#unpopular opinions
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darkstarofchaos · 10 months ago
Okay. While we're talking about EarthSpark S1 problems that have been made worse by S2. Why is Megatron special?
One of the weakest parts of EarthSpark for me has always been the fact that Megatron is the only Decepticon known to have defected. Later on, Cons like Breakdown, Tarantulas, and even Starscream added some nuance by showing them willing to risk themselves for non-Decepticons, though understandably, none of them were willing to defect at that point. But even though such Cons clearly existed, none of them defected along with Megatron, or at any other point during the war.
And Megatron's own defection was just... It's painfully obvious that he was developed to be a Good Guy and didn't have a lot of thought put into what he was like as a Decepticon. By his own admission and Starscream's assessment, he was a violent leader who ruled with fear, but all it took to make him change sides was... Seeing a human care more about his side than he did? That's it? And if that is why he changed sides, he clearly took the wrong lesson away from that, because he still doesn't care about what used to be his side. Instead of trying to do better by them, he abandons them. And then all he has to do to make Optimus trust him is... Scan an Earth altmode. Really.
It all feels very weak to me, and doesn't adequately explain anything. Did Megatron make any attempt to be a kinder leader, or did he just defect immediately after seeing the Error Of His Ways? How did we get from "damn, I don't care about my guys enough" to "my whole cause is corrupt, I'mma go now"? Did he ever try to use his position as leader of the freaking Decepticons to end the war peacefully or steer them onto a better path, or did he just wash his hands of them the moment he considered himself morally superior to them? If he did try to use his influence before bailing, how did he change so much so fast that none of his officers wanted to follow him anymore? Why did he give up on his entire faction and not bring any of the more open-minded Decepticons with him?
There are so many questions that either aren't answered or only get vague suggestions of what might have happened, and the answers we do get aren't enough for me to buy Megatron's redemption. It all feels too fast and too easy, and I do not understand why he could defect from the faction he led but less committed Decepticons just didn't.
And now all of these issues are worse than ever, because all the nuance the other Decepticons had is gone. Now it's just "Y'know, Decepticons. They're evil." Apparently not all of them, because Megatron is still hanging out with the Autobots, Con insignia and all! I ask again, why is Megatron special? Why does he get to change but all the others have to be flat and evil?
The real-world answer, of course, is that he never changed. He was conceived as a good person and ally to the Autobots, and that's how he's going to stay. But you cannot have a "Cons are just evil" story while the ex-leader of the Cons is walking freely in the Autobot base. Megatron's entire character is only possible with the assumption that Decepticons are capable of changing, and trying to revert to Cons Evil makes his redemption weaker than ever. Because it's so painfully obvious that he was written to be a good person and his dark history doesn't actually matter.
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jasper-pagan-witch · 1 year ago
We don't use limericks enough as chants.
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mcflymemes · 1 year ago
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes. bonus points if you include a specific topic to talk about, like follower count, softblocking, graphics, etc.
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nectarinesinthesun444 · 1 month ago
dead poets society opinions
I can't romantically ship a ship with no basis in canon, like knarlie, chrisginny, chameron etc it just doesn't feel right I need to have a reason to defend them and ship them. I don't really get shipping if there's no romance between the characters, chameron kind of feels like a crack ship to me
I hate book knox and movie knox the same way and I feel like his whole character arc is based on the fact he loves chris and it gets annoying, and he's disgusting to her anyway
cameron deserves a redemption arc not knox
the book is worth it
tom schullman and peter weir were gross for putting in the scene where keating shows the students nude pictures in class while they're doing a test (it's a deleted scene which is in the book and they also filmed it but it never even made it onto youtube)
the film should have been three hours instead of two (I will make a post about this one in a little bit)
if it wasn't for dead poets in nyc and gale hansen's twitter then this fandom would struggle to be active and together
I think in 2025 we are gonna see bobby and the rest of the cast or atleast some of the other cast reunite (I don't know how, it would probably be a picture on one of their instagram accounts or a zoom call that gets onto youtube)
the cast and crew made anderperry as canon as you can make it without a kissing or confession scene. In the way that one would not at all be surprised if in the middle of the film there was a kissing scene, because their whole friendship reads like a friends to lovers kind of thing and you can't tell me that if neil didn't die they wouldn't have started dating
I fuck with slow burn anderperry fics and I hate it when they kiss too soon because it's just unrealistic
I don't like it when a dps fic is too historically inaccurate, for example making it out like everyone is super accepting and not bigoted, because when I am reading a dps fic I am in 1959 and I don't want to feel like I'm in 2025
charlie is not the funny one he is highly complex and I love him
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firstkil · 2 months ago
🚩 (for anything you feel like !)
