#meeks and pitts
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numberonejameswilsonfan · 2 days ago
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i lobe dem
joon <3 my joon bug <3 can i call u that? my joon bug? /jk
i am. a simple girl. i ask for simple things. i ask. for mitts doodles. i ask. for tall boyfriend lifting small boyfriend. i ask. for tall boyfriend. snuggled up in small boyfriend's lap.
but whatever u post will be delightful. much love, sunny.
Hello Sunny, my Sunshine if you will, thank you for this wonderful ask!
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They’re talking about marble runs or something
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tragediesnotspokenfor · 1 year ago
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nectarinesinthesun444 · 23 days ago
Things I would have wanted to see in a dead poets society sequel (there was gonna be one but it got scrapped)
Todd releasing a poetry book and dedicating it to Neil
Charlie in the 60s counter cultures, being in the free love movement, anti war, civil rights etc
Drama about getting drafted to vietnam and Charlie decides to go to university to avoid the draft
If we're being canonical Meeks goes to vietnam and dies so I guess that would be in the sequel (it pains me to type this)
MAJOR character development for Todd, him gaining confidence, doing stand up poetry, making friends, gaining more self esteem
Todd becomes an english teacher (canon)
Todd manages to make peace with Neil's death
Chris leaving Knox
Todd in Columbia University
Todd coming to terms with his feelings for Neil
Charlie still plays the saxophone and he busks
Todd and Charlie have a really deep conversation about the welton days, Neil, grief, and love
Todd and Charlie bestieism
Set in New York
Meeks and Pitts live together and have multiple areas in their house dedicated to their interests
More in-depth look into Todd's past and how it shaped him
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jamjjamm · 1 month ago
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meeks and pitts
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"No, you," Pitts says dreamily as he stares into Meeks's eyes.
Meeks giggled as his heart skipped a beat. "No, you."
"No," Pitts leaned in from across the table, "you."
Meeks reached his hand over the sprawled out books on the table, covering Pitts's hand with his own. "No, you."
"No, you."
"No, you."
This is about who is more nerdy by the way
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perksofbeingpoet · 1 year ago
dps dorm dynamics pt. 1 :))
what i imagine the day to day lives of the guys in their shared rooms to look like <3
》 sing silly songs while getting dressed, and dance in the goofiest way possible. this became a habit bc they weren't allowed to listen to music and pitts said he always used to turn on the radio to get dressed at home, and meeks was like "why not make the music ourselves", and so now when you walk down the hallway while everyone's getting ready before class, you'll hear the two of them singing cheesy songs, chances are pitts is imitating a guitar solo.
》 read comic books together but have different reading speeds and so they're constantly ripping the comic book from each other's hands like OMFG HURRY UP THERE'S A CLIFFHANGER WHY ARE U SO SLOW I WANNA TURN THE PAGE
》 became friends almost immediately upon arrival in their dorm, based solely on the fact that they both had some article of clothing with a nerdy print on it with them (at their age probably superman (yes he was already a thing when they were 10))
》 will fall asleep over homework. whoever wakes up first usually gets the other to actually go to bed too, but sometimes they merely put a blanket on the other, who will then wake up drooling on their math equations
》 keep a lot of candy in their room, but always bicker about the other's snacks because meeks is a picky eater and eats the most specific, random candy ever and pitts will literally eat anything
》 share clothing very often. pitts used to be about the same height as meeks until his growth spurt hit him, and they never really bothered to separate their wardrobes- so when it's early in the morning and they overslept, they'd just grab a random article of clothing from the pile on their floor. used to be no problem, but now that pitts has grown so much, you can exactly see when the two of them overslept, because quite often, meeks will end up wearing oversized sweaters while pitts' sleeves are way too short
any wishes on who should be next? :))
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thegreatmelodrama · 2 months ago
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same people, different universe
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neil-berry · 3 months ago
So Meeks died in the Vietnam War? Now why would Allelon Ruggiero say that…
Meeks did not die, no way
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ringostarrrighttoe · 4 months ago
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They are so boyfriends
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myst3ry-wh1te-b0y · 2 months ago
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I might be slightly drunk but it's literally them oh my god
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yournormalidiot · 3 months ago
Meeks likes bugs and shit , Pitts like photography
Meeks buys pitts really nice expensive cameras and film for them (he knows his favourite camera brands for film).
