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kingtheghast · 2 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOC!!!! Reason I look forward to fridays 🐐
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saeyoungchoismaid · 8 months ago
Okay so I just finished my first round of Andromeda Six and here are some thoughts I have (both good and bad!). Pls feel free to comment with your thoughts or send asks or message me or whatever!! I'll update this anytime I get more info or think of smth new to add lol. Warning: obvi will contain spoilers.
The amnesia thing - I think the biggest thing for me that I wanna talk about rn is the whole royalty thing. While in general the whole thing is a really cool idea and either way I still love the plot, I think the whole 'I'm royalty' thing was WAY too obvious. Like the SECOND the a6 crew revealed where they found me, I was like "okay cool so I'm the princess got it." and then everything after that only fueled that theory (which obvi turned out to be right). Idk I just think if you're gonna have a game that's based around your main protagonist having amnesia, you need to make the player just confused as the char yk what I'm sayin? Like I shouldn't be able to know stuff that the char I'm playing as doesn't know yk? 😂
Nerissa - I think one of the biggest things for the fandom (that I've seen really only on Tumblr by the way lol) is the whole Nerissa thing so here's my two cents lol. I actually really like the plot twist of Nerissa being alive. My only thing is that it doesn't really make sense and bc she's alive, the whole thing with Vexx at the prison where he breaks down kinda gets (almost?) vetoed in response. To explain, I think it doesn't really add up that, at first, Oppo and others were like 'yeah, only the youngest princess' body wasn't found' (which in general was already weird cause ??? how do they know that her body wasn't found but then people also apparently quote unquote "didn't know she existed" like huh????). They mentioned NOTHING about the literal heir's body being missing??? Like idk if Zovack did that on purpose (and if so ???? homie wyd lmao) but if not, it's a big plot hole in my opinion lmao. Also just the fact that she was literally shot by Vexx (who held her bleeding out and dying body in his arms) and then shows up later like 'yeah no I'm completely fine actually' is CRAZY. Like what kinda medicine do these folks got that makes that so easy?? Like she's not on crutches, has a cast, a limp, like ANYTHING. It's absolutely bonkers to me. It's just very OP like okay so she can literally be shot in the future now and I literally won't react cause she's apparently immortal 💀 N e ways I think it's cool that the MC can choose to basically defy Nerissa and be like miss girl you're so wrong and I don't wanna do that is SO SLAY. Cause yeah no she was not it at first (and I lowkey didn't like her for a phat min). Also, kinda off topic, but I was surprised they actually showed what she looked like. Like, I guess her skin tone is ambiguous enough to work, but I think it would make more sense if they just said somewhere that the king had more than one wife, had a side hoe he got pregnant, yk smth like that lmao
Different species/race - As someone who has only played the game once, I'm not completely sure about what I'm about to say next, so pls correct me if I'm wrong! I think it's really cool that you get to choose from 3 different species in the beginning of the game. I was hoping that this meant that this would change your backstory, but from seeing some posts about this on Tumblr, I'm assuming this means that certain things will change but overall your backstory is the same and you're still royalty. Which is fine as long as the different species thing actually makes a difference. I just thought it'd be cool for one if it's like oh you're a human? Yeah, you're Peg'asi. Oh, you wanna be Tilaari? That's cool, but this character doesn't like you bc of it. Like that kind of thing would be super cool! Anyway, either way it's fine lol it's just a thought I had
Vexx - I haven't seen anyone say otherwise, but I personally really love Vexx and his arc/development. I never really blamed him for what he did since it was literally done against his will (and turns out Nerissa is alive anyway so it's like okay I can't even be upset that you killed her when she's literally alive). Something I will say though (which is kinda similar to my stance on the amnesia thing) is that I think it'd be nice to have a little more doubt on whether or not Vexx is on our side or not. Like, when you first find him and regain your memories, he's pretty cutthroat after the shock he initially feels. After that though, anytime you see him, it'd be described as 'an emotion I can't decipher crosses his face' or 'a piece of the old him flashes in his eyes' kind of thing and I was just like "yeah okay so he's good but is just being brainwashed or being blackmailed or smth." Like, there was no danger in it. Not once was I ever like "omg no he's gonna kill me/my friends/my boyfriend/etc!!!!!" Like no dude he's just a lil guy that needs help lmao. So yeah, a lil more uncertainty about him would've been super cool (or even an alt route where he really is bad and they didn't make him do anything. like there could be choices in the memory section of the game of your time in the palace where like if you were rude to him, he actually betrayed y'all kind of thing)
Kitalpha - I might just be dumb, but when Aya was explaining her backstory about her home planet, I was a little lost. Like, I understand the basics ig, but I overall am still confused on how it actually got destroyed lol. I read the Wiki and it still kinda doesn't make sense to me. Also, the info dump they give on this (and a lot of stuff in general) is CRAZY. Like I need so much time to process what you just said and you're already laying another bomb on me lmoa. That aside, I think it's really weird that such a (apparently) major planet that (apparently) hosted a major species went supernova 10 years ago and you just never hear anyone talk about it??? Even Aya says that people kinda just forgot about it and moved on. Like girl HOW?? (Like okay yeah with the whole Zovack thing I can understand cause they got more important matters ig but he only overthrew the throne a MONTH ago like what were people doing before then lmao). It also didn't make sense to me as to why no one wanted to help them??? Like Aya explains that they were just met with closed doors from EVERYONE. Like why??? What about a dying planet/species is so bad that people are like 'yeah, that sucks and all, but we aren't gonna help. Good luck w that tho! 🥰' Also, I saw someone on here say that they wish there was more definitive features for the Kitalphan than just having gills and I agree! I didn't even notice that Vexx had them for the longest time. Also the fact that we never get a scene where Aya/you/Vexx get to actually use them (to my knowledge anyway) is insane. Like, what's even the point of giving them the gills then??? lmao
Update: I found this post that explains more in detail about the races. "It was, despite that, their own choice as to whether to live above or under water, and those who chose to do so submerged, had their bodies altered to further adapt to their environment; webbed fingers and toes, bright colored skins to allow for better camouflage among sea life, nictitating membrane over their eyes. Those who chose to live inland, on the other hand, kept to the more human appearance, with only the gills telling the difference." So, from my understanding, those who choose/chose to live underwater are the ones that are more fish like whereas the ones who choose/chose to live on ground are the ones who look like Vexx and Aya (more humanoid looking but still fish-like qualities like gills). Still think it would be cool if we could then meet a Kitalphan that chooses to live underwater!!
Time - speaking of it only being a month, it's only been a MONTH bro???? Like, Zovack overthrew the throne, had the entire Peg'asi family killed, you've been with the A6 crew trying to regain your memories, visit like 4 planets, find love, discover your sister is alive, and start planning out your plans for a war all in ONE MONTH. Like, ig it's not super inaccurate, it's just kinda crazy yk? 😂 I saw someone say that they wished we could've spent more time on all the planets and I completely agree. For some like Orion, it makes sense that we couldn't really stick around lmao. For others though, I didn't understand why there couldn't be more downtime ig? Idk maybe it's as simple as there's nothing interesting enough to write about that will keep the player's attention that's not just boring filler? But eh idk how much I believe that. Instead of info dumping a lot of stuff, they could've spread it out for moments like these where like yeah we aren't exploring this planet or whatever necessarily, but we are learning more lore while we are here getting gas lol. Also the fact that other planets get mentioned but we don't actually get to see or learn anything about them. I can't think of any examples off the top of my head (but if anyone really wants I can go through the logs to find them), but like planets or stations they'd stop to refuel or whatever just never really get talked about. I think there was a place that was similar to Teranium or Cersa that everyone was like 'omg be careful here like don't wander off alone' and then like nothing happens (or am I crazy and mixing my stuff up and I'm just yappin??? lmao. I'll probs come back and edit this once I play the game again). (I actually think it might've been the pitstop they mentioned that was ruled by mercs so they probs wouldn't have any problems with the K'Merii. Maybe it's the place they're supposed to go to on their way to Goldis?? Cause isn't it that the place that Khandar (help is that their name??? Google isn't telling me his name help pls 😭) said he has contacts??)