i personally do not hold gale accountable for the death of prim and the firebombings within the capitol. the responsibility, whoever's bombs they belonged to lies in the hands of district 13 and very specifically when it came to the creation of weaponry and bomb blueprints, beetee.
people seem to forget that gale hawthorne is an early adult/still in the range of teenage behavior. his brain, as i've said with the minors before, is not fully developed. he has been weaponized as a savior of his own people after he fought to keep its surviving population alive.
his hatred for the capitol, his desire for revenge was utilized to create someone willing to create damage in war. he has a certain naivety in his ideas, as he alone could not make a dent in the existence of the capitol and could not enact ideas with thoughts. beetee, as an adult, could. we saw him rig the screenings for the capitol, we saw him intervene with technology. we KNOW that he has a lot more power within the situation of enacting damage, than gale ever could. gale had the ideas, not the violence or actions to carry them out.
and guess what? all of his anger and passion manifests from hurt and oppression. everyone is so quick to jump to gale's violence, gale's way of dealing with things as if he ever WAS a violent boy. he has been repeated beat and beaten down by the capitol's government, of course he'd feel justified in putting a stop to it. of course, he would answer with extremity to combat a higher power. he has seen his best friend's sister and then herself plucked for a death game. he watched her personality contort and mold to a false ideal to protect herself. he watched over her family all the while, and kept humble and understanding of what she was going through. he has been whipped, set alight through the fires of his home and built up by the only thing he can hold on to - retribution. he was used for his ideas, and yes they led to violence - but not by his hand.
send 🚩for more unpopular opinions!
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dangermousie · 3 months ago
They released the Flourished Peony trailer, which was surprisingly good for a drama about a topic that is my bete noire (trade) but it just confirmed my n1 unpopular cdrama opinion:
Tang Dynasty hair and clothes are my least favorite style among all the major dynasty styles, at least as far as dramas present them (I am no costume historian hence the caveat since for all I know in RL they are different.)
People have issues with Qing drama styles because of queues on men but I honestly like them just fine - queued men can be hella hot. But I really do not care for Tang headgear on men at all. I have never seen an actor who could carry it off and not look like an utter dweeb. (I don't really care for Tang women's make up and hair styles either, and the clothes themselves, while not as unappealing to me, still pale for me in comparison with Qing, Ming or Han.)
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I know this concept has been done to death but I am still curious. If you agree to more than one of these lukewarm takes, pick the one you agree with the most.
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ryebread-x · 9 months ago
Unpopular opinion (kind of?): But personally, I think Stray Gods has one the best adaptations of Persephone that I've seen
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saeyoungchoismaid · 9 months ago
Okay so I just finished my first round of Andromeda Six and here are some thoughts I have (both good and bad!). Pls feel free to comment with your thoughts or send asks or message me or whatever!! I'll update this anytime I get more info or think of smth new to add lol. Warning: obvi will contain spoilers.
