PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!! <3
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psychward-princess · 6 months
So at what weight can I finally let my friends/ partner try to pick me up, wear S size, not panic when I need to use a bus when it's almost full, go out and not be scared that someones gonna think I'm fat, eat fast food without people thinking I'm just a fat loser, send selfies and fit checks without looking fat???😭 I'm 162cm tall and I wanna know
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sk1nnyw4nn4b3 · 4 months
Taking a hand back in myself because I became a fattie 🤍:
Will udapte every day !
Cw: 62kg
Height: 164cm/5’3 ft
Day 1: 62kg
Day2: 63.5kg
Had a binge day lol, weighed myself right after eating tho.
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buterflyy-x · 4 months
Motylki!! Mam problem 😭
Jak mogę sprawdzić swoje hasło/email do bloga na tumblr? Bo nie chce stracić tego konta ale za cholerę nie pamiętam hasła ani nawet emaila którym się logowałam...
EDIT: Sprawa załatwiona :3
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mykneeehurts · 7 months
Do y'all have any tips to stop binging?
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nocturnal-skinnygirll · 2 months
Hey just a tip I recently found online which helps your skin, hair, sleep, and overall boost collagen.
Jello! Because its gelatin (I copy and pasted below the google explanation because I’m not that good at explaining things)
“Gelatin is simply the cooked form of collagen and is one of the best and most convenient ways to ingest the important amino acids in collagen”
I don’t want to lose hair and also want nice skin so this is a way easier and less cals way
How I prepared it:
I used Knox gelatin because it’s like 5 cals in 100g
I just followed the box instructions for the amount I wanted to make
^but I added more than the recommended amount of powder cuz I wanted more protein dense
So you can add anything to flavour it
Your fave no cal juices (I used a little more than half cup of diet cranberry juice no sugar no cals in it)
Or fruits like strawberries cherries and blueberries to make it a more enjoyable snack
I eat it every morning after I drink green tea but I don’t think it matters when you eat it.
If you want to look it up more you can Google or look on TikTok!
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Y'all I hate myself especially my body
The weekend was busy so I was gonna catch up on posts on Monday but was to lazy so now we're here
I've been eating little at dinner the only proper meal I have a day but have kinda been binging on snacks it's so bad
I feel so so fat and disgusting
When I binge on snacks I can't purge and laxatives aren't an option nor do they work at getting rid of calories
I also haven't been getting as many steps as I should be getting about 12,000 is a decent number
I'm so nasty I don't know what to do anymore I love eating and the taste of food but I'm so fat
The way I would describe my mind is mental agony
I don't know what to do anymore
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lourettie · 2 months
does anyone have any tips on how to stay motivated when you feel like you're not losing weight fast enough?
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bloodycorpz3 · 2 months
In desperate need of advice, please let this hit active accounts. I need to know the best way to lose weight in a week. Tips, cal limits, personal experiences and more are welcome I just need assistance 🙏🙏 DM OR COMMENT !!!
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unsweetea · 7 months
I guess im back
my therapist would be mad at me for ending up back here but I cant take it anymore...ive let go for too long now and im huge. I feel disgusting and I just want to go back to my old...maybe bad...ways.
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