Damon - I'm so down bad for this man it's not even funny. His route is the first and only route I've done so far and I really just have one thing to critique I suppose. I fell in love w his char bc he's this super tough, mysterious, elusive guy that teases the shit outta you and just in general dgaf lmao. When you choose his route, pretty much all of that goes out the window. Now, don't get me wrong here. I still love Damon and I love that we get to see his sweeter/softer side, but I don't like how his bad boy side kinda just disappears. Like, maybe in chap 9/10 it'll show up more, but since choosing his route, he's kinda just become a big ol softy (which again I love that about him but I just kinda miss mean Damon lmao). Like, when the whole Wren thing happened, I feel like as soon as Wren points the gun in our face, OG Damon would've gone FERAL. Like, even if knows he can't actually like stop them or whatever by fighting, like just starting to mouth off to get attention off of us would've been so UGH. Idk maybe this is just a me thing bc I like crazy men but yeah would've liked more consistency ig in that aspect?? lmao. Like, there was one point in the game where I lowkey almost didn't choose Damon cause he was such an asshole (and almost went w the other loml Bash). Like THATS THE ENERGY IM HERE FOR. Make him a morally grey char and stick w it yk what I mean? Yes, he has walls up and he's actually very sweet and care about his found family and has a soft spot for cats and blah blah blah, but you also need to remember his upbringing and why he is the way he is ykkkkk
June - Maybe this gets explained later or more in his route, but when he's explaining his backstory and who he is, I was a little stumped. I mean, he wonders the exact same thing, but why is it that he can withstand the testing that was done to him and is now a super human, but his own twin brother and soldiers and whoever can't. What makes him so special? I figured he was able to become this super human and the K'Merii and whoever couldn't bc he was being tested on when he was still in the womb. Again though, if this is the case, why did his brother not make it? Would love to know more about that whole thing
Okay I'll stfu for now...but I'm sure I'll be back LMAO
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bjornensuckler · 2 years ago
Obey me! Silly little headcannons
Nightbringer has made me so so so sad, so I'm making silly little headcannons for the original timeline to make me happier :,)
When Leviathan has to go to RAD, he spends most of his free time in the back corner of the library with Satan and reads Manga
When Solomon is very stressed or overworked, he likes to have green tea with honey (Sometimes Luke brings it to him if he stays in his room for too long)
Mammon does little dances with his hands when he's walking somewhere if there's no one around
Sometimes, when Lucifer is listening to his records, he imagines himself dancing with MC and ends up having to turn it off cause he's too distracted
Asmo listens to screamo when he's by himself (occasionally with MC)
When Beelzebub is watching a movie with MC, he'll hold their hand and encourage them to lean against him
Belphegor has Crossy road on his phone but gets unreasonably frustrated with it causing him to play it for around a week before ignoring it for months only to replay the cycle
Barbatos kisses MC's knuckles on both of their hands everytime he greets them
Diavolo will occasionally attempt to learn about devildom internet culture only to go to Barbatos and ask him what it all means
Siemon really enjoys drawing wand will sketch little birds in his note books
Luke has secret handshakes with Simeon and Solomon (wants to make one with Barbatos but is too scared to ask)
Mephistopheles frequently listens to Beyoncé and Lady Gaga
Once Thirteen had found out what crazy frog was, she played it on repeat to try and get Solomon to leave (It is still stuck in her head and she hums it a lot)
Raphael once got a mood ring as a present from Luke and would stare at it for hours out of confusion (He'd be like 'But I'm not angry?? What is this trickery??') It's in a locked draw now
The House of Lamentation has bi-weekly hot chocolate night where everyone sits in the living room together with hot chocolates (Satan does little designs for them, and purposefully messes up Lucifer's)
Purgatory House has movie night Fridays where any of Solomon's choices have to be checked first cause he keeps recommending horror movies
Diavolo wants to have weekly events like that but never has much time so he settles on bi-weekly wednesday tea times with Barbatos, MC , and occasionally Lucifer
MC has clothes, toothbrushes, etc, at both Purgatory house and the Demon Lord's Castle cause of how much they stay over
Oki Doki, that is it for now!! I think I'm finally gonna start posting stuff so hello everyone!! Can someone also please tell me how to do that 'under the cut' stuff?? I wanna make NSFW headcannons :(
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differenteagletragedy · 1 year ago
would you be ever so kind as to spare some OL2 headcanons or crumbs 🤲🤲
If you don’t wanna write for OL2 then OLBA is just as amazing!!!!!!
Hi! I will eventually write for OL2 I'm sure, but I haven't gotten through the demo yet! Right now I'm at the beginning of the first day of school -- I keep getting pulled back into the first one because it has such a chokehold on me lol.
But I was writing these for OLBA so I'll put them here! Thank you!!!
-- Do you like trashy reality shows? Good for you. Cove's not really into it, but he'll watch with you if you want him to. Derek can definitely have some fun with it. But Baxter turns into a monster.
MC answering their phone: Hey, what's up?
Baxter: DID YOU SEE, *this person* from *this show* got arrested.
MC: Aren't you supposed to be working?
Baxter: I saved the mug shot to my photos, I am sending it to you via text right now.
(Client in the background complaining)
Baxter: I do have to get off the phone now, but if you hear anything else call the office and tell them it's an emergency, they'll put you through to me.
-- If you go the Derek romance route, I think you make out once in high school. Because hormones, you've crushed on each other for years, and like it just happens. And then after he's very unwell, he keeps apologizing, and either your really shy and nervous about it or like "no it's ok, that was nice," but either way he's like "HAVE TO GO, TTYL." He doesn't talk to you for a little bit but then feels bad.
MC: Derek, I like you in a romantic way. I want you to be my boyfriend. I liked kissing you and I want to kiss you again.
Derek: Haha that was crazy, so how's school going?
-- Derek is good with cars. Big muscles make car go vroom.
Like there would have been a time when you got a flat tire and you either didn't know how to change it or blanked on what Cliff told you (Cliff taught you how to change a tire, no questions) and called him like "help" and he dropped everything and drove to wherever you were to change it for you.
-- He's also good with mechanical fixes, and just with his hands in general. Is your sink messed up? Call Derek. Some issue with your stove? Call Derek. Creaky door? You already know. (You have to do stuff for him too though, that's the rules).
-- Back to Cliff though, you know those videos of men like "I'm going to teach you some dad stuff" for people who grew up without dads? That's Cliff. Obviously your moms are amazing, but Daddy Cliff is going to step in too sometimes.
-- Cliff teaching MC how to tie a tie, just imagine.
-- Baxter goes home alone after Miranda's birthday party/the second party for him and finishes off that bottle of champagne because he knows that summer's almost over and he's going to do A Bad Thing and he hates himself.
-- Honestly it hurt my feelings so much at the end of Step 3 lol, like I was genuinely taken aback by his goodbye scene. Asking MC why they'd keep talking when he couldn't give them rides anymore like that's all they were interested in, the audacity.
-- Cove has the whole game, he's gonna be ok, we're talking about other people this time.
-- In adulthood, MC looks back at that time they learned their birth parents died when they were a baby, had a quick breakdown then went back home and did a musical performance for their family as one of the cringiest moments of their life (I'm not using second person this time because I don't want to sound judgey but LOL come on). They'll tell Derek about it later on when they're together and he'll be like "aww, that sounds sweet," and Baxter will be nice about it too, but he'll also have some comments to make.
Baxter: Darling, my plant at the office seems to be dying, could you perhaps do a song and dance number to ease my pain?
MC: Shut uuuuuup.
-- Last week gb patch made a post on Patreon with a new sketch for OLNF with wedding planner Baxter, so like the oldest Baxter we'll see in cannon, and he was wearing a cream turtleneck, a purple overcoat, and what looked to me to be a peach colored gingham suit. So by the time he gets to be like 40, his fashion sense is going to be off the rails. He's going to call you and be like "I just went shopping, I hope you like my new look," and come home like:
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jjunbug · 29 days ago
hii, how are you? I hope you're doing well.