The amnesia thing - I think the biggest thing for me that I wanna talk about rn is the whole royalty thing. While in general the whole thing is a really cool idea and either way I still love the plot, I think the whole 'I'm royalty' thing was WAY too obvious. Like the SECOND the a6 crew revealed where they found me, I was like "okay cool so I'm the princess got it." and then everything after that only fueled that theory (which obvi turned out to be right). Idk I just think if you're gonna have a game that's based around your main protagonist having amnesia, you need to make the player just confused as the char yk what I'm sayin? Like I shouldn't be able to know stuff that the char I'm playing as doesn't know yk? 😂
Nerissa - I think one of the biggest things for the fandom (that I've seen really only on Tumblr by the way lol) is the whole Nerissa thing so here's my two cents lol. I actually really like the plot twist of Nerissa being alive. My only thing is that it doesn't really make sense and bc she's alive, the whole thing with Vexx at the prison where he breaks down kinda gets (almost?) vetoed in response. To explain, I think it doesn't really add up that, at first, Oppo and others were like 'yeah, only the youngest princess' body wasn't found' (which in general was already weird cause ??? how do they know that her body wasn't found but then people also apparently quote unquote "didn't know she existed" like huh????). They mentioned NOTHING about the literal heir's body being missing??? Like idk if Zovack did that on purpose (and if so ???? homie wyd lmao) but if not, it's a big plot hole in my opinion lmao. Also just the fact that she was literally shot by Vexx (who held her bleeding out and dying body in his arms) and then shows up later like 'yeah no I'm completely fine actually' is CRAZY. Like what kinda medicine do these folks got that makes that so easy?? Like she's not on crutches, has a cast, a limp, like ANYTHING. It's absolutely bonkers to me. It's just very OP like okay so she can literally be shot in the future now and I literally won't react cause she's apparently immortal 💀 N e ways I think it's cool that the MC can choose to basically defy Nerissa and be like miss girl you're so wrong and I don't wanna do that is SO SLAY. Cause yeah no she was not it at first (and I lowkey didn't like her for a phat min). Also, kinda off topic, but I was surprised they actually showed what she looked like. Like, I guess her skin tone is ambiguous enough to work, but I think it would make more sense if they just said somewhere that the king had more than one wife, had a side hoe he got pregnant, yk smth like that lmao
Different species/race - As someone who has only played the game once, I'm not completely sure about what I'm about to say next, so pls correct me if I'm wrong! I think it's really cool that you get to choose from 3 different species in the beginning of the game. I was hoping that this meant that this would change your backstory, but from seeing some posts about this on Tumblr, I'm assuming this means that certain things will change but overall your backstory is the same and you're still royalty. Which is fine as long as the different species thing actually makes a difference. I just thought it'd be cool for one if it's like oh you're a human? Yeah, you're Peg'asi. Oh, you wanna be Tilaari? That's cool, but this character doesn't like you bc of it. Like that kind of thing would be super cool! Anyway, either way it's fine lol it's just a thought I had
Vexx - I haven't seen anyone say otherwise, but I personally really love Vexx and his arc/development. I never really blamed him for what he did since it was literally done against his will (and turns out Nerissa is alive anyway so it's like okay I can't even be upset that you killed her when she's literally alive). Something I will say though (which is kinda similar to my stance on the amnesia thing) is that I think it'd be nice to have a little more doubt on whether or not Vexx is on our side or not. Like, when you first find him and regain your memories, he's pretty cutthroat after the shock he initially feels. After that though, anytime you see him, it'd be described as 'an emotion I can't decipher crosses his face' or 'a piece of the old him flashes in his eyes' kind of thing and I was just like "yeah okay so he's good but is just being brainwashed or being blackmailed or smth." Like, there was no danger in it. Not once was I ever like "omg no he's gonna kill me/my friends/my boyfriend/etc!!!!!" Like no dude he's just a lil guy that needs help lmao. So yeah, a lil more uncertainty about him would've been super cool (or even an alt route where he really is bad and they didn't make him do anything. like there could be choices in the memory section of the game of your time in the palace where like if you were rude to him, he actually betrayed y'all kind of thing)