And pitts takes photos of bugs from meeks (especially his favourite bugs which he knows off by heart and in order)
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left-handed-spaghetti · 3 months ago
JOOONIPEAAAA!!! okay, Dps drawing prompt I think you would love :>
BABY PITTSIE WITH A REX FIGURINE!! (from toy story, or just a random dinosaur)
its one of my personal headcannons that Pitts had a favorite toy and it was a plastic dino he would bring EVERYWHERE when he was little.
this came to me in a vision and for some reason the vision made me go JOON WOULD LOVE THIS 👐 here you go, do what you are willing with this knowledge.
AWWW HEHE!!! I do love this idea Meeksie!! 🧡🧡
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what i find really cute in dps is when pitts and meeks are dancing on the roof, meeks cant even hear the music but hes still dancing with pitts-
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nectarinesinthesun444 · 1 month ago
rip Todd Anderson you would’ve loved @autisticbookclub on instagram, goodreads and poetry slam
rip Neil Perry you would have loved rocky horror picture show, Lou Reed, The Smiths and David Bowie
rip Steven Meeks you would have loved Minecraft, Wikipedia and trolling kids on Roblox with Pitts and Charlie
rip Charlie Dalton you would have loved Ziggy Stardust, glam rock, Queen, and the civil rights movement
rip Gerard Pitts you would have loved raiding discord servers with Meeks
rip Knox Overstreet you would have loved tinder and r/relationship_advice
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iixarche · 4 months ago
dead poets society -> steven universe.... MEEKS AND PITTS !!
meeks is a morganite architect, and pitts is a bismuth, originally under meeks' control. they escape homeworld and join the rebellion to be fused as long as they wish, to be... ALMANDINE !
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despite taking ruby and sapphire's roles (and garnets), they have a hard time focusing on missions, and are far from in charge. pearl (richard) gets Quite fed up with them. poor guy.
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inahallucination · 2 years ago
anyway since ive been doing finals recently
the poets during finals:
“wait... we have finals?????????”
has no concept of time but in a sexy way so he’s genuinely lost how they went from fall to finals week so fast
he’s at every study session with the poets, but he’s not studying he just likes his friends
when someone asks why he’s not studying (cam) he says “if it’s meant to be; it’ll be” and does not elaborate
pretty chill; just hanging with his friends no care in the world
uses ‘it’s finals season’ to get out of other responsibilities
alternates between being an annoying distraction or a much need distraction
“aww toddy... dont cry look at how neil looks in his glasses”
“pitts if they don’t pass you; we’ll go burn down all their houses”
“cam please.. i may not look like im studying but im observing ur guys’ studying like a sponge”
always there to cheer up all the other poets <3
also always there to irritate all the other poets <3
passes by pure luck
does not study but comes to every study session like charlie but unlike charlie he passes every exam with ease
little genius bastard
at some point in his life he’d say “yeah im so gonna fail!!” or “haha i totally bombed that” despite feeling fairly confident he’d pass to not feel awkward in a group of people also saying that
but now he just says “yeah i dont need to study” and moves on
as he should
helps his friends <33
it’s just another week for him but with more time spent with his besties
carries tissues around for when his friends break down again
“okay guys, get ready we’re gonna cram this entire unit into an hour”
very relaxed but follows camerons strict schedule for tutoring
looks over the others’ work with fun pens and stickers
literally just best boy
has bets going on over which poet will break down first; give up first; etc
gets the highest grades
“i’m gonna fail”
“oh my god i didn’t learn anything”
thinks he didn’t learn anything and regrets not studying more throughout the year even though he studied very much throughout the year and even asked his bestie to help him
he just has exam anxiety
exams make him really nervous and he knows this
throughout the year he puts in a lot of effort to make sure if he gets a low score on the exam he wont fail