I just finished your dollmaker Sunghoon fic and I think it has changed me irrevocably. I've always loved themes of innocence and its subtle corruption, especially because it is so defenseless against it, and the power dynamics it comes with when it's personified. I've also always been obsessed with dolls, lambs and bunnies in media representing this corruption (cats always seem to be true neutral), but dolls in particular.
You truly have a gift for writing. It's difficult to introduce a character's fatal flaw and portray their downfall due to it. I think Sunghoon, in his obsession and pursuit of perfection, is actually not evil, as he justifies his actions to himself, and you wrote it in such a way it seemed justified to the reader as well. The reader's inability to see past the her view of Sunghoon's perfection proved to be her undoing.
I sometimes struggle to relate to characters in second person, especially when they behave in ways I would never, but with your writing style, it was so easy to slip into her body and mind. I think if you wanted to, you could definitely become a published author (I'd be no. 1 fan), as your style is compelling without being saturating or too simple, and your effortless weaving of themes into a story ensures it stays in a reader's head for weeks. It's also what draws people into re-reading it time and again.
Do you do anons? I really love your work.
hiiiii!!! ♡♡ i’m currently sick TT,,, but otherwise i’ve been doing okay!! how have you been?? and OF COURSE i do anons!!! eeeeekkk!!! i’d love for you to stick around!!! thank you so much hehe just send me what emoji you want to be!! ahhh i’m so excited!! 。:゚(つ﹏<。)゚・。 ♡♡♡
and i love love themes of innocence too!! especially when some factor comes in and corrupts that innocence! i feel like there’s so much you can do with and so many different stories you can tell and i love it so much!! especially when authors tie that in to different types of baby animals such as fawns, lambs, etc! i’m happy that you like it too hehe!! ^^ i’m so happy that you like my little story too!!!
AHHHH YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO ME TO HEAR THIS!!!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! (TwT。)♡♡ but omg you are right on the money!!! it’s not that he’s evil (crazy maybe, yes!) but that he truly doesn’t see, or refuses to see, just how deep he has dug himself!! and as he justifies it to himself, he starts to justify it to the mc too! “i know how this all looks” but then immediately tries to describe how it actually doesn’t look that way ykwim? and that unfortunately unravels the both of them
i’m also so so happy to hear this too!!! i try to keep my mcs realistic within the story they’re in and actually give reason as to why they’re acting that way (even if you as the reader may not ever do such things)!! and really treat them as a character rather than a bland sheet of paper you guys as the readers can just draw yourselves on cause i personally find that boring and makes the story less impactful lmao,, so i’m glad it was easy to be able to slip in her mind and understand why she did what she did and thought what she thought!!! that makes me very happy hehe ヽ(╯▽╰)ノ
i actually am on the journey to become a published author!!! (it’s why i’ve been so busy ughhh,,, looking for colleges and universities and such has drained me immensely and i haven’t even gotten to the stuff needed to be an english major) it’s my dream to be a published author and put out a book i’m really proud of one day for people all over to read!! so seriously i am so genuinely grateful for all of your super sweet supportive comments!! ♡♡ it truly keeps me going!!! i’ve been really working on my writing style so to hear how many people really love it literally sends me to the moon like thank you thank you so much ily!! ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐ and to hear that it’s the type that stays in your mind and makes you wanna reread my works????? i’m literally gonna start sobbing. like i’m ACTUALLY about to start crying stop omg.
thank you so much for reading!! and i’m so happy that you enjoyed my little fic hehe ♡♡ i’m really happy that you’re deciding to stick around to see what i post in the future!! ♡
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jazeswhbhaven · 7 months ago
Holy shit you actually read my post thank you. And sorry for what I will throw out here:
Hello again! I guess I should use some label but I always forget. Let's just go with 💭 anon because I think way too much for anyone's liking. And Yes, I did finish Chapter 6.
So Chapter 6 actually gave a LOT of information for us and yes MC finally did stuff that actually helped them gain some merit. Their abilities still feel pretty dormant, I guess they wanted to show off just a small taste of what MC could be capable of in the near future. Hopefully. If they don't relapse back. Your move PB and you don't have a lot going for you atm.
But...that's about it. I think after this many chapters and most of the summaries of the L card stories...I don't really have a lot of expectations. In fact anything with the MC is very low expectations for me. But I say I will give them a slightly lighter sentence for CH6, only a smidge but I'm just that hard to please. In the end, I still don't see why the devils like MC. Like I get the devils have no shame and stuff but if the MC is supposed to represent like "us," then it's not really like, blank slatey enough for me to want to make an MC OC because it's like the game tells you that you have to be a frigging pervert which to each their own, I don't really function that way enough to want to fuck every single devil. If I want to make someone crazy I'd make a demon instead. Heck a powerful demon MC makes more sense than a rando human watching porn who happens to be the descendant of someone important? I mean I expect more to their background but it's "descendant of Solomon this and that." Too much emphasis on the Solomon part(be quiet, Sitri) too.
And honestly agree with you when they decided to go gaga over the angel. Heck during the Foras confession bit I'm just going. "Foras you're so sweet, but..seriously? -scoots him over to Astra/OCs- You can do better." I guess PB is making them consistent of them going stupid over any pretty face, and honestly I think everyone's gonna have to just deal with(and I'm sure they are) MC being...well MC I guess.
I accepted it, but I won't like it. It gets tiring when I have to go: "Oh they did a cool thing good for them--aaaaannnnnd we're back to them being a perverted degenerate. Great. Moving on."
Props to PB making a H game and all that, but maybe I'm silly and want to some more meat on those bone(rs). I don't even bother with the unholy boards anymore because I reading the first parts I'm not really invested to throw in all those candies.
I'll let you in on my inbox strategy 💭 anon. There's literally no organized way I answer asks. I do in fact read every single one, and see if my brain has an answer for it, if I do and I can churn it out without getting distracted it gets posted quickly. If not it takes a few days 😭 (or longer as most of ya'll can clock) So yes! very slow reply rate, but I do read every single one at least once so I can keep track of what I need to answer when I get to it.
SO YES glad you finished chapter 6 so we can talk about this better.
MC really made me wanna smack them when they were doubting the devils because I'm like, hello??? the only good angel you've seen is Leamas and even then he was lying to you for his and Nina's benefit while almost getting ya'll killed in the process. Plus, Gabriel killed your bestie/future husband if he has anything to say about it, every devil's backstory should have you convinced, especially Belial's. His damn vocal cords are damaged, you think he did that on purpose?
"I only heard one side" true. But the angels haven't really given you any reason (main story wise) to believe that they should be trusted and shortly after Camael definitely proved that point by getting frustrated when they wouldn't believe him.
There was also that point where they attacked poor Ppyong, so it's clear that they haven't gotten to that level of being able to handle all of the kings powers. Nor be able to take on multiple contracts.
I love how you mentioned scooting Foras over to other OCs, but yes Foras please look elsewhere.
And to brag about Astra for a bit, if you don't mind me doing so, while Astra does have the "hot girl summer, th0t" personality it's literally because she's allowed to do so in Hell, so why not? back with Minhyeok she doesn't want to further embarrass him by acting out, saves that energy for her job, and comes back home and chills out with him. But also, there's a sense of "I have to fight with them otherwise what I am here for?" which is why she tried to beat up Gabriel when she was attacked by him in the first place lol I had to put that for her because I was like, nah we're not gonna have a character that doesn't fight that doesn't sit right with me.
And other's OCs also seem to have their amazing personalities and some are even fixed on one devil and that's it. I love how realistic that can be, and how everyone's characters differ from MC. That's also why I agree that while they aren't blank-slate enough for self-insert, they are made to where we all can just insert our own characters in place and it would still work to some degree.