Kitalpha - I might just be dumb, but when Aya was explaining her backstory about her home planet, I was a little lost. Like, I understand the basics ig, but I overall am still confused on how it actually got destroyed lol. I read the Wiki and it still kinda doesn't make sense to me. Also, the info dump they give on this (and a lot of stuff in general) is CRAZY. Like I need so much time to process what you just said and you're already laying another bomb on me lmoa. That aside, I think it's really weird that such a (apparently) major planet that (apparently) hosted a major species went supernova 10 years ago and you just never hear anyone talk about it??? Even Aya says that people kinda just forgot about it and moved on. Like girl HOW?? (Like okay yeah with the whole Zovack thing I can understand cause they got more important matters ig but he only overthrew the throne a MONTH ago like what were people doing before then lmao). It also didn't make sense to me as to why no one wanted to help them??? Like Aya explains that they were just met with closed doors from EVERYONE. Like why??? What about a dying planet/species is so bad that people are like 'yeah, that sucks and all, but we aren't gonna help. Good luck w that tho! 🥰' Also, I saw someone on here say that they wish there was more definitive features for the Kitalphan than just having gills and I agree! I didn't even notice that Vexx had them for the longest time. Also the fact that we never get a scene where Aya/you/Vexx get to actually use them (to my knowledge anyway) is insane. Like, what's even the point of giving them the gills then??? lmao
Update: I found this post that explains more in detail about the races. "It was, despite that, their own choice as to whether to live above or under water, and those who chose to do so submerged, had their bodies altered to further adapt to their environment; webbed fingers and toes, bright colored skins to allow for better camouflage among sea life, nictitating membrane over their eyes. Those who chose to live inland, on the other hand, kept to the more human appearance, with only the gills telling the difference." So, from my understanding, those who choose/chose to live underwater are the ones that are more fish like whereas the ones who choose/chose to live on ground are the ones who look like Vexx and Aya (more humanoid looking but still fish-like qualities like gills). Still think it would be cool if we could then meet a Kitalphan that chooses to live underwater!!
Time - speaking of it only being a month, it's only been a MONTH bro???? Like, Zovack overthrew the throne, had the entire Peg'asi family killed, you've been with the A6 crew trying to regain your memories, visit like 4 planets, find love, discover your sister is alive, and start planning out your plans for a war all in ONE MONTH. Like, ig it's not super inaccurate, it's just kinda crazy yk? 😂 I saw someone say that they wished we could've spent more time on all the planets and I completely agree. For some like Orion, it makes sense that we couldn't really stick around lmao. For others though, I didn't understand why there couldn't be more downtime ig? Idk maybe it's as simple as there's nothing interesting enough to write about that will keep the player's attention that's not just boring filler? But eh idk how much I believe that. Instead of info dumping a lot of stuff, they could've spread it out for moments like these where like yeah we aren't exploring this planet or whatever necessarily, but we are learning more lore while we are here getting gas lol. Also the fact that other planets get mentioned but we don't actually get to see or learn anything about them. I can't think of any examples off the top of my head (but if anyone really wants I can go through the logs to find them), but like planets or stations they'd stop to refuel or whatever just never really get talked about. I think there was a place that was similar to Teranium or Cersa that everyone was like 'omg be careful here like don't wander off alone' and then like nothing happens (or am I crazy and mixing my stuff up and I'm just yappin??? lmao. I'll probs come back and edit this once I play the game again). (I actually think it might've been the pitstop they mentioned that was ruled by mercs so they probs wouldn't have any problems with the K'Merii. Maybe it's the place they're supposed to go to on their way to Goldis?? Cause isn't it that the place that Khandar (help is that their name??? Google isn't telling me his name help pls 😭) said he has contacts??)