he’s literally trying his best but feels like he should be doing better
curled up under the table for a quick crying break
after finals are over he pops back like nothing ever happened
has all the knowledge but exams make him nervous so he doesn’t do as well as he could
has been studying since summer
“i got this”
“i do NOT got this i’m a failure”
“charlie why aren’t you studying”
“pitts stop crying”
he alternates between being hella confident to feeling like he’s failed all his ancestors
it’s a tough week
he has a color coded studying schedule and WILL break down in tears if he goes off it
he copes by nagging other people
he spends the study sessions studying and making sure the poets are all also studying
he for absolutely no reason carries the weight of his own finals on his shoulders and also all of his friends
if they fail he has failed them and no amount of poets reassurance will change that
“knox you pig stop being horny and study”
“todd, todd you’ll be okay... please dont cry”
“neil... neil are you okay?”
“wait.. we have finals again???”
like charlie the finals take him by surprise unlike charlie it’s because he forgets they have to do that every year
opens his notes confident - he’s been taking notes a lot
looks through them only to realize that those quick moments he tuned out and thought about the girl of his dreams <333 all added up and he’s missing a lot of content
additionally his notes are filled with half done love poems and doodles
it takes a lot of effort for him to study cuz he keeps on thinking about his dream girl <3
after an insane amount of effort on meeks and cameron (and the other poets) parts he manages to gain a decent understanding of his classes
does he pass? idk
“i did so bad; i just know it. okay im gonna calculate the lowest grade i can get on the final and still pass this class. i shouldve done more omg”
“haha guys i got a 105 :D how? idk there weren’t bonus points offered i just got it”
the weight of his father’s expectations crushes him day by day
if not for his father he would be like pretty normal about this but damn the daddy issues 
he’s studying day and night 
he gets distracted really easy but his poets <3 his best friends <3 are there for him every step of the way 
topics he has trouble with - he needs something to associate them with
like either he gets it on the first day or he needs to mentally link whatever the section is to something he knows already to remember
he remembers math functions to the tune of his favorite songs
he doesn’t need help in english, he’s pretty good at it; but he still asks todd to help him <3
his notes are filled with doodles and references just as he likes it
NEEDS BACKGROUND NOISE - music that he knows well enough to not be distracted by the new lyrics - but not so well he’ll wanna sing along - cannot be people talking and cannot be shows/movies/videos
tries to balance studying with free time but the looming pressure of his shittty dad’s shitty expectations is drowning him
gets great scores <3
his prize to motivate him was kisses from todd
oh boy this ball of anxiety and sadness
honestly, it’s not the tests that get todd - it’s the final projects
he curses every teacher who decides to make their class ‘easy and fun’ by giving them a big ass project during finals
panics and panics more until he final takes a deep breath - or is forced to take a deep breath via his friends - and writes down everything he has to do and all the due dates and all the different aspects so he has a sense of accomplishment after achieving anything
pitts and todd crying sessions
his only source of comfort is the poets
has to be reminded to eat and drink but somehow always remembers to remind neil to eat and drink
the poets all ask him to help with english - even the ones who don’t need help just because it’ll take todd’s mind off his own stuff for a hot second
rewards neil for studying by kisses but rewards dont work on himself so-
todd: *sobbing*
todd: *stops* wait neil you finished another session ?? good job!! *kiss*
todd: *resumes sobbing*
passes but at what cost
feels no accomplishment at finishing/passing because he knows it wont be enough for his parents
until of course the poets take each other out on celebratory dates <33 and then he feels great
neil and todd celebrate together alone too <333
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