And for making a demon OC, I'm starting to think I should bring mine over. Nova is half-demon, but I think my demon OC would fit here too (couldn't really figure out how to get him to fit in the OM universe)
I know there's some MC fans out there that don't really see anything wrong with them, (which is why I have my tag on here) but sorry ya'll MC just ain't doin' it for me. Male MC acting this way too just makes me feel like I'm reading this one BL that I won't mention or we'll be here all damn night....lmao
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dreamtydraw · 6 months ago
hi there!! so I was recently looking for visual novels to occupy my time with, and I came across 21 questions, so I played it. and I loved it. so I played tulipe. and I liked that one a lot too. then I checked out your social media and I was really curious about the ✨️paranormal club lore✨️, so I just played all of them-
I didn't realize it when I was playing the game, but I've seen a lot of your our life art here on tumblr and I can't get over how pretty it is! even when it's just doodles that you do for fun, I still really like your style cause you make everyone look so nice. even if you're just drawing clem in a clown suit, we still love that
I don’t usually draw anymore because even though I used to like it, I feel like I lack all motivation to do it now, but seeing your art is really giving me inspiration to pick up a paper and a pencil and start drawing again :D
I personally share your love for visual novels, and I enjoy replaying yours because they're honestly so nice. I guess I just like seeing the way the story progresses and how relatable the characters feel, especially as a non-binary person who struggles to see themselves represented in games. plus I just like the voice acting in 21 questions
if I'm honest, even if it wasn't my usual genre of romance, night shift was a good play as well, especially for your first game! I can feel the inspiration from horror games and I love those types of things sm. I get why you'd wanna go back and redo it someday, but I think especially in terms of the plot and characters, it had a captivating plot and it was well written... françoise betrayed us tho rip
also this isn't about the games but from what I've seen, it honestly feels like you're a really nice person who happens to be really talented and so you deserve really nice things. even if you haven't been getting them until now, I hope you do start because you deserve it!! I like reading your visual novel rambles bc I agree with a lot of stuff, just me nodding my head in agreement like I wouldn't look crazy if anyone saw me. and it feels nice to see that people still talk about fictif stories to this day cause god they've been collecting dust 😭 I miss those days where I'd be so excited whenever an update was announced... guess I'll never get my rime route now :(
lastly, I just wanna say that I love clem sm. they're literally so cool but still so adorable and I wanna give them all the love and affection. I want us to bake together and then paint each other's nails 💅
and this question has been keeping me awake at night so I just have to ask, I know that at the end of the game he said we'd keep in contact like aurore and her partner, but would they let mc just. follow them to London while he does his thing? there's no point in being in France without your blond french, and I've always wanted to move to an english speaking place anyways... clem can put me in their suitcase, I'll be good 🫶
thank you for listening to my silly rambles, I hope you're having a good day and if not, I really hope it gets better! remember to take care of yourself and take breaks whenever you need them, you're only human so you aren't always gonna be perfect, but at least you know you always try your best even if things don't go the way you want them to <3
Anon whoever you are I love you and I really wish you a wonderful day I started sobbing a bit too hard and now my eyes kinda hurt a bit but your message makes me feel a lot of things and I’m really grateful for such kindness. I’m fucking crying on my poor plushies cause I don’t have tissue, they are all wet and miserable 😭😭😭😭 Words trully can’t explain how much this message means to me, like, this is the kind of message that i’ll keep in my phone gallery to look at when i feel sad and it’s just so sweet and it rassure all the bad things I think about myself so I’m very emotional. It’s 2 am and I had a very long day so I physically and emotionally don’t handle it well but i promise it’s / pos i’m just blabling incoherent thoughts just to say thank you so much and I’m glad you enjoy what I create and I’m glad you draw again and I hope you find joy in making stuff you like + you get soft and cold pillow at night and warm meals in winter anon.
Now i am so sad to spread bad news BUT…. The canon ending of 21 questions is the platonic ending. 21q happens in 2019, Clem move to London in 2021 and ( spoiler alert ) will be spotted in Apple bag which takes place in 2022. Clem’s character and story haven’t entirely been revealed in his game for reasons that I’ll hopefully share in a futur but it’s for the same reasons that realistically… the relationship in 21q is destined to end with distance.
BUT that not the end if you imagine a future with Clem. If your intention is to romance them then there is an open window for the timeline where he’s a bit older. When exactly ? I won’t spoil but all I have to say is that this relationship can work on long term ! It’s just a good person, wrong moment situation and once you know everything about him, then his romance options become more real :}
Mystic talk sorry, like i said i just had an emotional breakdown and it’s late so i will shut my mouth and go to sleep ! Once again thank you so much for your kind words an hopefully you’ll like what I plan to release in the future. Tons of love ❤️
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coeluvr · 1 year ago
Hello dearest!
I don't usually write messages because I have weird, shy internet anxiety, but I wanted to make an exception because compliments always motivate me to keep writing and I need u to keep writing so I can finally h*ld Vincent's h*nd!!! 😔😭🤡
This is one of the few IFs where I actually want to romance all ROs!!! Usually, I have a few I really want to romance and the rest I slog through cause completionist tendencies. But you've done a wonderful job of not only making the characters feel very alive and dynamic but also making them all appealing and attractive.
I usually always want to romance the hater because pettiness fuels me but also love angst with a kill them with kindness mc (I WILL H*LD VINCENTS H*ND OR DIE FIGHTING GOD). So, confirmed Vincent-mancer. His art? HIS EYES. HIS LIPS. PRETTY PRIVELEGE IS REAL AND ALL CRIMES ARE EXCUSED (also I really tried going into it being like he's not sad!!! But, as someone who's been in that place, while not an actual war, he definitely comes across as sad in the sense of a weariness at life and that he's struggling to fit back into his skin as pre-trauma Vincent. Artist did a 10/10 job with all the art because THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL I CREYYYY)
But the chokehold Hunter has on me? They were gonna be first because their personality is appealing to me both fictional and irl but omg everything I read I HAVE TO HAVE MORE. Like it's moved beyond I'd definitely vibe with this character and look forward to their route to i WANT TO SMOOCH THEIR PRETTY FACE OFF. So now confirmed Hunter-mancer (I actually died on the tattoo snippet on patreon is it a good or bad day to be bi?)
Helios kind of types I'm more of a 50/50 with, but obviously gotta do it for the juicy drama. But all stuff with him has just been so ??!!!???😳😳🫠 like he just leaves me more intrigued. Confirmed Helios-mancer. (The amount of times I'm gonna replay his route to try different things is actually gonna be crazy)
Soarine hot women nuff said. But also just ???!!!?!? I can't even form words. I'm so excited for more scenes with her. Confirmed Soarine-mancer. (Ma'am pls step on me respectfully and not so respectfully)
Fadiya as the official best friend (Hunter you're a bestie too but I feel bad like I'm making u choose between me and Helios :((( ) is usually one I'd keep strictly platonic. I love platonic routes as much as romance and nothing grabs me more than having a best friend character in IFs. BUT SHES SO ADORABLE. I WANNA SMOOSH HER CHEEKS. Also I feel her cause I'm that oblivious too 😭😭😭 I always appreciate ifs having the shy and bold type flirting but I need an oblivious idiot one because I'd be accidentally flirting with her like I do with all my friends without realizing I'm in love with her (and then be unable to speak to her once I realize because flirting? With people that aren't just platonic friends??? That I have feelings for????? Sounds fake). I gotta write the fanfic now (and perhaps share with u once I get over my shyness)
I really am looking forward to the next chapter! I'm so glad I subscribed on patreon too :))) keep up the good work (it also motivates me to cure my depression and post my stuff too)
This is so sweet, anon 🥺 Thank you for sending me this message!!
I'm so glad all of the ROs are appealing to you! I love them all so much they're all beautiful and have so much to their stories. 🥰
Vincent's pretty privilege is insane lmao so many people folded when they saw him 😭 I guess Vincent's inner sadness seeped through because he's really okay #trust but then I probably have a wildly different definition of okay haha very low standards of living over here. He was also never trauma free lol my man just going through it. 🤭
I understand your love for Hunter!! They are just very... very. The tattoo part is one of my favs too they're so smooth with it like okay you're popular with everyone we get it 🙄 *cries to sleep*
Helios is super interesting to me because of the way he handles things and his mindset like I need to study him under a microscope. His route will definitely fulfill all your desires for drama! 🥳
Soarine hot woman. Real. She can ruin my life any day.