Damon - I'm so down bad for this man it's not even funny. His route is the first and only route I've done so far and I really just have one thing to critique I suppose. I fell in love w his char bc he's this super tough, mysterious, elusive guy that teases the shit outta you and just in general dgaf lmao. When you choose his route, pretty much all of that goes out the window. Now, don't get me wrong here. I still love Damon and I love that we get to see his sweeter/softer side, but I don't like how his bad boy side kinda just disappears. Like, maybe in chap 9/10 it'll show up more, but since choosing his route, he's kinda just become a big ol softy (which again I love that about him but I just kinda miss mean Damon lmao). Like, when the whole Wren thing happened, I feel like as soon as Wren points the gun in our face, OG Damon would've gone FERAL. Like, even if knows he can't actually like stop them or whatever by fighting, like just starting to mouth off to get attention off of us would've been so UGH. Idk maybe this is just a me thing bc I like crazy men but yeah would've liked more consistency ig in that aspect?? lmao. Like, there was one point in the game where I lowkey almost didn't choose Damon cause he was such an asshole (and almost went w the other loml Bash). Like THATS THE ENERGY IM HERE FOR. Make him a morally grey char and stick w it yk what I mean? Yes, he has walls up and he's actually very sweet and care about his found family and has a soft spot for cats and blah blah blah, but you also need to remember his upbringing and why he is the way he is ykkkkk
June - Maybe this gets explained later or more in his route, but when he's explaining his backstory and who he is, I was a little stumped. I mean, he wonders the exact same thing, but why is it that he can withstand the testing that was done to him and is now a super human, but his own twin brother and soldiers and whoever can't. What makes him so special? I figured he was able to become this super human and the K'Merii and whoever couldn't bc he was being tested on when he was still in the womb. Again though, if this is the case, why did his brother not make it? Would love to know more about that whole thing
Okay I'll stfu for now...but I'm sure I'll be back LMAO
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nikethestatue · 3 months ago
We Listen and We Don't Judge (Nike's Edition)
My unpopular opinions because I am feeling feral.
Lucien peaked in ACOTAR, should've stayed a minor side character and didn't need to play any further role
It would've been more impactful if the 'false' mate bond was between one of the sisters and Tamlin (instead of Lucien)
I don't care about Viviane and Kallias at all and don't find their story particularly intersting
I think that LOA (Lady of Autumn) is an awful mother to Lucien, and when she could've saved him a ton of heartache and personal injury, she didn't
In fact, I don't care about LOA and Helion and I hope Helion either goes full bad or finds himself someone else
Nesta's intervention was needed
The sisters worked in the cabin and didn't do anything wrong other than being sisters who squabbled
Feyre and Rhys don't take any responsibility for what happened to the sisters and frankly, it was their fault 100%. Not Tamlin's not even Ianthe's. It was Rhysand's, who brought the Attor close to the sisters' estate
The Archeron father was not redeemed and everything was his fault.
Nesta shouldn't be expected to mother her sisters and take on the responsibility for everyone just because she is an older sister. Not with a living father right there.
The greatest love story in ACOTAR is that between the batboys
The second greatest love story is between Rhys's mother and all the strays that she picked up
The Illyrians are not abused or neglected or oppressed, Rhys was absent for 50 years. If they wanted to, they could've rebelled. They didn't.
Eris isn't all that, but he is more interesting than Lucien
Characters and people in RL are allowed to be selfish
Nesta's intervention was needed
Amren needs to be THE villain of the Series
Mor's character is absolutely awful
Tamlin is over-hated and over-loved. He is not that polarizing.
ACOTAR is not a series for teens
ACOTAR is not a series for the morality police
Feyre shouldn't be a High Lady
Lanthys showed Nesta the original world where they all came from. A world made of pure magic.
Mor, Azriel and Rhys are all related. All High Lords are partially Starborn.
Elain heard the asteri's heartbeat. Not Lucien's.
Nessian shouldn't have been fated mates, but like Quinlar, should've been chosen mates
Nesta gets an unfair amount of hate from Elriels
Elain gets an unfair amount of hate from Nessians
Gwyn would've HATED Nesta if they lived in the hovel together
Emerie would've been okay with Nesta in the hovel, but they would've fought
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years ago
A cleansed and purified space is not necessarily a protected space.