Fadiya is perfection and a gift from the gods because she's just so 🥹🥹 I love her to bits and she's going to be so fun to write.
Thank you for your kind words! I love these kind of messages so you're right hehe. Definitely gave me a boost! 💗
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misc-obeyme · 9 months ago
I'll keep spoilering you just cuz... Cuz I wanna talk about those chapters so much. Yes, I thought about the board game too later on, but never played it myself. Could be fun with them, honestly, Lucy will win anyway. Look, I am not happy about the whole "multiple human worlds" either, it makes it soooo much broader, also Diavolo has basically god powers from what I get from the lore? Creating dimensions, stopping time and so on, so it makes sense he can travel between dimensions? So why does he needs Barb's powers? Also, why isn't teleportation is used more often? I think there's a chat somewhere where Mammon had to keep the lights on with magic, and said it's too draining. So I get that they can't use magic that often (mc is excluded cuz, it's mc) but still, the amount of times that the brothers were late for RAD. Just teleport there. But this is a whole different conversation. I am just a stickler for lore and logic within it, if I get going. Yes, yes, I will lighten up... In the rest of hard chapters 50 and on, there's like 4 of them where Levi and Mammon are doing stupid shit. Like a lot of it. It makes me think that if you let the two of them be alone for longer than few minutes, they will destroy the world. Also, Levi is super rich. Sugar daddy to Mammon. It just makes it so much more profound now. How didn't I think of this before. Can't wait to see what the hard lessons in season 4 has to offer. -🐆
Well, I've only played it once and I remember being somewhat bored, but I still can't see Catan and not think of it for some reason lol. No doubt Lucifer would win, too.
OKAY now we're getting into teleportation because that is a question I also have!! In fact, I'm so preoccupied with the fact that MC can teleport as a sorcerer that I've included it in both The Threads That Bind and Unchained. In Threads, MC uses it to teleport themselves from inside the castle to outside the castle. And in Unchained, they give an excuse for why they aren't using it, which is that it's exhausting and depletes their magic and isn't worth using for short distances. But they also use it to teleport between worlds, which is something that seemingly only MC and Solomon and Barbatos can do.
I don't know about Diavolo, honestly... I can't remember what the specifics of his powers are. But he's supposed to be the strongest demon in the entire Devildom, so you would think that would mean he could do things like teleport, too. I'm not sure how that might differ from Barb's abilities. I always thought of Barbatos doing it more like portal-style, so it might be less exhausting. If you can open a portal to anywhere, that's likely less taxing than trying to move your entire body from one place to another? I don't know, there are no rules to this stuff and it makes me crazy.
So I just kinda headcanoned teleportation rules as needed for my stories. It's important in a few plot points, so I had to address it, you know? Otherwise I'd have had to come up with some kinda alternate way for things to go down.
Ahaha please don't lighten up, I am absolutely the same way lol. I could rant about this for several more paragraphs. But in the end, I always just end up filling in these questions myself as needed because there's so much that they don't fully explain. And I'm like, I need my own stories to make sense. So that means making up rules where none exist in canon.
Anyway, I love the Mammon and Levi relationship. They're so funny, I feel like they're constantly just fucking around. And Levi getting so mad at Mammon for owing him money is really hilarious when you consider how often Levi still lends Mammon money. Like is all that just for show? Mammon is spoiled lol.
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seoafin · 2 years ago
i’m gonna be a nasty lil nerd and geek out about the fic okay i’m on vacation rn n i feared if i left it for when i came back home i would forget. SO ur insane actually sooooooo crazy for writing that like i’m willling to check u into a mental hospital for putting me through all of that. (it was amazing please never stop) can i tell u my lil ripmc headcannon it doesn’t have to be true and please feel free to ignore if u hate it but i kinda hc that she can read a cursed objected history or take important information from it. i’m unaware if you’ve delved deeper into her techinque ik she uses the katana n idk i think it would be kinda cool if she realized that technique n decided to get proficient with the katana maybe as a way to raise her value as a sorcerer in the eyes of the higher ups n fight curses with the collected information she learned from them in her fighting style with her katana! sorry if like hc stuff about ur if’s is annoying and please feel free to ignore i just thought it’d be kinda cool! like making her super powered up i feel like would clash a bit with geto n gojo but making her just interesting enough a nice puzzle piece to fit in between them she’s capable of understanding an objects entire history but incapable of reading between the lines that her two best friends wanna do the nasty. also i love love love the way you’ve written ripmc n her view in love and relationships i relate so much to it. i’ve tried verbalizing it to myself but end confusing myself even more and i just really loved the simple way in which you explained that she simply loves geto gojo n shoko n all the kids of course. like i have some trouble dissecting the difference between romantic love and platonic love but i just know i have so much of it to give even tho i don’t see love as a huge huge part of my life? we’re u interested in writing ripmc with any hints of aromance or pansexuality in the mind? idk just so cool all around!!!! also the first chapter with her and geto cooking was so fucking wrenching because u do so well the thing where they look at her and they’re clearly mad and they know they’re mad and she’s just apologetic for existing n they’re just fed up and there’s so much unsaid in the quiet of it all n in between all those stolen glances it makes me wanna rip my heart into two. ALSO just the way you wrote rip mc with geto cooking n then gojo n her touching like i feel like you incorporated their love languages so beautifully woah man woahhh. last thing loved the guilt tripping from the children it was awesome i felt like an absentee father who didn’t go see her childrens recital or smt 10/10 recommend. ALSO ALSO megumi is sooooooo possesive of ripmc he is such an adorable lil jealous brat i love how it makes gojo spiral n wish he could revert back in age so he could cuddle up to her and hold her hand ughhhhh🤯
ahhhhhh!!! you can honestly project and imagine whatever you want onto rip!mc she's meant to be written that way!!! but yes haha if you know me then you probably im a very big proponent of having platonic and romantic love overlap. to me there's no clear boundary that marks romantic from platonic vice versa and i don't really think it's something to be necessarily distinguished as different. love is love you know. but also imo our western constructs of romantic love vs platonic love works to our detriment. it places too much of a heavy burden on a partner to fulfill all your emotional needs and emphasizes romantic fulfillment over platonic fulfillment when ideally you should have both! anyway I went off on a tangent lmfao. In the end love is love and rip!mc sees that. no matter how many people you love or how you love. I am sooo looking forward to actually writing mimiko and nanako past a few lines. I know I mainly focus on megumi but all the kids are very precious!!! as I said before you can definitely read rip!mc as pansexual/aromantic (which other ppl have also hc'd her) thank you for reading I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!
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highlifeboat · 2 years ago
First off, my heart was broken with the "Swap!Mel telling Alcina not to baby her" bit, please tell me they talk things out and get their happy vibes back. :( Second - I now really wanna hear about Mia and the wife from Crimson Snow. You may have given me a new ship and need to know this XD
Always gotta throw in a little angsty family drama, no matter the AU.
I feel like, eventually, Alcina is going to question Melony's sudden disdain for getting babied. Her daughter is just kind of coasting and sullen since it stopped, and it's worrying. With all the strange vibes between her kids, too, there has to be some suspicion that something happened.
She has a little private meeting with Mel and pushes the subject more, reminding Mel she can be trusted and all that. Mel, despite having every right to throw Max under the bus, goes with the half truth of "I've just heard.. people say some things about me." and how it made her think on how much time she spends around Alcina. She doesn't like being seen as a baby, or weak, or anything like that since she's arguable just as capable as her siblings. But when Alcina asks her if she's sure she doesn't want to be babied anymore she doesn't have a real answer.