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
Is it bad that I don't like Kevin Conroy's voice acting? It's a sincere question, since everyone else seems to love him. I almost end up feeling guilty, because I must be missing something. But every time I heard his voice, it bored me or grated on me. He just sounds bland. Adam West and Diedrich Bader at least inject some life into their performances. Kevin Conroy is so flat that he's just dry and lifeless. I hated his acting, and yet I feel like i'm not some kind of jerk for saying that. But I can't help it. His voice is completely overrated. Batman the animated series was probably worse because of his stiff acting. At least the rogues had fun. He might be one of the reasons I always hate Batman. His vocal performance just...never, ever delivers.
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zalrb · 7 months ago
OK I am so interested in why TenMartha is your Bamon (passively of course!)
Oh! Mostly because with different writing I would ship them (that’s what I mean by Bamon ship, not that they’re similar, but how shippers feel about Bamon is how I feel - though not as intensely - about TenMartha). They actually have a lot of scenes I liked. The way people were talking about how terribly Ten treated her, I expected something very different from what I saw and for sure, the dialogue definitely states that Ten is effectively supposed to look through Martha, he's supposed to be yearning for Rose, grieving for Rose, which is why we get scenes like this
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and of course, I get that this is supposed to be at the back of his mind/heart all the time even when it's not directly addressed, but when watching, I actually found that the Rose stuff was pretty minimal in comparison to the action indicating a fierce protection, fierce affection from Ten to Martha and all the angst that comes with that, like in Gridlock (which I actually quite liked as an episode), when she's abducted, his response
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could simply be attributed to guilt that he put her in that position, I mean, he says as much
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but then we get 42
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which demonstrates how much she means to him. For all the dialogue around how he doesn't see her, doesn't look at her, and kind of just likes her "fine", I, personally, think we see the opposite.
Plus, like I said, I think Freema and Tennant have a charming chemistry together
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they can be flirty
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and I think that the show portrays why Martha would be enamoured with the Doctor the best out of all of the companion/Doctor duos I've seen so far, because Ten actively tries to impress her, he wants to earn her respect and earn her admiration
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and he actively "courts" her, he's the mysterious guy who shows up outside of the bar she's at with a time travelling ship, basically being Aladdin saying, "I could show you the [universe]"
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and despite what he says, he doesn't leave her alone
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and they actually work really well together on their adventures, their skillset and their curiosity etc. are actually quite complementary and he's consistently taken with how good she is
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so, like, I could write a whole thing about how I don't think Ten didn't let Martha in and how I don't think he didn't see her and all he saw was Rose but rather the loss of Rose made him put on a performance of flippancy but I don't think that really matters, the bottom line is that basically, they're my passive Bamon ship because if the context was different re: the Rose of it all, I would ship them.
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firstkil · 1 month ago
go forth. be a hater. tell me ur hater thoughts of the day
clears throat. i am so completely exhausted of the way this fandom approaches addiction and i say it time and time again as the haymitch fan ™ and not even out of bias for him, but the amount of cruelty and lack of understanding that come with people approaching his character is abhorrent, it is!
you're trying to tell me you don't understand WHY he's an alcoholic, as if it needed to be justified in the first place? haymitch goes through some absolutely unsurpassable traumas, the likes in which create such a mindset in which can no longer be repressed without substance intervention, but he also is physically unable to deal with them as a whole. i see people saying all the time that they didn't realize how bad his addiction was, or didn't necessarily care for it. it's so exhausting to watch people simply dismiss such a serious thing because you often see alcoholism as a stereotypical quirk, not the disease that it is or the nuanced subject that it happens to be.
i also want to know what makes people think that his addiction would significantly create a scenario where his positive traits are demeaned and stereotypical ideas such as abuse or irresponsibility come to the forefront when haymitch is not written to be like most drinking to cope alcoholics whom in which are perpetrated in media! he's not going to be a violent person just because he drinks, it's not in his character. alcoholism doesn't magically create violent tendencies, but it can exacerbate what is already there, which clearly isn't the case!
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i-am-a-megalodon · 2 years ago
i never stopped liking imagine dragons. i never understood the ajr hate. i unironically enjoyed that u2 album that mysteriously appeared on my phone. and i honestly think nickelback is a pretty solid band.
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