Mel still likes the extra attention, and the kisses and hugs, and general motherly love, but she also feels like she should get some independence and responsibility. Alcina tells her they'll work to find a nice balance that makes Mel happy, and if Alcina ever goes too much either way to simply tell her. She's going to miss her baby moth and constant cuddling and whatever, but she won't deny Mel's want to have her own life.
A little bitter sweet, but they hug it out after and get back into their good vibes, even if it isn't the same as before.
Listen, okay, so... Ideas are limited at the moment, but bare with me.
Main backstory isn't fully important right now, but the short version is Mia gets relocated to whatever snowy undisclosed town Crimson Snow takes place in. Gets a note from the neighbour across the road as an invite for dinner, say "fuck it" because she's tired of being lonely post-Ethan dying and losing everything (again). Ends up in Scary Ex's house, who quickly realizes Mia is NOT her ex boyf. Hilarity ensues, Mia makes friends with a demon woman, enter gay lady kisses. Y'know, classic tale pfff.
I will supply a little bit of headcanons, because that's the only way I can explain ideas coherently pfff.
The reason the Ex doesn't kill Mia on the spot, is because Mia still takes her up on the dinner offer/is actually civil despite... everything
Like, my girl saw the spaghetti on the table and said "I know this is awkward, but I brought wine and I feel like it's rude if I just leave."
Ex is initially confused, but after realizing Mark(the game MC/Ex Boyf) isn't showing up/moved, agrees.
This is heavily reliant on the idea that the Scary Ex only kills Mark in-game because he's running/hiding from her, and because Mia doesn't the Ex is chill.
A good chunk of dinner is Ex venting about how "I put all this effort into the holiday and he doesn't even bother to tell me he's MOVING?" and Mia nodding along and saying stuff like "Sounds like he was a loser honestly. You deserve better."
In terms of general relationship, lowkey they be cute
Ex drags Mia dress shopping all the time, for both of them
Mia always be complimenting her. On her dresses, and make up, and cooking, just showers this woman with compliments.
Ex has accidentally scared the shit out of Mia in the middle of the night before. More than once.
They do living room karaoke.
Mia might have a thing for women with sharp teeth and long nails.
The Ex is lowkey ecstatic to just be in a relationship with someone who doesn't call her crazy
Mia casually dropping how she used to be possessed too, except it wasn't by choice and now she's forever infected with sentient fungus.
Scary Ex being like "That explains a lot actually." and then never bringing it up again
Basic idea is: Local Himbo falls in love with Horror Beyond Human Comprehension
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lqfiles · 7 months ago
the way you write hyuck in ptp is so crazy good like… 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 he is so complex… i Need to know everything abt him. also do you plan on kind of like maybe not necessarily revealing more abt the mc but just like letting hyuck or the readers get to know her a little bit more or do you want her to be kind of like malleable to the reader so it’s easier for a reader to do like a self insert when reading lol? idk if this made any sense lol ptp has just been weighing heavy on my mind…
anon if only you knew the way this inbox message made me smile aaarghhh i honestly love writing (or attempting) complex characters with a lot of depth to them!!!! as for the mc part, i don’t try to dwell too much into her characteristics / background other than the relationships she has with characters that are prominent in the plot so stuff like what she studied and all isn’t really smth i worry about! i guess you could say i’m making it self insert in that way? like aside from the fact that you know she has a job and that she is friend’s with hyuck’s ex talking stage, most of it is just pure vibes and whatever you wanna imagine fr 🤗 as for hyuck he’s getting to know aside from the stuff i write down, like just imagine they talk outside of the stuff you see in the smau too
that was lengthy sozzz i got a bit too carried away but i like talking about my thoughts behind writing lols i’m glad the complexity of it interests you 🥹 i hope i made sense too
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actualbird · 2 years ago
Hey Zak!
I just read your analysis on marius and emotional distancing and I agree! I think on top of that, he's also the type to bottle it up, if that's the right term for it.
There's one Marius scene that really stuck with me, above all the romantic stuff. (i don't remember which story it's from, i just remember what he did). Marius was talking about something traumatizing, then in the blink of an eye, he was smirking at us, all smug and asking us if we really fell for it.
Once I noticed that, I start noticing it in all Marius angst stories. Every time he talks about something traumatizing, he typically changes the topic in the middle. Which is to be expected when it's something that traumatizes him, but the thing is, the trauma gets mentioned, and we see him being vulnerable. Then, it's like a switch flicks in his head. Like "Oh wait, I'm talking to jiejie", and he immediately clams up and starts teasing us, going back to the flirty brat we met at the start.
I can't think of a single time when he mentions something traumatizing, and we actually get him being completely vulnerable as he tells us about it all, not just part of it before he swaps to flirty and confident mode.
I was kidding when I told some of my friends that "marius is the type to be having an emotional breakdown and saying 'i'm fine, it's fine, why do you think i need help'", but now I think it could actually happen.
irt analysis on marius and emotional distancing
hi roshie-writes!! first off, im v sorry im getting to this ask very late OTL but im happy to hear u agree with that analysis :D
additionally, this ask is rlly interesting cuz yEPPPPPP, I AGREE ON ALL THIS TOO
that whole thing of Drops Vulnerability And Then Shifts To Playful Aloofness is SO VERY common in marius stories, and i personally first clocked it in the Lost Gold event. in like, the very first scene of his LG route, marius tells mc that she must think him naive for wanting to trust bryce and in general just confesses some insecurities hes got. and then the moment mc shows him sincerity, concern, and worry, he immediately shifts and is like "AWWWW UR WORRIED ABOUT ME >:3c" which makes me (and mc) wanna affectionately strangle him.
another more recent instance of this tendency happens in his blossom chapter personal story 4, right when he actually tells the full story of the Basement Incident. and then not like 5 lines after that, he gets flirty, glosses OVER ALL OF THAT WORRYING INFORMATION, and then says "Yeah, that's my good girl" to mc with a smirk on his face.
this personal story 4 instance stands out to me for three reasons:
1) simply cuz the Basement Incident full story lives in my mind rent free and
2) the "Yeah, that's my good girl" is notorious cuz i regularly see screencaps of that line do rounds on twt with ppl simping over it, me included, cuz my god marius KNOWS how to be flirty, like, lemme just drop the screencap cuz Im Not Immune To Marius von Hagen
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and 3) the fact that this above screencap regularly makes rounds w ppl going crazy over how hes a flirty bastard (affectionate) really makes me go nuts cuz.....aGAIN. HE DID THIS LIKE 2 SECONDS AFTER CONFESSING HE NEARLY DIED AS A CHILD. LIKE...to an extent, his deflection here worked even outside of the realm of the in-game story itself, it's working on the players too cuz we're busy going MARIUS! VON! HAGEN! over the flirting that, again, attention is taken away from the thing he doesnt want anybody to pay attention to
i talk a little bit abt this bait-n-switch tendency of his in an old analysis i wrote, marius von hagen, facade vs. sincerity, harsh truths vs. persisting hope, and my thought abt this tendency hasnt changed from the insight i gathered back then, which went:
marius casually has the tendency to “act” a certain way to get things like praise and reassurance, which could arguably interpreted as him using facades (which in this situation i think is actually him just saying theyre facades, theyre actually sincere, but he hides that, says it’s just an act) to acquire the deep seated sincerity he wishes. here, facade is a medium by which to acquire sincerity from others. 
this is partly because of what you say which i agree with. he still wants people to care about him (because thats an innately human desire we All want) but at some point, he realizes hes talking to mc and hes gotta dial it back. and why does he dial it back? because he doesnt want her to worry. she matters to him, and he doesnt want her to be upset over him, so shifting the conversation into something playful can effectively stop worry in its tracks or, at the very least, delay it.
but i also think this is because revealing these gutpunch things like trauma or insecurities is, at the end of the day, a vulnerability
and marius is in a position where he cannot be vulnerable. vulnerability can put him (and maybe even people who matter to him too) in danger.
as much as his deflection, disconnection, and repression is a method for him to deal with his own things himself, these methods are also a way for him to protect against others. he needs to act like these vulnerabilities dont matter to him at all, because then theyre less likely to become weakpoints for an enemy to exploit.
and marius is also in a position where hes got a Lot of enemies. so many people would quite like it if they had something to hold over the head of Pax, mr interim-CEO himself
it's at times like these i really appreciate that marius' nxx codename is King, because it is sosososoososoo fitting for him, specifically due to the chess definition of the term.
the king is simultaneously the most important piece (which garners many enemies and ensures everybody wants to be able to put the king in check or checkmate), AND arguably the weakest piece too (full of vulnerabilities and weakpoints that need to be Constantly guarded against). the king is literally a piece thats meant to be hunted and protected, because thats the entire point of the game, and thats a lot of what marius has to deal with too. marius, to me, feels like hes constantly playing 4D chess in an effort to protect himself and make it look like hes protecting no weakpoints at all, weakpoints Dont Exist, if u saw them, no u didnt, because he needs to appear invincible
all eyes are always on him, for better or for worse. and when everybody is watching, allies and enemies alike, it seems way smarter to just hide and minimize vulnerability completely than to risk getting stabbed in the back for it.
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vendetta-if · 3 years ago
Hello, it's me again, I'm so sorry
I have a bit of a vendetta brainrot so I wanna know a lot of stuff😊
You mentioned Ash lighting their cigarettes with their pyrokinesis. Do any of the other characters smoke? Any other vices they have?
Then I'm wondering if anyone got tattoos (if yes, do you have examples what they'd look like?), piercings, jewelry or other important accessories you'd say are worth mentioning?
Lastly, everyone's favorite flowers?
If it's not too much work for all the ROs and maybe Viktor, Luka and Cara too?
Oh, but please no rush! :D
And I hope it's not too annoying to have me in your inbox again
I wish you a wonderful weekend :3
Hey 👋 no worries and it’s not annoying at all! I’m happy that you have shown so much enthusiasm and love for my story 😭❤️
I have been planning to let MC make Ash at least try to stop smoking by scolding them 😂 The other RO that also smokes is Santana, but they have been trying to stop for a while now, so they won’t smoke as much as Ash. Luka also used to smoke but has long since quit (from Viktor’s and Cara’s constant scoldings) and only smoke occasionally if he’s really stressed out.
Viktor and Cara used to drink too, not really drinking to a stupor and drunk of course, just enough to get the buzz and relax. Viktor usually went with Vodka or Whiskey (ironically like his father) while Cara usually went with beer or scotch. Viktor stopped most of it when MC was born, but occasionally, he indulged a bit at night if little MC was already asleep.
As for Rin and Skylar… I don’t think they have any, unless you count Rin having a little sweet tooth and Santana’s reliance on caffeine to be vices as well. Rin doesn’t really go ham crazy for sweet stuff, but they enjoy sweet desserts and buying those for them is usually a safe bet 😆 Santana just needs coffee because they are often tired either from being overworked or from the side effect of using their power too much (it could give them vivid nightmares).
As for tattoos, Ash, Rin, and Skylar have them.
Ash’s tattoos are all black and white. They have one snake wraparound tattoo on their right bicep that sometimes looks as if it’s alive when the muscles there ripple. And one with skeletal hand design on their left hand that they actually kinda regret now a bit but is still stubborn enough not to remove it 😆 Closest pictures I can find:
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Rin has the full back tattoo (end on their lower back) of a kitsune with colors and in traditional Japanese art style (horimono tattoos). Closest designs that I could find:
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Skylar has those small, minimalistic design tattoos dotted here and there on their body, mostly nature related designs.
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As for jewelries and accessories.
Ash is not really interested in wearing any unless the accessories have to do with driving their bike (like their driving gloves or helmet) or have any practical uses during fights. Can maybe be persuaded to wear rings since it can work as impromptu knuckleduster but those will most often get in the way of wearing their driving gloves, so they would rather bring a separate brass knuckles 🤣 I think it was also a similar case for Aunt Cara as well.
For female Rin, she loves to wear those minimalistic but elegant and expensive jewelries such as necklace, bracelets, rings, and or earrings. For male Rin, he loves to wear those luxurious and expensive watches, like Rolex or Patek Philippe. Viktor also loved collecting those ridiculously expensive watches whereas Luka has always been more into sports cars instead 😂
Santana doesn’t really wear any significant jewelries or accessories as well, other than their badge and gun holster 😆 Skylar also, surprisingly, not big on jewelries and accessories. They are a pretty active and outdoorsy type of person when they are not on duty, so maybe that’s why.
As for the favorite flowers question, I can’t really answer that since I know next to nothing about different types of flowers 😅 So, feel free to headcanon any that you would feel fitting for the characters!
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kipxer · 3 years ago
Mammon's True Form
Obey Me! Mammon/reader - Alterous with face kisses at the end - No MC pronouns No warnings Note: Also this is like my first time posting fanfiction stuff since middle school lmaoo Masterlist
Mammon is not one to let his guard slip easily, always keeping his other forms under tight wraps.
You already rarely find him in his regular demon form. The most you've seen is just when he's taken you with him to his modelling gigs or when he's gotta fly somewhere real quick.
So when you ask about his true form after having an enlightening conversation with Satan, he's understandably a bit hesitant.
He wants you to feel completely safe and comfortable with him, and he worries that showing more than just his wings and horns occasionally, could be a bit too much for your human psyche.
However, after days of begging and bribing him, he finally caves in to your pleading puppy eyes.
But, he sets some ground rules first.
1. "No lookin' at the eyes. It'll make ya go crazy. Not like a weird romantic thing, it'll literally make ya crazy with my sin. I know Asmo's powers didn't work on you, I still don't wanna test that."
2. "No touching 'till I say so. If you get hurt and Lucifer finds out why, I'm gonna be hangin' from the ceiling for another millennia cause of your dumb human self."
3. "And... If at any point ya don't feel safe, you're free to use our pact to make me stop or do whatever ya need to be less freaked out or whatever."
You agree before sitting down giving his some room, an excited smile on your face.
He takes a step back and let's out a huff. "Ya really really sure?"
You nod, giving him an encouraging grin.
He looks away for a quick moment, shifting to his regular demonic form, familiar horns and wings curling out from him, while his manicured nails sharpen to claws.
He looks at you, as if triple checking one last time that you're ok with this, only to be met with your joyful gaze.
He gives a soft smile to you before his body structure begins to shift. His legs darken and turn to talons. His claws grow larger and darker as the black shadows make their way up his arms. The white markings on his chest spread into elaborate patterns around his face and torso.
His wings grow larger as his frame gets taller and taller.
The air feels almost electric with his presence. You sit there in static awe.
Feathers begin to sprout from his shoulders and make their way up his neck. He turns to look away from you, giving you full view of his back.
He slowly hunches over and spreads out his now massive wings. The base of them covered in soft down while the membrane between the boney digits glimmer.
His spine is decorated with golden crystalyne structures, sparkling like pyrite as he shifts his body.
He carefully turns back around, finally giving you the good look at his face you've been anticipating, but noticing that he's closed his eyes. You can see a glimpse of the golden light shining from the cracks in his eyelids before you quickly tear your gaze away to look at the rest of his face.
No longer even close to resembling a human, he has an almost prehistoric bird beak, with a few sharp fangs poking out. His ears are long and laid back, while his horns twist and curl away from his face.
He looks like a dragonic raven.
You stare in amazement, his aura overwhelming all of your senses.
The air smells thick of ozone as you feel the hair on your arms lift up from the static. It's as though you could be struck by lighting at any moment.
You really understand where all those myths of dragons and their hordes come from in the human world now, in their dark mountain tops surrounded by storm clouds and lightning.
Slowly, he lays down on his belly and rests in front of you.
After a moment of letting your heart calm down from both excitement and nervousness, you ask if it's safe to touch him.
He responds with an deep growl before gently bowing his head.
A shiver runs down your spine.
You go up to his head and gently place an experimental hand on top his nose. He lets out a soft huff before leaning into your touch.
Smiling, you use your other hand and hold both his cheeks before leaning down and giving a soft sweet kiss to his forehead.
You hear what you've gotta say is the loudest demonic whine you could possibly imagine, as he pushes his nose at your belly. You giggle before pressing a second, then a third kiss to his face.
Before he knows it, you're peppering his massive face in hundreds of kisses and he can do nothing but take the affection.
You watch as his body visibly relaxes at your love, all his worry and tension melting away. A familiar low rumble begins to get louder as he purrs, too low for your human ears to hear, but enough to feel under your fingertips.
Safe to say, Mammon isn't too worried about having you see his demonic form if this is what he'll get.
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jojo0303 · 3 years ago
Some things to expect for Gilbert's route in no particular order and for no particular reason.
Eyepatch=Heterochromia=Yandere? Unless he doesn't have heterochromia and they consider Keith's "eye color change" between softKeith and darkKeith to be the yandere aspect of this game and Gilberts eye is normal, he just uses it for the villain baddie aesthetic. Yeah. I could see him do that.
Kidnapping attempts. Lot's of them.
Emotional damage.
CaneBert = GunBert confirmed?
Unconventional uses of a cane…? (take that as you will)
Lots of murder😊
Biting. Lots of biting. And hickeys probably too. Establishing dominance through marking. He's a wannabe vampire. (Is the concept of vampires even a thing in this time?🤔)
Tragic backstory. Hit me hard Cybrid.
Confused Mc. Like is this dude lying or does he hate lies? Does he really like me or just wants to get close to me to f me up (in both ways).
By chapter 15 things are gonna start to get real. Like, I know that this is Gil that we're talking about so shits gonna be real from the first chapter but at 15 it's gonna hit the messed up mark. I expecte this route to be darker than this mans color palette.
Stressed Mc.
Choking scene. Yay or nay. Really depends on the context for some. But it's always gonna be yay for me, cuz I love me some messed up shit.
Sariel complaining about headaches. Do I need to explain why?
Concerned baby boy Rio. Rightfully so, I would say.
Complicated diplomatic stuff.
Going to Obsidian, probably via kidnapping but still. Cybrid you better make those Obsidian backgrounds. I wanna see what's up. I wanna see the room of this Emo/Goth Twilight lover boy.
Going to Obsidian, at the end. And actually staying there.
Yves involvement in something? I dunno, maybe some kinda blackmail stuff like they did in his route but different obviously. I hope my boy gets his time to shine even if just slightly. He's not one of my favs but I think he is very unappreciated and seeing him play a bigger role in Gils route of all them would be awesome.
Tea party with the three new princes. darkKeith, not the soft one cuz he wouldn't be near Gilbert unless it was mandatory. Or maybe he would just to be polite. I dunno.
Many trips to the kitchen to make food cuz he is an hungry boy. Really sticking to the tiger aspect on that one given that a pet tiger needs to eat at least, 6 kilos of meat per day. (Don't quote me on this very quick research I did)
Angry Gilby go brrrrrr
People avoiding Mc like the plague. Mc knowing that it's his fault but not wanting to blame him and Gilbert knowing it's his fault but it's convenient for him cause more time with his girl.
A d*ck measurement contest between Gil and Cheva. Rivalry to the max. Alpha males in action. A whole ass national geographic documentary on these fighting tigers. I wanna see blood.
They usually do one ending with Leon as king and another one with Chev when the route in question involves someone that either refuses to be prince or just can't. Gilbert ain't gonna forgive us in the Cheva ending.
Sexy CG.
It has been mentioned several times that Gilbert hates Mcs type of woman. Why? Is it because they're more difficult to break? Has he had someone like this screw with him? Is this "hate" disguising a "like" and Chev has just been reading him wrong? Because if so then Gilbert is even more mysterious than we thought.
Baby boy just wants to be loved🥺. And he knows that in his position only someone with an unbreakable and strong spirit like Emma would be able to do this, so he is toying and testing her.
Maybe it's just me, but I wanna see him cry. Because Angst. Even tho Emma will be the one that cries.
They've mentioned poison far too many times for me to not think that one of us is going to get poisoned. It would also paralel that one Chev ending.
Trampling. Get those killer boots working king.
Mansplain, Manipulate, Manslaughter 💅
Some crazy stuff with the emperor or whatever I can't remember but Gil says he's not as ruthless as him(the emperor) so aparently he his the big daddy of evilness.
Some Luke involvement? Since they share a background, it would be interesting.
The Bloodstained Day from Gils perspective.
Sexy CG. Please.
Figuring out how he gets undressed with all that stuff on. Sir, is that for protection? A bulletproof vest in the making?
Undressing Gilbert.
G string gloves. I want them to be relevant somehow.
Gil eating Clavis deserts. He likes them. He is crazy.
Murder spree stopped bcs Emma does some hope speech or surprises him in some way.
Is this the route where Mc is gonna have to fight? I want this Mc to be such a baddie. Like she's scared but she still has the backbone to talk to him like she would to Silvio. Hopefully she slowly grows to be less and less scared of him until she reaches that point. But of course there's gonna be some big thing happening that will break her down. Cause angst.
Maybe war? I think it will probably happen but the time that's spent in that could be time spent with Gilbert so maybe not?
We're gonna need a lot of interactions to understand and be simping for this man (the MC will, we players already are), so expect every chapter packed with Gilbert interactions. Especially bcs he is needy af.
Jealousy. Towards Chev. Maybe they'll play it off like in that one event where Mc and Chev are already close so gil has one more reason to steal her away. Remember this act starts in the middle of our time as Belle.
Because of that I feel like a good amount of stuff will happen after she chooses the king. But the bigger ones will come before. They're either going to have a lot of stuff happening in one day that spreads out through multiple chapters or they're gonna do this. Maybe a little bit of both.
They danced in the prologue didn't they? I want that to happen again.
This man is gonna force you to go everywhere and mixing that with your studies as Belle and always having to pull a facade, she's gonna be tired. So maybe a repeat of Gilpillow. Pillowbert? Maybe some cuddles.
Sexy CG. I want it.
Are we going to see Gils guest room? Or maybe they'll just recolor it like they did with Emma's room in Bentoite.
Gilbert scolding Silvio for his lack of manners but he is also kinda gay for him. The man said it himself, gender doesn't matter to me.
Don't know what happened in that event where the g string gloves come off and Gilbert is a stray cat out in the rain, but if there is something that is relevant to the story pls tell me ( and tell me what happened in that event while you're at it👀)
Suprised pikabert. Gilbachu? This sounds coursed when said out loud.
He wears red eyeliner. Will we get to put it on for him?
Feeding Gilbert.
This route better make me cry.
MC and Gil reading together. Imagine him just giving her some random obscure Obsidian book and just staring at her as she gets excited.
You know he is gonna use it to blackmail her but who cares really?
MC librarian in Obsidian.
If MC is the one that convinces Gil or the emperor or whoever, to form ties with rhodolite so that they can benefited from the land than she's gonna be the nations sweetheart. She saved them all so they'll have no problem having her as queen ☺️
Gilbert and kids interactions.
Maybe he has siblings or something.
I just wanna see him do a magic trick for the kids. And they all go wahh!
Thank God he is a man cuz if he was a woman performing a magic trick in the streets in this time, the kids would go wahh for another reason...
Gilbert pulling a sausage out of his clothes. Context is needed for this one but without the context it is also appreciated.
Please dont let him be the ninth lost brother of rhodolite.
Sariel should have given this man (king) a condom if he didn't want so many headaches.
He's gonna be the only child. He's deemed to be alone. It's why he likes kids. They're the little bros and sisters he never had.
A random kid just ask if they're in a relationship and Gilbert says yes. Of course he does.
And the they ask them to kiss.
Ah that's right, pecks on the cheeks. Apparently Gilbert likes to ask for those so...
Give me a sexy CG for god's sake.
And last but not least: Gifbert.
This was way longer than expected.
Feel free to add anything.
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